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PCN vs. HCN vs.

International HRM
Parent Country National
• A parent-country national (PCN) is a person working in a country other than
his/her country of origin (Home / Native Country).
• Such a person is also referred to as an expatriate.
Host Country National
• A host country national (HCN) is an employee of an organization who is the
citizen of the country in which the foreign subsidiary is located.
Third Country National
• Third Country National (TCN) describes and individuals of other
nationalities hired by a government or government sanctioned contractor
who represent neither the contracting government (Home Country) nor the
host country or area of operations.
• Denise is a human resource (HR) specialist that works for a large
multinational conglomerate. Her company is based in Seattle, Washington in
the United States. However, the company employs people from over a dozen
different countries and cultures around the world. Denise interacts with three
general types of employees: parent company nationals, host country
nationals, and third-country nationals. Let's take a look at each type:
• Denise works with Arnold. While Arnold is a citizen of the United States, he has taken an
assignment with the company at its foreign subsidiary in Berlin, Germany. Arnold is
considered a parent-national, also known as an expatriate. An expatriate is a citizen of a
company's home country working abroad at one of the company's foreign subsidiaries.
• Arnold works with Gunther in the Berlin office. Gunther is a citizen of Germany. He's
considered a host country national, which is an employee that is a citizen of the country
where a company's foreign subsidiary is located.
• Adrienna works with Arnold and Gunther in Berlin. She's a citizen of Italy. She's considered
a third-country national because she's an employee that is a citizen of one country,
working in another country for a company headquartered in a third country.
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