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Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am

12 (2004) 557–579

MR imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging

of prostate cancer
Arumugam Rajesh, MB, BSa, Fergus V. Coakley, MDb,*
University Hospitals of Leicester, Leicester General Hospital, Gwendolen Road,
Leicester LE 5 4PN, United Kingdom
Department of Radiology, University of California, San Francisco, Box 0628,
M-372, 505 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143-0628, USA

Prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates incidence and mortality changes may support this
vary worldwide. In the United States, prostate latter explanation [2].
cancer is the most common noncutaneous malig- Despite the sizeable mortality from prostate
nancy affecting men and is the second-leading cancer, many cases are subclinical, and small foci
cause of cancer death. Approximately 8% of of incidental prostate cancer can be detected in
American men will be diagnosed with prostate up to 40% of men at autopsy [3]. The autopsy
cancer during their lifetime, and 20% of these men incidence of histologic prostate cancer seems
will die of the disease [1]. constant among countries and races, but the
clinical incidence of prostate cancer is higher in
Epidemiology Western countries and in African Americans. The
management of early-stage prostate cancer is
Risk factors for developing prostate cancer controversial because patients whose disease is
include advancing age, African-American ethnic- indolent and incidental cannot be distinguished
ity, and a positive family history. The role of diet reliably from patients whose disease is progressive
and other factors also has been investigated. and life-threatening. Current methods of prostate
During the 1990s, the incidence of prostate cancer cancer evaluation by digital rectal examination
increased and later decreased, probably as a result (DRE), transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), Gleason
of the emergence of widespread serum prostatic- score, sextant biopsy, and serum PSA assay
specific antigen (PSA)–level testing that changed generally can predict only behavior for indolent
diagnostic sensitivity. The age-adjusted mortality or aggressive cancers. Most patients fall between
increased over the same period, however, suggest- these extremes, when the techniques are of limited
ing an increase in disease prevalence or aggres- accuracy [4–6]. Because of the prevalence and
siveness. More recently, the age-adjusted mortality of prostate cancer and the limitations of
mortality has decreased, which could reflect ear- current evaluation methods, prostate cancer is
lier diagnosis that allows more effective treatment a major medical and socioeconomic problem.
(Fig. 1). Alternatively, these changes in mortality
simply may be a result of ‘‘attribution bias,’’
particularly because the changes have paralleled Staging
those of incidence. Given the indolent natural The tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) and
history of prostate cancer, a true improvement in Jewett-Whitmore staging systems are used
treatment likely would take several years to affect commonly, and are based on the local, nodal,
mortality. The absence of a lag between the and distant extent of disease [7,8]. Table 1 summa-
rizes the staging systems. Staging of prostate
* Corresponding author. cancer is crucial to predicting prognosis and
E-mail address: planning treatment. A general understanding of
(F.V. Coakley). prognosis and treatment strategies by stage
1064-9689/04/$ - see front matter Ó 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
558 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Fig. 1. Epidemiologic trends in prostate cancer incidence and mortality in the United States from 1992 to 2003.

facilitates clinically relevant radiologic interpreta- elderly men with prostate cancer, and long-term
tion of prostate MR imaging and MR spectro- follow-up of 10 to 15 years is required for meaning-
scopic imaging. Prognosis is related closely to ful evaluation in lower-stage disease. Table 2
stage. Despite the prevalence of prostate cancer, summarizes the available data on prognosis of
published studies on prognosis are relatively prostate cancer by stage [9–13].
sparse. Good prognostic studies are lacking be- Treatment options are related to stage, and are
cause the mortality from unrelated causes is high in summarized in Table 3 [14]. There are many

Table 1
Staging systems for prostate cancer
Jewett-Whitmore TNM Description
A I (T1N0M0) Organ-confined tumor. Clinically and radiologically inapparent.
B II (T2N0M0) Organ-confined tumor. Clinically or radiologically apparent.
T2A: Localized to a quadrant
T2B: Localized to one side
T2C: Bilateral
C III (T3N0M0) Extracapsular extension, or seminal vesicle invasion.a
T3A: Unilateral or bilateral extracapsular extension
T3B: Seminal vesicle invasion
D1 IV (N1-2) Locoregional adenopathy.
N1: Microscopic nodal metastases
N2: Macroscopic nodal metastases
D2 IV (T4 or N3 or M1-2) Distant spread.
T4: Invasion of the bladder, external sphincter, or rectum
N3: Extraregional nodal metastases
M1: Elevated acid phosphatase
M2: Distant visceral or bony metastases
In the fourth edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system, unilateral and bilateral
extracapsular extension were classified separately as T3A and T3B. This distinction was dropped from the fifth and
subsequent editions.
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 559

Table 2
Prognosis in prostate cancer by stage
5-y disease- 10-y disease-
Jewett-Whitmore TNM 2-y mortality specific mortality specific mortality
A and B I/II — 10% 9–22%
C III — 18% 40%
D1 IV — 34% —
D2 IV 42% — —

controversies and unanswered questions in the the urethra between the bladder neck and geni-
management of prostate cancer, primarily because tourinary membrane. The base lies superiorly
of the inability to predict accurately the natural (just below the bladder) and the apex lies in-
history of localized disease [15]. Some recent feriorly (just above the urogenital diaphragm).
studies have questioned the validity of watchful The ejaculatory ducts pass obliquely through the
waiting or surveillance as an option for those with gland to enter the prostatic urethra at the
localized disease and a reasonable life expectancy. verumontanum. The normal adult gland meas-
A Danish Cancer Registry study showed that ures approximately 4 cm (transverse)  3 cm
patients with clinically localized prostate cancer (anteroposterior)  3 cm (craniocaudad), and
who are candidates for curative therapy at weighs 15 to 20 g. It functions as an accessory
diagnosis have significant excess mortality when sex gland, and contributes approximately 0.5 mL
treated expectantly and followed for 10 or more to the normal ejaculate volume of 3.5 mL. The
years [16]. A recent Scandinavian, randomized, secretions of the prostate are thought to help
controlled trial demonstrated improved outcome liquefy semen. The contemporary approach to
at 8 years or more of follow-up when radical prostate anatomy describes the internal structure
prostatectomy was compared with watchful wait- in terms of zones.
ing [17]. These results may not apply directly to the
North American population of men with newly Zonal anatomy
diagnosed prostate cancer, however, in whom
disease is impalpable more frequently and detected The simplest conceptual approach to the
by PSA testing alone. Watchful waiting may be an zonal anatomy of the prostate is the two-com-
appropriate option for some of these patients with partment model, where the prostate is likened to
early low-grade or small-volume tumors. a cone containing a scoop of ice cream [18]. The
cone is the peripheral zone, and makes up 70%
of the prostate gland by volume in young men.
Anatomy of the prostate The ducts of the peripheral zone glands drain to
the distal prostatic urethra. The scoop of ice
cream is the central zone, and makes up 25% of
The prostate is a pale, firm exocrine gland the prostate gland volume in young men (Fig. 2).
shaped like an inverted pyramid that surrounds The ejaculatory ducts traverse the central zone,

Table 3
Treatment in prostate cancer by stage
Jewett-Whitmore TNM TMN Conventional treatment options
A and B I/II T1 and T2 < 10-y life expectancy: radiotherapya; watchful waiting
> 10-y life expectancy: prostatectomy; radiotherapy
C III T3 Radiotherapy; adjuvant hormonal therapy in high-risk patients
D1 IV N1-2 Hormonal therapyb
D2 IV N3/M1-2 Hormonal therapy; palliative radiotherapy for bony metastases;
second-line agents for hormone refractory cancer
Includes standard external beam radiotherapy, three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy, intensity-modulated
radiotherapy, and brachytherapy.
Includes subcapsular orchidectomy, estrogens, antiandrogens, and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone
560 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Fig. 2. (A) Schematic coronal view of the prostate in a young man, illustrating the contemporary zonal description of
prostatic anatomy. In a younger man, most of the central gland is composed of central zone tissue. (B) Schematic
coronal view of the prostate in an older man, illustrating the progressive enlargement of the transition zone that occurs
with age as a result of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Most of the central gland is composed of transition zone tissue.

and the ducts of the central zone drain to the Prostate capsule
region of the verumontanum clustered around
The anatomic or true capsule of the prostate is
the entry of the ejaculatory ducts. The remaining
a 2- to 3-mm thick layer of fibromuscular tissue,
5% of the prostate consists of the transition
indistinct from the surrounding fascial tissue [19].
zone, which is composed of two small bulges of
The anatomic capsule should not be confused
tissue that surround the anterior and lateral parts
with the surgical or pseudocapsule that develops
of the proximal urethra in a horseshoe-like
around the central gland in the aging hyperplastic
fashion. This two-compartment model is deficient
prostate. The prostatic capsule comprises the
anteriorly, where the peripheral zone is interrup-
fibromuscular stroma that lies between the glan-
ted by the anterior fibromuscular stroma, a band
dular components of the prostate and the peri-
of smooth muscle mixed with fibrous tissue that
prostatic loose connective tissue. The histology of
forms a thick shield over the anterior aspect of
the capsule is particularly complex at the apex,
the gland. As a result, the peripheral zone lies
because the fibromuscular band is demarcated less
predominantly lateral and posterior to the cen-
well and the glandular elements are not confined
tral zone.
as clearly. Occasionally, glandular elements are
The zonal anatomy of the prostate changes
found loose in the apical fibromuscular stroma.
with age (Figs. 2 and 3). The transition zone
This is particularly relevant to the pathologist
becomes bigger as a result of benign prostatic
attempting to assess extracapsular extension at the
hyperplasia and compresses the surrounding cen-
prostatic apex because the apex does not have
tral zone. The latter becomes the surgical pseu-
clearly defined histologic landmarks. At the pros-
docapsule and is radiologically noteworthy
tatic base, the periphery of the prostate is com-
because on axial T2-weighted images through
posed predominantly of prostatic stroma, which
the base of the prostate, the compressed central
merges imperceptibly with the bladder muscula-
zone may mimic low T2-signal tumor in the
ture and the stroma of the seminal vesicles.
peripheral zone around the transition zone
Glandular elements are sparse in this region and
(Fig. 4). One approach to incorporate and sim-
usually form epithelial islands surrounded by
plify the age-related changes in the prostate zonal
thick bundles of fibromuscular stroma.
anatomy is to refer to the transition and central
zones collectively as the central gland. Using this
Neurovascular bundle
terminology, the prostate is composed of the
peripheral zone and central gland, such that the Sympathetic nerve fibers from the lumbar sym-
central gland is composed mainly of central zone pathetic chain pass inferiorly into the pelvis along-
tissue in young men and mainly of transition zone side the aorta and iliac arteries [20].
tissue in older men. Because prostate cancer is Parasympathetic fibers enter the pelvis as direct
largely a disease of older men, in the population branches of S2 to S4. Both sets of fibers intermix as
that comes to MR imaging, it is reasonable to a mesh of nerves posterior to the bladder, seminal
regard central gland and transition zone as nearly vesicles, and prostate. This mesh is known as the
synonymous. pelvic plexus. The cavernous nerve arises as many
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 561

Fig. 3. (A) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate in a young man. The prostate is small, and zonal differentiation is
not appreciable. (B) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate in a middle-aged man. The transition zone (asterisk) is
visible and moderately enlarged from benign prostatic hyperplasia. The compressed central zone (arrows) is seen at the
periphery of the transition zone. (C) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate in an older man. The transition zone
(asterisk) is enlarged markedly by benign prostatic hyperplasia. The central zone (thick arrows) is compressed and forms
the pseudocapsule. The peripheral zone (thin arrows) also is compressed.

fine fibers from the pelvic plexus, containing prostatic zones are well demonstrated on T2-
sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The cav- weighted images (Fig. 5). The anterior fibromus-
ernous nerve then runs inferiorly, as one or several cular stroma is of low T1 and T2 signal intensity
large bundles, along the posterolateral aspect of the [21]. The peripheral zone is of high T2 signal
prostate. Arterial and venous prostatic vessels in intensity, similar to or greater than the signal of
this location accompany the cavernous nerve, and adjacent periprostatic fat. The anatomic or true
together these structures form the neurovascular capsule surrounding the peripheral zone appears
bundles. as a thin rim of low signal intensity on T2-
weighted images. The central and transition zones
are of lower T2 signal intensity than the peripheral
Prostatic anatomy as seen on MR imaging
zone, possibly because of more compact smooth
The zonal anatomy of the prostate cannot be muscle and sparser glandular elements [21]. There
distinguished on T1-weighted images because of is also an age-related increase in the T2 signal
uniformly intermediate signal intensity [20]. The intensity of the peripheral zone [22].
562 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Fig. 4. (A) Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate shows symmetric low T2 signal intensity (arrows) at the base of the
gland, which could be interpreted as tumor. (B) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate showing the axial level (line)
through which (A) was obtained, demonstrating that the low T2 signal at this level is caused by transverse sectioning
through the pseudocapsule and does not represent cancer.

The proximal urethra is rarely identifiable, posterior, and transverse dimensions [23]. The vas
unless a Foley catheter is present or a transurethral deferens and seminal vesicles are seen particularly
resection has been performed. The verumontanum well on axial and coronal images, whereas the
can be visualized as a high T2–signal intensity neurovascular bundles can be seen best on axial
structure. The distal prostatic urethra can be seen images. The penile root can be seen inferiorly,
as a low T2–signal intensity ring in the lower separated from the prostatic apex by the urogen-
prostate because it is enclosed by an additional ital membrane.
layer of muscle [20]. The ability of MR imaging to For descriptive purposes, the prostate is de-
provide multiplanar images of the prostate, with scribed conventionally in terms of sextants, based
separation of the gland from adjacent structures, on division of the gland into thirds in the cranio-
makes it the ideal modality to perform volumetric caudad direction (base, midgland, and apex), and
measurements. The prostate volume is half the then into left and right sides. Accordingly, the six
product of the maximum craniocaudad, antero- sextants are the left base, left midgland, left apex,
right base, right midgland, and right apex.

Technique of prostate MR imaging

MR imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging
allow a ‘‘one-stop shop’’ for detailed anatomic
and metabolic evaluation of the prostate gland.
Neither TRUS nor CT can offer this simultaneous
coverage and tissue detail. MR spectroscopic
imaging is a method of demonstrating normal
and altered tissue metabolism, and is therefore
fundamentally different from other imaging mo-
dalities that only assess abnormalities of struc-
ture. MR imaging, and especially MR
spectroscopic imaging, are relatively new technol-
ogies in continued evolution. It is too early to
Fig. 5. Axial T2-weighed MR image of the prostate, judge their true role, which may not be estab-
illustrating the zonal anatomy and neurovascular lished for years. For example, an early multi-
bundles (arrows). institutional trial showing no difference between
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 563

Fig. 6. (A) Photograph of the inflatable balloon-covered endorectal coil used for MR and MR spectroscopic imaging of
the prostate. Use of this coil improves the quality of the images and is crucial for spectral acquisition. (B) Coronal T2-
weighted image of the prostate obtained without an endorectal coil. (C) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate
obtained with an endorectal coil, showing the improvement in spatial resolution and noise reduction.

TRUS and MR imaging in staging accuracy is T1-weighted MR imaging

cited frequently as evidence that MR imaging has
T1-weighted images of the pelvis aid in the
no role in the assessment of prostate cancer [24].
detection of postbiopsy hemorrhage, lymphade-
This study was conducted without the incorpora-
nopathy, and bone metastases (Figs. 7 and 8).
tion of MR spectroscopic imaging, with sequences
Approaches to T1-weighted images vary, with
and equipment that are obsolete by current
some centers only obtaining relatively thick sec-
standards, and without the use of endorectal coils
tions from the iliac crests to the symphysis pubis,
(Fig. 6). MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
and other centers also obtaining thin section T1-
imaging can be performed as one combined
weighted images through the prostate that corre-
examination that takes approximately 60 minutes.
spond to the thin section T2-weighted images.
An endorectal coil is essential for performance of
Spin-echo imaging is a reasonable sequence choice
MR spectroscopic imaging, and significantly im-
because of the low susceptibility to artifact as
proves the staging accuracy of MR imaging [25].
compared with gradient-echo sequences. The
It is helpful, but not crucial, to postprocess to
authors’ protocol uses axial spin-echo T1-weight-
compensate for the reception profile of the
ed images obtained from the aortic bifurcation to
endorectal coil [26].
564 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

tumor as low T2 signal intensity foci in the

peripheral zone (Fig. 9), and facilitate staging by
demonstration of extracapsular extension and
seminal-vesicle invasion. These features usually
are assessed best on thin-section axial images,
although the coronal plane is helpful for the
sextant localization of tumor in the craniocaudad
direction as being in the base, midgland, or apex.
The coronal plane also is useful in the assessment
of seminal-vesicle invasion. The authors’ protocol
uses thin-section high–spatial resolution axial, and
coronal T2-weighted fast spin-echo images of
the prostate and seminal vesicles are obtained
Fig. 7. Axial T1-weighted MR image of the prostate in using the following parameters: TR/effective
a patient who had undergone transrectal biopsy recently. TE = 5000/96 milliseconds, echo train
A large area of hemorrhage is visible as a region length = 16, slice thickness = 3 mm, interslice
of increased T1 signal intensity (arrow) in the left side of gap = 0 mm, FOV = 14 cm, matrix 256  192,
the gland. frequency direction anteroposterior (to prevent
obscuration of the prostate by endorectal coil
the symphysis pubis, using the following param- motion artifact), and three excitations. Fat satu-
eters: repetition time (TR)/echo time (TE) = 700/ ration does not seem to have either a positive or
8 milliseconds, slice thickness = 5 mm, interslice negative effect on staging accuracy [27], and its use
gap =1 mm, field of view (FOV) = 24 cm, matrix is therefore a matter of preference.
256  192, frequency direction transverse (to
prevent obscuration of pelvic nodes by endorectal
Gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging
coil motion artifact), and one excitation.
The central gland and peripheral zone enhance
homogeneously in the normal prostate, with the
T2-weighted MR imaging
central gland enhancing more than the peripheral
T2-weighted images in the axial and coronal zone [28–30]. Benign prostatic hyperplasia results
planes are the cornerstone of MR imaging in in marked inhomogeneity of central gland en-
prostate-cancer evaluation. These images clearly hancement [28,29]. Some reports suggest that
depict the distinction between the peripheral zone prostate cancer enhances more rapidly than adja-
and the central gland, allow the detection of cent peripheral zone tissue, and can be demon-

Fig. 8. (A) Axial T1-weighted image of the prostate in a 78-year-old man shows a low T1–signal intensity focus (arrow)
in the left superior pubic ramus, suspicious for metastasis. (B) Bone scintigraphy shows increased uptake (arrow) in the
left superior pubic ramus, confirming the presence of a metastasis. The bone scan was interpreted initially as showing
increased uptake as a result of urinary contamination, and the correct interpretation was rendered only after the MR
imaging was performed and both studies were correlated directly.
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 565

convention, the x axis is plotted as the downward

frequency shift relative to water expressed in ppm
(this denominator adjusts for magnetic field
strength, so the x-axis units are fixed irrespective
of the type of MR-imaging scanner used). Chem-
icals with greater degrees of shift are plotted
further to the left, and vice versa.
The metabolic peaks relevant to prostate MR
spectroscopic imaging are choline, creatine, and
citrate, occurring at shifts of approximately 3.2,
3.0, and 2.6 ppm, respectively. MR spectroscopic
imaging of prostate cancer is characterized by
raised choline (a normal cell-membrane constitu-
Fig. 9. Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate, show- ent that is elevated in many tumors), reduced
ing a tumor in the left midgland as a focus of reduced
citrate (a constituent of normal prostatic tissue),
signal intensity (arrow).
or both (Fig. 10) [34]. The ratio of choline and
creatine to citrate in sextants with normal pros-
strated on early dynamic contrast-enhanced im- tatic tissue has been established as 0.22  0.13
ages [31]. Other studies have shown no significant (John Kurhanewicz, personal communication,
difference between the enhancement pattern of 2003). The spectral peaks of creatine and choline
prostate cancer and noncancerous peripheral zone often overlap, and may be inseparable. Inclusion
tissue [32]. In clinical practice, gadolinium-en- of creatine in this ratio is not considered a poten-
hanced images have not improved tumor locali- tial source of error because creatine seems to
zation or staging [28,29], with the possible remain at a relatively constant level in healthy and
exception of better visualization of seminal-vesicle cancerous prostatic tissue. The y axis lacks
invasion in equivocal cases [28,30]. In general, absolute units. Each spectrum is derived from
gadolinium-enhancement is not considered help- a small volume of tissue known as a voxel. Several
ful in routine prostate MR imaging. Macromo- mechanisms have been developed for overlaying
lecular contrast media are in development and the spectral information from the voxels on the
may prove more useful because tumor micro- corresponding anatomic images, including over-
vessels are permeable to macromolecular contrast laid coded grids and color overlays. The ratio of
molecules and normal microvessels are not (stan- choline and creatine to citrate is related to the
dard small molecular contrast media pass through Gleason score of the tumor (Fig. 11) [35]. No
the endothelium of normal and neoplastic micro- other imaging modality can provide such a direct
vessels) [33]. evaluation of tumor aggressiveness.
The use of MR spectroscopic imaging to
detect tumor metabolism is conceptually appeal-
Technique of MR spectroscopic imaging ing, and in neuroimaging virtual biopsy refers to
the ability of MR spectroscopic imaging to
Technical aspects of MR spectroscopic imaging
provide noninvasive tissue characterization of
MR imaging uses strong magnetic fields to brain tumors [36]. Such optimistic terminology
induce coherent spinning of hydrogen protons, would not be appropriate for prostatic MR
and then applies radiofrequency pulses to gener- spectroscopic imaging, which is constrained by
ate a map of proton signal intensity by spatial substantial technical hurdles and a relatively
location. The signal intensity of all hydrogen limited number of validation studies. Some of
protons is combined, although the signals from the technical challenges in obtaining high-quality
hydrogen protons in different molecules have MR spectra of the prostate can be appreciated by
slightly different frequencies (a property known considering the resolution required in the x and y
as chemical shift). MR spectroscopic imaging axes. Citrate protons spin with a frequency that
exploits the chemical-shift property to produce is 2.6 Hz per T less than water protons, which
a map of signal intensity versus frequency (ie, spin with a frequency of 42.6 MHz (ie,
a spectrum) and spatial location. The x and y axes 42,600,000 Hz) per T. The concentration of
of the spectral trace from an individual voxel metabolites detected at MR spectroscopic imag-
represent frequency and intensity, respectively. By ing is 1 to 10 mmol/L, which is approximately
566 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Fig. 10. (A) MR spectrum from a voxel of normal peripheral zone tissue. The identifiable peaks are choline, creatine,
and citrate. The polyamine ‘‘peak’’ cannot be distinguished at 1.5 T, but accounts for the ‘‘blurring’’ or ‘‘filling in’’ of the
dip between choline and creatine. (B) MR spectrum from a voxel of prostate cancer in the peripheral zone. When
compared with the normal spectrum in (A), the choline peak is elevated, the citrate peak is absent, and the polyamine
‘‘peak’’ is reduced (seen as a deepening of the dip between choline and creatine).

10,000 to 100,000 times less than the molar Spectral acquisition and processing
concentration of water protons. For these and
After review of the axial T2-weighted images,
other reasons, the possible sampling volume that
a spectroscopic imaging volume is selected to
can be interrogated with current MR spectroscop-
maximize coverage of the prostate and minimize
ic imaging technology is small, and the voxels are
the inclusion of periprostatic fat and rectal air.
relatively large. For example, the authors’ stan-
Three-dimensional (3D) MR spectroscopic imag-
dard endorectal MR spectroscopic imaging pro-
ing data are acquired using a water- and lipid-
tocol has a voxel size of 0.34 cm3. A spherical
suppressed double-spin echo point-resolved
tumor must be at least 0.66 cm3 in size to fill
spectroscopy sequence optimized for the quantita-
complexly a 0.034 cm3 voxel, assuming the ideal
tive detection of choline and citrate. Water and
scenario of tumor and voxel having the same
lipid suppression is achieved using the band-selec-
geometric center. Otherwise, incomplete filling of
tive inversion with gradient dephasing technique
a voxel by tumor may result in partial volume
[40]. Susceptibility artifacts from periprostatic fat
and rectal air are eliminated using outer voxel
Combined MR imaging and MR spectroscop-
saturation pulses [41]. Data sets are acquired as
ic imaging of the prostate can be performed in
16  8  8 phase-encoded spectral arrays (1024
less than 1 hour using a standard clinical 1.5T
voxels) with a nominal spectral resolution of 0.24
MR imaging scanner and commercially available
cm3 to 0.34 cm3, TR/TE = 1000/130 milliseconds,
endorectal coils [37–39]. An endorectal coil is
and 17-minute acquisition time. The 3D-MR
essential for performance of spectroscopy, and
spectroscopic imaging data are processed on an
improves the MR imaging component, resulting
UltraSparc workstation (Sun Microsystems, Mou-
in higher staging accuracy [25]. The total exam-
tainview, California) using research software
ination time includes coil placement, patient
previously developed specifically for 3D-MR
positioning, and MR imaging and MR spectro-
spectroscopic imaging studies. All spectral data
scopic imaging data acquisition. Several vendors
are apodized with a 1-Hz Gaussian function. Data
are offering or are close to releasing product
are Fourier-transformed in the time domain and
versions of this combined MR imaging and MR
three spatial domains. Corrections to phase,
spectroscopic imaging examination.
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 567

Fig. 11. (A) Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate, showing the spectral grid from which the spectra in (B) were
acquired. Asymmetric low T2 signal intensity, suggestive of tumor, is visible throughout the right side of the prostate. (B)
Spectra from the grid shown in (A) show marked abnormality (elevated choline and reduced or absent citrate)
throughout the left side of the prostate (outlined area). Such marked metabolic abnormalities are associated with more
aggressive cancers, and biopsy confirmed the presence of Gleason score 9 adenocarcinoma.

baseline, and frequency are performed using re- levels of creatine, choline, and citrate are integrated
search software. to determine their relative concentrations. Peak
area ratios of choline plus creatine to citrate, citrate
to normal citrate, and choline to creatine are
Spectral evaluation
calculated. The estimation of choline-to-creatine
Spectra are interpreted and scored based on peak area ratio is only possible in regions of cancer
prior research and current understanding of pros- because in healthy voxels there is poor in vivo
tate cancer metabolism [39]. The level of citrate is resolution of these species as a result of the
characteristically high in normal prostatic tissue presence of a large polyamine resonance. Spectro-
[42,43]. Citrate levels fall in prostate cancer, but scopic voxels are scored on a standardized five-
also can be reduced by prostatitis or postbiopsy point scale, using the following criteria:
hemorrhage [44]. The level of choline, a cell-mem-
brane constituent, is increased in prostate cancer as 1. A primary score of 1 to 5 is assigned based on
a result of increased membrane turnover [39,45]. mean healthy value ratios of choline plus
The level of polyamines recently has been recog- creatine to citrate. A score of 1 is assigned to
nized to decrease in prostate cancer [46,47]. The voxels with a choline plus creatine–to-citrate
polyamine peak occurs between the creatine and ratio within one standard deviation of the
choline peaks, and currently cannot be resolved mean healthy value. A score of 2 is assigned to
entirely from these peaks. Decreased polyamine voxels with a choline plus creatine–to-citrate
levels can be recognized subjectively as a sharper ratio between one and two standard devia-
separation of the creatine and choline peaks, tions above the mean healthy value. A score
however [39]. Based on these considerations, the of 3 is assigned to voxels with a choline plus
568 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

creatine–to-citrate ratio between two and of the MR imaging technology available at that
three standard deviations above the mean time. Further research established that prostate
healthy value. A score of 4 is assigned to cancer is characterized by low T2–signal intensity
voxels with a choline plus creatine–to-citrate in the normally high T2 signal intensity peripheral
ratio between three and four standard devia- zone [50]. The presence of reduced T2 signal
tions above the mean healthy value. A score intensity in the peripheral zone is of limited
of 5 is assigned to voxels with a choline plus sensitivity, however, presumably because some
creatine–to-citrate ratio more than four stan- tumors are isointense (Fig. 12) [51,52]. MR
dard deviations above the mean healthy value. spectroscopic imaging also may show no convinc-
2. An initial adjustment is made to the primary ing metabolic abnormality in some patients (see
score to incorporate elevation of choline Fig. 12). The finding is also of limited specificity
relative to creatine and reduction in poly- because there are other causes of low T2 signal
amines. When the choline-to-creatine ratio is intensity in the peripheral zone, such as hemor-
greater than or equal to 2 with a primary rhage, prostatitis, scarring, radiotherapy, cryosur-
score of 2 or 3, the overall score is increased gery, and hormonal therapy (Figs. 13 and 14).
to a 4. When the choline-to-creatine ratio is Only a few studies have investigated the
less then 2 or there was no reduction in accuracy of MR imaging in the diagnosis of
polyamines with a primary score of 4 or 5, the prostate cancer because MR imaging generally is
overall score is decreased by 1 (ie, 3 and 4). reserved as a staging study in patients with
3. A final adjustment is made to the score to biopsy-proven prostate cancer. In a study of 33
incorporate poor voxel signal-to-noise ratio. patients with an elevated PSA and at least one
Poor signal-to-noise ratio is defined as a ratio negative sextant biopsy before MR imaging [53],
of less than 8 for voxels with a score of 3 to 5, two readers rated the likelihood of malignancy as
and less than 5 for voxels with a score of 1 to low, intermediate, or high. Repeat biopsy was
2. In the presence of poor signal-to-noise positive in 1 of 18 patients considered low likeli-
ratio, a score of 1 becomes 3, scores of 2 or 4 hood, one of eight patients considered intermedi-
become 3, and scores of 5 become 4. Scores of ate likelihood, and five of seven patients
3 are not changed by low signal-to-noise considered high likelihood. A more recent similar
criteria. study of 38 patients with prior negative biopsies,
12 of whom had a positive post–MR imaging
This standardized scoring system results in
biopsy, demonstrated a sensitivity of 83% and
a final score from 1 to 5, and is designed so that
a positive predictive value of 50% for the MR-
the following interpretative scale can be applied: 1
imaging diagnosis of prostate cancer [54]. These
is considered probably benign, 2 is possibly
results suggest MR imaging can be used in this
benign, 3 is equivocal, 4 is possibly malignant,
setting to stratify patients with a high and low
and 5 is probably malignant. In addition to the 5-
probability of a subsequent positive biopsy. The
point scoring system, readers are allowed to
potential incremental benefit of MR spectroscopic
designate spectra as unusable if they showed
imaging in this setting has not been reported, but
significant lipid contamination or misalignment
based on the results for tumor localization, one
of metabolite resonance peaks. This five-point
would expect a positive impact. The use of MR
scale distinguishes benign and malignant tissue
imaging as screening tool in the general popula-
with reasonable accuracy [48].
tion would result in an unacceptably large number
of false positive and negative results. This would
also be impractical for logistical and financial
Applications of MR imaging and MR reasons.
spectroscopic imaging
Role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic Role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
imaging in prostate-cancer diagnosis imaging in prostate cancer localization
MR imaging findings in prostate cancer first Sextant biopsy traditionally has been regarded
were described in the early 1980s [49]. These early as the standard of reference for nonsurgical tumor
reports were uncertain about the exact MR im- localization [55]. The limitations of sextant biopsy
aging appearance of prostate cancer because of are being recognized increasingly, however
the limitations in contrast and spatial resolution [56,57]. In a study with two readers using
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 569

Fig. 12. (A) Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate, showing the spectral grid from which the spectra in (B) were
acquired. No convincing mass-like foci of low T2 signal intensity are visible. (B) Spectra from the grid shown in (A)
demonstrate no convincing metabolic abnormality in the peripheral zone. (C) Corresponding whole mount step section
pathologic preparation with areas of cancer outlined. A large tumor is present in the right side of the prostate, despite the
lack of findings at MR and MR spectroscopic imaging.
570 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

tumor nodules greater than 0.5 cm3. For these

nodules, tumor volume measurements by MR
imaging alone and combined MR imaging and
MR spectroscopic imaging all were correlated
positively with histopathologic volume (Pearson’s
correlation coefficients of 0.49 and 0.55, respec-
tively), but only measurements by combined MR
imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging reached
statistical significance (P < .05). When all nodules
were analyzed, tumor volume measurements were
correlated poorly and not statistically significantly
with histopathologic tumor volume (Table 4).
These results for prostate cancer tumor volume
measurement may seem disappointing, partic-
Fig. 13. Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate in ularly in the context of other studies indicating
a patient who has received hormonal therapy. The high accuracy for sextant localization. Two fac-
prostate is small, of uniformly low T2 signal intensity, tors probably account for this discrepancy. First,
and relatively featureless (compare to Fig. 5). because per-sextant rather than per-nodule anal-
ysis does not require size concordance between
step-section histopathology as the standard of imaging and pathology, a small imaging abnor-
reference in 53 patients [58], MR imaging alone mality counts as a true positive even if the tumor
had a sensitivity of 77% to 81% and a specificity is pathologically much larger, and vice versa.
of 46% to 61% for the sextant localization of Second, there has been a general downward stage
prostate cancer. The addition of MR spectroscopic migration of prostate cancer because of wide-
imaging reduced the sensitivity slightly to 68% to spread PSA testing. For example, the rate of
73%, but specificity increased substantially to organ-confined disease in patients undergoing
70% to 80%. In another study of 47 patients prostatectomy and MR imaging at the University
using step-section histopathologic analysis of of California, San Francisco between 1992 and
radical prostatectomy specimens as the standard 1995 was 56% (43 of 77) [61], compared with 89%
of reference [59], the separate and combined (33 of 37) in 1999 [60]. High accuracy is difficult to
accuracy of preoperative sextant biopsy, MR achieve when imaging smaller tumors.
imaging, and MR spectroscopic imaging were
compared. When all three tests were positive for
Role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
cancer in a sextant, sensitivity was 33% and
imaging in prostate cancer staging
specificity was 98%. Conversely, a single positive
test had a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of From the inception of prostate MR imaging,
38%. This suggests that when correct tumor the hope has been that the modality would be
localization is crucial, only sextants that are more accurate in local staging and detection of
positive at biopsy, MR imaging, and MR spec- extraprostatic disease. Disappointingly, an early
troscopic imaging should be considered as defi- multi-institutional study examining the detection
nitely cancer-containing. of extracapsular extension showed no difference in
The results described above refer to the sextant the area under the receiver operating characteris-
localization of prostate cancer, which is not tic curve for MR imaging (0.67) compared with
synonymous with volumetric localization. In a re- TRUS (0.62) [4]. Single-institution studies since
cent study [60], MR imaging and MR spectro- then have shown higher overall staging accuracies
scopic imaging were performed in 37 patients of 86% to 88% [62,63], which probably reflects
before radical prostatectomy. Two independent improved technology and better diagnostic crite-
readers recorded peripheral-zone tumor-nodule ria. Multivariate feature analysis has shown the
location and volume and results were analyzed MR imaging findings that are most predictive of
using step-section histopathologic tumor volume- extracapsular extension are a focal irregular
try as the standard of reference. The mean volume capsular bulge, asymmetry or invasion of the
of all peripheral-zone tumor nodules (n = 51) was neurovascular bundles, and obliteration of the
0.79 cm3 (range 0.02–3.70 cm3). Readers detected rectoprostatic angle (Fig. 15) [61]. The addition of
20 (65%) and 23 (74%) of the 31 peripheral-zone MR spectroscopic imaging to MR imaging
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 571

Fig. 14. (A) Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate shows foci of reduced T2 signal intensity (arrows) in the peripheral
zone bilaterally. (B) Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate, showing the spectral grid from which the spectra in (C)
were acquired. (C) Spectra from the grid shown in (B) show several voxels with elevated choline in the left gland (outlined
area), but no abnormal metabolism elsewhere. Biopsy confirmed Gleason score 7 adenocarcinoma in the left midgland
and apex.

increases staging accuracy for less-experienced analysis model suggested that preoperative MR
readers and reduces interobserver variability [63]. imaging was cost-effective for men with moderate
The value of MR imaging staging has been or high probability of extracapsular disease [65].
demonstrated in a 5-year follow-up study of Reader variation in the interpretation of prostate
1025 men who were staged radiologically before MR imaging remains a barrier to greater accep-
prostatectomy [64]. The MR-imaging detection of tance of this technique for preoperative staging
extracapsular extension conferred a significantly [66,67]. Radiologists interpreting prostate MR
worse prognosis in the 39% of patients with imaging should be aware that high specificity,
moderate or high-risk tumors. Similarly, a decision even if accompanied by low sensitivity, is a more
572 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Table 4
Correlation between MR imaging and MR spectroscopic imaging measurement of peripheral zone tumor volume and
histopathologic tumor volume in a study of 37 men with 51 proven peripheral zone tumor nodules at radical
prostatectomy [60]
All nodules Nodules > 0.5 cm3
Method of tumor Correlation coefficient Correlation coefficient
volume measurement (95% confidence interval) P value (95% confidence interval) P value
MR imaging alone 0.21 (ÿ0.22, 0.54) 0.28 0.49 (ÿ0.06, 0.80) 0.07
MR imaging and MRS imaging 0.32 (ÿ0.22, 0.65) 0.21 0.55 (ÿ0.04, 0.82) 0.04
Only MR and MRS imaging volume measurement of tumors >0.5 cm3 showed a statistically significant correlation
with histopathologic volume.

cost-effective approach in patients being consid- with respect to prognosis. This is an important
ered for surgery [68]. finding because microscopic extracapsular exten-
Extracapsular extension generally is reported sion is unlikely to be visualized directly by any
as a simple binary observation, either present or currently available radiologic test. The degree of
absent. This is an oversimplification because extracapsular extension is an important variable
extracapsular extension is a continuum that varies that almost certainly affects MR imaging staging
in degree. It is instructive to consider how this accuracy. This was shown directly in one study of
affects prognosis and imaging accuracy. The 34 patients undergoing endorectal MR imaging
prognostic importance of the degree of extracap- before radical prostatectomy [70]. The sensitivity
sular extension was evaluated in a 10-year follow- of MR imaging for extracapsular extension of less
up study of 617 men with T1 to T3A node-negative than 1 mm was only 14% (one of seven sites
prostate cancer after radical prostatectomy [69]. detected), compared with 71% (five of seven sites
The 10-year risk for recurrence (clinical, radiologic, detected) for extracapsular extension greater than
or biochemical) was 32% in patients with micro- 1 mm.
scopic extracapsular extension (the presence of no
more than a few malignant cells immediately
Role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
outside the capsule on no more than two sections)
imaging in treatment planning
compared with 42% in patients with more estab-
lished extracapsular extension, suggesting micro- Anecdotally, MR imaging and MR spectro-
scopic extracapsular extension is nearly as scopic imaging results may be of value to patients
important as macroscopic extracapsular extension with prostate cancer deciding whether to undergo

Fig. 15. (A) Axial T2-weighted image showing an irregular capsular bulge at the left base associated with an underlying
region of low T2 signal intensity (arrow). The findings are consistent with extracapsular extension of tumor (T3A
disease). (B) Axial T2-weighted image showing asymmetric low T2 signal intensity in the left seminal vesicle (arrow),
consistent with seminal vesicle invasion (T3B disease).
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 573

Fig. 16. Coronal T2-weighted image in a 58-year-old

man with a PSA of 9.2 and biopsy-proven Gleason 7
cancer. The tumor was considered organ-confined on
a DRE. MR imaging shows asymmetric low T2 signal Fig. 17. Coronal T2-weighted image of the prostate,
intensity extending into the left seminal vesicle (arrow), demonstrating measurements of the membranous ure-
consistent with seminal vesicle invasion. In view of this thral length.
finding, the patient chose radiation treatment rather
than radical prostatectomy.
blood loss (correlation coefficients of 0.22 and
0.17, P < .01 and .05, respectively).
surgery or radiation therapy (Fig. 16), although Several possible roles for MR imaging and MR
the influence of MR imaging and MR spectro- spectroscopic imaging have been suggested in
scopic imaging on such decision-making is diffi- radiation treatment planning. Using fiducial
cult to quantify in systematic studies. The display markers and image fusion software, it has been
of the tumor relationship to the neurovascular shown that CT overestimates the clinical target
bundles on MR imaging is helpful to the urologist volume by 34% when compared with MR imag-
in planning the surgical approach, although this ing [73], and that dose-volume planning with MR
has not been validated scientifically. imaging would decrease radiation dose to the
The relationship between periprostatic anato- bladder, rectum, and femoral heads. This result
my and operative outcomes has been investigated. is hardly unexpected because the radiation-plan-
In a study of 211 consecutive patients with newly ning CT scans are performed without intravenous
diagnosed prostate cancer undergoing radical contrast, which limits soft-tissue contrast of CT in
prostatectomy performed by a single surgeon the prostate and perineum (Fig. 18). Several
[71], membranous urethral length was measured groups have reported using MR spectroscopic
on preoperative endorectal MR imaging (Fig. 17) imaging to increase the brachytherapy radiation
and correlated with postoperative urinary conti- dose in prostatic locations considered suspicious
nence. After controlling for age and surgical for cancer [74,75]. Such studies, which suggest
technique, multivariate analysis showed that technically successful dose escalation in spectro-
membranous urethral length was related to the scopically suspicious locations implies improved
time to stable postoperative continence (P = .02), clinical outcome, must be viewed with caution,
such that a longer membranous urethra was given the limited ability of MR imaging and MR
associated with a shorter time to stable conti- spectroscopic imaging to assess tumor volume.
nence. In another study, MR imaging was per- More convincing evidence of benefit was shown
formed in 143 patients with newly diagnosed in a study of 390 patients with prostate cancer
prostate cancer before radical prostatectomy treated by brachytherapy, either alone (46%) or
[72]. Two independent readers rated the promi- in combination with external beam radiotherapy
nence of the periprostatic veins (based on number (54%). MR imaging was used to evaluate stage
and size) at four anatomic sites on a 3-point scale. and guide therapy in 327 patients [76]. MR
Prominence of the anterior and posterior apical imaging findings changed the overall treatment
periprostatic veins was associated positively with recommendation in 60 patients with most of these
574 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

Fig. 18. (A) Axial CT image in a 72-year-old man with recurrent tumor after radical prostatectomy. No obvious
abnormality is appreciable because the soft-tissue contrast of CT is limited, particularly in the distinction of perineal
structures. (B) Axial T2-weighted MR image in the same patient shows a large mass (arrows) in the prostatectomy bed.

patients receiving combined therapy instead of therapy for prostate cancer in whom subsequent
monotherapy after MR imaging documented more biopsy confirmed locally recurrent prostate cancer
extensive disease. Seed distribution was modified in nine hemiprostates of six patients, Teh and
in 183 patients, mostly related to coverage of bulky colleagues [79] found that the presence of three or
or extracapsular disease seen on MR imaging. more MR spectroscopic imaging voxels with
Freedom from PSA progression at a mean follow- isolated (ie, absent citrate) elevation of choline
up of 38 months was used as the endpoint. Cox showed a sensitivity and specificity of 87% and
regression analysis showed that only the percent- 72%, respectively. Conversely, the presence of
age of positive cores (P = .001) and failure to have complete metabolic atrophy demonstrated a nega-
MR imaging staging (P = .0008) predicted for tive predictive value of 100% for the exclusion of
failure. This suggests that MR imaging improves local recurrence (Fig. 20); that is, a negative
treatment planning in terms of technical success spectroscopic study in a patient with a rising
and with respect to clinical outcome. PSA after radiotherapy may be a presumptive
marker of distant failure, and indicate that
Role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic systemic rather than local therapy is required.
imaging in posttreatment follow-up
The role of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
imaging in posttreatment follow-up of patients
with prostate cancer is not well established,
partially because it is frequently clinically unclear
whether patients with a rising PSA after treatment
have local or distant recurrence. In the authors’
experience, MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
imaging are of limited utility after prostatectomy,
and only the occasional patient demonstrates an
unequivocal locally recurrent tumor (Fig.19). The
ability of MR imaging to detect local recurrence is
limited after radiation or hormonal therapy
because the prostate becomes shrunken with
diffusely low T2 signal intensity and indistinct
zonal anatomy [77,78]. MR spectroscopic imaging Fig. 19. Sagittal T2-weighted image in an 83-year-old
may be of value in the detection or exclusion of man with a rising PSA 8 years after a radical prostatec-
locally recurrent prostate cancer after radiation tomy. The surgical specimen demonstrated T3B cancer.
therapy. In a preliminary study of 21 patients with A large mass of recurrent tumor is visible in the pro-
biochemical failure after external beam radiation statectomy bed.
A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579 575

Fig. 20. (A) Axial T2-weighted image of the prostate, showing the spectral grid from which the spectra in (B) were
acquired. The patient had a rising PSA after receiving external beam radiation for prostate cancer 2 years previously. (B)
Spectra from the grid in (A) show random noise, with no detectable metabolites in the prostate. The finding of complete
metabolic atrophy in an irradiated gland is consistent with satisfactory local tumor control, and therefore suggests that
the rising PSA is a result of distant failure.

Summary and are yet to be defined fully. Areas of active

research interest include volumetric localization of
The primary indication for prostate MR im-
prostate cancer, in vivo MR spectroscopic imag-
aging and MR spectroscopic imaging is the
ing findings at high field strength (3 T), in vitro
evaluation of men with newly diagnosed prostate
MR spectroscopic imaging findings at very high
cancer with a moderate or high risk for extrac-
field strength (7–11 T), novel spectroscopic
apsular extension who are uncertain whether to go
markers of malignancy such as polyamines and
undergo surgery or radiotherapy. Other applica-
spermine, and interventional MR guidance of
tions of MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
biopsy and therapy [39,80,81]. MR spectroscopic
imaging in prostate cancer are under investigation
576 A. Rajesh, F.V. Coakley / Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 12 (2004) 557–579

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