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Question Sheet No.

1. The ultimate analysis of MSW of a city, which is being used by a thermal power plant
of 500 MW capacity, is as below in %.

Moisture : 17.23
Ash : 8.51
Carbon : 46.07
Hydrogen : 4.15
Oxygen : 22.49
Nitrogen : 1.45
Sulphur : 0.10

Determine the following:

i. Heating value of the MSW in MJ/kg
ii. Annual MSW consumption in Million Metric Tonne, if plant is running for 310
days in a year with an overall conversion efficiency of thermal to electrical
energy being 34.32%.

2. If biomass residue usage in a power plant is 1.25 kg/kWh, what is the calorific value of
biomass residue? Conversion efficiency may be taken as 31.56%.

3. Indian city MSW mixed with an industrial solid waste with calorific value of 16.85
MJ/kg is consumed at a rate of 16.25 kg per second. If the ultimate analysis of this mix
reveals a S content of 0.7% what is the rate of emission of SO2 in kg/day & kg/MWe.
The S going in ash may be assumed as 5%. Assume 3 units of heat energy deliver 1
unit of electrical energy.

4. A paddy straw fired power plant converts 35.55% of the thermal energy into electrical
energy. The electrical power output of the plant is 1000 MW. The remaining energy
content of the paddy is rejected to the environment as waste heat. About 15 % of the
waste heat goes up the smoke stack and the other 85 % is taken away by cooling water
that is drawn from a nearby canal. The canal has an upstream flow of 100 m3/s and a
temperature of 20 oC. If the cooling water is only allowed to rise in temperature by 5
C, what flow rate from the stream would be required?
What would be the ultimate canal temperature just after it receives the heated cooling

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