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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science

Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

Formulation of White Board Marker Ink Using Locally

Sourced Raw Materials
Dagde. K.K, Nwosa G. I and Ukpaka. C. P.

preferred majorly because of their convenience. [1] in his

Abstract— work Introduction to Japanese Calligraphy said Inks
This research work was conducted to demonstrate the generally fall into four classes: Aqueous Liquid, Paste,
mechanism of white board marker ink production using locally Powder, Colorants and Pigment. Inks are used more
sourced raw materials such as charcoal and used lube oil. In the frequently than dyes because they are more color-fast, For the
production of the ink, the charcoal served as a pigment, used
lube oil served as the primary binder or resin, ethanol served as purpose of this work, our concentration is to produce non-
solvent and gum Arabic served as an additive. The charcoal was porous white board marker ink with charcoal obtained from
obtained from processing of Mango, Oil bean (Ugba) and rubber three main types of wood namely mango, rubber and ugba
trees, which were further crushed to their finest particles (oil bean) trees.
respectively and the used lube oil was obtained from mechanical The mango wood is a hard, dense wood obtained from the
engineering servicing unit of automobile engines. The crushed mango tree, it matures quickly reaching 80 to 100 feet in
charcoal samples were characterized to determine the physio-
chemical properties of some mineral elements such as Ca, Cu, P, about 15 years, the mango tree has a life span of about seven
K, C, S, N. however the mineral component that controlled the years, after which it doesn’t produce much of good fruits
production of this ink was the Carbon content. The different ink anymore hence making it adequate to be hewn down and
samples were formulated in terms of odour, colour, hazardous converted into Lumber, its wood is a biofuel whose tree grow
reaction, pH, density and viscosity and compared with that of as high as 30m in height. When the tree is trimmed the leaves
international standards. Results obtained showed a good match, are used for animal feed and the wood for fuel [2],
indicating the reliability and the quality of the produced white
board marker ink. The pH results for Ugba ink = 5.43, Rubber
furthermore according to [3], the mango branches are pruned
ink = 6.79, and Mango = 7.41. Empirical models were used to for use as firewood and some are made into charcoal. During
predict concentration with that of experimental values, a plot of the characterization of mango wood and mango wood
concentration against time in terms of production yield revealed charcoal, it was noted that their approximate analysis was
that the order of magnitude was rubber>Ugba>Mango whereas used for ash content (American Standard for testing materials,
in terms of penetration and writing ability 1996), volatile matter (American Standard of Testing
Ugba>rubber>mango. Furthermore, the research demonstrates
Materials, 1996) and fixed carbon (American Standard of
the significance of the characteristics of the charcoal and the
used lube oil in the quality of the end product. Finally, the Testing Materials, 1994) determination in dried weight,
research revealed that ink produced from the oil bean (ugba) density of mango wood and charcoal, when measured in
charcoal and lube oil was best in terms of write-ability and apparent density form. Hardness of the charcoal was
quality in the production of white board marker ink. determined by a tensile tester (shimadzu Authograph, model
Index Terms—charcoal; production; marker ink; used lube Ugba tree also called oil bean tree is a typical African tree
known by it scientific name as Pentaclethra macrophylla. It
has been cultivated since 1937 in tropical African countries.
The African oil bean which is mostly found in the Southern
and Eastern part of Nigeria, grows approximately 6m wide
Schools in modern days have evolved from the use of black and 21m high, with its bark ranging from a reddish - brown
board chalks to the use of white boards on which marker inks to a gray color, with irregular patches that usually flakes off.
are used, especially the private schools and some local and [4]. According to [5], the mesocarp of the p macrophylla
international parastatals. Today marker inks are serve as snacks or desert and it is obtained by first boiling for
commercialized because of the advent of the white board; a period of about, twelve hours, dehulled sliced and tied in
however most of these markers are very expensive. Thus this plantain leaves .and left for about 2 to 6 days to ferment. After
research is being carried out to produce ink using charcoal fermentation it may then be mixed with palm oil, spiced and
and engine oil so as to check its reliability as against other eaten with sliced cassava.
inks being produced. This work will invariably produce ink The bark or pod enclosing the seed because of its hardness
that will compete favorably with the quality of marker in the are used to make beads, hand bangles, bags, traditional
market. dancing materials etc, the wood is also very important which
White board marker inks are made of dry- erasable ink, can be used as firewood and charcoal which is what we are
which is easy to clean when used on slick, non-porous writing interested in. From AOAC reports we have the following, [6].
materials, the use of marker these days are not restricted to The Rubber tree is a South American tropical tree of the
schools alone, churches, companies and individuals that see spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Mostly cultivated on
the importance of this ink prefer it to chalk. Marker inks are plantations in the tropics and subtropics, especially in

DOI: 107

EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

Southeast Asia and western Africa, it has soft wood; high, considered as a solid waste disposal technique, [14].
branching limbs; and a large area of bark. The milky liquid Furthermore charcoal production undergo a lot of processes
(latex) that oozes from any wound to the tree bark contains as is shown by [15].
about 30 percent rubber, Latex can also be concentrated for A good quality charcoal should have a moisture content of
producing dipped goods, such as surgical gloves. about 5-15% of the gross weight of charcoal, and an ash
Natural rubber is an indispensable material for many content of about 3%. According to the Ukra Biofuel news
industrial applications such as in tires and medical devices report, the surface area per gram of materials can range from
[7]. Although more than 2500 plants produce latex, currently 500 to 1400 square meters. The conventional process of
the Pará rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis Muell.Arg.) is the producing charcoal, is through methods such as earth pits or
only main commercial source for rubber production [8]. Even brick kilns, in which the energy required to produce the
when compared with oetrochemically synthesized rubber, carbonization, is obtained from the combustion of a part of
natural rubber showed better advantage interns of its the wood, which leads to a considerable decrease in the net
spasticity, adhesion and durability. Rubber trees are production of carbon, [16].
susceptible to several fungal infections including South
American leaf blight (Microcyclus ulei) and different II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
cultivars show different sensitivity, [9].
The materials used for this research includes engine oil,
Inks are used for different purposes ranging from printing, ethanol, gum Arabic, seal containers, empty refillable
colouring, etc, to writing; Different inks are produced to suit marker, mango wood, Oil bean (Ugba) wood, rubber wood,
different purposes and conditions. The basic raw materials for gas burner, cylinder, incinerator, pH meter, redwood
ink production are pigments, binders, solvents and additives, viscosity equipment, pycnometer.
and these materials are either sourced for and purchased
locally or overseas by manufacturers.
Ink, also called masi, is a mixture of several chemical A. Pyrolysis
components, which has been used in India since at least the In order to achieve an end product called charcoal, woods
4th century BC. According to [10], the practice of writing of mango, Oil bean and rubber were pyrolized differently.
with ink and a sharp pointed needle was common in early This was required in order to trap the carbonated gas present
South India for Several Jain sutras (a religious hand written in the woods from polluting the environment.
compilation). The knowledge of the inks, their recipes and the
techniques for their production comes from archaeological
analysis or from written text itself. As referenced by [11]. B. Crushing
Since the 23rd century BC, Chinese inks can be traced with The pyrolyzed product of wood was firstly broken down to
the utilization of animal, natural plant (plant dyes), and smaller particles using a rod. The smaller particles were
mineral inks based on materials such as graphite that were subjected to a crusher which crushed the charcoals to fine
blended with water and applied with ink brushes. The earliest particles.
Chinese inks, similar to modern ink sticks, showed up around
256 BC in the end of the Warring States period and it was
obtained from soot and animal glue. Resin from the pine tree C. Sieving
presents the best inks for drawing or painting on paper or silk. The crushed materials were sieved differently using a
They must be between 50 and 100 years old. 7.5um sieve. This was done to enable the charcoal be in its
The traditional Chinese method of making ink was to grind finest state.
a mixture of hide glue, carbon black, lampblack, and bone
black pigment with a pestle and mortar, then pour the mixture D. Ink Production
into a ceramic dish where it could dry. To use the dry mixture,
The addition of pigment with ethanol in its required mass
a wet brush would be applied until it reliquaries, [12].
and volume were added together in order to dissolve the
In the mid 1990’s dry erase markers became popular and
pigment. The dissolved pigment with ethanol was added with
these markers are better than chalk in so many different ways
some amount of gum Arabic and required volume of used
especially that they are easy to erase, they can be applied to
lube oil. A mix ratio of 6ml of charcoal to 20ml of used lube
the board with less pressure and they are unaffected by water.
oil was mixed in a container and then 20ml of ethanol was
It is worthy of note to say that this type of markers is made
added to the solution and a pinch of gum Arabic was added
basically for non porous surfaces such as mirrors, metals, and
and then the solution was stirred until a homogenous solution
opaque glass materials. The ink is made from color pigments.
was obtained. The product was continuously stirred and
Chemical solvents and a polymer also called a release agent.
further sieved with a white handkerchief to further remove
According to [13], charcoal is the solid carbon residue
the residue that was present in the solution. Alternatively, in
following the pyrolysis (carbonization or destructive
place of engine oil, some quantity of distilled water was used
distillation) of carbonaceous raw materials. Principal raw
in order to checkmate the best production. It was discovered
materials are medium to dense hardwoods such as beech,
that production of ink using distilled water was not a better
birch, hard maple, hickory, and oak. Others are softwoods
one than engine oil because distilled water is not a binder and
(primarily long leafy and slash pine), nutshells, fruit pits,
as such, was not suitable for use.
coal, vegetable wastes, and paper mill residues. Charcoal is a
highly porous and brittle material used primarily as a fuel for
outdoor cooking. In some instances, its manufacture may be

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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

equation of the form 𝑌 = 𝐾𝑋 n which can be rewritten in

terms of concentration and time as

𝐶 = 𝐾𝑇 𝑛 (1)

where C is Concentration of ink sample and t is time of

flow. This can further be expressed mathematically to
linearize the equation to be able to obtain k and n values

Fig. 1. Block diagram for local ink production 𝐿𝑜𝑔𝐶 = 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑘 + 𝑛 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑡 (2)

b. Exponential Model
E. H
P Test This research further utilized the exponential model to
develop an empirical or theoretical model, using an
pH test was conducted on the different products of ink for equation of the form
rubber, ugba and mango charcoal respectively, using a pH
meter and their values recorded. Comparing the result of the
𝑌 = 𝐾𝑒 𝑎𝑥 (3)
pH of the three charcoals to that of ink produced with
crystalline dye which has a pH value of 7.94, showed that
Writing the above equation in terms of concentration and
production of ink with Ugba (Oil bean) charcoal, rubber
time gives
charcoal and mango charcoal was better since the pH of the
three products is 7.0 by approximation which indicates that
𝐶 = 𝐾𝑒 𝑎𝑡 (4)
they are all neutral and not harmful to human health but that
of the crystalline dye ink is alkaline in nature.
Where the equation above can be rewritten using the
inverse exponential method as
F. Viscosity Test
In order to ascertain the viscosity of the products, redwood 𝐿𝑛 𝐶 = 𝐿𝑛 𝐾 + 𝑎𝑡 (5)
viscosity equipment was used to ascertain the volumetric
flow rate of the products. The values of the volumetric flow
were traced on a chart that has a relation of viscosity and III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
volumetric flow rate. The result of the various tests as well as the initial and final
concentration of the ink is as shown.
G. Density Test
Pycnometer was used to conduct density test of the A. Results Characterisation
different samples. The empty pycnometer was initially The result of the atomic absorptive spectrometer analysis
weighed to ascertain its weight. Thereafter, the samples were is depicted in Fig. 2 below as.
weighed accordingly to know the weight of the product by as
well subtracting the total weight of the product from the
weight of the empty pycnometer. The final density 0f the
different ink samples obtained for the three charcoal products
were obtained using the formula.

H. Volumetric Flowrate Test

This test is required in order to know the time required by
a fluid to flow. Using redwood viscosity equipment, the
samples were poured into the equipment. At a given time in
the stop watch, the ball of the equipment was raised to allow
for a flow. The ball of the equipment was dropped at the
above mention time in order to stop the flow. The volume of
the flow was recorded as well as the time taken for the flow.

I. Determination of Kinetic Parameters for the

Ugba, Rubber and Mango wood charcoal inks Fig. 2. Graph of Analysis on the Characteristics of Ashes of Oil Bean
Charcoal, Mango Tree Charcoal and Rubber Tree Charcoal
Power and Exponential Model.
The Power and Exponential model equations were used to
determine the kinetic parameters for the oil bean (Ugba), Fig. 2 above shows the mass of each of the elements of the
Rubber and Mango inks. charcoals. The graph shows that the elemental composition of
Oil Bean Charcoal is higher than that of Mango Tree
a. Power Model Charcoal and Rubber Tree Charcoal. indicating that the
This model employed the method of least squares to fit an charcoal of Oil Bean Tree will produced a better ink compare

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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

to the other charcoals due to its high chemical composition of carbon

Fig. 3. Graph showing the Carbon Content of Oil Bean Charcoal, Mango
Tree Charcoal and Rubber Tree Charcoal.

Fig. 3 demonstrates the concentration composition of

carbon content in each of the species sampled. The result
revealed that ugba (oil bean) wood contains the highest
amount per hundred gram of carbon upto1500mg/100g,
where as mango wood charcoal contains 700mg/100g and
finally the rubber wood charcoal contains 600mg/100g. The
order of magnitude in terms of carbon content shows Ugba
(Oil bean) wood charcoal mango wood charcoal rubber wood
charcoal. The variation observed in the concentration of the
carbon content can be attributed to the variation in the type of
wood species sampled.

Substance Mango Rubber Ugba(Oil Dollar- Hi- Percentage (%)
Charcoal charcoal Bean) dry Ease Shine Deviation
Ink Ink Charcoal Ink Ink
Colour Black Black Black Black Black
Odor Almost Almost Almost Almost Almost
odorless odorless odorless odorless odorless
Reaction Non Non Non Non Non

PH 7.41 6.79 5.43 5.0 5.0 0.33 0.26 0.08

Density 0.868 0.916 0.876 0.850 0.98 0.02 0.07 0.03
Viscosity 4.5 6.8 7.2 7.5 7.3 -0.67 -0.10 -0.04

color, odor, hazardous reaction, PH, density and viscosity,

Table I shows a detailed comparison of the physiochemical with percentage deviation ranging from 0.33 to -0.67 for
properties of the three local inks manufactured with two Mango ink, 0.26 to 0.10 for Rubber ink and 0.08 to -0.04 for
international based inks. The comparison showed a close oil bean ink.
match for Mango charcoal ink and Rubber charcoal ink but
the best match for Ugba (oil bean) charcoal ink in terms of

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Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019


Dynamic Viscosity Of
Dynamic Viscosity of

Dynamic Viscosity of


Deviation for Ugba Ink

Rubber Charcoal Ink

Dollar-Dry Erase ink

Mango Charcoal Ink

Dynamic Viscosity
Temperature (oC)

Hi-Shine Ink
(Oil Bean)
of Ugba

20 8.675 7.578 5.567 5.623 5.751 0.01
25 8.234 7.564 4.826 5.241 4.875 -0.09
30 7.985 6.345 4.223 4.345 4.177 -0-03
35 6.457 5.634 3.912 3.836 3.615 0.02
40 5.569 4.341 3.323 3.243 3.156 0.02

Table II shows the effect of temperature on the dynamic C. Volumetric Flow Rate
viscosity of the locally produced inks as compared with two
TABLE III: Volumetric Flow Rate of various Ink Samples
foreign inks. The results show a decrease in dynamic
Volumetric Flow Volumetric Flow Volumetric Flow
viscosity of the inks as temperature increases. The dynamic
Rate of Ugba (Oil Rate of Rubber Rate of Mango
viscosity of Mango charcoal ink and Rubber charcoal ink had
Bean) Charcoal Charcoal Charcoal
a higher range when compared to that of Dollar-dry erase ink
(cm3/min) (cm3/min) (cm3/min)
and Hi-shine ink. The result while that of oil bean tree shows
12 12 11
a good match. From these result, it can be clearly stated that
8.5 10.5 7.5
ink of oil bean charcoal is of better standard when compared 8.3 14.5 8.0
with international standard. 7.5 8.75 7.25
7.8 7.9 7.4
B. Variation of Concentration of Ink with Time
From the plot of Fig. 5, it would be seen that concentration
increased with increasing time for the various species From Table III, it is seen that the volumetric flow rate of
sampled. Results reveal that the concentration of ink obtained the charcoals progressively decreased from the first two
from rubber wood charcoal was greater than that of oil bean values in all the three products but increased at a particular
and mango wood charcoals. However, the ink obtained from stage and later diminished again.
oil bean charcoal gave the best result as the required D. Space Time
concentration should not be too high. The variation also The result of the space time in Table IV shows that the space
observed here can be attributed to the variations in the time for oil bean increased without any fluctuation but that of
characteristic parameters of the various species sampled or rubber and mango experienced an fluctuation in their space
more. time.


Ugba (Oil Bean) Mango Charcoal Rubber Charcoal
Charcoal (min) (min) (min)
67 73 67
94 107 76
96 100 55
103 110 91
107 108 101

E. Empirical Analysis of Values Obtained for the

Different Ink Types using the Exponential model.
Fig. 5, compares the empirical concentration with time for
the oil bean, Rubber and Mango charcoal ink indicates the
Fig. 4. Variation of Concentration of Ugba, Rubber and Mango Wood result for the concentration with time using the exponential
Charcoal Ink with Time.
model. The exponential model data were compared as
shown in Fig. 5. Results obtained showed that the equation
of the exponential model as 𝑦 = 12.02𝑒 0.221𝑥 which is

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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

equation of line for the oil bean charcoal ink while the value F. Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical
of the best fit is given by the square root of 𝑅2 = 1, 𝑦 = Concentration of ugba (oil bean) charcoal ink
19.86𝑒 0.155𝑥 , representing the equation of line for the
Rubber charcoal ink, with the best fit 𝑅2 = 1 and 𝑦 =
16.79𝑒 0.154𝑥 and , representing the equation of line for the
Mango charcoal ink, with the best fit 𝑅2 = 1. Result
revealed that the theoretical exponential model could be
used to predict the concentration of the various species of
inks. Although the different ink products followed the same
trend, there is a slight difference in their exponential
performance. This result showed that the Rubber charcoal
ink had the highest concentration but the Ugba (oil bean)
charcoal ink had the best concentration required for writing.

Fig. 7. Concentration of ugba (oil bean) charcoal ink with Time

Fig. 7 demonstrates the relationship between concentration

of theoretical and experimental values upon the influence of
time for the Ugba (oil bean charcoal ink.). the theoretical
power model and experimental data were compared as shown
in Fig. 7, Results obtained showed the equation of the power
model as 𝑦 = 0.061𝑥 + 0.644 which is the equation of
straight line whereas the value of the best fit was given by the
square root of 𝑅2 = 0.974 . in terms of the experimental
expression, the equation of the straight line gave 𝑦 =
Fig. 5. Concentration against time for the Ugba, Rubber and Mango
0.063𝑥 + 1.275 and the square root of the best fit 𝑅2 =
charcoal ink 0.983. The result revealed that the experimental data was
more reliable than the theoretical data. The behavior of both
the theoretical and the experimental showed a reasonable
agreement, because they followed the same trend, although
there was a slight difference in their percentage of
performance. This result indicates that the power model could
be used in monitoring, predicting and simulating the
characteristics of ink concentration with respect to time.
The theoretical expression used was given as 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝐶 =
𝐿𝑜𝑔 3.117 + 0.725 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝑡, whereas the experimental
expression used is 𝐿𝑜𝑔 𝐶 indicating C values as experimental
G. Empirical Concentration for ink obtained from
Rubber Wood Charcoal

Fig. 6. Concentration of Ugba, Rubber and mango wood charcoal ink with
Fig. 6 shows the graph of the empirical or theoretical
computation for the values of the concentration of the
different ink samples. The graph shows that the Rubber wood
charcoal ink gave the highest concentration, however the
Ugba (oil bean) charcoal ink gave the best concentration
suitable for writing on a white non porous board.

Fig. 8. Concentration for ink obtained from Rubber Wood Charcoal

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EJERS, European Journal of Engineering Research and Science
Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

Fig. 8 demonstrates the relationship between the I. I. Empirical Concentration for ink obtained
concentration of Rubber wood Charcoal based ink and time. from Mango Wood Charcoal ink
Increase in concentration was observed with increase in time
as demonstrated using the Power Model equation. The
equation of line for power model, revealed that
y=1.512x+2.700 with the square root of the best fit R2=0.996.
The variation in the concentration of the Rubber wood ink can
be attributed to the variation in time.
H. Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical
Concentration of Rubber Charcoal ink using Power

Fig. 10 Concentration for ink obtained from Mango Wood Charcoal ink

Fig. 10 is a graph depicting the relationship between the

concentration of Mango wood Charcoal based ink and time.
Increasing concentration showed increase in time as
demonstrated when the Power Model equation used. The
equation of line for the power model, revealed that
y=1.421x+2.461 while the square root of the best fit
R2=0.996. The variation in the concentration of the Mango
. wood ink can be attributed to the variation in time.
Fig. 9 Concentration of Rubber Charcoal ink with Time
J. Comparison between Experimental and Theoretical
Fig. 9 illustrates the relationship between concentration of Concentration of mango wood charcoal ink using the
theoretical and experimental values upon the influence of Power Model.
time for the Rubber wood charcoal ink, the theoretical power
model and experimental data were compared as shown in Fig.
9 results obtained showed the equation of the power model as
y=0.062x+0.662 which is the equation of line while the value
of the best fit is given by the square root of R2=0.947. In terms
of the experimental expression, the equation of the line gave
y=0.064x+1.321 and the square root of the best fit R2=0.912.
the result revealed that the theoretical data is more reliable
than the experimental data, however the behavior of both the
theoretical and the experimental show a good match, because
they followed the same trend, although there is a slight
difference in their percentage of performance. This result
shows that the power model can be used for monitoring,
predicting and simulating the characteristics of ink flow with
respect to time. The theoretical expression used is given as
Log C=Log 3.245+0.733 Log t. Whereas the experimental
expression used is Log C indicating C values as experimental
Fig. 11 Concentration of mango wood charcoal ink with Time.

Fig. 11 illustrates the relationship between concentration of

theoretical and experimental values upon the influence of
time for the Mango wood charcoal ink, the theoretical power
model and experimental data were compared as shown in
Figure 4.10. results obtained showed the equation of the
power model as y=0.062x+0.628 which is the equation of line
while the value of the best fit is given by the square root of
R2=0.947. In terms of the experimental expression, the
equation of the line gave y=0.067x+1.224 and the square root

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Vol. 4, No. 3, March 2019

of the best fit R2=0.977. the result revealed that the [9] Lieberei, R. (2007). South American leaf blight of the rubber tree
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IV. CONCLUSION [15] Novak, M. & Wilensky, U. (2007). Net logo/connected chemistry/solid
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after the process. The result of the PH, Viscosity, Volumetric
flow rate and Density test that was conducted on the produced
oils showed a range of values for the ink produced.
Furthermore, a better match in oil bean charcoal ink was Kenneth Kekpugile DAGDE, a Nigerian and
holder of B Tech, M Tech, Ph.D in chemical
observed when compared to the ink of international standard engineering from Rivers State University, Nigeria.
but higher values in the case of Mango and Rubber charcoal An academician with over 19 years varied
ink was recorded. Finally, The comparison showed that the experience in Chemical Process modeling,
simulation and optimization with over fifty
ink of oil bean charcoal is a better product. research publications in both local and
The model developed showed that the final concentration international journals. A registered Engineer and a
of produced ink can be predicted theoretically in future member of Nigerian Society of Chemical
Engineers. Friendly disposition and multitask
Author’s formal
We wish to thank the Lord, God Almighty for his grace and
mercies He has shown from the beginning of this research to
the end. We are also grateful to the Head of Department,
Chemical/petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State
University, Prof. Ukpaka. C. P. for his understanding,
guidance, constructive criticisms, patience and
encouragement. Thanks also go to Chief Tony Nwosa, Prof.
Millionaire Abowei and to all the lecturers and staff of the
Department of Chemical/petrochemical Engineering for their
inputs from the beginning of the research to the end.

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DOI: 114

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