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If the radar scanner of one ship is at the same height as the cargo deck of the
 A 10cm radar
 Both a 10 cm and 3 cm radar
 Nother a 10 cm or a 3 cm radar
 A 3 cm radar
The position accuarry of Loran C degrades with increasing distance from
 Gains are made over the signal path
 The frequency of the pulses increases
 The stations shift pulses
 A result of variation in propagation condition
Which of the following methods do you think will give the most accurade ship? S position
 A three point bearing
 One bearing and distance of one object
 Doubling angle on the bow
 Two distances off two objects subtending an angle of about 90 degrees
Position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advance ed
 Fix
 Dead rectoring position
 Running fix
 Estimethod position
…….(measured in degrees) between the GHA of the body and the longitude..
 Meridian angel
 Right ascension
 Z… distance
 SHA of the observer
The SHA of star “VEGA” to the…
 96?37”
 90?52”
 80?47”
 137?18”
The Decca green zone has
 24
 18
 72
 30
In Mercator sailing
 DMP = D’lat x secant course
 Dep / D’long = Cos course
 D’long / DMP = Tan course
 DMP = D’long x secant course
Vessels required to have an automatic radar plotting aid must have a device to
 None of the above
 Speed the vessel over the ground or through the water
 ……. Of the most navigational satellite pass
 Distance to the next port

What will be the d?long for departureof 66 s? when the ship is on m?lat of 29 degrees
 77.0
 137
 76
 36.8
In order to remove index error from a sextant, you should adjust the
 Telescope to make…
 Horizon glass to make it parallel to the index…
 Horizon glass to make it parallel to the sextant…
 Index mirror to …
The true wind is from 330’T, speed 6 knots. You want the…
 Ca 180’..
 Ca 090’..
 Ca 240’..
 Ca 270’..
From the following data: sextant altitude (LL): 38?12.4”, index error: 3.0’ on the…
 38?30.8
 38?23.6
 38?17.6
 37?45.8
A polyconic projection is based on a
 Plane tangent at one point
 Series of cones tangent…
 Cylinder tangent at one parallel
 Cone tangent at one parallel
When using a radar in a ustabilized mode, fixes are determined most easiy from
 Center bearings
 Objects that are close aboard
 Tangent bearings
 Ranges
What is a nonadjustable error of the sextant
 Error of..
 Prismatic error
 Index error
 Side error
During the month of October the sun’s declination is
 North and increasing
 South and decreasing
 South and increasing
 North and decreasing
A vertical sextant angel gives
 A position line
 The height of a bridge above sea level
 The ullage of a tank
 A position a circle
A ship is navigating in the Caribbean in august when if…..
 Straight
 This is not a suitable method to use…
 On the right side
 On the left side
In Loran C
 The master station transmits one long pulse an the secondary..
 The master station transmits 8 pulses and the secondary...
 The master station transmits 9 pulses and the secondary..
 The master and secondary station transmit 8 pulses each
The DMP between latitude 20? 30’ N and latitude 10? 15’ S is
 634.77
 1248.92
 614.15
 1863.07
A ship’s position is best plotlod by bearings from
 Buoys close at hand
 The radar of the nearest land
 The radio direction finder
 Fixed known objects on the shore
What is the geograpich longitude of a body whose GHA is 232’27?
 127’33E
 61’52W
 61’52E
 52’27E
A navigator fixing a vessel’s position by radar
 Can use radar information..
 Should never use radar bearings
 Must use information..
 Should only use radar bearings
The index error is determined by adjusting the
 Horizon glass
 Index mirror
 Micrometer drum
 Sextant frame
A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the …….
 error of perpendicularity
 centering error
 prismatic error
 side error
Plotting position using the method of a running fix is used when
 two bearing….
 Only one bearing….
 Three bearing….
 A bearing and….
Coastal radio navigational warnings are issued
 By port and harbour….
 By national broadcasting..
 By the mercantile…
 By the meteorological…
The azimuth of a body whose LHA is 195?will be
 Easterly
 Northerly
 Southerly
 Westerly
If the strength of the wind is related to the pressure gradient and the space between…
 The closer….
 Strong winds are….
 The wind….

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