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Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

People Vs. Marti  Whether or Not the trial court not

193 SCRA 57 give credence to the explanation of
G.R. No. 81561 the appellant on how said packages
January 18, 1991 came to his possession.

Facts: Held:
Accused-appellant went to a forwarding No. “The case at bar assumes a peculiar
agency to send four packages to a friend in character since the evidence sought to be
Zurich. Initially, the accused was asked by the excluded was primarily discovered and
proprietress if the packages can be examined. obtained by a private person, acting in a
However, he refused. Before delivering said private capacity and without the intervention
packages to the Bureau of Customs and the and participation of State authorities. Under
Bureau of Posts, the husband of the the circumstances, can accused/appellant
proprietress opened said boxes for final validly claim that his constitutional right
inspection. From that inspection, included in against unreasonable searches and seizure
the standard operating procedure and out of has been violated. Stated otherwise, may an
curiosity, he took several grams of its act of a private individual, allegedly in
contents. violation of appellant's constitutional rights,
be invoked against the State. In the absence of
He brought a letter and the said sample to the governmental interference, the liberties
National Bureau of Investigation. When the guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be
NBI was informed that the rest of the invoked against the State. It was Mr. Job
shipment was still in his office, three agents Reyes, the proprietor of the forwarding
went back with him. In their presence, the agency, who made search/inspection of the
husband totally opened the packages. packages. Said inspection was reasonable and
Afterwards, the NBI took custody of said a standard operating procedure on the part of
packages. The contents , after examination by Mr. Reyes as a precautionary measure before
forensic chemists, were found to be delivery of packages to the Bureau of
marijuana flowering tops. Customs or the Bureau of Posts. Second, the
mere presence of the NBI agents did not
The appellant, while claiming his mail at the convert the reasonable search effected by
Central Post Office, was invited by the agents Reyes into a warrantless search and seizure
for questioning. Later on, the trial court found proscribed by the Constitution. Merely to
him guilty of violation of the Dangerous Drugs observe and look at that which is in plain
Act. sight is not a search. Having observed that
which is open, where no trespass has been
Issue: committed in aid thereof, is not search.”
 Whether or Not the items admitted in
the searched illegally searched and No. “The law enforcers testified that
seized. accused/appellant was informed of his
 Whether or Not custodial constitutional rights. It is presumed that they
investigation properly applied. have regularly performed their duties (See.
5(m), Rule 131) and their testimonies should

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

be given full faith and credence, there being damages; P5,000.00, as moral damages and
no evidence to the contrary.” attorney’s fees; and to pay the costs of the
suit. On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed
No. “Appellant signed the contract as the the decision of the Regional Trial Court.
owner and shipper thereof giving more Zulueta filed the petition for review with the
weight to the presumption that things which Supreme Court.
a person possesses, or exercises acts of
ownership over, are owned by him (Sec. 5 [j], Issue:
Rule 131). At this point, appellant is therefore The papers and other materials obtained
estopped to claim otherwise.” from forcible entrusion and from unlawful
means are admissible as evidence in court
Cecilia Zulueta vs Court of Appeals and regarding marital separation and
Alfredo Martin disqualification from medical practice.
(253 SCRA 699)
GR no. 107383 February 20, 1996 Ruling/Held:
The documents and papers are inadmissible
Facts: in evidence. The constitutional injunction
Cecilia Zulueta is the Petitioner who offset the declaring “the privacy of communication and
private papers of his husband Dr. Alfredo correspondence to be inviolable is no less
Martin. Dr. Martin is a doctor of medicine applicable simply because it is the wife who
while he is not in his house His wife took the thinks herself aggrieved by her husband’s
157 documents consisting of diaries, infidelity, who is the party against whom the
cancelled check, greeting cards, passport and constitutional provision is to be enforced.
photograph, private respondents between The only exception to the prohibition in the
her Wife and his alleged paramours, by Constitution is if there is a lawful order from
means of forcibly opened the drawers and a court or when public safety or order
cabinet. Cecilia Zulueta filed the papers for requires otherwise, as prescribed by law. Any
the evidence of her case of legal separation violation of this provision renders the
and for disqualification from the practice of evidence obtained inadmissible for any
medicine against her husband. purpose in any proceeding. The intimacies
between husband and wife do not justify any
Dr. Martin brought the action for recovery of one of them in breaking the drawers and
the documents and papers and for damages cabinets of the other and in ransacking them
against Zulueta, with the Regional Trial Court for any telltale evidence of marital infidelity.
of Manila, Branch X. the trial court rendered A person, by contracting marriage, does not
judgment for Martin, declaring him the shed his/her integrity or his right to privacy
capital/exclusive owner of the properties as an individual and the constitutional
described in paragraph 3 of Martin’s protection is ever available to him or to her.
Complaint or those further described in the The law insures absolute freedom of
Motion to Return and Suppress and ordering communication between the spouses by
Zulueta and any person acting in her behalf to making it privileged. Neither husband nor
a immediately return the properties to Dr. wife may testify for or against the other
Martin and to pay him P5,000.00, as nominal without the consent of the affected spouse

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

while the marriage subsists. Neither may be Whether or not the prosecution witnesses
examined without the consent of the other as had credibility and sufficiency of the evidence
to any communication received in confidence proving their guilt.
by one from the other during the marriage,
save for specified exceptions. But one thing is Held:
freedom of communication; quite another is a It is undisputed that no direct evidence was
compulsion for each one to share what one presented. This kind of evidence, however, is
knows with the other. And this has nothing to not the only matrix from which the trial court
do with the duty of fidelity that each owes to may draw its conclusions and findings of
the other. guilt. [33] Conviction may be based on
circumstantial evidence, as long as the
BON v PEOPLE OF THE PHIL. circumstances proven constitute an unbroken
GR No. 152160, chain that leads to a fair and reasonable
January 13, 2004 conclusion that the accused is guilty beyond
reasonable doubt.
Facts: To sustain a conviction based on
Virgilio Bon and Alejandro Jeniebre, Jr. were circumstantial evidence, it is necessary that
charged for violating Section 68 of PD 705, as the following elements concur:
amended, together with Rosalio Bon under 1. There is more than one circumstance.
Information, the accusatory portion of which 2. The facts from which the inferences
reads as follows: are derived are proven.
3. The combination of all the
That sometime in the month of January or circumstances is such as to produce a
February, 1990, at Barangay Basud, conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
Municipality of Sorsogon, Province of Section 68 of the Forestry Code, as amended,
Sorsogon, the accused, wilfully, unlawfully [30] provides:
and feloniously, conspiring, confederating
and mutually helping one another, cut, gather SEC. 68. Cutting, Gathering and/or
and manufacture into lumber four (4) narra Collecting Timber, or Other Forest Products
trees, one (1) cuyao-yao tree, and one (1) without License. Any person who shall cut,
amugis tree, with an approximate volume of gather, collect, remove timber or other forest
4,315 bd. ft. and valued at approximately products from any forest land, or timber from
P25,000.00, without the knowledge and alienable or disposable public land, or from
consent of the owner Teresita Dangalan- private land, without any authority, or
Mendoza and without having first obtained possess timber or other forest products
from proper authorities the necessary permit without the legal documents as required
or license and/or legal supporting under existing forest laws and regulations,
documents, to the damage and prejudice of shall be punished with the penalties imposed
the Government and the owner in the under Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised
aforementioned amount of P25,000.00. Penal Code: Provided, That in the case of
partnerships, associations, or corporations,
Issue: the officers who ordered the cutting,
gathering, collection or possession shall be

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

liable, and if such officers are aliens, they there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously
shall, in addition to the penalty, be deported have in his possession, control and custody
without further proceedings on the part of one small heat-sealed transparent plastic
the Commission on Immigration and sachet containing 2.72 grams of dried
Deportation. marijuana leaves, a dangerous drug.

The Court shall further order the confiscation CONTRARY TO LAW.

in favor of the government of the timber or
any forest products cut, gathered, collected, According to the prosecution, at about 7:20
removed, or possessed, as well as the a.m. of January 15, 2008, a concerned citizen
machinery, equipment, implements and tools called a certain PO3 Esteves, police radio
illegally used in the area where the timber or operator of the Nagcarlan Police Station,
forest products are found. informing him that a certain alias "Baho,"
who was later identified as Veridiano, was on
Punishable under the above provision are the the way to San Pablo City to obtain illegal
following acts: (1) cutting, gathering, drugs.
collecting or removing timber or other forest
products from the places therein mentioned PO3 Esteves immediately relayed the
without any authority; and (b) possessing information to PO1 Cabello and PO2 Alvin
timber or other forest products without the Vergara (PO2 Vergara) who were both on
legal documents. duty.[10] Chief of Police June Urquia
instructed PO1 Cabello and PO2 Vergara to
Petitioner was charged with the first offense. set up a checkpoint at Barangay Taytay,
[32] It was thus necessary for the prosecution Nagcarlan, Laguna.
to prove the alleged illegal cutting, gathering
or manufacture of lumber from the trees. The police officers at the checkpoint
personally knew Veridiano. They allowed
MARIO VERIDIANO Y SAPI v. PEOPLE some vehicles to pass through after checking
GR No. 200370 that he was not on board. At around 10:00
Jun 07, 2017 a.m., they chanced upon Veridiano inside a
passenger jeepney coming from San Pablo,
Facts: Laguna. They flagged down the jeepney and
In an Information filed before the Regional asked the passengers to disembark. The
Trial Court of San Pablo City, Laguna, police officers instructed the passengers to
Veridiano was charged with the crime of raise their t-shirts to check for possible
illegal possession of dangerous drugs. The concealed weapons and to remove the
Information read: contents of their pockets.

That on or about January 15, 2008, in the The police officers recovered from Veridiano
Municipality of Nagcarlan, Province of Laguna "a tea bag containing what appeared to be
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable marijuana." PO1 Cabello confiscated the tea
Court, the above-named accused, not being bag and marked it with his initials. Veridiano
permitted or authorized by law, did then and was arrested and apprised of his

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

constitutional rights. He was then brought to failure to acquire jurisdiction over the person
the police station. of an accused; (b) criminal liability of law
enforcers for illegal arrest; and (c) any search
The Regional Trial Court found Veridiano incident to the arrest becomes invalid thus
guilty beyond reasonable doubt for the crime rendering the evidence acquired as
of illegal possession of marijuana. constitutionally inadmissible.

Petitioner argues that the tea bag containing Lack of jurisdiction over the person of an
marijuana leaves was seized in violation of accused as a result of an invalid arrest must
his right against unreasonable searches and be raised through a motion to quash before
seizures. He asserts that his arrest was illegal. an accused enters his or her plea. Otherwise,
Petitioner was merely seated inside the the objection is deemed waived and an
jeepney at the time of his apprehension. He accused is "estopped from questioning the
did not act in any manner that would give the legality of his [or her] arrest."
police officers reasonable ground to believe
that he had just committed a crime or that he The voluntary submission of an accused to
was committing a crime. Petitioner also the jurisdiction of the court and his or her
asserts that reliable information is active participation during trial cures any
insufficient to constitute probable cause that defect or irregularity that may have attended
would support a valid warrantless arrest. an arrest. The reason for this rule is that "the
In the present case, the extensive search legality of an arrest affects only the
conducted by the police officers exceeded the jurisdiction of the court over the person of
allowable limits of warrantless searches. the accused."
They had no probable cause to believe that
the accused violated any law except for the Nevertheless, failure to timely object to the
tip they received. They did not observe any illegality of an arrest does not preclude an
peculiar activity from the accused that may accused from questioning the admissibility of
either arouse their suspicion or verify the tip. evidence seized. The inadmissibility of the
Moreover, the search was flawed at its evidence is not affected when an accused fails
inception. The checkpoint was set up to target to question the court's jurisdiction over his or
the arrest of the accused. her person in a timely manner. Jurisdiction
over the person of an accused and the
ISSUE: constitutional inadmissibility of evidence are
Whether or not there was a valid warrantless separate and mutually exclusive
arrest that would vest the court with consequences of an illegal arrest.
jurisdiction over the person of the accused. ____________________________________________________
HELD: As to the legality of the search and seizure
Petitioner's warrantless arrest was unlawful.
A search incidental to a lawful arrest requires
The invalidity of an arrest leads to several that there must first be a lawful arrest before
consequences among which are: (a) the a search is made. Otherwise stated, a lawful

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

arrest must precede the search; "the process committed, is actually committing, or is
cannot be reversed." For there to be a lawful attempting to commit a crime; and (2) such
arrest, law enforcers must be armed with a overt act is done in the presence or within the
valid warrant. Nevertheless, an arrest may view of the arresting officer."
also be effected without a warrant.
In this case, petitioner's arrest could not be
There are three (3) grounds that will justify a justified as an in flagrante delicto arrest
warrantless arrest. Rule 113, Section 5 of the under Rule 113, Section 5(a) of the Rules of
Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure Court. He was not committing a crime at the
provides: checkpoint. Petitioner was merely a
passenger who did not exhibit any unusual
Section 5. Arrest Without Warrant; When conduct in the presence of the law enforcers
Lawful. — A peace officer or a private person that would incite suspicion. In effecting the
may, without a warrant, arrest a person: warrantless arrest, the police officers relied
(a) When, in his presence, the person to solely on the tip they received. Reliable
be arrested has committed, is actually information alone is insufficient to support a
committing, or is attempting to commit an warrantless arrest absent any overt act from
offense; the person to be arrested indicating that a
crime has just been committed, was being
(b) When an offense has just been committed committed, or is about to be committed.
and he has probable cause to believe based
on personal knowledge of facts or The warrantless arrest cannot likewise be
circumstances that the person to be arrested justified under Rule 113, Section 5(b) of the
has committed it; and Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure. The law
enforcers had no personal knowledge of any
(c) When the person to be arrested is a fact or circumstance indicating that petitioner
prisoner who has escaped from a penal had just committed an offense.
establishment or place where he is serving
final judgment or is temporarily confined A hearsay tip by itself does not justify a
while his case is pending, or has escaped warrantless arrest. Law enforcers must have
while being transferred from one personal knowledge of facts, based on their
confinement to another. observation, that the person sought to be
arrested has just committed a crime. This is
The first kind of warrantless arrest is known what gives rise to probable cause that would
as an in flagrante delicto arrest. The validity justify a warrantless search under Rule 113,
of this warrantless arrest requires Section 5(b) of the Revised Rules of Criminal
compliance with the overt act test as Procedure.
explained in Cogaed:
The warrantless search cannot be justified
For a warrantless arrest of in flagrante delicto under the reasonable suspicion requirement
to be affected, "two elements must concur: in "stop and frisk" searches. Law enforcers do
(1) the person to be arrested must execute an not have unbridled discretion in conducting
overt act indicating that he [or she] has just "stop and frisk" searches. While probable

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

cause is not required, a "stop and frisk"

search cannot be validated on the basis of a Another instance of a valid warrantless
suspicion or hunch. Law enforcers must have search is a search of a moving vehicle.
a genuine reason to believe, based on their Checkpoints per se are not invalid. They are
experience and the particular circumstances allowed in exceptional circumstances to
of each case, that criminal activity may be protect the lives of individuals and ensure
afoot. Reliance on one (1) suspicious activity their safety. They are also sanctioned in cases
alone, or none at all, cannot produce a where the government's survival is in danger.
reasonable search. Considering that routine checkpoints intrude
"on [a] motorist's right to 'free passage'" to a
Petitioner in this case was a mere passenger certain extent, they must be "conducted in a
in a jeepney who did not exhibit any act that way least intrusive to motorists." The extent
would give police officers reasonable of routine inspections must be limited to a
suspicion to believe that he had drugs in his visual search. Routine inspections do not give
possession. Reasonable persons will act in a law enforcers carte blanche to perform
nervous manner in any check point. There warrantless searches.
was no evidence to show that the police had
basis or personal knowledge that would In the present case, the extensive search
reasonably allow them to infer anything conducted by the police officers exceeded the
suspicious. allowable limits of warrantless searches.
They had no probable cause to believe that
Moreover, petitioner's silence or lack of the accused violated any law except for the
resistance can hardly be considered as tip they received. They did not observe any
consent to the warrantless search. Although peculiar activity from the accused that may
the right against unreasonable searches and either arouse their suspicion or verify the tip.
seizures may be surrendered through a valid Moreover, the search was flawed at its
waiver, the prosecution must prove that the inception. The checkpoint was set up to target
waiver was executed with clear and the arrest of the accused.
convincing evidence. Consent to a
warrantless search and seizure must be In the present case, the extensive search
"unequivocal, specific, intelligently given . . . conducted by the police officers exceeded the
[and unattended] by duress or coercion." allowable limits of warrantless searches.
They had no probable cause to believe that
The validity of a consented warrantless the accused violated any law except for the
search is determined by the totality of the tip they received. They did not observe any
circumstances. This may involve an inquiry peculiar activity from the accused that may
into the environment in which the consent either arouse their suspicion or verify the tip.
was given such as "the presence of coercive Moreover, the search was flawed at its
police procedures." inception. The checkpoint was set up to target
the arrest of the accused.
The presence of a coercive environment
negates the claim that petitioner consented to Gaanan vs. IAC
the warrantless search. G.R. No. L-69809, October 16,

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

1986 145 SCRA 113 (1986) without complainant’s consent, complainant

charged appellant and Laconico with
Facts: violation of the Anti-Wiretapping Act. After
Complainant and his client were in the living trial on the merits, the lower court, in a
room of complainant’s residence discussing decision dated November 22, 1982, found
the terms for the withdrawal of the complaint both Gaanan and Laconico guilty of violating
for direct assault which they filed with the the Section 1 of Republic Act No. 4200. Not
City Fiscal against Laconico. After they had satisfied with the decision, the petitioner
decided on the proposed conditions, appealed to the appellate court who affirmed
complainant made a telephone call to the decision of the trial court, holding that the
Laconico. Laconico telephoned appellant, to communication between the complainant and
advise him on the settlement of the direct accused Laconico was private in nature and,
assault. When complainant called up, therefore, covered by Rep. Act No. 4200;
Laconico requested appellant to secretly
listen to the telephone conversation through Issue:
a telephone extension so as to hear Whether “any other device or arrangement”
personally the proposed conditions for the includes extension phones and listening thru
settlement. Appellant heard complainant it is a violation of RA 4200.
enumerate the following conditions for
withdrawal of the complaint for direct Held:
assault. Twenty minutes later, complainant No, an extension telephone cannot be placed
called up again to ask Laconico if he was in the same category as a dictaphone,
agreeable to the conditions. Laconico dictagraph or the other devices enumerated
answered ‘Yes’. Complainant then told in Section 1 of RA No. 4200 as the use thereof
Laconico to wait for instructions on where to cannot be considered as “tapping” the wire or
deliver the money. Complainant called up cable of a telephone line. The telephone
again and instructed Laconico to give the extension in this case was not installed for
money to his wife at the office of the then that purpose. It just happened to be there for
Department of Public Highways. Laconico ordinary office use. It is a rule in statutory
who earlier alerted his friend Colonel Zulueta construction that in order to determine the
of the Criminal Investigation Service of the true intent of the legislature, the particular
Philippine Constabulary, insisted that clauses and phrases of the statute should not
complainant himself should receive the be taken as detached and isolated
money. When he received the money at the expressions, but the whole and every part
Igloo Restaurant, complainant was arrested thereof must be considered in fixing the
by agents of the Philippine Constabulary. meaning of any of its parts. Likewise, Article
Appellant executed an affidavit stating that he 1372 of the Civil Code stipulates that
heard complainant demands for the ‘however general the terms of a contract may
withdrawal of the case for direct assault. be, they shall not be understood to
Laconico attached the affidavit of appellant to comprehend things that are distinct and cases
the complainant for robbery/extortion which that are different from those upon which the
he filed against complainant. Since appellant parties intended to agree.’ Similarly, Article
listened to the telephone conversation 1374 of the same Code provides that ‘the

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

various stipulations of a contract shall be alleged telephone conversations between

interpreted together, attributing to the petitioner and unidentified persons.
doubtful ones that sense which may result
from all of them taken jointly. The law refers Teresita submitted her Objection/Comment
to a “tap” of a wire or cable or the use of a to Rafael’s oral offer of evidence. However,
“device or arrangement” for the purpose of the trial court admitted all of private
secretly overhearing, intercepting, or respondent’s offered evidence and later on
recording the communication. There must be denied her motion for reconsideration,
either a physical interruption through a prompting petitioner to file a petition for
wiretap or the deliberate installation of a certiorari with the CA to assail the admission
device or arrangement in order to overhear, in evidence of the aforementioned cassette
intercept, or record the spoken words. tapes.

Hence, the phrase “device or arrangement” in These tape recordings were made and
Section 1 of RA No. 4200, although not obtained when private respondent allowed
exclusive to that enumerated therein, should his friends from the military to wire tap his
be construed to comprehend instruments of home telephone.
the same or similar nature, that is,
instruments the use of which would be CA denied the petition because (1) Tape
tantamount to tapping the main line of a recordings are not inadmissible per se. They
telephone. It refers to instruments whose and any other variant thereof can be admitted
installation or presence cannot be presumed in evidence for certain purposes, depending
by the party or parties being overheard on how they are presented and offered and
because, by their very nature, they are not of on how the trial judge utilizes them in the
common usage and their purpose is precisely interest of truth and fairness and the even
for tapping, intercepting or recording a handed administration of justice; and (2) A
telephone conversation. petition for certiorari is notoriously
inappropriate to rectify a supposed error in
SALCEDO-ORTANEZ V CA admitting evidence adduced during trial. The
G.R. No. 110662 | August 4, 1994 | ruling on admissibility is interlocutory;
J. Padilla neither does it impinge on jurisdiction. If it is
erroneous, the ruling should be questioned in
Facts: the appeal from the judgment on the merits
Private respondent Rafael Ortanez filed with and not through the special civil action of
the Quezon City RTC a complaint for certiorari. The error, assuming gratuitously
annulment of marriage with damages against that it exists, cannot be anymore than an
petitioner Teresita Salcedo-Ortanez, on error of law, properly correctible by appeal
grounds of lack of marriage license and/or and not by certiorari.
psychological incapacity of the petitioner.
Petitioner then filed the present petition for
Among the exhibits offered by private review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
respondent were three (3) cassette tapes of

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

 W/N the recordings of the telephone 2. Yes and no. The extraordinary writ of
conversations are admissible in certiorari is generally not available to
evidence challenge an interlocutory order of a trial
 W/N the remedy of certiorari under court. The proper remedy in such cases is an
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court was ordinary appeal from an adverse judgment,
properly availed of by the petitioner incorporating in said appeal the grounds for
in the Court of Appeals assailing the interlocutory order.

Held: However, where the assailed interlocutory

1. No. Rep. Act No. 4200 entitled “An Act to order is patently erroneous and the remedy
Prohibit and Penalize Wire Tapping and of appeal would not afford adequate and
Other Related Violations of the Privacy of expeditious relief, the Court may allow
Communication, and for other purposes” certiorari as a mode of redress.
expressly makes such tape recordings
inadmissible in evidence thus: PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK (PSBANK) v.
Sec. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, not G.R. No. 200238; November 20, 2013.
being authorized by all the parties to any
private communication or spoken word, to FACTS:
tap any wire or cable, or by using any other Petitioners Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank)
device or arrangement, to secretly overhear, and Pascual M. Garcia III (Garcia), as
intercept, or record such communication or President of PSBank, filed a Petition for
spoken word by using a device commonly Certiorari and Prohibition seeking to nullity
known as a dictaphone or dictagraph or and set aside the Resolution of respondent
detectaphone or walkie-talkie or tape- Senate of the Republic of the Philippines,
recorder, or however otherwise described. . . . sitting as an Impeachment Court, which
granted the prosecution's requests for
Sec. 4. Any communication or spoken word, subpoena duces tecum ad testificandum to
or the existence, contents, substance, purport, PSBank and/or its representatives requiring
or meaning of the same or any part thereof, or them to testify and produce before the
any information therein contained, obtained Impeachment Court documents relative to
or secured by any person in violation of the the foreign currency accounts that were
preceding sections of this Act shall not be alleged to belong to then Supreme Court Chief
admissible in evidence in any judicial, quasi- Justice Renato C. Corona.
judicial, legislative or administrative hearing
or investigation. On November 5, 2012, and during the
pendency of this petition, PSBank and Garcia
Absent a clear showing that both parties to filed a Motion with Leave of Court to
the telephone conversations allowed the Withdraw the Petition averring that
recording of the same, the inadmissibility of subsequent events have overtaken the
the subject tapes is mandatory under Rep. Act petition and that, with the termination of the
No. 4200. impeachment proceedings against former
Chief Justice Corona, they are no longer faced

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

with the dilemma of either violating Republic

Act No. 6426 or being held in contempt of xxx xxx xxx
court for refusing to disclose the details of the
subject foreign currency deposits. Under R.A. No. 6426 there is only a single
exception to the secrecy of foreign currency
ISSUE: deposits, that is, disclosure is allowed only
Should a TRO be issued against the upon the written permission of the depositor.
impeachment court to enjoin it from further In Intengan v. Court of Appeals, the Court
implementing the subpoena with respect to ruled that where the accounts in question are
the alleged foreign currency denominated U.S. dollar deposits, the applicable law is not
accounts of CJ Corona? Republic Act No. 1405 but RA 6426.
Similarly, in the recent case of Government
RULING: Service Insurance System v. 15th Division of
[The Court en banc ISSUED A TEMPORARY the Court of Appeals, the Court also held that
RESTRAINING ORDER enjoining the RA 6426 is the applicable law for foreign
respondents from implementing the currency deposits and not Republic Act No.
subpoena. It also REQUIRED the respondents 1405. xxx.
to COMMENT on the [merits of the] petition.]
xxx xxx xxx
YES, a TRO should be issued against the
impeachment court to enjoin it from further The written consent under RA 6426
implementing the subpoena with respect to constitutes a waiver of the depositor’s right to
the alleged foreign currency denominated privacy in relation to such deposit. In the
accounts of CJ Corona. present case, neither the prosecution nor the
Impeachment Court has presented any such
There are two requisite conditions for the written waiver by the alleged depositor, Chief
issuance of a preliminary injunction: Justice Renato C. Corona. Also, while
impeachment may be an exception to the
(1) the right to be protected exists prima secrecy of bank deposits under RA 1405, it is
facie, and not an exemption to the absolute
(2) the acts sought to be enjoined are confidentiality of foreign currency deposits
violative of that right. It must be proven under RA 6426.
that the violation sought to be prevented
would cause an irreparable injustice. People v. Yatco
97 Phil 940 (1955)
A clear right to maintain the confidentiality of
the foreign currency deposits of the Chief Facts:
Justice is provided under Section 8 of 1. Juan Consunji, Alfonso Panganiban, and
Republic Act No. 6426, otherwise known as another whose identity is still unknown, were
the Foreign Currency Deposit Act of the charged with having conspired together in
Philippines (RA 6426). This law establishes the murder of one Jose Ramos
the absolute confidentiality of foreign
currency deposits:

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

2. During the progress of the trial on while Section 14, Rule 123, Rules of Court, is
the prosecution was questioning one of its specific as to the admissibility of the
witnesses, Atty. Arturo Xavier of the NBI, in extrajudicial confession of an accused, freely
connection with the making of a certain extra- and voluntarily made, as evidence against
judicial confession (allegedly made before him.
him) by defendant Consunji to the witness,
counsel for the other defendant Panganiban "SEC. 14. Confession.·The declaration of an
interposed a general objection to any accused expressly acknowledging the truth of
evidence on such confession on the ground his guilt as to the offense charged, may be
that it was hearsay and therefore given in evidence against him."
incompetent as against the other accused
Panganiban. Under the rule of multiple admissibility of
evidence, even if Consunji's confession may
3. The Court below ordered the exclusion of not be competent as against his co-accused
the evidence objected to, but on an altogether Panganiban, being hearsay as to the latter, or
different ground: that the prosecution could to prove conspiracy between them without
not be permitted to introduce the confessions the conspiracy being established by other
of defendants Consunji and Panganiban to evidence, the confession of Consunji was,
prove conspiracy between them, without nevertheless, admissible as evidence of the
prior proof of such conspiracy by a number of declarant's own guilt.
definite acts, conditions, and circumstances.
The rule cited by the Court below in support
4. Court: That would be premature because of its exclusion of the proffered evidence is
there is already a ruling of the Court that you Sec, 12 of Rule 123, providing that:
cannot prove a confession unless you prove
first conspiracy thru a number of indefinite "The act or declaration of a conspirator
acts, conditions and circumstances as relating to the conspiracy and during its
required by law. MR denied. existence may be given in evidence against
the coconspirator after the conspiracy is
5. This petition for certiorari was brought shown by evidence other than such act or
before this Court by the Sol Gen, for the declaration."
review and annulment of the lower Court's
order completely excluding any evidence on Manifestly, the rule refers to statements made
the extrajudicial confessions of the accused by one conspirator during the pendency of
Consunji and Panganiban without prior proof the unlawful enterprises ("during its
of conspiracy. existence") and in furtherance of its object,
and not to a confession made, as in this case,
Issue: long after the conspiracy had been brought to
WON the lower court erred when it ordered an end.
the complete exclusion of the confession
made by Consunji Besides, the prosecution had not yet offered
the confessions to prove conspiracy between
Held: Yes the two accused, nor as evidence against both

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

of them. In fact, the alleged confessions (both the evidence, the court may as a rule safely
in writing and in tape recordings) had not yet accept the testimony upon the statement of
even been identified (the presentation of Atty. the attorney that the proof offered will be
Xavier was precisely for the purpose of connected later.”
identifying the confessions), much less
formally offered in evidence There is greater reason to adhere to such
policy in criminal cases where questions arise
It is particularly noteworthy that the as to admissibility of evidence for the
exclusion of the proferred confessions was prosecution, for the unjustified exclusion of
not made on the basis of the objection evidence may lead to the erroneous acquittal
interposed by Panganiban's counsel, but upon of the accused or the dismissal of the charges,
an altogether different ground, which the from which the People can no longer appeal.
Court issued motuproprio. By so doing, the
Court overlooked that the right to object is a Dispositive:
mere privilege which the parties may waive; Wherefore, the order excluding the
and if the ground for objection is known and confessions of the accused Juan Consunji and
not reasonably made, the objection is deemed Alfonso Panganiban is annulled and set aside
waived and the Court has no power, on its and the Court below is directed to proceed
own motion, to disregard the evidence. with the trial.
We see no need for the present to discuss the
question of the admissibility of the individual PHILIP S. YU v. HON. COURT OF APPEALS,
extrajudicial confessions xxx SECOND DIVISION, AND VIVECA LIM YU
[G.R. No. 154115. June 28, 2006]
After all, the confessions are not before us
and have not even been formally offered in Facts:
evidence for any purpose. Suffice it to say that On 15 March 1994, Viveca Lim Yu (private
the lower Court should have allowed such respondent) brought against her husband,
confessions to be given in evidence at least as Philip Sy Yu (petitioner), an action for legal
against the parties who made them, and separation and dissolution of conjugal
admit the same conditionally to establish partnership on the grounds of marital
conspiracy, in order to give the prosecution a infidelity and physical abuse. The case was
chance to get into the record all the relevant filed before the RTC of Pasig. During trial,
evidence at its disposal to prove the charges. private respondent Lim Yu moved for the
issuance of a subpoena duces tecum and ad
Once more, attention should be called to the testificandum, to certain officers of Insular
ruling of this Court in the case of Prats & Co. Life Assurance Co. Ltd. to compel production
vs. Phoenix Insurance Co. of the insurance policy and application of a
“In a case of any intricacy it is impossible for a person suspected to be petitioner’s
judge of first instance, in the early stages of illegitimate child.
the development of the proof, to know with
any certainty whether testimony is relevant The trial court denied the motion, It ruled
or not; and where there is no indication of that the insurance contract is inadmissible
bad faith on the part of the Attorney offering evidence in view of Circular Letter No. 11-

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

2000, issued by the Insurance Commission eventually be declared inadmissible, the trial
which presumably prevents insurance court was not then in a position to make a
companies/agents from divulging declaration to that effect at that point. Thus,
confidential and privileged information it barred the production of the subject
pertaining to insurance policies. It added that documents prior to the assessment of its
the production of the application and probable worth. As observed by petitioners,
insurance contract would violate Article 280 the assailed Order was not a mere ruling on
of the Civil Code and Section 5 of the Civil the admissibility of evidence; it was, more
Registry Law, both of which prohibit the importantly, a ruling affecting the proper
unauthorized identification of the parents of conduct of trial.
an illegitimate child. Private respondent
sought reconsideration of the Order, but the Excess of jurisdiction refers to any act which
motion was denied by the trial court. although falling within the general powers of
the judge is not authorized and is
On appeal to the CA, private respondent was consequently void with respect to the
merely seeking the production of the particular case because the conditions under
insurance application and contract, and was which he was only authorized to exercise his
not yet offering the same as part of her general power in that case did not exist and
evidence. Thus, it declared that petitioner’s therefore, the judicial power was not legally
objection to the admission of the documents exercised.Thus, in declaring that the
was premature, and the trial court’s documents are irrelevant and inadmissible
pronouncement that the documents are even before they were formally offered, much
inadmissible, precipitate. less presented before it, the trial court acted
in excess of its discretion.
1. Whether or not an insurance policy Anent the issue of whether the information
and its corresponding application form can be contained in the documents is privileged in
admitted as evidence to prove a party’s extra- nature, the same was clarified and settled by
marital affairs in an action for legal the Insurance Commissioner’s opinion that
separation; the circular on which the trial court based its
2. Whether or Not the CA committed an ruling was not designed to obstruct lawful
error of judgment in denying petitioner’s court orders. Hence, there is no more
Motion. impediment to presenting the insurance
application and policy.
The insurance application and the insurance Sec.40. Tender of excluded evidence.—If
policy were yet to be presented in court, documents or things offered in evidence are
much less formally offered before it. In fact, excluded by the court, the offeror may have
private respondent was merely asking for the the same attached to or made part of the
issuance of subpoena duces tecum and record. If the evidence excluded is oral, the
subpoena ad testificandum when the trial offeror may state for the record the name and
court issued the assailed Order. Even other personal circumstances of the witness
assuming that the documents would and the substance of the proposed testimony.

Atty. Waldemar Gravador [EVIDENCE]

It is thus apparent that before tender of

excluded evidence is made, the evidence must
have been formally offered before the court.
And before formal offer of evidence is made,
the evidence must have been identified and
presented before the court. While private
respondent made a “Tender of Excluded
Evidence,” such is not the tender
contemplated by the above-quoted rule, for
obviously, the insurance policy and
application were not formally offered much
less presented before the trial court. At most,
said “Tender of Excluded Evidence” was
manifestation of an undisputed fact that the
subject documents were declared
inadmissible by the trial court even before
these were presented during trial. It was not
the kind of plain, speedy and adequate
remedy which private respondent could have
resorted to instead of the petition for
certiorari she filed before the Court of
Appeals. It did not in any way render the said
petition moot.


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