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c..rg_il.JJI UJl1JI uL.a.


& The Prisoner of Zenda

Answers Notebook
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Answers of Main Book

33. a 34.d 35.a 36.b

37.d 38.b . 39. d 40. d
41. d 42.c 43.a 44.d
45.b 46.c 47. c 48.d
a, b,c ord: 49.a 50. c 51. d 52. a
1. c 2.c 3.c 4.c 53.b 54.b 55.d 56.a
5.c 6. a 7.b 8.a 57.d 58.b 59.c 60.d
9.a 10.b 11. a 12.c 61. c 62.d 63.d
13. b 14.d 15.c 16.d Dialogue
17.b 18.a 19.a 20.a Conversation 1 :
21. c 22.d 23 . b 24. b
1. What were you doing at six
25.d 26.c 27.d 28.c
o'clock yesterday evening?
29.b 30.d 31. c 32.c
2. I think classic novels are
33.a 34.d 35.a 36.b
37.d 38.d 39.b 40.b
41. a 42.b 43.c 44.a 3. I think they are less exciting
45. b 46. d 47.b 48 . c than novels.
49.b 50.b 51. a 52.b 4. Who do you think is the best
53.d 54.c 55.b 56.c novelist?
57.a 58.d 59.a 60.a 5. Why do you think he was
61. c 62.c 63 . b great?
6. I think so.
l!HllHl-1(on'j Structures j
Conversation 2 :
Choose the correct answer from
a, b,cord: 1. I agree with you.
1. c 2.a 3.a 4.a 2. How?
5.d 6.a 7.b 8.a 3. Do you think charities are
9.b 10.b 11. c 12.c helpful?
13. d 14. b 15.b 16.a 4. Is there a charity in your
17.d 18.c 19.a 20. a district?
21. a 22.c 23.c 24.c 5. Would you like to join a
25.b 26.d 27.a 28. d charity?
29.c 30.b 31. a 32.c 6. I can't decide now.

Answers of Main Book

Translation 4. Every year, the State honours

distinguished writers and
A. Translate into Arabic :
scholars .
.:ii.)~ .>a~ (~1) J:,:.11 .:i!. \
5. Do you dream of travelling
at.WI I .j'-"~1) ~I L..i •._,..;.)y:._,
around the world and meeting
.,..,JI~~ (.)WI I <.>JUI I
people from different
6. We must bring up children on
love of homeland and respect
.t..wl .>a~ ..JJ ~I--'~. 'l"
of parents.
rl111 JIS:i.:..I ~I_,..~ W:!J..1WI
.J_,..111 ~~.>a ~_,!~I_, Test on unit (1)
"""'~~li.u-=1~1.:ii~F.t ( 1. Vocabulary & Structures )
.~li.~~_,~ • ..:;l.j
Choose the correct answer from
~" ·~ ..1.r;-l JW:~I F ~ ~. 0
a, b,c or d:
··~~..... .fl 1. b 2. d 3.c 4.b
5.a 6.c 7.c 8.c
9. d 10.c 11. d 12.a
··~ L.. ..1! _µ1 .)J..1
13. b 14.a 15.d 16.b
17.d 18.b 19.b 20.c
21. a 22.c 23. b 24. c
B. Translate into English:
25.a 26.b 27.c 28.b
1. Yahya Haqqi was one of the 29.b 30.c
pioneers of modern Egyptian
( 2. Reading Comprehension )
literature and Arab culture.
2. Don't you think that studying A. Choose the correct answer
peoples' cultures helps us from a, b, c or d:
understand them well? 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c
5.c 6.d
3. It is necessary to raise a
strong generation familiar B. Answer the following questions :
with (aware ot) the problems 7. They do nothing to build
of their country and how to up reading skills and affect
solve them. education badly.

Answers of Main Book

8. Because someone else has ( 5. Writing )

made the decisions about
Student's own answers
everything in the film. The
brain exerts no .effort. ( 6. Translation )
9. By practising reading daily. A. Translate into Arabic :
10. Yes, I agree. Visual images .:,1oi_,11.u,. _,... F1 .Jl..u.i f'""i .....,.i.'
leave nothing for the mind to .~I ~I_,..~ ..>Jli.11 '5~1
..:;.,hll ~J.l.o.:,.. ........ ~ tfa. 'I'
( 3. The Novel ) ~.)"~·~·?~-'
A. Choose the correct answer . '="-L.~J

from a, b, c or d : B. Translate ONE (1) sentence

1. d 2. c 3. c 4. a ONLY into English:
B.AnswerTWO (2) ofthe 1. When he was about to finish
following questions: a novel, he was thinking
1. He wanted him to have a about the other novel.
good job and be responsible. 2. Arab scientists and thirikers
2. I thirik because Rassenqy11 have ·had a great influence on
looked exact1y like the new Western culture.
King of Ruritania. Unit (2)
3. Yes, Ithink so. Sapt asked
himifhe was cme of the .l!t~llHHIonl vocabulary )
B urlesdons. Choose the correct answer from
( 4. Dialogue )
1.b 2.b 3.d 4.c
1. Thank you, Omar. 5.. c '6.. c 7.d 8.a
2. Wh_y were you absent? 9.·a 10.d 11.c 12 . .c
3. Does he travel a lot? 13.d 14.b 15. c 16.d
4. Have you ever travelled 17. t: 18 . .a 1'9. ll> 20.d
abroad .vith bim? 21. c 22.c 23.b 24.a
5. I hope I will. 25.a 26.a 27.a 28.b
6. You are ·always helpful. 29.b 30.. d 31.a 32.b
33.a 34.d 35.c 36.d

4 Answers of Main Book

37.b 38.a 39.c 40.c 5. How can I get foreign coins?

41. b 42.d 43.b 44.d 6. I'll think about it.
45.c 46.c 47.a 48. b Conversation 2 :
49.a 50.d 51. b 52.c
1. What's your favourite
53.c 54.c 55.d 56.d
57.c 58.c 59.a 60.d
2. How long have you had this
61. c 62.a 63.b
ll!llHIJ(onl Structures ) 3. I like drawing.
Choose the correct answer from 4 . For two years.
a, b, cord: 5. Have you won any prizes for
1. c 2.c 3. d 4. b drawing?
5.b 6.c 7.d 8.b
6. Of course.
9.c 10.d 11. b 12.c
13.d 14.d 15.a 16.c Translation
17.b 18.b 19.b 20.a A. Translate into Arabic :
21.b 22.c 23. c 24.b .J:!.ill ~_,i ~ .:.,1.;:;...y4 _,...;.; .:.,i ~y • \
25.c 26 . .c 27.b 28. b .((~».,..:al.J~~
29.d 30.d 31. d 32. c u-k ~1.i~ .s.illyi't:'!'~I f1..11 .'I'
33.c 34.d 35.b 36.c ~J .i4"_,.,._,. ~)lhil t'" ~
37.d 38.c 39.b 40.a ·r-.J6.~~J
41.d A2.c 43.b 44.a , ~)lhll ":":!~~Ir-fa. .:.,i ~"i .Y'
45.e 4'6.d 47.b 48.c ~~i _,c.W:... '"5 1_,;~ ,:,i ~ .:.,SI
49.a 50.b 51.b 52.c •• w.J_,
53.d 54.b 55.'b :5"6.c .il:..:i ,:,i_, ~ t"""' .:.,i ~ "'1
57.d 58.d ··~~
. --
Dialogue ~~_,~}l!b~l~.:.,l~.o
..::.l);p:ll .,si <iS:)~;.J.I_, J-ljill ~
1Conversation l :
1. Can you advise me? l'i'8 '¥...! r-6~ .:,,.fa. ~I .:,1.. .~.
"', i

-~~._..i.:.,.,.ir.~.:,:.iltFI 1_,...~
2. By bus.
.::.l_,..;.6... ...&...J:! ~l.,:;11 ~ ._..k.i ..lil. v
3. You are right. ·~j_, JW.~~l:iSJI ~ ~4JI ._.J
4. What advice can you gi¥,e .me ·.i.r.~1 ~.i'il
about that?

Answers of Main Book

..,-le --i...u~ ...,..1_,:;.11 ~.).. ..:.)i .iii .A Test on unit (2)

,) ~..,-le t.;1_,. ;;~..1e. ..:.l.,.....i Jl.O.b~I
~tt....:......Yl~.,:,_,~Jl.O.b~I ( 1. Vocabulary & Structures )
Choose the correct answer from
B. Translate into English: a, b, cord:
1. Abdel Tawab Yousef is (is 1. b 2.c 3.d 4.a
considered) one of the most
5.c 6.d 7.a 8.d
important writers who wrote
for children in the Arab 9.d 10. b 11. b 12.b
world. 13.c 14.a 15.c 16. a
2. The development of 17.c 18. b 19.d 20. d
education has become a 21. a 22.c 23.b 24.b
necessity that cannot be
25.b 26.d 27.d 28.a
29.a 30.c
3. We owe credit to our teachers
who led us to success. ( 2. Reading Comprehension )
4 . The teaching profession is A. Choose the correct answer
a sacred profession, because
from a, b, c or d:
it is the profession of the
prophets. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c
5. A teacher must get the 5.d 6. b
appreciation he I she deserves B. Answer the following questions :
and must enjoy an important
7. My goal is something that I
position in society.
want to achieve.
6. There is no doubt that
education is the key to 8. Goal poster.
progress. 9. I look at my goal poster. I
7. The Egyptian teacher think how happy I will be
played an important role in when I have reached my goal.
the progress of many Arab
countries. I think about that happiness
8. The teacher must be the while I am working and I will
second father of the child in enjoy work.
order to love and learn from 10. Of course. I completely
him or her. agree.

6 Answers of Main Book

( 3. The Novel J ( 6. Translation J

A. Choose the correct answer A. Translate into Arabic :
from a, b, c or d : csi ~ :~}ii .::.1£,.b Ji. y. rl-1' .:..! •'
1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b .;..c.i_,.t.,..:;,)~. <=l) J...,.:;~
B. Answer TWO (2) of the .~ csj.:.,.. .1; fai .::.1£,.b ~ _,_,h.1J
following questions: 1~...i...~':'l_,:ill~~i.:,i.ll...'I'

1. No, I wouldn't be idle .:.,.. -':!.WI.)!~ v-WI ~_; '->'"""" ~

because work is life. ~_,£11_, ~~¥1 dJj ~ ~' .::.Wll
2. No, I don't think so. Soon - - ..9

after, she said that she wanted B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
the Duke to be king and that ONLY into English:
she didn't like the new king. 1. A successful teacher can
3. Because George would tell . attract students by seriousness
Bertram who would write and parental feelings.
about it in the newspapers. 2. In the life of each of us, there
Rose would know that is a role model teache~ who
Rassendyll had lied to her is not forgotten because we
about his journey. loved and trusted him or her.
( 4. Dialogue J Unit (3)
1. Do you have a box of
matches? 11111~11-lronl Vocabulary j
2. Do you mind if I smoke Choose the correct answer from
here? a, b,c ord:
3 .... you went to the smokers' 1. a 2.b 3.a 4.d
side to light ... 5. a 6.c 7.a 8.c
9.b 10.c 11. a 12.c
4. Is there another solution?
13.c 14.d 15.a 16.d
5 .... you can smoke as you like.
17.b 18. b 19. b 20.c
6 .... accept my apology.
21. a 22.d 23.a 24.c
( 5. Writing J 25.b 26.d 27.a 28.c
29. b 30.a 31. c 32.d
Student's own answers
33.b 34.a 35.c 36.c

Answers of Main Book

37.a 38.a 39.c 40.d 3. Of course not.

41. a 42.a 43.b 44.b 4. The source of this news isn't
45.c 46.c 47.b 48.b available.
49.b 50.c 51. b 52.d 5. Have you seen it on other
53.c 54.b 55.a 56.c websites?
57.a 58. b 59.b 60.a 6. Ifs not real news.
61. d
Conversation 2 :
i@§HM4J~ Structures j 1. I think you have a good
Choose the correct answer from reason.
a, b,cord: 2. I intend to live next to my
1. c 2.c 3.b 4.d work.
5.b 6.c 7.a 8.c 3. Have you found a flat?
9.b 10.b 11. b 12.c 4. Unfortunately, flats are very
13.a 14.d 15.d 16.c expensive.
17.c 18.b 19.d 20.c 5. What news are there about
21. c 22.c 23.c 24. c selling the car?
25 . b 26. c 27.d 28.c 6. How much should I sell it for?
29.b 30.d 31. c 32.b
33.b 34.c 35.d 36.a
37.d 38.a 39.b 40.a A. Translate into Arabic :
41. d 42.c 43.c 44.b ~->:JI~_,.... i.>Jj c.14Ll....!.)U ~I .:,J.'
45.b 46. d 47. a 48.b ~_,c_,...bl1_,~~~~.ll1_,

49.c 50. b 51. d 52.c .l;;.it,.J.11'1..o.) ~i

53.b 54.a 55.a 56.a ~.,11 (;..;....:J.1) .:,~I Y> ':-'~I. 'I'

57.b 58. c 59.b 60.a ·~~ ;IS<i ':-'~I~~ <.>.ill

61. a 62.a fiill .:,.0 ·~~ ..:::it.,... ...... ~,_,'
Dialo~ue '-""Ll....!.)U ~[;.., ~_,_;s.l~I ~I~ .Y'
Conversation 1 : 4-:i o.i;l_,11 .:.l..o_,J..l.I .:,_,.;~~.ill
1. Where did you read this . ~~I ~ "-"..i;i-':! <.>.ill ..::.i_,JI_,
news? ~ .;~:ll ~)l.. ' I"[,. JS~ . t
2. What proof do you have that >'--'..:; ~i ~ _, ·~~ JJJ
this is real? ·f':!.WI J-"11

Answers of Main Book

..,.,..»-11 ~6.]1 F . .:_,..l'.;11 ..:,_,i11 ~ .o Test on unit (3)

~~It" ..:,_,_r.-~ l_,,;IS ~.:.JI
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
-.."J~li..11~.j~l..:,tS. ~l_.,.11~.i Choose the correct answer from
_...., l...,,j
• - <..>-"J
· L~ll
-<t,, ...,....... · '. '
...,... ~ ..;IJ
• ,,- a, b,c ord:
~j .,Jt14.J ~I.:,.. t:· .,; ~j I. d 2. a 3.d 4.d
.~__,.,,..;..) 5.b 6. c 7.b 8. a
9.a 10.a 11. a 12.d
B. Translate into English :
13. b 14.d 15.c 16.c
1. It is certain that modern
17.c 18.c 19.d 20. b
technology has some
21. b 22.a 23.d 24.a
disadvantages as well as a lot
25.b 26. b 27.b 28.d
of advantages.
29.b 30. c
2. The invention of paper was
one of the most important
( 2. Reading Comprehension j
turning points in human A. Choose the correct answer
history. from a, b, cord:
I. b 2. a 3. d 4. a
3. Reading was, still is and
5. a 6. c
will remain one of the most
important sources of learning B. Answer the following questions:
and gaining the experience of 7. Computers will make the
others. classroom a better place to
4. Recycling old things teach concepts and ideas
that students need to become
preserves the environment
brighter, more successful
and saves natural resources.
5. What do you think of
8. In the USA, between 1984,
using tablets instead ofthe
and 1997 alone, the number
of computers in secondary
6. Most of today's newspapers
schools increased to more
and magazines are made of than 8 million sets.
recycled paper.
9. Shopping, driving our car or
communicating with.relatives
and colleagues.

Answers of Main Book

10. Students might not be good 5. Check if the piece of

with handwriting. Computers information is available on
might also do a lot of harm to other websites.
students' eyes. 6. That's right.

( 3. The Novel ( 5. Writing

A. Choose the correct answer Student's own answers
from a, b, c or d :
l.d 2.c 3.c 4.a
( 6. Translation

B. Answer TWO (2) of the A. Translate into Arabic :

following questions: ~ ~, ~I.:_,.., JJJll ~.'
[+:..:,.. ~_, ·~ thi i)! ~I
1. Of course I would. It was
-~~~~I Jl_,14
the only chance to rescue the
._µ...Fl~ ~I ~I W.L.)I j~. 'I'
real King and spoil Michael's
·c,,s"-411 j....11_, ~_Fii L...iWI
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
2. No, he wasn't. He was
ONLY into English :
hunting in the forest the day
1. Books and manuscripts have
before his coronation.
preserved the literature, arts
3. Because Rassendyll, who and sciences of previous
looked exactly like him, met generations.
him in the forest. 2. Do you think thee-book will
( 4. Dialogue ever replace the paper book
1. Where can I get information, as a means of learning?
dad? Workbook Practice Test (1a)
2. How can I know that a
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
website is trusted?
Choose the correct answer from
3. Is the date of publishing
a, b,c or d:
1. c 2.c 3.b 4.b
4. Tell me how to make sure if a 5.d 6.c 7.a 8.a
piece of information is true or 9.c 10.c 11. d 12.b
false, dad. 13. a 14.d 15.c 16.c

10 I
Answers of Main Book

17.d 18.b 19.c 20.d ( 4. Dialogue )

21. b 22.a 23.b 24.c
25.c 26. b 27.d 28.a 1. Why don't you try typing his
29.d 30.c name into a search engine?
[ 2. Reading Comprehension ) 2. That's not true.
A. Choose the correct answer 3. It is completely false.
from a, b, c or d: 4. It doesn't have a title.
1. b 2.c 3.b 4.c 5. Do you think it is useful?
5.c 6.a
6. What do you think of this
B. Answer the following questions :
7. My new job.
8. On the internet. [ 5. Writing )
9. He is a journalist. Student's own answers
10. Because he didn't have time.
[ 6. Translation )
[ 3. The Novel )
A. Choose the correct answer A. Translate into Arabic :
from a, b, c or d : F' 0'1 V":!.1~ 1 4- .1..... ~ ~ · '
l.b 2.c 3.a 4.b .c-Jl...o .:,bl_,..~ .i.:;JI
B. Answer TWO (2) of the , <.J:!fii.ll_, ..,.t>SJI .1~ ~jW wi ~. Y
following questions: Jki fo. l_,..l:i <.J:!~I &_,i (...I..:..._,
1. At the beginning of the
story, RudolfRassendyll
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
was carefree. Although he
was well-educated, he didn't ONLY into English :
have a job. He didn't like l.Abdel-Tawab Youssef, the
responsibilities either. novelist, has written many
2. No, I don't agree. One's exciting children's stories.
position in society should 2. As soon as I saw the
give him responsibilities.
accident, I called the police
3. Yes, I think so. The people
that came immediately.
of Ruritania could have
mistaken him for the King.

j 11
Answers of Main Book

37.b 38.a 39.b 40.d

41. b 42.b 43.d 44. a
45.a 46.d 47.b 48.d
49.d 50.a 51. b 52.a
53.a 54.a 55.b 56.a
a, b,cord:
57.b 58.c 59.c 60.a
1. a 2.a 3.a 4.b
61. c
5.a 6.a 7.c 8.a
9.a 10. b 11. a 12.a Dialogue
13. b 14.b 15.c 16.a Conversation 1 :
17.c 18.b 19.a 20.c l. I've been reading.
21. d 22.d 23.a 24.c 2. What have you been reading
25.a 26.d 27.b 28.c about?
29.c 30. a 31. c 32.b
3. A book by Dr Aisha Abd
33.d 34.a 35.c 36.d
El Rahman.
37.a 38.d 39.b 40.c
41. d 42.a 43.b 44. c 4. Yes, she was.
45.b 46.d 47.a 48.c 5. What was her job?
49.b 50.d 51. a 52.b 6. When did she die? How old
53.c 54.d 55.b 56.b was she then?
57.c 58.a 59.a 60.c Conversation 2 :
61. b 62.b 1. What do you suggest?
11111~~1-ll<ffl'I Structures j 2. It's up to you.
Choose the correct answer from 3. Don't you want to help?
a, b,c ord: 4. How do you spend your free
l. c 2.d 3.a 4.a time?
5.b 6.a 7.c 8.c 5. Wow! That's fantastic.
9.a 10.c 11. d 12.a 6. Great idea!
13. b 14.c 15.a 16.d
17.b 18.a 19.b 20. c
21. c 22.b 23.a 24.d A. Translate into Arabic :
25.a 26.c 27.c 28.b ~1~1.ii.WJl.:,i.:,..~)1..,Jc..\

29.d 30.c 31. b 32.b ~~.ii Jlj t.. q,;j ~! ' .:,+i_,b..:,..
33. d 34.b 35.c 36.b .U.1$.11 ol.JWI .)! J,...._,JJ .,Jlbll

12 ]
Answers of Main Book

i)) ol:=JI u-i Q.b. C~ JS ~i _,:.;)." 5. There isn't a great man

(S:ill ...-'.i,.11_, (SµI_, "'"~I.JI ~I without a great woman like
...,.1.:,..~ him or perhaps more .
""11 r41~ ~i.:,.. ;;..,.,1_, ~.,.81 .:i! .r 6. Three things increase
'. lc.t~J_, i:.....:; 4-:i rl:ill J.,£11 ~ women's respect: politeness,
~. t......11 J..=.:i , i)Wl ui_,11 u-i. t education· and good behaviour
i:_,i........ 1..r.-i ~~_, ....£'..l.l;._,11 ~ in different life situations.
.J.-11 ~ rl:ill ~Li.. J4-)l Test on unit (4)
.:,i I_,~ .:,i .J:!.lll_,JJ ui_,JI .:,6.. .al .o C1. Vocabulary & Structures )
.J'i}il.:,.. J,ii .:,....! .:;..~I
Choose the correct answer from
~ l+>:!iJ ;;i_,..I ~j ...-i ~IS.'
a, b,c or d:
. .:,~I~ t.;i l.. ~ .;"i .J:!Ji_, .J)ll.~1 1. c 2.d 3.b 4.b
B. Translate into English: 5.c 6. b 7.a 8.a
1. Overpopulation is a 9.a 10.d 11. a 12.a
problem facing all Third 13.c 14.d 15. b 16. a
World countries, especially 17.a 18.b 19. a 20. c
developing countries. 21. d 22.d 23.c 24.b
2. The liberation of women 25.b 26.d 27.c 28.c
does not mean the 29.d 30.b
rejection of tradition and ( 2. Reading Comprehension )
following fashion. It means A. Choose the correct answer
commitment to human from a, b, c or d:
principles and values. 1. b 2. b 3. b 4.c
3. The State tries to achieve 5.c 6. b
social justice and equality of B. Answer the following questions :
opportunities among citizens. 7. They had only enough money
4. There must be equality to rent a small flat. Amal had
between men and women in to sell her hair to buy Hassan
rights and duties according a present. Hassan had to sell
to the nature of each of them his gold watch to buy a comb
and the role they play. for his wife's hair.

j 13
Answers of Main Book

8. It showed that she loved her [

husband and that she cared
5. Writing J
Student's own answers
much about him.
9. He had sold his watch to buy
a jeweled comb for Amal's
[ 6. Translation J
A. Translate into Arabic :
hair that she had sold.
J"fa ,) Jfa ~I oi).I ,) ..iS:.Jll,:,.... \
10. Love and Sacrifice I True ,) ~ Jyll ~ t'i.S U.JJ..J [+:ii_, J'
love I A loving couple. ·t>'Y..,..¥1 JS~._;.:,..:;....._,·~~
( 3. The Novel L.r.:>;;1_,w1 ~ ·~ ~~ u1,;; ..w .'I'
A. Choose the correct answer .oi).I_, J.;.)I
from a, b, cord : B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
l.c 2.b 3.d 4.a ONLY into English :
B. Answer TWO (2) of the 1. Egypt's real wealth lies in
following questions: its human resources and the
I. Because the King arrived an creativity of its youth and
hour early without guards. their excellence in all fields .
2. No, there wasn 't. Rich people 2. Air crashes always dominate
lived in large modem houses the headlines because they do
while the poor were stuffed not leave anyone alive.
in tiny old houses in narrow Unit (5)
3. It was good but dangerous. llHIHl-Jfonl Vocabulary j
( 4. Dialogue j Choose the correct answer from
a, b,cord:
I. a 2.c 3.b 4.c
2. I've joined a charity. 5.c 6.d 7. c 8.a
3. A charity! 9. d 10.d 11. a 12.c
4. I wanted to help people in 13. d 14.b 15. c 16.c
need. 17.a 18.a 19. b 20.a
5. What kind of people do you 21. b 22.b 23.a 24.d
help? 25.a 26.b 27.a 28.b
6. Can I join your charity? 29.d 30.b 31. c 32.c

14 ]
Answers of Main Book

33.c 34.d 35.a 36.d 4. Because it has rhyme and

37.a 38.d 39.c 40.a rhythm.
41. b 42.d 43.c 44.b 5. \Vho is your favourite poet?
45.a 46.d 47.b 48.d 6. I like Ahmed Shawky.
49.a 50.b 51. b 52. b
Conversation 2 :
53.a 54.d 55.a 56.d
1. \Vhat do you enjoy doing?
57.a 58.d 59.a 60.b
61. c 62.b 2. It is the best thing to do.
3. \Ve should give poor people
11!1!~111(onl Structures )
Choose the correct answer from 4. How else can we help them?
a, b,c ord:
5. That's very kind!
1. c 2. c 3.a 4.d
6. Is it helpful to visit people
5.c 6. b 7.c 8.c
who are ill?
9.a 10.b 11. b 12.a
13. c 14.a 15.d 16.d Translation
17. c 18. c 19.d 20.a A. Translate into Arabic :
21. b 22. b 23.a 24.c 'l r-!WI ~ o~'ll t_,)_, J..;.ai ..J!. \
25.d 26.a 27.b 28.a ,)..L!'l~-[+.....l~.,i~,J.;~
29.c 30. c 31. a 32.a . ~I~~
33.b 34.a 35.b 36.b ..J:!?'illo~i~.:,.;,. r-!WI l.:i...~.'I'
37.b 38.d 39.a 40.b .>.i'..lill i":!~ ~
41. c 42.b 43.b 44.d ~.::._,.i.=..~~"""""? ljJ.Y'
45.d 46. b 47.d 48.a r1WI ~ -.j_,...... • o~I < ~~I
49.c 50.c 51. c 52. a .J..'Yl.~
53.b 54.b 55.b 56.d l..o~i'~~<~~l.j.o~'l.£
57.a 58.d 59.b 60.c .1;i4J...=..:ii~'l~
61. d 62.a ~A .;;JI ~.)JI~ ~i 'l .o

Dialogue .fij.,. ~ i'~I J~ I.. _,j ?i ~

Conversation 1 :
J~I ~ J=.11 ~ ~ .:,,i J..i. '\
J_,W .:,i j...;.t'll.:,..., ..J:!?'ill
2. I like traditional poetry. ·f'+'~L.....
3. \Vhy do you like it?
Answers of Main Book

B. Translate into English : ( 2. Reading Comprehension j

1. Helping others in time of
A. Choose the correct ansv.-er
need is one of the greatest
from a, b, c or d :
things you can do. 1. d 2. a 3. d 4. d
2. Modem poets do not follow 5.b 6.d
much of the traditional rules
B. Answer the following questions:
of poetry.
7. They can be very helpful
3. One feels that his life is
when the writer needs them.
valuable when he or she tries
8. Playing music and carpentry.
to ease the pain of others.
9. As they never interfere in the
4. Ancient poetry has some
writer's private life.
poetic traditions such as
rhythm and rhyme. 10. They are helpful, cooperative
and never cause any
5. Anyone who breaks the law
must be punished to protect
society from chaos. ( 3. The Novel
6. This poem consists of A. Choose the correct answer
three verses, each of which from a, b, cord :
includes six lines. l.c 2.a 3.a 4.c
Test on unit (5) B. Answer TWO (2) of the
following questions:
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
1. I think some people
Choose the correct answer from
appreciated it, but others
a, b,c ord:
didn't like it.
1. c 2.d 3.b 4. c
2. The real King would have
5.b 6.c 7.d 8.b
been killed too, and Michael
9.a 10.d 11. c 12.a
would have become the new
13.d 14.b 15.d 16. d
17.a 18.a 19.b 20.b
3. She was kind, intelligent and
21. c 22.d 23.d 24.b
loyal to her country.
25.d 26.c 27.b 28.c
29.c 30.a

16 [ Answers of Main Book

( 4. Dialogue Unit (6)

1. What are you reading?
2. Do you know her? ll!llHJJ(Cffi'I Vocabulary )
3. It is called "If I can stop". Choose the correct answer from
a, b, cord:
4. What is it about?
1. b 2. d 3.a 4. a
5. I think it follows the
5. c 6. d 7. a 8. d
traditional rules of poetry.
9.b 10. b 11. d 12. d
6. Of course. 13.d 14.c 15. b 16. b
c 5. Writing ) 17.c 18.d 19.b 20.d
21. c 22.a 23.b 24. c
Student's own answers
25.b 26.d 27.b 28.a
c 6. Translation ) 29.d 30. b 31. a 32.c
A. Translate into Arabic : 33.d 34. b 35 . b 36.c
37.c 38.a 39.a 40. b
J~~.:....<-41.y. L.. ~>.! "i ·'
41. b 42.b 43.b 44. a
~ ·~' ~ ·~ c,5.)1....:.i
45.c 46.a 47.b . 48. c
. ~_,i..)U
49. b 50. a 51. b 52. c
~ ~ l"~I ~._.:;fl . ~YI rA'i.:.,... 'I'
53.a 54. b 55 . a 56. cl
~i..JJ~._,..w1~.:,i;;~1 • .:ui
57.d 58. b 59.c 60.c
· ~~.,,~
61. b 62.a 63 . d 64.d
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
ONLY into English: l!i!!IHll(on'I Structures )
1. A lot of our problems need Choose the correct answer from
patience. hard work and a, b,cortl:
cooperation to be solved. 1. b :2. a 3.b 4. c
2. Ahmed Shawki wrote 5.a 6. d 7.d 8.b
hundreds of wonderful poems 9.a 10.c 11. c 12.h
on various subjects. 13. c 14. a 15. a J6. I·
17.b 18.a 19.b 20. l
21. c 22.c 23 . d 24. a
25.d 26.b 27.c
29.a 30. b 31. d 32.c
Answers of Main Book

33.a 34. b 35.a 36.b Translation

37.d 38.c 39.b 40.c
A. Translate into Arabic :
41. d 42.a 43.d 44.b
._,.,~I e-9~ •if WI i.s1UI ~_,JI~.\
45.a 46.a 47.b 48.c
49.d 50.a 51. b 52. a .o~IJ.ii~•l:i,Jl

53.d 54.d 55.b 56.c ~_, ....~ .1_,... ..;...:.oi -.;J! .:h....01 •.,.
57.a 58.b 59.d 60.a
61. b 62.a 63.a ":'U..;JI _,j W'=)I ~.>L....-' r.s.r.J4 4'k ·Y'
y. .J:!~l< ·~~)I ":'WyJ <JI...... i.s1J
,) .:.._,..i .b~I ~ ufill ~}JI
Conversation 1 : ··
1. What does it mean to be a -':!>' __._,..... Ww..11 .i~Yla , ~~! J. .!
freelance worker? ~ i"_,i:i .!bi ~~I_, .d._,...A.:,..
2. That's incredible! !&.:.,. .:-.o.J:i ui 4'k_, ~
3. Through computers and the ~~........,j_, d;t~ ·~i.........o ' ~_,LL;...:;;.. 0
internet. .:fil_, ' ~ ._,....,i4 ~ ~ -J
4. Why does someone work u_,~ .J:!.,?.YI ..,.,t.;•.•:81 ~di~
freelance? . ~i~
5. What is tl;le second reason? J)l.L ! _,.,. 4=" ~l:w L.. JS .;:.~_,i d~ . '
6. Of course, there are many. .~4 F'-' 4 ..,.,w1 .J:;411
Conversation 2 : .bi..:JJ JW ~ .::.~~1.1..ii .:.,) .V

1. What is the best thing about ~ .L>.fa...¥1 ~.>-'..._;! ~ -.;j ~

women's work? ·F-1

2. What jobs can women be B. Translate into English:
good at? 1. Do not let your career take
3. They can also be good at up all your time. You need
medical professions. some time for yourself.
4. What is the worst thing about 2. The best thing about
women's work? freelance work is your ability
5. I think it is very difficult to determine how much work
to have a job and look after you want to do.
children. 3. Exercise is a magical
6. You are completely right. solution to ease work stress. Answers of Main Book

4. One of the disadvantages them choose the university

of freelance work is that that suits them. At work,
sometimes it is difficult to get fit applicants are more
regular work. employable.
5. It is n.ecessary to have 9. This will not only help to
enough quality time for your increase their level of fitness
family. and make them healthier,
6. Modem technology has it will also mean that they
made it possible to reach the develop better social skills
workers at any time. and are able to concentrate on
their studies for longer, and
Test on unit (6)
thus achieve better results.
C1. Vocabulary & Structures j. 10. The opportunity to learn how
Choose the correct answer from to play sports.
1. d 2.a 3.a 4.d c 3. The Novel

5.a 6. c A. Choose the correct answer

7. a 8.b
from a, b, c or d :
9. c 10. c 11. a 12.d
13. b 14.a l.c 2.d 3.b 4.a
15.b 16.c
17.a 18.b 19.a 20.a B. Answer TWO (2) of the
21. d 22.d 23.c 24.a following questions:
25.a 26. b 27.b 28.b 1. I think he meant that the
29.a 30. a King was kidnapped and
C2. Reading Comprehensipn j taken to the castle.
A. Choose the correct answer 2. Because shooting Michael
from a, b, cord: wouldn't help the King at that
1. d 2. a 3.d 4.d time.
5.c 6.c 3. Yes, I would as it was the
only chance to rescue the real
B. Answer the following questions :
king and stop Michael from
7. He supports increasing it.
being king.
8. Practising sport keeps
students fit. That helps

J 19
Answers of Main Book

( 4. Dialogue
1. What does work-life balance
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
2. I think that is important. Choose the correct answer from
3. Spending enough time with a, b,c ord:
family is necessary. l. b 2. b 3.c 4.a
5.a 6.a 7.c 8.c
4. How do you spend your free
9.c 10. b 11. d 12.c
13. d ·14. a 15.b 16.c
5. What about you?
17.a 18.b 19.c 20.d
6. I usually spend my free time 21. a 22.b 23.b · 24. a
in coastal resorts. 25.b 26.c 27.d 28 . b
( 5. Writing 29.b 30.a

Student's own answers L2. Reading Comprehension j

A. Choose the correct answer
( 6. Translation from a, b, c or d :
A. Translate into Arabic : l.c 2. d 3.a 4. d
~I ;;L.:JI ~.:,,},:;JI .J~ .Ii.\ 5. a 6. c
~_,J~I .:,~~ W,,.~1.J B. Answer the following questions :
.:.rJ..Wl J,..>_,JI .fi..11 :.,.. ~~.>.:JI 7. She found it rewarding when
.~L...11 ) ..... _.k patients recovered and went
µ1 ~ ~) LJ:> d;~~ .;I.;:,:;. 'I' back to their homes .
. .!L>'""I .:..;l.;).J ~_,JI
8. Because she was responsible
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence for the health of a lot of
ONLY into English: people.
1. Thanks to modem 9. I'm not sure about that. He
technology, freelance work might get better or die.
has become common. 10. Yes, I think so. She worked
2. Life is not work only. There hard and cared about patients.
is personal life that should
not be neglected.

20- I Answers of Main Book

( . 3. The Novel J r+i~ ~ ._,..l.:JI ~ ,) r+11 ..:,,... • 'I'

A. Choose the correct answer -

.Ll.....11_, -

from a, b, c or d : B. Translate ONE (1) sentence

l.d 2.a 3.a 4.b ONLY into English:
B. Answer TWO (2) of the 1. Fortunately, the problem was
following questions: easy enough for my brother
1. Because he didn't want other to solve.
·people to know he did it. 2. Schools will have all
2. Yes, I would. It is our duty to educational media and
do what is good and right. modem technology.
3. Because no one seemed to Unit (7)
realise that he was not the
real king. llnllHHon'J Vocabulary j
( 4. Dialogue j Choose the correct answer from
1. That's great news. a, b,c ord:
l. b 2.d 3.c 4.a
2. Why did you choose
recycling? 5.a 6.c 7. a 8.b
9.a 10.c 11. a 12.b
3. Do you know what you will
13. a 14. d 15.a 16.d
write in the article?
17.b 18.d 19.b 20.a
4. Why did they ask you to
21. c 22.c 23.a 24.c
write this article?
25.d 26.a 27. c 28.b
5. Secondly, I wrote for them
29.c 30.d 31. a 32. b
33.d 34.a 35.d 36.c
6. I hope you will read it. 37.d 38.a 39.c 40.b
c 5. Writing J 41. a
4-2. c
43 . d 44.b
47.a 48.c
Student's own answers
49.c 50.c 51. d 52.b
c 6. 1'11ansJatian J 53.a
55.c· 56. a
59: d 60.c
A. Translate into Arabic :
' ' '
~ I_,_,~ WI~ .::.l:!->"""11.WI ..,.._t. \ 61. a
-~' .::.~_,y-t.. ~

[ 21
Answers of Main Book

lllllHJJ(on'I Structures J 2. It is expected that space

holidays will be cheaper in
Choose the correct answer from the future.
a, b,c or d: 3. And don't forget that space
1. b 2. b 3.c 4.c travel is not safe.
5.b 6.c 7.d 8.c
4 . How have you got
9.c 10. b 11. d 12.a
information about the dangers
13.c 14.c 15.c 16.d
of space travel?
17.d 18.c 19. a 20.b
5. What is the most dangerous
21. d 22. c 23.b 24.b
thing about space travel?
25.a 26.d 27.a 28. b
29.a 30. b 31. c 32. b 6. No, I wouldn't.
33.a 34.b 35.a 36.c Translation
37.a 38.b 39.b 40.c A. Translate into Arabic :
41. d 42.c 43.c 44.d
([+..;1:.i) _,..ill_, ~;-~1 ~ .-..w1 .:..! •\
45.d 46.d 47 . b 48 . a
49.b 50.c 51. a 52.b
' ~ ~~ JJ.>"" ~ ._;j ~ L;j • 'I'
53.c 54.a 55.c 56.b
l_,..LO .Ii ~)ii.:.,~~~
57.c 58.c 59.d 60.a
._,..ill cs-1! ;;_,4Y.
61. c
._.A ~L...''J\ r-=£11.:,.o ;;...... 1_, 4.11..LLll wJ .Y'
Dialogue 47 ~_,j ..W_, ·~4-JI FJI ~
Conversation 1 : .• ~"JI~~! ILJ_, u4JYI ~
4...LO) t-i_,:;.l.1.:.,.., . L...;.AJI .:_,1-':c"' ._.A. t
1. But it is necessary.
2. You are right. .J..1Sl4 ~ ~l.....;j ·~
.:.,.. ...,..~1 ..1£.L...:i ~_,.J.11 ~'=-11 u! .o
3. Yes, we do.
. ~l~~~.:_,l.i.1,JI~
4. Does space exploration have
B. Translate into English:
other benefits?
1. The invasion of space has
5. Haven't you heard ofremote
opened new horizons to
humans and their endless
6. What is that? ambitions.
Conversation 2 : 2. One day that I think is not
1. Have you heard about space far, tourist trips into space
tourism? will be organized.

22 Answers of Main Book
3. Thanks to space technology [.2. Reading Comprehension )
and communications
A. Choose the correct answer
revolution, the world has
from a, b, c or d :
become a small village.
1.c 2.b 3.d 4. a
4. Satellites are used in 5. b 6. c
space for communication
B. Answer the following questions:
and prediction of weather
7. I think because it is near to
the sun. Perhaps its surface
5. Developed countries seek
consists of a material that
to invade space and set up
takes in and keeps heat.
space stations for different
8. Because the distance is
6. I have no doubt about our
9. A canyon is a deep, narrow
ability to catch up with
valley with steep sides.
developed countries.
10. The Solar System.
7. A lot of people think that
globalization serves rich [ 3. The Novel )
countries at the expense of A. Choose the correct answer
poor countries. from a, b, c or d :
Test on unit (7) 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c
L1. Vocabulary & Structures ) B. Answer TWO (2) of the
following questions:
Choose the correct answer from
I. He was brave and skilful.
1. a 2.d 3.c 4.c 2. He lacked bravery. He only
5.c escaped.
6. ct. 7.a 8.b
9.c 10. b 11. b 12.c 3. He thought Rassendyll was
13. b 14.c 15.b 16.d the real King.
17.a 18.c 19.a 20.c ( 4. Dialogue )
21. d 22.b 23.d 24. d 1. Do you think there is life in
25.b 26.a 27.a 28.a space?
29.d 30.a

j 23
Answers of Main Book

3. You may be right. 13. d 14.d 15.a 16.d

4. You can breathe using a 17. c 18.b 19.a 20.d
mask. 21. c 22. d 23.a 24.b
5. That's impossible. 25 . c 26. a 27 . d 28 . b
6. I completely agree with you. 29. c 30. b 31. a 32. b
33. c 34.d 35. b 36.c
( 5. Writing J 37. d 38.b 39.d 40.a
Student's own answers 41. b 42.d 43 . a 44.b
45.c 46.d 47 . d 48 . a
( 6. Translation J 49.b 50.c 51. d 52. a
A. Translate into Arabic : 53.b 54.c 55. b 56. d
~1~ •• 1~1..>:!Jl:i:i..,...........\
57.b 58.a 59.c 60.c
JW.S::.....I _..; y f l l .:_,., I~_:,.. ~_,ill 61. a 62.d 63 . a 64.c
.• L..;.i)I 65 . c 66.d
L.S J_,.UJ ~'ii ~I h~I #.'I' 1111!~-lll(on'j Structures j
.J-1 I __,.,,.,0 .,Oji ~j
Choose the correct answer from
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence a, b,cord:
ONLY into English : 1.d 2. d 3. b 4.d
1. We should rationalize the use 5. b 6.a 7.a 8.d
of fresh water, or we will face 9.c 10.c 11. a 12.c
thirst in the future . 13. b 14.c 15.a 16.a
2. In order to promote tourism, 17. d 18. d 19. a 20. c
every Egyptian must consider 21. d 22. c 23 . a 24. b
himself a tourist guide. 25.c 26.c 27.d 28.d
29.a 30.c 31. a 32. b
33.a 34.d 35. d 36.a
37.c 38.d 39. a 40. a
41. c 42.c 43.d 44.b
45 . d 46. a 47. b 48.d
a, b,c ord:
49. b 50. c 51. d 52. c
1. d 2.b 3.a 4.a 53. c 54.c 55.b 56.c
5.a 6.b 7. b 8. a 57. a 58.b 59. a
9. d 10.a 11. a 12.b

24 J
r Answers of Main Book

Dialogue .:,1 ~_,1 .....~ J~ ~-':! '1.o

Conversation 1 : .IS.ill ~I-':! .:,i cs~ Jk cs'i ~

.'l'.\"o ~IL~.,r-~'11
1. What is artificial intelligence ?
2. Let me tell you. B. Translate into English:
3. What are its advantages? 1. Many people enjoy watching
science fiction movies.
4. It saves teachers' time.
2. Most of human achievements
5. What are its disadvantages?
were just fantasy at the
6. I think it will cause people to
lose jobs.
3. Some people think that
Conversation 2 :
computers will control us
1. What are you doing?
2. What do you mean by
4. Science fiction is a serious
science fiction?
attempt to write. about life in
3. I think it is a waste of time. the future or in another world.
4. Has any science fiction story 5. Do you really think that man
come true? can live on another planet?
5. Space travel. 6. Many things which have
6. That's interesting! been predicted by science
Translation fiction books have come true.
7. There are a lot of science
A. Translate into Arabic :
fiction movies that attract
.)<. ~ ofa <>j yi ~I J~I .:,J . \
millions of viewers.
L. .:,IL->'"" l¢JJ , ~Jib!i ~ Jl,J~
-~~ Test on unit (8)
.IS.ill ~ <>JJ:! .:,i ~I ~. Y ( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
~I 4=~ .)! J..ISll i.r-~'11
Choose the correct answer from
a, b,c or d:
4k- . m~u ..>.!'".;:;.! ..,..Alt J..>:>. 4Jc- .....:I .r
1. a 2.a 3.b 4'. a
.o.l_,ill .:,e ~~ '-"' ~ .:,i .bii
5.a 6 .. a 7.d 8.c
~I ~ t...i.:.._, t.;j L.J :.:,'1~1'd~ . t
9.d 10. c 11. a 12.a
~ '-:".>"" L.A)IS._,••.!11.JS t....J.. llii _,;
13. b 14. b 15, d 16.c

J 2s
Answers of Main Book

17.b 18.b 19.c 20.d 7. Because he knew that

21. b 22.a 23. b 24. d Rassendyll was an
25.a 26.c 27. c 28. d Englishman, not the King.
29.a 30.c ( 4. Dialogue j
( 2. Reading Comprehension j l. I think the computer will
A. Choose the correct answer control the world one day.
from a, b,c ord: 2. Why do you think so?
I. b 2. a 3. b 4. b
3. Do you think computers are
5. d 6. b all evil?
B. Answer the following questions : 4. What do you think the
1. Because it has a lot of uses. problem is?
2. It was used to calculate the 5. No, I don't.
exact speed of light which 6. You may be right.
was determined to be 186,
282. 397 miles per second. c 5. Writing J
3. Laser. Student's own answers
4. Familiar light - incoherent
light - moves in all directions. c 6. Translation J
A laser beam moves in only A. Translate into Arabic :
one direction. ,Ji.JI j:;U_,_. J~li ,JL;.j.) ~ "J. \
.)) (SJ~ '-':i.11 ~"'JI .:._,l.I _,_. J~I_,
( 3. The Novel
. J...~l_,i:;.i.;"JI
A. Choose the correct answer ~1,1.b."'il ~' ,l.b.i ~ rl-11 .'I'
from a, .b , cord: ~ J_,i:; 4-'"'i , ~ t._,.A_,l I ..i# I .:,....
l.d 2.c 3.a 4.b
- ~'.)!~
B. Answer TWO (2) of the B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
following questions: ONLY into English:
5. Because he didn't know the 1. Who would have thought that
rules. He was not the real a day would come when man
King. would walk on the moon or
6. He meant Michael and his fly in space?

26 J
Answers of Main Book

2. I do not think that the 17.b 18.a 19.b 20.b

computer, whatever its 21. b 22.d 23.b 24.b
intelligence is, will control 25 . a 26.a 27.c 28.d
the human mind. 29.c 30. b 31. b 32.c
33. a 34. c 35. c 36.d
37. b 38.b 39. a 40.a
41. d 42.c 43.c 44. d
45.b 46.c 47.c 48. a
49. b 50. d 51. d 52. b
a, b,cord: 53.b 54.d 55.b 56. a
1. a 2.c 3. b 4. a 57.c 58. a 59. a 60. c
5.d 6.c 7.c 8.c 61. c 62.b
9.c 10. b 11. a 12.d
13.a 14. b 15.b 16.c
17.b 18.d 19.a 20.d Conversation 1 :
21. a 22. c 23.a 24.a 1. You look busy, Hassan.
25.c 26.b 27.b 28. a 2. Why don't your family
29. d 30. c 31. d 32. d members help you?
33.b 34.c 35. d 36. a 3. Was the furniture delivered?
37.c 38.b 39.a 40. d 4. It is being installed next
41. b 42.a 43. d 44.b week.
45.d 46.c 47.a 48. b 5. I know you are right.
49.d 50.d 51. b 52.c 6. I hope everything will be
53.a 54.c 55.d 56. a ready!
57.b 58.c 59.d 60.d Conversation 2 :
61. c 1. Do you know that plants
l!llllHIJ(onl Structures j make their own food?
Choose the correct answer from 2. Where do they get their food
a, b,cord: from?
1. d 2.b 3. a 4.b 3. It is called photosynthesis.
5.b 6. d 7. c 8.c 4.Whatdoesthatmean?
9.d 10. b 11. c 12. a 5. Oxygen and sugar.
13. a 14. c 15.a 16. a 6. No, they use only sugar.

j 27
Answers of Main BQok

Translation 6. Plants get their food from

sunlight through the process
A. Translate into Arabic :
of photosynthesis.
:.,.,..,_rJ$~~· 41~~·'
7 · Egypt is the mother land of
..;_,..;.11 ~I~ J)l;..:.,.,. ~I
many scientists who provided
·..r ~.l..«> J,...:.oi y. LSfo.11 ~u. .'\' great services to mankind.
~WI t" J...:.ljill cs"~.:..!:~ .w)
·.,r.-.;L:.l I Test on unit (9)
F _.:;II t"l...:J.1 ...,...;.:; .::.l:i4-iil .jl.)Ji .'I'
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
·~~ ~U. .)! ~I ~U. ~ Choose the correct answer from
_.:;II ~fill .::.I.;~ .:..;IS, J,..:.l.JI ~ .1 a, b,c or d:
:.,.,. •.?.S ' • l.*I ~ r*' l.;.;l"'!i ~ 1. d 2. c 3.c 4.b
·~fill ~j ..;l'.i (sj.;. 5. b 6.a 7. c 8.d
F d~ '-'"=1,_,...;.GJI .::.i_,JI ~. 0 9.b 10.d 11. b 12.a
.~I .J:i~I:.,.,. 4,_....Ai faj ~~I 13. d 14.c 15. c 16.b
B. Translate into English: . 17.d 18. b 19.a 20.c
1. We owe much to the 21. b 22. a 23.d 24.d
great scientists who have 25.d 26.b 27.a 28.d
changed our lives with their 29.d 30.d
discoveries. ( 2. Reading Comprehension j
2. Signals of mobile A. Choose the correct answer
broadcasting masts are a from a, b, c or d :
serious danger to the health l.c 2. d 3. c 4.c
of citizens. 5.d 6. a
3. Plant-s talce in carbon dioxide
B. Answer the following questions :
from the air and release the
7. One reason could be the
oxygen we breathe:
changes in the amount of heat
4. Scientists strive to minimize
which actually comes from
the negative effects 0f
the sun at different times.
modern technology.
Another could be volcanic
5. It is better for your •health
clust. People have also been
not to leav.e the1m0bile phone
adding gases such as carbem
next t© y©u while you are
dioxide to the atmosphere.

2B I
Answers of Main Book

8. Heat and light. leave mobile phones near

9. Mainly because all countries where you sleep.
burn fossil fuels such as 6. He also said that telephone
oil, natural gas and coal. masts should be built away
The destruction of the big from populated areas.
rainforests, which absorb
( 5. 'Writing
carbon dioxide and give
out oxygen, makes matters Student's own answers
( 6. T.ranslation
10. Climatic changes.
A. Translate into Arabic :
( 3. The Novel
~) ~~ ·~ J.>?-" ~ 4-'! . \
A. Choose the correct answer ob.II
~I~~ .::.1.;L..:JI
...,....... •
· i 1." · i (\?J· 6...
L.) """"'L.) .
froma,b,cord: .i".;...11.:,...
l.d 2.a 3.b 4.b J~ d~ .:,i dJ~ .::.~ .:,U ~ r-J · 'I'
B. Answer TWO (2) of the ....~ ~ <S:..::;; .;.>° ~ _,.;..i .1~

following questions: B. Translate ONE (1) sentence

1. He thought that Antoinette ONLY into English :
could be useful after her 1. The mobile phone is a
argument with Michael. · double-edged weapon as it
2. I think she was a kind has a lot of pros but it has
woman who didn't like evil. some cons as well.
3. I think Detchard. He was the 2. Cutting down forests should
one who made the offer. stop because they are the
( 4. Dialogue j lungs through which the
environment breathes.
1. What was it about?
2. The downsides of mobile Workbook Practice Test (3a)
phones. ( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
3. What did they show about Ohoose the correct answer from
that? a,b,c ord:
4. What did he say? 1. a 2. b 3.c 4.d
5. He said it was danger©us to .5 . .c 6.a 7.d 8.a
Answers of Main Book

9.b 10.a 11. a 12.d 2. Michael would have become

13. a 14.c 15.b 16. c the new King.
17.d 18. b 19.d 20.d 3. They didn't want anyone
21. c · 22. a 23.a 24. c to see them. They were in a
25.b 26.c 27 . d 28 . a secret mission.
29. c 30. c
( 4. Dialogue j
( 2. Reading Comprehension j 1. Is that right?
A. Choose the correct answer 2. What are the advantages of
from a, b, c or d : studying at night?
1.c 2.a 3.b 4.b
3. You are right.
5. a 6. a
4. What are the disadvantages
B. Answer the following questions : of studying at night?
7. I would be very sad. 5. No, it isn't.
8. They will have to face 6. That's what I think.
difficulties and depend on
themselves. [ 5. Writing J
9. I don't think so. It doesn't Student's own answers
have oxygen or water.
10. Pioneers.
[ 6. Translation )
A. Translate into Arabic :
( 3. The Novel
~ ~'i , I~ r+-.rW' .:...:...,JI .J! .'
A. Choose the correct answer .j....;.il ;;~ _,...;. J:!.)JI
from a, b, c or d :
~ ~4-=! l..).JJ ~.Ji 4 ~."
l.b 2. a 3.b 4.b
- ~J t...U,. .>.!_,!.:;
B. Answer TWO (2) of the B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
following questions: ONLY into English :
1. Yes, he was lucky to get out 1. Astronauts can practise (do)
of the summer house alive. weightlessness during their
He also was lucky to find an mission on planets.
iron table which he used to
2. Space is no longer obscured
protect himself.
thanks to the great efforts of

30 J
Answers of Main Book

Unit (10)
33.b 34.c 35.c 36.a
37.d 38. c 39.d 40.c
l!!lllHJI(onl Vocabulary j 41. b 42.d 43.d 44.b
Choose the correct answer from 45.a 46.b 47. a 48.a
a, b,c ord: 49.c 50. a 51. d 52.c
1. c 2.c 3.d 4.d 53.d 54.d 55.b 56. a
5.b 6.d 7.b 8.a Dialogue
9.d 10. a , 11. d 12.b Conversation 1 :
13. a 14.c 15.a 16.c
1. Have you got any work
17.c 18.b 19.c 20.c experience?
21. a 22.c 23.d 24.a
2. What qualifications do you
25.d 26.c 27.d 28.b
29.a 30.b 31. d 32.a
33.c 34.c 35.c 36.a 3. What about languages and
37.c 38.b 39.b 40.a the computer skills?
41 . d 42.c 43.a 44.a 4. I am from Nasr City.
45.b 46.a 47. a 48.c 5. I am interested in
49.b 50.b 51. d 52.c accountancy.
53.a 54.d 55.b 56.a 6. Yes, I spend my free time
57.c 58.c 59.b 60.b reading or playing te.nnis.
61. a 62.b 63.d 64.d Conversation 2 :
lllllHll(on'I Structures j 1. It is very difficult to find a
Choose the correct answer from job these days.
a, b,c ord: 2. What makes a person
1. a 2.c 3.b 4.b employable?
5.d 6.a 7.b 8.d 3. What are hard skills?
9.d 10. d 11. a 12.a 4. Soft skills·is another name
13. d 14.b 15. b 16.c for personal skills.
17.a 18.c 19.b 20.c 5. Can you give me some
21. a 22.b 23.a 24.c examples of personal skills?
25.d 26.a 27.b 28.c 6. I think that being sociable
29.b 30.c 31. a 32.d also is a soft skill.
Answers of Main Book

Translation 4. The state always warns

against illegal migration to
A. Translate into Arabic :
avoid exposure to dangers .
.:..t......11 r"j .:,,.. ~I_, o..>-!~I w) • \
5. Teamwork saves time and
-'"""_..Jc. J...JI_, •t,..=JI ~ c: ~ (..j)lll
.• I_,,...
doubles achievement .
diLilh!.:,,.. F' .J...;.i11 ~ 'l . .,. 6. Distance learning is one of
._.ll:JI <S......:ill cs-1! ji:;.:.I_, the techniques that help one
& ~ ->"j ~l:J.I ~_,JI .;~I w! .'I" to learn.
•..:JJ......,. ~ ,) <S..l-'_,..;J I .:,,.. wl.J 7. We should care about
._,.,.~I.JI J...JI ..,.,4) ~ L. oJlc. .t physical education in schools
~l_..k~~~; so that we can raise a strong
.• ~1_, generation that will serve
.:,,.. j,._b _..Jc. C: 4-JI ~ .....;_,..... -""'j 'l . o their country.
,) 4k c:4-JI ~ ..,,;._;, ~ 1.ij..O .~
Test on unit (10)

~.:ii':-"?'-:!' L:...;.Li~..,sJ.'\ L1. Vocabulary & Structures )

~4 ~I_, C:-'""hll.s ~t.;..!JI Choose the correct answer from
. .:..1.:.11 _..le. J~'JI_,
a, b, cord:
.:..l~J..o_,...;....i, ""~ 1~.l.o~.v
1. a 2.c 3.d 4.a
~ .~ ~..l.i:i G._,J" i'....ai_, 5.b 6.a 7.b 8.b
9.b 10. b 11. a 12.a
B. Translate into English : 13.c 14.c 15.a 16.d
1. Psychologists believe that the 17.d 18.b 19.a 20:c
high rate of unemployment in 21. b 22.a 23.a 24.c
the world leads to the spread
25.b 26.c 27.a 28.d
of terrorism.
29.c 30.b
2. Rising unemployment will
in tum lead to widespread ( 2. Reading Comprehension )
violence and crime. A. Choose the correct answei:
3. The government does its best from a, b,c or d:
to create job opportunities for 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c
youth and to provide housing 5. c 6.d
for them.

32 J
Answers of Main Book

B. Answer the following questions : 2. Michael would have become

7. Winners are able to change king after killing Sapt, Fritz
their situation and become and the real king .
independent by being 3. Yes, I think so. She was
responsible for their own clever and she was loyal to
lives. They do their own her country.
thinking. They listen to ( 4. Dialogue j
others, evaluate what the>'
1. Have a seat, Sama.
say, and then they make up
their minds. They overcome 2. Yes, I have worked as a
their bad experiences. They receptionist in the Hilton.
enjoy work, play, food and 3. I graduated in business
the world of nature. They management.
freely enjoy themselves but 4. What about languages and
they can postpone it if duty computer skills?
calls. 5. Where are you from?
8. The cause why people can 6. Why do you want to work
become losers: disease, poor for us?
nutrition, cmelty, unhappy
relationships and bad
( 5. Writing J
experiences. Student's own answers
9. Winners and Losers I The (
causes of success and failure .
6. Translation J
A. Translate into Arabic :
10. a·. postpone b. interfere
.)! ~~L.....:i.i~I .:.L:..)1.....¥1 ~ .J,,.:;. \
( 3. The Novel J •) •.'.i:i•••::JI_, _,..;JI .:,... 4=Jk. d:J ~ ~
A. Choose the cor.rect answer ..,.4'!J1 •.!:!....,. J- <.)"',).Ji=....:..! •'I'
from a, b, c or d : ~)I (S.i..:..:;11 y. d.J~I ~I_,.._,

l.d 2.a 3. c 41.a ..)WI .:.i_,JI ~ y•=•·>~IJ:! (S:ill

B . .Answer TWO (2) of the B-..Thanslate ONE (1) sentence
following· questions: ONhY into English:
1. Because she didn't like 1:. 0veTP,, a1
Michael' s eviLplan•. pmblem. fodng a1l Third/
Answers of Main Book

World countries, especially 17.a 18.c 19.a 20.d

developing countries. 21. c 22.d 23.a 24.b
2. Computer skills are 25.c 26.d 27.a 28.d
indispensable for getting a 29.c 30.b 31. c 32.a
good job nowadays. 33.d 34.a 35.a 36.c
37.b 38.a 39.d 40.d
41. c 42.d . 43.b 44.a
45.c 46.d 47.c 48.a
49.a 50.d 51. c 52.c
53.d 54.a 55 . b 56.a
a,b,cord: 57.c 58.a 59.a 60.d
1. c 2.b 3.b 4.c
5.c 6.d 7.d 8.a
9.a 10. b 11. c 12.c Conversation 1 :
13. a 14.b 15. d 16.c 1. Did you know that there used
17.a 18.c 19.a 20.b to be only one continent,
21. b 22.b 23.c 24. b called Pangea?
25 . c 26.c 27.a 28.d 2. I find that surprising.
29.c 30.b 31. a 32.c 3. When was it formed?
33.b 34.a 35.b 36.c 4. That's incredible!
37.d 38.c 39.a 40.d 5. When was this continent first
41. c 42.d 43.c 44.b known?
45.a 46.b 47.a 48.d 6. I can't believe it!
49. c 50.d 51. b 52.a Conversation 2 :
53.a 54.b 55.c 56.a 1. Did you know that there used
57.b 58.c 59.d 60.a to be lions in Egypt?
l!HllH!J~ Structures j 2. Do you know the number of
Choose the correct answer from languages spoken in Asia?
a, b,cord: 3. That's amazing!
I. a 2.c 3.b 4.c 4. How big is Asia?
5.a 6.a 7.a 8.c 5. About 60 % of the world's
9.c 10. b 11. c 12.c population live in Asia.
13. a 14.d 15.b 16. c 6. Really!

34 J
Answers of Main Book

Translation 6. We must all help the toilers

who toil a lot but earn little.
A. Translate into Arabic :
Test on unit (11)
·~ .:..4fi.......t ~ ~' '-"""'~4.'
,~l_~JI ~ ~j) ~~I~~
C1. Vocabulary & Structures j
·~ d~.>" ~ ~ ._........,; l"-'=11..i
·r+.!1! ~_,JI~ ~ Choose the correct answer from
1F '~.>:' ~ y. ~I L;..U;.; .:,) • 'I' a, b,c ord:
.)...i~I_, ~Ifill :~fo.o..i W:W. .J$L.'4 1. c 2.c· 3.d 4.d
.~I_, #.1.:,.. -~~I~)!.._, 5.a 6.b 7.b 8.d
vw=1 ~1 ....i.a w!. r
~lhl1 dl.;J) .hli 9.d 10. d 11. b 12. c
-~i&Jldl,;J)~·~ 13.a 14.c 15. d 16.c
~Ifill d~L. ..s-6 ~j4JI .:,;;.::. .Ii. t 17.b 18. b 19.d 20.c
.:,IS ·~11 o,;..WI .J..iJ .:,$!_, , ~I
21. a 22.d 23.b 24.c
~~I ol.11 ~ LA~ ~I.:,..
25.b 26.a 27.a 28.a
· ...,......:JI J,.,.. ~l.J..!...11
29.b 30. b
.:;.;i ~ illt:J.I ~lhll ...,._1_,:; .;,i 4k .o
-~ .:;.;i L. ~Loy. ll.11 .:,~ ' ~
C2. Reading Comprehension j
B. Translate into English: A. Choose the correct answer
1. The Ambassador is the first from a, b, c or d :
official to represent his or her 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. b
country in another. 5.c 6.a
2. The Sun is the center of the B. Answer the following questions :
solar system the planets orbit 7 . ... because she had been ill.
8 .... because she mistook
3. Poetry and music express "free" for "three", so she
feelings and emotions. wrote about a different
4. It is necessary that you have subject.
a positive role in the lives of
9. The title of the composition.
those around you.
10. Yes, because air and water,
5. The Earth is the only planet
which are very necessary to
that has the basics of life
life, are free.
like water, air and proper
Answers of Main Book

( 3. The Novel ._,..ilJ I ..>-"LL;.. • 1.,._.;J I J.. ~ L.. ~I J • 'I'

A. Choose the correct answer .JJ~ L.. ~IJ \"+" , ._,.._,:....!. ~j ~

from a, b, c or d : ._,..W... 4J-=-:J .µi ~~I~
I.a 2.d 3.c 4.b B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
B. Answer TWO (2) of the ONLY into English :
following questions: 1. The Antarctic has about 70%
1. I think because he was old of the fresh water supply in a
and wise. frozen form.
2. Perhaps sne didn't warit 2. The storms and floods are
Michael to marry Flavia or to some of the factors that affect
be the new King. the landforms of the earth.
3. No, I don't think so. Running Unit(12)
the country is very difficult.
( 4. Dialogue
l!Hl!Mll~ Vocabulary j
Choose the correct answer from
1. What is the centre of the
a, b,cord:
solar syst~rn?
1. a 2.a 3.c 4.b
2. How many planets are there
5.d 6.b 7.c 8.a
in the solar system?
9.d 10.a 11. a 12.c
3. There are eight planets in the 13.a 14.a 15. d 16.d
solar system. 17.b 18.d 19.a 20.b
4. Do you think there's life on 21. b 22.c 23.a 24.b
other planets or not? 25.a 26.d 27.a 28.b
5. The earth. 29.c 30.c 31. b 32.c
6. Thanks a lot, Walaa. 33.d 34.a 35.d 36.c
37.b 38.a 39.a 40.b
( 5. Writing
41. d 42.c 43.a 44.b
Student's own answers 45.b 46.a 47.d 48.c
49.d 50.c 51. b 52.a
( 6. Translation
53.b 54.d 55.c 56.b
A. Translate into Arabic : 57.b 58.a 59.c 60.d
~ ~ is~l~ts:.lll .L.b.11 ~.' 61. a 62.b 63.c 64.a
....,..~¥1.1..,....::..JI. 65.d 66.a 67.a

36 J
Answers of Main Book

1!111!~11lonl Structures )
4. Will you please take me with
you on a trip to Russia?
Choose the correct answer from
5. Thank you, dad.
a, b,c ord:
1. a 2.a 3.c 4.d 6. I'll take your mother on my
5.a 6.c 7.c 8.c first trip.
9.c 10.a 11. c 12.b Translati_ocf'
13.d 14.a 15.d 16.b
A. Translate into Arabic :
17.b 18.d 19.c 20.b
, ,_<,J;_,:;ll ~;.. Jl;-iYI ,~ .,<l. \
21. b 22.a 23.d 24.c
_,:;JI ~lt)I ..,~ .:,:.!:!~ Ii>.§...! jl .. ~:!
25.d 26.c 27.c 28.c
.U _,:;JI d)+H~ .".JJ\~:.J l<J.> ,:,J 'J .;~
29.a 30:b 31. b 32.c
.~11 l.).s 4J~:i,;-:~J~;-~
33.a 34.a 35.a 36.a
cl;-jJI -¥.J, ....;_<; '··! ."<
J.:.,U .:,/ 41.U '
37.c 38.b 39.b 40.b
~ ~ .Jli ·~! J,,...,_,u J*-" .s)~~,,:;
41. c 42.c 43.d 44.d
•..,,,.,j jA j,>.b ...)_k dJ
45.b 46.c 47.a 48.d
:;~I i.s.;,. r1.:iJI J"~, i>~I rJk 5 <. '(
49.d 50.c 51. a 52. c
;;.!:!..,._.:.I)+• ._,,L...~1 .)c '-"'l~JI
53.a 54.c
~l,:=. ...-" C l;.;J I jA -¥.J.1 .Y.-b_;]
Dialogue . :t.,L_,.J I

Conversation 1 : (µ1~Fljt.0>">:U. .:.,~.:JI J:,lji .!.

fil;... ·~I ~i ~ .:,~J.lo! )'
1. What speed are you driving
at, Toka? ..,.....~114 d:j).~.
~.), b fa.YI J~~I v-~c. .)c. .o
2. Why are yoll nervous?
.._,..,.L.... ~ C:"' !'~I .:.L....l;JI ._,,)tb
3. Watch out!
·!'""'~LO:; '~ J,,..JI
4. Don't worry, dad. ¥.J ._,le J,..dl ._,le ._...L:JI Jl.:ic.1.ul.'
5. Do you look at the rnilTors? ~ .;.,,.l.J jl.S.. ~ :;.;.,,.l.J 4,J.,J j,,..JI,
6. I'm worried about you. -.1,.!.<.1.:;·;!
Conversation 2 : B. Translate into English :
1. Why have you enrolled on a I. Have you thought of joining
language.course, dad? an overseas university after
2. D0 ~«l>U neecliLfor work? graduating to specialize in a
~.Leaming •never stops! rare field?
Answers of Main Book

2. The governmental job is ( 2. Reading Comprehension j

no longer available to all
A . .Choose the correct answer
graduates as it was in the,
from a, b, c or d :
1.b 2.d 3.d 4.d
3. Ambitious young people
5 ..C 6. a
try to acquire many skills
that make business owners B. Answer the following questions :
compete for them. 7. Losing weight.
4. Money does not necessarily 8. Mild exercise.
provide solutions to 9. Mild exercise and severe
problems. It does not buy programmes like jogging.
health or happiness. 10. Through chewing.
5. A student must enroll on the
college that suits his talents
( 3. The Novel )
and abilities. A. Choose the correct answer
6. You should accept work with from a, b, c or d :
others you disagree with and 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. b
may not like, otherwise you B. Answer TWO (2) of the
will fail in youir career. following questions:
7. Success in life depends on 1. Yes, I would. Rassendy11 was
patience and hard work. doing what is right and legal.
Test on unit (12) 2. The King would have been
killed. One of Michael's men
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
would have taken his place
Choose the correct answer from in chains. It would have been
a, b,cord: claimed that the chained man
1. b 2.a 3.c 4.c
was impolite to Antoinette.
5.b 6.b 7.a 8.a
3. He was a dangerous criminal.
9.c 10.c 11. d 12.a
13.a 14.d 15. b 16.b ( 4. Dialogue
17.d 18.d 19.b 20.b 1. Can you give me some
21. d 22.b 23.c 24.b information about distance
25.b 26.a 27.a 28.a learning?
29.c 30.b

38 J
Answers of Main Book
2. What is distance learning? 9.a 10.c 11. a 12.a
3. How do they communicate? 13.c 14.b 15.d 16.c
4. From websites. 17.a 18.a 19.c 20.b
21. a 22.c 23.c 24.c
5. Yes, of course.
25.c 26.a 27.c 28.c
6. No, they don't.
29.b 30.a
( 5. Writing J ( 2. Reading Comprehension j
Student' s own answers A. Choose the correct answer
from a, b, c or d :
( 6. Translation J l.c 2.d 3.b 4.b
A. Translate into Arabic : 5. d 6. b
~U;J ~ .)J ..,..L>JI ~..Ii.\ B. Answer the following questions:
I~ o-';!.i.;. ..:.I)+•.)!~~ (.,.,.JJ 7. On Tuesday .
. ~_,:;Jl~_J.o
8. I think so because she was
..::.LA..~l ..,..)Lb F .:,IS' ._,....;UI '-'"° ,.,. qualified for the job.
~.:,J.O~fo L..""'"-'i.JJ~
9. Because speaking foreign
languages is necessary for a
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence tour guide.
ONLY into English: 10. Two people.
1. Hard work is an honour for
everyone who wants to live in
( 3. The Novel J
dignity. A. Choose the correct answer
2. I am thinking of enrolling from a, b, c or d :
on a computer course after l.b 2.c 3. a 4.d
graduation to become more B. Answer TWO (2) of the
employable. following questions:
1. When he new Michael's plan
to get rid of him.
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j 2. Because he thought she
Choose the correct answer from was kind and clever. She
also had the right to know
a, b,cord:
4.a what happened to her future
1. b 2. d 3.c
5. b 6.d 7.d 8.c

J 39
/\11,wcrs of Main Book

:i. Ye;.. I think ~o. lk didn't Unit(13)

\\·ant to trick the princess. He
rcfu•;cd the idea of remaining 11111~1·onl Vocabulary j
J.,. i1w forever.
Choose the correct answer from
( 4. I ialogue a, b,c or d:
J. l-la\'c you ever worked with 1. b 2.a 3.b 4.a
animals? 5.c 6.a 7.b 8.c
2. I arn from Cairo. 9.a 10.c 11. d 12.a
?.. Whai are you interested in? 13.d 14.b 15.a 16.b
4. \\'oulcl you plC'aSC' bring me a 17. b 18.d 19.d 20.d
spiclc1: to sec it next time? 21. d 22. b 23.d 24.a
~. Dun'! worry. 25.c 26.d 27.b 28.d
(1. ·.1 hank )Oll. J'd be happy to 29.c 30.b 31. a 32.a
SC' \ 'it 33.a 34.b 35.d 36.a
37.c 38.b 39.a 40.d
5. Writing 41. c 43.a
42.b 44.c
~tucknt 's own answers 45.d 46.b 47.d 48.a
49.c 50.d 51. a 52.d
( 6. Translation
53.d 54.a 55.a 56.c
A. 'j 1 anslatc into Arabic: 57.d 58.a 59.b 60.d
,,.k ~ii#~ (Jlh,JI .:,J. \ 61. a 62.b 63.d 64.a
. ~~WI_, ;(..WI .:;,L..l;.;J.I
<.,_,1611.:...~I CS"" ~I .:;,l)~.11. 'I'
·'-:W<..ll d .. 4-:- ...... C~I..,.'..,..;:.;:_, a ljJ llllH!Jfon'I Structures j
13. 'J ranslate ONE (1) sentence Choose the correct answer from
ONLY into English : a, b,c ord:
I . My friend Laila asked me 1. d 2.b 3.c 4.a
what I had done the night 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.b
before. l replied that I had 9.b 10.c 11. a 12.d
gone to bed eal'ly. 13. c 14.d 15.d 16.d
2. Youth must accept work in 17. c 18.d 19.b 20.d
rl'mote areas so as not to 21. a 22.b 23.d 24.b
remain unemployed. 25.a 26.a 2·7. a 28.a
Answers of Mnin Book

29.a 30.b 31. c 32.d

33.a 34.b 35.c 36 . d
37.c 38.a 39.a 40.c A. Translate into Arabic :
41. b 42.b 43.d 44.a c)! t L.:>...81 ~.,Li. i.:.;s: .! '1 L:. 1. ~1 • '

45.a 46.c 47.c 48 . b ~_,'l,.G..:;.....,IJS.A.:'-i. _,..h , cll

49.b 50.c 51. d 52. b ._,.;l.r"YI ,_,..~. c,:~l ,JJ:c; i i,...S

53.a 54.d 55.c 56.b · ·~jJ l.;~_,,.., ~11
57.b 58.a 59.d 60. d ~WI .:&J.1_,1 1,) :\.~ I ; ;! .Y
61. a 62.b 63.c 64.a ~ L..~~t.~ .:.i i ~:.,.,
65.a . ;b-'- u.-1 r"-~.J ':..l !
Dialogue ~_,+'·~!.Wk y,i l.i';I ) :C.I ....· ) .\'

Conversation I : .&.:..S Jl)'JI ,~ ~..c:.,, :\..~J I <i..J.J~'

I . I promised to help with the 0-o~J·~.J" ..... Ll'.; ~) l;;l~d .. ,.i.

housework. ...,.->'-11 ~yJI, ~~J.ll ? "."1.<;11 r-.-1

2. Shall we start with his

bedroom? ~ ~~ ~)! .t....Jlo ~-7-1~ .\ . ~:\.)

3. That's not a good idea. t'-'l.i; ,) lb. ~ ...,...,.."J <;_.~.....JI 1.:.5: r ,

4 . Let's start with the kitchen . A.,.:;J_,L:..; ,), ""d·Jjl, ·i

5. What do you want me to do? ~h ,~:.JI f-" .:,,.,JWI .:,:;:,.61 LI . I
6. Shall I sweep the floor after ~ii.; J-:..i .J.o f'i11_,..i_, r~•.;.J r' f-> ;;/
that? ·r' .,1
Conversation 2 : f-";ts:..;i: '7, ._,..L:JJ ~- L., , , .. i .. JI .V
_..:;JI ~.:.JI_, L.;;jji.! ~,:;JI ~~I J.
l. Where do you think we
should spend the next _..:;JI ~I_, .~_;(:;JI to..:..;... 9 . l_,:,i~!
summer holiday? .Li· ~~:

2. Why have you chosen B. Translate into 1<:nglbl1 :

Matrouh? l. Reading fictional stories and
3. Why don't we spend it in the listening to music are my
countryside? favourite hobbies.
4. I don't feel like it. 2. The oud was taken to
5. No, I enjoyed it a lot. Europe, where it evolved
6. I'm looking forward to some into a number 1cif •mode~n
change. instruments.
Answers of Main Book

3. Different cultures have B. Answer the following questions :

distinctive festivals and 7. There will be no industrial
traditional folk music. complexes and huge cities.
4. There is no doubt that The developments will
women play an important role follow a "green approach" ,
in the stability and progress and agriculture, fishing and
of any society. tourism will be the key to the
region's development.
5. The culture of peoples is
reflected in the behaviour of 8. They could not travel
the citizens. because of restrictions at
6. In order to succeed in
9. In the old days, they were
practical (working) and
only allowed to look after
personal life, you must get on
the family and some of
well with others.
its animals. Now, many
Test on unit (13) are managing their own
( 1. Vo_cabulary & Structures j businesses producing
traditional handcrafts, such as
Choose the correct answer from carpets and cloth.
a, b,c ord: 10. Ecotourism means using
1. c 2.c 3.b 4.a unpolluted environment
5.a 6.d 7.c 8.c to attract tourists. It will
9. c 10. b 11. b 12. a not only be good for the
13. b 14.c 15. b 16. c economy, it will also help to
17. c 18.b 19.c 20.c protect our national heritage.
21. a 22.a 23.a 24.d
25.c 26.a 27.a 28.b
( 3. The Novel

29. b 30.b A. Choose the correct answer

from a, b, c or d :
( 2. Reading Comprehension j l.d 2. a 3. c 4. d
A. Choose the correct answer
B. Answer TWO (2) of the
from a, b, c or d :
following questions:
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b
1. No, I wouldn't accept it
5.d 6.a
because it was an evil plan.

42] Answers of Main Book

2. I think he was a professional 2. Civilization flourishes better

fighter. in-times of peace.
3. Yes, he was right. It was war, Unit (14)
so Rassendyll had to protect
himself. Max Holf was also a ll!!llH!-1(on'J Vocabulary j
bad man. He deserves death Choose the correct answer from
as he was helping Michael a, b,c ord:
with his evil plans. 1. c 2.b 3. c 4.b
( 4. Dialogue j 5.c 6.b 7. c 8. c
1. Who is your favourite singer? 9.d 10. a 11. d 12.d
2. Do you think Um Kulthom's 13. b 14.c 15. a 16.b
songs are folk ones? 17.d 18.a 19. b 20. c
21. d 22.b 23 . a 24.b
3. What type of songs do you
25.c 26.d 27. a 28.b
think they are?
29.a 30.c 31. a 32.d
4. That's new to me.
33.c 34.b 35.a ~6.c
5. Like the rababah. 37.a 38. a 39. b 40.b
6. That's true. 41. d 42.d 43.c 44.b
45.a 46.b 47.d 48.c

5. Writing J 49.a 50.a 51. c 52. d
Student's own answers 53.c 54.a 55.a 56.b
( 6. Translation J 57.d
61. b
59. c 60.a
63. d 64.c
A. Translate into Arabic :
~ •...J.ill ~..?. .)! J_,ill (.~.' l!l!!llH!-1(onl Structures j
-~ .y. ~~I.ill ~"14 ~I Choose the correct answer from
~ .)~. ltil~~r.l 1.:iJ.'\' a, b,cord:
- ~.WI r.lWI ~~ F ~ (]~ 1. a 2.b 3. c 4.b
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.c
ONLY into English: 9.d 10. a 11. d 12.d
l . Allah has gifted Egypt 13. c 14.a 15.c 16.c
many tourist attractions and 17.d 18.a 19. d 20.a
wonderful weather. 21. b 22.c 23.d 24.a

J 43
Answers of Main Book

X). I• 76.c 27.d 28.a Translation

~'9 . I1 30.c 31. d 32.b
A. Translate into Arabic:
'.\ '
. ,) . l' 34. b 35.a 36.d
...AW&....4 ~I ·~~I r"j ..,.,j . \
?.7. b ?.8. c 39.a 40.d
~ L.. .;~ UJS:;JI L4 <t.,;j ~ . w.AJI
41. a 42.b 43.c 44.d
4."l. cl 46.h 48.c
JUI,i ~)(; C:;F ,) ~I~ 4J... y
4 .a 50.b 51. (' 52.d
, 1.5,;L.,.J J.:.,.J_, , ':'I.,..- _,_a L..
~):). b 54.d 55 . a 56. b
- ~ ..:J.;j ._,..WJ ~1_,
) "/ . h 58.a 59.h 60. b
_,j ":'.JL,.:;11 . 1,r.o-j_, . w.AJ I ...AW.S:.....:I .:,I .'I"
6 1. b 62.a
··.)-'-"·..,. eJWl ~4 41L ¥
~I~ ':'.:..ti ~I .:,i .a;.:_j .t
Conn•rsation 1 : . ..:;,.I.;~ .:.e_;..'il 4....1,; t~ 1.5.J.ll

! . \'l's. of course. ~_,:;! ·~~ ~ ~L.....i .)l G:~ .o

'.' . 11! ink it i~ necessary?
very -4'~ t+-J....;..:;,...J_, ~~_,

'.) .I lhinl: it won ' t be necessary. B. Translate into English:

!J . I) (J yo1Hhi'nk we 11ccd to 1 . All citizens must follow the
chanf'C' some currency? Jaw so that everyone can live
5. What :1bo11t food? in safety.
2. It is not allowed to damaged
<•. Do \\l' need lo book a hotel?
public property at all.
Corl\ <Tsai ion 2 :
3. You needn't do any
l . ls it necessary 10 have a
additional work at weekends.
dri v in~' licence ?
4. Many people like watching
/. I low can 1 f>C'l a driving
science fiction movies,
~specially those about space.
?. . \\'ha! is the most important
5. It is essential that you d~fine
thin~'. for a driver? .
your goal in life and try to
4 . On the right. reach it in all legal ways .
5 . Yon have to fasten the seat 6. A civilized person carries out
belt . their duties before asking for
6. No, it isn't. his rights. Answers of Main Book

Test on unit (14) B. Answer TWO (2) of the

following questions:
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures ) 1. No, I don't think so. He
Choose the correct answer from hadn't arranged the time of
a, b,c or d: the attack with Rassendyll.
l. a 2.b 3.d 4>.c 2. I think because she was his
5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a guest. Perhaps he respected
9.c 10. b 11. c 12.a or loved her after all.
13.a 14.c 15.a 16.c
3. Because Rassendyll had left
17.d 18.a 19.b 20.c
his gun' in the trees before he
21. b 22.c 23.d 24.a
went down the moat.
25 . c 26.c 27.b 28.b
29. d 30.c c 4. Dialogue
( 2. Reading Comprehension ) 1. I want you to stop breaking
A. Choose the correct answer the school rules.
from a, b, c or d : 2. You don't follow the school
I. c 2. b 3. a 4. b uniform.
5. b 6. d 3. That's because I'm a new
B. Answer the following questions-: student in your school.
7. No, I don't think SO·. Life will 4. Is there anything else?
be unsafe without rules. 5. Do you know how far away
8. The car may stop suddenly I live?
in the middle of a crowded 6. How far away do you live?
street causing a lot of trouble.
( 5. Writing, )
9. You will have to face the
trouble of changing the flat Student's own answers
tyre by yourself. ( 6. Translation )
IO. In order not to have an
accident. A. Translate into Arabic :
..,..1_,...:J1_, ~1 ...J.U •.>.!_,;. .:,1 ~i .\
c 3. The Nov.el. . ~L.... .:,L....;J J$ ~IJ oJ~_,..
A. Choose the corre<lt answer· 1.:U. ~ (.;~_, i..:.1 L.! :.;,'tl..w..1 .;)~ . 'I'
from a, b, c or-d : ~.>'" l.J~_, ,.:JI.A i....I ~j _,1 ~I
1. d 2. b 3. c ~. b .• I_,...~ .)c.

J 45
Answers of Main Book

B. Translate ONE (1) sentence 9.b 10.c 11. b 12.c

ONLY into English: 13.b 14.b 15.a 16.c
1. I must attend my friend's 17.a 18.a 19.a 20.b
birthday party because I have 21. b 22.c 23.c 24.b
promised him that. 25.c 26.b 27.c 28.a
2. You needn't have looked 29.d 30. b. 31. d 32.b
for extra work because you 33.a 34.b 35.c 36.d
already earn enough money. 37.d 38.d 39.d 40.a
41. c 42.c 43.b 44.d
Unit(15) 45.b 46.c 47.b 48.a
49.d 50.c 51. d 52.c
l!:lll!HIJ(on'j Vocabulary j 53.c 54.c 55.d 56.b
Choose the correct answer from 57.c 58.a 59. c 60.a
a,b,cord: 61. b 62.b
1. d 2.a 3.c 4.d
5.c 6.b 7.b 8.c Dialogue
9.a 10. a 11. d 12.d Conversation 1 :
13. a 14.a 15.d 16.a 1. Why is Lamia absent from
17. c 18.b 19. d 20.d school?
21. b 22.a 23.a 24.c
2. She might be ill.
25.c 26.b 27.c 28.d
29.c 30.a 31. b 32.d 3. Why do you think she is
33.c 34 . a 35.b 36.d absent?
37.c 38. a 39.b 40.d 4. She is helping her sister
41. c 42.b 43.a 44.c prepare for the wedding.
47.d 48. c
51. d 52.c
5. Do you think it is necessary
for her to take tomorrow's
53.b 54.c 55.b 56.a
57.c 58.b 59.d 60.d
61. b 62.c 63.d 64.b 6. I'll try calling her.
Conversation 2 :
l!!ll!Hll(on'j Structures j
1. Why did you get low marks
Choose the correct answer from
in the monthly exam, Areej?
a, b,cord:
1. a 2.a 3.c 4.d 2. But I know that all your
5.d 6.c 7.c 8.a friends got full marks.

46 J Answers of Main Book

3. You should ~ave studied and protects the people

hard. from dreadful droughts and
4. Do you have any difficulties electricity which runs their
at school? factories.
5. Do you need to talce private 2. The government encourages
lessons? Egyptian businessmen
6. Promise me to do your best. to establish factories and
reclaim lands, especially in
Sinai and desert areas.
A. Translate into Arabic : 3. Cultivating (Reclaiming) the
t ~ )->' ._,....__,....11 ;;t.:a r=-"'i:; .:,IS ..Iii.\ desert and building new cities
.i..,.JI j._yU .;:....;.i..1 ~I J..i.111 (S~ will develop the national
..,;w1 economy and solve many
.:,.. t""~ (S..1L.:i .l..bll oJl:ill J~. 'I' social problems .
. . . ..• "' .:q - - •j,..i
~1"+-9·('"+7,,........~ ~ . 4. Scientists are trying to
·r+'l.b}i_, ~'i ~):> produce new species of plants
. ..,-W.1 i"l..:i.l.'il (S..1~1 4bi U,;j .,I .Y' and animals using genetic
;;_,~~)I ..1JL......l.I ~ .J_,....A ,
engineering .
-~JL..:.:ii'il .:.l..j'il ~ F--..i
5. The Egyptians have realised
.:,.. ..l..l).I .:.~~~fi:JI J_,L.:; .£
the importance of the Nile
(S..14$..i Jl.£;i_, ."':!_..,... J.). .I...!..;, J)l..O.. since ancient times. They
-~ were proud of it and were
&~ , I"~ Js: .:.l).~I J~ JIJ~. o
keen to protect it.
~4 1.i.;.. (......J_).. J.).11 ~j
6. The government aims to
reclaim 4 million feddans
F ~_, <S"_,ill ~J OJ'=j ~ · '
over the next four years
~1.;'il oJ4.J J:!.). .:,&. L:Js:t..;...
to increase the area of
,;;"':!_..,... ~~ t:!Jt..;....~_, ~..i.;).I
agricultural land.
B. Translate into English:
7. Great people do great
1. For (To) all Egyptians that
projects and they also face
are proud of their nationality, great pressure.
the High Dam is the water
which irrigates the land

[ 47
Answers of Main Book

Test on unit (15) B. Answer TWO (2) of the

following questions:
[ 1. Vocabulary & Structures j l. Because they didn't like
Choose the correct answer from Rupert. Perhaps they were
a, b,c ord: angry for the Duke's death.
1. d 2.c 3.c 4.c 2. Yes, I think so. She was
5.c 6.d 7.b 8.a angry after his death and
9.b 10. d 11. c 12.a walked towards Rupert
13. a 14.c 15.a 16.d pointing a gun at him.
17.c 18.a 19.a 20.d
3. I think it would have been
21. c 22.d 23.d 24.b
difficult to rescue the King.
25.d 26.a 27.c 28.c
29.c 30.a c-=~~4_._D_ia_lo~g~u_e~~----'J
( 2. Reading Comprehension j I . Do you have any information
A. Choose the correct answer about the Great Pyramid?
from a, b, c or cl : 2. Do yuu know how high it is?
l. b 2. a · 3. c 4. d 3. No, I don't know.
5. d 6. a 4. I think it took five years to
B. Answer the following questions: build.
7. The main part of the wall is 5. Why was it built?
2,500 miles long. 6. Because there weren't any
8. Because they had no farming machines to lift large rocks.
/ .5. Writing j
9. Natural disasters Like strong
winds, dusts and storms. Student"s own answers
10. Yes, I think the Chinese
should have helped the
l 6. Translation

attackers solve their

A. Translate into Arabic :
~.i:.,,.11 jkYI.:,.. ~,WI~ .s..J. \
problems.!>YI J:. w.ill ~..,,JI_, ~.iill
( 3. The Novel . ~_,..JI ;;w_, .....JI_,
A. Choose the correct answer .:,.. ..,.,_;m-! •~..i..;.. .:,...... W.:.J ~ •.,.
from a, b, c or d : ~I ._.JJ .s.i~ ~~I _;.61.:J.I
l.d 2.a 3.d 4.c .~.i~YI

48 j
Answers of Main Book

B. Translate ONE (1) sentence grass. The Romans made

ONLY into English: a type of concrete using
1. The government gives volcanic stone. In England,
great importance to the concrete was made using
establishment of pn:>jects in local stones.
Toshka and the New Valley. 10. It will be used more because
2. Building dams is necessary it is the best building
to control rivers that cause material.
flooding. ( 3. The Novel
Workbook Practice Test (5a) A. Choose the correct answer
from a, b, cord :
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a
Choose the correct answer from
B. Answer TWO (2) of the
a, b,c or d:
following questions:
1. a 2.a 3.b 4.c
1. He might have changed his
5.d 6. b 7. c 8. a
olan or looked for another
9. d 10. c 11. b 12. d
spy. Anyway, he wouldn't
13. d 14.d 15.c 16.a
have let Johann go back to
17.a 18.b 19.d 20.c
21. d 22.b the castle.
23.b 24.d
25.d 26.a 27.a 28.b 2. Because he wasn't safe.
29.a 30.c Michael and his men would
try to kill him.
( 2. Reading Comprehension j
3. Yes, because he learnt about
A. Choose the correct answer
responsibilities and he knew
from a, b, c or d :
how a country is run.
1. a 2. b 3. c 4. c
5. a 6. c c 4. Dialogue j
B. Answer the following questions : 1. Why don't we learn the
7. The ancient Egyptians. drums?
8. In England. 2. I suggest learning it.
9. The Egyptians used a kind 3. Great idea.
of concrete made of mud and 4. No, I don't think so.
Answers of Main Book

5. How often should we 29.a 30.d 31. c 32.d

practise if we want to be 33.b 34. a 35.b 36.a
better in a short time? 37.c 38. d 39.a 40.a
6. Do you mind practising in 41. d 42.b 43.d 44. a
our house? 45.a 46.b 47.c 48.c
49.c 50.d 51. a 52.d
( 5. Writing
53.d 54.d 55.d 56.c
Student's own answers 57.c 58.c 59.a 60.a
61. b 62.d 63.a
( 6. Translation
A. Translate into Arabic : llHIHl-t~I Structures }
~ ~....:..:;....J.I ~_,J.l .:;;'i'JI ~. \ Choose the correct answer from
._r>.i .)! .:,IS...:,.. ~I ~_,J.1 a, b,c ord:
.:;;)lb..Jl; ~ .Y..;.JI ~~\II~. 'I' 1. c 2.c 3.b 4.b
~4JI )'.>'JI.:,.. ..;Jill; ~L..;.ill 5.a 6.d 7.d 8.c
-~)I 9.c 10. b 11. b 12. d
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence 13. d 14.d 15. b 16. a
ONLY into English : 17.b 18.b 19.b 20.d
1. The tourists might be from 21. a 22.d 23.d 24.c
Japan because they have a 25.b 26.d 27.a 28.c
Japanese flag in their hands. 29.b 30.b 31. d 32.c
2. Flyovers help solve traffic 33.d 34.c 35.c 36.b
problems in large cities. 37.c 38. d 39.b 40.a
41. a 42.c 43 . c 44. c
45.b 46.b 47.a 48 . b
49.d 50.b 51. d 52.c
53.d 54. c 55.a 56.a
a, b,c ord: 57.b 58.c 59.c 60.a
l. a 2. c 3. b 4. b
5. a 6.b Dialogue
7.d 8.a
9.b 10.c 11. b 12.d Conversation 1 :
13. d 14.d 15.a 16.c 1. Can you give me some
17.c 18.b 19.b 20.d instructions, please?
21. b 22.c 23.d 24. a 2. What should I do first?
25.d 26.a 27.b 28.c

so I
Answers of Main Book

3. Boil some water. ._..i tl:J.I_, 4..,......,Jf .L..k.:,... J:!..iiJ l:il_, ·'
4. What should I do next? .::.4Lill (Jlj) .:,Jj , ~WI 4..,......,Jf ~

5. No, it is better to wait. '-"'~)}!~)I ":'4---YIJ...i ~

6. Three or four minutes. ·(S)_p.11

Conversation 2 : B. Translate into English:

1. Do you think trees are 1. Many international
conferences have been held to
try to reach a solution to the
2. They are very important.
problem of global warming.
3. Because they give us wood.
2. Urgent plans must be made
4. What else do trees give us? to face any sudden climatic
5. They give us turpentine. changes.
6. What is that (turpentine)? 3. Over-deforestation leads to
increasing environmental
A.-Translate into Arabic :
4. The responsibility of every
·.;~i )l,it.;Ll..:,..~i.,r .i..;.-':! '1.\
Egyptian towards trees and
~YI .:.,,.Ill_, Jl;JI ~ .;~%
flowers is great because
.4..,..1)4 ~ ~ (S:ill
they reduce the ratio of
.;~YI_, .::.l:it,ull ,:,i .:,')If~~. 'I' environmental pollution .
t"t...11 ~ [+:il.J-.!U .~fji F 5. Trees are the lungs through
-~~ t..~ 41F~ 1 which all living things
-':!~ J~ ~ (S)_p.11 '-"'~¥' .Y' breathe.
JUJ4 (SJ~~ .J..i:i.....11 ..... ~ 6. Protecting the environment
.'=Y..... ;;u_, w....'0 ..... .:,. .
_;.s;i -..1! from pollution is very
~I jfa 4-'Y .1_,.JI .;~YI~ .t important for the future of
W-':! (S:ill ~I y. llA_, •.;4-JI ._..i life on earth.
~YI .:.,,.Ill _,..;..I u~(S.;L..,.AJ~ 7. The increase in the ratio of
.U..J..o.6.;i~._..i environmental pollution has
-..1! ~' ulb J.._,.,.... d:il,UJI ~ .o had disastrous consequences
~I ~~I~ • .:...._,, a;.'=4 ulb on public health.
Answers of Main Book

Test on unit (16) c 3. The Novel

C1. Vocabulary & Structures ) A. Choose the correct answer

from a, b, c or d :
Choose the correct answer from l.d 2.d 3.c 4.b
a, b,c or d:
B. Answer TWO (2J of the
I. c 2.b 3.d 4.c
following questions:
5.c 6.b 7.b 8.a
1. Yes, I think so. She was
9.d 10. b 11. c 12.c
clever and wise and she
13.d 14.b 15.d 16.a would be helpful.
17.a 18.b 19.a 20.d
2. No, I wouldn't. Rassendyll
21. c 22.c 23.c 24.d was injured and he didn't
25.d 26.c 27.a 28.b look very well. It was
29.d 30.c necessary for Fritz to help
C2. Reading Comprehension j him.
A. Choose the correct answer 3. I think he was a successful
from a, b, cord: king.
l.b 2.a 3.c 4.d ( 4. Dialogue j
5. b 6.a l. Can you give me instructions
B. Answer the following questions : on how to plant a tree?
7. The importance of trees. 2. dig a hole.
8. We get wood from the trees 3. How big should the hole be?
to make furniture, doors, 4. What should I do after that?
windows, etc. 5. At this point, press the soil.
9. Trees and plants are the 6. water your tree.
sources of many supply C 5. Writing j
life-saving drugs. Essential
Student's own answers
oils derived from trees are
used in medicinal and aroma
c 6. Translation
A. Translate into Arabic :
I 0. I think life would be ._r. ;;~I ~I JSW:J.I '->..1.=o.J .:.,J. \
impossible without trees. ~J~ ~ yW....11_, ~It t.a:;J~I
.._,;.)lll ii).,r-

Answers of Main Book

.::,........:; .:.,i ~ , ~WI ;;).>"- J(:Jjl t"'". 'I' 53.a 54. c 55.c 56. d
~ .::.U~_, _, ._..A;;~ .::.I~ 57.c 58.a 59.d 60. a
o~I ':'_,.......;... t. l.i:i) ~ t"""I-' _;Lb; 61. c 62.b 63.c 64.c
..::.l.b!'""'ll-' )~I ._..A
llH!~1!--l[on'I Structures j
B. Translate ONE (1) sentence Choose the correct answer from
ONLY into English : a, b, cord:
1. The progress of nations is 1. d 2.d 3.b 4.b
measured by their interest 5.b 6.a 7.c 8.c
in different environmental 9. d 10. c 11. b 12.b
issues. 13. c 14.a 15. b 16. b
2. We should exert more effort 17.b 18.b 19.a 20.b
to protect the environment 21. c 22.d 23 . b 24.c
from audio and visual 25.d 26.d 27. b 28.d
pollution. 29.a 30.a 31. c 32.c
33.c 34.a 35.b 36.d
Unit (17)
37.c 38.a 39. c 40. a
11!1!~1!--lronl Vocabulary j 41. d 42.a 43.a 44.b
Choose the correct answer from 45.a 46.d 47.a 48.d
a, b,cord: 49.d 50.c 51. c 52.a
l.d 2.c 3.b 4.c 53.a 54.c 55.b 56.b
5. d 6. a 7.a 8.a 57.c 58.a 59. c
9.b IO.a 11. a 12.b Dialogue
13.d 14.c 15.b 16.c Conversation 1 :
17. b 18.d 19.d 20.a 1. Can I talk to you now, mum?
21. c 22. b 23.b 24.b
2. Why do you insist on
25.a 26.a 27.a 28 . b
spending the summer holiday
29.d 30. a 31. c 32.d
in Hurghada?
33.a 34.b 35. c 36.d
3. Why don't you want to go to
37.b 38.a 39.c 40.d
41. b 42.a 43.c 44.a
45.d 46. d 47.d 48.a 4. I suggest going to the North
49.b 50.a 51. b 52.c Coast.

J s3

Answers of Main Book

5. Because it might cost more. B. Translate into English :

6. You'd better talk to your 1. There are some personal
father. hygiene rules the simplest of
Conversation 2 : which is to wash your hands
before eating.
1. Which faculty would you
like to join? 2. I wish I had taken my
father's advice when I was
2. What about you?
3. Wouldn't you like to join the
3. You should know that money
Faculty of medicine?
is a means not an end, so you
4. It takes a lot of time and should invest money in useful
effort. projects.
5. I think it corresponds with 4. Knowledge is power, and it
science. is what distinguishes humans
6. But everyone agrees that from other creatures.
medicine is rewarding. 5. I am very keen to join the
Translation Faculty of Medicine next
year and become a successful
A. Translate into Arabic :
~j.:,.. ~)I uk-' .;;~I_,... .:..i,,11. \
6. The efforts to improve
'/ L.. l,JIL t.;j..O • .il.iji.u.1 ~'/
health can only be successful
~(~I J.;.i.:,.. ~ <l.o.;.;,.:;.....;
through the cooperation
between individuals and the
. u,..~ _.!! ( ~
jt£:.J ~
_,J ,j= ~ ;;JJ~ ~I c:)l...:.J .Y' Test on unit (17)
.~ .::.~I .::.l)=J.. l,;ii;j
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
.:... ~I .::,lj ..,..).i.J.1.1...!.;!-! i"_,.. .!
Choose the correct answer from
iJ":U.i:;JI ._,.;,_,Al UKl,I ;;~'ii_, .J_,ill
a, b,c ord:
_,... ~I o>.!_,il <l.o.ii; L.. JS .fil_, '
l. b 2.a 3.b 4.b
5.c 6.b 7.c 8.b
.i)l,JI ~.:_,YI ~I~~ L.. .o
9.a 10.c 11. c 12.c
13.b 14.a 15.b 16.a

54 ]
Answers of Main Book

17.d 18.a 19.b 20.c 2. He was a responsible

21. c 22.b 23.d 24.c gentleman who believed in
25 . c 26. d 27.c 28.d helping others.
29.b 30.b 3. I think Rassendyll's
( 2. Reading Comprehension ) appearance, his fluency in
German and his martial skills
A. Choose the correct answer
helped him.
from a, b, c or d :
1.b 2.b 3.c 4.c ( 4. Dialogue )
5. c 6.a 1. Would you like to join it,
B. Answer the following questions : too?
7. She was looking forward to 2. I wish I could, but I don't
a quiet evening. My husband have much free time.
would not be back until late 3. What can I do to help?
and decided to settle down in 4. I could donate some money
a comfortable armchair in the to the charity.
living-room and read a book. 5. What else can I donate?
8. Because she had a long 6. Great! I've a lot of clothes
phone conversation. and books to donate.
9. After a long time. c 5. Writing )
10. She lived in a villa. Strangers Student's own answers
don't go upstairs to ask
people in their flats for c 6. Translation )
directions . A. Translate into Arabic :
( 3. The Novel ) .)! ~~ -~ ~ fu.,, J ........ ,:,i ~.'
A. Choose the correct answer
.~..._ii·~ <Sid~ ~i_, ~!"~I
.:,is.. -'7-Y- ".wi ._..k ...,..~1 F ~."
from a, b, c or d :
-~.:,is.. J.r.---..:,... )Si <W¥. J.)'11 Ji..
l.a 2.b 3.c 4. d
. ~_,.).I•~..:,..-~-*"·~
B. Answer TWO (2) of the B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
following questions: ONLY into English :
1. I think he was idle and 1. Have you thought about
carefree. learning more about the

! ss
Ans· ers of Main Book

[.Jthor of such an interesting 9.c 10.c 11. c 12.d

I •We]? 13. c 14.a 15.a 16.c
2. ve must care about physical 17.c 18.b 19.a 20.b
t- Jucation in schools so 21. a 22.b 23.c 24.d
that we can raise a strong 25.b 26.a 27.a 28.b
generation to serve their 29.d 30.c 31. d 32.c
country. 33.b 34.b 35.c 36.c
37.a 38.a 39.d 40.a
_ Unit (18) 41. a 42.a 43.d 44.c
45.b 46.d 47.d 48.b
llll!Hll(onl Vocabulary j 49. a 50. c 51. d 52.c
Choose the correct answer from 53.c 54.a 55.b 56.a
a, b,c or d: 57.b 58. b 59.a 60.c
1. c 2.c 3.a 4.b 61. b 62.b
5.d 6.c 7.a 8.d
9.a 10. d 11. b 12.d
13. b 14.d 15.b 16.a Conversation 1 :
17.a 18.b 19.c 20.d 1. Can I ask you some
21. a 22.c 23.d 24.b questions, please?
25.c 26.d 27.a 28.c 2. I want to ask about floods.
29.d 30. b 31. c 32.a 3. Why do floods occur?
33.b 34.a 35.a 36.d 4. Let me explain to you.
37. a 38.d 39.c 40.d 5. When do floods become
41. a 42.b 43.a 44.c dangerous?
45.b 46.b 47.d 48.c 6. I'll try to explain it to you.
49.d 50.b 51. a 52.b Conversation 2 :
53.b 54.b 55.c 56.b
1. What are you doing?
57.d 58.a 59.a 60.c
61. c 62.c 63.d 64.c 2. I'm doing a research.
65. a 66.a 3. What is it on?
4. The powers of nature.
llll!HJJro;i] Structures j 5. Is it about all the powers of
Choose the correct answer from nature?
a, b, ie or d: 6. I suggest you look on the
1. d 2.b 3.a 4.a internet.
5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b

56 J Answers of Main Book

Translation 4. Volcanic ash can disrup~ air

A. Translate into Arabic :
~ l..~ ~I .!.)fill.!.~.'
5. fn some places, storms are
I ·y1
-· . J .>""" , ~
-· csY-
a major threat to humans,
·rk ~ '-""L.;...t~I JYi vk animals and plants.
..:.t.L•.<.:ill_, cl:!)I CJ' ~i.11 ~_,..:;II·" 6. The countries of the world
• l_?..i ~~):,..JI 1 # I.I:!_..;; JS...t:; must cooperate to solve the
.~Wl.:,...o~ problems caused by global
..,..t,.....i;;~d.!tWl~,:,i.L...WI ~.'I"
~l_,,JI_, _,.....!JI .:,... o)~I .ft..~
7. The world has begun to
·~fill ~i .... ~ bJl:!.:U
IJ.i..~l... j~< l..l..:>..t.I ~I I - •t
;;J I·J-' <.S'-"
realise the danger of the
J -·
.~I vk )_;:;~I )~~I_, ~I situation after the increase of
JjY)I ~I .!.)fill J...,.!.:i .o environmental pollution.
..:.l~I_, J~I_, ..:.t.L...:..:iJI_, ~k\11_, Test on unit (18). ~
i)~I ..:.4-JJ-' ~l~I_, ~ts:_,,JI
.iJ_,_,,JI _,i ~~I;;-':!..,,;. C1. Vocabulary & Structures j
~~ , r:k.¥1 _µ1...._,J)l;...:,...., Choose the correct answer from
.;,.JI;;~.;-*""' J.l:J ~IY,I ~ .r_,ll a, b,cord:
l. a 2.b 3.b 4.c
J.+11 J..9-;'_,Jl -':!_...:; <S)~I ._,..~YI w). V
5.a 6.b 7.b 8.a
...y,.J\11 vk ,:,L....;'.lj.I
9.a 10.c 11. a 12.a
B. Translate into English: 13. b 14.a 15.d 16.a
1. Many international 17.c 18. d 19.d 20.c
conferences have been held to
21. d 22. b 23.b 24.b
try to reach a solution to the
25.a 26.a 27.c 28.a
problem of global warming.
29.b 30. c
2. Man always seeks to harness
the powers of nature for ( 2. Reading Comprehens:i" Oii]
their good and to limit its
destructive effects. A. Choose the correct answer
3. Earthquakes and volcanoes from a, b, c or d :
are some of the destructive 1. c 2. d !. b 4. d
powers of nature which can't 5.b 6.a
be predicted.
Answers of Main Book

B. Answer the following questions : 4. Do you know that?

7. The reasons for this are many 5. No, I heard some people say
and varied, but we must so.
blame pollution, pesticides, 6. Thank you for your advice.
the disturbance of the
animal's natural environment ( 5. Writing j
and man's greed. Student's own answers
8. For oil, food, fur or as a sport.
( 6. Translation
9. It tries to protect natural life.
A. Translate into Arabic :
10. By reducing pollution
.:,... ..::.1~1_, ).:;>...Z\11 (11.JJ .;:,,..:; l,jJ. \
and protecting the natural
~I(. ~)I_, .).b...\11 J~ ..W •._,;,}ii
.1~~_;;11.:,.o~l l:hJI
( 3. The Novel .....' ~ ...;_,.... cs)~I ._,..l,U:.~I ..:,J. 'I'
A. Choose the correct answer ...;_,...._, •..;J.Ll.1 ~ .....' #.1 .:,~_,,j

from a, b, c or d : .;:.L;~.::,....,.,,:;....._, . ).~,J I .::.~~_,:;

l.a 2. b 3.b 4.d .~J~._,..L;.11 .:,..~I~_,

B. Answer TWO (2) of the B. Translate ONE (1) sentence

following questions: ONLY into English :
l. No, I wouldn't because 1. High temperatures, floods,
Sapt, Fritz and the King of heavy rain and hurricanes are
Ruritania wouldn't like it. bad results of environmental
2. Because he didn't tell her pollution.
about their plans and she 2. Man tries in various ways to
treated him as if he were the face the natural phenomena
king. that threaten him.
3. No, he didn't. He refused to Workbook Practice Test (6a)
take the job.
( 4. Dialogue )
( 1. Vocabulary & Structures j
Choose the correct answer from
1. What are earthquakes, Mrs
a, b,c ord:
l. a 2. b 3.d 4.d
2. Can they be predicted?
5.d 6. c 7.c 8.a
3. No, they can't. 9. b 10. b 11. b 12.a

ss j Answers of Main Book

13. a 14.d 15.b 16.d 2. I think because he knew

17.c 18.c 19.a 20.d when it was time to escape.
21. a 22.a 23.c 24.c 3. He learnt how a king should
25.c 26.d 27.b 28.b be from Rassendyll.
29.b 30.a
( 4. Dialogue j
( 2. Reading Comprehension j
1. Can you do me a favour?
A. Choose the correct answer
2. It is very easy.
from a, b, c or d :
l. b 2. c 3. a 4. a
3. Have you got the remote
5. b 6. a
4. I'll explain it to you.
B. Answer the following questions :
5. Will you watch it with me?
7. The average temperature
on the moon is 107 degrees 6. I have to leave now.
centigrade in the day and 153 ( 5. Writing j
degrees centigrade at night.
Student's own answers
8. The moon orbits the earth
every 27.3 days, so that is ( 6. Translation J
about once a month. A. Translate into Arabic :
9. I don't think so because the , .J:!= _,.}()I..... ~~YI ""~1 i:,J. \
journey is long and costly. .~[+...~.:,i~lj]
10. I think because it is near to ,':;,:.::. o}?.-_,11 '=)Ll.JI ~, ~~ ~. '\'
the earth compared to stars .1~~~~_,-~1._..o.w1
and planets. B. Translate ONE (1) sentence
( 3. The Novel J ONLY into English :
1. You can express your opinion
A. Choose the correct answer
from a, b, c or d : provided that you respect
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. a others.
B. Answer TWO (2) of the 2. You should always remember
following questions: that you are stronger than
destructive drugs.
1. A person with a position in
society has responsibilities.


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