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You were helpless when you were a baby.

You are helpless when

disease overtakes you and when you are seriously ill. You are
helpless when powerful calamities like floods, earthquakes and
cyclones strike you down. You are helpless and miserable when you
become old and senile. Why then are you so proud and egotistical?

Rise above your delusions and attain the highest good through
discrimination and dispassion, self-analysis and enquiry into your
real spiritual nature. Only then will you transcend your body and
mind and attain God. Only then will you be free and happy.

The way to peace and enlightenment is purity and goodness. Adhere

to truth and swerve not from the basic principles of goodness.
Cultivate the noble qualities of the heart with diligence and care. Be
sincere. Without sincerity everything is tinsel. Actively practise all
the positive qualities in earnest.

Live your life truthfully with courage, conviction and common sense.
Shooting a tiger from the back of an elephant or bombing a city are
not acts of real heroism and courage. Controlling the mind and
senses, and overcoming anger, passion and egoism by attaining
self-mastery constitute real heroism.

Assert your real divine nature to yourself. Do not identify with this
perishable body. Do not cultivate the habit of clinging to the
glittering names and forms. Do not think too much of your
intelligence. Be not obsessed with the feeling: “I am an Englishman,
I am an American, I am an Indian; I am black, I am white; I am
superior; I am inferior; I know everything, he knows nothing; I
have done this, I have done that; I am a Christian, I am a Hindu, I
am a Mohammedan, I am a Jain, I am a Parsi.”

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