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Social Science- Philippine History


1. During pre-colonial period the socio-political unit was the barangay from
the Malay balangay, meaning a boat. During colonial period, several
forms of government were established in the Philippines. Which among
the following was not a form of government during colonial period?
A. Puppet C. Military
B. Democratic Republic D. Centralized colonial government

2. The reformist who formed the Propaganda Movement used the pen to
expose the abuses of the Spaniards. The following are reformists
A. Dr. Jose Rizal C. Emilio Aguinaldo
B. Marcelo H. Del Pilar D. Graciano Lopez Jaena

3. Which of the following is a negative result of American colonization?

A. Progress in education
B. Continuance of Colonial Mentality
C. Improvement of Public Health & Welfare
D. Development of Transition & Community

4. What is the major program of the President Carlos P. Garcia which is the
similar to the present administration program?
A. Land to the landless C. Reconstruction and Reconciliation
B. Filipino first policy D. Philippines 2000

5. The emergence of Filipino nationalism came as a response to the long

period of Spanish misrule that hampered political and economic
development. Which of the following is not a contributing factor to the
development of Filipino nationalism?
A. Personal Grievances
B. Secularization Controversy
C. Racial Prejudice
D. Rise of the Middle Class

6. The ancient custom of arranging marriages of children by the parents

came from influence of
A. Japanese C. Chinese
B. Borneans D. Indians
7. Different methods were used by Filipino to fight against the Japanese.
One of these is the use of art to express their feeling against the
Japanese government. The arts evolved while it is being used against
the Japanese.
A. The arts is part of culture that is developed by events in its
B. The Filipino love the arts
C. The Filipinos fought for their freedom
D. The Filipinos are free to express their feelings

8. Examines/Evaluate the two sentences of every number.

A. If he first sentence is wrong the second sentence is wrong
B. If the first sentence is wrong the second first is right
C. If both sentences are correct
D. If both sentences are wrong

9. The religious schism which occurred in our country during the 1896-
Revolution resulted in the formation a religious sect popularly known
today as:
A. Iglesia ni Kristo
B. Philippine Independent Church
C. Anglican Church
D. Evangelist Church

10. The president who ordered the immediate deportation of Harry Stonehill,
an American arrested by National Bureau of Investigation.
A. Carlos P. Garcia C. Elpidio Quirino
B. Diosdado Macapagal D. Manuel Roxas

11. The American promise of granting independence to the Filipinos after a

transition period was contained in the following legislation except
A. Jones law C. Philippine Bill of 1902
B. Hare-Hawes Cutting Law D. Tydings McDuffie Law

12. A law passed on May 1939 which punished Filipinos who allowed
themselves to be used as fronts by alien businessmen and inventors.
A. Immigration law C. Indigenous Protection Law
B. Economic Protection Law D. Anti-Dummy Law

13. Which law prohibited the display of all flags, banners, symbol and other
paraphernalia used by the resistance against the US.
A. Jones Law C. Maura Law
B. Flag Law D. Tydings McDuffie Law

14. The law providing greater protection for tenants by granting them
freedom to choose the system of tenancy under which they would want
to work.
A. Land Tenancy Act C. Agricultural Tenancy Act
A. Land Grant Act D. Tenants Freedom Act

15. Agreement between the U.S. and the Philippines wherein the former
would withdraw and surrender all rights and possessions, supervision,
jurisdictions, control or sovereignty over the Philippines.
A. Treaty of General Relations
B. Treaty of Sovereignty
C. Treaty of Withdrawal of Authority
D. Treaty of Surrender

16. American Governor-General in whose administration saw the resignation

of all Filipino cabinet members, thus precipitating the "cabinet crisis"
A. Cameron Forbes C. Elwell Otis
B. Benjamin Harrison D. Leonard Wood

17. The Propaganda Movement was example of the Filipino’s expression of

Nationalism. However, most people of today doubt the nationalistic
intention the propaganda due to its non-advocacy of
A. Assimilation
B. Reform in the administration
C. Generation of the Philippine from Spain
D. Annexation of the Philippines

18. Which of type following was the greatest naval battle in history during
Japanese occupation of the Philippines?
A. Battle for Leyte Gulf C. Battle of Samar
B. Battle of Surigao Gulf D. Battle of Cape Engaño

19. This law provided that American good of all kinds and in unlimited
quantities could enter the Philippines free duty
A. Payne- Aldrich Act C. Hare Hawes Cutting Act
B. Tydings McDuffie Law D. Jones Law

20. The conflict among the most powerful countries gave way to the start of
Japanese period which caused damages to the Philippines. In your own
opinion, how can you prevent conflicts with other people?
A. Respect Individual differences
B. Believe that you are superior than others
C. Impose your principles in life to others
D. Avoid sensitive topics

21. Veneration of spirits was common among ancient Filipinos. Memories of

their dead relatives were kept alive through carved idols. This practice is
A. Cult of the dead C. Nature of Worship
B. Mass of the dead D. Divination

22. He promised to "make this country great again and ruled for about
twenty years.
A. Diosdado Macapagal C. Ramon Magsaysay
B. Ferdinand Marcos D. Carlos Garcia

23. In the "Death March" prisoners were forced to march from Bataan to this
A. Sta. Maria, Bulacan C. Lipa, Batangas
B. Imus, Cavite D. San Fernando, Pampanga

24. Who among the following became the chairman of the first Philippine
A. William H. Taft C. Jacob Shurman
B. Dean Worcester D. Luke Wright

25. After the Filipino-American War, the Americans imposed restriction on

Filipinos. The 10year period was referred to as period of suppressed
nationalism and one policy during this time was reconcentration. Which
of the following refers to reconcentration?
A. Formulation of Federal Party
B. Capture of rebel leaders
C. Restriction in membership in armed band
D. Settlement of Filipinos on one area


1. The public announcer of the barangay who announces the
promulgation of the new rules and regulations.
A. Trial by Ordeal C. Umalohokan
B. Judicial D. Succession

2. The practice of having surnames was started during Spanish regime

through the order of
A. Governor Gen. Claveria
B. Governor Gen. Polavieja
C. Governor Gen. Della Torre
D. Governor Gen. Juadrones

3. Which of the following sporadic uprising is considered as the longest

A. Bankaw C. Tamblot
B. Dagohoy D. Magalat

4. The form of government established by Aguinaldo was changed from

dictatorial to
A. Democratic C. republic
B. Socialist D. revolutionary

5. The first Filipino who effectively repelled Spanished aggressor was

A. Humabon C. Lapu-Lapu
B. Sulayman D. Lakandula

6. Which of the following not belong to the social transformation that took
place as a result of Spanish colonization.
A. Adoption of fiesta to honor patron saints
B. Giving Spanish surname to Filipinos
C. Introduction of Gregorian Calendar
D. Introduction of crops and fruits trees- that came from

7. The Filipino is a product of a mixture of races and blending of Eastern

and Western culture but he is basically a
A. Mestizo C. Indonesian
B. Chinese D. Malay

8. The oldest University in the Philippines founded by Dominicians in

1611 is
A. Ateneo de Manila C. San Ignacio
B. San Juan de Letran D. Santo Tomas

9. In 1565 Legaspi concluded a blood compact with the chief of Bohol

A. Raja Tupas C. Sikatuna
B. Rajah Sulayman D. Lakandula

10. Sporadic uprisings started as early 1574 by Lakandula and Sulayman

were followed by Magalat, Tamblot, Bankaw, Dagohoy and Diego
Silang. These revolts were merely failure. In your own opinion how can
you prevent sporadic revolts to become failure.
A. Initiative C. Respect for others
B. National Unity D. Hospitality

11. If a freemen married a dependent their only child would become

A. a freemen C. noble
B. dependent D. half free and half dependent

12. He is known for his "Philippine 2000" which is meant to make the
Philippines as an economically developed country.
A. Ferdinand Marcos C. Diosdado Macapagal
B. Fidel Ramos D. Joseph Estrada

13. Which of the following example shows the heroism of the Filipinos
during Japanese period in the Philippines?
A. Support for KALIBAPI C. Defending Bataan
B. Being a Makapili D. Cooperative with the Kempatai

14. "The Man of the Masses", he promised to give the common tao justice
A. Manuel Roxas C. Ramon Magsaysay
B. Elpidio Quirino D. Cooperation with the kenpatais

15. For two centuries the chief source of official and individual income in
the Philippine was the
A. Obias Pias
B. Tobacco monopoly
C. Royal Company of the Philippines
D. Galleon Trade

16. First woman President who restored democracy in the Philippines as

an economically developed country.
A. Melchora Aquino C. Imelda Marcos
B. Corazon Aquino D. Gregoria de Jesus

17. The Spanish official who was empowered to remove, suspend or

impose penalties upon erring officials
A. Visitador General C. Gobernadorcillo
B. Governor-general D. Corregidor

18. In order to show that God always took the side of the innocent the early
Filipinos resorted to trial
A. by number of witness C. by verbal ability
B. by ordeal D. by jury
19. Who was instructed to prepare the groundwork for the gradual
Filipilinization of the government?
A. Hare-Hawes C. Taft
B. Schurman D. Tydings Mcduffie

20. The Cabinet member of the Quezon administration who was told by the
President to stay and meet the Japanese while the latter would flee to
A . Benigno Aquino Sr. C. Jose P. Laurel
B. Jose Abad D. Jorge Vargas

21. The meaning of "Kempetai"

A . Military Police C. Japanese soldiers
B. Military Agent D. Guerillas

22. The American introduction of the democratic ideas made Filipinos

aware of the rights as citizen of the Philippines. Which of the following
rights shows abused of freedom?
A . Right to vote during elections
B . Right to be elected to office
C. Right to express grievances through demonstrations even
traffic is disrupted
D. Right to own properties anywhere in the Philippines

23. What have been the negative effects of the Christian orientation of the
Filipinos by the Spaniards in terms of their attitude towards life?
A . The Filipinos tend to be resigned to fates that befall them.
B . The Filipinos became spiritual.
C . The Filipinos became charitable
D . The Filipinos became conscious of their moral responsibilities.

24. Barangay was the uniting government during pre-colonial period.

Which of the following does not describe to the form of government in
the colonial period?
A Centralized government
B Civil government
C Puppet government
D Democratic Republic government
25. The president famous for the "Filipino First Policy" and Austerity
Program is
A . Ramon Magsaysay
B . Diosdado Macapagal
C . Carlos Garcia
D . Manuel Roxas

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