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Priscilla Papers

Volume 3, number 3 Summer 1989 ISSN I 0898-753X

Biblical Equality and Christian Ministry

Gretchen Gaebelein Hull
This material was first presented by the author of woman left, saying, "I just can't deal any longer with
Equal to Serve at the November' 88 meeting ofthe the hurt he's causing me to feet"
Twin Cities Chapter of CBE. held at Bethel College. The issue of role-playing is not confmed to
When speaking to various CBE groups around England or Asutralia. In recent years gender role­
the country, I have shared two incidents to help put my playing has become an issue championed by the
topics in focus. One is humorous, one sad. Both show religious right in America. For example, one very
how pervasive is the notion of an "appropriate" (but conservative group denounced a primary grade reader
restrictive) role for women. as teaching gender role reversal because one of the
For the first: When clearing out family papers illustrations showed a little boy making toast The
last year, I came across a 1932 news clipping head­ complaint was that it is a woman's role to cook, and
lined "Methodist Women Ministers Denied Again." boys were being taught a woman's role. But where
This was a report of the Methodist General Conference does the Bible say men should not cook? What about
in Atlantic City that refused to accept women ministers Jacob's gourmet stew for which Esau sold his birth­
as equal with men ministers. The article gave the right? And why shouldn't men help in the kitchen? I
views of one opponent of women's equality thus: "Six could cite as my prooftext II Kings 21:13 which
days out of seven I must listen to a woman preaching records God's own action in these words: "I will wipe
in my home. And on the seventh day the Lord said, Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it and
'Thou shalt rest.' It seems to me that there are things turning it upside down." If God refers to Himself as
higher and nobler for a woman than gallivanting wiping dishes, isn't this a perfectly suitable male role?
around filling pulpits." However, there is indeed a noticeable
Well, in the so-called "mainline" denomina­ increase in rhetoric from the conservative wing of the
tions, as far as equal opportunity for ordination is church calling for rigid roles for men and women, in
concerned, "You've come a long way, baby!" Not so effect defining activities in home, church, and society
in the Anglican Church. In 1988 I made a second primarily by gender. And very often this rhetoric
lecture trip to Australia, where ordination of women is claims to be representing a Christian world view, thus
a key issue and is tied into the debate on the "proper" • at first glance - making its conclusion seem ironclad.
role for women. I was also in England at the time of Well, any of you who have read my book.
the once-a-decade Lambeth Conference where the EQUAL TO SERVE. know that I am a questionasker.
"women question" was prominent on the Anglican Therefore I ask: What is a Christian world view?
agenda. Surely it must be more than a televangelist's clich~ or
Hence the second incident: Last June, after a an empty religious slogan. A Christian world view
lecture I presented at the London Institute for Contem­ must mean a basic, scriptural way of looking at life
porary Christianity, a man got up in the discussion that will cut across denominational particularities or
period and said: "I don't understand why a woman emotional bias or cultural pressures. So let's explore
wants to go into ministry of any sort. Women were the matter to see if there is a broad outline to our
created specifically to support men at home, and so Christian world view that we can establish before we
women have quite enough to do being wives and go on to those particularities, or deal with that emo­
mothers." He gave a lengthy discourse extolling wife tional bias or cultural pressure.
and mother as the only possible biblical role for Certainly if someone stopped you or me and
women, totally oblivious to the many single women said, "Define a Christian world view," we would not
present, to childless women, widows, or women with begin with particulars but would start with the broader
grown chillkcn. During his remarks, one single basics. So let's ask some Questions about those basics,
and see if our answers will shed light on this particular everything is God, most people are making a theologi­
matter of gender roles. cal statement of some sort as they articulate their
notion of how things in this life are set up.
Asking questions Therefore we Christians need not ever feel
In being question-askers, you and I are in good defensive about developing and promoting a Christian
company: Job, the Psalmists, Habakkuk, those world view. You might say that we are simply
Bereans in Acts 17 who searched Scripture for their sharpening or focussing the theological world view
answers. From the beginning of recorded history, that almost all human beings have - whether or not
throughout Bible times, and ever since, human beings they realize it (The only persons who might be
have been asking questions about their existence. exempt from operating from a theological basis would
Today we might be phrasing the questions a little be those who espouse a complete randomness in the
differently, but we all still want to know: Who am I? universe, but they are in the distinct minority.)
What am I doing here? What is life all about, anyway? So let's ask: What are the components of a
Do I have a meaningful role in life? Christian world view? What makes us different from
For the Christian, answers to these questions the person who says vaguely, "Nature is in charge"?
will be found in a Christian world view. We do indeed
have a theologically-based world view, but I hasten to Laying the Foundation
point out that we are not alone in that. No matter how Most people today accept a moment of origina­
much they might protest to the contrary, almost every tion for the universe, popularly called "The Big Bang."
person's world view has a theological basis. And many persons, including scientists, would
If you doubt that, think of the ordinary lan­ attribute that moment of origination to a higher power
guage people use when they describe how they think of some sort That's roughly Deism, the concept that
things are ordered in this world. For example, when God started everything off. Christians, however, take
the New York City sanitation department opened its the further step beyond Deism and say that God not
ranks to women, there was a lot of controversy. From only started everything off but that God sustains it,
the pictures I saw of the fIrst women sanitation cares for it, and, as evidence of that care, at times
workers (in plain language, garbage collectors) these intervenes in His created world.
women appeared physically capable, and they had In explaining this to a non-Christian, I may use
passed tests showing they could lift a certain weight. the Argument from Design. To use an illustration: If
Like their male counterparts, they wanted steady work you came on a model train layout, you'd know
rather than be on some welfare program. someone had made that layout And if you saw a little
But in the case of these women, there was train derailed, you'd assume the creator of the layout
further motivation: Not only were they minority would retumto put it back on track. Yes, the design
women (which, sad to say, can still be an unspoken presupposes the Designer.
limitation in today'sjob market) but they were single As we Christians look at the tremendous
heads of households with a desperate need to put bread intricacy of the vast design of the universe, we affIrm
on the table, and also provide their children with a that there is a living God who (because He is absolute
good role model, a work ethic. So these women were and we are only relative) must be self.revealing. That
capable of doing this heavy work, they wanted the is, because the Designer so transcends the design, God
security of the sort of municipal job that would be must take the initiative in communicating with His
open to unskilled laborers, and they wanted to provide creation. We believe that one of God's initiatives is
for their families. the Bible, God's written Word, which presents God's
I was fascinated by the reactions of many men, revelation of what we need to know to "get back on
which, as reported by the New York papers, were track." We further believe that God's greatest initiative
along this line: "It's against Nature for women to do was coming into our world of time and space in the
such work. Nature tells us that men do yard work and Person of Jesus Christ, as the ultimate means of
women do dishes." (Obviously these men did not communicating with us, God's creatures. And we
know my prooftext, II Kings 21:13!) also believe that God did all this because God loves
Now I suggest that any time someone says, us: The God of the Bible is love.
"Nature tells us...,", that this is really a theological In Byron's poem, CAIN, there is a very
statement. The person is saying: "The force behind provocative question. Cain asks about God: "Because
things has set up society in certain ways so that men do He is all-powerful, must all goad follow too?" In the
this and women do that." Thus when we peel back abstract sense, the answer could be "No." An all­
language, we see that most persons do indeed have a powerful force might not have to be goad.
theological basis for their world view. Whether it's However, as we Christians examine the
Nature, a "higher power" or "creative urge", or Fate, universe, its intricate design convinces us that its
or whether they acknowledge that the power behind Designer is not only all-powerful but all-goad too. For

example, we recall the tremendous passages in Job could enjoy life to the fullest, and - as the ultimate sign
and Isaiah where God says words to this effect: "The of the worth and dignity of the individual human being
created world with its provision for every aspect of - God gave men and women free will, freedom to act
plant and animal life demonstrates that I care about My as individuals and not as automotons. Then, even after
world." Thus in other passages God says, "Because I humanity's loss of innocence in the disobedience of
love My creation, I do indeed want what is best for it the Fall, in love God still reached out to offer re­
And part of what is best for humanity is knowing creation, renewal, restored spiritual fellowship, a
about Me and the abundant new life I offer to all who return to all we were created to be. Therefore a
believe, a new birth that gets them "back on track." So Christian world view incorporates the sequence of
for Christians, two of the most familiar verses in the Creation, Fall, Redemption.
Bible are "The Lord is my shepherd" and "For God so
loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, The Importance of Human Rights
that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but One significant measure of the breadth of
have etemallife." God's love is that it is unconditional. In spite of the
The word "whosoever" makes a very estrangement of the Fall, and irrespective of any
strong point The God of the Bible cares about the individual human being's fmal decision about God's
individual human being. Unlike other world views redemptive plan, God loves us. Thus God has decreed
featuring blind fate or some uncaring deity, the God of the sanctity of human life, and His Word sets forth
the Bible recognizes and affmns our human individu­ guidelines about how humanity is to be treated. These
ality. guidelines form the basis of a scriptural view of human
That individuality is essential to our humanity. rights.
No matter how generous we try to be in overlooking The Bible indicates that we are to uphold each
the insensitivity of others to our persons, each one of person's rights to care and nurture on the physical
us does have a certain self-awareness. It is a common level, and also the person's rights on the spiritual level.
human desire not to be "lost in the shuffle", not to be Study of Scripture shows that human rights fall into
merely a cipher on a state income tax list. At a party these two basic categories: Natural or physical rights,
or a professional meeting, you and I know how which are rights necessary to keep a person alive and
disappointing it is when the person with whom we're help the person develop as a human being originally
conversing is always looking past us to see if there is created in the image of God; and, secondly, spiritual
someone present more worth knowing. rights, which include the right to know God's plan of
All human beings want to be recognized and redemption, the right to respond to that plan, and - if
respected as individuals, and we also want to live in a the response is affmnative - the right as a new creation
society that allows us to express our individuality. It is in Christ Jesus to grow spiritually and to serve God as
no accident that we speak of "the free world" when God calls.
describing countries with a democratic form of Careful reading of both Old and New Testa­
government. As the phrase puts it, "We only go ments reveals that God's people are to be in the
around once" (in spite of Shirley McLaine and the forefront of upholding human rights. Over and over,
New Age movement), and most of us hope our God's Word inveighs against injustice and inhumane
existence will be more than marginal. actions. These many passages are undergirded by
The biblical perspective on our individuality is phrases like "It is the Lord who speaks" or "This is the
that our origin was as beings created in the image of word of the Lord." Both individual Christians and the
God. In line with Genesis 1:26-28 and 5:1, 2, and also institutional church must understand that God is deeply
Psalm 139 and Jeremiah 1:5, the Bible tells us about concerned with justice issues and that God expects His
human beings that "male and female created He them," people to be concerned also.
and that God knew and knows each one of us even In the Old Testament, Israel was repeatedly told
when we were first formed in the womb. We also to respect the rights of those society considered
believe that our future lies in God's hands, as promised "lesser" - the widow, the orphan, the alien or stranger.
in John 14:1 and Romans 8: 17. Contrary to those who In the New Testament, Jesus not only showed care for
see little meaning or dignity to human life, Christians the natural or physical rights of all persons by healing
accept the biblical precept that each human being has both Jew and Gentile, man and woman, rich and poor,
worth and value, and therefore that each individual life but Jesus supported the spiritual rights of all persons as
is significant in the eyes of our Creator and Redeemer. well. He commanded children be brouaht to Himj He
God-In-Christ loved our world so much He came to die interacted wilh so-called "sinnora" IIld not only with
for all the "whosoevers" who willllC(lCpt His saving religious leaders; Ho did not tum aWRy me Romttn
power to get them "back on track-" centurion or the leper. Funher, He respected Ute
Thus Christians affirm an absolutely good and individual moral responsiblity of women, and upheld
loving Creator who set up a world where His creatures women's right to learn of Him, and commissioned

women to tell others about Him. difficulties, that is, difficulties of meaning, and that
The early church record in Acts and the means that they also have many difficulties of interpre­
Epistles reveals that the fIrst Christians cared for tation as well. Most English translations will not
human life by helping each other with food, shelter, indicate the depth and severity of the problems in these
and possessions. Remember Paul's exhortations to hard passages, and so the person working only from a
liberality in II Corinthians 8, to the effect that we help translation may conclude that Scripture clearly teaches
others when we are able so that when we are in need a subordinate gender role for women. But in New
they can help us. Compassion must be a part of our Testament Greek the matter is far different, as scholars
Christian world view. world-wide are aware.
The early church record also shows that all Of course I recognize that this matter of gender
persons' spiritual rights were to be upheld, as the roles is a highly emotional issue. But since we need to
Gospel was proclaimed to all persons - men, women, do much more work on the three New Testament
Jew, Gentile, slave, free. Further, the Gospel was passages traditionally used to invoke a subordinate
proclaimed by all persons, as God called many diverse gender role for women, then for me they must be put
individuals to spread His Good News of new life in temporarily to one side. I would challenge groups
Christ. wishing to restrict women to face honestly the
Thus broad components of a Christian world possibility that their cherished presuppositions and
view include affirmation of God as Creator of this long-held traditions about gender roles have been
world, and ourselves as beings created in God's image based largely on passages as yet unclear to us in the
- which means that all individual human beings share a New Testament Greek. And, while specialists
fundamental equality of being. Each individual has continue their research into these passages, I would ask
worth and value, and each has been endowed by all fair-minded people to be open to hearing fresh
Creator God with certain inalienable rights indicating evidence about these "hard passages."
the sanctity of life, and the opportunity to know and Yet - sadly - some Christian leaders have felt
serve God. Further, God's people are to uphold the they must impose their views on these unclear pas­
rights of others, regardless of the person's race, sages without discussion of the exegetical difficulties
gender, or class. For Go4, there are no "second-class" because their congregations cannot handle the fact that
human beings, nor can there be for God's church. there might be unclear areas in Scripture. I cannot
accept that reasoning. All sincere Christians can
What about Gender? appreciate the fact that we finite beings can never hope
But then, what about that particularity· that to plumb the mind of the Infmite, and that there will be
matter of gender roles that is so controversial today? places in the inspired Scriptures that are beyond our
Some of the discussion is just plain silly, such as comprehension. The sincere Christian can also
saying men are better at certain roles like chauffering. understand that our knowledge of ancient times and
We've all heard the old saw that only women drive ancient languages is expanding, and that verses that
into garage doors! I can recall that after I drove Chuck seemed obscure at one time may well be opening up at
Colson to an airport in record time he said, "If I didn't this time. And certainly the layperson understands
know you wrote on discrimination I'd say 'You drive that, in line with Jesus' words in John 16:13, the Holy
like a man!' Well, I don't drive like a man. I drive like Spirit will guide us into more cuth.
me! So let's turn to clearer evidence as we continue
However, the issue of appropriate roles for examining what role gender might play in our Chris­
men and women is exactly where many tensions arise tian world view. We have already seen the ontological
in contemporary evangelicalism. You see, as more or essential equality of men and women in their very
women explore their modem educational and career inmost being. Next we will take a quick look at some
opportunities, they are often puzzled to be told by their actual case histories of women Scripture itself com­
churches that certain spheres are closed to them simply mends for acting in roles that transcend any narrow
because they are women. They question why their gender restriction.
options in the secular world are increasing, while the For the Old Testament: In Micah 6:4 God
church tells them their options are static or decreasing. declared to Israel, "I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to
The most frequent justifIcation for limiting lead you." God's own Word describes Miriam as a
women's sphere is to invoke three New Testament leader. Then, Judges 4 and 5 tell us how God raised
passages: I Corinthians 11:2-16 and 14:33-38, and I up Deborah as Head of State for ancicnt Israel, and in
Timothy 2:8-15. In my book, EQUAL TO SERVE, n Chronicles 34 we are tOld that the propheteSS Huldah
these passages are dealt with in a lengthy Appendix gave out the authoritative word of the Lord to the court
that shows quite graphically exactly why, in theologi. of King 1osiah, thus sparking a nauonal rcvival. In
ell! circles, thc)' arc cll!led "hard passages," Thcse addJuon, me p&U'D4Jsm or womllnhooll deSCribed In
three Scripture portions contain over 50 exegetical Proverbs 31 is commended for being businesswoman,

real estate broker, estate manager, devotional leader, as truth of gender role-playing." Truth cannot have
well as wife and mother. exceptions. If God had ordained a narrow female role
In the New Testament, Jesus' interaction with that precluded any activity outside the home or
human beings was not according to gender roles, and prohibited women in leadership, then this would be a
in the matter of male/female relationships, nothing timeless, transcultural truth and as such could have no
Jesus ever said about marriage supports a hierarchical exceptions. Yet this is our common authority, the
concept. For example, contrary to Jewish practice, Bible, that itself records women as well as men
Jesus' comments on divorce in Mark 10 and Matthew operating in many different roles, including women
19 place wives on an equal basis with husbands. And leaders of men and teachers of men.
nothing Jesus ever did or taught suggests Jesus
supported some sort of dominant/subordinate pattern The Question of "Headship"
between the sexes. This is often overlooked by those However, the usual rationale for promoting
who teach that men should be leaders and women gender roles today is what is called male headship over
should be followers. women, and the particular verses used to support this
The Book of Acts presents a gender-blind are found in Ephesians 5:22-24, where the husband is
view of the early church. The Holy Spirit was poured termed head of the wife, as Christ is head of the
out on women as well as men, a fact underscored by church. Those who appeal to these verses say that the
Peter's quotation of Joel's prophecy. In Acts, Luke (a Bible does indeed set up a gender-based authority
careful historian) introduces many women's names in structure for home, church, and society, and that the
the most natural manner as women respond to the male role is to be in charge.
Gospel, and study and minister in everyday situations. I am sure most of you are aware that there is
John Mark's mother courageously opened her home to solidly scholarly disagreement over the meaning of the
a house church; Phillip's daughters prophesied (the word kephale, or head, as used in the New Testament
highest spiritual gift, and one that undoubtedly Greek. Because the Bible in English is a translated
included preaching); the businesswoman Lydia spread book, it is indeed most important to discover all we
the Good News as she helped plant the church in can about the precise meaning of the original Greek, so
Philippi; Berean woman were among those called that our translations are as accurate as possible. If the
"more noble" for searching Scripture; Priscilla taught best translation of kephale is "source" and not "chief
the man Apollos. In Acts, spiritual gifts were not leader," then we should know and accept that.
parcelled out according to gender. However, my own conclusions about headship
And what about women martyrs who were are not drawn solely from the lexical meaning of
imprisoned? Persecutors held women and men equally kephale. As I study the entire passage, Ephesians 5:21­
accountable for their faim (Acts 8:3). Then, as now, 6:9, and not just a few verses, I find that Paul's own
those outside the church saw no role differential with description of "head" in this context is that "head" is to
men more responsible and women less so. be a sacrificial figure. Those who latch on to one or
The Epistles also record women in various two verses as prooftexts for male leadership can miss
roles, including ministry. Paul commends Phoebe as a the thrust of the larger context. This passage in
diakonos, or minister, and also as aprostatis, or leader. Ephesians is a household code, as is a similar passage
Romans 16 abounds with names of his female co­ in Colossians, and when the entire passage is examined
workers, including Junia who may well have been an it is clear that it is not a role that Paul is highlighting,
apostle, and in Philippians Paul singles out Euodia and but the action of the person within the role. You see,
Synteche as his fellow-laborers in contending by his Paul cannot be highlighting or endorsing every role he
side for the Gospel. In addition, the Elect Lady mentions, because then he would be endorsing slavery.
addressed in Second John led a house church. Thus Rather, within the general admonition that all Chris­
full rights and privileges in the early church flowed tians be mutually submissive to one another out of rev­
from the saving work of Jesus Christ, not some gender erence to Christ, (Eph. 5:21) Paul calls on both the
role. unempowered persons (wives, children, and slaves)
As we develop our Christian world view, we and the empowered persons (husbands, parents,
see that the Bible itself does not present a record of masters) to be mutually submissive.
only men in leadership and only women as subordi­ In these household codes, the husband is to
nates, or only men in certain roles and only women in sacrifice himself for his wife, the parent is to put the
others. Both men and women serve in a wide variety needs of the child frrst by not acting in a tyrannical
of roles. Yes, although this does conflict with some way, the master is to act towards the slave as Christ
contemporary teaching about gender, in the Bible would act. Interestingly, there is a similar emphasis on
women do indeed act in leadership capacities. mutual submission for both wives and husbands in
As I point out in my book, it is not intellectu­ Peter's parallel passage in I Peter 2:13-3:7, where both
ally honest to say, "These women are exceptions to the marriage partners are to act towards each other "in like

manner" as did Christ who went to the cross for our position of leadership just to be nice to a woman!
sakes. But when some conservative church groups
Thus for me any emphasis on power-oriented declare that a Christian world view means such women
headship as a component of a Christian world view is should not use their leadership gifts, the result can be
deeply puzzling. Since Paul's own definition of confusion and pain. Why? Because the reason for the
kephale right in the Ephesians 5 passage itself is that prohibition is not that the gifts are inappropriate for the
head is a sacrificial figure, then, if the husband takes tasks involved but solely that the gifts reside in
the lead in anything, it is in sacrificing himself for his women's bodies. In trying to cope with this teaching,
wife, not in being dominant over his wife. Surely that many women feel that in the biblical sequence of
is a much-needed corrective today as in the first Creation, Fall, Redemption, only women are mired
century. I suggest that an objective look at this entire forever in the effects of the Fall, unable to move out
passage shows Paul's emphasis is on role worked out into spiritual freedom and co-administer their spiritual
in servanthood, and thus brings both men and women inheritance with their Christian brothers as equal
back to the mutual submission enjoined of all believers members of the priesthood of all believers.
in Ephesians 5:21. Further, many dedicated Christian women
agonize over their spiritual responsibility to use their
Individual Responsibility and Spiritual Gifts gifts to the fullest, in line with Jesus' parable of the
Some proponents of male headship over talents in Matthew 25:14-30, which teaches that God's
women do say headship involves sacrifice, and servants are to use their God-given abilities and not
describe the sacrifice as the weight of taking extra care hide them. These women agonize over whether, when
of the sex "liable to be deceived." For these people, they stand before the judgment seat of Christ, it will be
headship is the burden of extra responsibility for what enough to say, "We were told not to use our gifts, and
they term "the weaker, irresponsible sex." so we hid them." Yes, we need to be very sensitive to
However, as we have seen, a Christian world this question: Does the 20th century notion of gender
view means that each individual is a morally respon­ role-playing deny a fellow-believer's call to serve
sible human being, and each individual is accountable God? The woman whose leadership, administrative,
to God for the most important decision any human decision-making, teaching, or planning gifts have been
being can ever make, namely, the question of eternal confirmed and affirmed by the world, can feel tremen­
salvation. We each - on our own - must answer: dous confusion and pain upon being told by her church
"What will you do with Jesus?" For me, it is com­ that she must restrict use of her gifts simply because
pletely illogical to say women are mature enough to she is a woman.
make the single most important decision in life, but Here I ask you to recall the Argument from
that in every other aspect women are irresponsible, Design. Christians believe that all the myriad details
weak, liable to be deceived, and need the "sacrifice" of in this world show the love and care of our Creator.
male oversight God does know all about us because God made us and
If some persist in saying women, as was Eve, formed us. God has given us rights necessary to
are easily deceived and thus cannot be trusted with preserve and enhance our lives, including the right to
decision-making roles, I ask: Why would a deceived know God and the right to serve God as He calls, and
person be a worse leader than a deliberately disobedi­ God has also given us talents - gifts - that God wants
ent person, as Adam was? Rather than miring only us to use in His service.
women in the sin of the Fall, cannot redeemed women If any person suggests that only on the ground
(as well as any disobedient men) also become new of gender a woman should restrict use of her abilities,
creations in Christ Jesus and as such exercise their her special gifts, then that person is saying one of two
spiritual gifts in the strength and wisdom God gives things: Either her Designer made a mistake in giving
them as God calls these women today? her those gifts, or her Designer gave her those gifts
Undeniably, women do have all types of gifts, only to frustrate her by giving her no opportunity to
including leadership gifts. I have mentioned some use them. But think what a warped view of God either
biblical examples of women in leadership, and statement makes! The person who says some God­
subsequently women have been proven leaders - from ordained gender role restricts a woman full use of her
Queen Elizabeth I to Golda Meir, Indira Ghandi, and gifts is saying that either her design was faulty (and
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. In America, we thus Creator God was careless), or that her Designer
see many women as capable leaders. One of my was cruel. But what a slander on the nature of our
college classmates is Dr. Hannah Holborn Gray, who loving, caring Creator! No, a just and loving and
was Provost and Acting President of Yale University omnipotent God could not be careless or cruel and still
and is now President of the University of Chicago, one be true to His nature as Absolute Good.
of the world's most prestigious universities. The We must never forget that God is the One who
academic world did not elevate Dr. Gray to this endows us human beings with gifts, and if God has

endowed a woman with leadership abilities, then what So think what any rigid role-playing that would
a tragic denial of her individual personhood and of curtail women's full ambassadorship says about
God's divine creativity to discriminate against her concern for those without Christ. If the church afflrms
solely on the ground of her gender. with John 3:36 that all without Christ will be eternally
So the question must be asked: Is the current separated from God, then how can any limitation of
notion of male headship over women not only an Christ's ambassadors ever be justified? What does
artificial notion imposed on Scripture, but also an exclusion of women from any area of ministry really
evasion of Scripture's clear call to mutual submission say about the church's concern for those outside the
on the part of all believers, and thus on the part of male Body of Christ?
believers as well as female? Yes, it can be very I see only two conclusions, both tragic: Either
difficult for some to be asked to give up a certain role segments of the church do not really believe souls will
to which they feel entitled, but is not that just what be separated from God, and thus espouse universalism,
Christ asks us all to do? or, those groups do not care whether those without
Christ hear the Good News. Surely, any rigid role­
Servanthood and Evangelism playing that hinders proclamation of the Gospel by all
Inescapably, whenever Jesus talked about believers is in direct conflict with Jesus' clear com­
leadership it was within the context of giving oneself mand to "Go into all the world and make disciples"
for others, and Jesus defmed His own mission thus in and is in sad contrast to the sense of urgency of the
Mark 10:45: "The Son of Man has come not to be New Testament church.
served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for Yes, I know very conservative church groups
many." A vital component of any Christian world view say, "Of course we want people to hear the Gospel, but
is servanthood, and we must now ask: How does we are not to use improper means. Certain preaching
servanthood relate to gender roles? and teaching roles are improper for women." My
Of course I recognize that, as with racial and rebuttal is that Jesus considered women apt to learn
social differences, sexual differences are a fact of our His truth, and appropriate vehicles to transmit His
humanity. But, in a Christian world view, those racial, truth. As we have seen, Jesus' teaching in Luke 11:27,
class, and gender differences are not the primary 28 is that women are not blessed by performing some
factors controlling servanthood. feminine role but by knowing and obeying the Word of
Thus we read that Judge Deborah was also a God, and Jesus charged all believers to obey His
wife and mother; Huldah the prophetess was a wife; command to "Go into all the world and make dis­
the wife and mother in Proberbs 31 played multiple ciples." The propriety of women in all ministerial roles
roles, as did women in ministry in the New Testament. is borne out by the actual practice of the New Testa­
So we today may play many roles. We can be spouse ment church. Could it be that we need to hear again
(husband =male role, wife =female role), or parent Acts 10:15, "What God has called proper, we must not
(father =male role, mother = female role), and in call improper?"
various career situations gender may well play a part Therefore, as we consider evangelism - this
However, rather than concentrating on gender and vital component of our Christian world view - and as
gender roles, the biblical emphasis for the believer is we see the fields are still white with the harvest, dare
on obedience to God's call. Certainly Jesus made that we restrict from working for that harvest women
plain in Luke 11:27,28. Paul then expands that laborers whom God has called and gifted to serve?
thought in II Corinthians 5: 16 where he teaches that
we Christians are no longer to view ourselves from a Biblical People, not "Traditional" People
worldly, fleshly, human point of view. Instead, Paul No matter how familiar or how ingrained, a
challenges all believers to accept the mandate of II traditional world view is not necessarily a Christian
Corinthians 5:20: Moving out into our primary role, a world view. Remember that the first Christians were
spiritual role, as ambassadors for Christ. called "those who turned the world upside down."
This involves one further aspect of servan­ They wanted to be biblical people more than they
thood. Think again on Mark 10:45: "The Son of Man wanted to be traditional people. They took to heart
has come not to be served,but to serve, and to give His Jesus' admonition in Mark 7, where He said, "You
life a ransom for many." Inescapably, Christ came to have let go of the commands of God and are holding to
die for the lost, and we His ambassadors are His the traditions of men....Thus you nullify the Word of
deputies today in proclaiming that Oood News to those Ood by your tnIdltion that you huve handed down."
still outside God's family. Thus a Christian world view My final question is: Don't we, too, want to be
must also include evangelism. If our Lord Himself biblical people more than we want to be traditional
said, "I lUll come to seek and to save those that are people? Don't we, too, want to move on from blindly
lost," how can we ignore those who have Dot heard the accepting traditional answers, to the excitement and
Gospel? challenge of implementing Christ-like answers?

Affuming a Christian world view· a Christ-like

world view - must mean acting as Christ would act, The Game ... The Road
and thus embracing the servant role over all other ©Alice Movius Painter 1984
roles. When we stand before the cross of our Servant­ There seems to be a game· that you must play,
Lord, we see at last that there is no place in a Christian if you would rise.
world view for any feeling of entitlement to a preferred There seems to be a game - and with it lots of
position. We are all fellow-sinners for whom Christ compromise
died; we are all fellow-servants of our Savior. There is You live to impress others, and you're as slick as you
no biblical support for social mores or cultural can be.
traditions or even a religious teaching that would say, But, where - oh, where- are perfect hearts, and deep
"One gender is ordained to be over another," or even sincerity?
"One gender is to be protected by the other." When we
fmally begin to understand the import of Christ's new There seems to be a game - if you would rise up to the
commandment to love others as He loves us, we see top.
this decrees the death of self-interest. A Christian Be funny - always funny - or they say that you will
world view always means putting the rights of the flop.
other person above our own, and so encouraging all Be polished and professional - yes, that's the way to
believers to grow and mature into ambassadors for be.
Christ. A Christian world view means moving beyond But, where - oh, where - is power, and where's
the artificial restrictions of rigid gender role-playing integrity?
and out into the greatest role any creature can ever
play: Ambassador of the King of Kings and Lord of There seems to be a game - and if you want to
Lords. get ahead,
Remember Paul's words in II Corinthians 5:16­ You have to bypass God's way, and choose the world's
20: We no longer think of each other in fleshly, instead.
human tenns; we are now new creatures in Christ You must be superficial- and light as you can be.
Jesus; we are therefore His ambassadors. Surely that But, where - oh. where - is depth, and where's
takes the emphasis off self, and off gender, and puts profundity?
the emphasis back where it belongs: On Jesus Christ,
and serving Him. There seems to be a way - that you can make yourself
~The words of an old hymn are my prayer for us a star.
all on our journey to servanthood: Just boast of your achievements - tell how wonderful
May the mind of Christ our Savior you are.
live in us from day to day, Be full of self-importance - yes, thal's the way be be.
By His love and power controlling But. where· oh. where - is truth, and where's humility?
all we do and say.
May we run the race before us, I cannot say it's wrong - but to myself I must be true,
strong and brave to face the foe, and to my God - who says. "My child, it's servanthood
Looking only unto Jesus, for you."
as we onward go. He's called me to the lowly road - it's paved with peace
May His beauty rest upon us, and love.

as we seek the lost to win, Rewards will come· in their own time - and praise

And may they forget the channel, from God above.

Seeing only Him.

Mailbag (continued)
From our mailbag: next few years. We have four children between the
I would like to introduce myself. I would defme ages of 10 years and 6 months. I would like to be in
myself as a Christian who affirms biblical equality. I touch with other women who are perhaps in similar
and my husband are missionaries in Sao Paolo, Brazil, situations, involved in ministry and study as well as
working with the Mennonite Brethren. Previously we molhering. I would also like to be aware of resources
worked as missionaries for five years in India, and available which address the issues of women in such
then studied together at the Mennonite Brethren situations and stages of life written from a "biblical
Biblical Seminary in Fresno, California. During this equality" perspective.
time I wrote one chapter on the controversial texts in I Katrina Poer~r
Corinthians for a study book that will.hartly be Rua Deputado Martinho Rodriiues, J03
published by our church. I am seriously considering Chacara Monte Alegre
pursuing doctoral studies In New Testament within the Sao Paulo, $,/'" BRAZIL 04646

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