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"Total Quality Management (TQM) of Greenwich"

(Kcc Mall of GenSan)

Total Quality Management (TQM) of Greenwich

(Kcc Mall of GenSan)

Total Quality Management (TQM) programs are an important and prominent approach
to management. Nowadays, most large corporations have a program that incorporates
some of the practices and principles of total quality management. One of the most
important principles of TQM concerns employee involvement or often called as
empowerment. It is common for a TQM program to state that employee involvement is
very important to its success.

1 Employee Involvement
For Greenwich, total quality management (TQM) involves that the employees are at
work on time, are neatly dressed, and are clean. The employees must make sure that
the customers constantly receive safe food, which implies that the employees must
wash their hands often to remain clean. Greenwhich at Kcc Gensan Store conducted a
SHOT-C program in which, crews are obliged to wash hands every 30 minutes, check
the holding time of each products, and sanutize thier station area and equipments. This
was already part of the duties of each team members of the store. Moreover, the
employees must follow certain Standard Operational Procedures, so that the customers
always receive exceptional quality and service. This includes the employees using
plastic gloves when they prepare the food, that the pizza raw materials, vegetables and
flavoured toppings are properly and evenly distributed and cooked according to thier
SOP or standards of procedures with correct holding time, and that the vegetables are
thoroughly washed when used in the food. Another TQM is that the employees rely on
teamwork and high energy to get the job done, so that the customers do not have to
wait long for their food. Each crew has to always mind the FST or food serving time of
each product that is ordered. Furthermore, Greenwich management emphasizes that
their restaurants should be clean. This involves that the restaurants are tidy, sparkling
and spotlessly clean. As Greenwich illustrates the quality is that the employees delivers
fast, accurate and friendly service with a smile.
TQM programs that do not have management commitment and employee involvement
are bound to fail. This will contribute to poor business results and employee turnover.
High turnover rates are a challenge for any company in the food service industry,
including Greenwich. Both managers and academics believe that, with commitment
from senior management, by involving employees in problem solving, decision making,
and business operations, performance and productivity will increase. Employees
should be encouraged to control their destiny and participate in the processes of the
organization. To be effective, employees should be given power, information,
knowledge, and rewards that are relevant to business performance. The Restaurant
People Strategy is designed to offer a compelling employment value proposition by
providing unique benefits, training and opportunities that meet the needs of today's
workers. Greenwich benefits program is designed to attract, retain and engage talented
people who will deliver strong performance and help Greenwich achieve their business
goals and objectives.
The most attractive side of Greenwich activity is the training that stands as background
in every single employee. JFC foods corporation which Greenwich belong along with
Mang Inasal and Chowking started his fortune training people on how to be kind, fast,
precise and effective. Greenwich believes that this quick-service format would be lost if
service at the order desk was not courteous and efficient, to avoid this problem some
detailed video tapes have been created to train every single worker who had to have
direct contact with the customers. The tapes cover every aspect of dealing with the
customers during a standard period of time at the counter. Crewmen are instructed to
initiate each order with a polite question: 'May I have your order, please?", and train
them how to approach customers and encourage them to avail the products with some
techniques and appropriate and suggestive skills. The success of these service
methods cannot be questioned and is proven effective.

2 Focus on the customer

Customers are the one who consume goods and services offered by organizations or
companies. In other words, all goods and services were provided as to fulfill the
demand and the needs of consumer. Besides that, customers also are the only one who
ranks the effort and measurer of the satisfaction level of the goods and services offered
by the organizations or company. Without customers, the efforts of managing and
operating the organizations or company will be wasted. Therefore, focus on the
customer is an element to measure the total quality management of the organization or
Greenwich brand mission is "to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat".
Greenwich operators, suppliers as well as employees cooperate to achieve customers'
need in Greenwich's unique ways. They provides the customers with high quality of
food and better-quality services in a friendly, hygienic and enjoyable environment at a
great value as to make their customers feel good when having Greenwich flagship
products and beverages and meals.
Greenwich takes into account of the customers' nutrition and preferneces. Researches
had being carried out to measure and create a menu which match the daily nutrition
and even religious views of their customers. General Santos City is inhabited with
mixed religious views and beliefs, therefore, Greenwich KCC Gensan along with other
local stores in the country considered of offering a preferences choice of products to
thier customers particularly to thier vegetarian and non pork eating customers by
providing a non pork and vegetarian flavoured flagship products which is thier famous
pizzas. Besides, Greenwich also aim to inspire and motivate people to live balanced,
active lives with their Balanced, Active Lifestyles efforts by bring in the global theme
which is "it's what I eat and what I do". Furthermore, Greenwich is now upgrading thier
services to keep in touch with nowadays trends by offering thier best products and
beverages suitable for each seasons and trends. The later conducted a PSE program
in which thier fastfood stores are upgraded into "pizzeria stores, the Greenwich
Gaisano was the latest pizzeria store here in General Santos City, providing thier
customers a more highclass atmosphere in thier dinning experiences.
Greenwich doughs for pizza making are strictly made by thier reliable manufacturers
and suppliers. The pizza's are cooked based on its standard cooking temperatures and
procedures without any preservatives and filters. Relatively, other products are made
accordingly with its SOP to ensure customers are under protection and satisfaction.
Greenwich continuesly improve their food safety and quality standard to reach the
highest rank in the industry. They source their ingredient from suppliers that hold on to
strict standards for food safety and quality, including behaves a controlled, well-
maintain and clean environment throughout their entire supply chain. They conduct
stringent procedures for handling, storage and minimize exposure which will contribute
to the presence of microorganisms as to maintain the quality of their food.
Furthermore, Greenwich approach to environmental responsibility and come out with
the solutions that are good for their business system and also to the world in which
they operate. Thier environmental responsibility programs leads for progress that
demonstrated on multiple fronts including energy, packaging, anti-littering, recycling,
logistics, communications, greening the restaurants, greening the workplace,
sustainable food and suppliers leadership.

3 Benchmarking
Competitive benchmarking is used with direct competitors. This type of benchmarking
perform externally, its goal is to compare companies in the same markets that have
competing products, services or work processes. For example, Greenwich compete
with Pizzahut, Shakeys, and other fastfood stores. By this strategy, it can compare a
related companies performance. With this direct competitor, information is not easy to
obtain. Public domain information is the most accessible.
Industry benchmarking is performed externally against industry leaders or against
certain company best functional operations. The benchmarking partners usually share
some common technological and some market characteristics. Because of no direct
competitors are involved, the benchmarking partners are more willing to contribute and
Process or generic benchmarking focuses on the best work processes. Instead of
focusing on a company's business practice, similar procedures and functions are

4 Continuous Improvement
To be competitive in market, Greenwich has provided more consistent quality and
value to their owners or customers. Such goals demand that a continuous
improvement process be established to provide total quality management. Greenwich
give lot attention to the satisfaction level of its customers with improve quality
standards such as trained employees, improve product quality and improve
performance and exercises a good strategy for its human resources.
First of all, to fulfill the needs of the customers according to their desires or requirement
and also to make its product more competitive, Greenwich has improved their products
quality. Such as improving ingredients and nutrients of food stuff. For non pork eater as
mention above, stores provides informations to thier costumers into the ingradient
content of the products.
More than that lot expenditure is made in the quality maintenance and improvement
researches. Greenwich maintains the following quality rules such as maintaining strict
standards of quality and safety, so that the customers can feel comfortable fitting any of
the food products into their personal eating styles and preferences. Second, is serving a
variety of nutritious, high-quality food products and portion size, including new desserts,
pastas , and vegetable offerings and Meal choices. Besides,Greenwich providing
nutrition information to help customers make smart choices that address their individual
lifestyle needs. Furthermore, the company informing the customers about energy
balance and fun, practical ways to incorporate physical activity into their everyday lives.
Finally, this recent years, Greenwich conducted a pizza camp programs for kids who
love to try making thier own pizza experiences during school breaks seasons.
More to the point, Greenwich creates connection between the quality of product and
the ability of employees by give training to their employees. Employees were having
training for it work. For example, the cashier is trained for all the cash handling; floor
manager is polished and well trained as also those new workers were given
orientation. Greenwich also has a training period for their employees. During the
training, trainer is use a series of checklist. It's is important for Greenwich to create
quality employees. In addition Greenwich uses the strategy "right person on right job"
means that allocates resource in different areas according to the abilities,
qualifications, and experiences of employees. After training of new employees,
trainers conducts a follow up assessments and when the crew was already given
enough time for thier adjustments in work, each crew are being tested to be certified in
thier stations. Beside, Greenwich has different departments for different functions. For
example, marketing department consists of marketing experts who perform marketing
analysis and finance department consist of finance experts who arrange and manage
Another strategy that Greenwich use is Employee's job satisfaction means that
provides training opportunities to its employees like seminars, meetings and even
team buildings. For Greenwich, they have a monthly kumustahan in which
members has the opportunity to open up for thier difficulties in a form of open
forum and came up for an effective action plan idea to solve problems. By this
means, it results in enhanced performance and they become more interested to
work in good manner, which gives a good reputation to the organization and trains
its employees of all departments to enhance their capabilities and to improve their

Total quality management can be defined as a means of seeking excellence in all

functions of business in order to prevent possibilities of errors or mistakes and to create
optimal customer satisfaction. Quality is used as a strategic weapon where companies
use to compete within the current markets. Quality pleases the consumers who are the
most important people for any business whether in service sector or deals with
production of goods.

This reasearch reminded me of my working experiences as a service crew in this

company. After several months of working, I became familiar with the Standard
operating procedures of how to serve our customers and let them feel welcome and
special and be satisfied as they dine in our store. It is true that as a team leader that
time, acquiring of not just the basic knowledge but also all the necessary information of
the operating procedure of the store is highly required. The management of the store
gave me the opportunity to learn and enhance my skill through trainings in the given
task to me so that i can perform well my duty. As a Marketing Management student, it is
was a great opportunity fo me to learn and train myself in this field of work. It provides
me not just knowledge but also a treasured lifetime working experience.As part of the
team, it requires me a lot of responsibility and commitment so that I can also help and
contribute to reach the goal of the company.

For me, this research has provided me a useful knowledge and information that focus
on how a fastfood industry has introduced and developed a holistic system for total
quality management. Throughout the entire paper, it is apparent that techniques of TQM
are important for a company to succeed and remain competitive in the marketplace. I
had learned that the techniques of Total Quality Management are applied and played an
important role on every essential function for a business to continue to grow and met its
missions and vision.

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