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THBT promising rewards to well-achieving students is more effective in

increasing students’ motivation than promising punishment to under-performed
2. THW implement strict monitoring of civil servants’ social media.
3. THW completely ban the use of alternative medicines
4. THW impose a Minimum Age For Actress
5. THW not allow the return of Indonesians who have joined terrorist groups in
foreign countries
6. THW protect traditional land for modern development.
7. THBT research in genetic modification must be promoted and funded to help
abolish chances of disability in future generation.
8. THBT rape victims must be given rights to terminate their pregnancies
9. If the technology is possible, THW allow parents to implant GPS in their
10. THW ban all forms of artificial reproduction technologies (IVF, surrogates,
sperm banks) in order to force couples to adopt children from orphanage and
conflict-affected areas.
11. THW provide one-year financial support to unemployed citizens
12. TNBT building religious house of worships should not require authorization from
the government.
13. THW allow female prisoners to raise their babies behind bars.
14. To educate tolerance and diversity among young learners, THW ban religious-
based primary schools.
15. THBT Tech Developed, Scientists, and Engineers should always prioritize the
advancement of Technology over Preserving Ethical Codes

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