Columbus CEO Kim Maggard Profile

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+ Photos by rob hardin

Kim Maggard
City of Whitehall
Age: 62

Mayor since: 2012

Previous: Whitehall city auditor 2003-11;

Whitehall Board of Education 1996-
2003. Clerk, Columbus Metropolitan
Library, 1986-89; library assistant
1997-2000; circulation manager of the
Whetstone branch, 2000-03.
Education: Bachelor of Science, Eastern
Kentucky University; secondary
teaching certificate, Morehead State
University; graduate study in library
science, Kent State University and
University Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Personal: Husband Alex “Rusty”
Maggard, married 40 years. Whitehall
resident since 1981. Four children—
Anabelle, 39; Cory, 37; Zachary, 29; and
Kaeley, 28. Two dogs, Pup and Oscar;
one cat, Kit the Cat.

With moxy and determi-
nation, Kim Maggard and
her team have made the
struggling suburb a more Kim Maggard
desirable place to be.

hen Kim Maggard Town & Country on East Broad Street. that kept the American war machine
moved to Whitehall in Maggard was 24 with a young daugh- running. Today, the hulking pres-
1981, its population ter, having moved to Columbus from ence off East Broad Street remains as
had tipped into what Ashland, Kentucky, the year before integral to the city of Whitehall—and
would be four decades of decline so her husband could take a job at the its $50 million annual budget funded
from a high of more than 25,000 in Defense Supply Center Columbus, a in large part by income taxes—as it is
1970. During the ’50s, it had been 530-acre military logistics complex. to Kim Maggard’s life.
one of the fastest growing cities in the DSCC, as it is known, during WWII Maggard was accustomed to
nation, with neat rows of mid-cen- was the largest military supply instal- military life, having grown up in a
tury ranches and the distinguishing lation in the world, employing more family that came from Kentucky but
characteristic of sporting one of the than 10,000 at its peak and housing moved frequently to accommodate
nation’s first strip shopping plazas, the spare parts and myriad supplies her father’s Air Force career, which

14 ColumbusCEO l September 2019

couldn’t, then she would go to work. I pation, and she instead became a his-
remember her working at Dairy Queen tory teacher and stay-at-home mother
for $1 an hour. She made our clothes. for a time. That didn’t stick, either.
She made my prom dresses. She made What did Maggard end up doing?
my younger sister’s wedding dress, She entered public service as a mem-
and it’s gorgeous.” ber of the Whitehall Board of Educa-
For her family, that determination tion after chairing a successful levy
and education were prized weapons campaign (an initial levy failed), and
against scarcity, the shadow of which she became a clerk and circulation
stuck around like it did for many manager at the Columbus Metropoli-
families who lived through terrible tan Library, studying library science.
economic times the generation before. Next, she was appointed Whitehall
“My dad came from a family of 11 city auditor and found herself excel-
children, and he many times talked ling at accounting 101 and 102, which
to me about going hungry,” Maggard she took concurrently at Columbus
says. “His parents were so busy raising State Community College.
11 children that sometimes, my dad Her mother would have been tickled
would go in the summer and ride the to know how right she’d been, but
trains and be gone for five, six days she didn’t get the chance to gloat, or
and they didn’t even realize it.” revel in her daughter’s rise to the top
In high school, Maggard’s father of civic life in her adopted home-
played basketball, and her mother was town. She suffered a massive heart
a cheerleader. “He told me if it wasn’t attack and died quickly at the age of
for basketball, he probably wouldn’t 63, when Maggard was 40. The night
have graduated from high school,” she before, they’d had a long talk Maggard
says. “He didn’t have socks to wear will cherish for the rest of her life.
underneath his tennis shoes, and he “I remember sitting down with her
would take worn-out socks people and just telling her, thank you, thank
threw away and he would cut off the you, thank you, thank you for expect-
bottoms [leaving the rings that go ing that I would go to college and
around the ankle, which he would put making sure that I got there. And I
on to give the appearance of wearing didn’t have to go into debt for it. And
socks], so nobody would know. And that my brother and my two sisters
he didn’t have towels when they took also went to college. Thank you for
a shower. So he would wait ’till every- everything you did for us.”
body was done and use their towels.”
Maggard’s mother told him if you •••
date me, you have to graduate from The Whitehall of 2019, population
high school. He did. Later, their four 19,000, is quite different from the
children all were expected to go to one Mayor Kim Maggard moved to
college, a prospect that did not excite decades ago. For one, the Town &
their daughter Kim, who was gifted in Country Big Bear is now owned by ri-
I will say I had a mathematics. val Kroger, after the giant supermarket
completely different “OK, first of all, I didn’t like any-
body telling me what to do,” Mag-
sat empty for more than a decade. The
city has struggled with a lack of inter-
vision than former gard says. est from businesses in general, hous-
Is it any wonder she went on to be- ing values have not kept pace with
mayors. come the mayor of the quintessential Franklin County’s, and crumbling,
American suburb, Whitehall? crime-ridden apartment complexes
have marred Whitehall’s reputation.
took them to Italy at one point. When ••• Lois and Paul Kolada paid little
they returned, the U.S. housing short- Maggard did go to college and earn a heed to those things when they
age led them to buy a trailer, squeez- bachelor’s degree, but not in account- decided to retrofit the old Bill Swad
ing parents and four children into 500 ing or library science, careers her Chevrolet dealership on South Hamil-
square feet on a lot in Kansas. At one mother encouraged her to pursue. She ton Road for the offices of their in-
point, Maggard’s father went off to thought they sounded boring and in- dustrial design firm, Priority Designs.
Vietnam for a year. stead majored in law enforcement and They’d bought a vision from Mayor
“My mom was very resourceful. She sociology, planning to go into criminal Maggard and the city’s new economic
could cook like crazy, and she was justice. But her life didn’t turn out that development director, Zachary Wood-
very good with handling money, and way—the man she would marry, Alex ruff, an energetic, intense young man
she made those paychecks stretch,” “Rusty” Maggard, didn’t like the idea who easily could be mistaken for a
Maggard says. “And when they of his wife in such a dangerous occu- mayor himself. Across the street from
September 2019 l ColumbusCEO 15
voiced it. But on the whole, it’s really
worked out great.”
That the Koladas took the deal and
were happy with their choice repre-
sented a turning point for Whitehall,
which under Maggard’s leadership has
aggressively courted new business and
economic development projects.
“A lot of our capital investment
goes back to the Koladas and their
team, who got the mayor’s vision of
where we were going,” Woodruff says.
“We can point to all the other projects
we were able to [secure] and say, we
Kim Maggard at Whitehall Senior Center brought them [to Priority Designs] and
showed them what it was going to be.
the Koladas’ potential new offices Royal Landing for another two years. And they said, ‘Well, there is some-
was the troubled Commons at Royal The city had bought the Bill Swad thing going on in Whitehall in 2014.’ ”
Landing apartments. property, too, hoping to attract higher- Despite the misgivings of some of
“It was our dream that one of these paying jobs—and more city income his board members, Scott McComb
days, those apartments would be gone, taxes—than an auto dealership. saw the Whitehall vision, too. In 2017
that we could have a multifaceted “This building was in pretty bad the CEO of Heartland Bank brought its
development going in right there,” shape, but the spaces really lend headquarters, 130 employees and $11
Maggard says. “We said to the Kola- themselves well to what we do and million in investment to a section of
das, don’t look over there. We’re going what we wanted,” says Lois Kolada, Whitehall Community Park off Ham-
to take care of that.” whose company needed workshop ilton Road. From the back windows of
It was 2014, and the city, through and studio space. “And so the vision Heartland’s new home, a calm, stately
its new community improvement was pretty easy to grasp. I would say view unfolds: mature trees on acres
corporation, would not close on its $5 some of our staff was a little leery of well-kept lawn, prairie gardens
million purchase of the Commons at [about moving to Whitehall]. And they beyond, and Big Walnut Creek runs

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16 ColumbusCEO l September 2019

through in the distance. The city is Condominiums, which it bought for and sometime during the last decade,
planning upgrades to the park that $9 million after having the complex the profile of the city as a tired, older
will give visitors the ability to go kaya- declared a nuisance by Franklin city changed considerably,” Kass says.
king and canoeing. County Environmental Court over the “And I would attribute that in part to
Facing the window of McComb’s protestations of some owners. Mayor Maggard and Zach Woodruff
office, construction of Whitehall Com- Frank Kass saw opportunity in and a more aggressive city council.”
munity Park YMCA is under way. The Whitehall when his Continental Real Still, Kass says he would not have
project, funded by the city with the Estate Cos. bought the Commons at undertaken the project had it been on
facility to be run by the Y, received a Royal Landing from the city for Nor- Main Street or in the center of White-
$50,000 gift from Heartland. ton Crossing, a $55 million develop- hall. “This is a major intersection of
“My board was like, what? We’re ment under construction at Broad and two state highways,” he says. “I-270 is
going to go to Whitehall?’ ” McComb Hamilton that will involve 360 one- 1 mile in either direction and there are
says. “Because you know the [repu- and two-bedroom apartments, medical 20,000 jobs in a 1.5-mile radius.”
tation] of Whitehall in the last sev- offices and more—a much better view
eral years, maybe the last decade or from the windows of Priority Designs. •••
two, has not been as good as it once “I grew up on the east side and have Standing on a stage set up behind the
was. But I kind of fell in love with watched Whitehall over the years, Yearling Road Dairy Queen on a sun-
the fact that we have a great lady ny Saturday morning in July, Maggard
in Mayor Maggard that gets things welcomed people to the Whitehall
done. She and Zach [who recruited I really want to Food Truck Festival, which has grown
McComb to Whitehall] have really
turned the city around.” prepare our citizens for to 35 trucks and more than 25,000
visitors in just a few years. She’s ap-
Indeed, dozens of businesses have
set up shop in the city since develop-
the population growth proaching a third term as Whitehall’s
mayor—she’ll run unopposed this fall,
ment efforts at City Hall ramped up that’s going on ... We after voters in 2018 approved extend-
in earnest, including the Wasserstrom
Co. bringing its headquarters and 225 need to upgrade our ing the maximum terms an elected of-
ficial may serve from two to three. She
employees from the Brewery District.
The city is turning its attention
housing in Whitehall. appreciates the vote of confidence.
Maggard feels she’s just getting
next to the vacant 317-unit Woodcliff started.

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September 2019 l ColumbusCEO 17

Kim Maggard is approaching a third term as Whitehall’s About Whitehall
mayor—she’s running unopposed this fall—and serves as chair Whitehall Franklin County
of the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission’s Regional
Median home value
Policy Roundtable. She spoke with Columbus CEO about
making sure the community is prepared for the regional $82,100 $158,400
changes ahead—population increasing by 50 percent, increasing Owner-occupied housing rate
traffic congestion and affordable housing concerns.
35% 54%
Median household income
What are you going to I’m going to be working really have to be aggres-
be out talking to people on getting that message sive in getting new busi- $37,864 $56,319
about this fall? out. We need to be more nesses into Whitehall in
People need to under- welcoming of those types order to make up for the Diversity
stand what’s happening of housing opportuni- shortfall that the state 14% 1% 5.7%
to our region because ties. At the same time, we took from us in reduced 5.7%
it affects us—we can no need to aggressively go Local Government Fund
longer be insular. And after business. dollars and for the money 35% 24%
that’s what we used to be. lost from remote workers. 50% 67%
Before I became mayor, The Defense Supply That takes money away
there was a thought that, Center Columbus, from infrastructure, it n White n Hispanic n White n Hispanic
n Black n Other n Black n Asian
well, we don’t care what’s with 8,000 employ- takes money away from
going on around us ... ees, represents a huge the police and fire depart- Population with bachelor’s degree
that stuff is not going portion of Whitehall’s ments. How are we going
to come into Whitehall. income tax receipts, to take care of improve- 12.8% 39%
Well, that didn’t work so which were $27 million ments? And how are we
well. We did not prepare last year. So when the going to make sure that
Poverty rate
ourselves for the future. employer began letting we fund our parks and 23.5% 16%
[Previous Whitehall ad- employees work from recreation adequately?
ministrations thought] if home, it meant the city So when our residents Population without health insurance
a business wants to come of Whitehall was on the see that all these busi-
here, they’ll come here, hook to pay increasing nesses are coming in,
16% 8.2%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
and I don’t have to go out income tax refunds. Kim they need to understand
and move them. Maggard has watched that we’re trying to make “I feel like sometimes two terms
When you have that the numbers for 16 years: up for all the shortfalls isn’t enough to get progress going and
attitude, you miss out When I first became that have happened. get people used to progress. Actually,
on way too much. So for auditor in 2003, our an- for a new mayor coming in, your first
my next four years, I re- nual income tax refunds On affordable housing: four years is basically making sure you
ally want to prepare our were approximately It’s very difficult now have people in the right positions to
citizens for the popula- $250,000 to $300,000 to get a rental here or see your vision.
tion growth that’s going a year. When I became anywhere. And to tell you “And I will say I had a completely
on—they’re beginning to mayor in 2013, they went the truth, our rentals are different vision than former mayors.
see it. We still have some up to $500,000. Now, too expensive for what Once I got my team in place, bam, my
residents who are anti- we’re probably going to they provide. We need to second term, we really were making
apartment, and they’ll do between $1.4 million focus on more affordable all kinds of progress. So I think people
probably always be to $1.7 million this year. housing options—qual- want that progress to continue.”
anti-apartment, anti-mul- And that is because ity affordable hous- Poverty and affordable housing are
tifamily. But just because DSCC is letting their ing. That’s one reason issues to tackle next, she says.
we’re building more people do telework. why I’m working with “I’ve been married over 40 years,
apartments, it doesn’t So when they’re work- MORPC. We’re definitely but I always knew that if something
mean we’re getting rid ing at home and not in going to need a higher would happen to my husband, I
of single-family homes. Whitehall, that means density of housing. And would be OK. Because I had an educa-
We need to upgrade our they don’t have to pay we cannot be afraid to tion and I had resources. And that’s
housing in Whitehall to income tax to Whitehall. rezone for apartments huge—most people don’t have that. So
attract millennials and Now they are paying and multifamily. We only we’ve got to provide the opportunities.
also for our empty nest- it, but then they ask for have a finite number of And you got to start when people are
ers to want to stay here refunds. We have to give dollars to support infra- young. You have to have people to tell
in Whitehall. We need to that money back to them, structure. We really need you when you’re young that you’re
have more options. And meaning less income to change the way we worth something.”
so for the next four years, tax for Whitehall. So we think about housing.
Katy Smith is the editor.

18 ColumbusCEO l September 2019

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