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SMT User Guide

Issue 08
Date 2014-08-27


Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2014. All rights reserved.
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Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes the procedures for installing the GSM Site Maintenance Terminal
(SMT). It also describes the functions and interfaces of different parts of the SMT. In addition,
it provides instructions for common operations on the SMT.

Product Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Solution Version Product Version

BTS3900 l SRAN8.0 V100R008C00

l GBSS15.0




Intended Audience
This document is intended for the engineers who maintain the BTS on the SMT. The engineers
should have a basic knowledge of radio communication and IP technologies and be familiar with
Windows-based operations and the BTS. This document is intended for:

l System engineers
l Field engineers
l Shift operators
l Network operators

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential ii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide About This Document

1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide
This document describes the changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide.
2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance Terminal
This describes the definitions, functions, logical objects, and other attributes of the software
window of the Site Maintenance Terminal. The Site Maintenance Terminal is used to
commission, maintain, and troubleshoot a BTS.
3 Getting Started with the Site Maintenance Terminal
This describes how to connect the Site Maintenance Terminal PC to the BTS, log in to the Site
Maintenance Terminal System, and exit the Site Maintenance Terminal.
4 Using the Site Management Rights
The operations of the site management rights involve obtaining the site management rights and
releasing the site management rights.
5 Managing Sites
The site management involves viewing site resources, querying the delay in reporting board
alarms, resetting the BTS, testing whether the boards in a site operate normally and whether the
connection of transmit links is normal, monitoring and managing the environment parameters
in a site, viewing the board parameters of the BTS, and viewing the parameter settings in a ring
network and the bar codes of a site.
6 Managing Cells
The cell management involves managing cell attributes and cell extended attributes, testing all
the BTs and RCs of a cell so that they can be locked or unlocked, and checking whether the BTs
and RCs are functional.
7 Managing BTs
The BT management involves locking or unlocking a BT, resetting a BT, performing the RC
self-test, view the status of the channels on a specified BT, and enabling a specified RC to
transmit signals at a predefined power level.
8 Managing RCs
The RC management involves setting the attributes and extended attributes of an RC, locking
or unlocking an RC, resetting an RC, and adjusting power of an RC automatically.
9 Managing Channels
The channel management involves viewing and setting channel attributes, locking or unlocking
a channel, and checking the quality of a channel by testing the parameters such as the bit error
rate (BER) and transmit power.
10 BBU Operations
The BBU operations involve the query, configuration, and test operations associated with the
BBU. You can query the board settings, board information, board extended information, board
alarms, and port attributes. You can also perform operations such as board reset, power-off reset,
self-test, clock configuration, loopback test, and parameter management.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide About This Document

11 RXU Operations

RXU operations involve the query, configuration, and test operation associated with the RXU.
You can view the board information, board extended information, and board alarms. You can
also perform operations such as the board reset, power-off reset, operation start, self-test,
loopback test, parameter management, and antenna mode configuration.

12 RXU Configuration

This describes the RXU configuration operations based on the actual requirement, such as adding
or deleting an RXU, adding or removing a ring, displaying in-position boards, detecting in-
position boards, setting and canceling a breakpoint.

Symbol Conventions

The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance deterioration, or unanticipated results.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to personal

Calls attention to important information, best practices and

NOTE is used to address information not related to personal
injury, equipment damage, and environment deterioration.

General Conventions

The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iv

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SMT User Guide About This Document

Convention Description

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in

Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

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SMT User Guide About This Document

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations

The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vi

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................ii

1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide....................................................................................1
2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance Terminal......................................................................9
2.1 Definitions Related to the Site Maintenance Terminal.................................................................................................10
2.2 Logical Objects of the BTS..........................................................................................................................................10
2.3 Software Window of the Site Maintenance Terminal System......................................................................................11

3 Getting Started with the Site Maintenance Terminal..........................................................12

3.1 Configuration Requirements for the Site Maintenance Terminal PC...........................................................................13
3.2 Starting the Site Maintenance Terminal System..........................................................................................................14
3.2.1 Setting the IP Address of the Site Maintenance Terminal PC...................................................................................14
3.2.2 Locally Connecting the SMT PC to the BTS............................................................................................................14
3.2.3 Logging in to the BTS at the Local End....................................................................................................................15
3.3 Exiting the Site Maintenance Terminal........................................................................................................................19

4 Using the Site Management Rights.........................................................................................21

4.1 Site Management Rights...............................................................................................................................................22
4.2 Obtaining the Site Management Rights........................................................................................................................22
4.3 Releasing the Site Management Rights........................................................................................................................23

5 Managing Sites.............................................................................................................................26
5.1 Performing the Site Configuration...............................................................................................................................29
5.2 Performing Site Opstart................................................................................................................................................38
5.3 Viewing Site Resources................................................................................................................................................39
5.4 Forcibly Loading Software...........................................................................................................................................40
5.5 Activating Software......................................................................................................................................................42
5.6 Resetting a Site Hierarchically.....................................................................................................................................45
5.7 Testing Sites.................................................................................................................................................................47
5.8 Monitoring Environment..............................................................................................................................................48
5.9 Obtaining BTS Logs.....................................................................................................................................................50
5.10 Site Power Attenuation...............................................................................................................................................51
5.11 Testing Transmission Performance............................................................................................................................52
5.12 Querying Alarm Delay Time......................................................................................................................................56

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

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SMT User Guide Contents

5.13 Querying the Ring Topology Parameters...................................................................................................................57

5.14 Viewing the Bar Codes...............................................................................................................................................58
5.15 Querying Netlist.........................................................................................................................................................60
5.16 Managing the RET Antenna.......................................................................................................................................62
5.17 Accurate VSWR Test.................................................................................................................................................63
5.18 Configuring IP over E1...............................................................................................................................................64
5.18.1 PPP Link..................................................................................................................................................................64
5.18.2 MLPPP Link............................................................................................................................................................70
5.18.3 MLPPP Group.........................................................................................................................................................75
5.18.4 IP Address................................................................................................................................................................81
5.18.5 BTS Routes..............................................................................................................................................................84
5.19 Setting Site Type........................................................................................................................................................89
5.20 Software Load Control Rights....................................................................................................................................90
5.21 Setting the Static IP Address of the IP over FE BTS.................................................................................................92
5.21.1 Configuring BTS and BSC IP Addresses and VLAN Information.........................................................................93
5.21.2 Configuring Port IP Addresses................................................................................................................................95
5.21.3 Configuring Routes..................................................................................................................................................99
5.21.4 Configuring Tunnels..............................................................................................................................................104
5.21.5 Setting Ethernet Port Attributes.............................................................................................................................108
5.21.6 Configuring IKE/IPsec..........................................................................................................................................111
5.21.7 VLANMAP...........................................................................................................................................................143
5.21.8 VLANCLASS........................................................................................................................................................147
5.21.9 PKI.........................................................................................................................................................................151
5.22 Ethernet OAM..........................................................................................................................................................168
5.23 Commissioning Site Transmission...........................................................................................................................181
5.23.1 Configuring the Debug IP Address......................................................................................................................182
5.23.2 Configuring the Ping Function.............................................................................................................................185
5.23.3 Configuring the Tracert Function.........................................................................................................................187
5.23.4 Configuring Routes................................................................................................................................................188
5.23.5 Collecting statistics of a PPP or MLPPP Link.....................................................................................................191
5.23.6 Reporting the Detection Messages.......................................................................................................................193
5.23.7 Querying the ARP Results.....................................................................................................................................194
5.23.8 Querying an Ethernet Port.....................................................................................................................................195
5.23.9 Collecting Statistics of the MAC Messages..........................................................................................................196
5.23.10 Collecting Statistics of the IP Packets.................................................................................................................201
5.23.11 UTRPc Working Mode........................................................................................................................................205
5.23.12 Configuring IKE/IPsec........................................................................................................................................208
5.23.13 VLANMAP.........................................................................................................................................................250
5.23.14 PKI.......................................................................................................................................................................253
5.23.15 Configuring User-Defined Transmission Detection Mode.................................................................................289
5.23.16 IP Transmission Self-Check................................................................................................................................290

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SMT User Guide Contents

5.23.17 UDP ECHO Ping.................................................................................................................................................292

5.24 PIM Offline Test.......................................................................................................................................................296
5.25 Locking RXU Traffic Capability..............................................................................................................................301
5.25.1 Configuring RXU Traffic Capability....................................................................................................................301
5.25.2 Querying RXU Traffic Capability.........................................................................................................................303
5.26 DTF Test...................................................................................................................................................................305
5.27 RF Antenna and Crossed Pair Detection..................................................................................................................308
5.28 Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time..................................................................................................................309

6 Managing Cells..........................................................................................................................311
6.1 Managing Cell Attributes...........................................................................................................................................313
6.2 Managing Cell Extended Attributes...........................................................................................................................316
6.3 Performing Cell Opstart..............................................................................................................................................318
6.4 Changing the Cell Management State........................................................................................................................319
6.5 Performing the Cell Performance Test.......................................................................................................................320
6.6 Cell Power Attenuation..............................................................................................................................................321
6.7 Changing the Cell Operational State..........................................................................................................................321
6.8 Offline Spectrum Scanning........................................................................................................................................322

7 Managing BTs............................................................................................................................ 326

7.1 Performing BT Opstart...............................................................................................................................................328
7.2 Changing the BT Management State..........................................................................................................................328
7.3 Re-Initializing a BT....................................................................................................................................................330
7.4 Performing Baseband Test..........................................................................................................................................331
7.5 Baseband Power Attenuation......................................................................................................................................333
7.6 Viewing the Channel Status.......................................................................................................................................334
7.7 Setting the TRX Full Power Emission.......................................................................................................................334
7.8 Changing the BT Operational State............................................................................................................................336
7.9 TRX Property Query..................................................................................................................................................336

8 Managing RCs............................................................................................................................339
8.1 Managing RC Attributes.............................................................................................................................................341
8.2 Managing RC Extended Attributes.............................................................................................................................342
8.3 Performing RC Opstart...............................................................................................................................................344
8.4 Changing the RC Management State..........................................................................................................................345
8.5 Re-Initializing an RC..................................................................................................................................................346
8.6 Obtaining the RC Power Mode..................................................................................................................................347
8.7 Obtaining the Auto Power Adjustment Type.............................................................................................................348
8.8 Changing the RC Operational State............................................................................................................................349

9 Managing Channels..................................................................................................................351
9.1 Managing Channel Attributes.....................................................................................................................................352
9.2 Performing Channel Opstart.......................................................................................................................................354
9.3 Changing the Channel Management State..................................................................................................................355

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SMT User Guide Contents

9.4 Performing the Loopback Test...................................................................................................................................356

9.5 CODEC MODE Test..................................................................................................................................................358
9.6 Changing the Channel Operational State....................................................................................................................359

10 BBU Operations.......................................................................................................................360
10.1 Configuring a Board.................................................................................................................................................362
10.2 Querying Board Information....................................................................................................................................364
10.3 Querying Board Extended Information....................................................................................................................366
10.4 Resetting a Board......................................................................................................................................................367
10.5 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode.....................................................................................................................368
10.6 Testing a Board.........................................................................................................................................................369
10.7 Setting the BTS Clock..............................................................................................................................................369
10.8 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication Links...................................................................................371
10.9 Querying Board Alarm Information.........................................................................................................................373
10.10 Querying Board Parameters....................................................................................................................................374
10.11 Querying Port Attributes........................................................................................................................................375
10.12 Querying the Patch Information in Flash...............................................................................................................376

11 RXU Operations.......................................................................................................................378
11.1 Querying Board Information....................................................................................................................................380
11.2 Querying Board Extended Information....................................................................................................................381
11.3 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode.....................................................................................................................383
11.4 Resetting a Board......................................................................................................................................................384
11.5 Starting a Board........................................................................................................................................................386
11.6 Testing a Board.........................................................................................................................................................387
11.7 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication Links...................................................................................389
11.8 Querying Board Alarm Information.........................................................................................................................391
11.9 Querying Board Parameters......................................................................................................................................392
11.10 Querying Port Attributes........................................................................................................................................397
11.11 Setting the Antenna Mode......................................................................................................................................399

12 RXU Configuration.................................................................................................................401
12.1 Configuring an RFU.................................................................................................................................................403
12.1.1 Adding an RFU......................................................................................................................................................403
12.1.2 Deleting an RFU....................................................................................................................................................406
12.2 Configuring an RRU.................................................................................................................................................408
12.2.1 Adding an RRU.....................................................................................................................................................408
12.2.2 Deleting an RRU...................................................................................................................................................410
12.3 Constructing a Ring..................................................................................................................................................412
12.4 Dividing a Ring........................................................................................................................................................413
12.5 Displaying In-Position Boards..................................................................................................................................414
12.6 Detecting In-Position Boards....................................................................................................................................416
12.7 Setting a Breakpoint.................................................................................................................................................417

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SMT User Guide Contents

12.8 Canceling a Breakpoint............................................................................................................................................418

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential xi

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

This document describes the changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide.

08 (2014-08-27)
This is the eighth official release.

Compared with issue 07 (2014-04-05) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 07 (2014-04-05) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

5.21.1 Configuring BTS and BSC IP Added descriptions on the configuration in

Addresses and VLAN Information step 3.

Compared with issue 07 (2014-04-05) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

07 (2014-04-05)
This is the seventh official release.

Compared with issue 06 (2014-03-14) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 06 (2014-03-14) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

3.2.1 Setting the IP Address of the Site Replaced the procedure of setting the IP
Maintenance Terminal PC address of the SMT PC using the Windows
XP operating system as an example to that
using the Windows 7 operating system as an

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

3.1 Configuration Requirements for the Modified the recommended configuration for
Site Maintenance Terminal PC the operating system of the SMT PC.

Compared with issue 06 (2014-03-14) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

06 (2014-03-14)
This is the sixth official release.

Compared with issue 05 (2013-11-08) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 05 (2013-11-08) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

5.21.1 Configuring BTS and BSC IP Modified the Prerequisites.

Addresses and VLAN Information Optimized Table 1 in Context.
5.21.2 Configuring Port IP Addresses

5.21.5 Setting Ethernet Port Attributes

5.21.3 Configuring Routes Modified the Prerequisites.

Modified Table 1 in Context.

5.18.4 IP Address Optimized Table 1 in Context.

Modified the information displayed in the
dialog box/window.

5.18.1 PPP Link Modified Table 1 in Context.

Modified the information displayed in the
5.18.3 MLPPP Group
dialog box/window.
5.18.2 MLPPP Link

5.18.5 BTS Routes

5.24 PIM Offline Test

5.21.4 Configuring Tunnels Modified the Prerequisites.

ACL Modified Table 1 in Context.

5.22 Ethernet OAM

IKE Protocol Tracing

5.7 Testing Sites Modified the information displayed in the

dialog box/window.
5.26 DTF Test

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

5.28 Set Login Failure Times and Lock


6.8 Offline Spectrum Scanning

10.5 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode

10.11 Querying Port Attributes

11.1 Querying Board Information

11.2 Querying Board Extended


11.3 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode

11.4 Resetting a Board

11.5 Starting a Board

11.6 Testing a Board

11.7 Performing Loopback Test of Board

Communication Links

11.8 Querying Board Alarm Information

11.9 Querying Board Parameters

11.10 Querying Port Attributes

11.11 Setting the Antenna Mode

12.2.1 Adding an RRU

12.2.2 Deleting an RRU

12.3 Constructing a Ring

12.6 Detecting In-Position Boards

12.7 Setting a Breakpoint

12.8 Canceling a Breakpoint

Compared with issue 05 (2013-11-08) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

05 (2013-11-08)
This is the fifth official release.
Compared with issue 04 (2013-08-26) of V100R015C00, no information is added.
Compared with issue 04 (2013-08-26) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

5.12 Querying Alarm Delay Time Modified the information displayed in the
dialog box/window.
5.23 Commissioning Site Transmission

10.1 Configuring a Board

5.14 Viewing the Bar Codes Added GATM boards that support bar code
reporting in Context.

5.18.2 MLPPP Link Modified Table 1 in Context.

5.18.3 MLPPP Group

5.18.5 BTS Routes

5.22 Ethernet OAM

5.23.5 Collecting statistics of a PPP or


5.23.9 Collecting Statistics of the MAC


5.23.10 Collecting Statistics of the IP


IKE Protocol Tracing

6.1 Managing Cell Attributes

5.21.5 Setting Ethernet Port Attributes

11.7 Performing Loopback Test of Board

Communication Links

5.23.17 UDP ECHO Ping

8.2 Managing RC Extended Attributes Modified Table 1 in Context.

Modified the information displayed in the
5.23.11 UTRPc Working Mode
dialog box/window.

5.23.16 IP Transmission Self-Check Modified the Procedure.

5.24 PIM Offline Test Modified Table 1 in Context.

Changed RF modules that support the two
functions to those that do not support the two
functions in the descriptions in Context.
Added the operation of selecting cell No. in
step 4 under Procedure.

3.1 Configuration Requirements for the Modified the hardware and software
Site Maintenance Terminal PC configuration requirements for the Site
Maintenance Terminal PC.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

5.25 Locking RXU Traffic Capability Changed RF modules that support the two
functions to those that do not support the two
functions in the descriptions in Context.

Compared with issue 04 (2013-08-26) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

04 (2013-08-26)
This is the fourth official release.

Compared with issue 03 (2013-08-01) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 03 (2013-08-01) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following topic:

Topic Description

5.5 Activating Software Modified the value range of Board No. in

Table 1 in Context.
Modified the Procedure.

Compared with issue 03 (2013-08-01) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

03 (2013-08-01)
This is the third official release.

Compared with issue 02 (2013-06-26) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 02 (2013-06-26) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

3.2.3 Logging in to the BTS at the Local Added a note in Prerequisites.


5.5 Activating Software Modified the value range of Board No. in

Table 1 in Context.
Modified the Procedure.

Trust Certificate Modified Table 1 in Context.

Modified the information displayed in the
dialog box/window.

Compared with issue 02 (2013-06-26) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

02 (2013-06-26)
This is the second official release.

Compared with issue 01 (2013-04-28) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue 01 (2013-04-28) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

5.18.1 PPP Link Modified the Prerequisites.

5.18.2 MLPPP Link

5.18.3 MLPPP Group

Compared with issue 01 (2013-04-28) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

01 (2013-04-28)
This is the first official release.

Compared with issue Draft A (2013-02-26) of V100R015C00, no information is added.

Compared with issue Draft A (2013-02-26) of V100R015C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

5.4 Forcibly Loading Software Modified the Context.

Modified the information displayed in the
5.5 Activating Software
dialog box/window.

12.2.1 Adding an RRU Changed the range of RXU chain No. in


IKE Protocol Tracing Modified the information displayed in the

dialog box/window.

Compared with issue Draft A (2013-02-26) of V100R015C00, no information is deleted.

Draft A (2013-02-26)
This is the Draft A release.

Compared with issue 05 (2012-11-10) of V100R014C00, this issue adds the following topics:

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

5.23.16 IP Transmission Self-Check New functions.

5.23.17 UDP ECHO Ping

Compared with issue 05 (2012-11-10) of V100R014C00, this issue modifies the following

Topic Description

6.7 Changing the Cell Operational State Modified the Prerequisites.

7.8 Changing the BT Operational State

8.8 Changing the RC Operational State

9.6 Changing the Channel Operational


5.20 Software Load Control Rights

5.1 Performing the Site Configuration

5.25 Locking RXU Traffic Capability Added an RRU3936 to the RF modules

supporting the two functions.
5.26 DTF Test

3.2.3 Logging in to the BTS at the Local Modified the Procedure.


4.2 Obtaining the Site Management Rights

4.3 Releasing the Site Management Rights

5.23.3 Configuring the Tracert Function Modified the information displayed in the
dialog box/window.
5.23.2 Configuring the Ping Function

5.14 Viewing the Bar Codes

11 RXU Operations Modified the Context.

5.22 Ethernet OAM Modified the table describing parameters in

Modified the information displayed in the
dialog box/window.

5.23.9 Collecting Statistics of the MAC Added filtering conditions.


6.8 Offline Spectrum Scanning Added the LOCGRP No.

5.4 Forcibly Loading Software Modified the software loading sequence.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 1 Changes in the GBTS SMT User Guide

Topic Description

5.11 Testing Transmission Performance Added a multislot test.

5.24 PIM Offline Test Added an IM Index Test-Sweep.

Compared with issue 05 (2012-11-10) of V100R014C00, no information is deleted.

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 8

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
SMT User Guide 2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance Terminal

2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance


About This Chapter

This describes the definitions, functions, logical objects, and other attributes of the software
window of the Site Maintenance Terminal. The Site Maintenance Terminal is used to
commission, maintain, and troubleshoot a BTS.

The Site Maintenance Terminal provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for operation and

2.1 Definitions Related to the Site Maintenance Terminal

This describes the difference between the Site Maintenance Terminal, Site Maintenance
Terminal PC, and Site Maintenance Terminal application.

2.2 Logical Objects of the BTS

This describes the logical objects of the BTS. Different logical objects are maintained in different

2.3 Software Window of the Site Maintenance Terminal System

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SMT User Guide 2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance Terminal

2.1 Definitions Related to the Site Maintenance Terminal

This describes the difference between the Site Maintenance Terminal, Site Maintenance
Terminal PC, and Site Maintenance Terminal application.

Site Maintenance Terminal

The Site Maintenance Terminal is a logical concept. It refers to a maintenance terminal installed
with the Site Maintenance Terminal software package and connected to the OM network of the
BTSs. Through the Site Maintenance Terminal, you can operate and maintain the BTSs.

Site Maintenance Terminal PC

The Site Maintenance Terminal PC is a hardware concept. It refers to the computer on which
the Site Maintenance Terminal software package is installed.

Site Maintenance Terminal Application

The Site Maintenance Terminal application is installed on a Site Maintenance Terminal PC. It
refers to the Huawei Site Maintenance Terminal software package.

2.2 Logical Objects of the BTS

This describes the logical objects of the BTS. Different logical objects are maintained in different

The logical objects consist of the sites, cells, baseband (BTs), channels (CHs), and TRXs (RCs),
as shown in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Logical structure of a BTS

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SMT User Guide 2 Introduction to the Site Maintenance Terminal

2.3 Software Window of the Site Maintenance Terminal

The Site Maintenance Terminal System software window consists of the navigation pane, view
pane, and status pane, as shown in Figure 2-2.

Figure 2-2 Site Maintenance Terminal System Software Window

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SMT User Guide 3 Getting Started with the Site Maintenance Terminal

3 Getting Started with the Site Maintenance


About This Chapter

This describes how to connect the Site Maintenance Terminal PC to the BTS, log in to the Site
Maintenance Terminal System, and exit the Site Maintenance Terminal.

3.1 Configuration Requirements for the Site Maintenance Terminal PC

The Site Maintenance Terminal PC should meet the requirements for the configuration of
hardware and software and for the communication capability.

3.2 Starting the Site Maintenance Terminal System

Before starting the Site Maintenance Terminal, firstly, set the IP address of the Site Maintenance
Terminal PC; secondly, connect the Site Maintenance Terminal PC to the BTS; finally, log in
to the Site Maintenance Terminal.

3.3 Exiting the Site Maintenance Terminal

If you exit the Site Maintenance Terminal, the connection between the Site Maintenance
Terminal and the BTS is disrupted, and the Site Maintenance Terminal System window is closed.

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SMT User Guide 3 Getting Started with the Site Maintenance Terminal

3.1 Configuration Requirements for the Site Maintenance

Terminal PC
The Site Maintenance Terminal PC should meet the requirements for the configuration of
hardware and software and for the communication capability.

Hardware Requirements
Table 3-1 lists the hardware requirements for the installation of the Site Maintenance Terminal

Table 3-1 Hardware requirements

Item Quantity Minimum Configuration

CPU 1 Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual E


RAM 1 2 GB

Hard disk 1 80 GB

Display adapter resolution 1 1024×768

Ethernet adapter 1 10&100 Mbps

CD drive - -

Other devices 3×1 Keyboard, mouse, modem

Software Requirements
Table 3-2 lists the software requirements for the installation of the Site Maintenance Terminal

Table 3-2 Software requirements

Item Recommended Configuration

Operating system Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit)

Default language of the operating system English (United States)

Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later


The Site Maintenance Terminal PC supports the following operating systems: Microsoft Windows 98 (32-bit),
Microsoft Windows 2000 (32-bit), Microsoft Windows XP (32-bit), and Microsoft Windows 7 (32-bit).

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Communication Capability Requirements

The Site Maintenance Terminal PC should support the TCP/IP protocol.

3.2 Starting the Site Maintenance Terminal System

Before starting the Site Maintenance Terminal, firstly, set the IP address of the Site Maintenance
Terminal PC; secondly, connect the Site Maintenance Terminal PC to the BTS; finally, log in
to the Site Maintenance Terminal.

3.2.1 Setting the IP Address of the Site Maintenance Terminal PC

This describes how to set the IP address of the SMT PC to the same network segment as the IP
address ( of the BTS.

The TCP/IP protocol is installed on the SMT PC.

The following uses the Windows 7 operating system as an example to describe how to set the
IP address of the SMT PC.

Step 1 Choose Start > Control Panel.
The Control Panel window is displayed.

Step 2 Choose Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center > Local Area Connection.
The Local Area Connection Status window is displayed.

Step 3 Click Properties.

The Local Area Connection Properties window is displayed.

Step 4 Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and click Properties.

The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Select Use the following IP address and enter the correct IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway. Ensure that the IP address of the SMT PC is in the same network segment as the IP
addresses ( of the BTS so that a maintenance channel on the BTS
side can be established.

Step 6 Click OK to complete the settings.


3.2.2 Locally Connecting the SMT PC to the BTS

This describes how to connect the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT) PC to the Ethernet port on
the GTMU through an Ethernet cable. After they are connected, you can operate and maintain
the BTS on the SMT.

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The IP address and subnet mask of the SMT PC are set correctly. The IP address is in the same
network segment as the IP address ( of the BTS.

Step 1 Connect the SMT PC to the BTS through an Ethernet cable. One end is connected to the Ethernet
port on the main control board of the basic cabinet, and the other end is connected to the Ethernet
port on the SMT PC (usually a portable PC).

Step 2 Open the MS-DOS Prompt dialog box.

On the SMT PC (Windows 2000/XP/7), choose Start > Run. In the Run dialog box, enter
cmd, and press Enter. The MS-DOS prompt dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Run ping to verify the network connection between the computer and the BTS.

The is the IP address of the BTS.

If the returned information is similar to that given in the example, the SMT PC and the BBU
can communicate normally.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=253
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 1ms, Maximum = 1ms, Average = 1ms


3.2.3 Logging in to the BTS at the Local End

This describes the procedure to start the SMT. You can run the SMT to directly log in to the
BTS at the local end.

l The SMT PC is connected properly to the BTS.
l The latest software of the SMT is installed in the SMT PC.
l If the BTS OML has been established, run the LST BTSLOCALETHPORT command
on the BSC LMT to check whether the ETH port is enabled. If not, run the SET
BTSLOCALETHPORT command to enable the port.

If the BTS OML has not been established, the ETH port is enabled by default.

Table 3-3 lists the mapping between BTS versions, default user names, and default passwords
for logging in to the SMT.

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Table 3-3 Mapping between BTS versions, default user names, and default passwords for
logging in to the SMT
BTS Version Default User Name Default Password

V100R013C00 versions None None

earlier than

V100R013C00 versions admin admin

from V100R013C00SPC015
to V100R013C00SPC042

V100R014C00 versions admin QW12qw

earlier than

V100R013C00 versions later admin hwbs@com

than V100R013C00SPC042
V100R014C00SPC008 and
later V100R014 versions
V100R015C00 and later
V100R015 versions

l If this is the first time you log in to the BTS at the local end, perform as follows:
1. Double click btsm.exe in the software package.
The Set Communication Port Parameter dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Set Communication Port Parameter dialog box

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2. In the Select Communication Port area, click Network Port. In the Configure IP
area, set the IP address.
3. Click OK.
The System Login dialog box is displayed.
4. Enter the User Name and Password in the System Login dialog box.

l The BTS should be support the function that need enter User Name and Password
l The default User Name is admin.
l The default Password for logging in to the SMT has been changed to hwbs@com in
V100R014C00SPC008 and later versions.
l If the BTS version is V100R013 series versions before the upgrade, the password for
logging into the SMT is changed to hwbs@com after the BTS is upgraded to
V100R014C00SPC008 and later versions regardless of whether the password for logging
in to the SMT has been changed before the upgrade.
l If the BTS version is V100R014 series versions before the upgrade:
l If the default password for logging into the SMT has been changed before the upgrade,
the new password takes effect upon the next login after the BTS is upgraded to
V100R015C00 and later versions.
l If the default password for logging into the SMT remains unchanged before the
upgrade, the password for logging into the SMT is hwbs@com after the BTS is
upgraded to V100R015C00 and later versions.
l A mechanism is added to lock the SMT when a user has failed to log in to the SMT three
times consecutively. When the SMT is locked, the user cannot log in to the SMT for 10
min. During this time, the user can maintain the BTS only by remotely logging in to the
BSC LMT. In addition, the number of consecutive login failures and lock duration can be
configured by referring to Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time.
l Users can log in to the BSC LMT and run the SET BTSUSERPWD command to change
the password, with Username and Password Type set to USER_SELF_DEFINE,
Username set to admin, and Encrypted Mode set to ENCRYPTED.
l Users are advised to change the default password after logging in to the SMT for the first
time. Otherwise, the BTS is vulnerable to malicious attacks.
5. Click Submit.
– If the number of login times exceeds the specified maximum number of login times,
logging into the system fails. The result is displayed on the status bar in the System
Login dialog box.
– If the SMT PC communicates with the BTS normally, a window is displayed, as
shown in Figure 3-2. The SMT is started successfully.
– If the SMT PC fails to communicate with the BTS, the Communication failed
dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-3. Go to Step 6.

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Figure 3-2 Site Maintenance Terminal system window

Figure 3-3 Communication failed dialog box

6. Click Yes.
The Set Communication Port Parameter dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 3-1.
7. Perform steps 2 and 3, the Site Maintenance Terminal System window is displayed,
as shown in Figure 3-2.

You must 4.2 Obtaining the Site Management Rights after logging into the SMT.
Otherwise, related data cannot be configured. After OM operations on the SMT are
complete, you must 4.3 Releasing the Site Management Rights.

l If you have ever logged in to the BTS at the local end before, perform as follows:

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1. Double click btsm.exe in the software package.

The System Login dialog box is displayed.
2. Perform steps 4 to 7.


3.3 Exiting the Site Maintenance Terminal

If you exit the Site Maintenance Terminal, the connection between the Site Maintenance
Terminal and the BTS is disrupted, and the Site Maintenance Terminal System window is closed.

l If you do not have the site management rights:
1. Exit the site maintenance terminal by choosing Maintenance > Exit or click Close
in the Site Maintenance Terminal System window.
l If you have obtained the site management rights:
1. In the Site Maintenance Terminal System window, choose Maintenance > Exit or
click Close.
The Warning Message dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4 Warning Message dialog box

2. Perform as follows:
– If no follow-up operation at the local end is required, you are advised to reset the
a. Select Immediately reset the BTS and Click OK.
The result is displayed on the status bar in the Warning Message dialog box,
as shown in Figure 3-5.

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Figure 3-5 Warning Message dialog box

b. Click Cancel to return to Site Maintenance Terminal System window.

c. Choose Maintenance > Exit or click Close to exit the SMT.
– If follow-up operations at the local end are required, do not reset the BTS. Select
Quit the SMT without resetting the BTS and click OK to exit the SMT.


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SMT User Guide 4 Using the Site Management Rights

4 Using the Site Management Rights

About This Chapter

The operations of the site management rights involve obtaining the site management rights and
releasing the site management rights.

4.1 Site Management Rights

The site management rights refer to the rights to set the parameters of a BTS. After a BTS is
powered on, the remote Site Maintenance System obtains the site management rights by default.
Before operating the BTS through the Site Maintenance Terminal System, you must obtain the
site management rights first.

4.2 Obtaining the Site Management Rights

This function is performed to obtain the rights for setting parameters of the BTS.

4.3 Releasing the Site Management Rights

This function is performed to release the rights for setting parameters of the BTS. After
completing the local maintenance, you must release the site management rights.

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SMT User Guide 4 Using the Site Management Rights

4.1 Site Management Rights

The site management rights refer to the rights to set the parameters of a BTS. After a BTS is
powered on, the remote Site Maintenance System obtains the site management rights by default.
Before operating the BTS through the Site Maintenance Terminal System, you must obtain the
site management rights first.

When operating a BTS through the Site Maintenance Terminal System, pay attention to the

l Obtain the site management rights before writing data; otherwise, you may not be able to
write data, for example, load software or activate software. You can read data from the
BTS without the site management rights.
l After a BTS is powered on, the remote Site Maintenance System obtains the site
management rights by default and performs all operations directly. Before operating the
BTS through the Site Maintenance Terminal System, you must obtain the site management
rights first. You cannot operate the BTS through the Site Maintenance Terminal System
and the remote Site Maintenance System at the same time.
l After completing the local maintenance, you must release the site management rights.

l Remote Site Maintenance: maintaining the BTS through the LMT on the BSC side
l Site Maintenance Terminal: maintaining the BTS by directly connecting the Site Maintenance Terminal
PC to the BTS through the Ethernet ports

4.2 Obtaining the Site Management Rights

This function is performed to obtain the rights for setting parameters of the BTS.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


You are advised to reset the BTS before releasing the site management rights or exiting from
the SMT when all the following conditions are met:
l The BTS is connected to the BSC.
l The BTS works properly.
l The BTS has been configured on the SMT after the site management rights are obtained.
Otherwise, the BTS services are affected. After the BTS is reset, the SMT automatically releases
the site management rights.

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Step 1 3.2.3 Logging in to the BTS at the Local End.

Step 2 Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Management Right in the
Function area.
The Site Management Right dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Get.

The Warning Message dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Warning Message dialog box

Step 4 Click OK.

Then the result is displayed in the Site Management Right dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 4-2 Site Management Right dialog box

Step 5 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


4.3 Releasing the Site Management Rights

This function is performed to release the rights for setting parameters of the BTS. After
completing the local maintenance, you must release the site management rights.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

After completing the local maintenance, you should release the site management rights to
facilitate remote maintenance. If you do not release the site management rights at the local end,
the writing operation cannot be performed at the remote end.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Management
Right in the Function area.
The Site Management Right dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Release.

The Warning Message dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Warning Message dialog box

Step 3 Perform as follows:

l If no follow-up operation at the local end is required, you are advised to reset the BTS. Select
Immediately reset the BTS and click OK.
The result is displayed in the Site Management Right dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-4.

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Figure 4-4 Site Management Right dialog box

l If follow-up operations at the local end are required, do not reset the BTS. Select Release
the management rights without resetting the BTS and click OK.
The result is displayed in the Site Management Right dialog box, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5 Site Management Right dialog box

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 5 Managing Sites

5 Managing Sites

About This Chapter

The site management involves viewing site resources, querying the delay in reporting board
alarms, resetting the BTS, testing whether the boards in a site operate normally and whether the
connection of transmit links is normal, monitoring and managing the environment parameters
in a site, viewing the board parameters of the BTS, and viewing the parameter settings in a ring
network and the bar codes of a site.

5.1 Performing the Site Configuration

This describes how to configure logical objects of the BTS. The configuration procedure consists
of the cell configuration, carrier binding, and activation of cell configuration data.

5.2 Performing Site Opstart

Validate the configured site data on the BTS OM system. Site data include site attributes and
the OML configuration.

5.3 Viewing Site Resources

This function is performed to view the following site resources: CPU usage, RAM usage, DC
voltage, temperature inside a cabinet, humidity inside a cabinet, battery current, battery
temperature, load current, AC voltage, quantity of state, temperature of the board, solar battery
current, wind current and oil current.

5.4 Forcibly Loading Software

This function is performed to load software to the main control board.

5.5 Activating Software

This function is performed to validate the software loaded onto the main control board, including
the software of the main control board and the software of other boards.

5.6 Resetting a Site Hierarchically

Resetting a site involves third level reset and fourth level reset. The third level reset and the
fourth level reset are used to reinitialize the base station, that is, to reset all the boards in the base
station and load the configuration data of the base station from the BSC.

5.7 Testing Sites

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This describes how to perform tests on boards that are configured in the site, and then return the
test results. If the tests succeed, it indicates that the boards are running normally. If the tests fail,
it indicates that the boards are running abnormally.

5.8 Monitoring Environment

This function is performed to monitor and manage the environment parameters in a site. By
performing this function, you can view the current temperature and humidity and set the
temperature and humidity thresholds. The BTS can run normally in a safe and suitable site
environment. You can also clear a burglar alarm or a smoke alarm and disable an EAC alarm.

5.9 Obtaining BTS Logs

This describes how to obtain the compressed BTS log files.

5.10 Site Power Attenuation

Functioning as a power attenuator, the site power attenuation function is generally used in
scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing site transmit power on the SMT.

5.11 Testing Transmission Performance

This describes how to perform an E1 loopback test and a timeslot loopback test to check whether
the Abis transmission link is normal.

5.12 Querying Alarm Delay Time

This function is performed to query the alarm delay time of boards.

5.13 Querying the Ring Topology Parameters

This function is performed to query the ring topology parameters, including the working
direction of a site in the ring topology (Port 0 is forward link and port 1 is reverse link) and the
indication of auto rotate in the ring topology. If automatic rotation is permitted, the result also
involves the waiting time before rotation and the scheduled time for attempts before rotation.

5.14 Viewing the Bar Codes

This describes how to view the bar codes of the boards configured in the currently connected

5.15 Querying Netlist

This function can be performed to query the netlist information about TMUs and TRXs.

5.16 Managing the RET Antenna

This function is performed to query and set parameters of the Remote Electrical Tilt (RET)
antenna connected to the BTS.

5.17 Accurate VSWR Test

An accurate VSWR test is performed to identify BTS antenna faults. This ensures that antenna
faults do not affect network optimization.

5.18 Configuring IP over E1

In IP over E1 mode, DHCP broadcasting detection fails if an intermediate transmission device
not supporting DHCP relay is involved. To solve this problem, configure PPP links, MLPPP
links or MLPPP groups, static IP address, and routes on the SMT. In this case, PPP links, MLPPP
links or MLPPP groups are established after the BTS is reset, and the BTS obtains the
configuration through unicast DHCP. IP over E1 configuration involves information about PPP
links, MLPPP links, MLPPP groups, IP addresses, and routes. The information is configurable
and accessible.

5.19 Setting Site Type

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If the BTS is not connected to the BSC, the default site type is DBS3900. You can perform
relevant operations on the RFU only after enabling the Set Site Type function to modify the BTS

5.20 Software Load Control Rights

This section describes how to configure the software load control rights for multimode base
stations on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT).

5.21 Setting the Static IP Address of the IP over FE BTS

This section describes how to set the static IP address of the IPoFE BTS. In the case of layer 3
networking, the intermediate transport equipment cannot implement the DHCP relay function
and the DHCP broadcast detection cannot be implemented. In this case, you can set the static
IP address on the BTS side, and the BTS obtains the configuration information through the
unicast DHCP. The static IP configuration involves the IP address and route, which can be set
and queried.

5.22 Ethernet OAM

This section describes how to locate Ethernet faults over the Abis interface on the Site
Maintenance Terminal (SMT). Ethernet fault location over the Abis interface is based on two
scenarios: IEEE 802.1ag protocol and IEEE 802.3ah protocol.

5.23 Commissioning Site Transmission

The transmission commissioning function is used for BTS deployment or for problem location
and fault rectification during device transmission.

5.24 PIM Offline Test

The PIM offline test is introduced to check whether intermodulation interference exists on the
antenna. This test helps field engineers solve the interference problem by using the SMT without
additional devices.

5.25 Locking RXU Traffic Capability

This section describes how to configure and query the maximum output power of an RXU. The
maximum output power of an RXU is locked to meet the requirement of the local administrative
department and to avoid unintended modification or operation on the maximum output power
of the RXU.

5.26 DTF Test

If you detect voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) alarms when remote radio units (RRUs) or
radio frequency units (RFUs) are installed under the tower or there are multiple connection
terminals between RRUs and antennas, enable the DTF Test function. This function provides
reference for fault detection and maintenance, facilitating location of poor connections.

5.27 RF Antenna and Crossed Pair Detection

This section describes how to detect RF antenna and crossed pair connection (feeders between
cells of a BTS are reversely connected) on the SMT.

5.28 Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time

This section describes how to set the number of login failures and lock time on the SMT.

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5.1 Performing the Site Configuration

This describes how to configure logical objects of the BTS. The configuration procedure consists
of the cell configuration, carrier binding, and activation of cell configuration data.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The OML link between the BTS and BSC has been disconnected.


l The following part describes the configuration and binding of carriers based on one GRFU configured
with two carriers.
l Other RF modules are similar in configuration procedure.

Step 1 Add a cell. Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site
Configuration in the Function area.
The Site Configuration dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-1.

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Figure 5-1 Site Configuration dialog box (1)

"Site255" is an example given to explain the site configuration process.

Step 2 Click Site255, and then click Add Subobject. In the Object Attributes area, specify Object
No. and Object Name. Click Set.
In the Object Operation area, Cell0 is added, as shown in Figure 5-2.

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Figure 5-2 Site Configuration dialog box (2)

Step 3 Bind the carrier: Click Cell0, and select the TRX to be configured in the Boardtype drop-down
list box. Set the board type to GRFU, as shown in Figure 5-3.

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Figure 5-3 Site Configuration dialog box (3)

Step 4 Click Add Subobject. In the Object Attribute area, enter values in Object No., Object
Name, Board No., and Pass No. Carrier0 is added in the Object Operation area. The carrier
is bound to the number 0 pass of the TRX whose Board No. is 0, as shown in Figure 5-4.

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Figure 5-4 Site Configuration dialog box (4)

Step 5 Configure the second carrier: Set Object Name to Carrier1, Board No. to 0, and Pass No to
1, as shown in Figure 5-5. The GRFU 0 is configured with two carriers.

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Figure 5-5 Site Configuration dialog box (5)


l The procedure for adding carriers for other TRX boards is the same as adding carrier for the GRFU.
l The GRFU can be configured with 6 carriers, that is, there are 6 pass numbers ranging from 0 to 5 for
the same board number.
l The GRFU has two RX paths (path A and path B) and one TX path (path A). Therefore, select path A
when configuring a carrier.
l The SMT provides the self-check function. When an invalid value is specified, the User error dialog
box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-6.

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Figure 5-6 User error dialog box

Step 6 Click Site255.

The Set button is available. Click Set. Configuring cell succeeded is available, as shown in
Figure 5-7.

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Figure 5-7 Site Configuration dialog box (6)

Step 7 Choose Site255 > Site Opstart > OK. The Site Opstart dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-8.

If... Then...

Site Opstart successful is displayed. Click Close, and then perform the next step.

The Site Opstart operation failed. 1. Perform Step 7 again. If the operation succeeds, go
to Step 8. If the operation fails, go to 7.2.
2. Check the data consistency between the modified
data and the data on the existing network. If the
configuration is inconsistent, correct the
configuration. If the configuration is consistent,
contact Huawei technical support engineers on the
BTS side for troubleshooting.

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Figure 5-8 Site Opstart dialog box

The configured cell is displayed in the navigation pane, as shown in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9 Configured cell and channels

Step 8 Choose Cell0 > Cell Opstart > OK. The Cell Opstart dialog box is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-10.

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If... Then...

Cell Opstart successful is displayed. Click Close, and then perform the next step.

The Cell Opstart operation failed. For details, see Step 8.

Figure 5-10 Cell Opstart dialog box

Step 9 The site configuration takes effect.


5.2 Performing Site Opstart

Validate the configured site data on the BTS OM system. Site data include site attributes and
the OML configuration.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Opstart in
the Function area.
The Site Opstart dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the Site Opstart dialog box,
as shown in Figure 5-11.

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Figure 5-11 Site Opstart dialog box


5.3 Viewing Site Resources

This function is performed to view the following site resources: CPU usage, RAM usage, DC
voltage, temperature inside a cabinet, humidity inside a cabinet, battery current, battery
temperature, load current, AC voltage, quantity of state, temperature of the board, solar battery
current, wind current and oil current.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click View
Resource in the Function area.
The View Resource dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In the Select Resource Type list box, click the type of the source to be viewed, as shown in
Figure 5-12. The result is displayed at the bottom of the View Resource dialog box.

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Figure 5-12 View Resource dialog box


The resources to be viewed are the real-time messages.


5.4 Forcibly Loading Software

This function is performed to load software to the main control board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

After you obtain the upgrade software package, do not delete or move the files contained in the software
package and ensure that the software package is intact to avoid software loading failure.
l The main control board of the base station is the GTMU.
l You need to load the software of other boards prior to loading the software of the main
control board. There are no strict requirements for the sequence of loading the software of
other boards.
Table 5-1 describes the parameters available in the Software Download dialog box.

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Table 5-1 Parameters available in the Software Download dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

File Name Name of the software to be downloaded. The Use the actual path.
specified file must be a .pck file corresponding Note that the file name
to the correct board. is case sensitive.

Version Version of the software to be downloaded. The Note that the version is
specified version must be consistent with the case sensitive.
name of the folder containing the downloaded

File ID Type of board on which the software is to be -

loaded. The specified file ID must correspond
to the correct board.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Forced Software
Load in the Function area.
The Software Download dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Load software of any board except the GTMU. Set File Name. In the Version area, enter a
version number. In the File ID drop-down list box, select the board software to be loaded, as
shown in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13 Software Download dialog box

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l The loaded file is determined by File ID.

l When the status bar in the Software Download dialog box displays the Failed: Foreground reception
halted. message, ensure that the board types for File Name and File ID are the same.

Step 3 Click Start.

You can view the loading progress in the Site Maintenance Terminal System. If the software is
loaded successfully, the Loading software successfully message is displayed on the status bar.

Step 4 Repeat steps 2 to 3 to load the software of other boards.

Step 5 Load software of the main control board. Set File Name. In the Version area, enter a version
number. In the File ID drop-down list box, select GTMU_MAIN, as shown in Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14 Software Download dialog box


l The loaded file is determined by File ID.

l When the status bar in the Software Download dialog box displays the Failed: Foreground reception
halted. message, ensure that the board types for File Name and File ID are the same.

Step 6 Click Start.

You can view the loading progress in the Site Maintenance Terminal System. If the software is
loaded successfully, the Loading software successfully message is displayed on the status bar.


5.5 Activating Software

This function is performed to validate the software loaded onto the main control board, including
the software of the main control board and the software of other boards.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The board software to be activated is loaded.

l The GTMU is the main control board of a BTS.
l You need to activate other board software before activating the main control board software.
l The loading of software does not affect the services. The activation of software validates
the new version software on boards and affects the services. It is recommended that you
load the software in daytime and active the software at night.
After you obtain the upgrade software package, do not delete or move the files contained in the software
package and ensure that the software package is intact to avoid software upgrading failure.

For a dual-mode base station, activating the GTMU software interrupts the ongoing services of
the two standards.

Table 5-2 describes the parameters in the Software Activation dialog box.

Table 5-2 Parameters in the Software Activation dialog box

Parameter Description Value Range


Version Version of the software to be downloaded. The Note that the version is
specified version must be consistent with the case sensitive.
name of the folder containing the downloaded

Board No. Number of the board to be activated. Enter an integer that

denotes a board
number. You can also
use '-' between two
integers to activate
more than one board.
For example, you can
enter 0-5 to activate
boards 0-5.
If you do not enter any
number, all the boards
of the same type are

File ID Type of board on which the software is to be -

upgraded. The specified file ID must
correspond to the correct board.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Software
Activation in the Function area.
The Software Activation dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Activate other board software. In the Version area, enter the version number of the software to
be activated. In the File ID drop-down list, select the board software to be activated. In the
Board No. area, enter the number of the board to be activated, as shown in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15 Software Activation dialog box

Step 3 Click OK.

The board software is successfully activated. The message Board downloading complete. is
displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Step 4 In the Version area, enter the version number of the main control board software. In the File
ID drop-down list, select the file ID, as shown in Figure 5-16.

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Figure 5-16 Software Activation dialog box

Step 5 Click OK.

The board software is successfully activated. The message Activation is confirmed and the
Site will be reset in a few minutes. is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.


5.6 Resetting a Site Hierarchically

Resetting a site involves third level reset and fourth level reset. The third level reset and the
fourth level reset are used to reinitialize the base station, that is, to reset all the boards in the base
station and load the configuration data of the base station from the BSC.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l Be careful when resetting a site as it disrupts all the services carried by all the cells under the
l If the multi-mode base station works in co-module mode, the level-3 and level-4 resets
performed on the GSM side disrupt the services of the other mode carried on the TRX module
that works in co-module mode.

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Table 5-3 describes the parameters.

Table 5-3 Parameters in the Site Reset Hierarchically dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Third level reset Based on the configuration data of the BTS stored in -
the memory, the BSC configures the BTS again to
reset it. In the ring topology, you can change the link
direction. This requires you to choose a port.

Fourth level reset Based on the data configuration stored in the database -
(DB), the BSC updates the data stored in the memory,
and then configures the base station again to reset it.
In the ring topology, you cannot choose a port.

Not Select Non-ring topology -

Port 0 Ring topology, forward link -

Port 1 Ring topology, reverse link -

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Reset
Hierarchically in the Function area.
The Site Reset Hierarchically dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 In the Reset Level area, select a reset level. In the Reset Port area, select a port, as shown in
Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17 Site Reset Hierarchically dialog box

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Step 3 Click OK.


5.7 Testing Sites

This describes how to perform tests on boards that are configured in the site, and then return the
test results. If the tests succeed, it indicates that the boards are running normally. If the tests fail,
it indicates that the boards are running abnormally.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Test in the
Function area.
The Site Test dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Start. The result is displayed at the bottom of the Site Test dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 5-18 Site Test dialog box


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5.8 Monitoring Environment

This function is performed to monitor and manage the environment parameters in a site. By
performing this function, you can view the current temperature and humidity and set the
temperature and humidity thresholds. The BTS can run normally in a safe and suitable site
environment. You can also clear a burglar alarm or a smoke alarm and disable an EAC alarm.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 5-4 describes the parameters.

Table 5-4 Parameters in the Environment Monitor dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value


Clear Robbery Clearing the infrared alarm and the door status alarm -

Set Temperature Set the upper and lower thresholds of temperature and -
and Humidity humidity. Based on the thresholds, the alarm box reports
Threshold temperature alarm and humidity alarm.

Relay Operation Control the relay status. The relay is used to start or close -
the refrigeration device, heating device, dehumidifier,
humidifier, fire extinguisher, and anti-burglar device.
The default state is Close.

Disable the EAC Disable the reporting of alarms in a short time. In the -
Alarm maintenance of equipment, the related personnel can
select the option to disable the reporting of alarms for
ten minutes. After ten minutes, the alarms can be
reported. If the equipment is maintained for more than
10 minutes, restart the alarm masking.

Get Current View the temperature and humidity associated with the -
Temperature and base station in operation. This parameter can be used for
Humidity querying the status of the environment alarm.

Clear Smoke Clearing the smoke alarm -


Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Environment
Monitor in the Function area.

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The Environment Monitor dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-19.

Figure 5-19 Environment Monitor dialog box

Step 2 Perform the following operations in the Select Operation Type area:

Select... Then...

Clear Robbery Alarm Go to Step 3.

Set Temperature and Humidity Threshold In the Temperature and Humidity

Threshold area, set the thresholds. Then, go to
Step 3.

Relay Operation In the Relay Operation area, set the related

options to start or stop the equipment. Then, go
to Step 3.

Disable the EAC Alarm Go to Step 3.

Get Current Temperature and Humidity Go to Step 3.

Clear Smoke Alarm Go to Step 3.

Step 3 Click OK.


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5.9 Obtaining BTS Logs

This describes how to obtain the compressed BTS log files.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Get BTS Log in
the Function area.
The Get BTS Log dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-20.

Figure 5-20 Get BTS Log dialog box

Step 2 Select Get Compressed BTS Log, and then click OK.
The Get Compressed BTS Log dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-21.

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Figure 5-21 Get BTS Compressed Log dialog box

Step 3 In the Get Compressed BTS Log dialog box, select Specific Logs or All Logs. Click Start to
start obtaining the BTS logs.
When you select Specific Logs, you still obtain all BTS logs.


5.10 Site Power Attenuation

Functioning as a power attenuator, the site power attenuation function is generally used in
scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing site transmit power on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Power
Attenuation in the Function area.
The Site Power Attenuation dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-22.

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Figure 5-22 Site Power Attenuation dialog box

Step 2 Set Value.

Step 3 Click Start to start power attenuation.

Step 4 Click Stop to stop power attenuation and restore the existing power to the originally configured


5.11 Testing Transmission Performance

This describes how to perform an E1 loopback test and a timeslot loopback test to check whether
the Abis transmission link is normal.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 5-5 describes the parameters.

Table 5-5 Parameters in the Transmission Performance Test dialog box

Parameter Description Value Range


Cabinet No. Indicates the number of the cabinet that contains the 0 to 62
transmission board.

Shelf No Indicates the number of the subrack that contains the 0 to 255
transmission board.

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Parameter Description Value Range


Col No Indicates the number of the slot that holds the 0 to 255
transmission board.

Test Board No Indicates the No. of a transmission board. 0 to 255

Port No The port is selected according to the port that the E1 0 to 7

connects to.

Test Duration The test duration is entered according to the loopback Recommended
mode. value:
multiples of 10
l When
Mode is set
to E1, the
value is 1
l When
Mode is set
to Timeslot,
the default
value is 10

E1 During an E1 loopback test, the OML is broken. All the 32

You can stop the loopback test in advance by resetting timeslots (0-31)
the BTS. After the test is complete, the system are tested by
automatically releases the loop and resets the BTS. default.

Timeslot At least one timeslot can be tested at a time. During a l When the
timeslot loopback test, the tested timeslots are BTS uses
unavailable. After the test is complete, the BTS cannot the E1
be reset. working
You can stop the loopback test in advance by clicking mode,
Stop. After the test is complete, the system timeslot IDs
automatically releases the loop and the tested range from
timeslots become available. You can click Stop to 1 to 31.
stop the test or wait for the completion of the test l When the
duration. The timeslots in the self-loop test are normal BTS uses
again. the T1
timeslot IDs
range from
1 to 24.

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When the multi-mode base station supports co-transmission over TDM through ports on a board
working in GSM mode, running this command disrupts services of the other mode.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Performance Test in the Function area.
The Transmission Performance Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-23.

Figure 5-23 Transmission Performance Test dialog box

Step 2 In the Set Board Para area, set the parameters to appropriate values. In the Port No area, select
a port number. In the Loop-back Mode area, select a loopback mode. In the Test Duration
area, enter the test duration.

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When Loop-back Mode is set to Timeslot, select the timeslot number under Test Timeslot, as shown in Figure

Figure 5-24 Timeslot loopback test dialog box

Step 3 Click Start.

The Warning dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click OK to enable a transmission performance test.

The test result is displayed at the bottom of the Transmission Performance Test dialog box,
as shown in Figure 5-25.

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Figure 5-25 Results of the transmission performance test

Click Stop to stop the ongoing transmission performance test.

Step 5 Click Close to terminate the transmission performance test.


5.12 Querying Alarm Delay Time

This function is performed to query the alarm delay time of boards.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Some alarms that do not affect services are reported frequently in a short time, and then disappear
quickly. Therefore, many alarms are generated while the fault alarms are not detected in time.
By setting an appropriate alarm delay time, some alarms that are generated and cleared frequently
in a short time can be prevented from being reported in a large quantity.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Site Alarm Delay
Time Query in the Function area.
The Query Warn Delay Time dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Query. The result is displayed in the Query Warn Delay Time dialog box, as shown in
Figure 5-26.

Figure 5-26 Query Warn Delay Time dialog box


You can set a specific alarm delay time through the LMT on the BSC side.


5.13 Querying the Ring Topology Parameters

This function is performed to query the ring topology parameters, including the working
direction of a site in the ring topology (Port 0 is forward link and port 1 is reverse link) and the
indication of auto rotate in the ring topology. If automatic rotation is permitted, the result also
involves the waiting time before rotation and the scheduled time for attempts before rotation.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

If the result is Auto Rotate Permission, the working direction of the site in ring topology can
be automatically rotated. The system displays the Waiting Time Before Rotate area and the
Try Rotating Duration Time area. The data is configured through the Data Configuration
System on the BSC side.
If the result is Auto Rotate Not Permitted, the working direction of the site in ring topology is
unchanged. At this moment, the Waiting Time Before Rotate and the Try Rotating Duration
Time are insignificant. The displayed time is 65535 seconds.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Ring Topology
Parameter Query in the Function area.
The Ring Topology Parameter Query dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-27.

Figure 5-27 Ring Topology Parameter Query dialog box


If the dialog box is open for some time, click Query to refresh the querying result.


5.14 Viewing the Bar Codes

This describes how to view the bar codes of the boards configured in the currently connected

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

The bar code is the basic information of the board and is used to identify the manufacturing
information of the board. When several faulty boards are found with the same bar code, trace
other boards produced in the same batch through the bar codes to see whether they are faulty.
Through the Local Maintenance Terminal, you can view the bar codes of the boards in all the
BTSs under the BSC. Through the Site Maintenance Terminal System, you can view the bar
codes of the boards in the connected BTS.
l The bar code is represented in ASCII code.
l You can view only the bar code of the board that is already configured.
l The boards that support bar code reporting are the GTMU, MRFU, MRRU, FMUA, DRFU,

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Bar Code
Query in the Function area.
The Bar Code Query dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-28.

Figure 5-28 Bar Code Query dialog box

Step 2 Click Start.

Figure 5-29 shows the query result.

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Figure 5-29 Result of the Bar Code Query


If the dialog box has been open for a while, click Start to refresh the dialog box.


5.15 Querying Netlist

This function can be performed to query the netlist information about TMUs and TRXs.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Query Net
Connection Table in the Function area.
The Query Net Connection Table dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the TMU tab, as shown in Figure 5-30.

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Figure 5-30 TMU tab page

Step 3 Click Start Query.

Step 4 Click the TRX tab, as shown in Figure 5-31.

Figure 5-31 TRX tab page

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Step 5 Select the TRX to be queried based on your individual needs.

Step 6 Click Start Query.


5.16 Managing the RET Antenna

This function is performed to query and set parameters of the Remote Electrical Tilt (RET)
antenna connected to the BTS.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The RF unit is connected to the RET antenna.

This function is not supported currently.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click RET Antenna
Manage in the Function area.
The RET Antenna Manage dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-32.

Step 2 Click Query. The query result is displayed in the RET Antenna Information area.

Figure 5-32 RET Antenna Manage dialog box

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Step 3 In the RET Antenna Configuration area, click the Set Tilt Angle tab, set RET Antenna Tilt
Angle, and then click Set. The result is displayed in the Operation Status area.

The tilt angle must be in the range displayed in the RET Antenna Information area. Otherwise, the setting
does not take effect.

Step 4 In the RET Antenna Configuration area, click the Load Configuration File tab. In the Select
File area, click Browse and select the configuration file to be loaded. Then, click Set. The result
is displayed in the Operation Status area.

Step 5 In the RET Antenna Configuration area, click the Other Operations tab. Select the antenna
to be operated in the Select Antenna Operation area, and then click Set. The result is displayed
in the Operation Status area.


5.17 Accurate VSWR Test

An accurate VSWR test is performed to identify BTS antenna faults. This ensures that antenna
faults do not affect network optimization.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

l After site deployment, check whether there are antenna faults by performing an accurate
VSWR test.
l When a VSWR alarm is generated, perform an accurate VSWR test to obtain the FDR
VSWR value. This facilitates antenna fault location.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click VSWR Test in
the Function area.
The VSWR Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-33.

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Figure 5-33 VSWR Test dialog box

Step 2 Set BoardNo, ACN, and Test Mode that need to be tested.

l BoardNo specifies the numbers RF front-end boards. The parameter value can be ranges from 0 to 46
and ALL.
l ACN specifies the numbers of RF ports on RF front-end boards. The parameter values can be ALL,
A, and B.
l Test Mode can be set to Not FDR Mode and FDR Mode. If this parameter is set to Not FDR
Mode, only the VSWR of the port on top of the cabinet is reported. When this parameter is set to FDR
Mode, both the VSWR of the fault point and the distance from the fault point to the port on top of the
cabinet are reported.

Step 3 Click Start Test to start an accurate VSWR test.


5.18 Configuring IP over E1

In IP over E1 mode, DHCP broadcasting detection fails if an intermediate transmission device
not supporting DHCP relay is involved. To solve this problem, configure PPP links, MLPPP
links or MLPPP groups, static IP address, and routes on the SMT. In this case, PPP links, MLPPP
links or MLPPP groups are established after the BTS is reset, and the BTS obtains the
configuration through unicast DHCP. IP over E1 configuration involves information about PPP
links, MLPPP links, MLPPP groups, IP addresses, and routes. The information is configurable
and accessible.

5.18.1 PPP Link

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query PPP links for a BTS that works in IP
over E1 mode.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l Before deleting a PPP link, ensure that the BTS has been configured with a PPP link.

Table 5-6 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-6 Parameter settings

Parameter Description Value

Rack No. Number of the cabinet where the port is 0 to 62


Subrack No. Number of the subrack where the port is 0 to 254


Slot No. Number of the slot where the port is 0 to 23


PPP Link No. Number of a BTS PPP link. 0 to 15

Port No. Number of an E1 port carrying PPP links. 0 to 23

Authentication Type of the validation protocol for the l Without Authentication

Protocol PPP link negotiation. l Performing PAP
l Performing

Authentication Validation mode of the PPP link l Server

Mode negotiation. l Client

Protocol Domain Whether to compress the protocol field l Compression Supported

Compression of the PPP link. l Compression Not

Address Domain A flag bit indicates Whether to support l Compression Supported

and Control the compression of the address and l Compression Not
Domain control fields. Supported

PPPLink Local IP Local IP address of BTS PPP Link. to

The IP address must be in the
same network segment as
Peer IP Address.

Local IP Mask Subnet mask of BTS PPP link. to

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Parameter Description Value

Peer IP Address IP address of the peer end of BTS PPP to
Link. The IP address must be in the
same network segment as
PPPLink Local IP.

Maximal Maximum length of a received packet. 128 to 1500

Received Units The value of this parameter is negotiated Default value: 1500
at both ends of a communication.

Restarting Timer Restart Timer. 1 to 65535

Default value: 3000

IP Header Method of compressing an IP header. l Compressing Peer End

Compression Expected
l Compressing Peer End
Not Expected (Default

User Name Username to validate, for the PPP link 1 to 64 characters(User

negotiation. Name cannot contain any of
This parameter is required only when the following characters:
Authentication Protocol is =, ;, ', ", and ,.)
Performing PAP Authentication or
Performing CHAPAuthentication.

Keyword Password to validate, upon PPP link 1 to 16 characters(Keyword

negotiation. cannot contain any of the
This parameter is required only when following characters: =, ;, ',
Authentication Protocol is ", and ,.)
Performing PAP Authentication or
Performing CHAPAuthentication.

E1T1 Timeslot Timeslot of the E1/T1 link carrying the l E1 mode: TS1 to TS31
PPP link. The timeslot of an E1 port correspond to timeslots 1
cannot be used by different PPP links. to 31 respectively.
l T1 mode: TS1 to TS24
correspond to timeslots 1
to 24 respectively.

PPP Link Packet Threshold for reporting the PPP Link 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Loss Alarm Packet Loss Alarm. Default value: 10

PPP Link Packet Threshold for clearing the PPP Link 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Loss Alarm Packet Loss Alarm. Default value: 5

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Parameter Description Value

IP-Layer Error Threshold for reporting the IP-Layer 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Packet Alarm Error Packet Alarm. Default value: 10

IP-Layer Error Threshold for clearing the IP-Layer 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Packet Alarm Error Packet Alarm. Default value: 5

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over E1
Config in the Function area.
The IP over E1 Config window is displayed.

Step 2 Configure a PPP link.

1. Choose PPP Link > Config.
The window shown in Figure 5-34 is displayed.

Figure 5-34 Config tab page for PPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-6.

3. Click Config.

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A message is displayed on the status bar indicating that the PPP link is successfully
4. Reset the BTS. After the configuration is complete, press RST on the GTMU or perform
the related operations in Resetting a Site Hierarchically to reset the BTS and validate the
configuration data.

Step 3 Delete a PPP link.

1. Choose PPP Link > Delete.
The window shown in Figure 5-35 is displayed.

Figure 5-35 Delete tab page for PPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-6.

3. Click Delete to delete the PPP link.

Step 4 Static Query tab page

1. Choose PPP Link > Static Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-36 is displayed.

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Figure 5-36 Static Query tab page for PPP link

2. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 5 Query PPP links in dynamic mode.

1. Choose PPP Link > Dynamic Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-37 is displayed.

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Figure 5-37 Dynamic Query tab page for PPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-6.

3. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


5.18.2 MLPPP Link

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query MLPPP links for a BTS that works
in IP over E1 mode.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l Before deleting an MLPPP link, ensure that the BTS has been configured with an MLPPP

Table 5-7 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-7 Parameter settings

Parameter Description Value

ML PPP Group Number of an MLPPP group on a 0 to 3

No. BTS.

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Parameter Description Value

ML PPP Link No. Number of MLPPP links 0 to 15

Rack No. Number of the rack where the port is 0 to 62


SubRack No. Number of the subrack where the 0 to 254

port is located.

Slot No. Number of the slot where the port is 0 to 23


Port No. Number of an E1 port carrying 0 to 23

MLPPP links

Maximal The maximum receive unit 128 to 1500

Received Units determines the maximum length of a Default value: 1500
receive packet. This parameter is
used for network negotiation.

Restarting Timer Restarting timer. 1 to 65535

Default value: 3000 (unit: ms)

E1T1 Timeslot Timeslot of the E1/T1 link carrying l E1 mode: TS1 to TS31
the MLPPP link. The timeslot of an correspond to timeslots 1 to
E1 port cannot be used by different 31 respectively.
MLPPP links. l T1 mode: TS1 to TS24
correspond to timeslots 1 to
24 respectively.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over E1
Config in the Function area.
The IP over E1 Config window is displayed.

Step 2 Configure an MLPPP link.

1. Choose MLPPPLink > Config.
The window shown in Figure 5-38 is displayed.

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Figure 5-38 Config tab page for MLPPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-7.

3. Click Config.
A message is displayed on the status bar indicating that the MLPPP link is successfully
4. Reset the BTS. After the configuration is complete, press RST on the GTMU or perform
the related operations in Resetting a Site Hierarchically to reset the BTS and validate the
configuration data.

Step 3 Delete an MLPPP link.

1. Choose MLPPPLink > Delete.
The window shown in Figure 5-39 is displayed.

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Figure 5-39 Delete tab page for MLPPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-7.

3. Click Delete to delete the MP link.

Step 4 Query the MLPPP link in static mode.

1. Choose MLPPPLink > Static Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-40 is displayed.

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Figure 5-40 Static Query tab page for MLPPP link

2. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 5 Query the MLPPP link in dynamic mode.

1. Choose MLPPPLink > Dynamic Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-41 is displayed.

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Figure 5-41 Dynamic Query tab page for MLPPP link

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-7.

3. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


5.18.3 MLPPP Group

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query MLPPP groups for a BTS that works
in IP over E1 mode.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l Before deleting an MLPPP group, ensure that the BTS has been configured with an MLPPP

Table 5-8 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-8 Parameter settings

Parameter Description Value

MLPPP Group Number of an MLPPP group on a 0 to 3

No. BTS.

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Parameter Description Value

Rack No. Number of the cabinet where the port 0 to 62

is located.

SubRack No. Number of the subrack where the 0 to 254

port is located.

Slot No. Number of the slot where the port is 0 to 23


Local IP Local IP address of BTS MLPPP to

Group. The IP address must be in the
same network segment as Peer
IP Address.

Local IP Mask Subnet mask of BTS MLPPP Group. to

Peer IP Address IP address of the peer end of BTS to

MLPPP Group. The peer IP address must be in
the same network segment as
Local IP.

Multi-Level PPP Is Support MCPPP l DISABLE


Short and Long Frame encapsulation format l Long Serial No.

Sequence Number supported by MP/MC. l Short Serial No. (Default
Marks This parameter is required only value)
when Multi-Level PPP is

MC Levels Number of MC priority levels. The value of MC Levels

This parameter is required only dependent on the Short and
when Multi-Level PPP is Long Sequence Number
ENABLE. Marks option:
l When Short and Long
Sequence Number Marks is
Long Serial No., the value
range is 1 to 8 (Default value:
l When Short and Long
Sequence Number Marks is
Short Serial No., the value
range is 1 to 4 (Default value:

Authentication Type of the validation protocol for l NO Authentication

Protocol the MLPPP Group link negotiation. l PAP Authentication
l CHAP Authentication

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Parameter Description Value

Authentication Validation mode of the MLPPP l Server

Mode Group negotiation. l Client
This parameter is required only
when Authentication Protocol is
PAP Authentication or CHAP

Protocol Domain Whether to compress the protocol l Support Compress

Compression field of the MLPPP Group. l Don't Support Compress

Address Domain A flag bit indicates Whether to l Support Compress

and Control support the compression of the l Don't Support Compress
Domain address and control fields.

User Name Username to validate, for the 1 to 64 characters(User Name

MLPPP Group negotiation. cannot contain any of the
This parameter is required only following characters: =, ;, ', ",
when Authentication Protocol is and ,.)
PAP Authentication or CHAP

Keyword Password to validate, upon MLPPP 1 to 16 characters(Keyword

Group negotiation. cannot contain any of the
This parameter is required only following characters: =, ;, ', ",
when Authentication Protocol is and ,.)
PAP Authentication or CHAP

IP Header Method of compressing an IP l Except Peer Compress

Compression header. l Except Peer not Compress
(Default value)

Minimum Minimum length of a received 128 to 1500

Fragment Length packet. The value of this parameter Default value: 128
is negotiated at both ends of a

MLPPP Group Threshold for reporting the PPP 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Error Frame Link Packet Loss Alarm. Default value: 10

MLPPP Group Threshold for clearing the PPP Link 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Error Frame Packet Loss Alarm. Default value: 5
Alarm Clearance

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Parameter Description Value

IP-Layer Error Threshold for reporting the IP-Layer 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Packet Alarm Error Packet Alarm. Default value: 10

IP-Layer Error Threshold for clearing the IP-Layer 0 to 100 (unit: 1‰)
Packet Alarm Error Packet Alarm. Default value: 5

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over E1
Config in the Function area.
The IP over E1 Config window is displayed.

Step 2 Configure an MLPPP group.

1. Choose MLPPP Group > Config.
The window shown in Figure 5-42 is displayed.

Figure 5-42 Config tab page for MP group

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-8.

3. Click Config.

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A message is displayed on the status bar indicating that the MP group is successfully
4. Reset the BTS. After the configuration is complete, press RST on the GTMU or perform
the related operations in Resetting a Site Hierarchically to reset the BTS and validate the
configuration data.

Step 3 Delete an MLPPP group.

1. Choose MLPPP Group > Delete.
The window shown in Figure 5-43 is displayed.

Figure 5-43 Delete tab page for MP group

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-8.

3. Click Delete to delete the MP group.

Step 4 Query the MLPPP group in static mode.

1. Choose MLPPP Group > Static Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-44 is displayed.

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Figure 5-44 Static Query tab page for MP group

2. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 5 Query the MLPPP group in dynamic mode.

1. Choose MLPPP Group > Dynamic Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-45 is displayed.

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Figure 5-45 Dynamic Query tab page for MP group

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-8.

3. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


5.18.4 IP Address
This describes how to configure the static IP address for a BTS that works in IP over E1 mode.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Table 5-9 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-9 Parameter settings

Parameter Description Value

Enable Flag Enable flag for configuring l ENABLE

an IP address l DISABLE (Default

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Parameter Description Value

Physical Transmission Mode Physical transmission mode l IPoE1 (Default value)


Communication Type Communication type l Loop IP

l Port IP

BTS IP Address BTS IP address to

BSC IP Address BSC IP address to

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over E1
Config in the Function area.
The IP over E1 Config window is displayed.

Step 2 Configure an IP address.

1. Choose IP Address > Config. The window shown in Figure 5-46 is displayed.

Figure 5-46 Config tab page for IP addresses

2. Set Enable Flag to ENABLE, Physical Transmission Mode to IPoE1 , and other
parameters to appropriate values referring to Table 5-9.

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3. Click Config. The result is displayed , as shown in Figure 5-47.

Figure 5-47 Config Result for IP addresses

4. Reset the BTS. After the configuration is complete, press RST on the GTMU or perform
the related operations in Resetting a Site Hierarchically to reset the BTS and validate the
configuration data.

Step 3 Query the IP address configuration.

1. Choose IP Address > Query. The window shown in Figure 5-48 is displayed.

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Figure 5-48 Query tab page for IP addresses

2. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


5.18.5 BTS Routes

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query route data for a BTS that works in IP
over E1 mode.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

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l Before configuring the route, set Static IP Switch to ENABLE, and set the IP address of
the BTS.
l If static IP address is applied, a BTS cannot obtain routes automatically. That is, all routes
must be configured at the local end. At least one route must be configured, with DST IP set
to the IP address of the BSC and Gateway set to the IP address of the peer device.
l Currently, PPP links and MLPPP links do not support next hop routing. Therefore, only the
output port IP address can be configured and the next hop IP address cannot be configured
for a PPP link or MLPPP link.
l A newly-configured route will overwrite the original one.

Table 5-10 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-10 Parameter settings

Parameter Description Value

Rack No. Number of the cabinet where 0 to 62

a port is located

SubRack No. Number the subrack where a 0 to 254

port is located

Slot No. Number of the slot where a 0 to 23

port is located

Destination IP Address Destination IP address to

Destination IP Mask Mask of a destination IP to


Route Type Type of routes Out interface

Next Hop IP Address Next Hop IP Address -

This parameter is unavailable
when Route Type is set to
Out interface.

Output Port Type Type of output ports for BTS l PPP

routes l MP

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Parameter Description Value

Output Port ID Number of output ports for l Value range when

BTS routes Output Port Type is set
to PPP: 0 to 3
l Value range when
Output Port Type is set
to MP: 0 to 1
l Value range when
Output Port Type is set
to TUNNEL: 0 to 14

Route Priority Priority of BTS routes 1 to 255

Default value: 60

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over E1
Config in the Function area.
The IP over E1 Config window is displayed.

Step 2 Configure a BTS route.

1. Choose BTS Route > Config.
The window shown in Figure 5-49 is displayed.

Figure 5-49 Config tab page for BTS routes

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2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-10.

3. Click Config.The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the IP over E1
Config window.
4. Reset the BTS. After the configuration is complete, press RST on the GTMU or perform
the related operations in Resetting a Site Hierarchically to reset the BTS and validate the
configuration data.

Step 3 Delete a BTS route.

1. Choose BTS Route > Delete.
The window shown in Figure 5-50 is displayed.

Figure 5-50 Delete tab page for BTS routes

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-10.

3. Click Delete to delete the BTS route.

Step 4 Query BTS routes in static mode.

1. Choose BTS Route > Static Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-51 is displayed.

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Figure 5-51 Static Query tab page for BTS routes

2. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 5 Query BTS routes in dynamic mode.

1. Choose BTS Route > Dynamic Query.
The window shown in Figure 5-52 is displayed.

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Figure 5-52 Dynamic Query tab page for BTS routes

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-10.

3. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


5.19 Setting Site Type

If the BTS is not connected to the BSC, the default site type is DBS3900. You can perform
relevant operations on the RFU only after enabling the Set Site Type function to modify the BTS

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Set Site Type in
the Function area.
The Set Site Type dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Select the BTS types in the Set Site Type dialog box.
Figure 1 uses BTS3900 as an example.

Step 3 Click Set. The setting result is displayed on the status bar, as shown in Figure 5-53.

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Figure 5-53 Set BTS Type dialog box

Step 4 Click Close.


5.20 Software Load Control Rights

This section describes how to configure the software load control rights for multimode base
stations on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT).

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click SoftWare
Control in the Function area.
The Software Control dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-54.

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Figure 5-54 Querying software load control rights

Step 2 Click Query. The query result is displayed.


l Self Hold indicates this terminal has control rights.

l Self Release indicates this terminal does not have control rights.

Step 3 Click Back. The Software Control dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-55.

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Figure 5-55 Setting software load control rights

Step 4 Select Set Software Control, Effect Software Control, and Control Mode.
Control Mode can be set to GU and GL.

Step 5 Set SelfVersion and PeerVersion.

Step 6 Click Set.


5.21 Setting the Static IP Address of the IP over FE BTS

This section describes how to set the static IP address of the IPoFE BTS. In the case of layer 3
networking, the intermediate transport equipment cannot implement the DHCP relay function
and the DHCP broadcast detection cannot be implemented. In this case, you can set the static
IP address on the BTS side, and the BTS obtains the configuration information through the
unicast DHCP. The static IP configuration involves the IP address and route, which can be set
and queried.

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5.21.1 Configuring BTS and BSC IP Addresses and VLAN

This section describes how to configure and query the BTS and BSC IP addresses and VLAN
information on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The static IP network has been deployed.

Table 5-11 describes the parameters.

Table 5-11 Parameters for configuring BTS and BSC IP addresses and VLAN information

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Static IP l Enable Yes

status l Disable (Default value)

Com Type l Port IP Yes

l Loop IP (Default value)

BTS IP Valid IP Address Yes


BSC IP Valid IP Address Yes


VLAN Flag l Enable Yes

l Disable (Default value)

VLAN ID 2 to 4094 No
This parameter is mandatory when VLAN
Flag is set to Enable.

VLAN Pri 0 to 7 No
This parameter is mandatory when VLAN
Flag is set to Enable.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-56.

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Figure 5-56 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Figure 5-57 Config tab page

Step 3 Click the Config BTS,BSC and VLAN tab. On the Config tab page, set BTS and BSC port IP
addresses and other related parameters.

l IP addresses and VLAN information can be configured only when Static IP status is set to Enable.
l The BSC port IP address is the IP address of the interface board on the BSC that connects the BTS to
the BSC.
l If parameter configurations need to be modified because of changes in the transmission networking,
modify the configurations on the BSC side, disable the configurations on the SMT, and then perform
the data configuration on the SMT.

Step 4 Click OK. The BTS and BSC IP addresses and VLAN information are configured.

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Step 5 Click the Static Query tab. On the Static Query tab page, click OK. The static IP addresses
and VLAN information are displayed, as shown in Figure 5-58.

Figure 5-58 Static Query tab page


5.21.2 Configuring Port IP Addresses

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the port IP addresses on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The static IP network has been deployed.

Table 5-12 describes the parameters.

Table 5-12 Parameters for configuring port IP addresses

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack Number 0 to 62 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

SubRack 0 to 254 Yes


Slot Number 0 to 23 Yes

Port Type l Ethernet Port Yes

l Loop Port

Port Number l When Port Type is set to Yes

Ethernet Port, the value of
Port Number ranges from
0 to 5.
l When Port Type is set to
Loop Port, the value of
Port Number ranges from
0 to 3.

FE0 IP Valid IP Address Yes


FE0 IP Mask Valid IP Address Mask Yes


Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-59.

Figure 5-59 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the Config Port IP tab. On the Config tab page, set parameter related to port IP addresses,
as shown in Figure 5-60.

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Figure 5-60 Config Port IP tab page


l In IP over FE networking mode, if port IP addresses are used, you only need to set the IP address of
the BTS and do not need to set the IP address of FE0 and FE1. If loop IP addresses are used, you need
to set the IP addresses of the BTS, FE0, and FE1 when the active/standby route of the BTS is required
in the remote BSC data planning.
l When network cables are used to connect to FE0 on the transmission board, set Port Number to 0.
When optical fibers are used to connect to FE1 on the transmission board, set Port Number to 1.

Step 4 Click OK. Port IP addresses are configured.


l Different ports cannot be configured with IP addresses on the same network segment. Otherwise, the
BTS cannot start.
l Before configuring IP addresses, query the existing configuration. If different ports are configured with
IP addresses on the same network segment, delete the redundant information.

Step 5 Click the Delete tab. On the Delete tab page, set parameters related to the port IP addresses to
be deleted, as shown in Figure 5-61.

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Figure 5-61 Delete tab page

Step 6 Click OK. The information about the port IP addresses is deleted.

Step 7 Click the Static Query tab. On the Static Query tab page, click OK. The information about
port IP addresses is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-62.

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Figure 5-62 Static Query tab page


5.21.3 Configuring Routes

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query routes on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The static IP network has been deployed.

Table 5-13 describes the parameters.

Table 5-13 Parameters for configuring routes

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack Number 0 to 62 Yes

SubRack 0 to 254 Yes


Slot Number 0 to 23 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Destination IP Valid IP Address Yes


Destination Valid IP Address Mask Yes

Mask Address

Route Type l Next Yes

l Out Interface

Next Hop IP Valid IP Address No

Address This parameter is mandatory when Route
Type is set to Next

Out Interface l PPP No

Type l MP This parameter is mandatory when Route
l TUNNEL Type is set to Out Interface

Out Interface l When Out Interface No

Number Type is set to PPP, the This parameter is mandatory when Route
value of this parameter Type is set to Out Interface
ranges from 0 to 3.
l When Out Interface
Type is set to MP, the value
of this parameter ranges
from 0 to 1.
l When Out Interface
Type is set to TUNNEL,
the value of this parameter
ranges from 0 to 14.

Route Pri 1 to 255 Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-63.

Figure 5-63 Caution dialog box

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Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the Config Route tab. On the Config tab page, set parameters for configuring routes, as
shown in Figure 5-64.

Figure 5-64 Config Route tab page

Step 4 Click OK. Routes are configured.

Step 5 Click the Delete tab. On the Delete tab page, set parameters for deleting routes, as shown in
Figure 5-65.

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Figure 5-65 Delete tab page

Step 6 Click OK. The route information is deleted.

Step 7 Click the Static Query tab. On the Static Query tab page, click OK. The related route
information is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-66.

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Figure 5-66 Static Query tab page

Step 8 Click OK to query the static route information.

Step 9 Click the Dynamic Query tab. On the Dynamic Query tab page, select the route information
to be queried, and click OK to query the related route information, as shown in Figure 5-67.

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Figure 5-67 Dynamic Query tab page


5.21.4 Configuring Tunnels

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query tunnels on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The static IP network has been deployed.

Table 5-14 describes the parameters.

Table 5-14 Parameters for configuring tunnels

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Source Rack 0 to 62 Yes


Destination 0 to 62 Yes
Rack No.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Source 0 to 254 Yes

SubRack No.

Destination 0 to 254 Yes

SubRack No.

Source Slot 0 to 23 Yes


Destination 0 to 23 Yes
Slot No.

Tunnel No. 0 to 14 Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-68.

Figure 5-68 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the Config Tunnel tab. On the Config tab page, set parameters for configuring tunnels,
as shown in Figure 5-69.

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Figure 5-69 Config Tunnel tab page


l Tunnels can be configured on the main control board and UTRPc. The main control can be configured
with two tunnels and the UTRPc can be configured with four tunnels.
l For a tunnel, the source cabinet No., subrack No., and slot No. cannot be all the same as the destination
cabinet No., subrack No., and slot No..

Step 4 Click OK. The tunnels are configured.

Step 5 Click the Delete tab. On the Delete tab page, enter the information about the tunnels to be deleted,
as shown in Figure 5-70.

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Figure 5-70 Delete tab page

Step 6 Click OK. The tunnels are deleted.

Step 7 Click the Static Query tab. On the Static Query tab page, click OK. The static information
about the tunnels is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-71.

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Figure 5-71 Static Query tab page


5.21.5 Setting Ethernet Port Attributes

This section describes how to configure and query Ethernet port attributes on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The static IP network has been deployed.

Table 5-15 describes the parameters.

Table 5-15 Parameters for configuring for Ethernet port attributes

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack No. 0 to 62 Yes

SubRack No. 0 to 254 Yes

Slot No. 0 to 23 Yes

Port No. 0 to 5 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

MUT 46 to 1800 bytes No

Default value: 1500 bytes

Port Rate 10M, 100M, 1000M, AUTO No

Default value: AUTO
l If the GTMU or GTMUb is
configured, Port Rate can
be 10M, 100M and
l If the UTRPc is configured,
Port Rate can be 100M,
1000M and AUTO when
Port No. is set to 0 or 1;
Port Rate can be 10M,
100M, 1000M and AUTO
when Port No. is set to a
value ranging from 2 to 5.

Duplex Mode l HALF No

This parameter is unavailable
when Port Rate is set to

Flow Control l Close (Default value) No

l Open

802.3ah l Close (Default value) No

Switch l Open

MAC Alm 0 to 100 No

Appear Default value: 10

MAC Alm 0 to 100 No

Disappear Default value: 8

IP Alm 0 to 100 No
Appear Default value: 10

IP Alm 0 to 100 No
Disappear Default value: 8

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-72.

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Figure 5-72 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the Set Ethernet Port Attribute tab. Set parameters related to Ethernet ports on the
Config tab page, as shown in Figure 5-73.

Figure 5-73 Set Ethernet Port Attribute tab page

Step 4 Click OK. Ethernet port attributes are configured.

Step 5 Click the Static Query tab. On the Static Query tab page, click OK. The information about
Ethernet port attributes is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-74.

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Figure 5-74 Static Query tab page


5.21.6 Configuring IKE/IPsec

This section describes how to configure and query the IKE and IPsec on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


The BTS must be configured with the UTRPc to support this function.

l When configuring IPsec, you need to deploy a security gateway on the BSC/M2000 side
in the transmission network and set up IPsec tunnels between the BTS and the security
l This function can be implemented on BTSs in IP over FE/GE mode. In the Abis
transmission backup scenario, configuring IPsec in the Ethernet transmission is also

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This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the access control list (ACL) on the

Table 5-16 describes the parameters.

Table 5-16 Parameters for ACL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

ACL Description 0 to 127 characters No

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-75.

Figure 5-75 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the ACL.

1. On the ACL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-76.

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Figure 5-76 Config tab page

2. Set ACL ID and ACL Description based on the settings on the live network.
3. Click Config. The ACL is configured.

Step 6 Delete the ACL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the ACL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-77.

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Figure 5-77 Delete tab page

3. Select the ID of the ACL to be deleted from the ACL ID drop-down list.
4. Click Delete. The ACL is deleted.

Step 7 Query the ACL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the ACL tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-78.

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Figure 5-78 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


ACL Rules
This section describes how to configure, delete, and query ACL rules on the SMT.

Table 5-17 describes the parameters.

Table 5-17 Parameters for ACL rules

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

ACL Rule Number 1 to 65535 Yes

ACL Operation l Forbidding No

l Allowing
(Default value)

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Protocol Type l IP Protocol Yes

l ICMP Protocol
l TCP Protocol
l UDP Protocol
l GRE Protocol
l SCTP Protocol

Source IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Source IP Address Wildcard Valid IP Address Yes

Character Wildcard Character

Matching Source Port l No No

Filtering l Yes This parameter is mandatory when
Protocol Type is set to TCP
Protocol, UDP Protocol, or SCTP

Source Port Filtering l <= No

Condition l >= This parameter is mandatory when
l = Matching Source Port Filtering is set
to Yes.
l !=
l Scope

Source Port 1 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Source Port Filtering is set
to Yes.

Source Port 2 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Source Port Filtering Condition is
set to Scope.

Destination IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Destination IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Wildcard Character Wildcard Character

Matching Destination Port l No No

Filtering l Yes This parameter is mandatory when
Protocol Type is set to TCP
Protocol, UDP Protocol, or SCTP

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Destination Port Filtering l <= No

Condition l >= This parameter is mandatory when
l = Matching Destination Port
Filtering is set to Yes.
l !=
l Scope

Destination Port 1 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Destination Port
Filtering is set to Yes.

Destination Port 2 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Destination Port Filtering
Condition is set to Scope.

Matching Differentiated l No (Default No

Service Code value)
l Yes

Differentiated Service Code 0 to 63 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Differentiated Service
Code is set to Yes.

Matching Segmentation l No (Default No

Packet value) This parameter is mandatory when
l Yes Protocol Type is set to IP Protocol,
ICMP Protocol, TCP Protocol, UDP
Protocol, or SCTP Protocol.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-79.

Figure 5-79 Caution dialog box

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Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure ACL rules.

1. On the ACL Rule tab page, click Config.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-80.

Figure 5-80 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-17.

3. Click Config. The ACL rules are configured.

Step 6 Delete ACL rules.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the ACL Rule tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-81.

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Figure 5-81 Delete tab page

3. Select the numbers of the ACL and ACL rules from the ACL ID and ACL Rule
Number drop-down lists, respectively.
4. Click Delete. The ACL rules are deleted.

Step 7 Query the ACL rules.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the ACL Rule tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-82.

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Figure 5-82 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IKEPROPOSAL on the SMT.

Table 5-18 describes the parameters.

Table 5-18 Parameter for IKEPROPOSAL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Security Proposal ID 1 to 99 Yes

Encryption Algorithm l DES (Default No

l 3DES
l AES128
l AES192
l AES256

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Verification Algorithm l MD5 No

l SHA1 (Default

Verification Method l Pre-shared Key No

Check Word
(Default value)
l RSA No.

Diffie-Hellman Group ID l 768 Bit Diffie- No

Hellman Group
(Default value)
l 1024 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group
l 2048 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group
l 3072 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group

Pseudo-random Algorithm l HMAC_MD5 No

(Default value)
l AES128_XCB

ISAKMP SA Life Cycle 60 to 604800s No

Default value:

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-83.

Figure 5-83 Caution dialog box

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Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-84.

Figure 5-84 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-18.

3. Click Config. The IKEPROPOSAL is configured.

Step 6 Delete the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-85.

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Figure 5-85 Delete tab page

3. Enter the ID of the IKEPROPOSAL to be deleted in the Security Proposal ID drop-down

4. Click Delete. The IKEPROPOSAL is deleted.

Step 7 Query the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-86.

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Figure 5-86 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IKEPEER on the SMT.

Table 5-19 describes the parameters.

Table 5-19 Parameters for IKEPEER

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

IKE Peer Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

IKE Security Proposal Name 1 to 99 Yes

Version l IKE_V1 No
(Default value)
l IKE_V2

consult Mode l MAIN (Default No

value) This parameter is mandatory when
l AGGRESSIVE Version is set to IKE_V1.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Local ID Type l IP Yes


Peer IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Peer Name 0 to 31 characters No

Pre-shared Key Check Word 0 to 127 characters No


(Default value)

DPD Idle Interval 10 to 3600s No

Default value: 10 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

DPD Retransmission 3 to 30s No

Interval Default value: 5 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

DPD Retransmission Time 3 to 10 No

Default value: 5 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

NAT Traversal l DISABLE No

(Default value) This parameter is mandatory when
l ENABLE Local ID Type is set to FQDN.

Local IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-87.

Figure 5-87 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

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The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the IKEPEER.

1. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-88.

Figure 5-88 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-19.

3. Click Config. The IKEPEER is configured.

Step 6 Delete the IKEPEER.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-89.

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Figure 5-89 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name of the IKEPEER to be deleted in the IKE Peer Name text box.
4. Click Delete. The IKEPEER is deleted.

Step 7 Query the IKEPEER.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-90.

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Figure 5-90 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECPROPOSAL on the SMT.

Table 5-20 describes the parameters.

Table 5-20 Parameters for IPSECPROPOSAL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

IPsec Security Proposal 1 to 15 characters Yes


Encapsulation Mode l Tunnel Mode No

(Default value)
l Transmission

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Protocol Type l AH Protocol No

l ESP Protocol
(Default value)
l AH and ESP

AH Authentication l NULL No
Algorithm l MD5 This parameter is mandatory when
l SHA1 (Default Protocol Type is set to AH Protocol
value) or AH and ESP Protocol.

l SHA256

ESP Authentication l NULL No

Algorithm l MD5 This parameter is mandatory when
l SHA1 (Default Protocol Type is set to ESP
value) Protocol or AH and ESP Protocol.

l SHA256

ESP Encryption Algorithm l NULL No

l DES This parameter is mandatory when
l 3DES Protocol Type is set to ESP
Protocol or AH and ESP Protocol.
l AES128
(Default value)
l AES192
l AES256

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-91.

Figure 5-91 Caution dialog box

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Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-92.

Figure 5-92 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-20.

3. Click Config. The IPSECPROPOSAL is configured.

Step 6 Delete the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-93.

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Figure 5-93 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name of the IPSECPROPOSAL to be deleted in the IPsec Security Proposal
Name text box.
4. Click Delete. The IPSECPROPOSAL is deleted.

Step 7 Query the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-94.

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Figure 5-94 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECPOLICY on the SMT.

Table 5-21 describes the parameters.

Table 5-21 Parameters for IPSECPOLICYL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Security Policy Group Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

Security Policy Number 1 to 10000 Yes

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

IPsec Security Proposal 1 to 15 characters Yes


IKE Peer Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Perfect Forward Secrecy l DISABLE No

(Default value)
l 768 Bit
l 1024 Bit

SA Life Cycle Configuration l GLOBAL No

(Default value)

Time Validity Period Based 30 to 604800s No

Default value: This parameter is mandatory when SA
3600s Life Cycle Configuration is set to

Traffic Effective Value 1843200 to No

Based 4294967295 KB This parameter is mandatory when SA
Default value: Life Cycle Configuration is set to
69120000 KB LOCAL.

Anti-replay Window l WND_DISABL No

E (Default
l WND_32
l WND_64
l WND_128
l WND_256
l WND_512
l WND_1024
l WND_2048
l WND_4096

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-95.

Figure 5-95 Caution dialog box

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Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the IPSECPOLICY.

1. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-96.

Figure 5-96 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-21.

3. Click Config. The IPSECPOLICY is configured.

Step 6 Delete the IPSECPOLICY.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-97.

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Figure 5-97 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name and number of the IPSECPOLICY to be deleted in the Security Policy
Group Name and Security Policy Number text boxes, respectively.
4. Click Delete. The IPSECPOLICY is deleted.

Step 7 Query the IPSECPOLICY.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-98.

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Figure 5-98 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECBIND on the SMT.

Table 5-22 describes the parameters.

Table 5-22 Parameters for IPSECBIND

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack Number 0 to 62 Yes

SubRack 0 to 254 Yes


Slot Number 0 to 23 Yes

Port Type ETH Yes

Port Number 0 to 5 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Security 1 to 15 characters Yes

Policy Group

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-99.

Figure 5-99 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the IPSECBIND.

1. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-100.

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Figure 5-100 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-22.

3. Click Config. The IPSECBIND is configured.

Step 6 Delete the IPSECBIND.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-101.

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Figure 5-101 Delete tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-22.

4. Click Delete. The IPSECBIND is deleted.

Step 7 Query the IPSECBIND.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-102.

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Figure 5-102 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


Configuring IKE
This section describes how to configure and query the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) on the SMT.

Table 5-23 describes the parameters.

Table 5-23 Parameters for configuring the IKE

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Local ID 1 to 31 characters Yes

Interval for Sending a Packet 0 or 20 to 28800s No

Default value: 20

Waiting Packet Timeout 0 or 60 to 28800s No

Duration Default value: 60

Waiting NAT Packet 0 or 5 to 300s No

Timeout Duration Default value: 20

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Differentiated Service Code 0 to 63 No

Default value: 48

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-103.

Figure 5-103 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure IKE.

1. On the IKE Config tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-104.

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Figure 5-104 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-23.

3. Click Config. The IKE is configured.

Step 6 Query the IKE.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the IKE Config tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-105.

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Figure 5-105 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


5.21.7 VLANMAP
This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the VLANMAP on the SMT.

Table 5-24 describes the parameters.

Table 5-24 Parameters for VLANMAP

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Next Hop IP Valid IP Address Yes


VLAN Mode l single VLAN Yes

l VLAN Group

VLAN ID 1 to 4094 No
This parameter is mandatory when
VLAN Mode is set to single VLAN.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

VLAN Pri 0 to 7 No
This parameter is mandatory when
VLAN Mode is set to single VLAN.

VLAN Group 0 to 3 No
Number This parameter is mandatory when
VLAN Mode is set to VLAN

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-106.

Figure 5-106 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the VLANMAP/VLANCLASS tab. The VLANMAP/VLANCLASS tab page is


Step 4 Click Click Enter VLANMAP/VLANCLASS Function.

The VLANMAP/VLANCLASS dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the VLANMAP.

1. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-107.

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Figure 5-107 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-24.

3. Click Config. The VLANMAP is configured.

Step 6 Delete the VLANMAP.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-108.

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Figure 5-108 Delete tab page

3. Enter the IP addresses of the VLANMAP to be deleted in the Next Hop IP Address text
4. Click Delete. The VLANMAP is deleted.

Step 7 Query the VLANMAP.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-109.

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Figure 5-109 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the VLANCLASS on the SMT.

Table 5-25 describes the parameters.

Table 5-25 Parameters for VLANCLASS

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

VLAN Group 0 to 3 Yes


Traffic Type l USERDATA Yes

In all VLAN group
l SCTP configured on the
l Other Data VLANMAP, Traffic type
of at least one
VLANCLASS must be set
to Other Data.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Dcsp 0 to 63 No
This parameter is
mandatory when Traffic
Type is set to

VLAN ID 1 to 4094 Yes

VLAN Pri 0 to 7 Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-110.

Figure 5-110 Caution dialog box

Step 2 Confirm the static IP network, and click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the VLANMAP/VLANCLASS tab. The VLANMAP/VLANCLASS tab page is


Step 4 Click Click Enter VLANMAP/VLANCLASS Function.

The VLANMAP/VLANCLASS dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Configure the VLANCLASS.

1. On the VLANCLASS tab page, click Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-111.

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Figure 5-111 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-25.

3. Click Config. The VLANCLASS is configured.

Step 6 Delete the VLANCLASS.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the VLANCLASS tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-112.

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Figure 5-112 Delete tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-25.

4. Click Delete. The VLANCLASS is deleted.

Step 7 Query the VLANCLASS.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 4.
2. On the VLANCLASS tab page, click the Query tab.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-113.

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Figure 5-113 Query tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


5.21.9 PKI
This section describes how to configure and query digital certificate related information for BTSs
on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


The UTRPc is required for supporting this function.

Device Certificate
This section describes how to add, query, and delete a device certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-26 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-26 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

AppCert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-114.

Figure 5-114 Caution dialog box

Step 2 If the BTS is in static IP networking mode, click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the PKI tab. The PKI tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Add a device certificate.

1. Choose Equipment Certificate > Adding Equipment Certificate.
The Adding Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-115.

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Figure 5-115 Adding Equipment Certificate tab page

2. Specify AppCert.
3. Click Add.

Step 6 Query device certificate configuration.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Equipment Certificate > Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration.
The Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-116.

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Figure 5-116 Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Delete a device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Equipment Certificate > Deleting Equipment Certificate.
The Deleting Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-117.

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Figure 5-117 Deleting Equipment Certificate tab page

3. Specify AppCert.
4. Click Delete.


In-Use Device Certificate

This section describes how to modify and query an in-use device certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-27 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-27 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

App Cert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

App Type l IKE Yes

The 3900 series base stations support only
the IKE certificate.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-118.

Figure 5-118 Caution dialog box

Step 2 If the BTS is in static IP networking mode, click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click the PKI tab. The PKI tab page is displayed.
Step 4 Click Click Enter PKI Function.
The PKI dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 Modify an in-use device certificate.
1. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate
The Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-119.

Figure 5-119 Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

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2. Specify AppCert and AppType.

3. Click Add.

Step 6 Query configuration of an in-use device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate
The Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-120.

Figure 5-120 Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


Trust Certificate
This section describes how to add, query, and delete a trust certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-28 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-28 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

TrustCert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-121.

Figure 5-121 Caution dialog box

Step 2 If the BTS is in static IP networking mode, click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the PKI tab. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Add a trust certificate.

1. Choose Trust Certificate > Adding Trust Certificate.
The Adding Trust Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-122.

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Figure 5-122 Adding Trust Certificate tab page

2. Specify TrustCert.
3. Click Add.

Step 6 Query trust certificate configuration.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Querying Trust Certificate Configuration.
The Querying Trust Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-123 Querying Trust Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Delete a trust certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Deleting Trust Certificate.
The Deleting Trust Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-124.

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Figure 5-124 Deleting Trust Certificate tab page

3. Specify TrustCert.
4. Click Delete.


Certificate Issuing Authority

This section describes how to add, query, and delete a certificate issuing authority on the SMT.

Table 5-29 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-29 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

CA Name 1 to 127 bytes Yes

URL 1 to 128 bytes Yes

The URL address of a certificate
issuing authority must not contain any
The URL address must begin with
http:// or https://.
The valid IPv4 URL address must be

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Signalg l SHA1 (Default Yes

l MD5
l SHA256

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-125.

Figure 5-125 Caution dialog box

Step 2 If the BTS is in static IP networking mode, click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the PKI tab. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Add a certificate issuing authority.

1. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Adding Certificate Issuing Authority.
The Adding Certificate Issuing Authority tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-126 Adding Certificate Issuing Authority tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-29.

3. Click Modify.

Step 6 Query configuration of a certificate issuing authority.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Querying Certificate Issuing Authority
The Querying Certificate Issuing Authority Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-127.

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Figure 5-127 Querying Certificate Issuing Authority Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Delete a certificate issuing authority.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority.
The Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-128 Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-29.

4. Click Delete.


Certificate Deployment Position

This section describes how to set and query a certificate deployment position on the SMT.

Table 5-30 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-30 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

DeployType l DEFAULT Yes

(Default value)

CN 0 to 62 No
This parameter must be specified when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

SRN 0 to 254 No
This parameter must be specified when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

SN 0 to 23 No
This parameter must be specified when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click IP over FE Static
IP in the Function area.
The Caution dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-129.

Figure 5-129 Caution dialog box

Step 2 If the BTS is in static IP networking mode, click OK.

The Static IP dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click the PKI tab. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 5 Set a certificate deployment position.

1. Choose Certificate Deployment Position > Setting Certificate Deployment Position.
The Setting Certificate Deployment Position tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-130 Setting Certificate Deployment Position tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-30.

3. Click Set.

Step 6 Query configuration of a certificate deployment position.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 4.
2. Choose Certificate Deployment Position > Querying Certificate Deployment
The Querying Certificate Deployment Position tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-131 Querying Certificate Deployment Position tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


5.22 Ethernet OAM

This section describes how to locate Ethernet faults over the Abis interface on the Site
Maintenance Terminal (SMT). Ethernet fault location over the Abis interface is based on two
scenarios: IEEE 802.1ag protocol and IEEE 802.3ah protocol.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 5-31 lists the parameter settings for Ethernet OAM.

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Table 5-31 Parameter settings for Ethernet OAM

Parameter Meaning Value


Md Name This parameter specifies the name of the 1 to 20 bytes

maintenance domain (MD). MD is the
combination of a bridge equipment and
maintenance level, which must be sole in
the BTS. Only one MD can be
established in the BTS.

Md Level This parameter specifies the class of the 0 to 7


Ma Name An MD can be divided into several 1 to 20 bytes

maintenance groups, which are called a
maintenance alliance (MA). A BTS can
support a maximum of eight
maintenance groups.

Bind VLAN This parameter determines whether the l Yes

MA is bound to a VLAN. l No (Default value)

VLAN ID This parameter specifies the VLAN ID 1 to 4094

of the MA in the MD. Each VLAN must
be correspond to an MA.
This parameter is valid only when Bind
VLAN is set to Yes.

VLAN Priority This parameter specifies the VLAN 0 to 7

priority of the MA.
This parameter is valid only when Bind
VLAN is set to Yes.

CCM Interval This parameter specifies the interval for l 10ms (Default value)
sending continuity check message l 100ms
(CCM) frames by the MA.
l 1s
l 10s
l 1min
l 10min

Rack No The number of the rack. 0 to 62

Default value: 0

Sub Rack No The number of the subrack. 0 to 255

Default value: 0

Slot No The number of the slot. 0 to 255

Default value: 6

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Parameter Meaning Value


Mep Id This parameter specifies the ID of a local 1 to 8191

maintenance end point (MEP). One
maintenance group contains only one
MEP, that is, only one MEP can be
established in the same maintenance
group on a interface. A BTS can support
a maximum of eight MEPs.

RMep Id This parameter specifies the ID of a 1 to 8191

remote MEP (RMEP). A BTS can
support a maximum of eight RMEPs.

Fe Port No This parameter specifies the number of l FE0

an FE Port. l FE1
l FE2
l FE3
l FE4
l FE5

MAC Address This parameter specifies the MAC A valid MAC address
address of an RMEP.

TxPacketNum This parameter specifies the number of 1 to 28

(Packet) transmitted packets when the 802.1ag Default value: 5
loopback test is started.

TxPacketLen This parameter specifies the packet 95 to 512

(byte) length when the 802.1ag loopback test is Default value: 128

Destination Type This parameter specifies destination type l RMep ID (Default value)
(in the 802.1ag of the loopback test. l Remote MAC Address
Loopback pane)

Timer (s) (in the This parameter specifies the overtime 1 to 3

802.1ag duration of the loopback test. Default value: 2
Loopback pane)

Ttl This parameter specifies the TTL (Time 1 to 128

to Live) value traced and detected by the Default value: 64
Ethernet OAM link.

Timer (s) (in the This parameter specifies the overtime 1 to 10

802.1ag Link duration traced and detected by the CFM Default value: 2
Trace pane) link.

Destination Type This parameter specifies destination type l RMep ID (Default value)
(in the 802.1ag traced and detected by the CFM link. l Remote MAC Address
Link Trace pane)

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Parameter Meaning Value


PacketLen(Byte) This parameter indicates the packet 64 to 1024

length when the Ethernet OAM loopback Default value: 128
test is started.

SendPeriod(s) This parameter specifies the interval for 1 to 10

sending packet when the Ethernet OAM Default value: 1
loopback test is started.

Pdu Period(ms) This parameter specifies the period for l 200

sending the Ethernet OAM PDU packet. l 500
l 1000 (Default value)

PduPacketLength This parameter specifies the length of the 64 to 960

(Byte) Ethernet OAM PDU packet. Default value: 128

ErrFrameEvent- This parameter specifies the detection 1 to 60

Prid(s) period for error frame events configured Default value: 1
in the Ethernet OAM.

ErrFrameEvent- This parameter specifies the number of 1 to 1000

Para the error frames detected in the error Default value: 1
frame events configured in the Ethernet

ErrFrameCycE- This parameter specifies the detection 1 to 600

ventPrid(100ms) period of the error frame cycle events Default value: 10 ms
configured in the Ethernet OAM.

ErrFrameCycE- This parameter specifies the number of 1 to 1000

ventPara the error frames detected in the error Default value: 1
frame cycle events configured in the
Ethernet OAM.

ErrFrameSecE- This parameter specifies the detection 10 to 900

ventPrid(s) period of the error frame second events Default value: 60
configured in the Ethernet OAM.

ErrFrameSecE- This parameter specifies the interval of 1 to 900

ventPara(s) error frames detected during the error Default value: 1
frame second event detection period
configured in the Ethernet OAM.

3ah Switch refers to the 3ah enabling switch. l Enable

l Disable (Default value)

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Ethernet
OAM in the Function area.

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The Ethernet OAM window is displayed.

Step 2 802.1ag Config MD

1. Click the 802.1ag Config MD tab.
Figure 5-132 is displayed.

Figure 5-132 802.1ag Configuring CFM MD dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Ok to complete the configuration.
4. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

Step 3 802.1ag Config MA

1. Click the 802.1ag Config MA tab.
Figure 5-133 is displayed.

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Figure 5-133 802.1ag Configuring MA dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Add Entry to add the items need to be configured to the table.
Click Delete Entry to delete configured items.
4. Click Ok to complete the configuration.
5. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

Step 4 802.1ag Config Mep Id

1. Click the 802.1ag Config Mep Id tab.
Figure 5-134 is displayed.

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Figure 5-134 802.1ag Configuring MEP dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Add Entry to add the items need to be configured to the table.
Click Delete Entry to delete configured items.
4. Click Ok to complete the configuration.
5. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

Step 5 802.1ag Config RMep Id

1. Click the 802.1ag Config RMep Id tab.
Figure 5-135 is displayed.

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Figure 5-135 802.1ag Configuring RMEP dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Add Entry to add the items need to be configured to the table.
Click Delete Entry to delete configured items.
4. Click Ok to complete the configuration.
5. Click Delete to delete the configuration.

Step 6 802.1ag Continuity Check

1. Click the 802.1ag Continuity Check tab.
Figure 5-136 is displayed.

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Figure 5-136 802.1ag Continuity Check dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Add Entry to add the items need to be configured to the table.
Click Delete Entry to delete configured items.
4. Click Start to start the detection.
5. Click Stop to end the detection.

Step 7 802.1ag Loopback

1. Click the 802.1ag Loopback tab.
Figure 5-137 is displayed.

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Figure 5-137 802.1ag Loopback Test dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Start to test.

l The BTS can start only one loopback test item at the same time.
l Services are disrupted during the loopback test.

Step 8 802.1ag Link Trace

1. Click the 802.1ag Link Trace tab.
Figure 5-138 is displayed.

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Figure 5-138 802.1ag Link Trace dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Start to start the test.

Step 9 802.3ah Remote Loopback

1. Click the 802.3ah Remote Loopback tab.
Figure 5-139 is displayed.

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Figure 5-139 802.3ah Remote Loopback dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Start to start the test.
4. Click Stop to end the test.

Step 10 802.3ah Link Monitor

1. Click the 802.3ah Link Monitor tab.
Figure 5-140 is displayed.

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Figure 5-140 802.3ah Link Monitor dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Active to monitor the link.
4. Click Deactive to stop monitoring the link.

Step 11 802.3ah Set 3ah Switch

1. Click the 802.3ah Set 3ah Switch tab.
Figure 5-141 is displayed.

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Figure 5-141 802.3ah Set 3ah Switch dialog box

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-31.

3. Click Ok to complete the switch setting.


5.23 Commissioning Site Transmission

The transmission commissioning function is used for BTS deployment or for problem location
and fault rectification during device transmission.

After the transmission commissioning function is enabled, the Stop Detect dialog box is
displayed. Perform operations by referring to related descriptions.

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Figure 5-142 Stopping detect

5.23.1 Configuring the Debug IP Address

If the BTS is not connected to the BSC, you are required to configure an IP address of the BTS
FE port for BTS debugging. You can configure, delete, and query the debug IP address of the
BTS on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Before the BTS is connected to the BSC, you are required to configure an IP address of the BTS
for debugging. Thus, the Ping and Tracert functions can be performed on the BSC or intermediate
transport equipment. In this way, you can learn the status of the link between the BTS and the
BSC or intermediate transport equipment.

A maximum of two IP addresses can be configured for debugging a BTS.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Configure the IP address for BTS debugging.

1. In the dialog box, click the Config Debug IP tab and then click the Config tab on the tab
The Config tab page in the IP Debug dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-143.

Figure 5-143 Configuring the IP address for BTS debugging

2. Set the related parameters, such as IP Address and Mask Address, based on the settings
in the network.
3. Click OK, the IP address for BTS debugging is configured successfully.
After a commissioning IP address is configured, the BTS enters the commissioning mode. If you
need to recover the BTS working mode, reset the BTS.

Step 3 Delete the IP address for BTS debugging.

1. Repeat Step 1.

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2. Click the Delete tab in the Config Debug IP tab page.

The Delete tab page in the IP Debug dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-144.

Figure 5-144 Deleting the IP address for BTS debugging

3. Set the related parameters, such as Cabinet No and Shelf No, based on the settings in the
4. Click OK. The IP address for BTS debugging is deleted.

Step 4 Query the IP address for BTS debugging.

1. Repeat Step 1.
2. Click the Query tab in the Config Debug IP tab page.
The Query tab page in the IP Debug dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-145.

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Figure 5-145 Querying the IP address for BTS debugging

3. Click OK. The query result is displayed.


5.23.2 Configuring the Ping Function

During the BTS deployment, you can use the SMT to debug the transport link of the BTS
supporting IP over FE. In this case, you need to configure the Ping function.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The BTS route has been configured.
l The IP address on the Ethernet port of the BTS is configured.


The Ping Function and Tracert Function cannot be used at the same time.

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The Ping function can be used to:

l Detect whether the transmission between the BTS and the BSC is normal.
l Detect whether packet loss exists when the BTS communicates with the BSC properly.
l Detect whether the transmission between the BTS and IP clock server is normal when the
BTS communicates with the BSC properly.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the Config Ping tab.

The Config Ping tab page in the IP Debug dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-146.

Figure 5-146 Configuring the Ping function

Step 3 Set the related parameters, such as Destination IP and Source IP, based on the settings in the

Step 4 Click Start. The Ping function is started.

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Step 5 Click Stop. The Ping function is stopped.


5.23.3 Configuring the Tracert Function

During the BTS deployment, you can use the SMT to debug the transport link of the BTS
supporting IP over FE. In this case, you need to configure the Tracert function.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The IP address on the Ethernet port of the BTS is configured.


The Ping Function and Tracert Function cannot be used at the same time.

The Tracert function can be used to:

l Locate transmission faults when the transmission between the BTS and BSC is abnormal.
l Locate transmission faults when the transmission between the BTS and IP clock server is

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the Config Tracert tab.

The Config Tracert tab page in the IP Debug dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-147 Configuring the Tracert function

Step 3 Set the related parameters, such as Destination IP, based on the settings in the network.

Step 4 Click Start. The Tracert function is started.

Step 5 Click Stop. The Tracert function is stopped.


5.23.4 Configuring Routes

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query BTS routes on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The IP address on the Ethernet port of the BTS has been configured.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

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Step 2 Click the Config Router tab. The Config Router tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Config Router. The Debug route dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure routes.

1. Click the Config tab. The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-148.

Figure 5-148 Config tab page

2. Set the related parameters, such as Rack Number and SubRack Number, based on the
settings on the live network.
3. Click OK. Routes are configured.
After a commissioning route is configured, the BTS enters the commissioning mode. If you need to
recover the BTS working mode, reset the BTS.

Step 5 Delete routes.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Click the Delete tab. The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-149.

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Figure 5-149 Delete tab page

3. Set the related parameters, such as Rack Number and SubRack Number, based on the
settings on the live network.
4. Click OK. The routes are deleted.

Step 6 Query routes.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Click the Static Query tab. The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-150 Static Query tab page

3. Click OK. The query results are displayed.


5.23.5 Collecting statistics of a PPP or MLPPP Link

This section describes how to collect statistics of negotiation packets over a PPP or MLPPP link
to analyze the start failure of the BTS in IP over E1 mode.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

The statistics data is saved as a .tmf document in the PPP&MP folder, which is stored in the
same directory as the btsm.exe. You can use Ethereal to open the document and analyze the data.

Table 5-32 describes the parameters.

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Table 5-32 Parameters in the PPP/MP Statistics tab page

Parameter Meaning Value


Cabinet No Indicates the number of the cabinet that contains 0 to 62

the board.

Shelf No Indicates the number of the subrack that 0 to 254

contains the board.

Slot No Indicates the number of the slot that holds the 0 to 23


Link Type l To collect the PPP and DHCP negotiation l PPP

packets over a PPP link, choose the l MP
corresponding PPP link
l To collect the MLPPP and DHCP
negotiation packets over an MLPPP link,
choose the corresponding MP group and
MLPPP link

PPP Link No. Number of a PPP link. 0 to 15

Displayed when Link Type is set to PPP.

MLPPP No. Number of an MLPPP group. 0 to 3

Displayed when Link Type is set to MP.

Auto Save l If the Auto Save check box is selected, a -

PPP&MP folder is created automatically in
File Save Path the directory when collecting statistics of the -
PPP or MLPPP link is enabled. The
PPP&MP folder is in the same directory as
the btsm.exe. The directory is displayed in
the File Save Path text box.
l If Auto Save is not selected, a *.tmf file is
automatically generated when statistical
measurement is enabled. The *.tmf file is
saved in the same directory as the btsm.exe.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the PPP/MP Statistics tab. The PPP/MP Statistics tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-151.

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Figure 5-151 PPP/MP Statistics tab page

Step 3 Choose the corresponding values from the Cabinet No, Shelf No, Slot No, Link Type, and
PPP Link No./MLPPP No. drop-down list boxes, respectively.
Step 4 Select the Auto Save check box if required.
Step 5 Click Start to start collecting statistics of the PPP or MLPPP link.
Step 6 Click Stop to stop collecting statistics of the PPP or MLPPP link.


5.23.6 Reporting the Detection Messages

This section describes how to report the detection messages in the BTS to obtain the actual status
of internal links. It is used to locate the cause of a broken link.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.

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The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the Detect Info Report tab page, the Detect Info Report dialog box is displayed, as shown
in Figure 5-152.

Figure 5-152 Start Detect Info Report tab page

Step 3 Click Start to start reporting detection messages.

Step 4 Click Stop to stop reporting detection messages.


5.23.7 Querying the ARP Results

This section describes how to query the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) results obtained by
the BTS. To properly transmit IP packets to the next hop device, the BTS in IP over FE mode
must use ARP to obtain the MAC address of the device.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the Query ARP tab. The Query ARP tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-153.

Figure 5-153 Query ARP tab page

Step 3 Choose the corresponding values from the Cabinet No, Shelf No, and Slot No drop-down list
boxes, respectively.
Step 4 Click Query to query the ARP results.


5.23.8 Querying an Ethernet Port

This section describes how to query the configuration of an Ethernet port, such as its data
transmission condition, availability, and negotiation results.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the Query Ethernet Port tab. The Query Ethernet Port tab page is displayed, as shown
in Figure 5-154.

Figure 5-154 Query Ethernet Port tab page

Step 3 Choose the corresponding values from the Cabinet No, Shelf No, Slot No, and Port No drop-
down list boxes, respectively.
Step 4 Choose the corresponding value from the Clear drop-down list box as required.
Step 5 Click Query to query an Ethernet port.


5.23.9 Collecting Statistics of the MAC Messages

This section describes how to statistics of the messages at the MAC layer received on the Ethernet
port of the BTS. These MAC messages are filtered according to user-defined criteria, the result
of which is reported to the SMT and saved as a document in the SMT PC.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


This function is available only if the GTMUb is the main control board of the BTS.

l If a BTS has a low service load and transmission traffic, collecting statistics of its MAC
messages is recommended to analyze its service packets. If the BTS has a high service load,
however, collecting statistics of the MAC messages is not recommended.
l The statistics data is saved as a .tmf document in the MAC folder, which is stored in the
same directory as the btsm.exe. You can use TrafficRecording Review Tool of LMT
Software to open the document and analyze the data.

Table 5-33 describes the parameters.

Table 5-33 Parameters in the MAC Statistics tab page

Parameter Meaning Value


Cabinet No. Indicates the number of the cabinet that contains the 0 to 62
transmission board.

Shelf No. Indicates the number of the subrack that contains the 0 to 254
transmission board.

Slot No. Indicates the number of the slot that holds the 0 to 23
transmission board.

Capturing Vlan l If the parameter is set to Yes, only the messages l Yes
Message with the same Vlan No. and Vlan Priority as l No
specified by the user are statistic. If Vlan
Priority is set to 255, it indicates that messages
with all priorities are statistic. If Vlan No. is set to
65535, it indicates messages with all VLAN IDs
are statistic.
l If the parameter is set to No, only the messages
that do not contain VLAN tags are statistics.

Vlan Priority Priority of MAC VLAN packets. 0 to 7

This parameter is valid when Capturing Vlan Default
Message is set to Yes. value: 255

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Parameter Meaning Value


Vlan No. No. of MAC VLAN packets. 1 to 4094

This parameter is valid when Capturing Vlan Default
Message is set to Yes. value:

Statistics Id Indicates the number of the statistics MAC message. 0 to 255

Direction Indicates the direction of the statistics MAC message. l OUT

l Bidirecti

Local MAC Indicates the MAC address of the local end, which is The default
used as a criteria to filter the MAC messages. This value of
Peer MAC parameter must be set as required. If its value is not either
specified, the MAC messages are not filtered based parameter is
on the MAC address. all 0s.
must be set
as required.

MIN Length Indicates the minimum length of statistics packets. 16 to 1518

MAX Length Indicates the maximum length of statistics packets. 16 to 1518

The maximum length cannot be less than the
minimum length.

Protocol Type Indicates the protocol type. l ALL

l 1AG
l 3AH
l IP

Frame No Threshold Indicates the number of messages to be reported in a 10 to 200

(1s) second. If the number of messages that meet the
criteria exceeds the value of this parameter, the system
will selectively discard some messages.

Basic Board Type Indicates the basic board type of the transmission l Basic
board. Board
l Back

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Parameter Meaning Value


ExSwitch Indication determining whether to filter traced l ON

packets based on the IP-layer filter criteria. l OFF
When this parameter is set to ON, the filter criteria
can be configured. Only the UTRPc in non-security
transmission mode supports the IP-layer filter criteria.

Protocol Type Packet protocol type l ALL


LocalIP IP address of the local end,

valid class-
A address,
address, and
cannot be set
to a reserved
IP address,
such as
0.x.x.x or

PeerIP IP address of the peer end,

valid class-
A address,
address, and
cannot be set
to a reserved
IP address,
such as
0.x.x.x or

LocalPort Port number on the local end 0 to 0xFFFF

PeerPort Port number on the peer end 0 to 0xFFFF

DSCP Differentiated services code point 0 to 63

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Parameter Meaning Value


Auto Save l If the Auto Save check box is selected, a MAC –

folder is created automatically in the directory
File Save Path when collecting statistics of the MAC messages is –
enabled. The MAC folder is in the same directory
as the btsm.exe. The directory is displayed in the
File Save Path text box.
l If Auto Save is not selected, a *.tmf file is
automatically generated when statistical
measurement is enabled. The *.tmf file is saved in
the same directory as the btsm.exe.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the MAC Statistics tab. The MAC Statistics tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure 5-155 MAC Statistics tab page

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Step 3 Set the parameters by referring to Table 5-33.

Step 4 Select the Auto Save check box if required.

Step 5 Click Start to start collecting statistics of the MAC messages.

Figure 5-156 shows the collection results.

Figure 5-156 MAC statistics

Click Stop to stop the MAC statistics collection.


5.23.10 Collecting Statistics of the IP Packets

This section describes how to collect statistics of the IP packets of the BTS. Only the service
packets, link access procedure on the D channel (LAPD) packets, and direct route packets can
be statistic. The IP packets processed by the Versatile IP and Security Platform (VISP) protocol
stack, such as the DHCP, Ping, ARP, route statistics, and clock packets, cannot be statistic.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The GTMUb serves as the main control board of the BTS.
l The BTS uses the IP over FE or IP over E1/T1 transmission mode.

l If a BTS has a low service load and transmission traffic, collecting statistics of its IP packets
is recommended to analyze its service packets. If the BTS has a high service load, however,
collecting statistics of the IP packets is not recommended.
l The statistics data is saved as a .tmf document in the IP folder, which is stored in the same
directory as the btsm.exe. You can use TrafficRecording Review Tool of LMT Software
to open the document and analyze the data.

Table 5-34 describes the parameters.

Table 5-34 Parameters in the IP Statistics tab page

Parameter Meaning Value


Rack No. Indicates the number of the rack that contains the board. 0 to 62

SubRack No. Indicates the number of the subrack that contains the 0 to 254

Slot No. Indicates the number of the slot that holds the board. 0 to 23

Frame No Indicates the number of packets to be reported in a 10 to 200

Threshold (1s) second. If the number of packets that meet the criteria
exceeds the value of this parameter, the system will
selectively discard some packets.

Protocol Type Indicates the protocol type. l All


Encrypt By default, this parameter is not used. -

Statistics Id Indicates the ID of the statistics IP packet. 0 to 255

Direction Indicates the direction of the statistics IP packet. l OUT BTS

l Bidirectio

In Direction Indicates type of statistics incoming packet. During l Equal

Condition packet filtering, the incoming packet whose length is l Less and
equal to, or less than and equal to the value of In Equal
Direction Length is statistic, depending on the value
of the parameter.

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Parameter Meaning Value


Out Direction Indicates type of statistics outgoing packet. During l Equal

Condition packet filtering, the outgoing packet whose length is l Less and
equal to, or less than and equal to the value of Out Equal
Direction Length is statistic, depending on the value
of the parameter.

In Direction Indicates the incoming packet length used in packet 0 to 1500

Length filtering.

Out Direction Indicates the outgoing packet length used in packet 0 to 1500
Length filtering.

Local IP IP address of the local end Valid IP

The default
value of this
parameter is,
indicating that
IP packets are
not filtered
according to
the IP

Peer IP IP address of the peer end Valid IP

The default
value of this
parameter is,
indicating that
IP packets are
not filtered
according to
the IP

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Parameter Meaning Value


Local UDP Port UDP Port number on the local end 0 to 65535
If this
parameter is
UDP packets
are not
according to
the UDP port

Peer UDP Port UDP Port number on the peer end 0 to 65535
If this
parameter is
UDP packets
are not
according to
the UDP port

Auto Save l If the Auto Save check box is selected, a IP folder -

is created automatically in the directory when
File Save Path collecting statistics of the IP packets is enabled. The -
IP folder is in the same directory as the btsm.exe.
The directory is displayed in the File Save Path text
l If Auto Save is not selected, a *.tmf file is
automatically generated when statistical
measurement is enabled. The *.tmf file is saved in
the same directory as the btsm.exe

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IP Statistics tab. The IP Statistics tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-157.

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Figure 5-157 IP Statistics tab page

Step 3 Set the parameters by referring to Table 5-34.

Step 4 Select the Auto Save check box if required.

Step 5 Click Start to start collecting statistics of the IP packets.

Step 6 Click Stop to stop collecting statistics of the IP packets.


5.23.11 UTRPc Working Mode

This section describes how to configure and query the UTRPc working mode on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

If the UTRPc works in single-mode, its working mode remains unchanged after the initial mode
negotiation is complete. If you need to change the UTRPc working mode, adjust the
configuration, set the UTRPc working mode again, and then reset the UTRPc.

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Table 5-35 describes the parameters.

Table 5-35 Parameters for the UTRPc working mode

Parameter Description Value Range

Cabinet No. Indicates the number of the cabinet 0 to 62

where the board is located.

Shelf No. Indicates the number of the 0 to 254

subrack where a board is located.

Slot No. Indicates the number of the slot 0 to 23

where a board is located.

Rat Indicates the working mode of the l UMTS


Neg mode The BTS automatically adapts to l Negotiate

or locks a working mode. l Lock

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 On the UTRPc Rat tab page, click the Config tab. The Config tab page is displayed, as shown
in Figure 5-158.

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Figure 5-158 Config tab page

Step 3 Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-35.

Step 4 Click OK. The UTRPc working mode is configured.

Step 5 On the UTRPc Rat tab page, click the Query tab. The Query tab page is displayed, as shown
in Figure 5-159.

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Figure 5-159 Query tab page

Step 6 Enter the numbers of the cabinet, subrack, and slot for the UTRPc to be queried in the Cabinet
No., Shelf No., and Slot No. drop-down lists, respectively.

Step 7 Click OK. The UTRPc working mode is queried.


5.23.12 Configuring IKE/IPsec

This section describes how to configure and query the IKE and IPsec on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


The BTS must be configured with the UTRPc to support this function.

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l When configuring IPsec, you need to deploy a security gateway on the BSC/M2000 side
in the transmission network and set up IPsec tunnels between the BTS and the security
l This function can be implemented on BTSs in IP over FE/GE mode. In the Abis
transmission backup scenario, configuring IPsec in the Ethernet transmission is also

This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the access control list (ACL) on the

Table 5-36 describes the parameters.

Table 5-36 Parameters for ACL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

ACL Description 0 to 127 characters No

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the ACL.

1. On the ACL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-160.

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Figure 5-160 Config tab page

2. Set ACL ID and ACL Description based on the settings on the live network.
3. Click Config. The ACL is configured.

Step 5 Delete the ACL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the ACL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-161.

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Figure 5-161 Delete tab page

3. Select the ID of the ACL to be deleted from the ACL ID drop-down list.
4. Click Delete. The ACL is deleted.

Step 6 Query the static information about the ACL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the ACL tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-162.

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Figure 5-162 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.


ACL Rules
This section describes how to configure, delete, and query ACL rules on the SMT.

Table 5-37 describes the parameters.

Table 5-37 Parameters for ACL rules

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

ACL Rule Number 1 to 65535 Yes

ACL Operation l Forbidding No

l Allowing
(Default value)

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Protocol Type l IP Protocol Yes

l ICMP Protocol
l TCP Protocol
l UDP Protocol
l GRE Protocol
l SCTP Protocol

Source IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Source IP Address Wildcard Valid IP Address Yes

Character Wildcard Character

Matching Source Port l No No

Filtering l Yes This parameter is mandatory when
Protocol Type is set to TCP
Protocol, UDP Protocol, or SCTP

Source Port Filtering l <= No

Condition l >= This parameter is mandatory when
l = Matching Source Port Filtering is set
to Yes.
l !=
l Scope

Source Port 1 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Source Port Filtering is set
to Yes.

Source Port 2 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Source Port Filtering Condition is
set to Scope.

Destination IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Destination IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Wildcard Character Wildcard Character

Matching Destination Port l No No

Filtering l Yes This parameter is mandatory when
Protocol Type is set to TCP
Protocol, UDP Protocol, or SCTP

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Destination Port Filtering l <= No

Condition l >= This parameter is mandatory when
l = Matching Destination Port
Filtering is set to Yes.
l !=
l Scope

Destination Port 1 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Destination Port
Filtering is set to Yes.

Destination Port 2 0 to 65535 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Destination Port Filtering
Condition is set to Scope.

Matching Differentiated l No (Default No

Service Code value)
l Yes

Differentiated Service Code 0 to 63 No

This parameter is mandatory when
Matching Differentiated Service
Code is set to Yes.

Matching Segmentation l No (Default No

Packet value) This parameter is mandatory when
l Yes Protocol Type is set to IP Protocol,
ICMP Protocol, TCP Protocol, UDP
Protocol, or SCTP Protocol.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure ACL rules.

1. On the ACL Rule tab page, click Config.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-163.

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Figure 5-163 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-37.

3. Click Config. The ACL rules are configured.

Step 5 Delete ACL rules.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the ACL Rule tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-164.

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Figure 5-164 Delete tab page

3. Select the numbers of the ACL and ACL rules from the ACL ID and ACL Rule
Number drop-down lists, respectively.
4. Click Delete. The ACL rules are deleted.

Step 6 Query the static information about the ACL rules.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the ACL Rule tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-165.

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Figure 5-165 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IKEPROPOSAL on the SMT.

Table 5-38 describes the parameters.

Table 5-38 Parameter for IKEPROPOSAL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Security Proposal ID 1 to 99 Yes

Encryption Algorithm l DES (Default No

l 3DES
l AES128
l AES192
l AES256

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Verification Algorithm l MD5 No

l SHA1 (Default

Verification Method l Pre-shared Key No

Check Word
(Default value)
l RSA No.

Diffie-Hellman Group ID l 768 Bit Diffie- No

Hellman Group
(Default value)
l 1024 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group
l 2048 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group
l 3072 Bit Diffie-
Hellman Group

Pseudo-random Algorithm l HMAC_MD5 No

(Default value)
l AES128_XCB

ISAKMP SA Life Cycle 60 to 604800s No

Default value:

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-166.

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Figure 5-166 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-38.

3. Click Config. The IKEPROPOSAL is configured.

Step 4 Delete the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-167.

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Figure 5-167 Delete tab page

3. Enter the ID of the IKEPROPOSAL to be deleted in the Security Proposal ID drop-down

4. Click Delete. The IKEPROPOSAL is deleted.

Step 5 Query the static information about the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-168.

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Figure 5-168 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Query the dynamic information about the IKEPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IKEPROPOSAL tab page, click the Dynamic Query tab.
The Dynamic Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-169.

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Figure 5-169 Dynamic Query tab page

3. Enter the ID of the IKEPROPOSAL to be queried in the Security Proposal ID drop-down

4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IKEPEER on the SMT.

Table 5-39 describes the parameters.

Table 5-39 Parameters for IKEPEER

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

IKE Peer Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

IKE Security Proposal Name 1 to 99 Yes

Version l IKE_V1 No
(Default value)
l IKE_V2

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Consult Mode l MAIN (Default No

value) This parameter is mandatory when
l AGGRESSIVE Version is set to IKE_V1.

Local ID Type l IP Yes


Peer IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Peer Name 0 to 31 characters No

Pre-shared Key Check Word 0 to 127 characters No


(Default value)

DPD Idle Interval 10 to 3600s No

Default value: 10 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

DPD Retransmission 3 to 30s No

Interval Default value: 5 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

DPD Retransmission Time 3 to 10 No

Default value: 5 This parameter is mandatory when
DPD Mode is set to PERIODIC.

NAT Traversal l DISABLE No

l ENABLE This parameter is mandatory when
Local ID Type is set to FQDN.

Local IP Address Valid IP Address Yes

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.
Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.
The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Configure the IKEPEER.
1. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-170.

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Figure 5-170 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-39.

3. Click Config. The IKEPEER is configured.

Step 5 Delete the IKEPEER.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-171.

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Figure 5-171 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name of the IKEPEER to be deleted in the IKE Peer Name text box.
4. Click Delete. The IKEPEER is deleted.

Step 6 Query the static information about the IKEPEER.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-172.

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Figure 5-172 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Query the dynamic information about the IKEPEER.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IKEPEER tab page, click the Dynamic Query tab.
The Dynamic Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-173.

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Figure 5-173 Dynamic Query tab page

3. Enter the name of the IKEPEER to be queried in the IKE Peer Name text box.
4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECPROPOSAL on the SMT.

Table 5-40 describes the parameters.

Table 5-40 Parameters for IPSECPROPOSAL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

IPsec Security Proposal 1 to 15 characters Yes


Encapsulation Mode l Tunnel Mode No

(Default value)
l Transmission

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Protocol Type l AH Protocol No

l ESP Protocol
(Default value)
l AH and ESP

AH Authentication l NULL No
Algorithm l MD5 This parameter is mandatory when
l SHA1 (Default Protocol Type is set to AH Protocol
value) or AH and ESP Protocol.

l SHA256

ESP Authentication l NULL No

Algorithm l MD5 This parameter is mandatory when
l SHA1 (Default Protocol Type is set to ESP
value) Protocol or AH and ESP Protocol.

l SHA256

ESP Encryption Algorithm l NULL No

l DES This parameter is mandatory when
l 3DES Protocol Type is set to ESP
Protocol or AH and ESP Protocol.
l AES128
(Default value)
l AES192
l AES256

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-174.

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Figure 5-174 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-40.

3. Click Config. The IPSECPROPOSAL is configured.

Step 5 Delete the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-175.

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Figure 5-175 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name of the IPSECPROPOSAL to be deleted in the IPsec Security Proposal
Name text box.
4. Click Delete. The IPSECPROPOSAL is deleted.

Step 6 Query the static information about the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-176.

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Figure 5-176 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Query the dynamic information about the IPSECPROPOSAL.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECPROPOSAL tab page, click the Dynamic Query tab.
The Dynamic Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-177.

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Figure 5-177 Dynamic Query tab page

3. Enter the name of the IPSECPROPOSAL to be queried in the IPsec Security Proposal
Name text box.
4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECPOLICY on the SMT.

Table 5-41 describes the parameters.

Table 5-41 Parameters for IPSECPOLICYL

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Security Policy Group Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

Security Policy Number 1 to 10000 Yes

ACL ID 3000 to 3999 Yes

IPsec Security Proposal 1 to 15 characters Yes


IKE Peer Name 1 to 15 characters Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Perfect Forward Security l DISABLE No

(Default value)
l 768 Bit
l 1024 Bit

SA Life Cycle Configuration l GLOBAL No

(Default value)

Time Validity Period Based 30 to 604800s No

Default value: This parameter is mandatory when SA
3600s Life Cycle Configuration is set to

Traffic Effective Value 1843200 to No

Based 4294967295 KB This parameter is mandatory when SA
Default value: Life Cycle Configuration is set to
69120000 KB LOCAL.

Anti-replay Window l WND_DISABL No

E (Default
l WND_32
l WND_64
l WND_128
l WND_256
l WND_512
l WND_1024
l WND_2048
l WND_4096

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Configure the IPSECPOLICY.

1. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-178.

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Figure 5-178 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-41.

3. Click Config. The IPSECPOLICY is configured.

Step 4 Delete the IPSECPOLICY.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-179.

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Figure 5-179 Delete tab page

3. Enter the name and number of the IPSECPOLICY to be deleted in the Security Policy
Group Name and Security Policy Number text boxes, respectively.
4. Click Delete. The IPSECPOLICY is deleted.

Step 5 Query the static information about the IPSECPOLICY.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-180.

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Figure 5-180 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Query the dynamic information about the IPSECPOLICY.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 2.
2. On the IPSECPOLICY tab page, click the Dynamic Query tab.
The Dynamic Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-181.

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Figure 5-181 Dynamic Query tab page

3. Enter the name and number of the IPSECPOLICY to be queried in the Security Policy
Group Name and Security Policy Number text boxes, respectively.
4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the IPSECBIND on the SMT.

Table 5-42 describes the parameters.

Table 5-42 Parameters for IPSECBIND

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack Number 0 to 62 Yes

SubRack 0 to 254 Yes


Slot Number 0 to 23 Yes

Port Type ETH Yes

Port Number 0 to 5 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

IKE Version l IKE_V1 (Default value) Yes

Number l IKE_V2

Querying l summary (Default value) Yes

IKESA Mode l long-winded

IKEPeer 1 to 15 characters Yes

Name This parameter is valid only when
Querying IKESA Mode is set to

User Query l Section 1 Yes

Section l Section 2
This parameter is valid only when
Querying IKESA Mode is set to

Security 1 to 15 characters Yes

Policy Group

Security 1 to 10000 Yes

Policy Default value: 1

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the IPSECBIND.

1. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-182.

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Figure 5-182 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-42.

3. Click Config. The IPSECBIND is configured.

Step 5 Delete the IPSECBIND.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-183.

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Figure 5-183 Delete tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-42.

4. Click Delete. The IPSECBIND is deleted.

Step 6 Query the static information about the IPSECBIND.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-184.

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Figure 5-184 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Query the dynamic information about the IKESA.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Dynamic IKESA tab.
The Dynamic IKESA tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-185.

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Figure 5-185 Dynamic IKESA tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-42.

4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 8 Query the dynamic information about the IPSECSA.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IPSECBIND tab page, click the Dynamic IPSECSA tab.
The Dynamic IPSECSA tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-186.

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Figure 5-186 Dynamic IPSECSA tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-42.

4. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


Configuring IKE
This section describes how to configure and query the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) on the SMT.

Table 5-43 describes the parameters.

Table 5-43 Parameters for configuring the IKE

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Local ID 1 to 31 characters Yes

Interval for Sending a Packet 0 or 20 to 28800s No

Default value: 20

Waiting Packet Timeout 0 or 60 to 28800s No

Duration Default value: 60

Waiting NAT Packet 0 or 5 to 300s No

Timeout Duration Default value: 20

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Differentiated Service Code 0 to 63 No

Default value: 48

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure IKE.

1. On the IKE Config tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-187.

Figure 5-187 Config tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-43.

3. Click Config. The IKE is configured.

Step 5 Query the static information about the IKE.

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1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.

2. On the IKE Config tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-188.

Figure 5-188 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Query the dynamic information about the IKE.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the IKE Config tab page, click the Dynamic Query tab.
The Dynamic Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-189.

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Figure 5-189 Dynamic Query tab page

3. Click Dynamic Query. The query results are displayed.


IKE Protocol Tracing

This section describes how to start or stop IKE protocol tracing on the SMT.

Table 5-44 describes the parameters.

Table 5-44 Parameters for IKE protocol tracing

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Rack Number 0 to 62 Yes

SubRack 0 to 254 Yes


Slot Number 0 to 23 Yes

Tracing l Transmit No
Direction l Receive
l bidirection (Default value)

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Condition for l Reporting Plaintext (Default No

Reporting value)
Plaintext or l Reporting Plaintext or
Ciphertext Ciphertext

Protocol Type l UDP Protocol No

l ALL (Default value)

Short l NO (Default value) No

Message l YES

Packet 28 to 1500 No
Interception Default value: 60

Inbound IP l Equal No
Packet Length l Less-than
l Greater-than
l All (Default value)

Outbound IP l Equal No
Packet Length l Less-than
l Greater-than
l All (Default value)

Inbound 0 to 3000 No
Packet Default value: 1500

Outbound 0 to 3000 No
Packet Default value: 1500

Local IP Valid IP Address No

Address If 0 is delivered when users do not
enter any data, local IP address
matching is not required during IKE
protocol tracing.

Peer IP Valid IP Address No

Address If 0 is delivered when users do not
enter any data, peer IP address
matching is not required during IKE
protocol tracing.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Local UDP 0 to 65535 No

Port Number If 0xFFFFFFFF is delivered when
users do not enter any data, local UDP
port number matching is not required
during IKE protocol tracing.

Peer UDP 0 to 65535 No

Port Number If 0xFFFFFFFF is delivered when
users do not enter any data, peer UDP
port number matching is not required
during IKE protocol tracing.

DSCP 0 to 63 No
If 0xFF is delivered when users do not
enter any data, DSCP matching is not
required during IKE protocol tracing.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IKE/IPsec tab. The IKE/IPsec tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter IKE/IPsec Function.

The IKE/IPsec dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Trace the IKE protocol.

1. Click the IKE Tracing tab.
The IKE Tracing tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-190.

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Figure 5-190 IKE Tracing tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-44.

3. Click Start. The IKE protocol tracing is started.
4. Click Stop. The IKE protocol tracing is stopped.

Step 5 Trace the IPsec protocol.

1. Click the IPsec Tracing tab.
The IPsec Tracing tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-191.

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Figure 5-191 IPsec Tracing tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-44.

3. Click Start. The IPsec protocol tracing is started.
4. Click Stop. The IPsec protocol tracing is stopped.


5.23.13 VLANMAP
This section describes how to configure, delete, and query the VLANMAP on the SMT.

Table 5-45 describes the parameters.

Table 5-45 Parameters for VLANMAP

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Next Hop IP Valid IP Address Yes


VLAN Mode Single VLAN Yes

VLAN ID 1 to 4094 No
This parameter is mandatory when
VLAN Mode is set to Single VLAN.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

VLAN Pri 0 to 7 No
This parameter is mandatory when
VLAN Mode is set to Single VLAN.

VLAN Group 0 to 3 No
Number This parameter is unavailable when
VLAN Mode is set to Single VLAN.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the VLANMAP tab. The VLANMAP tab page is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter VLANMAP Function.

The VLANMAP tab page is displayed.

Step 4 Configure the VLANMAP.

1. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Config tab.
The Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-192.

Figure 5-192 Config tab page

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2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-45.

3. Click Config. The VLANMAP is configured.

Step 5 Delete the VLANMAP.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Delete tab.
The Delete tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-193.

Figure 5-193 Delete tab page

3. Enter the IP addresses of the VLANMAP to be deleted in the Next Hop IP Address text
4. Click Delete. The VLANMAP is deleted.

Step 6 Query the VLANMAP.

1. Repeat steps Step 1 through Step 3.
2. On the VLANMAP tab page, click the Static Query tab.
The Static Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-194.

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Figure 5-194 Static Query tab page

3. Click Static Query. The query results are displayed.


5.23.14 PKI
This section describes how to configure and query digital certificate related information for BTSs
on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.


The UTRPc is required for supporting this function.


This section describes how to configure and query BTS and BSC IP addresses on the SMT.

Table 5-46 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-46 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Static IP status l Disable (Default Yes

l Enable

Com Type l Port IP (Default Yes

l Loop IP

BTS Ip Address to Yes

BSC IP Address to Yes

VLAN Flag - No


VLAN Pri - No

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Configure BTS and BSC IP addresses.

1. Choose BtsIp BscIp > Configuration.
The Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-195.

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Figure 5-195 Configuration tab page for BTS and BSC IP addresses

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-46.

3. Click OK.

Step 5 Query BTS and BSC IP addresses in static mode.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose BtsIp BscIp > Query.
The Query tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-196.

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Figure 5-196 Query tab page for BTS and BSC IP addresses

3. Click OK. The query results are displayed.


Certificate Deployment Position

This section describes how to add, query, and delete a device certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-47 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-47 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

DeployType l DEFAULT Yes

(Default value)

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

CN 0 to 62 No
This parameter is mandatory when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

SRN 0 to 254 No
This parameter is mandatory when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

SN 0 to 23 No
This parameter is mandatory when
DeployType is set to SPECIFIC.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Set a certificate deployment position.

1. Choose Certificate Deployment Position > Setting Certificate Deployment Position.
The Setting Certificate Deployment Position tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-197 Setting Certificate Deployment Position tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-47.

3. Click Set.

Step 5 Query configuration of a certificate deployment position.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Deployment Position > Querying Certificate Deployment
The Querying Certificate Deployment Position tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-198 Querying Certificate Deployment Position tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


Certificate Issuing Authority

This section describes how to add, query, and delete a certificate issuing authority on the SMT.

Table 5-48 lists the parameter settings.

Table 5-48 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

CA Name 1 to 127 bytes Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

URL 1 to 128 bytes Yes

The URL address of a certificate
issuing authority must not contain any
The URL address must begin with
http:// or https://.
The valid IPv4 URL address must be

Signalg l SHA1 (Default Yes

l MD5
l SHA256

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Add a certificate issuing authority.

1. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Adding Certificate Issuing Authority.
The Adding Certificate Issuing Authority tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-199 Adding Certificate Issuing Authority tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-48.

3. Click Modify.

Step 5 Query configuration of a certificate issuing authority.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Querying Certificate Issuing Authority
The Querying Certificate Issuing Authority Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-200.

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Figure 5-200 Querying Certificate Issuing Authority Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Delete a certificate issuing authority.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Issuing Authority > Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority.
The Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-201 Deleting Certificate Issuing Authority tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-48.

4. Click Delete.


Certificate Request Configuration Information

This section describes how to modify and query certificate request configuration information,
create certificate request files, apply for device certificates, update device certificates and
Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) session status on the SMT.

Table 5-49 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-49 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

CommNameID l ESN Yes

l MAC As devices IDs, common names are
l IP classified into board ESN, board
MAC, and board IP addresses.

User Add INFO 0 to 32 bytes No

Country l 0 byte No
l 2 bytes

ORG 0 to 64 bytes No

ORG Unit 0 to 64 bytes No

State Province Name 0 to 128 bytes No

Locality 0 to 128 bytes No

Key Usage l DATA_ENCIP No

HERMENT Key usage includes data encryption,
l DIGITAL_SIG digital signature, key negotiation, and
NATURE key encryption. The four functions can
l KEY_AGREE be selected simultaneously.

Signalg l SHA1 (Default Yes

l MD5
l SHA256

Key Size l KEYSIZE1024 Yes

l KEYSIZE2048 This parameter specifies key size,
(Default value) which is classified into 1024 bit/s and
2048 bit/s.

Local Name 0 to 128 bytes No

Local IP to Yes

Cert Req File Name 1 to 64 bytes Yes

The file name cannot contain any of the
following characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <,
>, and |.

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Cert Req File Format l PKCS (Default Yes


Request Type l New (Default Yes

l Update

CA Name 1 to 127 bytes Yes

App Cert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

The file name cannot contain any of the
following characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <,
>, and |.

Re Key l NO Yes
l YES (Default This parameter specifies whether to
value) enable or disable the recreating key
pair function. If you set this parameter
to YES, a new private key is generated
when you create a certificate request
file. If you set this parameter to NO,
the private key for an in-use device
certificate of the same type is used for
generating a request file. If there is no
such a device certificate, you must set
this parameter to YES.

Session ID 1 to 65535 Yes

This parameter uniquely identifies a
CMP session.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.
The PKI dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Modify the certificate request configuration information.
1. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > Modifying Certificate Request
The Modifying Certificate Request Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-202.

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Figure 5-202 Modifying Certificate Request Configuration tab page

2. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-49.

3. Click Modify.

Step 5 Query certificate request configuration information.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > Querying Certificate Request
The Querying Certificate Request Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-203.

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Figure 5-203 Querying Certificate Request Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Create a certificate request file.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > Creating Certificate Request File.
The Creating Certificate Request File tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-204.

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Figure 5-204 Creating Certificate Request File tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-49.

4. Click Create. The creation results are displayed.

Step 7 Apply for a device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > Applying For Equipment Certificate.
The Applying For Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-205 Applying For Equipment Certificate tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-49.

4. Click Request. The application results are displayed.

Step 8 Update a device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > Updating Equipment Certificate.
The Updating Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-206.

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Figure 5-206 Updating Equipment Certificate tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-49.

4. Click Update. The update results are displayed.

Step 9 Query CMP session status.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Certificate Request Configuration > CMP Session.
The CMP Session tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-207.

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Figure 5-207 CMP Session tab page

3. Specify Session ID.

4. Click Query, the query results are displayed.
5. Click Stop to stop querying CMP session status.


Equipment Certificate
This section describes how to add, query, and delete a equipment certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-50 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-50 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

App Cert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

The file name cannot contain any of the
following characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <,
>, and |.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.
The PKI dialog box is displayed.
Step 4 Add a equipment certificate.
1. Choose Equipment Certificate > Adding Equipment Certificate.
The Adding Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-208.

Figure 5-208 Adding Equipment Certificate tab page

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2. Specify App Cert.

3. Click Add.

Step 5 Query equipment certificate configuration.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Equipment Certificate > Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration.
The Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-209.

Figure 5-209 Querying Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Delete a equipment certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Equipment Certificate > Deleting Equipment Certificate.
The Deleting Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-210.

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Figure 5-210 Deleting Equipment Certificate tab page

3. Specify App Cert.

4. Click Delete.

Step 7 Query equipment certificate status.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Equipment Certificate > Querying Equipment Certificate Status.
The Querying Equipment Certificate Status tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-211 Querying Equipment Certificate Status tab page

3. Specify App Cert.

4. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


In-Use Device Certificate

This section describes how to modify an in-use device certificate, query the configuration and
status of an in-use device certification, and test a device certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-51 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-51 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

App Cert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

The file name cannot contain any of the
following characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <,
>, and |.

App Type l IKE Yes

The 3900 series base stations support only
the IKE certificate.

IKE Peer Name 0 to 15 bytes No

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Modify an in-use device certificate.

1. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate
The Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-212.

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Figure 5-212 Modifying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

2. Specify App Cert and App Type.

3. Click Add.

Step 5 Query configuration of an in-use device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate
The Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-213.

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Figure 5-213 Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Query status of an in-use device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate
The Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Status tab page is displayed, as shown in
Figure 5-214.

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Figure 5-214 Querying In-Use Equipment Certificate Status

3. Specify App Type.

4. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 7 Test a device certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose In-Use Equipment Certificate > Testing Equipment Certificate.
The Testing Equipment Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-215.

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Figure 5-215 Testing Equipment Certificate tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-51.

4. Click Test. The query results are displayed.


Trust Certificate
This section describes how to add, query, and delete a trust certificate on the SMT.

Table 5-52 lists the parameter settings.

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Table 5-52 Parameter settings

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Trust Cert 1 to 64 bytes Yes

The file name cannot contain
any of the following
characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >,
and |.

FTP Server IP to Yes

FTP User Name 0 to 32 bytes No

FTP Password 0 to 32 bytes No

Src Cert File l On the Uploading Digital Yes

Certificate File tab page, this The file name cannot contain
parameter specifies the source file any of the following
name for the to-be-uploaded characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >,
certificate file in the uploading area and |.
of BTS certificate files.
l On the Downloading Digital
Certificate File tab page, this
parameter specifies the source file
name for the to-be-downloaded
certificate file in the FTP server.

Dst Cert File l On the Uploading Digital Yes

Certificate File tab page, this The file name cannot contain
parameter specifies the destination any of the following
file name for the certificate file characters: \, /, :, *, ?, ", <, >,
uploaded from the BTS to the FTP and |.
l On the Downloading Digital
Certificate File tab page, this
parameter specifies the destination
file name for the certificate file
downloaded from the FTP server to
the downloading areas of BTS
certificate files.

Cert Type (in the l CERTREQ (Default value) Yes

Uploading l DEVCERT
Certificate File/ l TRUSTCERT
Downloading l CROSSCERT
Trust l CRL
Certificate File
tab page)

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Guage Option l No (Default value) Yes

l Yes This parameter specifies
whether to report the progress
of downloading a file.

Cert Type (in the l UNUSED (Default value) Yes

Querying l DEVCERT
Certificate File
to Be Uploaded l TRUSTCERT
or Downloaded l CROSSCERT
tab page) l CRL

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click PKI. The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 3 Click Click Enter PKI Function.

The PKI dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 Add a trust certificate.

1. Choose Trust Certificate > Adding Trust Certificate.
The Adding Trust Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-216.

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Figure 5-216 Adding Trust Certificate tab page

2. Specify Trust Cert.

3. Click Add.

Step 5 Query trust certificate configuration.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Querying Trust Certificate Configuration.
The Querying Trust Certificate Configuration tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-217 Querying Trust Certificate Configuration tab page

3. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 6 Delete a trust certificate.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Deleting Trust Certificate.
The Deleting Trust Certificate tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-218.

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Figure 5-218 Deleting Trust Certificate tab page

3. Specify Trust Cert.

4. Click Delete.

Step 7 Query trust certificate status.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Querying Trust Certificate Status.
The Querying Trust Certificate Status tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-219 Querying Trust Certificate Status tab page

3. Specify Trust Cert.

4. Click Query. The query results are displayed.

Step 8 Upload a digital certificate file.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Uploading Digital Certificate File.
The Uploading Digital Certificate File tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-220.

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Figure 5-220 Uploading Digital Certificate File tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-52.

4. Click UpLoad.

Step 9 Download a digital certificate file.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Downloading Trust Certificate File.
The Downloading Trust Certificate File tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-221 Downloading Trust Certificate File tab page

3. Set related parameters by referring to Table 5-52.

4. Click DownLoad.

Step 10 Query certificate files in the uploading and downloading areas.

1. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3.
2. Choose Trust Certificate > Querying Certificate File to Be Uploaded or
The Querying Certificate File to Be Uploaded or Downloaded tab page is displayed, as
shown in Figure 5-222.

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Figure 5-222 Querying Certificate File to Be Uploaded or Downloaded tab page

3. Specify Cert Type.

4. Click Query. The query results are displayed.


5.23.15 Configuring User-Defined Transmission Detection Mode

This section describes how to configure and query the user-defined transmission detection mode
on the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The GTMU supports this function but the UTRPc does not support this function.
l This function cannot be used together with the following transmission commissioning
functions: configuring Debug IP addresses, configuring the Ping function, configuring the
Tracert function, configuring routes, VLANMAP, Ethernet OAM, configuring IKE/IPsec,
and PKI.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the Transmission Mode Adjust tab. The Transmission Mode Adjust tab page is
displayed, as shown in Figure 5-223.

Figure 5-223 Transmission Mode Adjust dialog box

Step 3 Set Static Transfer Mode to the fixed transmission detection mode.

Step 4 Click Send Transfer Mode. The transmission detection mode is set successfully.

Step 5 Click Query Transfer Mode. The query results are displayed.


5.23.16 IP Transmission Self-Check

BTS IP transmission self-check is supported on the SMT, including the OML status, active/
standby indication, and route type. Self-check results are displayed on the SMT.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The BTS uses IP over FE/GE or IP over E1/T1 transmission.


Enabling the IP transmission self-check function interrupts the procedure for deploying a BTS.
Therefore, reset the BTS after the self-check is complete to avoid impact on BTS deployment.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the IP Transmission Self-Check tab, click Click Enter IP Transmission Self-Check
The IP Transmission Self-Check dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-224.

Figure 5-224 IP Transmission Self-Check dialog box

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Step 3 Set Connectivity Test to OM Channel.

Step 4 Click Start to start the BTS IP transmission self-check.

Figure 5-225 shows the self-check result.

Figure 5-225 Result of the IP transmission self-check


l If the OML is faulty or its status is unknown, diagnosis reports are displayed in the self-check result.
l Click Stop to stop the self-check if required.


5.23.17 UDP ECHO Ping

In security networking scenario, the UDP Echo ping function checks network connection
between a BTS and a BSC or intermediate transmission device.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The BTS uses IP over FE transmission.

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l Devices to be checked support UDP rollback.


l When checking network connection between a BTS and a BSC, set Source Port No. to
l When checking network connection between a BTS and transmission devices, set Source
Port No. to a value within the range allowed by the device.

Table 5-53 describes the parameters.

Table 5-53 Parameters in the UDP ECHO tab page

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Cabinet No. Indicates the number of the 0 to 62

cabinet that contains the
transmission board.

Subrack No. Indicates the number of the 0 to 254

subrack that contains the
transmission board.

Slot No. Indicates the number of the 0 to 23

slot that holds the
transmission board.

Source IP address Source IP address where the, valid class-A

UDP Echo packets are sent address, class-B address, and
class-C address (This
parameter cannot be set to a
reserved IP address, such as
0.x.x.x or 127.x.x.x.)

Destination IP address Destination IP address where, valid class-A

the UDP Echo packets are address, class-B address, and
received class-C address (This
parameter cannot be set to a
reserved IP address, such as
0.x.x.x or 127.x.x.x.)

Source Port No. ID of the source port where 0 to 65535

the UDP Echo packets are

Destination Port No. ID of the destination port l 7

where the UDP Echo packets l 65040
are received

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Parameter Meaning Value Range

Time Distance(ms) Interval at which UDP Echo 200 to 10000

packets are sent

DSCP Differentiated services code 0 to 63


TTL Time to Live (TTL) for UDP 1 to 255

Echo packets

Send Times Number of times that UDP 1 to 1024

Echo packets are sent

Packet Length Payload length of UDP Echo 20 to 3000


Continue UDP ECHO PING Indication for determining l ENABLE

whether to continuously send l DISABLE
UDP Echo packets
When this parameter is set to
ENABLE, Send Times does
not take effect.

Timeout Duration after which 1 to 5000

response to UDP Echo
packets expires

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Transmission
Test Function in the Function area.
The IP Debug dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click the UDP ECHO tab. The UDP ECHO tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-226.

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Figure 5-226 UDP ECHO dialog box

Step 3 Set the parameters by referring to Table 5-53.

Step 4 Click Start to start the UDP Echo ping detection.

Figure 5-227 shows the detection result.

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Figure 5-227 Result of the UDP ECHO ping detection

Click Stop to stop UDP Echo ping detection.


5.24 PIM Offline Test

The PIM offline test is introduced to check whether intermodulation interference exists on the
antenna. This test helps field engineers solve the interference problem by using the SMT without
additional devices.

There are two or more carriers on the tested TX port.

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l The cell (including the BCCH) must be out of service during the test. Before performing the
test, ensure that the services of the cell have been switched to other cells under the BSC.
l In multi-mode scenario, this test fails to be performed if the transmit channel of the tested
carrier contains a carrier of a different mode. This is to avoid affecting the services of that

l Only one test can be performed at one cell at a time. In addition, this test can be performed
in multiple cells under a same BTS at a time. This test cannot be performed together with
the spectrum scan (including that on the SMT and on the LMT) in a cell.
l This test cannot be performed with the port A or port B of the DRFU, DRRU and GRFU.
This test can be performed with the port A or port B of the GRRU.
l The DRFU, GRFU, MRFU, RRU3004, RRU3008, or RRU3908 does not support the IM
index test-sweep mode.

The lossy passive intermodulation (PIM) test can be performed in either of the following modes:
l IM index test mode: Test the 3-, 5-, 7-, 9-, 11-, 13-, and 15-order level of two frequencies
within the frequency band. Based on the test result, determine whether the antenna system
is affected by intermodulation interference.
l IM index test-sweep mode: Test the 3-, 5-, 7-, 9-, 11-, 13-, and 15-order level of each pair
of frequencies within the frequency band. Based on the test result, determine whether the
antenna system is affected by intermodulation interference.

Table 5-54 Parameters in the PIM offline test

Parameter Description Value Range

Cabinet No. Number of the cabinet that 0 to 62

holds the tested RF module

Subrack No. Number of the subrack that 0 to 254

holds the tested RF module

Slot No. Number of the slot that holds 0 to 23

the tested RF module

Antenna Tributary No. Number of the port where the l 0

tested carrier is transmitted l 1

Low Frequency Start frequency of the test 0 to 25000 (unit: 0.1 MHz)

High Frequency End frequency of the test. 0 to 25000 (unit: 0.1 MHz)
The value of this parameter
must be greater than that of
Low Frequency.

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Parameter Description Value Range

Operate Mode Test mode l IM Index Test

l IM Index Test-Sweep

Frequency Step Frequency step in swept 1 to 100 (unit: 0.1 MHz)

frequency mode
l This parameter takes
effect when Operate
Mode is set to IM Index
l When the value of this
parameter is empty, the
default frequency step is
0.5 MHz.

PIM3 Threshold 3rd intermodulation rejection 0 to 255 (Recommended

threshold value: 132)

PIM5 Threshold 5th intermodulation rejection 0 to 255 (Recommended

threshold value: 142)

PIM7 Threshold 7th-15th intermodulation 0 to 255 (Recommended

rejection threshold value: 152)

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click PIM Offline
Test in the Function area.
The PIM Offline Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-228.

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Figure 5-228 The PIM Offline Test dialog box

Step 2 Set the Cabinet No., Subrack No., Slot No., and Antenna Tributary No. of the tested RF
module according to the site configuration.

Step 3 Set Low Frequency and High Frequency. Note that the interval between two frequencies must
be smaller than the transmit channel bandwidth of the RF module.

Step 4 Set Operate Mode.

l When Operate Mode is set to IM Index Test, perform the following steps:
1. Set the PIM thresholds, and then click Start.
The Select Cell dialog box is displayed.
2. Specify the No. of the cell served by the RF channel based on actual conditions in Select
Cell No.. Then, click OK.
After the test is complete, the test result is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-229.
If the PIM test is performed during a BTS deployment, you do not need to specify the cell No. That
is, select Don't select cell No. on the Select Cell dialog box.

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Figure 5-229 Result of the PIM Offline Test

l When Operate Mode is set to IM Index Test-Sweep, perform the following steps:
1. Set the Frequency Step and PIM thresholds, and then click Start.
The Select Cell dialog box is displayed.
2. Specify the No. of the cell served by the RF channel based on actual conditions in Select
Cell No.. Then, click OK.
After the test is complete, the result of the intermodulation level difference test is
displayed in the Real Time Report dialog box, as shown in Figure 5-230. Additionally,
the result of the lossy PIM test is saved in an .mmf file under the rftst folder, which is
stored in the same directory as the btsm.exe.
If the PIM test is performed during a BTS deployment, you do not need to specify the cell No. That
is, select Don't select cell No. on the Select Cell dialog box.

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Figure 5-230 Result of the intermodulation level difference test

3. Click to close the test result.

Click Stop to stop the ongoing lossy PIM test if required.

Step 5 Click Close to terminate the test.


5.25 Locking RXU Traffic Capability

This section describes how to configure and query the maximum output power of an RXU. The
maximum output power of an RXU is locked to meet the requirement of the local administrative
department and to avoid unintended modification or operation on the maximum output power
of the RXU.

The following RF modules do not support this function:

DRFU, GRFU, MRFU V1, MRFU V2(850M), MRFU V2(E900M), MRFU V2(1800M), MRFU
V2a, RRU3004, RRU3008, and RRU3908

5.25.1 Configuring RXU Traffic Capability

This section describes how to configure the maximum output power of an RXU through the site
maintenance terminal (SMT).

l The BTS is powered on.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

l The RXU is securely connected.
l You have obtained the maximum output power of the BTS.

l After configuring the maximum output power of an RXU, reset the RXU manually to make
the configuration take effect.
l If a BTS has multiple RXU boards, reset all the RXU boards manually after the
configuration is complete.
l After the RXU is reset, query the traffic capability to check whether the configuration has
taken effect. For details, see 5.25.2 Querying RXU Traffic Capability.
Table 5-55 lists the parameters related to configuring RXU traffic capability.

Table 5-55 Parameters related to configuring RXU traffic capability

Name Description Value

CabinetNo Number of the cabinet 0 to 62

SubRackNo Number of the subrack where the 0 to 254

BTS board is located

SlotNo Number of the slot where the 0 to 23

BTS board is located

TxChNo Antenna pass number l 0 indicates Pass A

l 1 indicates Pass B

MaxOutPutPower Maximum output power of the l 0 indicates that the power

(10mW) transmit channel of a TRX lock is cleared.
module. (Unit: mW) l The step is 1 W.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Lock RXU
Traffic Capability in the Function area.
The Lock RXU Traffic Capability window is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-231.

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Figure 5-231 Configuring RXU traffic capability

Step 2 Set the parameters CabinetNo, SubrackNo, SlotNo, TXChNo, and MaxOutPutPower based
on the actual situation.

Step 3 Click Set.

Step 4 Reset the RXU to make the configuration take effect.


5.25.2 Querying RXU Traffic Capability

This section describes how to query the maximum output power of an RXU and how to check
whether the configuration has taken effect.

l The BTS is powered on.
l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.
l The RXU is securely connected.

Table 5-56 lists the parameters related to querying RXU traffic capability.

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Table 5-56 Querying RXU traffic capability

Name Description Value

Query Para CabinetNo Number of the cabinet. 0 to 62

SubRackNo Number of the subrack. 0 to 254

SlotNo Number of the slot. 0 to 23

Query RXU Hardware Output Maximum output power -

Result Power Value A (10mW) of path A in the hardware

RXU Output Power Value A Configured maximum -

(10mW) output power of path A.
If the traffic capability is
not configured, the
hardware specification is
used as the value of this

RXU Hardware Output Maximum output power -

Power Value B (10mW) of path B in the hardware

RXU Output Power Value B Configured maximum -

(10mW) output power of path B.
If the traffic capability is
not configured, the
hardware specification is
used as the value of this

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Lock RXU
Traffic Capability in the Function area.
The Lock RXU Traffic Capability window is displayed,

Step 2 Click the Query Config tab. The Query Config tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-232 Querying RXU traffic capability

Step 3 Set the parameters CabinetNo, SubRackNo, and SlotNo in the Query Para area based on the
actual situation.

Step 4 Click Query.

The queried result is displayed in the Query Result area of the Query Config tab page.


5.26 DTF Test

If you detect voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) alarms when remote radio units (RRUs) or
radio frequency units (RFUs) are installed under the tower or there are multiple connection
terminals between RRUs and antennas, enable the DTF Test function. This function provides
reference for fault detection and maintenance, facilitating location of poor connections.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l RF modules supporting DTF Test are RRU3926 and RRU3936.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click DTF Test in the
Function area.
The DTF Test window is displayed.

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DTF Test must be performed in offline mode and therefore services will be interrupted.

Step 2 Click Test. The Test tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-233.

Figure 5-233 DTF test

Step 3 Set relevant parameters by referring to Table 5-57.

Table 5-57 Parameters for DTF Test

Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Cabinet No. 0 to 62 Yes

Subrack No. 0 to 255 Yes

Slot No. 0 to 23 Yes

TX Channel 0 to 3 Yes

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Parameter Value Range Whether Mandatory

Cable Type l 1/4Cable Yes

l 3/8Cable
l 1/2Cable
l 5/8Cable
l 7/8Cable
l 7/8Low Cable
l 11/4Cable
l 15/8Cable
l Ideality Transmission

Diaplay 0 to 120 Yes

Range Of
Feeder Test

Start 0 to 65535 Yes


Stop 0 to 65535 Yes


Step 4 Click Start. The DTF test is started.

If you need to save the test result, select Auto Save.

Step 5 Click Result. The Result tab page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-234.

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Figure 5-234 Result tab page


5.27 RF Antenna and Crossed Pair Detection

This section describes how to detect RF antenna and crossed pair connection (feeders between
cells of a BTS are reversely connected) on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click RF Antenna
and Crossed Pair Detection in the Function area.
The RF Antenna and Crossed Pair Detection dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-235 RF Antenna and Crossed Pair Detection dialog box

Step 2 Optional: Specify Minimum Test Frequency and Maximum Test Frequency.
The test frequency ranges from 0 MHz to 2500 MHz.

Step 3 Click Start to detect RF antenna and crossed pair connection.

The detection results are displayed in the Result pane at the lower left corner and the Detailed
Result pane on the right.


5.28 Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time

This section describes how to set the number of login failures and lock time on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click Set Login Failure
Times and Lock Time in the Function area.
The Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

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Figure 5-236 Set Login Failure Times and Lock Time dialog box

Step 2 Set Login Limit Times and Lock Time Config.

If Login Limit Times is set to 0, the number of login failures is not restricted.

Step 3 Click Submit. The number of login failures and lock time are set successfully.


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6 Managing Cells

About This Chapter

The cell management involves managing cell attributes and cell extended attributes, testing all
the BTs and RCs of a cell so that they can be locked or unlocked, and checking whether the BTs
and RCs are functional.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.
6.1 Managing Cell Attributes
This describes how to view or set the interference level boundary, interference average
parameter, connection failure threshold, T200, overload period, starting frame No., CCCH load
threshold, CCCH load indicating period, RACH busy determination threshold, RACH load
averaging slots, cell air-interface timer, NY1, BSIC, BCCH ARFCN, and Max. time advance.
6.2 Managing Cell Extended Attributes
This function is performed to Enable Startup capacity booster of the TRX board to reduce the
power consumption of the BTS.
6.3 Performing Cell Opstart
Validate the configured cell data on the BTS OM system. The cell data includes cell attributes
and the cell extended attributes.
6.4 Changing the Cell Management State
This function is performed to lock or unlock the BTs and RCs of a cell.
6.5 Performing the Cell Performance Test
This function is performed to test all the RCs of a cell and to check whether they are functional.
6.6 Cell Power Attenuation
Functioning as a power attenuator, the cell power attenuation function is generally used in
scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing cell transmit power on the SMT.
6.7 Changing the Cell Operational State
The blocking and unblocking of cell can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

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6.8 Offline Spectrum Scanning

To help field engineers solve problems about intermodulation interference or other interference,
the offline spectrum scanning function is enabled on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT) to
obtain the related spectrum data without using a spectrum analyzer.

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6.1 Managing Cell Attributes

This describes how to view or set the interference level boundary, interference average
parameter, connection failure threshold, T200, overload period, starting frame No., CCCH load
threshold, CCCH load indicating period, RACH busy determination threshold, RACH load
averaging slots, cell air-interface timer, NY1, BSIC, BCCH ARFCN, and Max. time advance.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 6-1 describes the parameters.

Table 6-1 Parameters in the Cell Attributes Management dialog box

Parameter Description Value

Name Range

Interference level There are six interference levels. The BTS calculates the The six
boundary interference value of a channel based on the parameters
measurement report (MR) sent from an MS, and then must be listed
determines its level by comparing the calculated value in an
with the six levels. ascending
order. The six
must be
within the
range (-115
to -85).

Interference Determines the number of measurement reports that the 1 to 31

average parameter BTS receives before an interference value is calculated. Recommend
ed Value: 14

Connection Compares the measurement report and the value of the 0 to 127
failure threshold bit error rate that are reported by an MS with the receive Recommend
power level to judge whether the connection fails. ed Value: 15

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Parameter Description Value

Name Range

T200 Determines the timer duration for responses after l 0 to 1275

messages are sent in the related channels. (for
full rate,
half rate,
l 0 to 2550

Max. time Time advance for the farthest point of the area that the 0 to 127
advance cell covers Recommend
ed Value: 63

Overload period The BTS calculates the channel usage at a fixed interval 0 to 65535
to check whether the channel is overloaded. The interval
is determined by the overloading period.

CCCH load Ratio of times of successful random access to total 0 to 100%

threshold collision times within the time. Recommend
ed Value:

CCCH load Determines the duration within which the BTS must 0 to 255
indication period report the load on the CCCH to the MSC. Recommend
ed Value: 15

RACH busy Determines the level threshold of random access. -255 dBm to
threshold 0 dBm

RACH load Measures the average loading timeslot number for 0 to 65535
averaging slots random access channel.

Cell air-interface Determines the timing length. 0 to 2550


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Parameter Description Value

Name Range

NY1 The maximum number of times that the physical 0 to 255

information can be resent. It is related to handover. Recommend
ed Value: 6 or

BCCH ARFCN Determines the number of the BCCH frequency. There l 128 to
are 124, 193, 374, and 299 frequencies on the 850 MHz, 251 (850
900 MHz, 1800 MHz, and 1900 MHz bands MHz)
respectively. l 1 to 124,
955 to
1023 (900
l 512 to
885 (1800
l 512 to
810 (1900

BSIC The base station identity code (Base station identity 0 to 63

code = network color code + base station color code)

Starting frame No. Determines the frame from which this function takes 0 to 65535

FrameOffset The variance in the number of configured frames for 0 to 255 (This
different cells under one BTS. value is
reported by
the BTS and
the SMT is
only used to
query the

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Cell Attributes
Management in the Function area.
The Cell Attributes Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-1.

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Figure 6-1 Cell Attributes Management dialog box

Step 2 Set each attribute.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click Set, Confirm dialog box is displayed, then click Yes and then close.
The attributes are set successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the
Cell Attributes Management dialog box.

Step 4 Performing cell opstart.

Step 5 Click Refresh.

The attributes are obtained successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom
of the Cell Attributes Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-1.

The configure operation enables the site maintenance terminal to activate the parameters on the BTS. The
refresh operation enables the site maintenance terminal to obtain the latest data from the BTS. You can
perform the refresh operation to confirm the accuracy of data.

Step 6 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


6.2 Managing Cell Extended Attributes

This function is performed to Enable Startup capacity booster of the TRX board to reduce the
power consumption of the BTS.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 6-2 describes the parameters.

Table 6-2 Parameters in the Cell Extended Attributes Management dialog box

Name of Check Box Meaning

Startup capacity Enable Startup capacity booster of the TRX board to reduce the
booster power consumption of the BTS.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Cell Extended
Attributes Management in the Function area.
The Cell Extended Attributes Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure

Figure 6-2 Cell Extended Attributes Management dialog box

Step 2 Enable Start capacity booster.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click on Set, confirm dialog box is displayed, then click yes and close the box

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The extended attributes are set successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the Cell
Extended Attributes Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-2.

The Site Maintenance Terminal System sends the configured data to the BTS and the data takes effect. The
configured cell extended attributes cannot be refreshed.


6.3 Performing Cell Opstart

Validate the configured cell data on the BTS OM system. The cell data includes cell attributes
and the cell extended attributes.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Cell Opstart in the
Function area.
The Cell Opstart window is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the Cell Opstart dialog box,
as shown in Figure 6-3.

Figure 6-3 Cell Opstart dialog box

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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6.4 Changing the Cell Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock the BTs and RCs of a cell.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


When the cell management state is changed to Locked, all the channels in the cell are in the Out
of Service state. That is, the cell cannot provide any service when it is locked. Therefore, you
should perform this function with care.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Change Cell
Management State in the Function area.
The Change Cell Management State dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Figure 6-4 Change Cell Management State dialog box

Step 2 Select the management state you need.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click OK.

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The cell management state is changed successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar at
the bottom of the Change Cell Management State dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-4.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


6.5 Performing the Cell Performance Test

This function is performed to test all the RCs of a cell and to check whether they are functional.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Cell Performance
Test in the Function area.
The Site Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5 Cell Test dialog box

Step 2 Click Start.

The test report is obtained. The result is displayed in the Cell Test dialog box. If the test is
successful, you can infer that the BTs and the RCs are functional, as shown in Figure 6-5.

During the test, you can click Stop to end the test. The result is displayed in the Cell Test dialog box.

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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6.6 Cell Power Attenuation

Functioning as a power attenuator, the cell power attenuation function is generally used in
scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing cell transmit power on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Cell Power
Attenuation in the Function area.
The Cell Power Attenuation dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-6.

Figure 6-6 Cell Power Attenuation dialog box

Step 2 Set Value.

Step 3 Click Start to start power attenuation.

Step 4 Click Stop to stop power attenuation and restore the existing power to the originally configured


6.7 Changing the Cell Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of cell can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Operational State
Management in the Function area.
The Cell Operational State window is displayed.

Step 2 Click Disable or Enable. Then click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom
of the Cell Operational State dialog box, as shown in Figure 6-7.

Figure 6-7 Cell Operational State dialog box


6.8 Offline Spectrum Scanning

To help field engineers solve problems about intermodulation interference or other interference,
the offline spectrum scanning function is enabled on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT) to
obtain the related spectrum data without using a spectrum analyzer.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The carriers to be tested must be non-BCCH carriers, and RX channels for the carriers
should be available.
l The frequency bands to be scanned must be within the range of frequency bands supported
by the carriers, and no abnormal alarm from BT.
l No other spectrum scanning test on site at the same time, and no other spectrum scanning
test (on site or remote) in the cell at the same time.

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l If the channel to be tested is a common channel, such as BCCH, CCCH, or CBCH, or is the
only SDCCH on this carrier, the test cannot be performed on this channel.
l The offline spectrum scanning is categorized into channel-level scanning and carrier-level
scanning. When the channel-level spectrum scanning is performed, all channels on the carrier
of the involved channel cannot be used, and the channels with the same channel number on
other carriers in the cell cannot be used. When the carrier-level spectrum scanning is
performed, carriers except for main BCCH carriers in the cell cannot be used.

Table 6-3 Description of parameters related to offline spectrum scanning

Parameters Description Value

Test Type Optional test type l Trx

l Channel

Site ID ID of a site 0 to 2047

Cell No Number of a test cell 0 to 2047

Trx No Number of a test carrier 0 to 71

Channel No Number of a test channel 0 to 7

LOCGRPNo Number of a test location 0 to 35, null


Test Duration Duration of a test, in unit of 10 to 1440


Low Frequency Frequency from which -

scanning is started, in unit of
0.1 MHz

High Frequency Frequency where scanning is -

ended, in unit of 0.1 MHz

RBW Resolution bandwidth 200K (Currently only 200

KHz is allowed.)

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Cell in the navigation tree and then double-click Frequency Scan in
the Function area.
The Frequency Scan window is displayed, as shown in Figure 6-8.

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Figure 6-8 Frequency Scan

Step 2 Set Test Type to Trx or Channel.

Step 3 Set other parameters as required, and then click Start.
Step 4 In the displayed Frequency Scan Result Display window, set the required items and check
Auto Save.
As shown in Figure 6-9.

Figure 6-9 Frequency Scan Result Display

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1. You need to record the path for saving files for further analysis.
2. After the Max Value Keep function is enabled, the maximum interference values of
frequencies within the specified range during the test duration are displayed.
3. By Set Marker, user could observe the power with 3 given frequencies.

Step 5 Optional: Click Start Test to start a dummy burst test and click Stop Test to stop a dummy
burst test.
In the Burst Setting window, you can set the baseband range and test duration.

Step 6 After the spectrum scanning is complete, close the Frequency Scan Result Display window.
In the Frequency Scan window, click Stop to stop the spectrum scanning.

If you want to view the scanning result, obtain the files from the recorded path.


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SMT User Guide 7 Managing BTs

7 Managing BTs

About This Chapter

The BT management involves locking or unlocking a BT, resetting a BT, performing the RC
self-test, view the status of the channels on a specified BT, and enabling a specified RC to
transmit signals at a predefined power level.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.
7.1 Performing BT Opstart
Validate the configured BT data on the BTS OM system. The BT data include BT RSL
7.2 Changing the BT Management State
This function is performed to lock or unlock a BT.
7.3 Re-Initializing a BT
This function is performed to reset a BT and to reload the configuration data of the BT.
7.4 Performing Baseband Test
The baseband test consists of the BIU loop test and the TRX self-test. The BIU loop test checks
the physical link between the TRX and the BTS Data Bus (DBUS). The TRX self-test checks
the quality of the TX and RX channel.
7.5 Baseband Power Attenuation
Functioning as a power attenuator, the baseband power attenuation function is generally used
in scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing baseband transmit power on the SMT.
7.6 Viewing the Channel Status
This function is performed to query the status of all the channels on a BT.
7.7 Setting the TRX Full Power Emission
This function is performed to enable a specified TRX to perform the full power emission and to
test the transmit power level of signals. Based on this level, the software and hardware parameters
can be adjusted accordingly during network planning. Therefore, the coverage of the BTS can
be optimized.

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7.8 Changing the BT Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of BT can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

7.9 TRX Property Query

This section describes how to query TRX attributes on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT).

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7.1 Performing BT Opstart

Validate the configured BT data on the BTS OM system. The BT data include BT RSL

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click BT Opstart in the
Function area.
The BT Opstart window is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the BT Opstart dialog box,
as shown in Figure 7-1.

Figure 7-1 BT Opstart dialog box

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


7.2 Changing the BT Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock a BT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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When you set the BT management state to Locked, all the channels of the baseband are in the
Out of Service state. That is, the baseband cannot provide any service. Therefore, you should
perform this function with care.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click Change BT
Management State in the Function area.
The Change BT Management State dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Change BT Management State dialog box

Step 2 Choose a BT and a management state.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click OK, and then 7.1 Performing BT Opstart.

The BT management state is changed successfully. The result is displayed in the Operational
result pane, as shown in Figure 7-2.

You can click the Operational result pane to have it enlarged. The detailed information can be displayed
in the pane. You can click in the enlarged pane to have the pane return to the original state.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 7 Managing BTs

7.3 Re-Initializing a BT
This function is performed to reset a BT and to reload the configuration data of the BT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


Re-initializing BT is actually the hard reset of the BT. All the services of the BT are interrupted
during the hard reset. Therefore, you should perform this function carefully.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click BT
Reinitialization in the Function area.
The BT Reinitialization dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 BT Reinitialization dialog box

Step 2 Click OK.

The result is displayed in the BT Reinitialization dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 7 Managing BTs

7.4 Performing Baseband Test

The baseband test consists of the BIU loop test and the TRX self-test. The BIU loop test checks
the physical link between the TRX and the BTS Data Bus (DBUS). The TRX self-test checks
the quality of the TX and RX channel.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

l The BIU loop test checks the link quality of the TRX signaling channel on the BTS DBUS
corresponding to the time slot. During the test, the TRX sends the signaling data to the time
slot on the BTS DBUS, and the Transmission/Timing Management Unit (TMU) feedbacks
the data to TRX. The TRX compared the feedback data with the original data, and generates
a report regarding the Bit Error Rate (BER), which shows the link quality of the signaling
channel between the TRX and the DBUS. Figure 7-4 shows the structure of the BIU loop

Figure 7-4 BIU loop test

l The TRX self-test checks the quality of the TX and RX channel. The test is started by the
DSP of the radio frequency unit, through the BaseBand processing unit (BB), loops back
by the TRX, and feedback to the DSP. The DSP compared the data, and report the BER,
which shows the quality of the TX and RX channel in the BTS. Figure 7-5 shows the
structure of the TRX self-test. Click 9.4 Performing the Loopback Test to see more Loop
test information.

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Figure 7-5 TRX self-test

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click BT Loop Test in the
Function area.
The BT Loop Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 TRX baseband test GUI

Step 2 Select the type of the test and the time interval of the test, as shown in Figure 7-6.

The time interval of the test is corresponded with the type of the test. The longer the time interval is, the
more stable the reported performance is.

Step 3 Click Start to start the test.

During the test, you can click Stop to end the test. In this case, Stopping test successfully
message will be displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the BT Loop Test dialog box.

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Upon completion of the test, a BER report is obtained. The result is displayed on the status bar
at the bottom of the BT Loop Test dialog box.


7.5 Baseband Power Attenuation

Functioning as a power attenuator, the baseband power attenuation function is generally used
in scenarios of replacing antenna devices. This function aims to reduce radiation exposure to
maintenance personnel by reducing baseband transmit power on the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click BT Power
Attenuation in the Function area.
The BT Power Attenuation dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7 BT Power Attenuation dialog box

Step 2 Set Value.

Step 3 Click Start to start power attenuation.

Step 4 Click Stop to stop power attenuation and restore the existing power to the originally configured


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7.6 Viewing the Channel Status

This function is performed to query the status of all the channels on a BT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

A channel can be in any of the following states: A (Active), I (Idle), O (Out of Service), B
(Blocked), and U (Unavailable). A channel in the O, B, or U state cannot be seized by a call.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click View Channel
State in the Function area.
The View Channel State dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8 View Channel State dialog box

Step 2 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


7.7 Setting the TRX Full Power Emission

This function is performed to enable a specified TRX to perform the full power emission and to
test the transmit power level of signals. Based on this level, the software and hardware parameters
can be adjusted accordingly during network planning. Therefore, the coverage of the BTS can
be optimized.

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l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The power test devices are prepared.

The static power level ranges from 0-10 dBm in steps of 2 dBm.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Site255 in the navigation tree and then double-click TRX Full Power
Emission in the Function area.
The TRX Full Power Emission dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9 TRX Full Power Emission dialog box

Step 2 Select a static power level and a BT, and set the test duration, as shown in Figure 7-9.

The parameter Set Static Power Level specifies the power level of the TRX during the test. Current Static
Power Level is the current power level of the TRX before a test.
Generally, the longer the duration of the test, the more stable the test result.

Step 3 Click Start Test.

After the test is complete, the result is displayed on the status bar of the TRX Full Power
Emission dialog box.

You can click Stop Test to end the test in progress. In addition, on the status bar of the TRX Full Power
Emission dialog box, the Get Static Power Level Successfully. message is displayed.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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7.8 Changing the BT Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of BT can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click Operational State
Management in the Function area.
The BT Operational State window is displayed.

Step 2 Click Disable or Enable. Then click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom
of the BT Operational State dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-10 BT Operational State dialog box

Step 3 Click on the dialog box to end the operation.


7.9 TRX Property Query

This section describes how to query TRX attributes on the Site Maintenance Terminal (SMT).

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select BT in the navigation tree and then double-click Trx Attribute
Query in the Function area.
The Trx Attribute Query is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11 Trx Attribute Query window

Step 2 Set Cell No and Trx No.

Step 3 Select Validate State.

Step 4 Click Query.

The query results are displayed in the Trx Attribute Query dialog box, as shown in Figure

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Figure 7-12 Result of the TRX Attribute Query


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SMT User Guide 8 Managing RCs

8 Managing RCs

About This Chapter

The RC management involves setting the attributes and extended attributes of an RC, locking
or unlocking an RC, resetting an RC, and adjusting power of an RC automatically.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.

8.1 Managing RC Attributes

This function is performed to view and set the Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
(ARFCN), that is, the frequency number of the current RC.

8.2 Managing RC Extended Attributes

This function is performed to view or set the extended RC attributes, including the static power
level, saturation threshold, saturation voltage threshold, and power mode.

8.3 Performing RC Opstart

Validate the configured RC data on the BTS OM system. RC data include RC attributes and RC
extended attributes.

8.4 Changing the RC Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock an RC.

8.5 Re-Initializing an RC
This function is performed to reset an RC. After the RC is reset, the GTMU sends the stored
configuration data to the RC again, and the configuration data takes effect on the RC.

8.6 Obtaining the RC Power Mode

This function is performed to view the power type and the current work mode of an RC.

8.7 Obtaining the Auto Power Adjustment Type

This function is performed to obtain the information about the frequency band of an RC and
whether the RC supports the automatic power control function.

8.8 Changing the RC Operational State

Issue 08 (2014-08-27) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 339

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The blocking and unblocking of RC can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

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SMT User Guide 8 Managing RCs

8.1 Managing RC Attributes

This function is performed to view and set the Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number
(ARFCN), that is, the frequency number of the current RC.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 8-1 describes the parameters.

Table 8-1 Parameters in the RC Attributes Management dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

ARFCN This parameter specifies the l 850 MHz: 124 frequencies numbered
frequency number of an RC. from 128 to 251
l 900 MHz: 194 frequencies numbered
from 0 to 124 and 955 to 1023
l 1800 MHz: 374 frequencies
numbered from 512 to 885
l 1900 MHz: 299 frequencies
numbered from 512 to 810

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click RC Attributes
Management in the Function area.
The RC Attributes Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1 RC Attributes Management dialog box

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Step 2 Set ARFCN.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click Set, for the following message Are you sure you want to make the changes?, click
The RC attributes are set successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the RC
Attributes Management dialog box.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box.

Step 5 8.3 Performing RC Opstart.

Step 6 Click Refresh.

The RC attributes are obtained successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the RC
Attributes Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 8-1.

The configure operation enables the site maintenance terminal to activate the parameters on the BTS. The
refresh operation enables the site maintenance terminal to obtain the latest data from the BTS. You can
perform the refresh operation to confirm the accuracy of data.

Step 7 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.2 Managing RC Extended Attributes

This function is performed to view or set the extended RC attributes, including the static power
level, saturation threshold, saturation voltage threshold, and power mode.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 8-2 describes the parameters.

Table 8-2 Parameters in the RC Extended Attribute Management dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Static Power Based on the coverage of the local network, you can 0 to 10
Level change the power and coverage by changing the
static power level.

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SMT User Guide 8 Managing RCs

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Saturation This parameter determines the minimum access -11 to 63

Threshold level of the MS on the RACH. If the received level Default value: 1
of a timeslot bearing a random access burst is higher
than RACH Min Access Level, the BTS thinks that
the timeslot has an access request. This parameter
and Random Access Error Threshold determine
whether the RACH access is valid. This parameter
should be set on the basis of the actual receiver
sensitivity of the BTS and the minimum access level
of the MS to avoid the situation where a call cannot
be made even though there are signals detected.

Saturation This parameter determines the maximum access 0 to 255

Voltage level. If the access level exceeds this threshold, the
Threshold access is invalid.

Power Mode Current work mode, that is, power type of an RC. Unknown,
100mW, 200mW,
1W, 1.5W, 2W,
2.5W, 3W, 3.1W,
3.7W, 4W, 4.5W,
5W, 5.5W, 6W,
6.5W, 7W, 7.5W,
8W, 8.5W, 9W,
9.5W, 10W, 11W,
11.5W, 12W,
12.5W, 13W,
13.3W, 14W,
15W, 16W, 17W,
18W, 19W, 20W,
21W, 24W, 25W,
26W, 27W, 30W,
31W, 35W, 40W,
45W, 50W, 55W,
60W, 63W, 70W,
75W, 80W, 85W,
90W, 95W, 100W,
105W, 110W,
115W, 120W,
125W, 130W,
135W, 140W,
145W, 150W,
155W, 160W

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click RC Extended
Attributes Management in the Function area.

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The RC Extended Attributes Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-2.

Figure 8-2 RC Extended Attributes Management dialog box

Step 2 Set the RC extended attributes.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click Set, confirm dialog box is displayed, then click Yes.
The extended attributes are set successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the RC
Extended Attributes Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 8-2.

The configure operation enables the site maintenance terminal to activate the parameters on the BTS. The
refresh operation enables the site maintenance terminal to obtain the latest data from the BTS. You can
perform the refresh operation to confirm the accuracy of data.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.3 Performing RC Opstart

Validate the configured RC data on the BTS OM system. RC data include RC attributes and RC
extended attributes.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click RC Opstart in the
Function area.
The RC Opstart window is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the RC Opstart dialog box,
as shown in Figure 8-3.

Figure 8-3 RC Opstart dialog box

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.4 Changing the RC Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock an RC.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


When the RC management state is set to Locked, all the channels on the RC are in the out of
service state, which means that the RC cannot provide any service. Therefore, you should
perform this function with care.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click Change RC
Management State in the Function area.
The Change RC Management State dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Figure 8-4 Change RC Management State dialog box

Step 2 Select the current RC or all the RCs, and select a management state.

The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click OK.

The RC management state is changed successfully. In the Change RC Management State
dialog box, the result is displayed in the Operational result list box, as shown in Figure 8-4.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.5 Re-Initializing an RC
This function is performed to reset an RC. After the RC is reset, the GTMU sends the stored
configuration data to the RC again, and the configuration data takes effect on the RC.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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l Re-initializing RC is actually the hardware reset of the RC. All the services of the RC are
interrupted during the hardware reset. Therefore, you should perform this function with
l This operation will interrupt the services carried by this RC.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click RC
Reinitialization in the Function area.
The RC Reinitialization dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Click OK.
The RC is reinitialized successfully. The result is displayed in the RC Reinitialization dialog
box, as shown in Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5 RC Reinitialization dialog box

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.6 Obtaining the RC Power Mode

This function is performed to view the power type and the current work mode of an RC.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click Get RC Power
Mode in the Function area.
The Get RC Power Mode dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 8-6.

Figure 8-6 Get RC Power Mode dialog box

Step 2 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.7 Obtaining the Auto Power Adjustment Type

This function is performed to obtain the information about the frequency band of an RC and
whether the RC supports the automatic power control function.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

The automatic power control function can keep the frequency of the RC within a fixed range.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click Get Auto Power
Adjustment Type in the Function area.
The auto power adjustment type is obtained successfully. The result is displayed on the status
bar in the Get Auto Power Adjustment Type dialog box, as shown in Figure 8-7.

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Figure 8-7 Get Auto Power Adjustment Type dialog box


This function is for query purpose only.

Step 2 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


8.8 Changing the RC Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of RC can be performed on the site maintenance terminal, even
without the site management rights.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select RC in the navigation tree and then double-click Operational State
Management in the Function area.
The RC Operational State window is displayed.

Step 2 Click Disable or Enable. Then click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom
of the RC Operational State dialog box, as shown in Figure 8-8.

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Figure 8-8 RC Operational State dialog box

Step 3 Click on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

9 Managing Channels

About This Chapter

The channel management involves viewing and setting channel attributes, locking or unlocking
a channel, and checking the quality of a channel by testing the parameters such as the bit error
rate (BER) and transmit power.

9.1 Managing Channel Attributes

This function is performed to view or set the channel parameters, including channel combination,
TSC selection, and starting frame number.

9.2 Performing Channel Opstart

Validate the configured channel data on the BTS OM system. Channel data include channel

9.3 Changing the Channel Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock a channel.

9.4 Performing the Loopback Test

This function is performed to check the quality of a channel by testing the parameters such as
the bit error rate (BER) and transmit power of the channel.


The CODEC MODE test records encoding and decoding data status of each frame to
commission, verify, and locate the encoding and decoding function of CS services.

9.6 Changing the Channel Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of channel can be performed on the site maintenance terminal,
even without the site management rights.

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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

9.1 Managing Channel Attributes

This function is performed to view or set the channel parameters, including channel combination,
TSC selection, and starting frame number.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

The channel configuration in the BTS must be consistent with that in the BSC. Table 9-1
describes the parameters.

Table 9-1 Parameters in the Channel Attributes Management dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Channel Logical channel combinations that are l TCHFULL

combination carried on the physical channel l TCHHALF

TSC selection The TSC helps the demodulation module of 0 to 7

the BT evaluate the channel characteristics so
that the valid information can be decoded
correctly. In cell frequency hopping, the TSC
should be consistent with the BCC of the cell.
Otherwise, the TCHs of the cell cannot be
occupied normally.

Starting frame This parameter determines the frame from 0 to 42431

No. which the setting takes effect.

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Parameter Meaning Value Range

Channel width Indicates the bandwidth of the current l Unknown

channel. l 0K
l 16K
l 32K
l 48K
l 64K

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click Channel
Attributes Management in the Function area.
The Channel Attributes Management dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-1.

Figure 9-1 Channel Attributes Management dialog box

Step 2 Set the parameters.


The parameters displayed on the terminal are the activated parameters on the BTS. You can adjust their

Step 3 Click Set, confirm dialog box is displayed, then click Yes and close the dialog box. And then
9.2 Performing Channel Opstart.
The attributes are set successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the Channel
Attributes Management dialog box.
Step 4 Click Refresh.
The attributes are obtained successfully. The result is displayed on the status bar in the Channel
Attributes Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 9-1.

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The configure operation enables the site maintenance terminal to activate the parameters on the BTS. The
refresh operation enables the site maintenance terminal to obtain the latest data from the BTS. You can
perform the refresh operation to confirm the accuracy of data.

Step 5 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


9.2 Performing Channel Opstart

Validate the configured channel data on the BTS OM system. Channel data include channel

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click Channel
Opstart in the Function area.
The Channel Opstart dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the Channel Opstart dialog
box, as shown in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2 Channel Opstart dialog box

Step 3 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

9.3 Changing the Channel Management State

This function is performed to lock or unlock a channel.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


When the channel management state is set to Locked, the channel is in the out of service state,
which means that the channel cannot provide any service. Therefore, you should perform this
function with care.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click Change Channel
Management State in the Function area.
The Change Channel Management State dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3 Change Channel Management State dialog box

Step 2 In the Select Channel to Operate area, enter the target channel. In the Management state area,
select a management state.

Step 3 Click OK.

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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

The management state of the channel is successfully changed, as shown in Figure 9-3. The result
is displayed in the Operational result pane.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


9.4 Performing the Loopback Test

This function is performed to check the quality of a channel by testing the parameters such as
the bit error rate (BER) and transmit power of the channel.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Table 9-2 describes the parameters.

Table 9-2 Parameters in the Cell Extended Attributes Management dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value Range

TRX RF self-loop This test is used to check the performance of the -

test TX and RX channels on the Um interface.

BIU Loop Test The GTMU provides a loop path for the TRX to -
perform the loopback test. This test is used to
check the performance of the DBUS.

BTS sound Loop This test is used to check whether the connection -
Test of the TCH between the Um interface and the
DBUS is normal.

TRX sound Loop This test is used to check whether the connection -
Test of the TCH between the Um interface and the
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) is normal.

Test Time - l TRX RF self-

loop test:
5-65535 seconds
l BIU loop test:
l BTS sound loop
test: 10-600
l TRX sound loop
test: 10-600

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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

Parameter Meaning Value Range

Power Level Power Level is available only for TRX RF self- 0 to 31

loop tests.

Sub Channel The selection of a sub-channel is unavailable l This parameter

when you perform a TRX RF loopback test or a determines the
BIU loopback test. sub-channel to be
tested in half-rate
l In full-rate
this parameter is
set to 0xff.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click Channel Loop
Test in the Function area.
The Channel Loop Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9-4.

Figure 9-4 Channel Loop Test dialog box

Step 2 Specify the test option, test time, power level, and sub-channel, as shown in Figure 9-4.

The test time is dependent on the test option. Generally, a long-duration test produces a stable test result.
The MRFU V1/V2/V2a,GRFU,RRU3008 and RRU3908 do not support the TRX RF self-loop test.
BTSs in IP over E1 and IP over FE modes do not support channel-level BIU Loop Test.

Step 3 Click Start.

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After the test is complete, you can obtain a BER report. The result is displayed on the status bar
in the Channel Loop Test dialog box.

During the test, if you click Stop, the test is stopped. In addition, the Stopping test successfully message
is displayed on the status bar of the Channel Loop Test dialog box.

Step 4 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.



The CODEC MODE test records encoding and decoding data status of each frame to
commission, verify, and locate the encoding and decoding function of CS services.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click CODEC MODE
Test in the Function area.
The CODEC MODE Test dialog box is displayed.

Figure 9-5 CODEC MODE Test dialog box

Step 2 Set Test Option to CODEC MODE Test and set Test Time and Sub-channel based on your
individual needs.
Step 3 Click Start to start a CODEC MODE test.
Step 4 Click Stop to stop the CODEC MODE test.


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SMT User Guide 9 Managing Channels

9.6 Changing the Channel Operational State

The blocking and unblocking of channel can be performed on the site maintenance terminal,
even without the site management rights.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Channel in the navigation tree and then double-click Operational
State Management in the Function area.
The Channel Operational State dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Disable or Enable. Then click OK. The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom
of the Channel Operational State dialog box, as shown in Figure 9-6.

Figure 9-6 Channel Operational State dialog box

Step 3 Click on the dialog box to end the operation.


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SMT User Guide 10 BBU Operations

10 BBU Operations

About This Chapter

The BBU operations involve the query, configuration, and test operations associated with the
BBU. You can query the board settings, board information, board extended information, board
alarms, and port attributes. You can also perform operations such as board reset, power-off reset,
self-test, clock configuration, loopback test, and parameter management.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.
10.1 Configuring a Board
This section describes how to configure a BTS board. After a board is configured, the
configuration information of the board is immediately sent to the BTS through the SMT.
10.2 Querying Board Information
This section describes how to query the running state, software version, alarm count, current
clock state, in-position information, and clock master/backup state of the board.
10.3 Querying Board Extended Information
This section describes how to query the E1 port capacity of the GTMU.
10.4 Resetting a Board
This section describes how to reset a board.
10.5 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode
This section describes how to power off and then reset a board.
10.6 Testing a Board
This section describes how to test a board. That is, this function is performed to check whether
the software and hardware of the board are damaged.
10.7 Setting the BTS Clock
This describes how to set the working mode of the BTS clock.
10.8 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication Links
This describes how to perform the layer 3 loopback test on the link between the GTMU and the

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10.9 Querying Board Alarm Information

This section describes how to query the board alarm information.

10.10 Querying Board Parameters

This section describes how to query the operating parameters for the board, such as the board
temperature, E1 capacity, and port information.

10.11 Querying Port Attributes

This section describes how to query the availability status, management status, active/standby
status, and physical property of ports.

10.12 Querying the Patch Information in Flash

This section describes how to query the patch status in the flash of the GTMU.

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10.1 Configuring a Board

This section describes how to configure a BTS board. After a board is configured, the
configuration information of the board is immediately sent to the BTS through the SMT.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Step 2 Click Add Cabinet in the right pane of the Board Configuration dialog box. Set Cabinet
Type and Cabinet No., and then click OK.

Step 3 Right-click a slot, and then select a board from the shortcut menu.
The configured board is shown in green on the device panel at first. Then, the system refreshes
the displayed result after comparing the board displayed on the device panel with the board
actually installed in the BTS.

If the board is still shown in green after the displayed result on the device panel is refreshed, you can infer
that the configured board runs normally.
If the board shows red after the displayed result on the device panel is refreshed, the causes are as follows:
l The board is configured on the device panel, but it is not physically installed or powered on in the BTS.
l The board is configured on the device panel and it is physically installed and powered on in the BTS,
but the communication between the board and the GTMU cannot be established.

Step 4 Click Refresh.

The system refreshes the result displayed on the device panel. The Boards report messages
message displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the dialog box (taking BTS3900 for
example), as shown in Figure 10-1.

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Figure 10-1 Board Configurationdialog box


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10.2 Querying Board Information

This section describes how to query the running state, software version, alarm count, current
clock state, in-position information, and clock master/backup state of the board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

The querying of the clock master/backup is applicable only to the GTMU.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the board to be queried, for example, GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Board Information from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 10-2.
The result is displayed in the Board Information dialog box.

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Figure 10-2 Selecting Board Information


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10.3 Querying Board Extended Information

This section describes how to query the E1 port capacity of the GTMU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Board Extended Information from the shortcut menu.

The result is displayed in the Board Extended Information dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 10-3 Board Extended Information dialog box


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10.4 Resetting a Board

This section describes how to reset a board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l The board reset interrupts the BTS services. Therefore, perform this function with care.
l When the multi-mode base station supports co-transmission over TDM through ports on a
board working in GSM mode, services of the other mode will be disrupted, if this command
is executed to reset the board where ports shared by both modes are located

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the target board or module, for example, GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Board Reset from the shortcut menu.

The result is displayed in the Board Reset dialog box, as shown in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4 Board Reset dialog box


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10.5 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode

This section describes how to power off and then reset a board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l The power-off reset of a board interrupts the BTS services. Therefore, perform this function
with care.
l When the multi-mode base station supports co-transmission over TDM through ports on a
board working in GSM mode, services of the other mode will be disrupted, if this command
is executed to reset the board where ports shared by both modes are located.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 Right-click the target board or module to be reset, for example, GTMU.
A shortcut menu is displayed.
Step 3 Select Power Off Reset from the shortcut menu, Warning Message dialog box is displayed,
then click yes.
The result is displayed in the Board Reset dialog box, as shown in Figure 10-5.

Figure 10-5 Board Reset dialog box

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10.6 Testing a Board

This section describes how to test a board. That is, this function is performed to check whether
the software and hardware of the board are damaged.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the target board or module to be tested, for example, GTMU.
A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Self Test from the shortcut menu.

The Board Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6 Board Test dialog box


If the test is successful, you can infer that that the board is normal.


10.7 Setting the BTS Clock

This describes how to set the working mode of the BTS clock.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

This operation applies only to the GTMU. Table 10-1 describes the parameters.

Table 10-1 Parameters in the Clock Setup dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value


Internal clock The clock unit of the BTS works in free oscillation -
mode. It is not always synchronous with the network

Trace BSC clock The clock unit works in phase-locked mode. It is -

synchronous with the 2 Mbit/s clock abstracted from the
Abis interface.

External Sync. The clock unit of the BTS works in phase-locked mode. -
clock It is synchronous with the external 2 MHz reference

Trace GPS clock The reference clock of the BTS is GPS clock. -

IP Clock The standard reference clock of the BTS is from IP clock -

server, when the BTS is IP BTS.

Clock Calibration It is used to adjust the frequency of the crystal oscillator. 0 to 4095

Enable Trace When the BSC clock is offset from the specified range -
Range Limit of frequency, the BTS is not synchronous with the BSC

Disable Trace The BTS clock is synchronous with the BSC, -

Range Limit irrespective of the BSC clock frequency.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Clock Setup from the shortcut menu.

The Clock Setup dialog box is displayed.

Step 4 In the Clock Mode area, select a clock mode.

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Step 5 Click OK.

The result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 10-7 Clock Setup dialog box


10.8 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication

This describes how to perform the layer 3 loopback test on the link between the GTMU and the

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The target GTMU has been configured correctly and is running properly.

This operation applies only to the GTMU. Table 10-2 describes the parameters.

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Table 10-2 Parameters in the Loopback Test dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value


Data Length The valid data length of a single frame in the loop test 1 to 220
command issued by the GTMU

Initial Data The initial value of the valid data of the loop test 0 to 255
command issued by the GTMU

Data Step Length The incremental step length of the valid data of the loop 0 to 255
test command issued by the GTMU

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Loop Test from the shortcut menu.

The Loop Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 10-8.

Figure 10-8 Loop Test dialog box

Step 4 Click Start.

After the test is complete, the result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the dialog


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10.9 Querying Board Alarm Information

This section describes how to query the board alarm information.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.
Step 2 Right-click the board to be queried, for example, GTMU.
A shortcut menu is displayed.
Step 3 Select Board Alarm from the shortcut menu.
The result is displayed in the Board Alarm Information dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 10-9 Board Alarm Information dialog box

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10.10 Querying Board Parameters

This section describes how to query the operating parameters for the board, such as the board
temperature, E1 capacity, and port information.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the board to be queried, for example, GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed. Select Parameter Management from the shortcut menu.

Step 3 The result is displayed in the Parameter Management dialog box, as shown in Figure 10-10.

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Figure 10-10 Parameter Management dialog box


10.11 Querying Port Attributes

This section describes how to query the availability status, management status, active/standby
status, and physical property of ports.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.

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The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Query CRPI Property from the shortcut menu.

The result is displayed in the GTMU port property window, as shown in Figure 10-11.

Figure 10-11 GTMU port property window


10.12 Querying the Patch Information in Flash

This section describes how to query the patch status in the flash of the GTMU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

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Step 2 Right-click GTMU.

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 3 Select Query Hot Patch In Flash from the shortcut menu,and then click Query.
The result is displayed in the Query Patch Information In Flash window, as shown in Figure

Figure 10-12 Query Patch Information In Flash window


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SMT User Guide 11 RXU Operations

11 RXU Operations

About This Chapter

RXU operations involve the query, configuration, and test operation associated with the RXU.
You can view the board information, board extended information, and board alarms. You can
also perform operations such as the board reset, power-off reset, operation start, self-test,
loopback test, parameter management, and antenna mode configuration.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.

The following uses a GTMU which provides CPRI ports connecting GRFUs as an example to
describe related RXU operations. Similar operations apply to other interface boards or RF
11.1 Querying Board Information
This describes how to view the board information. The board information includes the board
running status, alarm count, hardware version, software version, services supported, and in-
position boards.
11.2 Querying Board Extended Information
This describes how to view the board extended information, such as the board type, the operating
frequency band, and services supported by the board.
11.3 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode
This section describes how to power off and then reset an RXU.
11.4 Resetting a Board
This section describes how to reset an RXU.
11.5 Starting a Board
This describes how to start the carrier on an RXU.
11.6 Testing a Board
This describes how to test the path of an RXU.

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11.7 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication Links

This describes how to perform the loopback test on the link between the RXU and the SMT.

11.8 Querying Board Alarm Information

This section describes how to query the board alarm information.

11.9 Querying Board Parameters

This describes how to view the running parameters and configuration parameters of the RXU,
and the running parameters of a path of the board.

11.10 Querying Port Attributes

This section describes how to query the availability status, management status, active/standby
status, and physical property of ports.

11.11 Setting the Antenna Mode

This describes how to set the transmit/receive mode of the antenna in accordance with the
configuration of the RXU.

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SMT User Guide 11 RXU Operations

11.1 Querying Board Information

This describes how to view the board information. The board information includes the board
running status, alarm count, hardware version, software version, services supported, and in-
position boards.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-1.

Figure 11-1 Topology Management window

Step 3 Right-click the RXU to be queried (for example, GRFU), and then select Board Information
from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 11-2.
The result is displayed in the Board Information dialog box.

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Figure 11-2 Selecting Board Information


11.2 Querying Board Extended Information

This describes how to view the board extended information, such as the board type, the operating
frequency band, and services supported by the board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-3.

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Figure 11-3 Topology Management window

Step 3 Right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU). Select Board Extended Information from
the shortcut menu.
The result is displayed in the Board Extended Information dialog box, as shown in Figure

Figure 11-4 Board Extended Information dialog box


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11.3 Resetting a Board in Power-Off Mode

This section describes how to power off and then reset an RXU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l The power-off reset of a board disrupts the cell services carried on the board. Therefore,
perform this function with caution.
l When the multi-mode base station works in co-module mode, services of the other mode are
disrupted, if this command is executed to reset the TRX module that works in co-module

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management dialog box is displayed.
Step 2 In the Board Management dialog box, double-click GTMU.
The Topology Management dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 In the Topology Management dialog box, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-5.

Figure 11-5 Topology Management dialog box

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Step 4 Select Power Off Reset from the shortcut menu, Warning Message dialog box is displayed,
then click yes.
The result is displayed in the Board Reset dialog box, as shown in Figure 11-6.

Figure 11-6 Board Reset dialog box


11.4 Resetting a Board

This section describes how to reset an RXU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l The reset of a board disrupts the cell services carried on the board. Therefore, perform this
function with caution.
l When the multi-mode base station works in co-module mode, services of the other mode are
disrupted, if this command is executed to reset the TRX module that works in co-module

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

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The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-7.

Figure 11-7 Selecting Reset

Step 4 Select Board from the shortcut menu if you need to reset the board.
The result is displayed in the Board Reset window, as shown in Figure 11-8.

Figure 11-8 Board Reset window

Step 5 If you need to reset the path, select Path A or Path B.

The Reset dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-9.

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Figure 11-9 Reset dialog box

Click OK to perform path resetting.


11.5 Starting a Board

This describes how to start the carrier on an RXU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-10.

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Figure 11-10 Selecting Opstart

Step 4 Select the path to be started, such as Path A.

The result is displayed in the Opstart dialog box, as shown in Figure 11-11.

Figure 11-11 Opstart dialog box


Path A and Path B refer to two RF channels on the GRFU.


11.6 Testing a Board

This describes how to test the path of an RXU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-12.

Figure 11-12 Selecting the path to be tested

Step 4 Select the path to be tested, such as Path A.

The result is displayed in the Board Test dialog box, as shown in Figure 11-13.

Figure 11-13 Board Test dialog box


If the test is successful, you can infer that the path is functional.

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11.7 Performing Loopback Test of Board Communication

This describes how to perform the loopback test on the link between the RXU and the SMT.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l The target RXU has been configured correctly and is running properly.

Table 11-1 describes the parameters.

Table 11-1 Parameters in the Loopback Test dialog box

Parameter Meaning Value


Data Length Refers to the length of the valid data in the single frame 1 to 220
of the loopback test command.

Initial Data Refers to the initial value of the valid data in the 0 to 255
loopback test command.

Data Step Length Refers to the incremental step length of the valid data in 1 to 255
the loopback test command.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-14.

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Figure 11-14 Selecting Loop Test

Step 4 Select the path to be tested, such as Path A or Path B.

The Loop Test dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-15.

Figure 11-15 Loop Test dialog box

Step 5 Click Start.

After the test is complete, the result is displayed on the status bar at the bottom of the dialog

During the test, if you click Stop, the test is stopped. if you click Close, the test is ended.


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11.8 Querying Board Alarm Information

This section describes how to query the board alarm information.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-16.

Figure 11-16 Topology Management window

Step 3 Right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU). Select Board Alarm from the shortcut menu.
The result is displayed in the Board Alarm Information dialog box, as shown in Figure

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Figure 11-17 Board Alarm Information dialog box


11.9 Querying Board Parameters

This describes how to view the running parameters and configuration parameters of the RXU,
and the running parameters of a path of the board.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

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The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 Right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU). Select Parameter Management from the
shortcut menu,
as shown in Figure 11-18.

Figure 11-18 Selecting Parameter Management

Step 4 To view and set the operational and configuration parameters associated with a board, select
The Parameter Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-19, Figure 11-20
and Figure 11-21.

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Figure 11-19 Viewing the running parameters

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Figure 11-20 Viewing the configuration parameters

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Figure 11-21 Setting the parameters

Step 5 If you need to query the running parameters of a channel, select Path A or Path B.
The Parameter Management dialog box associated with path A or B is displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-22.

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Figure 11-22 Querying the running parameters of a path


11.10 Querying Port Attributes

This section describes how to query the availability status, management status, active/standby
status, and physical property of ports.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.

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The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 Double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-23.

Figure 11-23 Topology Management window

Step 3 Right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).

A shortcut menu is displayed.

Step 4 Select Query CRPI Property from the shortcut menu.

The result is displayed in the GRFU port property window, as shown in Figure 11-24.

Figure 11-24 GRFU port property window

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SMT User Guide 11 RXU Operations


11.11 Setting the Antenna Mode

This describes how to set the transmit/receive mode of the antenna in accordance with the
configuration of the RXU.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, right-click the target RXU (for example, GRFU).
A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-25.

Figure 11-25 Selecting Set Antenna Mode

Step 4 Select Set Antenna Mode from the shortcut menu.

The Set Antenna Mode window is displayed, as shown in Figure 11-26.

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Figure 11-26 Set Antenna Mode window

Step 5 Click Set,the setting is complete.


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SMT User Guide 12 RXU Configuration

12 RXU Configuration

About This Chapter

This describes the RXU configuration operations based on the actual requirement, such as adding
or deleting an RXU, adding or removing a ring, displaying in-position boards, detecting in-
position boards, setting and canceling a breakpoint.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.

If the BTS type is BTS3900, BTS3900A, BTS3900L or BTS3900AL, 12.1 Configuring an
RFU; If the BTS type is DBS3900, 12.2 Configuring an RRU.

12.1 Configuring an RFU

This describes how to add and delete an RFU based on the actual requirement.

12.2 Configuring an RRU

This describes how to add and delete an RRU based on the actual requirement.

12.3 Constructing a Ring

This section describes how to construct an RXU ring by using two independent RXU chains.

12.4 Dividing a Ring

This section describes how to divide an RXU ring into two independent RXU chains.

12.5 Displaying In-Position Boards

This section describes how to check the in-position boards in the BTS. An in-position board is
a board that is installed in the BTS cabinet.

12.6 Detecting In-Position Boards

This section describes how to detect the information about in-position boards.

12.7 Setting a Breakpoint

This section describes how to set a breakpoint on an RXU chain or ring. An RXU chain can be
configured with only one breakpoint. After a breakpoint is configured, the RXU chain is divided

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into two parts. An RXU ring can be configured with two breakpoints. After two breakpoints are
configured, the RXU ring is divided into three parts.

12.8 Canceling a Breakpoint

This section describes how to cancel a breakpoint on an RXU chain or ring.

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12.1 Configuring an RFU

This describes how to add and delete an RFU based on the actual requirement.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.

If the BTS cannot connect to the BSC, should be added corresponding cabinet type before
configuring an RFU.

The procedure to add cabinet type:

1. Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.
2. Click Add Cabinet. The Add Cabinet window is displayed.
3. Choose the corresponding values from the Cabinet Type, and Cabinet No. drop-down

12.1.1 Adding an RFU

This describes how to add an RFU into a required position by specifying the board number, SFP
number, and hop number.

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.
l Set the BTS type to a type that can be configured with the RFU by referring to 5.19 Setting
Site Type.

l For example, the RFU is configured in the BTS3900. For the BTS3900L and BTS3900AL, similar to
the BTS3900, the RFU is configured in the RF subrack. For the BTS3900A, the RFU is configured in
the RFC window.
l The operations of the DRFU, the MRFU, and the GRFU are similar. The following description takes
the operations of the GRFU as an example.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click an idle RFU slot in the Board Configuration window, as shown in Figure 12-1.

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Figure 12-1 Board Configuration window

Step 3 Select RXU from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 12-1.
The Deploy RXU window is displayed. Select GRFU from the Card Type drop-down list, as
shown in Figure 12-2.

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Figure 12-2 Deploy RXU window

Step 4 In the Deploy RXU window, select related parameters to be added, such as the board number,
chain number, and hop number of the GRFU, as shown in Figure 12-3.

Figure 12-3 Deploy RXU window

Step 5 In the Deploy RXU window, click OK. A GRFU is added.


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12.1.2 Deleting an RFU

This describes how to delete an RFU by specifying the SFP number and the hop number.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.


l For example, the RFU is configured in the BTS3900. For the BTS3900L and BTS3900AL, similar to
the BTS3900, the RFU is configured in the RF subrack. For the BTS3900A, the RFU is configured in
the RFC window.
l The operations of the GRFU, the MRFU, and the DRFU are similar. The following description takes
the operations of the GRFU as an example.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 Right-click the GRFU to be deleted in the RFU area in the Board Configuration window, as
shown in Figure 12-4.

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Figure 12-4 Board Configuration window

Step 3 Select NULL from the shortcut menu, as shown in Figure 12-4.
The Delete RXU window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-5.

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Figure 12-5 Delete RXU window

Step 4 Click OK. A GRFU is deleted.

Step 5 In the Board Configuration window, double-click GTMU. In the displayed Topology
Management window, confirm the deleted GRFU.


12.2 Configuring an RRU

This describes how to add and delete an RRU based on the actual requirement.

Obtain the site management right before setting or modifying parameters.

The following description takes the operations of the RRU3004 as an example. The configuration operations of
the other RRUs are similar.

12.2.1 Adding an RRU

This describes how to add an RRU by configuring its board number, SFP number, and hop

l You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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l Set the BTS type to a type that can be configured with the RRU by referring to 5.19 Setting
Site Type.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Configuration window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Configuration window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-6.

Figure 12-6 Topology Configuration window

Step 3 In the Topology Configuration window, click Add RRU.

The Deploy RXU window is displayed.
The Chain No. starts from 0 to 249 and each number refers to the number of the SFP port to which the
board is configured. The Hop starts from 1 to 6 and each number refers to the level of the TRXs which are
under the same SFP number. The Shelf No. should be chosen a number not in use. The parameter settings
of the RRU should be consistent with the onsite planning.

Step 4 In the Deploy RXU window, select GRRU from the Card Type drop-down list.

Step 5 Choose the corresponding values from the Chain No., Card No., Hop, and Shelf No., drop-
down list boxes, respectively.
as shown in Figure 12-7.

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Figure 12-7 Deploy RXU window

Step 6 In the Deploy RXU window, click OK to add GRRU board.

The Topology Configuration window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-8.

Figure 12-8 Topology Configuration window

Step 7 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


12.2.2 Deleting an RRU

This describes how to delete an RRU with a specified SFP number and hop number.

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You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Configuration window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Configuration window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-9.

Figure 12-9 Topology Configuration window

Step 3 In the Topology Configuration window, click Remove RRU.

The Delete RXU window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-10.

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Figure 12-10 Delete RXU window

Step 4 In the Delete RXU window, select the chain number and the hop number of the RRU to be
deleted, and then click OK. A GRRU is deleted.

Step 5 Click Close on the dialog box to end the operation.


12.3 Constructing a Ring

This section describes how to construct an RXU ring by using two independent RXU chains.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Configuration window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Configuration window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-11.

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Figure 12-11 Topology Configuration window

Step 3 In the Topology Configuration window, click Add Ring.

The Add Ring window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-12.

Figure 12-12 Add Ring window

Step 4 In the Add Ring window, select a loop begin port and a loop end port from the Loop Start
Port and Loop End Port drop-down lists respectively, and then click OK. A ring is constructed.


12.4 Dividing a Ring

This section describes how to divide an RXU ring into two independent RXU chains.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

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Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Configuration in the Function area.
The Board Configuration window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Configuration window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Configuration window is displayed.

Step 3 Set a breakpoint in the required position by referring to Setting a Break Point.

Step 4 In the Topology Configuration window, click Remove Ring.

The Divide Ring window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-13.

Figure 12-13 Divide Ring window

Step 5 In the Divide Ring window, select a loop begin port and the number of HOPs of the ring from
the Loop Begin Port and Divide point HOP drop-down lists respectively, and then click OK.
The ring is divided.


12.5 Displaying In-Position Boards

This section describes how to check the in-position boards in the BTS. An in-position board is
a board that is installed in the BTS cabinet.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed (taking BTS3900 for example), as shown in
Figure 12-14.

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Figure 12-14 Board Management window

Step 2 Determine the board configuration based on the grid color of the boards in the Board
Management window.


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12.6 Detecting In-Position Boards

This section describes how to detect the information about in-position boards.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-15.

Figure 12-15 Topology Management window

Step 3 In the Topology Management window, click On-Site Detect.

The On-Site Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-16.

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Figure 12-16 On-Site Topology Management window


12.7 Setting a Breakpoint

This section describes how to set a breakpoint on an RXU chain or ring. An RXU chain can be
configured with only one breakpoint. After a breakpoint is configured, the RXU chain is divided
into two parts. An RXU ring can be configured with two breakpoints. After two breakpoints are
configured, the RXU ring is divided into three parts.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed.

Step 3 Right-click the target chain or ring.

A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-17.

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Figure 12-17 Selecting Set BreakPoint


Non-breakpoint connection (shown in black by default) refers to the connection that has not set the
breakpoint. Breakpoint connection (shown in pink by default) refers to the connection that has set the

Step 4 Select Set BreakPoint, a breakpoint is set.


12.8 Canceling a Breakpoint

This section describes how to cancel a breakpoint on an RXU chain or ring.

You have logged in to the BTS through the SMT and obtained the site management right.

Step 1 Log in to the SMT. Select Board in the navigation tree and then double-click Board
Management in the Function area.
The Board Management window is displayed.

Step 2 In the Board Management window, double-click GTMU.

The Topology Management window is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-18.

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Figure 12-18 Topology Management window

Step 3 Right-click the target chain or ring.

A shortcut menu is displayed, as shown in Figure 12-19.

Figure 12-19 Selecting Cancel BreakPoint

Step 4 Select Cancel BreakPoint, Warning Message dialog box is displayed, then click yes.
The breakpoint is canceled.


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