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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

College of computing and

Department of Information
OOSAD Project one

Group members………………….ID_NO
1. Ermyas Tsedalu 1896/06
2. Biruk Tarekegn 1888/06
3. Mohamed Alo 1927/06
4. Kalkidan Melese 1920/06
5. Tsion Nigussie 1941
6. Amin mohammed 1881/06

OOSAD Project Page 1

Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Submitted to:-Mr.Gbremedhin
Submission Date:-17-01-2015

Project Overview:

Project Overview Bus Reservation System is a system that provide the reservation
for customer and generate the ticket automatically and also allotted the seats. It
also provides the following facility to the customer as well as travel agent.
The project aims is to provide bus ticket reservation facility. This project save
the /time and labor of the customer. It maintains the details of all the buses are
available for all the routes. It also provide the current status of the buses that how
many seats are reserved, how many seats are vacant and also provide the income of
that particular bus. It provides the searching capability of buses, cancellation of
tickets and updating facility also. and also the reservation system provide the
constraints that the sky bus contains and the business rule that the bus must contain
to operate.

The scope of Online Sky Bus Tour and Travel Ticket Reservation system is

A person should be able to:

1. Registered to the system through the first page of the application

2. See his/her current reservations on different sky buses along with the details.
3. Register to the system through the application
4. View current travel plans of the sky bus transport systems

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

5. Make reservation.
6. See his/her current reservation from the details.
7. Withdraw reservation.
8. Able to choose the seats
9. A message should be sent to the concerned person about the confirmation of
the ticket to the specified system.
10.A calendar should be there which helps the person to select dates. It should
also show the public and nation holidays.
11.The system should automatically show the schedule for the corresponding
seat and amount of money needs to be pay for selected seats.
12.Upon payment the clerk should be able to use the system to update the status
of reservation.

The Requirements:

Bus Tour and Travel Ticket Reservation System is well documented purpose. Bus
Tour and Travel Ticket Reservation System is well documented purpose

Sky Bus’s current ticketing system was aging and becoming difficult and costly to
maintain. Sky Bus.

Wanted to both upgrade their ticketing system as well as improve customer service
and administrative

Operating cost.

The ticketing system had to support:

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

 Sales of tickets from Ticket booths

 Sales of tickets via the Internet
 Sales of pre-printed ticket books
 Support for single and multi-use tickets
 Real time ticket validation (when boarding buses)
 Management and shift reports

The user of Online Sky Bus Tour and Travel Ticket Reservation System are
able to:-

1. Registered to the system through the first page of the application.

2. See current reservations on different sky buses along with the details.

3. Able to choose the seats which are available for a certain class.

4. Message should be send to the concerned person about the confirmation of the
ticket to the specified system user.

5. A calendar should be there which helps the person to select dates. It should also
show the public and nation holidays.

6. The system should automatically show the schedule for the corresponding seat
and amount of money needs to be pay for selected seats.

7. The user registered to the system.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

View payment states

Reserve seat

Reserve ticket

Journey report
Add comment
Passenger See sales statics’


View company info Add information about <<Extended>>


View delay report

Update payment states

Update about journey


View comment

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

use case name Registration

Actors Passenger

Description User registration

Pre condition The user must know how to register to the


Post condition

Basic course of action 1. The user must fill their personal info
2. Data bases connection terminated
3. The user registered to the system

Alternative course of action 1. The user might miss to fill their

personal information
1.1 error message appears
1.2 continue with step 1 in the
normal course event
2. the system may failed to connect
to database
2.1 show error messages
2.2 report to clerk

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Use case name Reservation

Actors Passenger

Description User reservation

Pre condition The user must be register to the system

Post condition

Basic course of action 1. Passenger wants to reserve

2. The passenger enter name and password
3. The system show information to passenger
4. The passenger show ticket information
5. The passenger choose the ticket
6. The passenger display the availability of ticket
7. The system show the availability of seat number
8. The passenger chooses seat number
9. The system verify messages displayed to passenger
10. Validity of messages displayed passenger
11. The passenger accept the reservation

Alternative course of action 1. User may enter their name wrongly

1.1. Reenter the name before login
1.2. Report for the clerk
2. The bus level we select is may full
2.1. Display error message
2.2. Re enter other bus level we need

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Use case name Seat

Actors Passenger

description Verify availability of seat

Pre condition The user must be register to the system

Post condition

Basic course of action 1. The passenger first registered to

the system
2. The system verify as passenger
3. The passenger reserve the ticket
4. Passenger must choose ticket type
5. Passenger chooses the seat
6. The system verifies seat status
7. Seat number is selected
8. The system is end
9. Passenger seat information sent to
the system

Alternative course of action 1. User entered seat id wrongly

1.1 re enter correct seat number
1.2 enter other seat number

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Update Passenger info

Use case name Update Passenger information
Actors Clerk
Description Updating Passenger information
Pre-conditions The user must log in to the system.
Post- conditions
Basic course of action 1 The user must be registered on the system.
2 The user clicks on themselves.
3 The system retrieves the desired person’
information from data base.
4 The system shows the person’s information in
new page.
5 The user clicks on update profile link.
6 The user can update his/her profile in desired
information field.
7. The user clicks on save button.
8. The user profile is updated.
Alternative course of action 1. The user clicks on update profile
1.1 Error message displayed.
1.2 try again to choose correctly
2. the user may enter wrong profile again
2.1. reenter the correct profile again

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

View Company information

Use case name View buses information

Actors clerk and passenger
Description Viewing the company information.
Pre-conditions The user must be registered to the system.
Basic course of action 1 The user must be registered on the system
which is defined on use case 1.
2 The user clicks on desired time and
3 The system retrieves the desired company
information from data bases.
4 The system shows the company information
in new page.
5. The system shows the available seats from
the selected sky bus.

Alternative courses 1. The system cannot access to the data

1.1. Try again the process
1.2. Report to the database
2. The system puts a message on the top
of the window about the problem.
2.1. report to the database manager

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System


Use case name Payment

Actors Passenger
Descriptions Paying money for available (selected) seat(s)
Pre-conditions The passenger must be registered to system.
Basic course of action 1 The user must be registered to the system
which is defined on use case 1.
2 The user clicks on the desired time and the
3 The system retries the desired sky buses
information from data bases.
4 The system shows the sky buses information
in new pages.
5. The system shows the available seats from
the selected sky bus.
6. The system shows the details of the
7. The system sent message to the customer for

Alternative courses 1. The system cannot access to the data

1.1 re try again the prosess
1.2. report to the database manager
2. The system puts a message on the top
of the window about the problem.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

User interface diagram prototype

Create User Interface Controls

Associate Actions & their Events



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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

User interface prototype example for sky bus

` Sky bus booking area

Name ent method

Payment status
Bus level cash
From Online Cash
Id no





Log in

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Sky Bus Long Distance Transport agency

Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Reserve Cancel

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Seat no

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

User interface diagram

Ticket cancelation form


Main Menu
[double clicked] Depart
[double clicked]
Passenger detail:Icon
[double clicked]

Clerk Passenger Manager

-<<window>> -<<window>> -<<window>>

get: Button
[Clicked] view:Button
Passenger Detail Daily Report
Destinatio -<<report>> -<<report>>

Daily Report
-<<dialog box>>

Submit Exit
Ticket Get:Button

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Supplementary specification

 Limited traveling distance per day
 Limited number of passengers
 Fixed price
 Limited speed
 Limited amount fuel per day
 On time starts

Business rules
 Breakfast is given to all passengers
 Joy service is given to passengers
 One sit for one person
 No smoking is allowed in the bus
 No talking is allowed with the driver
 Respect accurate time for eating

Class Responsibility and Collaboration Domain

Domain modeling is the task of discovering class that the represent things and the
concepts to the problem space for the project.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Class Responsibility Diagrams are a collection of standard index that represent

classes. The intent of CRC cards is to develop an organized representation of
classes, responsibilities and operations that are relevant for the class. Three
different types of classes exist .Those are actor class, UI class, Business class from
the above types of class we try to include three of them in our projects as follow.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Analysis Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time ordering of

messages.Sequence diagrams are used to depict the interaction among objects
during certain periods of time. It is a part of use case, such as the logic described
by the basic course of action or a portion of the basic course of actions plus one or
more alternate course of actions. It consists of activation: used to denote the time
period during which an object performs an operation and messages: means by
which objects communicate with each other. After analyzing the system, we
construct the following analysis sequence diagrams

The sequence diagram is used primarily to show the interactions between objects
in the sequential order that those interactions occur. However, an organization's
business staff can find sequence diagrams useful to communicate how the business
currently works by showing how various business objects interact. Besides
documenting an organization's current affairs, a business-level sequence diagram
can be used as a requirements document to communicate requirements for a future
system implementation. During the requirements phase of a project, analysts can
take use cases to the next level by providing a more formal level of refinement.
When that occurs, use cases are often refined into one or more sequence diagrams.

The main purpose of a sequence diagram is to define event sequences that result in
some desired outcome. The focus is less on messages themselves and more on the
order in which messages occur; nevertheless, most sequence diagrams will
communicate what messages are sent between a system's objects as well as the
order in which they occur.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Sequence diagram for journey reservation

Basic course
Reserve Main Log in Passenger Journey
of action Passenger
journey menu

1. The passenger wants to

Reserve journey
2. The passenger enter name want to reserve
and phone
3. The system show info to
4. The system show journey enter name & other info
5. The passenger choose the
6. The passenger choose seat
Number. Show information
Show journey information

Accept reservation

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Sequence diagram for choose seat number

Basic course of Registra

action Adminis Reserve tion Seat Ticket
trator ticket form

1. The passenger must registered 1. register

to the system
2. The system verifies as
the passenger registered 2. Verifies
3. The passenger reserve the ticket
4. The passenger select the ticket type 3. reserve
5. the passenger choose seat no
6. The system verifies seat status
7. The passenger select seat no

4. Select ticket

5. Choose seat no


7. Seat no is selected

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

ticket withdrawal Sequence diagram

Basic course Withdrawal Main
of action Login Ticket
ticket menu

1. Want to withdraw
2. Enter name and other information 1. want to withdraw
3. the system show withdrawal passenger 2. Enter name & other information
4. the passenger enter required info

5. the passenger click submit to database 3. Name

6. the system search passenger info from database 4. Other information

7. system check reserved ticket from database

8. the system info withdrawal to passenger

9. the passenger withdraw ticket from database 5. Show form

6. Input full information

7. Passenger submit

8. Withdraw information

9. Withdrawal successful

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

The class Diagram below shows the class of our system, their inter relationship
(including inheritance and association) and the operations and attributes of each

The class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an

application. Class diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing and
documenting different aspects of a system but also for constructing executable
code of the software application.

The class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the
constraints imposed on the system. The classes diagrams are widely used in the
modeling of object oriented systems because they are the only UML diagrams
which can be mapped directly with object oriented languages.

The class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations,

collaborations and constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Class Diagram
1. Reservation date
1. Passenger
name *reserve 1 2. Ticket amount
2. Passenger id
3. Seat no
3. Phone no

4. Passenger id Journey

1. Journey date
Get ticket () 1 *reserve 1
2. Journey time

3. from journey

4. to journey

Display time ()
Display date ()

1. Country
2. Region
3. City Paid for
4. Phone no 1. Payment amount
2. Payment date
Get () 3. Payment status

Identify passenger ()

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Collaboration diagram

A collaboration diagram describes interactions among objects in terms of

sequenced messages. Collaboration diagrams represent a combination of

information taken from class, sequence, and use case diagrams describing both the

static structure and dynamic behavior of a system.

The UML Collaboration diagram is used to model how objects involved in a

scenario interact, with each object instantiating a particular class in the system.

Objects are connected by links, each link representing an instance of an association

between the respective classes involved. The link shows messages sent between

the objects, and the type of message passed.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Collaboration diagram to view reservation

Select view reservation link () View


Display the form () submit validate ()

Continue ()

fill passenger id() Check ()

Retype ()

form e
Display reservation info ()

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Collaboration diagram to add information about journey

Select add info link () Add info

about journey

Display the form () submit validate ()

Continue ()

Fill required info () Check ()

Retype ()

Adding info
Display adding info ()

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Collaboration diagram for reporting

Log to the page select report link()

Clerk ,clerk
Clerk, clerk Report link
Manager page

Display the form () submit() validate ()

Continue ()

Fill report type () Check ()

Retype ()

View daily
Display daily report ()

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

State chart diagram

A state chart diagram is a view of a state machine that models the changing
behavior of a state. State chart diagrams show the various states that an object
goes through, as well as the events that cause a transition from one state to another.

The common model elements that state chart diagrams contain are:

 States
 Start and end states
 Transitions
A state represents a condition during the life of an object during which it satisfies
some condition or waits for some event. Start and end states represent the
beginning or ending of a process.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Ticket reservation state chart

Enter user name &


In valid valid Enter name & ticket no


In valid valid

Cancel ticket

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Ticket cancelation state chart

Enter user name &


In valid valid Enter name & ticket no


In valid valid

Cancel ticket

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Activity Diagram
Activity diagram shows the conditional logic for the sequence of system activities

needed to accomplish a business process. It clearly shows parallel and alternative

behaviors that can be used to show the logic of a use case. In our system, we

identified some activity diagrams to clearly show the activities in the system. The

following activity diagrams show activity diagrams, registration and which are the

main tasks of the system.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Activity Diagram withdraw Ticket


Home page


Enter detail

If not
Check detail
User name and
Display error password

incorrect withdraw is

Update DB

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Component diagram
Component diagram is a special kind of diagram in UML. The purpose is also
different from all other diagrams discussed so far. It does not describe the
functionality of the system but it describes the components used to make those

So from that point component diagrams are used to visualize the physical
components in a system. These components are libraries, packages, files etc.

Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation view of a

system. Static implementation represents the organization of the components at a
particular moment.

A single component diagram cannot represent the entire system but a collection of
diagrams are used to represent the whole.

So the purpose of the component diagram can be summarized as:

 Visualize the components of a system.

 Construct executables by using forward and reverse engineering.

 Describe the organization and relationships of the components.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Component diagram

View company

Security login
Passenger Add

Add comment

View payment
status Database

View comment

Reserve ticket

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Deployment diagram
The name Deployment itself describes the purpose of the diagram. Deployment
diagrams are used for describing the hardware components where software
components are deployed. Component diagrams and deployment diagrams are
closely related.

Component diagrams are used to describe the components and deployment

diagrams shows how they are deployed in hardware.

UML is mainly designed to focus on software artifacts of a system. But these two
diagrams are special diagrams used to focus on software components and hardware

So most of the UML diagrams are used to handle logical components but
deployment diagrams are made to focus on hardware topology of a system.
Deployment diagrams are used by the system engineers.

The purpose of deployment diagrams can be described as:

 Visualize hardware topology of a system.

 Describe the hardware components used to deploy software components.

 Describe runtime processing nodes.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Deployment diagram

View company
Sky bus
Add server
Passenger information

Add comment

View payment
status Database

View comment

Reserve ticket

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Persistence diagram
Persistence modeling is used to communicate the design of the database, usually
the data base to both the users and the developers. It is also used to describe the
persistence data aspect of the system. The following diagram indicates the
persistence diagram of the system.

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

Persistence Diagram
Reservation date: integer
Name: varchar (20) Ticket amount: integer
Passenger id: integer *reserve1 Seat no: integer
Phone no: integer Passenger id: integer

Insert info () Journey

Get ticket () Journey date: integer
1 Journey time: integer
From journey: vachar (20)
To journey: vachar (20)

Display time ()

Display date ()
Paid for
Country: vachar (20)
Region: vachar (20) *
City: vachar (20) Payment
Phone no: integer Pay Payment amount: float
* Payment date: integer
Payment status: vachar (20)
Get ()

Identify passenger ()

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Sky Bus Ticketing Management System

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