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STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS LABOR COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Defendants), Walt Disney Parks And Resorts US., Inc., A Florida Corporation, and Plsintif, MI cree to fully, finally, and forever setie the claims asserted by Plintift in that certsin Complaint filed with the Office ofthe Labor Comamissioner oof 2017 and identified as State Case Number Defendant(s) agrees to pay Plaintiff the sum of $4,344.10 in fll and complete satisfaction of the claim asserted in the above referenced case fled with the Labor Commissioner's Office. In consideration of such promise and the othe rights conferred by this agreement, Plaintiff agrees {orelease, remise and forever discharge Defendant(s) ftom any and al claims asserted inthe ‘Complaint, or other agreed upon sums and from the payment of any other amounts not provided for herein which may be due Plaintiff by reasons of such claims. Having been fully advised of their rights to have the matter adjudicated by a hearing officer, to present evidence, to conffont the opposing witnesses, and to have a decision rendered on the merits after consideration ofthe evidence, the patios hereby waive the right to an adjudicative hearing onthe issues raised by the Complaint ‘The parties agrec that, n the event that the hereinabove specified payment isnot pai in full on or before I2019 the Labor Commissioner is hereby authorized to issue an Order, Decision or Award by seltlement which directs the Defendant(s) to pay the Plaintiff the amount of $4,525.14 including interest pursuant to Labor Code Section(s) 98.1 ©), 11942(a) and/or 2802(b) and the maximum penalties authorized by Labor Code Sestion 203, The parties acknowledge thet, unless within fifteen (15) days of the issuance ofthe Order, Decision or ‘Award by Settlement, proofs presented tothe Labor Commissioner thatthe amount awarded has been paid in full, or the Order, Decision or Award by Settlement has been appealed pursuant to California Labor Code Section 98.2, the Order, Decision or Award by Setlement shall be centered as a final and enforceable judgment in the appropriate court of law. If the Order, Decision or Award is entered as 2 judgment, each side will bear its own costs and attomey’s fees incured through entry of judgment. Dated: NN 2019 ifenfant WCA 26C (Re. 1/12) Setleent Agreement -Deftult Amount 2, SE Dionep once Severs. eae ASD Tare enn vista, F 32880 Pay 1 Thee Thousand Seven Hundred Nine Eight And C0100 Dias $3,758.00 BPireyrwaserenie cre opfff2or0 et ago san NA. $460.27 Disneyland Resort Clocks Time Perioc: 4 18 fear hd en Clokin J1O2014 75500 PM Gig Admin Bp Harbor rcs Ciak Ou [Sra sa DPM —] DTD Nurses Staton Glock [orrv0%4 28800 Fa [SCR Bungtow carz Tear Siar [arri2b14 62600 PT [SCH Bgaiw a2 Teal End |OrabH4 BECO PHT [DUH ORC Seu Eney Hatvay Giek Out or2014 171000 PAT Fatbr Hoa Rado Key soe Giecein_[ariaoia 30500 PR Wesley Ove Tea Star [O2014 772.00 PA [Grier Cour Slash MW Wain G | Weal End arava 7200 Pt [it Admin Bis Harb Evance Gat Ou [anv Tso0 AR rior House Recio Key Tse Giekin_[aaaia 25500 PH Parade Par Break Ava Tea Sa araraia 65:00 Pardse Per break Ares ‘eal End [O7DOT4 64500 PH Git iin Bi Harb nes Ghsk Out Jori014 FE Pa Harbor House Radio Key sve ik n_[7172046 25600 Pw arbor House Rai Key esos Tiel Str 772014 537.00 HT [Sit Adnn 2nd For Paris eal Ee i7a0Ta 6270 PM labor Hose Rac oy Tesi Glock Out [oni 107000 PH —| [DUH Advert Towor? Giese [NATTA SSOP [DCH Fronfer Tower Tene Soweas UF) —| Conk Out fararaota 54500 Pa arr Hous cio Ry Tse ook niagara 25500 PH [DCA Parece Bt Bios Sit fa0%4 T9000 FM DOA Parade i Tiel End [972014 F300 PM oi Ain Bi arbor Eanes Glock Out |SAS2O44 1000 PA bitin Big arbor Enance Gick n_[9ADAOTA SSOP ina Bebieen Nowe West Sars Bea Sia [202014 63.00 PH it Adin ra Foe Paria feel end [9202014 FOTOOPM [is Admin ig Harbor Enance Giak Out zoe TSa0 PAR arb: Hoss Rac ey isoe Giok h_[W2tTatTa 2550 PH [Sharaser Room Gk Ain ea Stat [OaTTA SHOOT Faib Hoise Radio Rey sue teal En [9272044 FOOD PH arb Hoes Rac Key Tesue GieskOut|o172014 T0000 FA arb: Heise Reso Key Teste lek [922014 TOSSOPH Harbor House Ri Kay ue Tiel Stet [2014947 AT Fam Dana it Foor abby Wel End [92572014 470.00 A [ois Ain ig Harbor Entrance Gio Out fan572014 71800 A Herr Hote Rai Kay sve Goose [WAaRTA ESHOP Harbor Howse Rc Key soe Tel Seat [28201479500 PE Wioiocks 1 0f30 [DLR-B67 |Farbor House Radio Key sue Ce Oot [ABUTS BAOOO PAT [DLR-B57 [arbor House Radio Key Issue Clock Out [772075 8000 PA [DLR-D43 [Old Admin Bg Harbor Enrands GiockIn_[tB2015 775500 Pu [DLR-088 [GH Seourly Koy leeue Gist in [WaaTS 540.00 PM IDLR-B67 |Farbor House Radio Key Rave ‘losin [12018 78500 PM, [DLR-644 |im Beivcen Nexto West Stare ‘Meal Siar [132015 600.00 Pt [DLR-B70 [OCA Backstage Buiding 005 East Se | Weal End [12075 6.3000 Pir [DLR-B67 |Pareor House Racto Key eeu (Glock Out FVSPBOTS 10:10:00 Pa [DLR-ba3 |i Admin Beg Harbor Entrance, Gioskin [W208 25500 PM IDLR-B5s [Team Disney Anaheim Casing al Star [1742015 5:45:00 PH IDLR-857 |verbor House Raho Kay Issue Meal End [142015 676.00 PU [DLR-B56 arbor House Radio Key sve Cock Out [R016 Ft0-00 Pw [DLR- B86 |Harbor House Radio Keylesue ‘Gc VGBNSz SOO PM [DLR-BS6 |Farbor House Radio Key issue Giock in” 62076 2:89:00 Fa [BLR-Da3 [ia Asin Bldg Harbor Eniance eal Star 17672076 7.46500 PW IDLR-B57 |Havbor House Radio Key ews al End 7572045 622-00 PA [DLR-G57 |Harbor House Radio Key Inoue Clock Out e075 19700 PM [DLR-ESE [Harbor House Rado Key eeu ‘Gok Ih 82075 75:00 PH [BLR-5S7 [Harbor House Rado Key feaua | Meal Star vemos 7s6:00 PM [DLR-B7S [Main St Eat Break Area? ‘Weal Ena [182078 827-00 Pur [DLR-Da3 [Oi Admin Bag Harbor Entrance Glock Out Hraraois 112.00 PAT Harbor House Rado Koy leu Gleckin {1702015 265.00 PM IKGWL KS Bis Toa Sia [arzoi8 72800 PW la-and Pasting Swuctre 7 ‘Meal End [V&z018 75500 PA [Mand F Perang Structure 7 Cieek Out [var2075 1120 PT [DLR-BS6 [arbor House Radio Key isu ‘Giock in | VF0r2018 302:00 Put [DLR-D43 [Ow Adin lag Harbor Entrance Meal Start [1072016 611.00 PU [DLR-BS6 |}Harbor House Radio Key ecu Meal End [1072018 636-00 Pu IDLR-B&6 |Harbor House Racio Key eave Neal End_[ 17072018 838.00 Pur IDLR-366 |Harbor House Rach Kay Issue Meal Ene (O2018 640-00 PAE IDLR-567 |Harbor House Radio Key esue Teal End W078 67-00 PA IDLR-D4s ]Ou Admin Bldg Harbor Entrance Cloak Out [IOR0T6 Tet EOO PM [DLR-BS6 [Harbor House Ral Key sue ‘Gosk in_[14H20%S 75500 PM [DUR-DaS [Ov Adin Big Fevbor Entrance oat Start [1772016 70700 Po [OLR-De3 [Olt Admin Bldg Harbor Entrance. Real End | V¥120%S 73100 PM [OLR-Da3 [Oi Admin Bag Harbor Entrance: (Giock Out [aAa0Ts TEI TOO PA IDLR-D3 [Old Admin Bid Harbor Entrance ‘losk in [iri2076 78:00 PM IDLR-510 JOGA Backstage Bulling 907 (LH) Wes Stat [17127015 55400 Pi IDLR-Bi9 |DCA Backsiage Bullang 907 (LH) ‘Meal End [1/12/2015 6:22:00 Par [BLR-D43 01 Asin leg Harbor Eniance. Giock Out 2EO16 TOO PM, [DLR-B66 [Harbor House Rao Key osu ‘Gieek in }IAROTS ZO PU [DLR-BA0 |Westiga Diner Falvay Outside Meal Start [11672046 730-00 PE [BLR-BS5 [Harbor House Reso Koy fue ‘Wal Ena [1iSR075 87000 Pa [BLR-D&3 [Ol Amin Bidg Harbor Entrance Cock Out [SOT T4.00 PUL IDLR-BS6 [Harbor House Radio Key issue ‘Cock In_[WTer2075 25600 Pts [DLR-B40 [Westside Diner Haway Outside Meal Start 7163078 740.00 PM [DLR-B48 | Character Room Old Admin ‘eal End _[1rieao7s 81000 Put poss 120 f [eos 00130 DUR as Fartor House Raaio Ray tau Geek On SIR0IS CZE-TO Par IBLR-D29 JO Adin Big Harbor Enance Cieck in | a2016 265.00 PH [DLR-B48 [OW Admin Big Harbor Enrence | Cock ou [D016 420.00 PRT [BLR-888 [Harbor House Ratko Key lesue ‘Gock in_[SH2075 2:55:00 PM DLRDat [Feam Disney Tet Foot abby. ‘Neal Start [32016 7:72:00 PH [BUR-Bae [arbor House Radio Kay isu Maal End |36/20157:42:00 PM jouRss7 Harbor House Rado Key fave ‘look Out [782016 853.00 Pat DUR-Ss Harbor louse Radio Key lesue ‘look in [12206 2:56:00 Pd DURES [Team Disney Anaheim Casting eal Start [37272015 6:42.00 Pw DURES [Harbor House Rado Koy issue Weal End [877270015 7:12:00 Prt [puRDae [Oe Admin Blog Harbor Entrance (Gok Oat [371272015 57.00 PHT [DLR Das [Oa Amin lag Harbor Entrance ‘lock In [872075 2:56:00 PM [BLR-D48 [Old Admin Blog Harbor Entrance Gio Out fariaz016 53400 PM [DLR DaS [On Aamir Blog Harbor Envancs Clock STARTS 85.00 PM [DLR-D43 [Old Admin Blog Harbor Entrance eal Siar [ariazots 7-10.00 Pm] [DLR ain St East Brook Area Z Meal End |S7&72015 7:47:00 Pi [DLRCDa3 [Ow Admin Bg Harkor Envance (Clock Out |Sria2018 48:00 Pu [GuRDa9 [Ow Aamin Bag Hareor Envance Crackin [957016 25800 PUM [DLR'B46 [charactor Room Old Admin Tal Start [3751015 7.0600 PI OUR eae [Charecior Roam O14 Adin ‘eal End |S71620%8 7.40.00 PM [DuRbas [Od Acmin Bldg Harbor Entrance (Glock Out [562075 7:55.00 Pet jouR-B66 Hesbor House Red Key lve ‘loskin_[S7/2078 2:56:00 Pit [DURBe Inn Betoun Nextt West Stare Tal Start [7172015 65:00 PU TR ATT [DL Rain Steet West behind Epo ‘eal End [37/2016 7:23:00 PM] DLR De [ot Admin Bldg HerborErvance (Gide Out 7172096 023-00 Put [pLR Das [Ol Admin Glog Harbor Entrance leek n_[3/23/2015 2:55:00 PMA [BURST Harbor House Radio Koy fue Gioek Out [3/23/2005 8:54:00 PM [DLR 855 [Harbor House Rado Koy ieee ‘ieekin [32272016 2:55:00 Phd [DLR-Bt2 linn Betweon Ne to West Stale Teal Sart [32272076 7:52.00 Pt [BL-O72 [ow Admin Learning Genter Parke Malena [82272016 8:08:00 Pi [DUR-D#3 [Ol Aamin Bag Harbor Entrance Glock Out S7202015 857-00 PE ir: [DURB55 Harbor Huse Radio Kay isu Gieekin_[aaaois 2:55:00 PM] [DUR-O43 ois Admin Bldg Harbor Entrance Clock Out |area075 662.00 PAE [DURE [Parr House Rado Key lst Giockin_|s2672075 25500 PM [BLR-B34 [Adventureland Frontier Ofoa 1 Teal Sart |se0%5 5:00PM) [DUR-031 [Adventureland Frontier Offoe 7 esl End [s2672076 821-00 PM [BLRB43 [Olt Aan lg Harbor Enrance ‘Cok Out [567095 655.00 PU [BLRGa5 [OH Admin Bllg Harbor Errance Gioskin [32772075 255000 Pid [DLR-D@3 [Ol Admin Bldg Harbor Enance Gieck Out [9272076 736-00 PM [BLRba3 [Ord Admin Sig Harbor Enirance Gloskin [3062015 255.00 PH [BLR-e3 [Ord Aan Bldg Harbor Enrance ‘Gioek Out [3126207 6-47.00 PN [DLRD43 [Ota Admin Blég Harbor Eirance ‘Giosk Ou frzaran%6 67-00 PUT [DLR-BG6 [Rerbor House Rado Key leewe ‘Glock in [S072078 2:55:00 PM [DLR-B80 [Paradiee Per co Cream Cast Bask Area | Weal Stat [302018 748-00 PM [DLR-B70 [DCA Backstage Buldng 807 (CH) eal End |Sa072075 010-00 Pi [BLR-343 [Oi Admin Blog Harbor Enranee {Ge Out [3902018 616-00 PL 7 Harbor House Raho Key lesue ‘Glosk in [42015 75500 PtH Hilocis 11 0F20 BRAT [BC a Steal Want behind Epona Teal Sit [aaROTE TESTOR IDUR-B75 fain St astra hea 1 Weald [ROS 82700 PA [DUR-Das [ots Aan Big Harbor Eran Clock Out A206 TONE DOP =| DLR-857 [Harbor House Redo Ke ese Costin [e016 256.00 PH Fs|DLF-500 |Paradve Pirlo Croam Can Sreak Area | Weal Sat [WS018 THO FM [DLR:850 [Paracas Price Gram Cast Break Area | Neal End [Waz01s 62600 PM [DUR-DAs [Od Admin Bldg Harbor Erirancs Gis Gut [aIBOTE 9.47.00 PH [DUR-BS7 [Harbor House Rado Roy lve Glockin aH720TS 255.00 PH [DUR-O4e [oi Adin Big Harbor iron Chock Ow [aaa016 627.09 FA Fr DLR-B65 [Harkor House Radio Rey lave Cioccin arsa0is 25500FM |] s]OcR-830 [Paradise Per oe Cream Cast Break Area Weal Sta [am016 7800 PM ——| | [DLR-690_[Paraioe Peres Cream Gost Break Area | Weal Ena EOS 62500 Pi [DER-D48 [OM Aan Big Harbor Enrence Gio Gut BOTS TO:TEOO PN [BURCBSE [Harbor House Reo Key Tesue Gioacr— [20S ZESDOPUE [DLR-B@4 lnm Babnaen Nav to West Stare Tea Sia |aaa0% 7.4500 PAE] [OUR-B7® Iain St East Broak Area 1 Teal nd [2018 DOPE [DLR-Das [Oi Admin Bldg Harbor Ean Gik Gut [2076 5:35.00 PI BLR-DtS [Oe Admin Big HerborErivanca Checkin [war201s 28500 Pit [BLR-B20 [Paradise irl Cream Cast Break Ata | Weal Sat [462015 737-00 PW [BLR-550 [Paradise Pri Groam Cast Break Area | Wealend [waris c0700PEM | “[UR-B66 [Harbor House Radio Rey lsu Glock Out [62016 34600 P | BLDG OW Admin Big Farber Enanca Ghockln [ioROTS 285.00 PM [DLR850 |Pacative ler lo Cream Cael break Area _| Weal Stet [rorOTs 750.00 PH ——| [SUR-Bs0 [Parad Price reer Gest area area —| Wea! Era eTOZOTS ESCO Pi (ees oe eae a Clock out farowore ee PM —] [DUR-BS7 [Rartor House Rai Re fsue Gockth ariraot6 255.007 —| [DUR-Da2 [oid Adri Big Harbor Erace Glosk Gut fart z018 7.0600 Par [DUR-BS7 [Harbor House Resi Ke ebue ‘Cai n |ariam076 255.00 PA [DUR-630 [Pardiae Per lon Creare Cast Break Area Neal Stat [4722016 7.4600 PI [DUR-530 [Paradise Per os Cream Cast Break Area | Weal End [A120%8 62000 Pit IDUR-B55 [Harbor House Redo Ke asus Goosk Gut far2b%6 703600 PA | [DUR-DAS [Ot Adin Bg Harbor Ena Goch _HraRoTS 259.00 Fu —| [DUR-D4S [Oa Acnin Big Harbor Enrance Gio Gut [ASROTS 77.00 [SURBS7 [Harbor Novos Ras Rey sae Gieckth_ariaaoTs 255-007 IDCR-AFe [KCAL KS wig Tisai Sat [AGRO FTO FH [DUR-BG0 [DLR Big Thunder Raren Ken Meal ng |AMGZOTS 75700 Pu [DUR-D43 [Oe Acmin Big arbor niece Gio Out fri2015 957-00 PT [SUR-D43 [Ow Admin Bg Harbor Eranoe lack nA 72075 56:00 Ft IDER-D3t [Acvenurelond Fenter Ofie 1 sal Sia JATEOIE TATOO PM [BUR-DSt [Advertrotnd Front Offes 1 aa tat [AMTEOTS TATOO PH [BUR-D3t [Adventretand Front Offe= 1 Teal End [AMTROTS E00 PH LRCBST |Marbor louse Rat Koy ose Gost Gut [T2015 8.4.00 Pr [OLR JOG Amin Bg Harbor Enero lock In _e7a720TS 288.007 [BUR-G74 [tan St East Break Area eal Sat [a ea016 7z00 PH [BURGAS [Character Room Ob Adin Heald aBRO1S COTO PH [BUR-Das Jord Aarin Bldg HaroorErirace Gio Oat frraat6 107500 PAT Ghookin_[arIaOTS 755.007 [oR Des, [Old Admin Big Harbor Eirence Heron [BERD [Foam Banay To Foor Lobby Mal Seat OROS FOTO PM [DLR-D20 [Team Disney Ts Flor Lobby Meal Stat [47192018 7:07:00 Pit [DLR-B56 [Harbor House Rio Koy lesue Meal End [arier01s 7:92.09 PM [DLR-B43 [OTE Admin Blg Harbor Enrance ‘losk Out [21072075 8:26.00 Par IDLR-B56 [Harbor House Raia Key lsue Clock In [a2072016 2:56:00 PM [DLR-022 [Oi Admin Bldg arbor Enrance (Goosk Out [az07016 7.1400 Pa IDLR-D48 ]Old Admin Big Havbor Entrance ‘losk In ]€2302016 2:56:00 PM [DLR-ATT [DL Main Street West behind Emporium | Meal Stan ZZ0TS T5600 PHL [DLR-ATT [DL Main Steet Wost behind Emporium | heal End [aparzoTs 82600 PH [DLR-D4S [Od Adin Bg Harbor Entrance (Glock Out [2572095 8.00 PUR [DLR-645 [Old Admin Bg Harbor Enranoe ‘Gick in e2a2016 2.5500 PM [DLR-574 [sin St East Broak Area Teal Start |araa016 7:44:00 Pw [DLR-B¢5 Inn Betveen Nex to East Sars Meal End 242016 6:14:00 PM [DLRD43 [Ok Adon Bg Harbor Enrance ‘Glock Out aBAI2018 65:00 PM [DURST [Rarbor House Radio Kay lasue Gioskin [AS02015 25500 PM [DUR-D4S [Old Admin Big Harbor Entrance Glock Out [5072015 6:30:00 PA [BLR-D23 [Old Admin Big Harbor Enrance ‘Glock n_|sr2016 25800 Pm [BLR-D4s [Ole Admin Beg Harbor Envance Glock Out [Sr72018 3.5500 PM [BER B49 foie Admin Bag Harbor Enirance ‘Glock in 5772076 25:00 PM. [DLR-028 |stowybook Cast Break Area eal Star [522201573500 PH IDLR520 [storybook Cast Break Area Weal End |572/2018 803.00 PW [DLR-Das [01 Admin Bg Harbor Enrance ‘Gosk Out [52015 8:06:00 PHF [DLR-D43 [Ols Admin dg Harbor Entrance Gioacln |S 075 256.00 PW [DLR 5? [Rarbor House Radio Ray i Tie out [SOROS ETT ON PRE [DUR-S56 [Rarbor House Radio Key fue Cloak in |S2078 2:55:00 PE [DURDa3 [ois Am Bidg Harbor Enrance Glock Out [Sar2015 6500 PHT [DLR-D2S [Old Admin Big Harbor Enrance Glock In [5772015 2:55:00 PM [BLR‘523 [Otd Admin Bag Hetbor Enrence {Glock Out [5772018 5:98.00 Pa TER -D43 JO Adin Bg Harbor Erirance ‘lock _|ST/2015 2:56:00 Ph [DLR-880 [Paracae Per ice Grearh Cast Break Ares | Weal Sian SVR2D16 65400 PM [OLR-820 [Parades Perce Cream Cast Break Ares | Weal End [Si82016 72400 PM [DLRD43 [Old Admin Bag Harbor Enivence ‘lock Out [82015 9:54.00 FMT [DLR 556 [Harbor House Radio Key Issue ‘Glock in_|5/2015 235500 PW [DLR-B00 [OLR Bip Thunder Ranch Kitchen Teal Start [st7207s 74500 PM [DLR-B00 [DLR Big Thunder Ranch Kichen Meal End |SG/2075 81400 Pt [DLRD43 [Oi Admin Beg Harbor Entrance ‘Gisk Out [5672075 0:07:00 PM [DUR a3 [Old Admin lag Harbor Enrance Glo in_|s7I0;015 2:65:00 PM [DLR-045 [oid Admin Big Harbor Entrance ‘lock in_|SMO/3015 2:55:00 Pi KOM KS Big eal Star [SHO20T6 T5700 PT DCA Gast Comvrissary Now to Payphones | Meal End [Sfa20ts 62800 PM [Okt Admin Blog Harbor Enivance (leek Out [57072075 10:800 Pi arbor Hove Rado Rey leue Crock n_[s/e0Ts Z5500 PM [Oi Aan Bldg Harbor Entrance Clock Out [512015 6:45:00 Pi [DLR-Da3 [Ola Admin Blig Harbor Enirance ‘Giookin | 57/a016 260.00 PH [DLR-830 | Paraiee Per ice Creamy Cast Bvoak roa | Neal Sta [e/14i016 7-70.00 PAE [DLR-830 [Paracico Perce Gream Cact Break Area | Weal End [S/142018 7:47:00 PAE [DLR B43 [Olé Admin Bg Harbor Enrance ‘Clock Out [sstarz01s 1022500 Pet [DLR-D2S [OW Aatrin Bag Harbor Erivance: Gleek Out [SSW0TS SAHOO PAT [DUR-D48 [0 Admin Bag Harbor Enrance ‘Clock in [672015 25500 Pit [DLR-858 [arbor House Radio Key issue Clock Out arra0tS e100 Pht [BLR-D45 [OW Admin Bg Harbor Entrance ‘Gioek In [64/20752:55:00 PM [DLR-ATt [DL Nain Steet West bohing Emporium | eal Sta J@A/2018 7:22.00 PU [BLR-847 [van S iy al Fie House Gato Meal End [@7201875200 PW IBLR-043 JOU Admin Bg Harbor Entance (Glosk Out [42018 8:27.00 PA [BLRB48 [Ou Admin Beg Harbor Entrance: Gieck in [S075 25500 PIF [DLR-D48 [OH Aarin Bldg Harbor Entrance ‘Gioak In [6/2075 2:55:00 Pl [DLR-630 [Parade Perce Greart Cast Break Area | Weal Star [GI62018 7.54.00 PM [DLR-820 [Paradise Perce Grea Cast Break Area | Mal Start [@I6/2018 7.5400 PUT [DLR-B30 [Paradise Perce Cream Cast Break Aroa | Moai End [@I62018 6:25:00 PW [BLR-D4s [OW Admin Bdg Harbor Entance: Glock Out [852018 TTOSGOPN [DLR-B56 [Harbor Houso Radio Koy Iesue_— | Cioekn_[@6 0015256500 PI [DLRD4s [ois Aan Bigg arbor Envance Clock Out [B/2015 635.00 Pi IDLR-045 JO Amin Bigg Harbor Enirance: “Gock In_|6772015258:00 Pi IDLR-ATT [DL Han tect West behind Emporia’ | Weal Sta [6/2018 757300 PH [DLR-B06 [fain SGiy Hal Fre House Gale ‘eal End [67/2016 825.00 PM [DUR Ba5 [Main St City Hal Fre House Gate Meal End [5/7/2015 62500 Pt [DURB45 ain StGiy Hal Fre House Gate eal End [6772016 82600 Prk [DLR B45 [Mn SUCiy Hal Fre House Gale ‘Meal End 87/2015 626.00 Pw [DLR B86 [sin SUC Hal Fre House Gate ‘Meal End |B772016 82500 PA [BLR-ATT [DL Main Svest West behind Emporium | Meal End [a/20%6 627-00 PIE [DUR bas [Gia Aan Big Harbor Entrance ‘Glock Out [72016 34:00 PH [DLR-57 [Harbor Houne Redo Key tv Ciockin [8207S 75500 Fe [DUR-bas Joie Admin Bg Harbor Entrance Glock Out [5201s 59.00 PM [DLR-B67 [Harbor House Radio Key leave Goockin_]61 172075 265:00 Ph [DLRB56 [Marbor House Radio Key lesus Clock Out [172015 60500 FH [BLR-837 [Rerbor House Radio Key fase ‘Giosk n_JOVI20%6 2:66:00 PH [DLR-B45 [Ol Admin Bldg Harbor Enrance Gieak Out [52/2075 62600 Pu [DLR-543 [ol Admin Bldg Harbor Enivence: ‘loek n_[SS/2076 26600 PH IBLR-820 [Paradise Pier loo Groom Cact Beak Area | Hoa Sart [61/2016 7.56:00 PT [DLR-B30 [Parade Per lee Cream Cast Bak Area | Meal End [6/S72015 62600 PUT [DLR-D43 [Ola Admin Blk Harbor Entrance Gieck Out [a/isi207s 103600 Pu [DUR-57 |Feroor House Rasa Key lasve ‘Cookin |S/1S2016 55:00 Pt [GuReba3 [oi Aa Bldg Favor Entrance look Out arier20is 1-20:00 PW JDUR-D4S [Ol Admin Bag Harbor Entrance Ciook in [SMB20T5 26600 PUL [DLR-B5T JOGA Gast Commissary Nexto Payphones_| Meal Stat [6/2015 737.00 PM [DUR-BST [DCA Cast Commissary Nextto Payphones | Weal End [B/I@2018 80700 PU IDLR-366 [Harbor House Radio Koy Tasue (Gleck Out [B/T6Z018 T2NOU PH [DLR-S86 [Farber House Radio Key asue Cieck Out |6/182015 11-5000 Pl [DUR-BE6 arse House Radia Key Tse ‘Goa n_[S1253015 265500 PR [DUR-Ad6 SCH OVG Wing Breakroom Teal Stat [62572075 0100 PU [DLR-Ave ]GCH OVC Wing Breskrcom Mal End |S/252015 65400 Pi [DLR-B14 [Paracise Plo Break Area eal End [625015 637-00 Pe [DLR-O4S [Okt Admin Bigg Harbor Entrance ‘Goek Out [625/2015 117600 PRA [OLR-BS7 [Farber House Radio Key Tosue ‘Gioak Tn [62601 (12500 A [loss 140130 [DCRSGae fon Benen Nano Weak SE Weal Sa OEDOTS SOOT ]DLR-054 [Ol Admin 2nd For Parkside Tel Ed |O2001S B00 PT [DCR-ADS fw and F Pang Seoature Gosk Out [TASES 7:40:00 IDUR-AOS fit and F Paring Stucture 1 Clock 0a ar 208 Ttz00 Pr [DLR-387 [arbor House Ras Key lave Gioacin_|pz7a015 Z5600 7m LR-B80 [DUR 6 Thunder Ranch Recher Hol Sit [S27H0T6 F000 Fr [BURT [Foon Town Teal nd BTAOTS 820 FT [DUR-Di7 |Teon Town ‘Weal End [6/27/2015 7:32:00 PM JDUR-D4s Jo nari Sag Fart Enanco Gok Out [WTHOTS TzEOOPH [DUR-B67 [arbor House Rado Key Tsue ‘iackn_]OzA015 755.00 7A [DURES [OCA Parade Teal Start JOOROTS 5:00 FH [DCR:B%9 [OA Backstage Guiding S07 CAD Weal End fW2ATTS F300 A —| [DUR-D42 [id Adin lg Farber ence Gosk Out [SARROTS 111400 [DERE |Rartor House Rais Rey ese “Coax i arar2018 ZED PM cR-043 [it Adin dp Hatbr Enver tol Start J72B2016 7.0800 Fa DuR-573 an St Eas Break Area t Teal Ea |STaaR01S 73600 PT [DUR- D4 [Oe Ain Bag arbor Ena Glock Gut [NROTST11T90PM [DLR-OS7 [arbor House Rao Key Tsue Chock [ATTS EES 00 Pat LR-c39 [SCH Bungalow Ga? Teal Sia |7B0%S G5E00 PAT [Yocr-Aos [SCH BV Wing Breskoor Teal Ed [722015 72600 PAT TBuR-Aae [SCH OVC Wing Brestrcom Meal End [20S 72000 PH [[oe-bas [oe Aarin dg Farber Envanon ioc Out [72016 TEOO FH TDURAOS [and F Paring Stucke T Coocklh_[TABOIS EST DOP —| IDURCOZ [OW sein Cernig Cater PATE | Waal Str [aos 7.0.00 TDURSA0S [and F Paring SrutireT Waal End |SROTS 6.1500 P [DUR-AO8 and FParng Suck Glock in_sents FeAOAO PAT OLR-AOE Mand F Pang Stuotre 1 ect n_[Waaors 2m 00 PT [DUR-CA7 JOLH DRC South Ey Fay Tool Start [aos T2800 P| [BLRCH7 [OL DRC South Ey Favay eal Ena |7az0"6 80000 PM —| fi] DLR-ADS |W and F Parking Structure 1 Clock Out [7/4/2075 51747700 PM) [DLR-E67 [rbor House Rado Key tsi Close 72015 2.5500 Pt [DUR-D54 [Oe mann and Foor Parse Bal Sit 752016 63200 P [BUR:D54 [Oe Aan nd Foor Parke ial Enel [72078 7:00:00 PAT [DUR-Da2 [Oe aan ag Farbor Enrercs Glock Out |DTS TITOOO FT [DURES [arbor House Rao Key ese Clock BOTS 200 PM [DURBT4 [Parade Par Break Area ea Stet |TI20T8 8=A00 PA [DUR-E56 Harter Houee Rade Key aa Beal nd | EDOAS EOD PHT [BURBS [Farbor Rouse Ras Rey tesue Te nd [EEDTS TODOP TT RDAs out acm Bip Farber Eanes Chk Out [OTS HTATOOP [DLR-BST [Harbor House Rado Key les Glin |7RI@OTS Ze UO PIR bUR-DA9 ous asin lg Harbor Eanes Thea Start |TE0TS 7. 0a:00 PA Ure OU Aen na Foor Parise Teel Et | THODTS FE OO PIT DUR-Da9 [ous Acnin lg Harbor Etance Chk Out [PADIS TTABDOP DUR-at2 [wand FPereng Stuur 2 Chock Th _[THORGAS STOOP IDLR-AT2 [Mend F Paring Sracture 2 Tea Siok |7HOROTS 7.CO PR [DUR-Bi5 |DCA Parade Sid ~[ieat End [77072076 &:02:00 Par [OLR-Ai2 [Mand F Parking Structure 2 ‘Glock Out [7102018 11:12:00 PM HER 15 030 [ipods 120r20 [DLR-D23 [OW Adri Big Harbor Eniancs: Cock Ow [SBOE TaoO PMT IDLR-B55 [Harbor louse Rasio Koy lesue CieckIn_[erte2o76 2:55:00 Pu JDLR-BS7 [Harbor House Radio Key lasue ‘Gosk in]@/16R016 2:57:00 Pl IDLR-AOs [GCH DV Wing Breaisoon Test Start [6672015 6:58:00 PA IDUR-B14 [Pafadae Per Break Area ‘Maal End [87162015 7:26:00 Pit [BLR-G2% [Costuming HS Job Clock Cantal [Gk ow [arer20r6-ri-a;00 Pu [BLR-B66 [arbor House Rac Key osue Cioek Ia [87772015 735500 Pik [BLR-D4S OH Admin 8idg Harbor Entrance Glosk Out [7/2075 4:37:00 Pa [DLR-B66 [Harbor House Radio Key sue ‘Gosk n_|B72072015 2:55:00 PH [DLR-Es6 [Harbor House Radio Key issue ‘Cieek In arBI20T6 2:86:00 PM [DLR-E44 [in Botween Next i West Stare ‘al Start [a20015 6355.00 Pi [DLRG44 [inn Botween Nexto West Stare ‘eal End_|Q/202015 7:25:00 Put DLR 045 [Old Acimin Slag Harbor Eirance (Glock Out [SBOZOTETTT OOOH [DUR-D43 [Ol Admin Bida Harbor rirance “Clock in_[82172015 2:57:00 PM _ [DLR-D43 [01d Acimin Big Harbor Enrance Weal Siar [107972078 74500 PM [DLR-Ca2 [OLA Hekping Ofe(Fronfer Tower Bacoreen)| Mal End | 1020/2016 61:00 Pi [DLR-CA2 [OLH Hekping Ofe(Fonier Tower Basemen)| esl End [102072015 61500 PM [DURAT2 [it and F Parkng Stucturez ‘Glock Out [1Ozer207S 1700 PA IDUR-AGS [Wand F Parking Sito + ‘Giock in [703073015 2:65.00 PU [DURC17 [OLH ORG South Eni Hatway eal Start [107302015 717.00 PM IDUR-CT7 [OLH ORC South EnryHalway Tioal End | {07302015 742.00 Pat [DURADS [a and F Paring Sructure 1 ‘Glock Out [TORSnIROTS Ti TOO0 PM [DLR-C16 [OTD Ness Staton ‘Glock in 11512016 265000 FR [BLRI7 [OA DRC South Ena Relay Tal Start [107372016 728-00 PME [DLR-AO7 [OL Corral Bakery Chae Ofica Teal End |1O/S12016 B0T00 PHT IDLRAT2 [it and F Parking Srcture2 ‘Glock Out [rasa01S TeTZ00 PM [DLR-C16 JOTO Nurse Staion ‘Giockin_|17712016 2:55.00 PM IDLR-C16 [OTD Nurses Staton eal Start |¥17172018 7-16.00 PM IDLR-C16 [OTO Nurses Station Teal End | AV2016 7-48.00 PAE [BLR-G01 [PPE Loading Dock 1 Clock Out [1172015 17:10:00 PAE [DLR-AGe [Wand F Parking Sructare 7 ‘Giookn_]1 77272076 2:55.00 Pik [DUR-C77 [OL ORC South Entry Halay Moai Start [1121007577500 Pi IDLR-AT2 [Wend F Parking Stvctwre 2 Meal End | 2/8018 747-00 PA [DLRAT2 [Nena F Parking Siero Clock Ou [ivaraots Tit 00 PE IDLRAT2 [Ntand F Parking Sucre 2 Gookin_[Tuaa015 25500 PM [DUR-CTT [OLH DRC South Eny Halway Teal Stat |1 74/2078 7 28:00 Pu [DUR-ADS [Mend F Parking Siuctre 1 Meal End [T1472075 8:00:00 Pu [DLR-AGS ftand F Parking Sructre 1 ‘Giock Out [T1075 T1800 Pek [DLR-A08 fi and F Parking Structure 7 ‘Glosk In| T6016 288;00 Pi [DLR-C17 [DLA DRC South Enty Hawa Ties! Start [11572075 7:36:00 PW [DUR-C17 JOLH DRC South Enty Hatway ‘Meal End |f1/62018 6:07.00 Pit [BUR-A08 |i an F Parking Stucore 7 Gok Out [THSaoTS ThTz00 PM DLRCATZ [Wand F Parking Sivcire = ‘Glock in_|T/Ta0Is 26500 Pa [DLR-AGS [Wand F Parking Structure 1 ‘Glosk in [T7305 255.00 Ph [DLR-AGB [i'and F Paring Siucture t ‘Giock Out [1772075 4:19:00 Pa [DLR-ADS Wand F Parking Siuote t ‘Giockin [Tab 267.00 Pa [DUR-ST7 [DLH DRG South Ena Halway Tost Start [11872075 T0700 Pa [Es 190120 [DUR-C77 [DLN ORC South Enty Haley Teal End [TURBOS TST Pt [DLR -A06 [rand F Parking Structure 1 ‘Cock Out [78RD TT: TOOP AE IDLR.A06 |ttand F Barking Sucre 1 ‘Gick in| 7872015 2:55:00 Pr IDLRA0E |MandF Parking Sirvciure 1 (Giock Out | az0T 3:55:00 PAE [DUR-AOe |i andF Paring Siveture 1 ‘Gock in_|11/1270075 2:58:00 PIA [DLR-Bas [Character Room Ow Aan ‘ea Star | 727120075 7:30:00 PUT [OLR-ba8 [Old Admin Bidp Harbor Envance Mealend [11/016 757 00PU IDLR-B67 |Ferbor House Reso Key lsue eal End [117122016 760-00 PH [DLR-B67 [arbor House Radio Key lsu eel End [1171272075 758.00 Pit IDLR-867 |Harbor House Redo Key lsu Weal End [117122016 7-59.00 Pt IBLR-567 [Harbor House Radio Key sve Teal End [1tar2016 BONGO PIT JDLR-A‘2 |i and F Parking Structure 2 (Glock Out [7182016 1:15.00 PM [DLR-AOB [Wand F Parking Stucture 1 Glock in _|T71872075 2:67:00 Pl [DLR-Ci7 [DLA DRC South Enty Hiway Tat Start rvis07s Taz.00 PM [DURAT2 [Wand F Parking Stuoture a Ed |Ti/FS72075 871800 PM [DLR-AB [Mand F Parking Seucture 1 Cloak Out [19719018 11300 PM [DLR-ATZ [Wand F Parking Sastre 2 Grockin _[TuTaz0TS 255.00 PA [DLR-CT7 [DLH DRC South Enty Halway Meal Start |Firia0v6 71000 PA [OUR-AT2 [it and F Paring Stuctire 2 Meal End |Ti/taR0T5 751.00 PE IDLR-A2 [it and F Parking Steucture 2 Glock Out [rivtanois Traisa0Pm | [DLR-B5S [Team Disney Anaheim Casting Clockin |TABBO1S T2550PM | [DUR-DG0 [TDA Disney Universiy Glock Ou [THEO s2-00 PM] [DLR-CO1 [PH Leading Dook 1 “Cookin [1171072076 BAT-00 AM [DLR-C10 [cr Bungalow Gr 7 eal Start |Tirisi20vs 115200 AM IDLR-C10 [6CH Bunpsfow Gril rites 1275-00 Ph JDLA-C1r JOLH ORC South Enty Halwa frineenis 24200 Pm [DLR-Co0 [SCH Lower Levelt ‘leek In [1172072076 2:26:00 PN [DLR-Coe [SCH Lowor Levelt Tas! Start [72072016 55000 Pu IDLR-CoD [SCH Lowor Levert ‘Nal End 17200015 62500 PH [DLR-Cos [SCH Lower Level ieteek out ryanmorssttO roo PME IDLR-c44 [SCH Lower Level ‘leak in W/272015 65:0 Ak [DLR-C09 |SCH Loner Levelt Teal Start [1172172016 25700 Pu IDLR-CO9 [SCH Lower Levelt Meat Eng [1/21/2015 827.00 Pm DLR-CO0 [SCH LoworLevel 1 ‘Gioak Oat [ 117272018 0:00 Pu [DUR-C0 [SCH Loner Levelt Gloekin [T2207 Ta:R60 PN [DLR-C08 |GCH Lower Levert Glock Out [1202015 45:00 PH [DLR-C09 |GCH Lower Levelt ‘lockin_[TaB076 123200 PM DLR-Co9 |SCH Lower Levelt Waal Start [717282015 52600 PU DLR-Go0 |GCH Lower Levelt ‘Meal End [11/25/2015 650.00 PH [OUR-Gad |GGH Loner Level (Giox Out [77282015 1300 PM [OLR-Goa [GCH Lower Levelt ‘lock in_|33/24/2018 32:26:00 a IDUR-G00 [SCH Lower Levert Weal Star [15/26/2015 5:28:00 PM DDLR-CO0 |GCH Lower Levelt ‘Meal end {11/24/2015 5:58.00 PM IDUR-Ca4 [SCH Lower Level ‘Meal End [11/24/2015 6:08:00 PM DLR-C44 | SCH Lower Level 2 (ox Dull ii/aa/ao1B 02000 TDUR-Gaa [SCH Lower Level Clock in [11/25/2015 75720 AN [DURGA |GCH Lower Level ‘West Stat [11257015 122600 PH Hipecis 200130 [SURON [GOH Cover Levert Tiel End [TRERTTE ESEGO [DUR-Cat [SCH Lover Levetz Glo Ou | WASHOE A500 FH Fj [oUR-cao [SoH Lover Lav Cio [FVBBROTS 7-500 A [DUR-Co0 [SCH Lower Lever Hea Sea z0R07S FrsKoOAT DURCOS [SCH Laver Cova Talend [HZeaOTE 22D [[OLRCOO [GOH Cover Cover Geck Ox [UTRREDIS ASTM [DUR-C05 [6H Lover Loar Gooth eaz018 ts 00 Fi iouR-cet [SCH Lover Leer Toa Sir | 726075 C500 tRcos [SoH Lover Lever? Tal End | EWDTS F200 otRcat [SCH Lover Leal Gik Ot | 2BHOTE 109900PH F[OLR-C44 [SCH Lower eve? Ghose FVBRRDTS ea A [DuR-Cop [SCH Lover Levelt iol Sa [7201S T5700 FA DUCA [SCH Lover Love toa end [FVaaez076 PzE0O PT erebos [SCH toner ter Gloaot RTSIOTE TOT OOF [DtR-CO0 [SCH Lower Levert Geckin_arva0%6 1227 OOP [DUR [SCH Loner ever2 Biol Se | OFz075 52700 Pt [Rca [SCH Lover Lovet? Tiel End [POAROTE SSOP r[DUR-coo [SoH Loner Lae Gin Ot [aARORS TODO [DUR.CO8 [SCH Lowor Love Glskh fin /a015 755008 DURGA [SCH Lower Lever Wat Sat [12/2005 E2500 DUR Cat [SCH Lover vez Hl End [2/2015 15:90 Fit ruR-coo [SH Ler Let Goek Out [aan aOO rf OUR-Coe [SCH Lower ave “Checkin [12015 057.007 UR Ger [Sew Caer Levala Neal Sin | v201S 2560 RCo [SCH Laver Leva Tess [rZOTS 32E00 FA F{OUR-Gop [SCH LovarLavelt Gls Ow fraRADIE FOU PNT [BCR B55 [Team Disney Ashen Casing ek n [282015 TOSEGOAT [DURGA [OCH DRE Soh Erk Hay Biel Sia Fo 2015 1500 PH [DUR [DUN DRG South Enky Haley Tal End [TBAOTS 5400 Pt [DUR [Team Dane and Foor Genk Oa FIBRO‘ 445.007 [URCO6 [OCH tower Uva? Geka [ROTORS TEZEOOPAT JDLR-CO8 |GCH Lower Level 1 ‘Weal Start [12/7/2015 5:21:00 PM URC [SCH Comer Lvelz Tiel En EPTEDTE REDO [DERG [OCH Lower Cevera Giak Ot [ra OTS D000 TA RCO [SCH Lover Le Geen” RBOTE EARTH [DuR-Cae [SCH Lor Levelt Tel S| 2075 52000 [DUR-CoW [SCH Ler Cova Wiel End [IBRETESSO00PI [ouR-car [Scr tower ear2 Giock out feeo7s 0000 [SuR-Con [SCH Laver Cova GisknREOTE 722 OO PT ffOURCaM [OCH Lover vee Wel Sa |Fawis S2BOOP DuR-Gat [SCH Lower Covel? esl End [T2075 S00 PM [DUR-COD [SCH Lower Love Gosk Ou |raMaOTS TOTO DUR [OCH Cawer Covert Geekin_[FDZOTS TSTOO AT [DuRCOD [GOH Lever Love? Ties Sart [faraROs Fss00 FA [SuR-Con [SCH Lever overt ‘as nd [artz076 tz-00 PA EDUR-Con [GOH Lower Cova Geek Out | ARROISART TOPE DURCH [SCH Cnwor Covert Gaskin faraz675 556 00 Peed Hic: 21 30 [SGH Lover Levert ‘lock ih [TATaBOTE SETOOANT [SCH Lower Level i Moe! Start | arraz016 60-00 00 [SCH LowerLevel i ‘Meal End [127742016 8:70:00 AM [SCH Loner Lever Clock Out faaDs TESA PA [SCH Lower Level ‘Glookin_[rarsn0T5 35G00AM || [GGH Lower Level? Teal Sta 162016 609-00 ANF [SoH Lower Levert Meal End [127152076 83600 AM [SCH Lowor Levert Giock Out a/i620163 28 100 PMT [SCH tower Lover Clock in_|Fa/1672076 3:55.00 [SCH Lower Laver? Meal Stat | Ta71672075 6:35.00 aN [SCH Lower Levert Ml End [T27@2016 0.0500 AM ISGH Lower Level 2 ‘Cock Out fartenTSaS OO PAT] |GCH Lower Level? ‘losk in [1272018 5:55.00. [SCH Loner Level Weal Sit farTaDisez700AM | | [SCH Lover Levert Meal End [127075 85300 AM [SCH Lower tevel2 Glock Out [rarROTERaaE OOP [SCH Lower Levert ‘ockin_|farez01s S55 00AM [SCH Lower Levert Teal Star |12/1er2018 7:22:00 AM [SCH Lower Level? eal Ena [12/1016 82500 ANd [SCH Lower Levelt Glosk Out FANrz0IE S200 PMT [SCH LowerLevel 1 Clock in 1a 2015 525.00 | [SCH Lower evel? eal Sia [7271201 6358.00 008 [GCH LowerLevert Meal End [120277076 103000 AM [SCH tower Levert Clock Out | BDI OIS OOO IT (SCH Lower Level Z ‘Gk in [127228015 62500 ANT [SCH Lover Cover Teal Star [21207016 100800 ANT [GOH Lover Level ‘eal Ea [122272076 10:38:00 AM |GCH Lover Level 2 Clock Out aearnsai07 oo PMT |SGH Lower Level? Chock in| T7B82015 30-00 [SCH LowerLevel 1 Heal Start [122572076 10:16:00 ANT [SCH LowerLevett Meal End | 12572075 10600 ANT [SCH Lower Lever? ‘Giock Out [123872015 270200 Fu [SCH Lover Level ‘Cock in FaBAMIOTS 6:25 00 AN CH tower bevel eat Star | f22872015 102000 AMT [GCH Lower Levert esl End [72a016 TO50:00 ANT [SCH Lower Lever Giosk Out areaanASRO5DOM Ta [SCH Lover Lovel 7 Glock in [128/018 597-00 AN |GCH Lower Level Tea Star [12257015 40-00 AN [Scr Lower Laver ‘Meal Start [12387016 40:00 AM [SCH tower Levelt Mal End | 122572076 10-1500 AN [SCH LowerLavert (Clock Out 2605 20000 PH [SCH Lower Level? ‘Gok in_[raR820%6 £SE00PAT [ScH tonertevert Tat Star [12287015 629.00 Pu [SCH Lower Laver ‘Weal End [2728/2076 7:00:00 Pt [SCH Loner Level (Cock Out | iaaeanTe TOS OR PRT [SCH tower Lover ‘Giock in| 12287076 1:68:00 PUL [SCH Lower Levert Test Star 122672016 62400 Pi Bipot: 22 of 0 [SURG [GOH Lower Laval Teal End [OROTTG BSED j{OUR-Goa [SoH Lower Covel Clock Out FARSRTSAOSTOORMT| | F {OURO [SCH Lower Levelt lock n_| 20602045 455:00 PM [OcR-Coe [SCH Lower Levert ‘oa! Star | as07b0rs 93:00PM [otn-Gto [ect Lower overt Teal End | aGORaHS 9000 PM [DLR-Cov [CH Lower vel Clock Ou [RS AOTS SOO AMD [DtR-caa [SCH Lower Level Cieckin_feasiaais ass PN — [DUR-C44 [GOH Lower Covel _—~[ eal Start Fras eax00 Pr [mos [Scr tower Levert ‘eal Ed [raTa076 TaSO0 PAR IDLR-CO8 [CH LowerLevel Glock Out izate r30.00 aM | IDUR-G00 [SCH Lower Love Giockin 77207655 0 Pa [DUR-Caa cH Lower evel? Tea iat [712076 22000 Pt [DUR-G0o [GOH Lower evel Teal End [igbTe S000 Fit [DLR-Ca4 [GOH LwerLavelZ “Goek Out |72n0%6--a000 aM ——|_| [DorcAoe [SoH OVC Wing Breaivoar Chock in| var2078 e290 PM [DUR-C09 [SCH Lower Level Vea! Siat |vaR0i6 520.00 PM [DUR-Ge [GCH Lowe Level Maal ena [save BStO0PM [BUR-Caa [SCH Lower Laval? Goose Out [132018 90509 TocR-c02 [Sci Lowertovelt ‘ck n_[saNi6 Tso Pm [DUR-Go9 |r Lower Laver Toa Sia | 7201652500 PM [DUR [ctl Lower Love? Neal End |5i2016 6550 PM [DUR-C09 [SCH Lower Laval Glos Out 52076 76:30:00 Pi FIDLRGO6 [OCH Lower Level 7 ‘Cieckin_[i7aore wzzrbo pM] — [DOR Coe [SCH tower ever Weal tot |77RTe 52500 FT [DcR-coe OCH Lower Level Wel End [72076 5600 PR FOUR. [SCH Cover Laver ‘Giock Out |i AOTSBDZOUPME [BCRASE [SCH OVE Wing Breairoom Glos In_|a/faons 12:77:00 [BUR-Caa [GOH Lower Level? Glock tn fa/20%6 1230-00 [DUR-Caa [SCH Lower Lovel2 We Sia 1/6/2036 5:39:00 0M fbuR-on8 [SCH Lower evel Teal End 1/2036 6:08:00 PM [DUR-Coe [SCH Lower Love ea af /o/2016 6:08:00 Pa [5UR-Cow [GC Lower Level Meal Ere [/a/2036 6:08:00 Pu [DLR Coo [GCM LowerLavelt Meal End a/a2046 6:09:00 PM [DUR-C44 [SCH Lower Level Glock Out [vara 9:00.00 7 [DUR-AGs [GCH OVE Wing Breakioom Glock in_|v12016 123200 Pe [DLR-COO_[GCH Lower Laver ea Sart [oo7.016 61.00 Pr IDUR-C00 [SCH Lower Laver Maal End |VOR0T8 54500 PH [DcR-caa faci Lower avez Cloak out [ue0%6 Ba000 PH [OLR-Abs [SCH OVC Wing Breakroom lock ns HOzOTG 2200 PA [DuR-cas [ocr Lower Lever2 eat Siar | 102078 OOO aH [DURCOS[OCH Lower Level ‘eal Ed | iea0i6 52500 PA [DUR-Goo [SCH Lower Laver ‘Mea Ene HOTS 53200 Pw [DUR-C00 [SCH Lower Laver Clock out FrnaOreTssec0 RMT [Duke [SCH Lower Lever ‘iockin_]HaaoHs 227.00 FM [DURoae [SCH Lower evel? Teal Sat | is2016 52700 Pi [btR-ca4 [6cH Lower Lover2 Maal End [7ira07@ 5900 Pl DuR-oa4 [Gor Lower Lover2 Goa out [ia0%6 Bao PH ae ae ee eee oe eee a ee prea oa ee aan [eee pees eee eee al {DLR-CO9 [GCH Lower Level T Clockin_|1/17/2016 12:26:00PM_ | | Preeti =a oeceeane | Pera oom SS a Ree ee ea a ora oe mere Sele coterie ea eee a ome SE cue ae ae eee purea peti ratte ree eet aa | JOUR-CO8 |GCH Lower Level 1 ‘Weal Start |1/26/2036 6:44:00 PM pues eaten ee pee err ee eee pein tie et fer mre | pura a eet saree aan [os 23 oF 30 ot Hp octs 24 oF 30 [GGH Lower Levelt [BROOD [SCH Lower Level? Mal Ena [IDSDOTS 6O0GO FAN IDLR-A0e |GCH DV Wing Breaisoom (Glock Out [172972076 8.01.00 Pu IBLR-CO8 |GCH Lower Levelt ‘lock In _|7B07B015 0:59:00 Al [DLR-C0s |GCH LowerLevel Mes! Star [102016 7:57:00 Pi IDLRC08 SCH Lower Levelt ‘Meal End [78072016 3:27:00 PM IDLR-Ads |GCH BVC Wing Breakzoom ‘Cock Out VSORBISTSRe:00 EMIT [DLR-Coe SCH Lower Levelt ‘Gckin | 15172016 7:55:00 ANN JDLR-C00 [SCH Lower Levelt Weal Start [15172076 1235500 PA [DLR-CAe [SCH Lower Level” Meal End [13172076 12500 PM [DLR-Cae [SCH Lower Level? Most End [19112076 127-00 PA IDLR-Age [GCHDVG Wing Breakroom ‘Gick Out |S TaaTEa0-50 PMT [DLR-Co8 [SCH Lower Levelt ~Giock in [2272016 757.00 Pik [DLR-C0s |GCH Lower Levert oak Start [27207663600 Pit [OLR-Goe |GCH Lover Level Meal Ea {22201670500 PU [DLR.Co [SCH Lower Levelt ‘Gioek OF [27272076 10:50:00 FM IDLR-Aos [GCH OVC Wing Breakroom ‘Gieck in| [2142076 1235-00 Pi [DUR-Cas [SCH Lower Level eal Star 472016527100 PM [DUR-G00 SCH Lower Levelt ‘Clock Out [42016 5:57.00 PH JDUR-Co0 |GCH Lower Level? 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