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  Out of My Mind Discussion Questions

1. You are a famous book reviewer from the New York Times. On a one to ten scale with
ten being a fantastic read and one meaning a terrible read, rate this book. Then describe
why you rated it as you did.
2. Melody has Cerebral Palsy. Explain the disability. How does it affect someone socially,
academically, feelings and personally?
3. How important are words in our lives? What does the ability to communicate mean to
4. What would our lives be like if we could not express ourselves? How would you feel if
you could not talk?
5. Describe Melody’s parents. How do they learn to communicate with Melody and help
her to overcome everyday problems? Why are those efforts sometimes a complete
6. Describe Mrs. V. What role does she play in Melody’s development? Why is she a
necessary addition to Melody’s life?
7. Describe how the introduction of Penny as a character changes the family dynamics.
8. Describe Melody’s complicated feelings about her little sister.
9. How does Melody’s computer change her life, her outlook on life, and her potential?
Why does she name it Elvira?
10. What is Catherine’s role in Melody’s life?
11. Why does Melody decide to enter the quiz team competition?
12. What obstacles must she face and overcome just to get on the team?
13. Describe Melody’s feelings before the trip to the airport, while she is there, and after she
gets home. How would you have coped with the same situation?
14. Discuss the scene in which Melody confronts the kids on the quiz team. What is
satisfying about how she handles the situation? What else might Melody have done?
15. How do you think Melody's physical limitations affect her outlook on life?
16. How does the way children, and the teachers in the story show how some people treat
the disabled in social situations? Explain how the following people react to Melody
a. the people in the mall;
b. the doctors who should know better;
c. her classmates;
d. and her family.
17. Describe the relationship between Rose and Melody. Would you consider it a true
18. What does the title of the book mean?
19. What is significant about Ollie the fish? How does Ollie’s life mirror Melody’s?
20. How does Melody change by the end of the book? Give examples to explain your
21. Will Melody ever truly fit in?
22. What do you think of the ending of the book?
23. What did you learn from reading this book?

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