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Pathophysiology and management of different types of shock

Article · January 2017

DOI: 10.5455/nmj./00000120


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2 authors:

Monira Taha Ismail Adel Hamed Elbaih

Suez Canal University Suez Canal University


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Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Pathophysiology and management of

different types of shock
Monira Taha1, Adel Elbaih2 .
1, 2
Assistant professor of Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt.
Corresponding author : Adel Elbaih, Email ID :

More than 1 million cases of shock are estimated to present to U.S. hospital EDs each
year. (1) The presentation may be cryptic, as in the patient with compensated heart failure, or
obvious as in the ultimate shock state of cardiac arrest. Despite aggressive treatment, mortality
from shock remains high. Approximately 30 to 45 percent of patients in septic shock, and 60
to 90 percent for those with cardiogenic shock, die within 1 month of presentation. (2,3) The
definition and treatment of shock continues to evolve. With a contemporary understanding of
the disease and new evolving technology, the emergency physician can recognize shock at an
earlier stage and initiate expert, timely intervention. The general approach to a patient in the
initial stages of shock follows similar principles regardless of the inciting factors or etiology.

Keywords: Shock, peripheral circulatory failure, cardiogenic shock ,anaphylactic shock.

Definition (3) Distributive (caused by peripheral
vasodilatation and mal distribution of
Shock is defined as circulatory
blood flow),
insufficiency that creates an imbalance between
(4) Obstructive (caused by extra cardiac
tissue oxygen supply and oxygen demand. The
obstruction to blood flow).
result of shock is global tissue hypoperfusion and
Clinically, shock may have a predominant
is associated with a decreased venous oxygen
cause, but as the shock state persists or progresses
content and metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis).(4)
to irreversible end organ damage, other
pathophysiologic mechanisms become operative.
Knowledge of the principles of oxygen delivery
Shock is classified into four categories by and consumptionis are important to the
etiology: understanding of shock. A maximum of four
(1) Hypovolemic (caused by inadequate molecules of oxygen is loaded onto each molecule
circulating volume), of hemoglobin as it passes through the lungs. If
(2) Cardiogenic (caused by inadequate all available oxygen sites are occupied(four per
cardiac pump function), molecule of hemoglobin), arterial oxygen

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

saturation (Sao2)is 100 percent . Arterial oxygen

content (Cao2) is the amount of oxygen bound to
hemoglobin plus the amount dissolved in plasma.
Oxygen is delivered to the tissues by the pumping
function (cardiac output) of the heart. Systemic
oxygen delivery (Do2) is the product of the Cao2
and cardiac output (CO). Systemic oxygen
consumption (Vo2) comprises a sensitive balance
between supply and demand.

Normally, the tissues consume

approximately 25 percent of the oxygen carried
on hemoglobin, and venous blood returning to
the right heart is approximately 75percent
saturated [mixed venous oxygen saturation Figure (1) with insufficient oxygen supply,
(pulmonary artery)(Smvo2)]. pyruvate will be diverted to lactate, there by
When oxygen supply is insufficient to assuring regeneration of NAD+ from NADH.
meet demand, the first compensatory mechanism This will enable glycolysis, and the
is an increase in CO. If the increase in CO is accompanying ATP production to proceed.(5)
inadequate, the amount of oxygen extracted from In other cases, lactic acidosis occurs
hemoglobin by the tissues increases, which because of an impairment in tissue oxygen
decreases Smvo2.When compensatory utilization, as in septic shock and post
mechanisms fail to correct the imbalance between resuscitation from cardiac arrest; a normal Smvo2
tissue supply and demand, anaerobic metabolism with an elevated lactate indicates such an
occurs, resulting in the formation of lactic acid. impairment. Elevated lactate is a marker of
Lactic acid is rapidly buffered, resulting in the impaired oxygen delivery and/or utilization and
formation of measured lactate; normally between correlates with short-term prognosis of critically
0.5 and1.5 mM/L. An elevated lactate level is ill patients in the ED.Smvo2 can also be used as
associated with an Smvo2 <50percent. Most cases a measure of the balance between tissue oxygen
of lactic acidosis are a result of inadequate oxygen supply and demand. Smvo2 is obtained from the
delivery, but lactic acidosis occasionally can pulmonary artery catheter, but similar information
develop from an excessively high oxygen can be obtained by central venous blood
demand, for example, in status epilepticus. cannulation (Scvo2). Scvo2 correlates well with
Smvo2and can be more easily obtained in the ED

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Shock is usually, but not always, associated with (3) constriction of venous capacitance
systemic arterial hypotension; i.e., systolic blood vessels, which augments venous return;
pressure less than 90 mm Hg. Pressure is the (4) release of the vasoactive hormones
product of flow and resistance [mean arterial epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine,
pressure(MAP) = CO X systemic vascular and cortisol to increase arteriolar and
resistance (SVR)]. Blood pressure may not fall if venous tone; and
there is increase in peripheral vascular resistance (5) release of antidiuretichormone and
activation of the renin-angiotensin axis to
in the presence of decreased cardiac output,
enhance water and sodium conservation to
resulting in inadequate flow to the tissue or global
maintain intravascular volume. These
tissue hypoperfusion. The insensitivity of blood
compensatory mechanisms attempt to
pressure to detect global tissue hypoperfusion has
maintain Do2 to the most critical organs-
been repeatedly confirmed. Thus, shock may the coronary and cerebral circulation.
occur with a normal blood pressure, and During this process, blood flow to other
hypotension may occur without shock. organs such as the kidneys and
gastrointestinaltract may be compromised.

The cellular response to decreased Do2

is adenosine triphosphate depletion leading to ion-
pump dysfunction, influx of sodium, efflux of
potassium, and reduction in membrane resting
potential. Cellular edema occurs secondary to
increased intracellular sodium, while cellular
membrane receptors become poorly responsive
to the stress hormones insulin, glucagon, cortisol,
and catecholamines.
The onset of shock provokes a myriad of
autonomic responses, many of which serve to As shock progresses, lysosomal enzymes
maintain perfusion pressure to vital organs. are released into the cells with subsequent
hydrolysis of membranes, deoxyribonucleic acid,
Stimulation of the carotid baroreceptor stretch
ribonucleic acid, and phosphate esters. As the
reflex activates the sympathetic nervous system
cascade of shock continues, the loss of cellular
leading to
integrity and the breakdown in cellular
(1) Arteriolar vasoconstriction, resulting in
homeostasis result in cellular death. These
redistribution of blood flow from the skin, pathologic events give rise to the metabolic
skeletal muscle, kidneys, and splanchnic features of hemoconcentration, hyperkalemia,
viscera; hyponatremia, prerenal azotemia, hyper- or
(2) an increase in heart rate and contractility hypoglycemia, and lactic acidosis.
that increases cardiac output;

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Effects of inadequate perfusion on cell function.

In the early phases of septic shock, these physiologic changes produce a clinical syndrome called
the systemic inflammatory response syndrome or SIRS, defined as the presence of two or more of the
following features:
(1) Temperature greater than 38°C (100.4°F) or less than 36°C (96.8°F);
(2) Heart rate faster than 90 beats/min;
(3) Respiratory rate faster than 20 breaths/min;
(4) White blood cell count greater than 12.0 X 109/L, less than 4.0 X 109/L, or with greater than 10
percent immature forms or bands.(7)
As SIRS progresses, shock ensues, followed by multi organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)
manifested by myocardial depression, adult respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular
coagulation, hepatic failure, or renal failure.

Figure (2)Mechanism of organ dysfunction in sepsis

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

The fulminate progression from SIRS to attempt to reverse the condition. As a result of
MODS is determined by the balance of anti- the acidosis, the person will begin to
inflammatory and pro inflammatory mediators hyperventilate in order to rid the body of carbon
or cytokines that are released from endothelial dioxide (CO2). CO2 indirectly acts to acidify the
cell disruption Global tissue hypoperfusion alone blood and by removing it the body is attempting
can independently activate the inflammatory to raise the pH of the blood. The baroreceptors in
response and serve as a co morbid variable in the the arteries detect the resulting hypotension, and
pathogenesis of all forms of shock.(8) The failure cause the release of epinephrine and
to diagnose and treat global tissue hypoperfusion norepinephrine. Norepinephrine causes
in a timely manner leads to an accumulation of predominately vasoconstriction with a mild
an oxygen debt, the magnitude of which correlates increase in heart rate, whereas epinephrine
with increased mortality. predominately causes an increase in heart rate
with a small effect on the vascular tone; the
There are four stages of shock
combined effect results in an increase in blood
As it is a complex and continuous condition there pressure. The renin-angiotensin axis is activated,
is no sudden transition from one stage to the and arginine vasopressin (Anti-diuretic hormone;
next.(9) At a cellular level, shock is the process ADH) is released to conserve fluid via the
of oxygen demand becoming greater than oxygen kidneys. These hormones cause the
supply.(10) vasoconstriction of the kidneys, gastrointestinal
tract, and other organs to divert blood to the heart,
lungs and brain. The lack of blood to the renal
During this stage, the state of hypoperfusion system causes the characteristic low urine
causes hypoxia. Due to the lack of oxygen, the production. However the effects of the renin-
cells perform lactic acid fermentation. Since angiotensin axis take time and are of little
oxygen, the terminal electron acceptor in the importance to the immediate homeostatic
electron transport chain, is not abundant, this mediation of shock.
slows down entry of pyruvate into the Krebs
cycle, resulting in its accumulation. Accumulating
pyruvate is converted to lactate by lactate Should the cause of the crisis not be successfully
dehydrogenase and hence lactate accumulates treated, the shock will proceed to the progressive
(causing lactic acidosis) figure (1). stage and the compensatory mechanisms begin
to fail. Due to the decreased perfusion of the cells,
sodium ions build up within while potassium ions
This stage is characterised by the body employing leak out. As anaerobic metabolism continues,
physiological mechanisms, including neural, increasing the body's metabolic acidosis, the
hormonal and bio-chemical mechanisms in an arteriolar smooth muscle and precapillary

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

sphincters relax such that blood remains in the low blood pressure, decreased urine output, and
capillaries.(11) Due to this, the hydrostatic confusion these may not always be present.(14)
pressure will increase and, combined with While a fast heart rate is common, those on ?-
histamine release, this will lead to leakage of fluid blockers, those who are athletic and in 30% of
and protein into the surrounding tissues. As this cases those with shock due to intra abdominal
fluid is lost, the blood concentration and viscosity bleeding may have a normal or slow heart rate.
increase, causing sludging of the micro- Direct loss of effective circulating blood volume
circulation. The prolonged vasoconstriction will leading to:
also cause the vital organs to be compromised • A rapid, weak, thready pulse due to decreased
due to reduced perfusion.(11) If the bowel blood flow combined with tachycardia
becomes sufficiently ischemic, bacteria may enter • Cool, clammy skin due to vasoconstriction .
the blood stream, resulting in the increased • Rapid and shallow breathing due to
complication of endotoxic shock.(11,12) sympathetic nervous system stimulation and
• Hypothermia due to decreased perfusion and
At this stage, the vital organs have failed and the evaporation of sweat
shock can no longer be reversed. Brain damage • Thirst and dry mouth, due to fluid depletion
and cell death are occurring, and death will occur • Cold and mottled skin , especially
imminently. One of the primary reasons that shock extremities, due to insufficient perfusion of
is irreversible at this point is that much cellular the skin
ATP has been degraded into adenosine in the The shock index (SI), defined as heart rate
absence of oxygen as an electron receptor in the divided by systolic blood pressure, is an accurate
mitochondrial matrix. Adenosine easily perfuses diagnostic measure that is more useful than
out of cellular membranes into extracellular fluid, hypotension and tachycardia in isolation.(15)
furthering capillary vasodilation, and then is Under normal conditions, a number between 0.5
transformed into uric acid. Because cells can only and 0.8 is typically seen. Should that number
produce adenosine at a rate of about 2% of the increase, so does suspicion of an underlying state
cell's total need per hour, even restoring oxygen of shock. Blood pressure alone may not be a
is futile at this point because there is no adenosine reliable sign for shock, as there are times when a
to phosphorylate into ATP.(12) person is in circulatory shock but has a stable
blood pressure.(12)
Empirical criteria for diagnosis of circulatory
Signs and symptoms: The presentation of shock shock regardless of the cause ,four of these six
is variable with some people having only minimal criteria should be met(16) :
symptoms such as confusion and weakness.(13) 1. Ill appearance or altered mental status.
While the general signs for all types of shock are

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

2. Heart rate> 100 beat/min . useful to determine volume state.

3.Respiratory rate >20 cycle/min .or paco2< 32 (17)
Differential diagnosis
4.serum lactate level > 4 mmol/L. Shock is a common end point of many medical
5.Arterial base deficit ? -4meq/L. conditions. It has been divided into four main
6.Arterial hypotension> 20 minutes duration . types based on the underlying cause:
hypovolemic, distributive, cardiogenic and
The first changes seen in shock is an obstructive. A few additional classifications are
increased cardiac output followed by a decrease occasionally used including: endocrinologic
in mixed venous oxygen saturation (SmvO2) as shock.
measured in the pulmonary artery via a pulmonary Hypovolemic: This is the most common type of
artery catheter. Central venous oxygen saturation shock and is caused by insufficient circulating
(ScvO2) as measured via a central line correlates volume. Its primary cause is hemorrhage (internal
well with SmvO2 and are easier to acquire. If and/or external), or loss of fluid from the
shock progresses anaerobic metabolism will begin circulation. Vomiting and diarrhea are the most
to occur with an increased blood lactic acid as common cause in children.. With other causes
the result. While many laboratory tests are including burns, environmental exposure and
typically performed there is no test that either excess urine loss due to diabetic ketoacidosis and
makes or excludes the diagnosis. A chest X-ray diabetes insipidus.
or emergency department ultrasound may be Table (I): Classes of hemorrhage.

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Cardiogenic pneumoniae which release an endotoxin

which produces adverse biochemical,
This type of shock is caused by the failure of the immunological and occasionally
heart to pump effectively. This can be due to neurological effects which are harmful to
damage to the heart muscle, most often from a the body, and other Gram-positive cocci,
large myocardial infarction. Other causes of such as pneumococci and streptococci, and
cardiogenic shock include dysrhythmias, certain fungi as well as Gram-positive
cardiomyopathy/myocarditis, congestive heart bacterial toxins.
failure (CHF), or cardiac valve problems. Septic shock also includes some elements
Obstructive of cardiogenic shock. Septic shock can be defined
Obstructive shock is due to obstruction of blood as "sepsis-induced hypotension (systolic blood
flow outside of the heart.(18)Several conditions pressure <90 mm Hg or a reduction of 40 mm Hg
can result in this form of shock. from baseline) despite adequate fluid resuscitation
• Cardiac tamponade in which fluid in the along with the presence of perfusion
pericardium prevents inflow of blood into abnormalities that may include, but are not limited
the heart (venous return). Constrictive to, lactic acidosis, oliguria, or an acute alteration
pericarditis, in which the pericardium in mental status. Patients who are receiving
shrinks and hardens, is similar in inotropic or vasopressor agents may have a
presentation. normalized blood pressure at the time that
• Tension pneumothorax Through increased perfusion abnormalities are identified.
intrathoracic pressure, blood flow to the
heart is prevented (venous return).
• Pulmonary embolism is the result of a
thromboembolic incident in the blood
vessels of the lungs and hinders the return
of blood to the heart.
• Aortic stenosis hinders circulation by
obstructing the ventricular outflow tract
Distributive Figure (1) petechial haemorrhage
Distributive shock is due to impaired in case of sepsis.
utilization of oxygen and thus production of Early detection (20)

energy by the cell. Examples of this form of shock The qSOFA Score was introduced by the
are: Sepsis-3 group in February 2016 as a simplified
• Septic shock is the most common cause of
version of the SOFA Score as an initial way to
distributive shock.(19) Caused by an
screen for sepsis.
overwhelming systemic infection resulting
in vasodilation leading to hypotension. The qSOFA Score is an easy to use and
Septic shock can be caused by Gram apply score to help as an initial screening tool for
negative bacteria such as (among others) poor outcome in infection patients.
Escherichia coli, Proteus species, Klebsiella qSOFA, ie, alteration in mental status, systolic

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

blood pressure ?100 mm Hg, or respiratory rate Caused by a severe anaphylactic reaction to an
>22/min. allergen, antigen, drug or foreign protein causing
septic shock the release of histamine which causes widespread
• can be identified with a clinical construct vasodilation, leading to hypotension and
of sepsis with persisting hypotension increased capillary permeability.
requiring vasopressors to maintain MAP • Neurogenic shock: High spinal injuries
>65 mm Hg and having a serum lactate may cause neurogenic shock. (21) The classic
level >2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL) despite symptoms include a slow heart rate due to loss of
adequate volume resuscitation. cardiac sympathetic tone and warm skin due to
• With these criteria, hospital mortality is dilation of the peripheral blood vessels. (This term
in excess of 40%. can be confused with spinal shock which is a
recoverable loss of function of the spinal cord
after injury and does not refer to the
haemodynamic instability per se.)

Figure (3) new definition of sepsis according to

The Third International Consensus Definitions
for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3).

• Anaphylactic shock (17,67):

Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening,
generalized or systemic hypersensitivity reaction. Cervical spine MRI of a patient with SCI: C4
Characterized by rapidly developing life- fracture and dislocation, spinal cord
threatening airway and or breathing and or compression
circulation problems usually associated with skin Low blood pressure occurs due to
and mucosal changes. decreased systemic vascular resistance resulting
in pooling of blood within the extremities lacking
sympathetic tone. The slowed heart rate results
from unopposed vagal activity and has been found
to be exacerbated by hypoxia and endobronchial
suction.(22) Neurogenic shock can be a potentially
devastating complication, leading to organ
dysfunction and death if not promptly recognized
and treated. It is not to be confused with spinal
Figure (2,3) show skin and mucosal changes
shock, which is not circulatory in nature.
with anaphylaxis

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Causes: Neurogenic shock can result patients, reduces cardiac output and can lead to
from severe central nervous system damage (brain hypotension and respiratory insufficiency.
injury, cervical or high thoracic spinal cord). (23) • Thyrotoxicosis (Cardiogenic shock)
In more simple terms: the trauma causes a sudden • may induce a reversible
loss of background sympathetic stimulation to the cardiomyopathy.
blood vessels. This causes them to relax • Acute adrenal insufficiency (Distributive
(vasodilation) (24) resulting in a sudden decrease shock) is frequently the result of discontinuing
in blood pressure (secondary to a decrease in corticosteroid treatment without tapering the
peripheral vascular resistance).Neurogenic shock dosage. However, surgery and inter current
results from damage to the spinal cord above the disease in patients on corticosteroid therapy
level of the 6th thoracic vertebra. (25) It is found without adjusting the dosage to accommodate for
in about half of people who suffer spinal cord increased requirements may also result in this
injury within the first 24 hours, and usually doesn't condition.
go away for one to three weeks. (25) • Relative adrenal insufficiency
Endocrine: Based on endocrine disturbances such (Distributive shock) in critically ill patients where
as: (26) present hormone levels are insufficient to meet
• Hypothyroidism (Can be considered a the higher demands
form of Cardiogenic shock) in critically ill

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Initial Approach to the Patient in of antibiotics and source control for septic shock).
Shock(27) Unless the condition is rapidly reversed, an
As any critically ill patient follow ABCDE arterial catheter should be inserted for monitoring
approach in our management (airway, breathing, of arterial blood pressure and blood sampling,
circulation, disability, and exposure). Early, plus a central venous catheter for the infusion of
adequate hemodynamic support of patients in fluids and vasoactive agents and to guide fluid
shock is crucial to prevent worsening organ therapy.
dysfunction and failure. Resuscitation should be The initial management of shock is problem-
started even while investigation of the cause is oriented, and the goals are therefore the same,
ongoing. Once identified, the cause must be regardless of the cause, although the exact
corrected rapidly (e.g., control of bleeding, treatments that are used to reach those goals may
percutaneous coronary intervention for coronary differ. A useful mnemonic to describe the
syndromes, thrombolysis or embolectomy for important components of resuscitation is the VIP
massive pulmonary embolism, and administration rule(28) : ventilate (oxygen administration),

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

infuse (fluid resuscitation), and pump benefit from fluids, since acute edema can result
(administration of vasoactive agents). in a decrease in the effective intravascular volume.
However, fluid administration should be closely
Ventilatory Support
monitored, since too much fluid carries the risk
The administration of oxygen should be started of edema with its unwanted consequences.
immediately to increase oxygen delivery and Pragmatic end points for fluid resuscitation are
prevent pulmonary hypertension. Pulse oximetry difficult to define. In general, the objective is for
is often unreliable as a result of peripheral cardiac output to become preload-
vasoconstriction, and precise determination of independent(i.e., on the plateau portion of the
oxygen requirements will often require blood gas Frank-Starling curve), but this is difficult to assess
monitoring. Mechanical ventilation by means of clinically.
a mask rather than endotracheal intubation has a In patients receiving mechanical ventilation,
limited place in the treatment of shock because signs of fluid responsiveness may be identified
technical failure can rapidly result in respiratory either directly from beat-by-beat stroke-volume
and cardiac arrest. Hence, endotracheal intubation measurements with the use of cardiac-output
should be performed to provide invasive monitors or indirectly from observed variations
mechanical ventilation in nearly all patients with in pulse pressure on the arterial-pressure tracing
severe dyspnea, hypoxemia, or persistent or during the ventilator cycle. However, such
worsening acidemia (pH, <7.30). bedside inferences have some limitations(29)-
Invasive mechanical ventilation has the notably, that the patient must receive ventilation
additional benefits of reducing the oxygen with relatively large tidal volumes, have no
demand of respiratory muscles and decreasing left spontaneous breathing effort (which usually
ventricular afterload by increasing trathoracic requires the administration of sedatives or even
pressure. An abrupt decrease in arterial pressure muscle relaxants),and be free of major arrhythmia
after the initiation of invasive mechanical and right ventricular dysfunction. A passive leg-
ventilation strongly suggests hypovolemia and a raising test is an alternative method(30) but
decrease in venous return.The use of sedative requires a rapid response device, since the effect
agents should be kept to a minimum to avoid is transient. Regardless of the test used, there
further decreases in arterial pressure and cardiac remains a gray zone in which it is difficult to
output. predict a patient's response to intravenous fluids.
A fluid-challenge technique should be used to
Fluid Resuscitation
determine a patient's actual response to fluids,
Fluid therapy to improve microvascular while limiting the risks of adverse effects. A fluid
bloodflow and increase cardiac output is an challenge incorporates four elements that should
essential part of the treatment of any form of be defined in advance. (31)
shock. Even patients with cardiogenic shock may • First, the type of fluid must be selected.

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Crystalloid solutions are the first choice, because has been corrected.
they are well tolerated and cheap. The use of Adrenergic agonists are the first-line vasopressors
albumin to correct severe hypoalbuminemia may because of their rapid onset of action, high
be reasonable in some patients.(32) potency, and short half-life, which allows easy
• Second, the rate of fluid administration dose adjustment. Stimulation of each type of
must be defined. Fluids should be infused rapidly adrenergic receptor has potentially beneficial and
to induce a quick response but not so fast that an harmful effects. For example, β-adrenergic
artificial stress response develops; typically, an stimulation can increase blood flow but also
infusion of 300 to 500 ml of fluidis administered increases the risk of myocardial ischemia as a
during a period of 20 to 30 minutes. (33) result of increased heart rate and contractility.
• Third, the objective of the fluid challenge Hence, the use of isoproterenol, a pure α-
must be defined. In shock, the objective is usually adrenergic agent, is limited to the treatment of
an increase in systemic arterial pressure, although patients with severe bradycardia.
it could also be a decrease in heart rate or an At the other extreme, β-adrenergic
increase in urine output. stimulation will increase vascular tone and blood
• Finally, the safety limits must be defined. pressure but can also decrease cardiac output and
Pulmonary edema is the most serious impair tissue blood flow, especially in the
complication of fluid infusion. Although it is not hepatosplanchnic region. For this reason,
a perfect guideline, a limit in central venous phenylephrine, an almost pure ?-adrenergic agent,
pressure of a few millimeters of mercury above is rarely indicated.
the baseline value is usually set to prevent fluid We consider norepinephrine to be the
overload. (34) vasopressor of first choice; it has predominantly
Stimulation of the patient and any other β-adrenergic properties, but its modest α-
change in therapy should be avoided during the adrenergic effects help to maintain cardiac output.
test. Fluid challenges can be repeated as required Administration generally results in a clinically
but must be stopped rapidly in case of non- significant increase in mean arterial pressure, with
response n order to avoid fluid overload. little change in heart rate or cardiac output. The
usual dose is 0.1 to 2.0 μg per kilogram of body
Vasoactive Agents
weight per minute.
Vasopressors Dopamine has predominantly β-
If hypotension is severe or if it persists adrenergic effects at lower doses and α-adrenergic
despite fluid administration, the use of effects at higher doses, but its effects are relatively
vasopressors is indicated. It is acceptable practice weak. Dopaminergic effects at very low doses (<3
to administer a vasopressor temporarily while μg per kilogram per minute, given intravenously)
fluid resuscitation is ongoing, with the aim of may selectively dilate the hepatosplanchnic and
discontinuing it, if possible, after hypovolemia renal circulations, but controlled trials have not

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

shown a protective effect on renal function,(35) Non selective inhibition of nitric oxide has
and its routine use for this purpose is no longer not been shown to be beneficial in patients with
recommended. cardiogenic shock(41)and is detrimental in
Dopaminergic stimulation may also have patients with septic shock. (42)
undesired endocrine effects on the hypothalamic- Vasopressin deficiency can develop in
pituitary system, resulting in immunosuppression, patients with very hyperkinetic forms of
primarily through a reduction in the release of distributive shock, and the administration of low-
prolactin. dose vasopressin may result in substantial
In a recent randomized, controlled, double increases in arterial pressure. In the Vasopressin
blind trial, dopamine had no advantage over and SepticShock Trial (VASST), investigators
norepinephrine as the first-line vasopressor agent; found that the addition of low-dose vasopressin
moreover, it induced more arrhythmias and was to norepinephrine in the treatment of patients with
associated with an increased 28-day rate of death septic shock was safe(43)and may have been
among patients with cardiogenic shock.(36) associated with a survival benefit for patients with
Administration of dopamine, as compared with forms of shock that were not severe and for those
norepinephrine, may also be associated with who also received glucocorticoids. (44)
higher rates of death among patients with Vasopressin should not be used at doses higher
septicshock.(37)Hence, we no longer recommend than 0.04 U per minute and should be
dopamine for the treatment of patients with shock. administered only in patients with a high level of
Epinephrine, which is a stronger agent, has cardiac output.
predominantly β-adrenergic effects at low doses, Terlipressin, an analogue of vasopressin,
with α-adrenergic effects becoming more has a duration of action of several hours, as
clinically significant at higher doses. However, compared with minutes for vasopressin. For this
epinephrine administration can be associated with reason, we do not believe it offers an advantage
an increased rate of arrhythmia(38,39)and a over vasopressin in the ICU. Vasopressin
decrease in splanchnic blood flow(38)and can derivatives with more selective V1-receptor
increase blood lactate levels, probably by activity are currently being studied.
increasing cellular metabolism.(38,40)
Inotropic Agents
Prospective, randomized studies have not
shown any beneficial effects of epinephrine over We consider dobutamine to be the inotropic agent
norepinephrine in septic shock.(39,40)We reserve of choice for increasing cardiac output, regardless
epinephrine as a second-line agent for severe of whether norepinephrine is also being given.
cases. (34) With predominantly β-adrenergic properties
The use of other strong vasopressor agents ,dobutamine is less likely to induce tachycardia
as ontinuous infusions (e.g., angiotensin or than isoproterenol. An initial dose of just a few
metaraminol)has largely been abandoned. micrograms per kilogram per minute may

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

substantially increase cardiac output. Intravenous this agent has a half-life of several days, which
doses in excess of 20 μg per kilogram per minute limits the practicality of its use in acute shock
usually provide little additional benefit. states.
Dobutamine has limited effects on arterial
pressure, although pressure may increase slightly
in patients with myocardial dysfunction as the By reducing ventricular after load,
primary abnormality or may decrease slightly in vasodilating agents may increase cardiac output
patients with underlying hypovolemia. Instead of without increasing myocardial demand for
routine administration of a fixed dose of oxygen. The major limitation of these drugs is
dobutamine to increase oxygen delivery to the risk of decreasing arterial pressure to a level
supranormal, predetermined levels, the dose that compromises tissue perfusion. Nevertheless,
should be adjusted on an individual basis to in some patients, prudent use of nitrates and
achieve adequate tissue perfusion. Dobutamine possibly other vasodilators may improve
may improve capillary perfusion in patients with microvascular perfusion and cellular function.
septic shock, independent of its systemic effects. (46)
(45)Phosphodiesterase type III inhibitors, such as
Mechanical Support
milrinone and enoximone, combine inotropic and
vasodilating properties. Mechanical support with intraaortic
By decreasing the metabolism of cyclic balloon counterpulsation (IABC) can reduce left
AMP, these agents may reinforce the effects of ventricular afterload and increase coronary blood
dobutamine. They may also be useful when β- flow. However, a recent randomized, controlled
adrenergic receptors are down regulated or in tria lshowed no beneficial effect of IABC in
patients recently treated with beta-blockers. patients with cardiogenic shock,(47)and its
However, phosphodiesterase typeIII inhibitors routine use in cardiogenic shock is not currently
may have unacceptable adverse effects in patients recommended.
with hypotension, and the long half-lives of these Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane
agents (4 to 6 hours) prevent minute-to-minute oxygenation(ECMO) may be used as a temporary
adjustment. Hence, intermittent, short-term lifesaving measure in patients with reversible
infusions of small doses of phosphodiesterase III cardiogenicshock or as a bridge to heart
inhibitors may be preferable to a continuous transplantation. (48)
infusion in shock states. Levosimendan, a more
Goals of Hemodynamic Support
expensive agent, acts primarily by binding to
cardiac troponin C and increasing the calcium Arterial Pressure
sensitivity of myocytes, but it also acts as a
The primary goal of resuscitation should be not
vasodilator by opening ATP sensitive potassium
only to restore blood pressure but also to provide
channels in vascular smoothmuscle. However,

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

adequate cellular metabolism, for which the mixed venous oxygen saturation(SvO2) may be
correction of arterial hypotension is a prerequisite. helpful in assessing the adequacy of the balance
Restoring a mean systemic arterial pressure of65 between oxygen demandand supply; SvO2
to 70 mm Hg is a good initial goal, but the level measurements are also very useful in the
should be adjusted to restore tissue perfusion, interpretation of cardiac output.(50) SvO2 is
assessed on the basis of mental status, skin typically decreased in patients with low-flow
appearance, and urine output, as described above. states or anemia but is normal or high in those
In patients with oliguria, in particular, the effects with distributive shock. Its surrogate,
of a further increase in arterial pressure on urine central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2), which
output should be assessed regularly, unless acute is measured in the superior vena cava by means
renal failure is already established. Conversely, a of a central venous catheter, reflects the oxygen
mean arterial pressure lower than 65 to 70 mm saturation of the venous blood from the upperhalf
Hg may be acceptable in a patient with acute of the body only. Under normal circumstances,
bleeding who has no major neurologic problems, ScvO2 is slightly less than SvO2, but in critically
with the aim of limiting blood loss and associated ill patients it is often greater. Rivers et al. (51)
coagulopathy, until the bleeding is controlled. found that in patients presenting to the emergency
department with septic shock, a treatment
Cardiac Output and Oxygen Delivery
algorithm targeting an ScvO2 of at least 70%
Since circulatory shock represents an during the first 6 hours was associated with
imbalance between oxygen supply and oxygen decreased rates of death. The robustness of this
requirements, maintaining adequate oxygen finding is currently being evaluated in three
delivery to the tissues is essential, but all the multicenter trials. ( numbers,
strategies to achieve this goal have limitations. NCT00975793and NCT00510835; and Current
After correction of hypoxemia and severe anemia, Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN36307479).
cardiac output is the principal determinant of
Blood Lactate Level
oxygen delivery, but the optimal cardiac output is
difficult to define. Cardiac output can be measured An increase in the blood lactate level
by means of various techniques, each of which has reflects abnormal cellular function. In low-flow
its own benefits and drawbacks(49).Absolute states, theprimary mechanism of hyperlactatemia
measures of cardia coutput are less important than is tissue hypoxia with development of anaerobic
monitoring trends in response to interventions such metabolism, but in distributive shock, the
as a fluid challenge. pathophysiology is more complex and may also
The targeting of a predefined cardiac involve increased glycolysis and inhibition of
output is not advisable, since the cardiac output pyruvate dehydrogenase.
that is needed will vary among patients and in In all cases, alterations in clearance can
the same patient over time. Measurements of be due to impaired liver function.The value of

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

serial lactate measurements in the management Various therapeutic interventions have

of shock has been recognized for 30 years. (52) been shown to have an effect on these
Although changes in lactate take place more microcirculatory variables, but whether therapy
slowly than changes in systemic arterial pressure that is guided by monitoring or targeting the micro
or cardiac output, the blood lactate level should circulation can improve outcomes requires further
decrease over a period of hours with effective study and cannot be recommended at this time.
therapy. In patients with shock and a blood lactate
Therapeutic Priorities and Goals
level of more than 3 mmol per liter, Jansen et al.
(46) found that targeting a decrease of at least There are essentially four phases in the
20% in the blood lactate level over a 2-hour period treatmentof shock, and therapeutic goals and
seemed to be associated with reduced in-hospital monitoringneed to be adapted to each phase .
mortality. • In thefirst (salvage) phase, the goal of
therapy is to achieve a minimum blood pressure
Microcirculatory Variables
and cardiac output compatible with immediate
The development of hand held devices for survival. Minimal monitoring is needed; in most
orthogonalpolarization spectral (OPS) imaging cases, invasive monitoring can be restricted to
and its successor, side stream dark-field (SDF) arterial and central venous catheters. Lifesaving
imaging, is providing new means of directly procedures (e.g.,surgery for trauma, pericardial
visualizing the microcirculation and evaluating drainage, revascularization for acute myocardial
the effects of interventions on microcirculatory infarction, and antibioticsfor sepsis) are needed
flow in easily accessible surfaces, such as the to treat the underlying cause.
sublingual area. (53) Microcirculatory changes, • In the second (optimization) phase, the goal
including decreased capillary density, a reduced is to increase cellular oxygen availability, and there
proportion of perfused capillaries, and increased is a narrow window of opportunity for intervention
heterogeneity of blood flow, have been identified stargeting hemo dynamic status. (51) Adequate
in various types of circulatory shock , and the hemodynamic resuscitation reduces inflammation,
persistence of these alterations is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, and caspase activation.
worse outcomes. (54) (57,58) Measurements of SvO2 and lactate levels
Near-infrared spectroscopy is a technique may help guide therapy, and monitoring of cardiac
that uses near-infrared light to determine tissue output should be considered.
oxygen saturation from the fractions of • In the third(stabilization) phase, the goal
oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. Analysis is to prevent organ dysfunction, even after
of the changes in tissue oxygen saturation during hemodynamic stability has been achieved.
a brief episode of forearm ischemia can be used Oxygen supply to the tissues is no longer the key
to quantify micro vascular dysfunction(55); such problem, and organ support becomes more
alterations are associated with worse relevant.

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

• Finally, in the fourth (de escalation) phase, (known as permissive hypotension).(59)Targets

the goal is to wean the patient from vasoactive include a mean arterial pressure of 60 mmHg, a
agents and promote spontaneous polyuria or systolic blood pressure of 70-90 mmHg.(60) or
provoke fluid elimination through the use of until their adequate mentation and peripheral
diuretics or ultra filtration to achieve a negative pulses.(60)
fluid balance.

Treatment goals
The goal of treatment is to achieve a urine
output of greater than 0.5 ml/kg/h, a central
venous pressure of 8-12 mmHg and a mean
arterial pressure of 65-95 mmHg. In trauma the
goal is to stop the bleeding which in many cases
requires surgical interventions.
For those with haemorrhagic shock the
current evidence supports limiting the use of
fluids for penetrating thorax and abdominal
injuries allowing mild hypotension to persist

Specific treatment for different type of shock

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Management Hypovolemic shock: current evidence supports limiting the use of

Management may include securing the fluids for penetrating thorax and abdominal
airway via intubation to decrease the work of injuries allowing mild hypotension to persist
breathing, oxygen supplementation, intravenous (known as permissive hypotension). (62) Targets
fluids and blood transfusions. It is important to include a mean arterial pressure of 60 mmHg, a
keep the person warm as well as adequately systolic blood pressure of 70-90 mmHg, or until
manage pain and anxiety as these can increase their adequate mentation and peripheral pulses.
oxygen consumption. Medications Vasopressors may be
Fluids Aggressive intravenous fluids are used if blood pressure does not improve with
recommended in most types of shock (e.g. 1-2 fluids. There is no evidence of superiority of one
liter normal saline bolus over 10 minutes or 20ml/ vasopressor over another. (63) Vasopressors have
kg in a child) which is usually instituted as the not been found to improve outcomes when used
person is being further evaluated(61) Which for hemorrhagic shock from trauma, but may be
intravenous fluid is superior, colloids or of use in neurogenic shock. Activated protein C
crystalloids, remains undetermined. Thus as (Xigris) while once aggressively promoted for the
crystalloids are less expensive they are management of septic shock has been found to
recommended. improve survival ,thus recommended. (64) The
If the person remains in shock after initial use of sodium bicarbonate is controversial as it
resuscitation packed red blood cells should be has not been shown to improve outcomes. (65)
administered to keep the hemoglobin greater than If used at all it should only be considered if the
10gms/l. For those with hemorrhagic shock the pH is less than 7.0.

Figure (3) show The main pathophysiological Septic shock:(20) The leadership of the
mechanisms involved in acute traumatic Surviving Sepsis Campaign (SSC) has believed
coagulopathy and transfusion strategy. SAP, since its inception that both the SSC Guidelines
systolic arterial pressure; RBC, red blood cells; and the SSC performance improvement indicators
FFP, fresh-frozen plasma(66). will evolve as new evidence that improves our

Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

understanding of how best to care for patients with septic shock the SSC Executive Committee has
revised the improvement bundles as follows:


Narayana Medical Journal Volume-6 | Issue-1 | January-June 2017

Cardiogenic shock started. Appropriate treatment is based on a good

Cardiogenic shock is defined by sustained understanding of the underlying
low blood pressure with tissue hypo perfusion pathophysiological mechanisms. Treatment
despite adequate left ventricular filling pressure. should include correction of the cause of shock
Signs of tissue hypoperfusion include low urine and hemodynamic stabilization, primarily through
production (<30 mL/hour), cool extremities, and fluid infusion and administration of vasoactive
altered level of consciousness. agents. The patient's response can be monitored
Treatment of cardiogenic shock depends by means of careful clinical evaluation and blood
on the cause. If cardiogenic shock is due to a heart lactate measurements;
attack, attempts to open the heart's arteries may microvascular evaluation may be feasible in the
help. An intra-aortic balloon pump or left future.
ventricular assist device may improve matters
until this can be done. Medications that improve
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List of Abbreviations
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difference SIRS Systemic inflammatory response syndrome

Cao2 Arterial oxygen content SVR Systemic vascular resistance

Cmvo2 Mixed venous oxygen content Vo2 Systemic oxygen consumption

CI Cardiac index (cardiac output/body surface



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