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For Senior High School Grade X Students




Basic Competence
3.2 Analyze the development of the atomic model from the atomic model of Dalton,
Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr, and Quantum Mechanics
4.2 Explain natural phenomena or experimental results using the atomic model

Learning Outcomes
1. Based on the literatures, student able to know development of atomic model
2. Based on the result of their discussion about the development of atomic model,
student able to do presentation using well words

The term or mention of the atom originally originated from the Greek language, where
the atom is not broken or cut and is not possible to be divided again. Thus, the concept of
indivisibility was advanced by philosophers from Greece and India.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, chemists laid the foundations of this thought by showing
that certain substances could not be further divided using chemical methods. Then, at the end
of the 19th century to the 20th century. Physicists are beginning to find subatomic-sized
components in the nucleus. Shows that the structure of an atom is the core of matter.
1) Atomic Dalton Model

a) X element atom b) Y element atom c) X and Y element atom

Dalton atomic theory is the first atomic theory put forward by John Dalton
(1808), a physicist from England. In presenting his theory related to the atomic structure
based on the research put forward in A New System of Chemical Philosiphy. Where
Dalogn Dalton explains that the atom is a substance that can not be divided again and is
the smallest structure of a material.
2) Thomson Atomic Model
Using the results of research and discovery of the cathode tube by William
Crookers. Then J.J Thomson began researching related to the cathode ray which was able
to move the propeller in the cathode tube experiment. From the results of the cathode
tube experiments it can be ascertained that the cathode ray is one of the constituent
pericles in a negatively charged atom.

With the results of experiments and research related to the atomic structure
conducted by Thomson. So, Thomson also stated that "Atoms are solid balls which are
positively charged and therein are scattered negative electron charges". Where, the result
is called the atomic model of raisin bread.
3) Rutherford Atom Model

Rutherford experimented with firing alpha rays at a gold plate with alpha
particles, which is known as the Geiger-Marsden experiment. Based on the results of
experiments obtained by Rutherford and along with his two students. Rutherford also
stated that: the structure of an atom is composed of the nucleus of positively charged as
the center of mass and surrounded by negatively charged electrons which surround the
atomic nucleus.
4) Neils Bohr Atom Model

Based on the results of research he did. Bohr also put forward his own theory
which states that negatively charged electrons spin around the nucleus of positively
charged atoms in their own pathways. And each electron path that has its own orbit has
its own electron strength.
With the outer electron is the easiest electron to escape or move. Meanwhile, the
electrons closest to the nucleus are the most difficult electrons to move. When electrons

will move from one orbit to another. So, we need an energy that functions to move or
mandate the charge of electrons to a weak path or pull to the path closest to the nucleus.

5) Quantum Mechanism
According to the atomic theory of quantum mechanics, the position of electrons
in the vicinity of the nucleus cannot be known with certainty according to Heisenberg's
uncertainty principle. Therefore, the greatest chance (chance) of finding electrons is in
the atomic orbit. In other words, orbitals are the largest chance of finding electrons in
According to the atomic model of quantum mechanics, the movement of
electrons around the nucleus of the atom has the property of dualism as proposed by de
Broglie. Because the motion of electrons around the nucleus has wave-like properties,
the equation of motion of electrons in the vicinity of the nucleus must be related to the
wave function. In other words, the electron's kinetic energy must be expressed in the form
of a wave function equation.
The equation that states the movement of electrons around an atom's nucleus is
related to the dualism of matter expressed in the form of Cartesian coordinates. This
equation is known as the Schrodinger equation.
From this Schrodinger equation three quantum numbers are generated, namely
the main quantum number (n), the azimuthal quantum number (A), and the magnetic
quantum number (m). These three quantum numbers are simple integers that indicate the
probability of electrons around the nucleus. Completion of the Schrodinger equation
produces three quantum numbers. Orbital is derived from the Schrodinger equation so
that there is a relationship between the orbitals and the three quantum numbers.

Development of The Atomic Model
Explain the development of the atomic model as the table provided below
Atomi Dalton J.J. Rutherford Niels Bohr Quantum
c Thompson Mechanics
Expla- John Dalton After the Rutherford There were The atomic
nation proposed that electron was carried out some model of
all matter is discovered by some problems quantum
composed of J.J. Thomson experiments with mechanics
very small in 1897, which led to Rutherford's is the most
things which he people a change in model: for modern
called atoms. realised that ideas around example it atomic
This was not a atoms were the atom. His could not model.
completely new made up of new model explain the Atoms
concept as the even smaller described the very consist of a
ancient Greeks particles than atom as a interesting positively
(notably they had tiny, dense, observation charged
Democritus) previously positively that atoms nucleus and
had proposed thought. charged core only emit a cloud of
that all matter is However, the called a light at electrons
composed of atomic nucleus certain surrounding
small, nucleus had surrounded wavelengths it. The area
indivisible not been by lighter, or of
(cannot be discovered negatively frequencies. probability
divided) yet and so the charged Niels Bohr of finding
objects. When “plum electrons. solved this electrons is
Dalton pudding Another way problem by called
proposed his model” was of thinking proposing orbitals.
model electrons put forward about this that the According
and the nucleus in 1904. In model was electrons to this
were unknown. this model, that the atom could only theory,
the atom is was seen to orbit the there are
made up of be like a nucleus in four types
negative mini solar certain of orbitals,
electrons that system special orbits namely s, p,
float in a where the at different d, f.
“soup” of electrons energy levels
positive orbit the around the
charge, much nucleus like nucleus.
like plums in planets
a pudding or orbiting
raisins in a around the
fruit cake sun. A
(Figure 4.3). simplified
In 1906, picture of
Thomson was this is shown

awarded the alongside.
Nobel Prize This model
for his work is sometimes
in this field. known as the
However, planetary
even with the model of the
Plum atom.
Model, there
was still no
g of how
electrons in
the atom
Advan The advantages prove the make the The The
-tages of Dalton's existence of hypothesis advantage of advantage
atomic theory other that atoms the Bohr of the
a. Can negatively are atom is that atomic
explain the charged composed of the atom theory of
Law of particles in nuclei and consists of quantum
Immortalit the atom. electrons that several shells mechanics
y means the surround the where is that we
(Lavoisier's atom is not nucleus. electrons can know
Law) the smallest move. where the
b. Can part of an probability
explain element. of finding
Permanent electrons
Compariso (orbitals),
n Law besides
(Proust knowing
Law) where the
position of
the electron
is orbiting,
then can
measure the
t of
energy and
can identify
that at the
nucleus of
the atom
there are
protons and

which rotate
on their axis
/ orbitals,
being able
to explain
the nature
of atoms
with more
than one
Weak- In subsequent cannot cannot The the
ness developments explain the explain why weakness of weakness of
found various arrangement electrons do this atomic the atomic
facts that can of positive not fall into model is: it theory of
not be and negative the nucleus. cannot quantum
explained by charges in the Based on explain the mechanics
the theory, atomic physics color is that the
including: sphere. theory, the spectrum of Schrodinger
a. Cannot movement of many wave
explain the electrons electron equation
electrical around the atoms. So can only be
properties of nucleus is we need a applied
matter. accompanied more perfect exactly to
b. Cannot by the atomic model particles in
explain how transmission than the Bohr boxes and
the atoms bind of energy so atomic atoms with
to one another. that over model. a single
c. Dalton's time the electron. In
atomic model electron addition, the
cannot explain energy will quantum
the difference decrease and atom model
between one its trajectory is difficult
atom of an will to apply in
element and increasingly macroscopi
another. approach the c systems.
nucleus and
fall into the


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