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Present simple exercise.

Exercise 1. John and Tim have different lives. Read about John. Then complete the sentences about Tim. Use
the present simple, negative and then affirmative.

Example: John gets up early. Tim doesn’t get up early. He stays in bed until 12 o ‘clock. (stay)

1. John drives a car. Tim doesn´t drive a car. He rides a bike. (ride)
2. He works in an office. Tim doesn´t work in an office. He stays at home. (stay)
3. John has lunch in a coffee. Tim doesn´t has lunch in a coffee. He makes lunch at home. (make)
4. John likes cats. Tim doesn´t like cats. He prefers dogs. (prefer)
5. John plays computer games. Tim doesn´t play computer games. He watches TV. (watch)

Exercise 2. Complete the description of London. Use the present simple affirmative or negative.

The London Eye

London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, (1) has (have) a population of more than eight million. It has
a day and night city life. Some tourists say the city never (2) sleeps (sleep), so it is an amazing city to

There are many interesting activities for tourists to do and see – the London Eye, for example. The London
Eye is a big wheel, It (3) has (have) 32 capsules and each one (4) hold (hold) up to 25 people. The wheel (5)
doesn’t move (not move) fast – a ride (6) takes (take) 30 minutes. A ticket for the ride (7) costs (cost) 11.50
pounds for adults. Children under 5 year old (8) doesn´t pay (not pay). It is better to book your tickets before
if you (9) don´t want to wait (not wait) for hours. The London Eye (10) doesn´t work (not work) late at night,
but it is open every day, usually until 10 pm.

Exercise 3. Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb.

Example. (always / early / Sue / arrive) Sue always arrives early. ______

1. (to the cinema / never / I / go) I never go to the cinema.

2. (work / Martina / hard / always) Martina always works hard.
3. (like / chocolate / children / usually) Children usually likes chocolate.
4. (Julia / parties / enjoy / always) Julia always enjoys parties.
5. (often / people’s names / I / forget) I often forget people’s name.

Exercise 4. Complete the questions. Use the verbs:

do do enjoy go like start teach work

1. What do you do? I work in a workshop.

2. Do you like it? It’s OK.
3. What time do you start in the morning? At 9 o’clock.
4. Do you work on Saturdays? Sometimes
5. How do you go to work? Usually by bus.
6. And your husband. What does he? He’s a teacher.
7. What do you teach? Science.
8. Does he enjoy it? Yes, he loves it.
Jorge Francisco Portillo López

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