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Living in a traditional family of 3 or 4 generations has

both advantages and disadvantages.

In countries like India, a normal family consists of grandparents, parents
and children. It might even include members like uncles and aunts. In my opinion,
this trend has both positive and negative sides.

On the one hand, living in a traditional family is more beneficial. First of all,
grandparents who look after the children when their parents are away. Parents
can go to their workplace without having to worry about the safety of their
children. Moreover, the grandparents do not have to spend the last decades of
their life in solitude. Secondly, studies have proved that children coming from
families where they have the company of grandparents have better social skills.
They are better at interacting with other children. They feel more secure and are
less likely to get into bad habits. What’s more, grandparents also play a significant
role in keeping the children rooted in their values and cultures.

On the other hand, we look at the negative side of this trend. Grandparents
belong to the older generation. Some of value that they inculate into the children
may not suitable for the values of the modern world. Grandparents also tend to
be over indulgent, they do not fine children when they make mistakes. This could
create problem in children’s behaviour. Futhermore, living with many peole are
leading to children depend on others. They will loss individual skills and will be
passive in some issues.

In conclusion, living in a family with three or four generations is generally

good for the children to be brought up. However, parents and family members
are responsible for educating children correctly.

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