Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Task 5 - TechnologIcal Component

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Academic and Research Vice-rector

Task 5: Technological Component

1. General description of the course

Faculty or Academic Vicerrectoría de Relaciones Internacionales

Academic Level Professional, specialization, master
Academic Field Common basic interdisciplinary training
Course Name English A2
Course Code 900002
Course Type Methodological Can be re- yes ☐ No ☒
Number of Credits 3

2. Description of the activity

Type of the Number of

Individual ☒ Collaborative ☐ 6
activity: weeks
Moment of Intermediate:
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation: Unit 1,2,3
Delivery Environment: Assessment
Evaluative score: 70
Starting date: April5th, 2019 Closing date: May9th, 2019
Competence to develop:
The student is able to design his/her own WIX page.
Topics to develop:
Design a Wix webpage showing language skills
Steps, phases of the learning strategy to develop:
Phase 1: Design a Wix webpage.
Phase 2: Public a Wix webpage.
Phase 3: Share the link.
Step by Step

1. Student will create a WIX page to share a PERSONAL JOURNAL. Each student will
need to have his/her own Wix space. This work is individual

Watch the tutorial about HOW TO BUILD a WIX WEPAGE through this link.

2. Create your own WIX WEBPAGE: There you will share your journal with 5
entrances about your personal information like this:

Portal 1: Personal Information: Record a video in which you describe the

personal information. You must include Name, age, profession, studies, nationality,
birthplace, birthday date. Upload the video in the WIX webpage and make sure it

Portal 2: MY family: Write a text in which you describe your family: You need to
include parents, siblings, in-laws etc. Use pictures to go along your text

Portal 3: My capabilities/likes/dislikes: Record a video/audio in which you

describe what you can- can´t do, your skills, your specific abilities. Also include
what you like and dislike, and your favorite things.

Portal 4: What is his/her house like?

Record a video describing your house. You must include all the rooms, entrance,
balcony etc.

Portal 5: Your city: Record an audio/video in which you describe your city. The
most important/iconic places from your cities
NOTE: The student should revise the WIX WEPAGE and the links for access.
You can revise the contents in the following links:


for the Assessment Learning environment

s to
deliver Consolidate the final product should be submitted in a PDF document in
by the Assessment and Monitoring Environment:
- Page 1: Names of all the participant.
- Page 2: Screenshot of the WIX WEBSITE and the WIX URL.

Plagiari In the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, the mistakes
sm that infringe upon the academic order, among others, are the following:
policy paragraph e) “To plagiarize is to present as your own work the whole or
part of a writing, report, task or document of invention performed by
another person. It also implies the use of cites or lack of references, or
includes cites where there is no coincidence between them and the
reference” and paragraph f)”To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational
resources or results of research products, which have intellectual rights
reserved for the University”.

The academic punishments that the student will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud proved in the academic work or
evaluation, the score achieved will be zero (0.0) without leading to
disciplinary measures.
b) In case of plagiarism proved in the academic work of any nature,
the score achieved will be zero (0.0), without leading to disciplinary

To know how the documents must be cited, check the following

Centro de Escritura Javeriano ( ) Normas APA. Sexta edición. Taken from

4. Evaluation rubric
Evaluation rubric
Activity Individual
☒ Collaborative Activity ☐
type: Activity
Moment of Intermediate
Initial ☐ ☒ Final ☐
evaluation Unit 1,2,3
Performance levels of the individual activity
Aspects High score Media score Low score

The student
takes into
The student account only
participates in some elements
designing the while designing There is no evidence
WIX taking into the WIX. of WIX design and
WIX web
account the Participation is forum participation 60
indications given scarce or
in the guide. irrelevant to the
(up to 30 (up to 15
(up to 0 points)
points) points)
Organization The WIX fulfills The WIX partially The WIX does not 10
of the blog with the fulfills with the meet the established
requirements requirements parameters.
proposed in the proposed in the
activities guide. guide.
(up to 10
(up to 5 points) (up to 0 points)
Final score 70

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