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Exam Study Guide

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Student: Hardy, Cacye

Assignment: Module 2 Computer Concepts Exam

Assignment Date: 1/26/2020

Score(%): 71

Objective Questions
Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation
Computer Concepts _____ is a nonprofit organization that helps Incorrect D:Content Licenses • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
content creators keep copyright to their & Office 2019 CC 2-20
materials while allowing others to use, copy,
or distribute their work. (530319)
MS Office 2019 A friend of Muna’s suggested a website that Correct B:She should check • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
she can use to download music. How should whether the URL of 10
she check if the website is secure? the website starts
(515950) with “http” or
Computer Concepts A(n) _____ is an electronic document that Correct C:webpage • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
can contain text, graphics, sound, video, & Office 2019 CC 2-2
and links. (530312)
Computer Concepts Alicia often shows short, engaging videos to Incorrect D:Unlike Google, • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
her fifth-grade science students. She has RhythmOne can look & Office 2019 CC 2-18
more success using RhythmOne instead of up videos that match
Google to find appropriate videos. Which of an image used as a
the following most likely explains why?   search query.
MS Office 2019 Amanda is used to buying clothes from Correct C:One can shop • Use E-Commerce CC 2-11
physical stores. Her friend, Stuart, prefers online even if the
online shopping and wants to persuade her weather is bad or if a
to shop online as well. Which of the specific store is
following arguments can Stuart make to closed.
convince Amanda without painting a false
picture? (515920)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Amelie lists her dishwasher for sale on Correct C:Yes; it is a business • Use E-Commerce CC 2-10
eBay. Ryan, who lives in another city, bids transaction on a
for the best price and uses his credit card to consumer-to-
pay for the dishwasher. Is this transaction consumer website.
an example of e-commerce? (515901)
Computer Concepts Andy is writing an article and wants to Incorrect A:RhythmOne • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
verify a few facts. Which of the following & Office 2019 CC 2-18
websites is designed to provide answers to
factual questions? (530332)
MS Office 2019 Benny is writing a research paper on a Correct D:Add a formal • Conduct Online Research CC 2-19
specific method of farming. He really citation and use the
admires the methods used by one farmer, farmer’s explanation
who is also a published author, and wants in his paper.
to use his explanations in his research
paper. How can Benny ensure he doesn’t
plagiarize? (515924)
Computer Concepts Bentley is the head of a software Incorrect D:PowerPoint • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
development team and needs to use a web & Office 2019 CC 2-8
app for project management. Which of the
following web apps best suits his needs?
MS Office 2019 Blackbaud is a company that supplies Correct B:Business-to- • Use E-Commerce CC 2-11
services and software designed for business
nonprofit organizations. Which type of e-
commerce website will Blackbaud have?
Computer Concepts Brendon wants to volunteer at the Red Correct A:He should enter • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
Cross, a nonprofit agency. He enters because & Office 2019 CC 2-5 in his browser, but cannot Red Cross is a
find the right website. What mistake is he nonprofit
making? (530342) organization.
Computer Concepts Cathy wants to buy a new watch online, but Incorrect B:Shopping on a • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
is concerned about security when making website that uses & Office 2019 CC 2-13
the purchase. Which of the following Transport Layer
increases the chance that her payment is Security
NOT secure? (530320)
MS Office 2019 Cloud storage refers to the storage of data Correct A:the web app’s • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-8
on ______. (515885) server

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Darren is hoping to get search results that Incorrect B:“art history” • Apply Information Literacy Skills to Web
begin with the words “art history.” Which of Searches CC 2-15
the following search terms will help him?
MS Office 2019 Dominic lists his camera for sale on an Correct D:Dominic pays a • Use E-Commerce CC 2-12
online auction site. Chloe is the highest small fee to the
bidder and purchases the camera. How auction site.
does the auction site earn its revenue
through the transaction? (515904)
MS Office 2019 EasyMart (EM) has a physical store and an Correct C:Issue digital • Use E-Commerce CC 2-13
online shopping site and is coming up with coupons for discounts
deals on retail products for the week of on all products
Christmas. As a marketing consultant at EM,
which of the following tactics would you
recommend to achieve the highest sales?
Computer Concepts Francis has designed a picture book Correct B:Creative Commons • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
appropriate for third graders. He wants license & Office 2019 CC 2-20
teachers across the world to freely
download, use, and distribute his work, but
he would still like to retain his copyright on
the content. What type of license should he
use for his book? (530339)
MS Office 2019 Gertie wants to buy a smartwatch by Incorrect C:She should pay • Use E-Commerce CC 2-10
making an electronic payment. She is not using Venmo.
willing to divulge her financial information,
and her only bank account is not linked to
any online payment service. Which of the
following most aligns to what Gertie feels
comfortable doing?  (515906)
MS Office 2019 Google is an example of which type of Correct D:A search site • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-8
website? (515890)
Computer Concepts Gregory is researching the use of certain Correct C:Use the web • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
drugs for treating anemia in women living in directories created by & Office 2019 CC 2-15
a developing country. Which of the health research
following approaches is the most focused on institutions.
his research? (530340)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Harry wants to buy a secondhand red Incorrect C:secondhand red • Apply Information Literacy Skills to Web
skateboard online. Which of the following skateboard Searches CC 2-15
should he use as search keywords so the
results include exactly what he wants?
MS Office 2019 If Mark is developing a website to be Correct • Explain the Role of the Web in Daily Life
optimized for mobile devices, what would CC 2-5
be the top-level domain? (515893)
Computer Concepts If you copy a drawing from the Internet and Incorrect A:digital rights • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
use it in a report, you might be violating the & Office 2019 CC 2-19
artist's _____. (530317)
MS Office 2019 In a web app, where is data usually stored? Correct D:Cloud storage • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-8
MS Office 2019 Jane volunteers at an orphanage called “We Correct • Explain the Role of the Web in Daily Life
Are One” and is developing a website to CC 2-5
seek financial assistance. Which server
address should she use?  (515894)
MS Office 2019 Jodi is travelling to San Francisco for a Correct C:A poor internet • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-9
conference. She has stored her PowerPoint connection
slides on Microsoft’s web app. What could
be of concern to her while presenting her
slides? (515883)
Computer Concepts Joe wants to use an engaging image as a Correct B:Search for an • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
hook in his presentation, but he’s afraid of image on Creative & Office 2019 CC 2-17
violating any copyright laws. What should Commons
he do? (530326)
Computer Concepts Joel wants to find a specific webpage Correct A:“The quick brown • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
containing the words “The quick brown fox” fox” & Office 2019 CC 2-15
in the same sequence. Which of the
following search queries should he use to
produce the most helpful results? (530333)
Computer Concepts Kay is researching the health benefits of Correct B:The article’s author • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
avocados. She finds an article on the has been a & Office 2019 CC 2-18
website Which of nutritionist for the
the following can assure Kay that the last three years.
content is credible? (530336)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

Computer Concepts Keith is researching a controversial topic Correct B:The author uses • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
and wants to use a website he found as an emotional language & Office 2019 CC 2-18
information source. Which of the following to express a single
is a sign that the website is not a point of view.
worthwhile resource? (530335)
MS Office 2019 Kyle likes to keep in touch with his friends Incorrect D:Google, because it • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-7
and family using the Internet. He enjoys is one of the most
sharing pictures, music, and ideas. He also popular search
enjoys playing games with others online. engines 
Which of the following online platforms
should he use to do all of this? (515949)
Computer Concepts Lionel wants to find images of colonies of Incorrect D:Emperor penguin • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
Emperor penguins to use for a school images & Office 2019 CC 2-17
project. Which of the following phrases
should he use as the search query to find
the results he needs? (530323)
Computer Concepts Mateo is designing a technical diagram that Correct B:As soon as the • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
many textbook publishers can use, and he image exists in & Office 2019 CC 2-19
wants to make sure he retains the rights to physical form
the diagram before selling it. At what stage
does a copyright for his creative work come
into effect?  (530325)
Computer Concepts Ms. Lawson, a primary school teacher, told Incorrect D:The president • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
her students that a photograph of the keeps the copyright & Office 2019 CC 2-19
president is in the public domain. What to the photo while
does she mean by this? (530318) allowing others to use
Computer Concepts Patricia intends to study analyses of the last Incorrect A:The official • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
five Presidential elections. Which of the websites of the & Office 2019 CC 2-18
following is an authentic source for the Democratic and
study?   (530338) Republican parties
Computer Concepts Rajesh is considering whether to use a web Incorrect D:He wants to access • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
app to collaborate with a group of friends the web app anytime & Office 2019 CC 2-9
on a project. What is one reason he should and from anywhere.
avoid using a web app for the project?

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Rogelio wants to buy appliances for his Correct C:Information that • Use E-Commerce CC 2-13
newly leased apartment. He looks for will help obtain best
information on PriceGrabber, a comparison value for money
shopping website. Which of the following spent
advantages do sites such as this offer?
MS Office 2019 Ronald maintains a website that focuses on Incorrect C:Blogging platform • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-6
travel-related information. He gathers
adventure posts from various travel blogs
and shares them to his site. What type of a
website does Ronald maintain? (515888)
Computer Concepts Search engines use software that combs the Correct A:Spiders • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
web to find webpages and add new data & Office 2019 CC 2-14
about them to the database. What is this
software called? (530316)
MS Office 2019 Steve has built an online shopping website Correct D:Link his website to • Apply Information Literacy Skills to Web
and he would like to increase his website other popular Searches CC 2-14
ranking in the search results. You are his websites
consultant. Which of the following would
you recommend for him to help achieve his
goal? (515915)
MS Office 2019 Susan is reading through a collection of Correct B:The website of the • Explain the Role of the Web in Daily Life
webpages that contains information about a software firm CC 2-2
software firm. The firm manages the
information on these webpages. What is
Susan most likely browsing? (515946)
MS Office 2019 The current Copyright Law states that, in Correct C:They are free to do • Conduct Online Research CC 2-19
general, works published after 1977 will fall so without seeking
into public domain 70 years after the death permission or paying
of the author. Which of the following will be royalty.
true for those who want to use a whole or
portions of a novel published in 1978, with
a copyright notice 70 years after the author
dies?  (515925)
Computer Concepts Victoria wants to add a new logo to her Correct C:In the header • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
landscape management website. Where & Office 2019 CC 2-9
would be the most appropriate location for
her to place it on the home page? (530328)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 What are “hits” that search engines list on Incorrect A:Sponsored links • Apply Information Literacy Skills to Web
the first page? (515934) Searches CC 2-16
Computer Concepts What does a B2C website use to track the Correct A:cookies • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
items you select on the website? (530313) & Office 2019 CC 2-12
Computer Concepts What search operator would you use with Correct C:* (asterisk) • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
the word "Android" to find Android phone, & Office 2019 CC 2-17
Android smartphone, and Android cell
phone? (530321)
MS Office 2019 Where can you find the information about Correct C:A usage rights filter • Apply Information Literacy Skills to Web
using an image that you obtained in a shows information Searches CC 2-16
search result? (515930) about using an
MS Office 2019 Which of the following does a secure Correct C:Encryption • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
website use to safeguard transmitted 10
information? (515900)
Computer Concepts Which of the following indicates a website is Incorrect A:A lock icon is not • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
NOT secure? (530329) displayed in the & Office 2019 CC 2-10
address bar.
MS Office 2019 Which of the following is a web app? Incorrect D:Flipboard • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-8
Computer Concepts Which of the following is assigned to each Correct A:uniform resource • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
webpage to identify its location on the locator (URL) & Office 2019 CC 2-3
Internet? (530311)
Computer Concepts Which of the following is NOT a factor Correct B:Design quality of • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
search engines consider when ranking the webpage & Office 2019 CC 2-14
search results? (530315)
MS Office 2019 Which of the following is NOT an e- Correct D:Sophia hires a • Use E-Commerce CC 2-10
commerce transaction? (515902) neighborhood
plumber to fix a
leaking faucet and
pays him after the
repairs are complete.
MS Office 2019 Which of the following is NOT likely to be Correct D:A formatting • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
found on a webpage? (515896) toolbar 10

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Which of the following people will benefit Correct A:Akiko, who provides • Use E-Commerce CC 2-11
the most from using a B2B website? services to other
(515921) smaller businesses
which helps them
establish themselves
in the market
Computer Concepts Which of the following stories can be said to Incorrect C:A copyrighted story • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
be in the public domain? (530341) the author provides & Office 2019 CC 2-19
permission for
MS Office 2019 Which of the following top-level domains is Correct • Explain the Role of the Web in Daily Life
generally used by Internet service CC 2-5
providers? (515892)
MS Office 2019 Which of the statements about B2B e- Incorrect B:The end consumer • Use E-Commerce CC 2-11
commerce is correct? (515910) is the decision-maker
in the transactions.
MS Office 2019 Which type of website would allow Evan, an Correct C:A social networking • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-7
avid traveler, to share photos and videos website 
with his friends? (515891)
MS Office 2019 Why is it advisable to look beyond search Correct C:There are search • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
engines like Google and Bing while engines available with 15
conducting online research for assignments more reliable
and projects?  (515952) research.
Computer Concepts A specialty search engine lets you search Correct True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
online information sources that general & Office 2019 CC 2-17
search engines do not always access.
Computer Concepts An e-commerce website offers fewer Correct False • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
models, colors, and sizes than a physical & Office 2019 CC 2-11
store. (530330)
MS Office 2019 Claire wants to use a quote by a famous Correct True • Conduct Online Research CC 2-19
author in an article she is writing about the
declining population of Great White sharks.
She will not be infringing the copyright of
the author if she makes a citation in the
article.  (515923)
Computer Concepts E-commerce sites use Transport Layer Correct True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
Security (TLS) to encrypt data and protect & Office 2019 CC 2-13
you from fraud and identity theft. (530331)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Haven runs an online bridal store called Correct False • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
Haven Bridals. Her website is encrypted and 10
uses a digital certificate. The website
address for the store is (515887)
Computer Concepts If you have information literacy, you can Correct True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
select the right tool to find the information & Office 2019 CC 2-14
you need. (530322)
Computer Concepts Information literacy means you can Correct True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
evaluate whether online information is & Office 2019 CC 2-14
misleading, biased, or out of date. (530324)
MS Office 2019 Nellie recently sold her old laptop directly to Correct False • Use E-Commerce CC 2-12
a student from different country using an e-
commerce website. The website she used
runs on B2B model. (515919)
MS Office 2019 News360 is a search engine because it Incorrect True • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-6
gathers, organizes, and then distributes
web content. (515948)
Computer Concepts Online classified ads are an example of C2C Correct True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
e-commerce. (530314) & Office 2019 CC 2-12
MS Office 2019 Steffi needs to find the domain name of the Correct True • Explain the Role of the Web in Daily Life
webpage she is currently viewing. To do CC 2-4
this, she needs to look at the address bar of
the browser. (515945)
MS Office 2019 The sidebar of a webpage typically contains Correct False • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
information about when the site was last 10
updated. (515895)
MS Office 2019 When accessed, an e-commerce website Correct False • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-
that sells carpentry tools displays a lock icon 10
somewhere in the window of the browser.
The address bar in the Chrome browser
would identify this website as “insecure.”  
MS Office 2019 Wikipedia is a collaborative website where a Correct True • Describe Websites and Webpages CC 2-8
team of people can publish or modify
content on a webpage. (515889)

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Exam Study Guide

Subject Question (ID) Result Response Remediation

MS Office 2019 Wolfram Alpha is an example of a search Correct True • Conduct Online Research CC 2-18
tool that can help you solve factual
questions to help complete your homework.
Computer Concepts You use the CARS checklist to determine Incorrect True • The Illustrated Collection, Microsoft Office 365
whether a website is current, appealing, & Office 2019 CC 2-18
relevant, and sophisticated. (530337)

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