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M.Austin: No.

25-01 Jalan Austin Heights 8/3, Taman Mount Austin (Tel: 07-3000375)

Name of student Teacher’s Name Wong SP

Subject Class
Topic Lesson no

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Conceptual Idea
1. Are mankind staying the same throughout the life?
Adakah manusia kekal sama sepanjang hayat?
2. What are some changes that mankind undergo?
Apakah perubahan yang dialami oleh manusia?
3. Are those changes periodical?
Adakah perubahan tersebut mengikut masa?

4 legs, 2 legs, 3 legs

4 kaki, 2 kaki, 3 kaki
1. Growth is a process of change in size, appearance and function in an organism.
Pertumbuhan adalah satu proses perubahan dari segi saiz, rupa bentuk, dan fungsi dalam suatu organisma.
2. Growth occurs because of an increase in the quantity of cells in an organism.
Pertumbuhan berlaku disebabkan oleh pertambahan bilangan sel dalam suatu organisma.

3. Growth in humans occurs in the whole body. However, the rate of growth is different at
different age levels.
Pertumbuhan manusia berlaku pada seluruh badan. Namun demikian, kadar pertumbuhan manusia adalah
berlainan pada peringkat umur yang berbeza.
4. Human growth is divided into four stages, i.e.
Pertumbuhan manusia dibahagikan kepada empat peringkat, iaitu
(a) baby or infant stage / peringkat bayi
(b) child stage / peringkat kanak-kanak
(c) adolescent stage / peringkat remaja
(d) adult stage / peringkat dewasa

5. From the graph shown in Figure 5.2, it can be concluded that (a) the rate of growth is very
fast at the infant stage.
Daripada graf pada Rajah 5.2, dapat disimpulkan bahawa
(a) The rate of growth is very fast at infant stage / kadar pertumbuhan berlaku dengan sangat cepat
pada peringkat bayi.
(b) children experience slower growth rate. / kanak-kanak mengalami kadar pertumbuhan yang lebih
(c) the rate of growth in adolescents is faster than that in small children. / kadar pertumbuhan
remaja lebih cepat daripada kanak-kanak.

(d) the rate of growth in adults is nearly zero, i.e. do not experience any change.
Growth in height and weight
Pertumbuhan dari segi ketinggian dan berat
1. Height and weight are used to measure the rate of human growth.
Ketinggian dan berat badan digunakan untuk mengukur kadar pertumbuhan manusia.
2. The rate of growth in males is different from that in females.
Kadar pertumbuhan bagi lelaki adalah berbeza daripada kadar pertumbuhan bagi perempuan.

3. The curves in the graph in Figure 5.3 show the following / Lengkungan graf pada Rajah 5.3
menunjukkan perkara yang berikut.
(a) At infant stage (0 - 2 years)/ Pada peringkat bayi (0 - 2 tahun)
The growth rate in males is the same as that in females.
Kadar pertumbuhan lelaki sama dengan kadar pertumbuhan perempuan.
(b) At child stage (2 - 12 years) / Pada peringkat kanak-kanak (2 - 12 tahun)
The growth rate in a male child is faster than that in a female child.
Kadar pertumbuhan kanak-kanak lelaki lebih cepat daripada kadar pertumbuhan kanak-kanak perempuan.
(c) At adolescent stage(12 - 14 year) / Pada peringkat remaja (12 - 14 tahun)
The growth rate in females is faster than that in males.
Kadar pertumbuhan perempuan lebih cepat daripada kadar pertumbuhan lelaki.
This is because the female reaches puberty (12 years) earlier than the male (14 years).
The female is taller than the male at early adolescent stage.
Hal ini kerana perempuan mencapai akil baligh (12 tahun) lebih awal daripada lelaki (14 tahun).
Perempuan lebih tinggi daripada lelaki pada peringkat awal remaja.
(ii) 14 - 20 years / 14 - 20 tahun
The male and the female will continue to experience growth for a few years after reaching
Lelaki dan perempuan akan terus mengalami pertum-buhan untuk beberapa tahun selepas akil baligh.
Physical growth in females will stop at age 17 years while in males at 18 years.
Pertumbuhan fizikal perempuan akan berhenti pada umur 17 tahun sementara lelaki pada umur 18 tahun.
(d) At adult stage (20 years and above) / Pada peringkat dewasa (20 tahun ke atas)
The male will be taller than the female at the adult stage because the period of growth in males is
longer than that in females.
Lelaki lebih tinggi berbanding dengan perempuan pada peringkat dewasa kerana tempoh pertumbuhan bagi lelaki
adalah lebih panjang berbanding dengan perempuan.
Effects of nutrition on the growth
1. Proper nutrition is necessary for healthy mental and physical growth in children.
Nutrisi yang balk diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan mental dan fizikal yang sihat bagi kanak-kanak.
2. Lack of nutritious elements in a child's diet results in stunted growth.
Kekurangan zat makanan dalam gizi kanak-kanak akan menye-babkan pertumbuhan terbantut.
3. Children must get good and sufficient nutrition for growth. However, eating too much
results in obesity, tooth decay etc.
Kanak-kanak mesti mendapat nutrisi yang baik dan mencukupi untuk pertumbuhan. Namun demikian,
makanan yang berle-bihan akan menyebabkan masalah kegemukan, kerosakan gigi dan sebagainya.

1. Growth is a process of change in size, appearance and function in an organism.
2. Human growth can be divided into four stages, i.e. the infant (baby) stage, child stage,
adolescent stage and adult stage.
3. The rate of growth is very fast at the infant stage.
4. Height and weight are used to measure growth rate in humans.
5. The growth rate in males and females is the same at infancy.
6. The male grows faster than the female at the child stage.
7. The growth rate in females is faster than that in males at the adolescent stage.
8. The male is taller than the female at the adult stage because the period of growth in males is
9. Proper nutrition is necessary for healthy growth in children.
10. Children require more carbohydrates and fat to obtain energy because they are very active at
this stage.

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