Direct Antenas

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The Communications Edge ™

Author: John E. Hill

Gain of Directional Antennas

Gain is an antenna property dealing with an in all directions. Let the radius of the sphere change, the hypothetical antenna at the
antenna’s ability to direct its radiated power be proportional to the power radiated by the sphere’s center must be replaced by an
in a desired direction, or synonymously, to isotropic radiator. Next, the sphere is antenna with the ability to direct radiated
receive energy preferentially from a desired deformed to create a new shape as shown in power in a desired direction. It is important
direction. However, gain is not a quantity Figure 1b. As a result of our assumption that to note that directive gain, as just described,
which can be defined in terms of physical the sphere is filled with an incompressible is related only to the shape of the antenna’s
quantities such as the Watt, ohm or joule, medium, the volume must remain radiation pattern, and does not include effi-
but is a dimensionless ratio. As a conse- unchanged regardless of the change in shape; ciency factors.
quence, antenna gain results from the inter- the sphere surface must bulge outward
action of all other antenna characteristics. somewhere if another area of the surface is DIRECTIVE GAIN AND
This article will explore these interactions depressed. BEAMWIDTH
using elementary definitions of antenna
For the surface shown in Figure 1b, the dis- An antenna’s beamwidth is usually under-
tance from the center dot to all points on stood to mean the half-power beamwidth,
Antenna characteristics of gain, beamwidth the sphere surface is no longer everywhere that is, the angle between the two directions
and efficiency are independent of the anten- equal, although the average distance, which in which the directive gain of the major radi-
na’s use for either transmitting or receiving. is equal to the original radius (ro), remains ation lobe is one half the maximum value
Generally these characteristics are more sim- the same. The distance from the center to a (one half the directivity), and is shown in
ply described for the transmitting antenna; point on the deformed surface is now pro- Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c. Each curve represents
however, the properties described in this arti- portional to the radiation intensity in that the same antenna radiation pattern, but
cle apply to both cases. direction. The ratio of the distance from the plotted to a different scale: in watts, voltage,
Gain definitions, and antenna characteristics center to any particular point on the surface and decibels (dB).
related to gain, are found in a glossary on (rd), to the average distance (or original
For the power plot, the half-power
page 6, and will appear in italics within text. sphere radius, ro) is the directive gain in that
beamwidth is measured at a value which is
First, the concept of directive gain will be direction. The value of the directive gain in
one half (.5) the peak of the beam, and is
examined, followed by related antenna fac- the direction of its maximum value is the
30º in the illustrated example. For the volt-
tors such as beamwidth and efficiency. Some directivity.
age plot, the half-power beamwidth is mea-
simple equations are listed at the conclusion To accomplish this power distribution sured at a point which is .707 of the beam
which permit approximate computations of
directive gain and half-power beamwidth for
directional type antennas.


An antenna does not amplify. It only distrib-
utes energy through space in a manner
which can best make use of energy available.
Directive gain is related to and is a measure
of this energy distribution.
To visualize the concept of directive gain,
assume an elastic sphere is filled with an
incompressible medium having a shape as
a) Symmetric radiation pattern of an isotropic radiator. b) Directive radiation pattern.
shown in Figure 1a. A dot at the center of
the sphere represents a hypothetical isotropic
radiator which has equal radiation intensity Figure 1. Directive gain resulting from the shape of the radiation pattern in a certain direction.

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

that all the power radiated by a directional

30° 30° 30° radiator is constrained to flow through an
area which is circular in cross section, as
Beam shown in Figure 3c. Since the power radiat-
ed is constrained to flow through an area
which is π/4 (78%) as large, the resulting
directive gain will be greater. and is given by:

41,253 4
0 0 -40
gd = •
θ1θ2 π
0.5 -3 or
1.0 1.0 0 gd =
Power – Watts Voltage – Watts Decibels – dB
where θ1 and θ2 are orthogonal beamwidths,
a) Power plot b) Voltage plot c) Decibel plot
and represent the major and minor axis of
Figure 2. Equivalent half-power beamwidth representations of an antenna’s radiation pattern.
the beam. For a circular beam shape, θ1 is
equal to θ2.
maximum .5 = .7072), and is 30º. For the 41,253 In practical antenna applications, the beam
decibel plot, the half-power beam-width is gd = is usually circular in cross section with many
3dB from the beam maximum (10 log10 0.5 minor radiation lobes, or side lobes, present.
where all the power radiated is assumed to
= -3 dB), and is 30º. Assuming that a signif- To account for power flow in directions
flow through an area of one square degree. other than the beam’s direction, an assump-
icant amount of radiated power is not
diverted into side lobes, then the directive Usually, directive gain is expressed in deci- tion is made that approximately 55% of the
gain is inversely proportional to beamwidth; bels, and for the directive gain just calculat- power radiated flows within the half-power
as the beamwidth decreases, the directive ed, is equal to: beamwidth. The directive gain is now
gain increases. Gd = 10 log10 g d = 46 dB. approximated by:
A simplified approximation to an antenna’s 29,000
A more accurate approximation of the direc- gd =
directive gain may be obtained by consider- θ1θ2
tive gain from the radiated pattern assumes
ing a convenient spherical-shaped boundary
at which the power radiated by a hypotheti-
cal directional antenna can be measured. All
power radiated from the hypothetical anten-
na may be imagined to flow outward and
through the surface shown in Figure 3a.
This surface may be divided into square
areas which are independent of radius, each
occupying one degree in the vertical plane
and one degree in the horizontal plane, and
containing a total of 41,253 square degrees.*
If all the power radiated by a directional
radiator could be constrained to flow through
a) Power flow through a con- b) Power flow through a c) Power flow through a circu-
one square degree, shown in Figure 3b, the venient spherical boundary square area of one square lar area of π/4 square
directive gain in that direction would be degree degrees
41,253 times the average directive gain. The
directive gain for this power distribution is; Figure 3. Simplified assumptions as to the shape of the radiated power yield approximate calculations of directive gain.

* 4π square radians (steradians) = 4π × (57.3)2

square degrees = 41,253 square degrees.

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

where θ1 and θ2 are the orthogonal half- losses internal to the antenna, such as I2R illumination. It is most simply explained by
power beamwidths of an asymmetric beam. losses in imperfect conductors and considering the field distribution over a par-
dielectrics. It is the ratio of the total power abolic reflector-horn feed antenna shown in
Although this last equation is very useful in
radiated by an antenna to the net power Figure 5. For the aperture illumination
obtaining an antenna’s directive gain know-
accepted by the antenna from a connected shown in Figure 5a, a hypothetical feed pro-
ing the beamwidth, it must be remembered
transmitter. Excluded from these losses is the duces equal radiation intensity over the angle
that it serves only as an approximation. The
power reflected back to the transmitter subtended by the parabolic reflector, but
directive gain which results is based upon a
because of impedance mismatch. The impli- with no energy spilled past the edges.
radiation pattern exhibiting low-power losses
cation is that an antenna tested for efficiency Although this uniform aperture illumination
in the side lobes. This is not always a good
by the method described under the “gain is not achievable in practice, it is useful as a
assumption. It is possible for a radiation pat-
measurements” paragraph to follow must be reference, as is the hypothetical isotropic
tern to have the same beamwidth as for the
perfectly matched to the transmitter. This is radiator. The side lobes of the radiation pat-
55% assumption, but have a large amount tern produced by uniform circular aperture
a condition realizable under test conditions
of power appear in the minor lobes. For illumination are approximately 18 dB lower
and at a single frequency, but is not a condi-
example, if an additional 10% of the radiat- in amplitude than the beam, which itself has
tion likely to exist under normal operating
ed power is lost to side lobe radiation, the as high a directive gain as can be achieved
conditions, especially in a system which
directive gain is approximated by: with a given aperture size.
must operate over a wide frequency band.
27,000 Practical reflector-feed antennas, however,
gd = When mismatch loss occurs, as it usually
θ1θ2 does, this loss must be subtracted from the produce a tapered distribution of radiation
where it is now assumed that 45% of the power gain of the antenna to yield realized intensity shown in Figure 5b. For this
gain. Realized gain is important to the sys- nonuniformly illuminated aperture, the radi-
radiated power flows through the half-power
tems engineer, for it reveals how much signal ation intensity at the edges of the aperture is
beamwidth. This last equation yields the
will be available at the input to the receiver approximately 10 dB less than at the center.
most realistic value for the directive gain of
for a given field strength. As a result, the edges contribute less to the
reflector-type antennas. For horn-type
resultant, or secondary pattern, than the
antennas, it may be assumed that 60% of
The aperture of an antenna is a planar sur- edges of the uniformly illuminated aperture.
the power radiated flows within the
face near the antenna that is perpendicular The side lobes of the radiation pattern pro-
beamwidth and the directive gain is:
to the direction of maximum radiation, and duced are less in amplitude, and are more
31,000 through which the major portion of the than 20 dB below the beam. However, the
gd = radiation passes. For parabolic reflector-type directive gain of this pattern is less than the
and horn-type antennas, the aperture is the uniformly illuminated aperture.
EFFICIENCIES RELATED TO area of the paraboloid, or horn opening,
The directive gains of the uniform and
POWER GAIN, REALIZED GAIN respectively, as shown in Figure 4.
nonuniform illuminated apertures are related
AND DIRECTIVE GAIN The manner in which energy is distributed by aperture illumination efficiency, ηai which
A quantity closely related to directive gain is over the aperture is referred to as aperture is the ratio of the two directive gains, or
power gain, gp. For an ideal antenna with a
radiation efficiency of 100%, directive gain
is equal to power gain. For an antenna with
losses (excluding reflection losses arising
from impedance mismatch), power gain will
be lower than directive gain, and is given by
the equation:
Gp = gd η
where η is the radiation efficiency, and is a) Parabolic reflector antenna b) Horn antenna
always less than unity.
Radiation efficiency is a measure of those Figure 4. Physical apertures of parabolic reflector- and horn-type antennas.

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

length). Therefore, it is necessary to under-

illumination illuminate the reflector at the high-end fre-
quency in order to not over-illuminate at the
low-end frequency of the band.
The most generally used method for measur-
ing an antenna’s power gain is shown in
Radiation Figure 6, and involves substituting a stan-
(Secondary pattern) (a) Uniform aperture illumination
dard gain horn for the antenna under test
and comparing the power received by each.
Nonuniform -10 dB Taper The power gain of the standard gain horn
used as reference is computed from the
horn’s geometry. If the measurement is per-
formed properly, which is extremely difficult
0.dB 0 dB
to do, an accuracy approaching 0.1 dB is
Feed possible.
To measure realized gain, measurement for
-10 dB Taper
the antenna under test is made as it would
(Secondary pattern) (a) Nonuniform aperture illumination be used in the field, with no special imped-
ance matching, but with the standard gain
Figure 5. FIeld dlstrlbutlons, and radiation patterns produced, when a parabolic reflector’s aperture is uniformly and
nonuniformly illumInated. horn always matched to the transmission
g d (nonuniform) Antenna efficiency is often sacrificed to If the antenna under test is circularly polar-
ηai = obtain other desirable characteristics, such as
g d (uniform) ized, the measurement becomes more com-
a low side-lobe level, or wide bandwidth per- plex, for there is no agreed-upon easily con-
It is possible, and in fact common, for the
formance. For example, if it is necessary to structed gain standard that is circularly
illumination taper across an aperture to be
illuminate a parabolic reflector with a horn polarized and whose gain can be calculated
different for the feed pattern’s orthogonal
feed over a band of frequencies, it is appar- from its geometry. Either specially designed
planes, particularly when the antenna must
operate over a broad frequency range. ent the reflector’s illumination will vary with reference antennas must be constructed and
frequency since a horn radiator’s beamwidth calibrated, or the antenna must be tested
It is important to note that aperture illumi- is inversely proportional to frequency (or the with reference to linear polarization (the
nation efficiency is related to directive gain, aperture dimensions in terms of wave- standard gain horn) and suitably corrected
which, in turn, is related only to the shape
of the radiation pattern and not to radiation
efficiency. An antenna may simultaneously Transmission line
exhibit a low radiation efficiency and a high Transmission
antenna Standard
aperture illumination efficiency. gain horn

To measure
ANTENNA EFFICIENCY- realized gain Detector


Antenna efficiency is concerned with the

effectiveness of an antenna’s aperture in under
test Lossless
directing, or collecting, radiated power. It is matching To measure
not related to radiation efficiency or mis- network power gain

match loss, and need not be subtracted from

directive gain. Figure 6. Power gain and realized gain measurements.

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

for polarization mismatch. A discussion of nite attenuation (∞) between field and Field Polarization
Vertical Horizontal Right hand Left hand
these techniques is beyond the scope of this antenna. Since a circular polarized wave can Circular Circular
article. be resolved into two equal vertical and hori-
zontal components, each containing one half Vertical
Optimum antenna performance is often a
the total power radiated, only one half the 0 dB ∞ 3 dB 3 dB
compromise between the conflicting require-

Antenna Polarization
power (3 dB) of a circularly polarized field is Horizontal
ments of maximum realized gain and
coupled to a linearly polarized antenna. ∞ 0 dB 3 dB 3 dB
beamwidth. The maximum possible realized
Right hand
gain is always desirable, of course, but the GAIN COMPUTATIONS Circular
narrow beamwidth required to produce it 3 dB 3 dB 0 dB ∞
requires precise positioning of the beam. Approximate solutions of beamwidth and
Left hand
Gain in the wrong direction is of little use. directive gain for most directional type anten- Circular
nas can be obtained from the equations listed 3 dB 3 dB ∞ 0 dB
Measurement of gain, difficult though it in Table 2. Also included is the approximate Table 1. Attenuation resulting from polarization mismatch
may be, is necessary to confirm that an side-lobe level if the antenna is of the aper- between field and antenna.

antenna meets specification. Measured real- ture-type shown. Side-lobe levels are not
ized gain is the last word of performance, included in the equations for the uniformly
revealing the essence of the antenna, and is illuminated apertures. Directive gain deter-
the most significant factor for any wireless mined by either method should be used with
link, be it the local TV station or the most caution; however, estimates of performance
exotic of spacecraft sending pictures of Mars are adequate for preliminary system analysis.
to Earth.


POLARIZATION Beamwidth Directive Gain Directive Gain Antenna Efficiency
Aperture-Type (Aperture Illumination
(From Aperture) (From Aperture) (From Beamwidth) Efficiency)
When antenna gain is specified or tested,
Uniformly Illuminated
generally the assumption made is that the Circular Aperture- gd = 15a
polarization of the field is optimum-that is, hypothetical parabola θ= λ2 gd = 52,525
a θ2 100%
the characteristic polarization of the antenna a 9.87a 2
gd =
θ = θ1 = θ2 λ2 θ = θ1 = θ2
and the field in which it is measured, are the 18 dB side-lobe level

same. If the wave is polarized differently Uniformly Illuminated 51λ

Rectangular Aperture θ1 =
from the antenna receiving it, then the or Linear Array a
1.6 ab 41,253
gd = gd = 100%
power available at the antenna terminals will b λ2 θ1θ2
θ2 = 51λ
be less than maximum. Loss resulting from 13 dB Side-lobe Level b
polarization mismatch can have any value Rectangular Horn
(a) Polarization Plane:
between infinity and zero. Losses associated E-plane 56λ
with some of the more common polarization θ1 =
aE aE
mismatches are listed in Table 1. 13 dB Side-lobe Level 7.5 aEaH 31,000 60%
gd = gd =
λ θ1θ2
Attenuation for the three polarizations listed (b) Orthogonal Polarization
Plane: H-plane
is based on the polarization being either pure θ2 =
aH aH
linear (vertical or horizontal) or pure circu-
26 dB side-lobe Level
lar. In practice, however, there is some cou-
Nonuniformly Illuminated
pling between orthogonal polarizations. If Circular Aperture (10 dB 27,000
Taper)–Normal Parabola θ= gd =
the polarizations are coincident, no attenua- a gd =
5 a2 θ2
a λ2
tion (0 dB) occurs due to coupling mis- θ = θ1 = θ2 θ = θ1 = θ2
match between field and antenna. 26 dB Side-lobe Level

Polarizations which are either orthogonal a >> λ Gd = 10 log10gd dB Gd = 10 log10gd dB

linear or opposite-hand circular suffer infi- Table 2. Computations of directive gain end beamwldth for representative aperture-type

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY GLOSSARY OF STANDARD minals of a receiving antenna to the power

1. Antenna Standards Committee of the ANTENNA TERMS per unit area of a plane wave incident on the
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Group, The “IEEE Standard Definitions of Term for antenna from that direction, polarized coin-
IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas” represent a consistent and compre- cident with the polarization that the antenna
Antennas,” IEEE Std 145-1973. hensive vocabulary suited for the effective com- would radiate.
munication and understanding of antenna the- Half-power beamwidth. In a plane containing
2. Jasik, H. (ed.) Antenna Engineering
ory. General use of these definitions of terms the direction of the maximum of a beam,
Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
would eliminate much of the wide-spread the angle between the two directions in
New York, First Edition. (Sections 2.6
inconsistency concerning antenna characteristics, which the radiation intensity is one half the
and 2.7 discuss gain, directivity and effec-
particularly with regard to the basic parameters maximum value of the beam.
tive aperture area.)
of gain, beamwidth, polarization and efficiency.
3. Kraus, J. D., Antennas, McGraw-Hill Isotropic radiator. A hypothetical antenna
For convenience, IEEE antenna terms used in
Book Co., 1950. having equal radiation intensity in all direc-
this article are listed in this glossary.
tions. Note: An isotropic radiator represents
4. Ramo, S., J. R. Whinnery, Fields and Antenna efficiency of an aperture-type anten- a convenient reference for expressing the
Waves in Modern Radio, John Wiley & na. For an antenna with a specified planar directive properties of actual antennas.
Sons, Inc., 1953. (Discussion of antenna aperture, the ratio at the maximum effective
gain with respect to half-wave dipole.) Power gain. In a given direction, 4( times the
area of the antenna to the aperture area.
ratio of the radiation intensity in that direc-
5. Reich, H. J.. (ed.), Very High-Frequency Aperture of an antenna. A surface, near or on tion to the net power accepted by the anten-
Techniques, McGraw-Hill Book Co., an antenna, on which it is convenient to na from the connected transmitter.
New York, 1947. (Derivation of the make assumptions regarding the field values Notes: (1) When the direction is not stated,
equation for beamwidth in Chapter 1.) for the purpose of computing fields at exter- the power gain is usually taken to
6. Silver, S. (ed.), Microwave Antenna nal points. be the power gain in the direction
Theory and Design, Boston Technical Note: The aperture Is often taken as that of its maximum value.
Publishing, Inc., 1964. (Discussion of portion of a plane surface near the (2) Power gain does not include
gain and absorption cross section.) antenna, perpendicular to the direc- reflection losses arising from mis-
tion of maximum radiation, through match of impedance.
7. Southworth, G. C., Principles and which the major part of the radiation
Applications of Waveguide Transmission passes. Power gain in physical media. In a given
D. Van Nostrand Co., 1950. (Discussion direction and at a given point in the far
of gain from effective aperture area point Aperture illumination. The field over the field, the ratio of the power flux per unit
of view.) aperture as described by amplitude, phase, area from an antenna to the power flux per
and polarization distributions. unit area from an isotropic radiator at a
8. Weeks, W. L., Antenna Engineering,
Aperture illumination efficiency. For a planar specified location with the same power input
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
antenna aperture, the ratio of its directivity as the subject antenna.
(Discussion of gain with respect to radia-
tion resistance.) to the directivity obtained when the aperture Note: The isotropic radiator must he within
illumination is uniform. the smallest sphere containing the
9. Wolff, E. A., Antenna Analysis, John antenna. Suggested locations are
Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. Beam. The major lobe of the radiation pattern.
antenna terminals and points of sym-
(Discussion of gain in terms of admit- Directive gain. In a given direction, 4π times metry, if such exist.
tance, current and effective aperture area.) the ratio of the radiation intensity in that
Power gain referred to a specified polarization.
direction to the total power radiated by the
The power gain of an antenna, reduced by
the ratio of that portion of the radiation
Directivity. The value of the directive gain in intensity corresponding to the specified
the direction of its maximum value. polarization to the radiation intensity.
Effective area of an antenna. In a given direc- Radiation efficiency. The ratio of the total
tion, the ratio of power available at the ter- power radiated by an antenna to the net

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:
The Communications Edge ™
Author: John E. Hill

power accepted by the antenna from the space coordinates. impedance to a specified impedance.
connected transmitter. Notes: (1) In the usual case the radiation Realized radiation efficiency. The efficiency of
Radiation, electromagnetic. The emission of pattern is determined in the far- an antenna in its environment reduced by all
field region and is represented as losses suffered by it, including: ohmic losses,
energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.
a function of directional coordi- mismatch losses, feedline transmission losses,
Radiation intensity. In a given direction, the nates. and radome losses. (This term is not defined
power radiated from an antenna per unit (2) Radiation properties include in the IEEE STD 145).
solid angle. power flux density, field strength,
Relative power gain. The ratio of the power
Radiation lobe. A portion of the radiation phase, and polarization.
gain in a given direction to the power gain of
pattern bounded by regions of relatively Radiator. Any antenna or radiating element a reference antenna in its reference direction.
weak radiation intensity. that is a discrete physical and functional entity. Note: Common reference antennas are half-
Radiation pattern (antenna pattern). A Realized gain. The power gain of an antenna wave dipoles, electric dipoles, mag-
graphical representation of the radiation in its environment, reduced by the losses due netic dipoles, monopoles, and cali-
properties at the antenna as a function of to the mismatch of the antenna input brated horn antennas.

Copyright © 1976 Watkins-Johnson Company

Vol. 3 No. 4 July/August 1976
Revised and reprinted © 2001 WJ Communications, Inc.

WJ Communications, Inc. • 401 River Oaks Parkway • San Jose, CA 95134-1918 • Phone: 1-800-WJ1-4401 • Fax: 408-577-6620 • e-mail: • Web site:

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