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A Detailed Lesson Plan
in Mathematics IX


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify cases in solving right triangles using trigonometry;

b. Recognize the role of trigonometry in real life scenarios;
c. Illustrate right triangles that ca be seen in the classroom.


a. Topic: Solving right triangle using trigonometry
b. References:
“Plane Trigonometry” by F.M. Panopio & S.E. Ymas Jr. p. 35 – 41
“Trigonometry” by L.D. Ortiz p. 46 - 52
c. Materials: Visual Aids, Power Point, Print out Materials, White board and
Permanent marker, Meter Stick
d. Skills: Analyzing, Listening, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, Decision-
e. Values Integration: Cooperation, Active Participation, Appreciation,
Patience, Perseverance
f. Time frame: 50 minutes


Teachers’ Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Daily Routine

a. Prayer
Before we begin, may I request (Everyone will pray.)
everyone to stand up.

_______, kindly lead the prayer.

b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning, ma’am!

c. Classroom Management
Before you sit down, let us perform
first an exercise to brighten up our
(Class will perform the exercise.)
First, let us shake our hands. Faster!
Shake it to the left. Shake it to the
right. Shake it to your front. Higher!
Higher! And then lower! Lower!
(Class will pick all the papers and
Now, as you are looking down, kindly garbage.)
look around and check if there are
any pieces of paper or any garbage.
If you found any, kindly pick it up and
put them on their proper places.
(Students will arrange the chairs before
Alright! You may now take your sit sitting.)
but before that make sure they are in
their proper alignment.

Secretary, will you please check the No one is absent ma’am.


Okay! Thank you!

d. Checking and passing of

Last meeting, I gave you an

Kindly bring it out and pass it in front

without making noise.
Yes, ma’am!
Are all your assignments here?

B. Drill
Now, let me show you some figures.

They are triangles classified according to

Can you tell me what classification of
triangles are shown?
Yes, _____?

Isosceles triangle, because it has two

equal sides.

Okay, now can you tell me what type

of triangle is this and why? Equilateral triangle, because it has three
equal sides.

Very good! Next. Scalene triangle, because no sides are


Great! Next.

They are triangles classified according to


Alright! Now, for the next figure, can

you tell me what classification of
triangles are shown?
Yes, _____?

Equiangular triangle because all angles

are congruent or equal.

Okay, can you tell me what type of Acute triangle because all angles are
triangle is this and why? acute.

Obtuse triangle because it has one

obtuse angle.
Very good! Next.

Right triangle because it has one right

angle which is 90⁰.
Great! Next.
Very good! Next.

Very good everyone!

You learned well. Keep it up!

C. Review
Before beginning to our new
discussion, let us first recall our
previous lesson. We discussed about solving right triangle
using geometry concepts.
Let us have a recap of what we have
discussed last meeting.

Yes, _______?


Since you have already identified the

different types of triangles and how to
solve it with the use of geometry
concepts, can you tell me what
theorem is used to find the third side
when the two sides are given, as
shown in the image?

7 We use Pythagorean theorem.


Yes, _______?

Okay, very good!

How about one side and one angle is
given? What concept should we use? No, ma’am.

Can you think of any?

No, ma’am.
D. Motivation
That is what we are going to do Yes ma’am.
today. But we are not just the only
one who is looking for the solution.
There is one person who needs our
help. Do you know who it is?

Have you seen this person before?

He is Super Mario.

Who is he? Yes, ______.

Yes, and he is sad. He is sad

because he wanted to save the Yes, ma’am!
Princess but on his way he
encountered problems including right
triangle. He is not familiar with
solving its sides and angles. Only
you can help him. Are you willing to
help him?

But of course, together with Mario to Yes, ma’am!

save the Princess, you need to know
what are the things we must learn to Yes, ma’am!
solve his problems.

Are you ready to know the things we

must needed?

Are you ready to help him?

Alright! Let’s begin.

E. Presentation of the Lesson

Now I will introduce the other way of
solving right triangles, which is

F. Presentation of the Objectives

Before we proceed to our discussion,
here are the objectives for you to be

At the end of the lesson, the students

are expected to:
d. Identify cases in solving right
triangles using trigonometry;
e. Recognize the role of
Yes, ma’am.
trigonometry in real life
scenarios; and
f. Illustrate right triangles that
can be seen in the classroom.

Are these learning objectives clear

to everyone?

G. Lesson Proper
So what is Trigonometry?

Trigonometry is a branch of
mathematics that deals with side
lengths and angles of triangles.
Trigonometry comes from the Greek
words trigōnon and metron which
means triangle and measure

In short, trigonometry is concerned

with triangle measures.

For our lesson today we will focus

first on the Right Triangles.

We will work hand in hand together

to help Super Mario save the
princess. And to do that we must
learn the basic concepts of solving
right triangles using trigonometry.

There are three parts of a right

- Hypotenuse – longest side of a right
triangle. The slanting side.
- Opposite – Is the side opposite the
- Adjacent – The side beside the
opposite side that is not the
We will use these basic parts of a
right triangle to compute for its sides
and angles.

Moving on, in trigonometry, there are

three basic functions or ratios.

They are the Sine, Cosine, and

Tangent functions.

Let us define each function or ratio in

terms of the sides of the triangle.
Sine of an angle is defined as the
ratio between the opposite and the

Cosine of an angle is defined as the

ratio between the adjacent and the

Lastly, Tangent of an angle is defined

as the ratio between opposite and

These definitions may seem hard to

memorize but there is mnemonic
device that we can use to easily
memorize these functions.


Sine θ = o/h
Cosine θ = a/h
Tangent θ = o/a

So, in terms of these three basic

functions we just need to remember

And always remember that the theta Opposite over hypotenuse

(θ) is a representation for an angle.
Adjacent over hypotenuse
Again, what is sine θ?
Opposite over adjacent
How about cosine θ?

And for tangent θ?

So now that we know the basic

concepts of trigonometry in dealing
with sides and angles of a right
triangle. We will apply it into

Suppose Mario encountered this

triangle. And we need to help him
find the angle θ.

No, sir!
Can we apply geometry for this
problem? Can we apply basic
properties of a triangle or
Pythagorean Theorem in this

Very Good! Because we are looking

for an angle and the only given
values are for the two sides.
Properties of triangle and
Pythagorean Theorem cannot be
applied here.

With this case, we are going to apply


First Step, we need to identify what

We have 5 units for the opposite side
are the given values and what are we
looking for. and 9 units for the hypotenuse side.

______, what are the given values? The angle θ.

And we are looking for?

The given values are opposite side

and hypotenuse side. The sine function

Going back to our basic trigonometric

functions, what function involves
opposite and hypotenuse?

Very Good! It is the sine function.

So next step is plugging in our values
to the formula or the definition of sine
function. Bring out your calculators to
help us compute for the angle.

sin θ = 5/9

Since we are isolating the theta on

one side because we are looking for
the angle, we will transpose the sine
function on the other side of the
equation and make it its inverse.
Inverse of sine or arcsine.

θ = sin-1 5/9

θ ≈ 33.7o

So the angle is approximately 33.7


Let us try another one.

Suppose this triangle.

We first note what the given values In the triangle, the opposite side is given
are. by 3 units and the angle given is 24
degrees. We are looking for the length of
______, can you give us the given the hypotenuse side.
and unknown values in the triangle?

We will be using a cosine function.

That’s correct! Can you determine Because the given values are adjacent
what trigonometric function are we side and an angle and we are looking for
going to use? the value of the hypotenuse.

Very Good! Why is that?

That is correct! So now, that we know

what are the given and unknown, let
us plug in the values to our cosine
function definition.

cos 24⁰ = 3/x

Since we are looking for the value of

x, we will isolate x in one side. To
isolate x, we will be using the
multiplication property of equality. We
multiply both sides by x/(cos24⁰).

𝑥 3 𝑥
∙ cos 24° = ∙
𝑐𝑜𝑠24° 𝑥 𝑐𝑜𝑠24°

By elimination, we will get.


x ≈ 3.3 units

So basically, that is how we compute

for right triangle lengths and angles
using trigonometric ratios. Just
remember SOH-CAH-TOA.

Now, maybe you are wondering,

what are these trigonometric
functions for? How is it applied to real

So these functions is applied in real

life by the use of what we call angles
of elevation and depression.
Angle of elevation is an angle made
with the horizontal by the line of sight
from an observer to an object on a
higher level than the observer.
While Angle of depression is an
angle made with the horizontal by the
line of sight from an observer to an
object on a lower level than the

Let us have this example problem.

From Mario on the ground 43 ft. from

the foot of the pipe tunnel, the angle
of elevation to the top of the pipe is
65o. How high is the tunnel Building?

So to understand this, we need to

represent and draw things.

So Mario is 43 ft. from the Pipe

Tunnel and the angle of elevation is
65 degrees.

So now we can see that we formed a

right triangle. So we will go back to
our basic concepts of trigonometry.
In looking for the height of the
building. What side are we looking Adjacent

And what side is given?

So what do you think is the
trigonometric ratio or function that we
are going to use?
Very Good! We will be using the
tangent ratio.

tan 65o = x / 43

By multiplication property of
inequality, we multiply each part of
the equation by 43

43 tan 65o = (x / 43 ) (43)

By cancellation we have, 43 tan 65o


x ≈ 92.2 ft.
Finally, the Pipe Tunnel building rises
at approximately 92.2 ft. Yes Sir

Am I getting across? Yes Sir

Is everything clear?
None so far sir.
Do you have any clarifications with
the lesson?
Sine θ = o/h
Again, what are the three basic
trigonometric ratios or functions? Cosine θ = a/h

Tangent θ = o/a


Very Good!
Follow the instruction
H. Activity
So now we will be having a group Follow the time allotment
activity. But before that, what are the
Work quietly
rules in having group activity?
Be cooperative
(Students will go to their respective
Okay Very Good! So now we will be group.)
doing our group activity.

So you will be the group 1 and you

will be the group 2.

I will be giving you one problem and

both groups will compute for two
different unknown values. You need
to write it on a bond paper creatively
and you will pass it to me once the
time elapses. I will be giving you 5
minutes to accomplish the activity.
Once done, pass it directly to me.

I will be grading you through:

Accuracy – 10 points
Neatness – 5 points

The problem is:

Super Mario Visited the Philippines

and he saw a cadet standing 50m
from the base of the independence
flagpole at the Luneta Park observes
from a certain point on the ground
that the angle of elevation to the top
of the pole is 35 degrees. Help Mario
find the height of the flagpole. (Group
1). Help Mario find the distance
between the feet of the cadet to the
tip of the flagpole. (Group 2)

You Timer starts now.

(everyone will pass their work)

So can a representative from the
group share your answers on the
board and explain it to us.

(will explain their answers)

Okay Good Job Everyone! So I will

be sending you practice questions
and problems on google classroom
for you to review on.

I. Analysis
How did you find your activity
students? Did you enjoy? Yes, sir!

Did you learn something today? Yes, sir!

Do you think you can already help

Mario save the Princess? Yes, sir!


J. Abstraction
Now class, who can summarize the
lesson discussed today? The lesson discussed today is all about
solving trigonometric ratios.
Yes ______?

What about the three basic parts of a

right triangle? The three basic parts of right triangle are
opposite, adjacent and hypotenuse.
Yes ______?

How to compute for right triangle’s

lengths and angles using In computing the right triangle’s lengths
trigonometric identities? and angles using trigonometric identities,
we use SOH-CAH-TOA

Yes ______?

The meaning of SOH-CAH-TOA is Sine

So now, what is the meaning of = opposite over hypotenuse, Cosine =
SOH-CAH-TOA? adjacent over hypotenuse and Tangent =
opposite over adjacent.
Yes ______?
Very good!

K. Application
Since you helped Super Mario to
solve the basic parts of right triangle,
we will have another group activity.
Your group will be the same as the
previous one.

But before that what are the rules we

should follow in doing the group Follow the instruction
activity. Follow the time allotment
Work quietly
Be cooperative
Okay, very good!

This activity is called “angle-lo-gulo”.

The class will be divided into 2
groups. Each group will be given an
envelope. Each envelope contains
different task. Answer it in just 5
minutes and each member of the
group will present it in front of the
class. The following will be the criteria
for grading your activity.


Accuracy – 25
Presentation – 10
Cooperation – 10
Neatness – 5
Yes ma’am
Am I getting across?

These are the following problems per


Group 1: Illustrate the given problem

and solve what is being asked.
Group 2: Suppose the chair in this
classroom is representation of the
tower where Super Mario is located
and from that tower the position of
mushroom is 136 inches. Solve for the
angle of depression.

Are my instructions clear? Yes ma’am

You may now begin.


Directions: illustrate and solve the following problems.

1.) An observer standing on the top of a vertical cliff spots a house in the
adjacent valley at an angle of depression of 12⁰. The cliff is 60m tall. How
far is the house from the base of the cliff?

2.) A tree 40 feet high casts a shadow 58 feet long. Find the measure of the
angle of elevation of the sun.


Directions: Look for the things with height and distance around you. Take a
picture of it and compute for its angle of elevation or depression with its height and
distance. Deadline will be at 11:59 p.m and to be submitted through google classroom.


“The best angle from which to approach any problem is try-angle”

- Anonymous



Principles and Strategies of
Teaching Mathematics, Professor

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