Sampling of Aspergillus Spores in Air

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Journal of Hospital Infection (2000) 44: 81–92

doi: 10.1053/jhin.1999.0688, available online at on


Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air

G. Morris*, M. H. Kokki†, K. Anderson‡ and M. D. Richardson§
*Consultant in Environmental Health, Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health, Glasgow, UK,
†Consultant in Infectious Diseases, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland, ‡Consultant in Respiratory
Medicine, Law Hospital, Carluke, UK, §Specialist in Clinical Mycology, University of Helsinki, Finland

Summary: Nosocomially acquired aspergillosis typically occurs in the setting of treatment for leukaemia
or other haematological malignancy. As Aspergillus species can be readily found in the environment, it has
been widely believed that aspergillosis occurs as a consequence of exogenous acquition of the fungus.
Stringent environmental controls in transplant units have included high-efficiency air filtration, positive-
pressure ventilation and frequent room air changes. Although there have been several well-documented
examples of aspergillosis outbreaks as a result of hospital demolition and reconstruction, it has not always
been possible to demonstrate elevated spore counts in clinical areas during building work. The sampling of
air for Aspergillus is very problematic. Careful attention must be given to the design of air sampler, sampling
protocols and an understanding of air sampling data. This review outlines many of the physical and environ-
mental parameters that influence meaningful air sampling and recommends a simple procedure that has been
tried and tested in many aspergillosis outbreaks. © 2000 The Hospital Infection Society

Keywords: Aspergillus spp.; Aspergillus spores, air samplers.

Introduction Many studies have attempted to evaluate the

importance of fungal aerobiology in relation to the
Fungal infections in immunocompromized patients
acquisition of invasive fungal infection by the com-
are not only difficult to treat, but are common and
promized patient.3–8 The objectives of air sampling
often unsuspected at the time of death.1 Recent
are stated in Table I. Most authors recommend
autopsy studies confirm this. For example, among
Aspergillus air counts of less than 5 colony forming
bone marrow transplant patients, invasive yeast
units (CFU)/m3 in protective isolation suites, and
infection or pulmonary aspergillosis were present in
counts of less than 0·1 CFU/m3 are desirable.
about one half of the early deaths. Many haematolo-
However, there are few standards for performing
gists who have treated such patients are acutely
and evaluating air counts in hospitals.9 The purpose
aware of the extremely high mortality of progressive
of this review and protocol is to provide background
fungal disease.
material to the various parameters that can influence
An analysis of an individual patient’s risk factors
air sampling and to recommend a procedure that has
for fungal infection and the type of fungus to which
been found useful in monitoring the level of air-
they are most susceptible, indicates the preventive
borne fungi in private dwellings and hospital envi-
strategies that are likely to be successful. These
include the prevention of endogenous fungal infec-
tions, such as candidosis, by means of prophylaxis
Sampling of biological aerosols: some general con-
and prevention of exogenous infections (mostly air-
borne and caused by filamentous fungi) through
environmental protection and chemoprophylaxis.1,2 The considerations relevant to sampling Aspergillus
spp. spores in air are essentially the same considera-
Address for correspondence: Dr Malcolm Richardson, Mycology
tions which apply to sampling any aerosol. Aerosols
Unit, Department of Bacteriology & Immunology, Haartman
Institute, University of Helsinki, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00014, are made up of particles suspended in air with an
Helsinki, Finland. E-mail: upper size limit of approximately 25 µm. Because

0195–6701/00/020081 + 12 $35.00 © 2000 The Hospital Infection Society

82 G. Morris et al.

Table I Objectives of air sampling may be to study a single species or a group of

species, perhaps with certain shared characteristics.
To correlate outbreaks of invasive aspergillosis with hospital
construction/demolition Knowledge of the physical and biological character-
To identify potential sources of nosocomial aspergillosis, eg. potting istics of the target organism or organisms will influ-
soil, damp ceiling voids, damp fire proofing material, carpeting, etc. ence the choice of instrument. Biological
To predict environmental spore contamination from outside sources characteristics including capacity for survival during
To identify defects/breakdown in hospital ventilation/filtration systems*
aerial transport are important as are germination
To monitor cleaning procedures that may release bursts of airborne
Aspergillus conidia and growth requirements. In particular, biological
To determine the efficacy of HEPA filters in laminar flow facilities characteristics influence the choice of culture
To monitor efficacy of procedures to contain hospital building medium used in any instruments which operate by
work from hospital wards and other areas where high-risk patients trapping particles on an agar surface for subsequent
are managed
culturing. Air sampler design imparts certain aero-
To determine level of contamination prior to initial occupancy of
special controlled environments dynamic characteristics and thus sampling effi-
ciency is never uniform for any instrument across
*regular engineering maintenance of the air supply system (whether the range of particle sizes. Hence a knowledge of
HEPA-filtered or not) is more important than regular air sampling particle size, or more specifically, aerodynamic
diameter, is necessary to determine whether the
instrument will efficiently capture the target species.
they may be derived from many sources, aerosol
Whilst the physical size of a particle is obviously an
particles exhibit considerable compositional varia-
important factor in determining its aerodynamic
tion. They may, for example, be solid or liquid,
behaviour, other characteristics such as particle shape,
comprize organic and/or inorganic material or con-
density and surface irregularities are also important.
tain living organisms. Inevitably, some aerosol parti-
Prior to the development of the concept of aerody-
cles are potentially toxic, allergenic or infective to
namic diameter, linear size alone, as measured under
man. However, all aerosols, whatever their composi-
an optical microscope, was used as the measure of par-
tion, are governed by the same physical rules which
ticle size.12 Because particles come in many shapes,
determine their aerodynamic behaviour.10 Thus,
e.g., spheres, cubes, flakes or fibres, it has proved use-
many aspects of the behaviour of microbial particles
ful to create a unit for particle size as deposited in the
in air might be predicted from a knowledge of their
respiratory tract which takes cognisance of all the
physical attributes but biological features can also be
influences on deposition, and particularly on settle-
important as they influence the take off, aerial
ment and inertial impaction. This is known as the
transport and landing in addition to survival and
aerodynamic diameter (dae). This concept is derived
infectivity. Accordingly, successful isolation and
from the way the particle behaves when airborne and
subsequent identification of any microbial entity in
considers gravitational and inertial forces acting on
air requires a clear understanding of the physical
the particle proportional to its mass. It is defined as
and biological properties of the species under inves-
‘the diameter of a sphere of density (ρο) 1 g/cm3
tigation. The term aerobiology has been coined to
which settles through air with a velocity equal to that
describe the science of the aerial transport of micro-
of the actual particle under consideration’.12
organisms and other microscopic biological materi-
Appropriately then, dae reflects behaviour rather
als in air, their deposition and the ensuing
than linear diameter and is useful in understanding
consequences for life forms including the micro-
the behaviour of the non spherical irregular parti-
scopic entities themselves.10
cles which exist in the practical circumstance. The
As direct microscopic examination of spores sus-
aerodynamic diameter is less useful when particles
pended in air is wholly impractical, detection and
are very small (< 0·5 µm) because diffusion becomes
enumeration of spores in air requires that they be
an important deposition mechanism and this is
removed from the air to a surface where they can be
solely influenced by particle size as opposed to shape
examined under a microscope directly or after
or density.13 Aerodynamic diameter also loses its
growth in culture.11
utility in the larger size range (> 15 µm) because of
the very short residence time of larger particles in
Characteristics of the target species air. Nonetheless, because they exhibit significant
variation in shape, dae is an important measure of the
In some circumstances, the parameter of interest capacity of fungal spores to lodge in the respiratory
may be the total airspora whilst in others the aim tract or be trapped in an air sampler.11
Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air 83

One complicating factor derives from the fact that collected is known. This permits the numbers pre-
particles absorb and lose water causing their size to sent to be expressed as a concentration per unit vol-
change with changing atmospheric humidity.14,15 It is ume of air, perhaps as colony forming units per
more appropriate then, to think of aerodynamic diam- cubic metre of air (CFUs/m3) where viability is of
eter for a given species as falling within a range. In interest as it is to, e.g., medical microbiologists or
practice, aerodynamic diameters have been estab- plant breeders. Where both viable and non-viable
lished by calculation from settling velocities. Lacey orgnisms are of interest e.g., to those investigating
and Dutkiewity (1976), using this method, calculated allergic phenomena, the parameter of concern may
the dae of Aspergillus fumigatus as 3·1 µm and of mixed be the total number of spores per cubic metre mea-
Penicillium species as 3·2 µm.16 Pasanen et al (1991) surement. This requires a different type of instru-
reported aerodynamic diameters for viable fungal par- ment and different laboratory techniques which do
ticles at different humidities, finding for example, a not rely on spore viability. Some instruments incor-
range of aerodynamic diameters for Penicillium spp of porate a pump rated to deliver a particular flow rate
2·2–3·9 µm depending on humidity.14 Madelin and consistent with the aerodynamic characteristics of
Johnson (1992) conducted particle sizing of a number the instrument. In others cases, a separate pump
of common indoor fungal isolates in a relative humid- must be used and this must be calibrated. The vol-
ity range of 40–98% using an aerodynamic particle ume of air sampled is altered by reducing or extend-
sizer.15 These, they recorded as 1·9–2·2 µm for ing the sample period. Choice of sampling volume
Aspergillus fumigatus, 2·6–3·0 µm for Penicillium must be a compromize between the desire to obtain
chrysogenum and 2·3–2·5 µm for Cladosporium cla- a sample sufficiently large to be representative and
dosporoides. Samson and van Reenen Hoekstra (1988) other practical considerations, most notably in the
reported corresponding physical diameters for these case of instruments providing viable spore counts,
species of 2·5–3 µm (A. fumigatus), 3–7 µm (P. chryso- the requirement not to exceed the capacity of the
genum) and 2–4 (C. cladosporoides).17 A very important instrument. Skill in selecting the appropriate sam-
observation in relation to respiratory deposition was pling period will develop with increasing knowledge
made by Lacey (1991) who noted that aggregated fun- of the environment under investigation, but initially
gal particles occurring in chains behaved similarly, in and in the absence of any insight into expected air-
aerodynamic terms to single fungal particles.18 borne concentrations, appropriate sampling peri-
ods/volume must be selected through trial and error.

Sampling period
Practical and economic considerations
In most circumstances air sampling is conducted to
characterize the airborne microbial environment or With the exception of non-volumetric methods
some aspect of it. Often this is done in order to esti- which rely on settlement under gravity to collect
mate human exposure as part of an epidemiological particles, most instruments require a power supply
investigation. The requirement to present an inte- to operate the pump. Any instrument which requires
grated assessment of exposure implies that the sam- a mains electricity supply is unsuitable in many out-
pling period should be long, perhaps hours or days. door situations. This has been addressed by some
Yet sampling over long periods masks short term manufacturers who provide a rechargable battery to
temporal or spatial variation in the airspora which power the equipment. Whilst this confers infinitely
may be important in the situation being investigated. greater flexibility, true portability is also determined
In such cases a time discrimination of minutes or by the weight and dimensions of the instrument.
even seconds may be required. Many instruments, Quite apart from their requirement for a separate
and particularly those which rely on culturing of mains operated pump, large slit samplers, for exam-
viable organisms to permit enumeration and identifi- ple, are construed by many as non portable due to
cation, are likely to become overloaded in contami- their size and weight. Such considerations may be
nated environments and may only sample over short very important for extensive sampling programmes
periods to provide a snapshot of conditions. conducted at various sites such as might be the case
in housing surveys.
Capital and running costs are also important con-
Sample volume
siderations as are robustness and reliability. Most
Quantification of airborne organisms requires that important however is the observation that, subject
the volume of air from which the organisms were to certain qualifications, operating a microbiological
84 G. Morris et al.

sampler is relatively straightforward. Enumeration, liquid as for the Cyclone sampler (Aimer Ltd,
and particularly identification, of airborne organ- London). Despite the quite different design charac-
isms however, can be a skilled operation and, as teristics these instruments are also impactors.
Gregory has pointed out, it is uneconomic to use the A further distinct group are the impingers which
time of a trained scientist with a good microscope on operate by impinging organisms into liquid. This
inefficient sampling methods.11 group includes the single-stage midget and micro
impingers (SKC Ltd, Poole, Dorset), the multistage
May liquid impinger (AW Dixon, Beckenham,
Sampling instruments for enumerating and
Kent) and the Ace all-glass impinger-30 Sampler
identifying air spora
(AG1–30) (Ace Glass, Vineland, New Jersey).
Types of sampler Certain instruments use electrostatic precipita-
tion to isolate particles from the air stream although
It is convenient to consider microbiological sam-
the principle of electrostatic precipitation is more
plers for collecting organisms in air as falling into
commonly seen in air cleaning applications. The
several broad categories. The features of the differ-
large volume Litton-type sampler (Sci-Med, Inc,
ent types of sampler are summarized in Table II.
Eden Prairie, Madison) is an example of an air sam-
Many popular microbiological air samplers use the
pling device which relies on this principle but it is
principle of impaction to trap the organisms by
seldom used in indoor air sampling.
impacting them directly on to agar or another surface.
Filtration methods also find application in microbi-
This group includes the Andersen Six-Stage Sampler
ological air sampling. Such methods use either high or
(Anderson Instruments Inc., Atlanta, Georgia), the
low volume pumps such as those produced by Casella
Casella Slit Sampler (Casella Ltd, Bedford, England)
Ltd of Bedford, U.K. to draw air through filters and in
and the Surface Air Systems (SAS) Sampler
so doing, trap airborne organisms on the filters. Filters
(Cherwell Laboratories, Bicester, Oxon).
may be mounted in cassettes such as the Millipore cas-
Some instruments operate by using centrifugal
sette (Millipore, Watford, Herts, UK). Other filter
acceleration to impact organisms on to agar as in the
options include cellulose-acetate and polycarbonate
case of the Reuter Centrifugal Sampler (RCS) sam-
filters (Nuclepore, Sterilin, Houslow, Middlesex) or
pler (Biotest Folex, Birmingham, England) or on to
gelatin filters (Sartorius, Epsom, Surrey).
The literature also contains many accounts of
Table II Air samplers for quantitation of viable fungal spores studies in which agar filled petri dishes were placed
horizontally to isolate airborne particles through
Sampler type Principle Flow rate Cut-off diameter settlement prior to culturing.19
(litres/min) (d50)(um)

Sieve impactor Impaction 28·3 0·65–7·0

(Anderson) on to agar Impactors
Samplers which operate by impacting particles from
Slit sampler Impaction 30–700 ~0·5 an airstream onto either an adhesive or agar surface
(e.g. Casella) on to rotating
agar plate
are the most widely used in indoor air surveys.
Because the air stream is drawn through by a pump,
Centrifugal Impaction 40 4·0 fan or aspirator, these samplers can be calibrated and
Impactor due to
(RCS) centrifugal
are hence volumetric. Impaction on to agar surfaces
acceleration is the more common method. Instruments are gener-
ally described as being single-stage or multi-stage. In
Impingers Impingement 12·5 0·3
(e.g. AGI) into liquid
single-stage instruments the air stream is directed
towards the surface of a single agar filled plate. The
P.B.I. SAS Impaction 90/180 2·0 air and the particles it carries accelerate on entering
Sampler on to agar
(Single stage plate
the instrument through a restricted inlet, a narrow
impaction) slit in the case of a slit sampler such as the Casella
Slit Sampler20 or a plate perforated with a number of
Settle plates Gravity Non-volumetric N/A
uniform diameter holes as in the case of eg. the SAS
Contact plates Surface Non-volumetric N/A sampler.21 The rapid change in the air direction as it
Sampling approaches the collecting surface at right angles
Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air 85

causes particles to be thrown from the stream to have tended to be bulky, noisy and require consider-
impact on the agar surface with an efficiency which able power.24 Slit samplers and the Andersen
depends on the velocity of the air and the size of the Samplers have traditionally used separate mains
particles. In multi-stage or “cascade” impactors such operated pumps. Impactors introduced more
as the Andersen Six-Stage Sampler the air is recently have addressed this problem by using inte-
directed through a stack of perforated or sieve plates gral pumps operated from a rechargeable battery. An
each with 400 uniform holes.22 As with a single stage example of this latter category is the Surface Air
impactor, particles are again deposited from the air Sytems (SAS) Sampler.
stream onto an agar surface positioned below the
perforated plate as the air stream rapidly changes
Centrifugal acceleration
direction. However, in a multi-stage impactor, the air
stream (minus the particles deposited on the upper The principle of centrifugal acceleration is used in
plate) proceeds to the next stage where it is drawn certain types of instrument to remove particles from
though a second plate, this time with smaller diame- the sampled air. In the most commonly used instru-
ter holes, imparting a greater velocity to the air and ment, the RCS sampler, airborne particles are drawn
causing smaller particles to be deposited from the in by an impeller and thereafter impacted onto an
airstream. The sequence is repeated for each plate in agar coated plastic strip lining the internal periphery
the stack. The total size range of the particles which of the impeller housing.24
can be collected over all the stages of an Anderson Agar strips are subsequently removed for incuba-
Six-Stage impactor is about 0·3 µm to 15 µm.10 This tion. Whilst operating according to rather different
represents rather well the range of particle sizes aerodynamic principles, RCS samplers are impactors
which might present a hazard to the human respira- and share some of the advantages and disadvantages
tory tract. A capacity to separate particles according of other impactors described above. The results
to size is important in the context of human health. obtained using RCS instruments must however be
In the case of the Andersen Sampler, sometimes regarded with caution. Macher and First (1983)
termed the N6, there are six stages each capable of found an instrument drawing 210 L/min to be com-
impacting particles in a different size range. Non- paratively inefficient for particle sizes below 15 µm, a
respirable particles are deposited on the top two range of considerable importance in human respira-
plates and, the smaller respirable particles which tory deposition.25 Because the airstream enters and
would reach the alveoli are deposited on the lower leaves the instrument through the same point, flow
plates.19 Most published data on the presence of fun- rate is difficult to evaluate making estimations of
gal particles in non industrial environments has been efficacy controversial.
obtained using Andersen samplers.23 The advantage A second type of instrument relying on centrifugal
of direct impaction on to an agar surface lies in the acceleration collects the airborne particles in liquid.
fact that the agar plates can be incubated without The sampler, known as the cyclone sampler, mixes
further treatment. This means that colonies grow the incoming air with a liquid supplied via a needle
directly from collected viable airborne particles. The fed gravitationally or through a peristaltic pump.26
statistical probability that a colony may be derived The mixture is drawn tangentially into an inverted
from more than a single colony forming unit passing cone. The airstream spirals down to the base of the
through a hole is catered for by the application of sampler before being drawn up the centre of the
probability tables supplied by the manufacturer. If, instrument to the outlet.19 Particles are deposited on
however, the environment is very heavily contami- the internal wall of the sampler and washed to a col-
nated enumeration is impossible as the plate becomes lection point at the base of the instrument. The liquid
overloaded. This problem can be overcome by draw- containing micro-organisms can then be used as an
ing a smaller volume of air. Growth of colonies on an inoculum. Several cyclones of differing design can be
agar surface permits their identification using gross used to obtain particle size differentiation.
colony morphology and microscopic techniques.
An enduring problem of impactors when sam-
Impingement into liquids
pling bacteria and the smaller fungal spores has been
that the small size and resultant low inertia of the These samplers work by drawing air through liquid
particles has demanded that that the airstream causing the airborne particles to become suspended.
achieves a high velocity to permit impaction on to As with impactors, impingers can be classified as
the capture surface. Pumps capable of doing this single-stage and multi-stage. Single stage impingers
86 G. Morris et al.

differ from straightforward bubblers in that a small collected on polycarbonate or cellulose acetate mem-
flask carries a wide inlet tube the inner end of which brane filters, micro-organisms can be viewed
is fused to a piece of capillary tube which dips at directly under a microscope. Mounting and coating
least 5 mm into the flask (in the original form) and of polycarbonate filters allows examination under
terminates at least 4 mm from the bottom of the electron microscopy.19 Porous gelatin filters can be
flask. The capillary tube is a limiting orifice and used to trap micro-organisms. The filters can then
thus controls the flow rate under suction from an be dissolved and the trapped micro-organisms in
attached pump.11 solution used as an inoculum.29
The multistage impinger (SKC Ltd, Poole, Large volume filtration techniques can be used to
Dorset) confers advantages over the single stage trap airborne particles for biochemical or immuno-
device by having a gentler flow which is less damaging logical assay.30
to particles and in its capacity to separate the retained
particles into three particle size ranges corresponding
Gravity sedimentation methods
to retention within (a) the upper respiratory tract, (b)
the brochi and bronchioles and (c) the alveolar region Gravity sedimentation methods such as the open
of the human respiratory system. Sampled air passes petri dish (OPD) method combine both gravita-
through three liquid filled chambers at three different tional and inertial processes. Burge and Soloman
speeds (10 L/min, 20 L/min and 55 L/min). Particles (1996) commented that because air is never still, set-
collected in the first two chambers are impacted on to tlement under gravity might play a relatively small
sintered glass discs washed by liquid. In the third part in particle collection.31 Indeed they went as far
stage particles are impinged tangentially into the liq- as to characterise a gravity slide or plate as “a contin-
uid.19 Thus multi-stage impingers have the advantage ually changing inertial collector with a gravity com-
of minimizing damage to microbes and improving ponent that varies inversely with wind speed and
collection efficiency.11 turbulance”. Gravity settlement methods, presum-
ably for reasons of low cost, have been widely used
Electrostatic precipitation but are defective in that they preferentially select
larger particles. Results can also be misleading due
Movement of charged particles in electrical fields to shadowing or turbulent deposition. Most impor-
has been used for dust extraction from airstreams. tantly the method is not volumetric and provides
Berry (1941) is credited with recognising the value of qualitative rather than quantitative results. Verhoeff
applying this principle to microbiological sampling.27 et al. (1989) considered it to have some merit
Different designs for microbiological samplers have because its capacity to monitor over longer periods
been described.11,19 The Litton-type sampler draws than most volumetric methods allow it to provide
400–1000 litres of air/min. The charged particles are what they described as “an integrated assessment of
attracted to a rotating aluminium disc which carries exposure”.32
the opposite charge. The disc is coated with a thin
liquid film which moves centrifugally over the disk
Contact plates
to a collection channel placed around the perimeter
before being recirculated. The solution obtained can Valuable information about the types of fungi in a
be used as an inoculum. particular environment can be obtained by sampling
the accumulated dust on various surfaces such as
Filtration tables, floors, horizonatal blinds, fan blades and
guards. Using the same contact plates of Czapek-
Passing air through a filter causes particles to be Dox agar as described below for the SAS air sam-
trapped on the filter medium. Micro-organisms col- pler, a unit area of surface can be sampled,
lected can be resuspended in an aqueous solution incubated and then the CFUs enumerated.
and used as an inoculum. Polycarbonate membrane
filters are particularly suitable due to the ease with
Choosing a sampler for Aspergillus species
which collected particles can be removed. The use of
black polycarbonate filters and subsequent staining Many factors require to be considered in choosing a
with acridine orange causes viable microbial cells to sampling instrument for use in a particular situation.
fluoresce orange, allowing them to be counted Some have been highlighted above and can now be
directly under fluorescence microscopy.28 When applied in the context of Aspergillus spp spores.
Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air 87

Inevitably other issues remain rather specific to the particles are ostensibly suitable for Aspergillus spores.
circumstances of the user and are less amenable to Nonetheless, whilst biological considerations may be
quantification. Amongst these are the resources less relevant to the method employed to capture
available for purchase, the nature and scale of labora- Aspergillus spores it is relevant to the selection of the
tory support and the environment under investiga- medium used in impactors which rely on culturing to
tion. A further consideration is that in practice, any enumerate and identify viable spores from the catch.
sampler may require to be used in several applica- The minimum water activity for growth is influenced
tions. Finally, personal preference and experience of by pH of the substrate and particularly by tempera-
an instrument in use may greatly influence choice. ture. It varies too, according to species, but in the case
It quickly emerges, even from the most cursory of Aspergillus spp, the minimum Aw is accepted by
review of studies which characterise the indoor fun- most commentators to be around 0·78 with an
gal environment that a wide range of samplers and optimum of around 0·97.34–36 Sui (1951) found that
sampling techniques are able to isolate Aspergillus the range of relative humidity for spore germination
species from air. This observation is of itself com- on nutrient gelatin of seven different species of
paratively unhelpful as it gives no real clue as to Aspergillus fell between 64% and 84%.37
comparative efficiency. Several investigators have
sought to evaluate the efficiency of air sampling Physical considerations
instruments either in isolation or comparatively
applying performance criteria such as total yield Allowing for the fact that atmospheric humidity will
(expressed as a concentration per unit volume of influence aerodynamic diameter, it is reasonable to
air), number of species isolated and the coefficient express the aerodynamic diameter of Aspergillus spp
of variation between parallel or consecutive samples spores as falling in the range 1·9–3·2 µm.14–17 In addi-
(as a measure of instrument precision).21,32,33 tion to permitting the spores to penetrate the pul-
There is sufficient agreement within the litera- monary defences and reach the alveolar spaces where
ture to suggest that certain instruments consistently they may germinate and form hyphae, their size also
trap more organisms from the environment and are, places them at the lower end of the aerosol particle
in absolute terms, more efficient. Some instruments, size range and thus limits the choice of sampler.38
such as the six stage Andersen N6 cascade sampler or The possibility of grouping of several spores in a
the Casella slit samplers have been used over a long single clump also merits consideration as this would
period of time and are regarded as efficient and clearly influence aerodynamic behaviour in sampling
robust. Indeed much of our knowledge of the aero- and site of deposition within the respiratory tract.19,31
biology of occupational and other environments has Gregory (1973) mentions that spore clumping is a
accrued through the use of these instruments. recognised phenomenon with certain spores particu-
Studies comparing the efficiency of different types larly with Cladosporium spp. and a few other types
of instrument in terms of their capacity to trap notably Ustilago.11 This, he took to denote failure of
spores of a particular fungal species are less com- the spores to separate at the time of liberation rather
mon and knowledge here often derives more from than secondary aggregation during aerial transport,
theoretical calculation based on information on the it being considered that many spores will be kept
aerodynamic characteristics of the instrument and apart by like charges at the time of liberation. Lacey
the target species or from experimental work using additionally observed that with Aspergillus fumigatus,
aerosols of known particle size. the chains were so tightly bound together that they
Accordingly, in selecting a sampler for isolating might break into clumps of chains with aerodynamic
and enumerating Aspergillus spp. spores in air it is diameter determined by the size of the clump which
important to consider relevant biological and physi- would presumably vary.18 Kozakiewicz (1989) com-
cal characteristics. mented on the significant variation in surface orna-
mentation within the same genera, highlighting
Aspergillus spp as an example.39 Surface ornamenta-
Biological considerations
tion is a primary determinant of aggregation. Thus,
Aspergillus spores are intended for dissemination in clumping inevitably occurs to some extent with
air and share with most fungal spores a robustness and Aspergillus spp. This has implications for particle
ability to resist impact damage and desiccation which capture within instruments.
means that sampling and enumeration techniques It can be appreciated that, irrespective of the phys-
which might be unsuitable for more vulnerable ical principles on which they operate, instruments can
88 G. Morris et al.

be classified according to whether they are intended would suggest that, on the grounds of particle cap-
to measure only viable airborne particles or both ture efficiency alone, these would be the natural
viable and non-viable particles. Filtration methods, choice for microbiological sampling. These instru-
some gravitational settlement techniques, liquid ments are however costly and the lack parcticality
impingers and electostatic precipitators all gather for monitoring external or otherwise inaccessible
both viable and non-viable particles although subse- areas. For sampling Aspergillus spp. spores, it is nec-
quent laboratory procedures can often permit enu- essary at least to consider those instruments which
meration of viable particles alone. A clear advantage capture viable particles and are powered by rechar-
is that, where the air is very contaminated, the large gable batteries as these would appear to address
number of trapped spores will not exceed the capaity some of the problems encountered with other
of the instrument and enumeration of the catch is impactors. This group is exemplified by the Reuter
possible using serial dilutions. A very pertinent con- Centrifugal Sampler and the Surface Air Systems
sideration with regard to Aspergillus is that the focus Microbiological sampler. Both instruments have
of interest is normally the viable spores because they been demonstrated to perform consistently below
have the capacity to infect. Viable spore sampling the level of the Casella slit sampler and the
techniques, i.e., those which capture spores on an agar Andersen samplers in terms of the total number of
surface permit the catch of organisms to be cultured organisms isolated.21,32 This does not of itself rule
without further laboratory preparation. The develop- these out as the instrument of choice but the find-
ment of colonies also facilitates enumeration and ings of Clark and colleagues (1981) that collection
identification. efficiency of the RCS falls off rapidly for particles
Despite its widespread use, the open Petri dish below 15 µm and to approximately 50% for particles
method of air sampling, relying, as it does on sedi- below 5 µm suggested it is unsuitable for the capture
mentation is non-volumetric and inefficient for of Aspergillus spp spores in air.24
small particles. Whilst aggregations of Aspergillus The SAS sampler is a simple single-stage
spp spores will inevitably settle on horizontal sur- impactor in which air is directed towards an agar
faces or spores may impact when carried in rapidly filled contact plate of 50-mm diameter positioned
moving air currents, open Petri dish methods cannot behind the cover plate. The air is drawn into the
be recommended for Aspergillus spores and will not instrument through a perforated cover plate which,
be discussed further here. in standard form, is perforated with 219 holes of
Cascade samplers, and in particular the Andersen 1-mm diameter. Particles leaving the air stream
N6 samplers have been widely used and their effi- impact on the agar surface and thereafter the plate
ciency in the sampling of smaller particles is recog- may be removed for subsequent incubation prior to
nised as an advantage, particularly when allied to enumeration and identification of colonies. The vol-
their capacity for particle size differentiation which ume of air drawn into the instrument is regulated by
can be important in many applications. Slit samplers pre-setting the period of operation using an integral
too, have been evaluated and found to be efficient in timer. Capture efficiency in both quoted flow rates
their capacity to capture small particles. The larger (180 l min–1 and 90 l min–1) falls to around 50% for
slit samplers in particular the large model Casella particles of 2 µm (approximating to the size of the
draw some 700 litres of air per minute which may be smaller Aspergillus spp spores). The instrument is
an attractive feature in some hospital environments light, portable, robust and sufficiently versatile to
where there are low levels of airborne contamination. sample in inaccessible areas or be pointed to detect a
Unfortunately both these instruments have the microbiological leak. The authors have found the
disadvantage of a separate mains operated pump 180 l min–1 SAS sampler to be practical and reliable
and the Casella, in particular, is bulky and heavy. when used in large epidemiological studies in the
Both instruments also require significant quantities home environment and during outbreak investiga-
of media. It is possible to operate the Andersen tions in hospital environments. The performance of
sampler using only those stages suitable for capture the sampler and variations of it has been evaluated
of smaller airborne particles thus reducing the in comparison to other instruments.21,32 An impor-
quantity of media required but this does not over- tant aerodynamic difference which affects capture
come the inconvenience of an external pump which efficiency is in the speed imparted to the incoming
requires to be calibrated to align with the aerody- air with a markedly lower velocity in the case of the
namic properties of the instrument. The supremacy SAS than, say, the Six-Stage Andersen instrument.
of slit to agar samplers and the cascade samplers This is explained by the greater area of the combined
Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air 89

orifices in the perforated cover plate of the SAS The writers’ experience of the standard 180 l
compared to the slit and Andersen samplers. A min-1 SAS instrument has shown that it regularly
smaller inlet area offers greater resistance which can captures Aspergillus spp. spores. We nonetheless
only be overcome using powerful pumps. Hence, recognise that it may appear illogical to recommend
low airspeed and reduced efficiency particularly in an instrument which may be only 50% efficient for
the impaction of smaller particles, may be an particles of the size of the target organism.
inevitable consequence of portability and conve- However, the greatest advantage conferred by use of
nience of the SAS sampler. The key question in this the SAS, particularly in 180 l min–1 form is its high
context is whether the lesser efficiency rules out the flow rate which is particularly suited to environ-
SAS as the instrument of choice for sampling ments where there may be low concentrations of the
Aspergillus spp spores in the way it would seem to do target organism.21 A further justification must be
for the RCS sampler. that the instrument is commonly used permitting
The performance of the SAS in standard 220 hole comparison of monitoring conducted in different
format and a version with 260 holes with a Bourdillon locations. The purchase price too is comparatively
slit sampler have been compared.21 The version with low, yet in the authors’ experience it has proved
260 holes used a 90 mm agar filled contact plate as robust and reliable. The accepted efficiency deficit
opposed to the standard 50 mm. contact plate. The in the critical 2 µm range requires, in our view, to be
most important characteristics of an air sampler have set against the significant advantages offered in
been defined as being the effective volume-rate of terms of practicality.
sampling and the range of particle sizes over which The efficiency gained by using a modified SAS
this is maintained.21 The tests showed that the effec- has been highlighted above yet this is not a practical
tive sampling volume of both instruments remained option as the instrument is not available as standard
nearly constant over the particle sizes likely to be in this form. Accordingly, the method set out below
encountered during environmental sampling. But is recommended for sampling Aspergillus spp. spores
that collection efficiency fell off for particle sizes in air.
below 4 µm and at 2 µm reduced to 50%. Hence, effi-
ciency of the SAS with a rated volume of 180 L/min
A recommended method for the sampling of
is 50% for the smaller Aspergillus spp spores. It has
Aspergillus species spores in air
also been seen that the high air flows of the samplers
made them particularly suited to the measurement of Sampling to isolate and enumerate Aspergillus spp
low levels of micro-organisms.21 spores in air should be conducted as follows:-
In subsequent work conducted on behalf of the
manufacturers a later version of the SAS sampler
Materials and equipment
operating on the same principles but drawing 90
litres per minute was evaluated by the Centre for Sampling Instrument: Surface Air Systems micro-
Aerobiological Research at Porton Down.40 Instead biological air sampler.
of using the 220, 1-mm diameter hole cover plate, Manufacturer: Pool Bioanalyse Italian (PBI),
the test used a cover plate with 0·75-mm holes. The Milan Italy
study found that the reduction in the hole size U.K. Supplier: Cherwell Laboratories,
resulted in an instrument which was 100% effective Churchill Rd., Bicester,
for collecting particles in the size range of Oxon, U.K.
Aspergillus spp spores. Unfortunately this is a spe- Collection Rate: 180 1 min–1
cial adaptation and is not available as standard Medium: Czapek Dox Agar (Oxoid)
Whilst on first appraisal it might appear that the
simple substitution of a new coverplate would create
the ideal instrument, certainly for Aspergillus spp Sampling Procedure (general)
spores, it must be remembered that the greater air The air sample is aspirated through the instrument
velocities created by the smaller diameter holes at a nominal rate of 180 litres per minute for a pres-
would reduce the volume sampling rate whilst the elected period of between 20 seconds and 6 minutes
increased air velocity a would render the instrument giving a volume range between 60 litres and 1080
less suitable for general microbiological air sampling litres. The airflow is directed towards the agar
where less robust organisms are of interest. surface of a 50 mm diameter contact plate which
90 G. Morris et al.

contains 12·5 mL of agar so that particles whose 2. The plates are then microscopically examined at × 100
aerodynamic diameter causes them to leave the magnification to enumerate colonies growing on the
airstream are deposited on the agar surface. The plate.
plate is then removed for incubation. 3. Identification of fungal colonies is based on colony
characteristics and micromorphological characteristics
ascertained through microscopic examination at × 400
Sampling location magnification.
Sampling location is dependent on circumstances 4. Specimens for examination should be prepared using a
but should accord broadly with the breathing zone wet needle mount using lactophenol with cotton blue
of potentially affected personnel. The choice of stain (0·75%).
sampling height is 1·2 metres for room hygiene, with 5. A colour key is available for the specific identification
other samples taken for exploratory purposes near of different Aspergillus spp. grown on Czapek Dox
suspected or potential sources of contamination. agar or broth.
Multiple samples are preferable to single samples as N.B. Czapek Dox is recognised as a suitable medium
they will highlight temporal and spatial variation in for isolation and culturing of Aspergillus spp., whilst
spore levels within any environment. permitting growth of the majority of airborne fun-
gal species. This permits general levels of fungal
Selection of sampling time contamination to be simultaneously appraised as an
Selection of an appropriate sampling period is vital indicator of building hygiene.
to the success of the sampling operation. If the sam-
pling time selected is long in a heavily contaminated Enumerating the colony forming units
environment then the colonies, once cultivated, can There is a possibility that any colony which grows
only be expressed as exceeding a particular number. on the contact plate derives from more than one
Where confluent growth occurs the colonies may colony forming unit passing through a single hole in
even be uncountable. A chart is supplied with the the cover plate. This possibility increases with the
instrument to assist in selection of the sampling number of colonies on the plate and for higher
time which, on the basis of an assumption regarding counts a correction factor is applied according to the
the level of contamination in the environment per- following formula:—
mits the number of sampling units (periods of 20) to Pr = N(1/N+ 1/(N–1) + 1/(N–2)+ . . . . . . . . . 1/(N–r+ 1))
be estimated. In practice, whilst some knowledge of
the levels of contamination may build up over time, Where
certainly initially the selection of the sampling Pr is the probable statistical total
period must largely be done by trial and error. N is the number of holes in the sampling head
r is the number of colonies counted
Sampling steps
1. Unscrew the top cover plate avoiding contact with the
inner or outer surfaces of the drilled area. The cover Tables have been prepared by the manufacturer
plate should be cleaned after each use. which can be read off to give a value for P once r has
2. Insert a contact plate with Czapek Dox agar (Oxoid been established.
Basingstoke UK) with the lid still in place, remove the
contact plate lid and replace the instrument cover plate. The number of colony forming units calculated
3. Set the digital selector on the instrument to zero units. from the above formula is normally expressed as
4. Switch on the battery pack. CFUs/m3. This is calculated using the formula:—
5. Turn the timer to the desired setting.
6. Press the instrument start button. Adjusted colony count on plate × 1000
X =
7. Following completion of the sampling the instrument Volume of air drawn into sampler (litres)
will switch off. The cover plate can then be removed
The interpretation of air sampling data and recom-
and the exposed contact plate agar surface immediate-
ly covered by replacing the contact plate lid. mendations for intervention are given in Table III.
8. The contact plate should then be removed for in
cubation. Conclusions

Laboratory procedure In published outbreaks of invasive aspergillosis,

1. On receipt of the contact plates, these are placed in a local fungal contamination of ducts, grids and filters
pre-heated incubator to 28°C for 48 hrs to permit ger- may release spores intermittently as may nearby
mination and colony formation. demolition and building works. Although in some
Sampling of Aspergillus spores in air 91

Table III Interpretation of air sampling data and recommendations

Levels of fungal spores vary by several orders of magnitude during the course of a day due to:
Activity levels in any one particular area
Fluctuations in temperature
Fluctuations in humidity
Fluctuations in air flow
Changes in light level

A single air sample will often underestimate the fungal contamination in the air:
multiple air sampling has to be performed
No strict numerical guidelines are available which are appropriate for assessing
whether the contamination in a particular location is acceptable or not but the
following threshold levels have been recorded:
Outdoor air: total fungal count: 103 to 105 CFU/m3
Aspergillus: 0·2–3·5 conidia/m3
Note: seasonal variation recognised
HEPA filtered air (> 95% efficiency and > 10 air changes per hour): < 0·1 CFU/m3
No air filtration: 5·0 conidia/m3
Construction/defective ventilation: 2·3–5·9 conidia/m3
If total fungal count exceeds 1·0 CFU/m3 on several occasions the air systems
or procedural practice in patient areas requires intensive evaluation.

Further investigation of sources of contamination is warranted in the following circumstances:

Total indoor counts are greater than outdoor counts
Comparison of indoor and outdoor levels of fungal organisms show one of the following:
Organisms are present in the indoor sample and not in the outdoor sample
The predominant organisms found in the indoor sample is different from the
predominant organism in the outdoor sample
A monoculture of an organism is found in the indoor sample. It may be
absent from samples taken in other areas of the building
Persistently high counts

If persistently high counts are recorded, or nosocomial invasive aspergillosis suspected or

confirmed: identify source of contamination by sampling:
ventilation ducts/screens/fans
ceiling voids
kitchen areas
excreta of roosting birds in close proximity of windows
Restrict food stuffs known to carry Aspergillus conidia, eg. black pepper
Consider painting contaminated surfaces with copper-8-quinolinolate
Start appropriate antifungal prophylaxis or pre-emptive therapy if not already used
Perform an intensive retrospective review of microbiological, histopathological and
post-mortem records for other cases.
Alert clinicians caring for high risk patients to the possibility of infection
Establish a system for prospective surveillance of patients and their environment for additional cases
If further cases arise in the absence of a nosocomial source consider monitoring home
environments of patients pre admission.

outbreaks of aspergillosis the patient’s isolates may with continued vigilance against the introduction of
have been different from those in the environment, large numbers of spores into the patient’s room.
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suring air counts, because these are taken only at one
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