Cir V Benguet

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CIR v.


July 8, 2005 | Tinga, J. | VAT 1. Benguet Corporation is a domestic corporation and a VAT registered
enterprise engaged in the exploration, development and operation of
mineral resources, and the sale or marketing thereof to various entities.
PETITIONER: CIR 2. In January 1988, Benguet applied for and was granted by the BIR zero-
RESPONDENTS: Benguet Corporation rated status on its sale of gold to Central Bank/BSP.
a. Applicable law at this point: NIRC. Output VAT = 10% or zero-
SUMMARY: In 1988, Benguet was granted by the BIR zero-rated status on its rated) depending on the classification of the transaction under
sale of gold to Central Bank. In the same year, VAT Ruling No. 378-88 was Sec. 100 of the NIRC; Persons registered under the VAT system
promulgated, which stated that: "the sale of gold to Central Bank is considered are allowed to recognize input VAT from a VAT-registered person.
as export sale subject to zero-rate” At least 6 other BIR issuances reiterated 3. In August 1988, Deputy CIR issued VAT Ruling No. 378-88: "the sale of
this. Relying on these issuances, Benguet sold gold to the Central Bank from gold to Central Bank is considered as export sale subject to zero-rate
1989-1991 and incurred input VAT incurred in relation to the subject sales. It pursuant to Sec. 100 of Tax Code, as amended."
then filed applications for tax refunds/credits, which were denied by the BIR. a. At least 6 other BIR issuances reiterated this, the latest of which is
The BIR also issued a deficiency assessment against Benguet for excess output dated in Feb 1990.
VAT after applying its creditable input VAT costs against the retroactive 10% 4. Relying on its zero-rated status and the above issuances, Benguet sold gold
VAT levy. BIR relied on VAT Ruling No. 008-92 dated January 1992, issued to the Central Bank from Aug 1989-July 1991 and entered into transactions
subsequent to the consummation of the sales, which provides that: “sales of that resulted in input VAT incurred in relation to the subject sales.
gold to the Central Bank shall not be considered as export sales and, shall be 5. It then filed applications for tax refunds/credits corresponding to input VAT
subject to 10% VAT.” Benguet filed 3 petitions for review with the CTA, for the amounts of P46,177,861.12, P19,218,738.44, and P84,909,247.96.
arguing that a retroactive application of BIR VAT Ruling would violate Sec. 246 6. Benguet’s applications were:
of the NIRC, which mandates the non-retroactivity of rulings or circulars issued a. either unacted upon or expressly disallowed
by the CIR that would operate to prejudice the taxpayer. CIR maintained it may b. CIR also issued a deficiency assessment against Benguet when,
validly be given retroactive effect since it was not prejudicial. ISSUE: W/N after applying its creditable input VAT costs against the retroactive
VAT Ruling No. 008-92 which revoked previous rulings of the which 10% VAT levy, there resulted a balance of excess output VAT.
Benguet heavily relied upon may be legally applied retroactively — NO. 7. BIR’s basis:
a. VAT Ruling No. 008-92 dated January 1992, issued subsequent
SC has affirmed that the rulings promulgated by the CIR would have no to the consummation of the sales of gold to the Central Bank,
retroactive application if to so apply them would be prejudicial to the taxpayers. which provides that: “sales of gold to the Central Bank shall not
In both transactions which are zero-rated and subject to 10% VAT, the taxpayer be considered as export sales and, shall be subject to 10% VAT.”
has the option not to carry any VAT cost because in the zero-rated b. VAT Ruling No. 008-92, which withdrew, modi︎ed, and superseded
transaction, the taxpayer is allowed to recover input tax from the BIR without all inconsistent BIR issuances:
need to pay output tax, while in 10% rated VAT, the taxpayer is allowed to pass i. “…Only direct export sales foreign currency denominated
on both input and output VAT to the buyer. Here, the retroactive application of sales, shall be qualified for zero-rating.
ii. Local sales of goods, which by ︎fiction of law are considered
VAT Ruling No. 008-92 unilaterally forfeited or withdrew this option of
export sales (e.g., the Export Duty Law considers sales of gold
Benguet. Benguet became the unexpected debtor to the BIR of the amount to the Central Bank, as export sale). This transaction shall not
equal to the total VAT cost of its product, a liability it previously could have be considered as export sale for VAT purposes.
recovered from the BIR in a zero-rated scenario or at least passed on to the iii. [A]ll Orders and Memoranda issued … inconsistent herewith
Central Bank had it known it would have been taxed at a 10% rate. are considered withdrawn, modified or superseded.”
c. VAT Ruling No. 059-92 dated April 1992: the revocation of VAT
DOCTRINE: In transactions taxed at a 10% rate. when at the end of any given Ruling No. 378- 88 by VAT Ruling No. 008-92 would not unduly
taxable quarter, the output VAT exceeds the input VAT, the excess shall be paid prejudice mining companies and could be applied retroactively.
to the government; when the input VAT exceeds the output VAT, the excess 8. Benguet filed 3 separate petitions for review with the CTA.
would be carried over to VAT liabilities for the succeeding quarter/s. On the a. It argued that a retroactive application of BIR VAT Ruling
other hand, transactions which are taxed at zero-rate do not result in any output would violate Sec. 246 of the NIRC, which mandates the non-
tax. Input VAT attributable to zero-rated; sales could be refunded/credited retroactivity of rulings or circulars issued by the CIR that
against other internal revenue taxes at the option of the taxpayer. would operate to prejudice the taxpayer.
9. CIR maintained that BIR VAT Ruling No. 008-92 is:
a. First, not void and entitled to great respect, having been issued by a. In a zero-rated transaction: when a VAT-registered person/
the body charged with the duty of administering the VAT law, and taxpayer purchases materials from his supplier at P80.00, P7.30 of
b. Second, it may validly be given retroactive effect since it was which was passed on to him by his supplier as the latter's 10%
not prejudicial to Benguet output VAT, the taxpayer is allowed to recover P7.30 from the BIR,
10. CTA Ruling: dismissed all 3 petitions — it held that no prejudice had in addition to other input VAT he had incurred in relation to the
befallen Benguet by virtue of the retroactive application and that, zero-rated transaction, through tax credits or refunds. When the
consequently, the application did not violate Sec. 246. taxpayer sells his finished product in a zero-rated transaction, say,
11. CA: reversed the CTA’s ruling for P110.00, he is not required to pay any output VAT thereon.
a. Benguet suffered financial damage equal to the sum of the claims. b. In the case of a transaction subject to 10% VAT: the taxpayer is
Had it known that the sales were subject to 10% VAT, which rate allowed to recover both the input VAT of P7.30 which he paid to
was not the prevailing rate at the time of the transactions, it would his supplier and his output VAT of P2.70 (10% the P30.00 value he
have passed on the cost of the input taxes to the BSP. has added to the P80.00 material) by passing on both costs to the
b. New Expanded VAT Law: intent of the lawmakers w/ regard to buyer. Thus, the buyer pays the total 10% VAT cost, in this case
the treatment of sale of gold to the BSP since the amended version P10.00 on the product.
of Sec. 100 of the NIRC expressly provides that the sale of gold to c. In both situations: the taxpayer has the option not to carry any
the BSP is an export sale subject to 0% VAT rate. VAT cost because in the zero-rated transaction, the taxpayer is
allowed to recover input tax from the BIR without need to pay
output tax, while in 10% rated VAT, the taxpayer is allowed to pass
ISSUE: W/N VAT Ruling No. 008-92 which revoked previous rulings of the which
on both input and output VAT to the buyer. Thus, there is an
Benguet heavily relied upon may be legally applied retroactively
elemental similarity between the 2 types of VAT ratings in that the
• W/N Benguet’s sale of gold to the BSP during the period when such was taxpayer has the option not to take on any VAT payment by simply
classified by BIR issuances as zero-rated could be taxed validly at a 10% rate
exercising his right to pass on the VAT costs.
after the consummation of the transactions involved — NO
7. There appears to be no upfront economic difference in changing the sale of
gold to the Central Bank from a 0% to 10% VAT rate provided that Benguet
RULING: Petition is DENIED for lack of merit. Decision of the CA is AFFIRMED.
would be allowed the choice to pass on its VAT costs to the Central Bank.
8. In the instant case, the retroactive application of VAT Ruling No. 008-92
unilaterally forfeited or withdrew this option of Benguet.
1. In a long line of cases, SC has affirmed that the rulings, circular, rules and
a. Benguet became the unexpected and unwilling debtor to the BIR of
regulations promulgated by the CIR would have no retroactive application if
the amount equal to the total VAT cost of its product, a liability it
to so apply them would be prejudicial to the taxpayers.
previously could have recovered from the BIR in a zero-rated
2. W/N Benguet had suffered prejudice is a factual issue — SC is not a trier of
scenario or at least passed on to the Central Bank had it known it
facts. This case is an exception since the findings of fact a quo are conflicting.
would have been taxed at a 10% rate.
3. VAT is:
9. Thus, it is clear that Benguet suffered economic prejudice when its
a. a percentage tax imposed at every stage of the distribution process
consummated sales were taken out of the zero-rated category.
on the sale, barter, exchange or lease of goods or properties and
a. The change in the VAT rating of respondent's transactions with the
rendition of services in the course of trade or business, or the
Central Bank resulted in the twin loss of its exemption from
importation of goods.
payment of output VAT and its opportunity to recover input VAT
b. an indirect tax, which may be shifted to the buyer, transferee, or
b. At the same time, subjected it to 10% VAT sans the option to pass
lessee of the goods, properties, or services. However, the party
on this cost to the Central Bank, with the total prejudice in money
directly liable for the payment of the tax is the seller.
terms being equivalent to the 10% VAT levied on its sales of gold
4. In transactions taxed at a 10% rate:
10. CIR’s contention that "the deficiency 10% that may be assessable will only
a. when at the end of any given taxable quarter, the output VAT
be equal to 1/11th of the amount billed to the BSP rather than 10%” is a
exceeds the input VAT, the excess shall be paid to the government;
clear recognition that respondent would suffer prejudice in the "amount
b. when the input VAT exceeds the output VAT, the excess would be
actually and technically passed on to the BSP as part of the invoiced price."
carried over to VAT liabilities for the succeeding quarter/s
a. SC: In determining the prejudice suffered, it matters little how the
5. Transactions which are taxed at zero-rate do not result in any output tax.
amount charged against Benguet is computed, the point is that the
a. Input VAT attributable to zero-rated; sales could be refunded/ credited
amount (equal to 1/11th of the amount billed to the BSP) was
against other internal revenue taxes at the option of the taxpayer.
charged, resulting in damage.
6. To illustrate:
11. CIR posits that the retroactive application of BIR VAT Ruling No. 008-92 is
stripped of any prejudicial effect when viewed in relation to available the export and premium duties. In coming out with this
options to recoup whatever liabilities Benguet may have incurred — interpretation, the BIR also considered Sec. 169 of Central Bank
Benguet’s input VAT may still be used: Circular No. 960 which states that all sales of gold to the Central
a. to offset its output VAT on the sales of gold to the Central Bank or Bank are considered constructive exports.
on its output VAT on other sales subject to 10% VAT, and b. Respondent should not be faulted for relying on the BIR's
b. as deductions on its income tax interpretation of the said laws and regulations.
12. CIR's suggested options by which prejudice would be eliminated from a c. While it is true, as petitioner alleges, that government is not
retroactive application of VAT Ruling No. 008-92 are either simply estopped from collecting taxes which remain unpaid on account of
inadequate or grossly unrealistic. the errors or mistakes of its agents and/or officials and there could
a. On the first suggested recoupment modality: be no vested right arising from an erroneous interpretation of law,
i. Benguet’s other sales subject to 10% VAT are so minimal these principles must give way to exceptions based on and in
that this mode is of little value. Indeed, what use would a keeping with the interest of justice and fairplay, as has been done in
credit be where there is nothing to set it off against? the instant matter.
ii. The prejudice lies in the fact that the tax refund/credits
that it expected to receive had effectively disappeared by
virtue of its newfound output VAT liability against which
CIR had offset the expected refund/credit.
iii. Benguet’s net income still decreased corresponding to the
amount it expected as its refunds/credits and the
deficiency assessments against it, which when summed
up would be the total cost of the 10% retroactive VAT
levied on respondent.
iv. In being denied the opportunity to deduct the input VAT
from its gross income, respondent's net income was
overstated by the amount of its input VAT. This
overstatement was assessed tax at the 32% corporate
income tax rate, resulting in respondent's overpayment of
income taxes in the corresponding amount.
b. On the second suggested recoupment modality: Petitioner submits
that granting that respondent has no other sale subject to 10% VAT
against which its input taxes may be used in payment, then
respondent is constituted as the final entity against which the costs
of the tax passes-on shall legally stop; hence, the input taxes may
be converted as costs available as deduction for income tax
i. Even assuming that the right to recover respondent's
excess payment of income tax has not yet prescribed, this
relief would only address respondent's overpayment of
income tax but not the other burdens discussed above.
Verily, this remedy is not a feasible option for respondent
because the very reason why it was issued a deficiency
tax assessment is that its input VAT was not enough to
offset its retroactive output VAT.
13. At the time when the subject transactions were consummated, the prevailing
BIR regulations relied upon by respondent ordained that gold sales to the
Central Bank were zero-rated.
a. The BIR interpreted Sec. 100 of the NIRC in relation to Sec. 2 of
E.O. No. 581 s. 1980 which prescribed that gold sold to the Central
Bank shall be considered export and therefore shall be subject to

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