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Arslan Aslam

Roll no : 21870
Wal-mart Ia multinational enterprise ? Why ?

Wal-mart which is a multinational corporation
(MNC) with over 10,000 stores in 27
countries ,makes money by selling a high
volume of cheap goods and reducing cost by
offering low wages ,minimal ,benefits and
discouraging workers union.

Why is wal-mart making foreign direct investment
in Europe?

Wal-mart is the biggest retailer of world .Time
patient investment and key expertise in each
foreign market may help wal-mart to
successfully expand in its international
operations to become a more international
player. Until then hover the firm remains
extremely NAFTA focused.

Using the porter model what are the deter,ints
of wal-mart competitive advantages?

The group entire Europe in the late 1990s. BY
purchasing the wertkauf and interspar super
markets in Germany Here wal-mart run into
some trouble competators in Europe had
emulated the companies most succeful
strategies in cost reduction and change
management. Reducing wal-mart relatives
competitive advantages in Germany local
competitors offer very low price and Wal-mart
is not big enough to achieve the local
economics of scare required . competive on
price alone.

Is wal-mart competiveness in Europe dependent
On the some determents listed in question 3?

Wal-mart is the very biggest competitive in Europe .
There was also a difficult cost structure real state
development when possible was most costly and
wages were also higher the scale effect does not
work in Europe when the company must source
90% of its good locally . which bargain or logistic
savings can it catch in with so few stories to top it
all well mart US managers had prob;lems adopting
to the culture and did not speak German.Wal-mart
entired the bristish market by acquiring ASDA and
retained the name.ASDA has already adopted a
focus on low price and it had exactly the type of
cosumer that wal-mart looking for.

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