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Answer the following questions according to A submarine is an underwater vessel. A very

the given passages early type of submarine was built by the
American Robert Fulton, but the submarine
Tennis can be played by two players in was not used extensively until World War I,
singles or by four in doubles. There is a when the Germans built a fleet of U-boats,
marked-out area, the court, with a long net as they called them, to attack British
drawn across the centre. The object of the merchant ships. In World War II, the
game is to hit the ball over the net and keep Germans built an even more formidable fleet
it in play until the opponent loses the point of U-boats. A type of one-man or midget
by failing to make a good return. The submarine was also developed. Today's
opposing players hit a ball to each other submarines are powered by nuclear energy,
with rackets. They concede points to the are much faster and can stay underwater for
opponent each time they hit the ball into the an indefinite period of time. Many are
net, or place it outside the limits of the court. equipped with ballistic missiles which can
The game is played on grass, called lawn fire at targets from beneath the waves.
tennis, or on a hard court. Its origins go
back to the sixteenth century, and the 4-We are informed by the author that
modern form of the game dates from 1873. modern submarines ----.
Two of today’s most important international
tennis championships are Wimbledon and A. are commonly known as U-boats, as
the Davis Cup. Germans call them
B. are not as dangerous as the ones run
1-It is clear from the passage that tennis ----. on nuclear energy
C. are even faster than the fastest ships
A. is better when played on grass than on on the surface
a hard court D. don't need very large crews because of
B. requires rather expensive equipment advanced technology
C. is played by either two individual E. are capable of remaining underwater for
players or two pairs extended periods
D. is generally a sport of the wealthy
E. has changed little since it originated 5- According to the passage, until World War
I, ----.

2- The passage tells us that tennis A. the principles of building a submarine

---- was unknown outside of the USA
A. was first played sometime in the 1500s B. the use of submarines was limited
B. was perfected by someone called Davis C. there were no submarines operating
C. was a somewhat informal game until efficiently
1873 D. merchant ships were at risk during war
D. was played without rules for centuries times
E. is played on extremely hard ground E. Germans had failed to have any
victories at sea

6-We learn from the passage that today's

3-We understand from the passage that, in submarines ----.
tennis ----.
A. may have advanced weapon systems
A. the rules are not as strict as in other included in their designs
sports B. are most effective in seas where there
B. there are no more than two international are huge waves
tournaments C. have been designed to be used by a
C. people can be seriously hurt when they single person
are hit with rackets D. have one weakness, which involves the
D. one player, or pair, wins by the other's difficulty they have firing missiles
mistakes through waves
E. players have to make a large number of E. must come to the surface before firing
strikes their missiles


The solar system is the name for the Sun, As soon as early men learnt how to write,
and the planets with their own satellite they developed a way of putting down
moons, which revolve around it. It also numbers. The ancient Egyptians used a
includes the asteroids, which constitute belt hieroglyphic (pictorial) method of
of several thousand minor planets or representing numbers for counting,
planetoids, and various comets and weighing and measuring. The Greeks used
meteorites, Nicolas Copernicus was the first an alphabetical system: alpha for 1, beta for
to suggest the basic arrangement of the 2 and so on. The Romans used simple
solar system, in contradiction to the stroke marks for the first three numbers, but
previously held belief that the Earth was the for 5, they used a 'V' sign, which may
centre of the universe. Most astronomers originally have been represented as a hand;
now believe that if our sun can support a 10 was two Vs, linked together as a cross,
system of planets, then it is mathematically forming the symbol X. Primitive tribes today
probable that many other suns or stars also still count by fives because there are five
have planets. fingers on each hand: Eskimos still count in
twenties. In the Middle Ages, twenty, known
7-As the passage suggests our solar system as a score, was a much used number; in
----. fact, we still keep the word 'score' in such
games as football, tennis and cricket.
A. is unique in the universe in terms of the
celestial objects it includes
B. consists of much more than a star and 10- The best title for this passage would be -
a few planets ---.
C. is in great danger because of the large
number of meteorites A. The Development of Numerical
D. does not include a planet other than the Systems
Earth which harbours life B. Numeracy and Literacy in the Ancient
E. is not nearly as orderly as it was World
previously thought C. How Primitive People Learnt to Write
D. Ancient Methods of Counting Surviving
8- According to the passage, before Today
Copernicus, ----. E. Parallelism in the Numerical Systems of
Ancient Civilisations
A. many other scientists claimed the Earth
and planets circled the Sun 11- It is clearly stated in the passage that ----.
B. nobody had ever really considered the
nature of our solar system A. men learnt to put down numbers before
C. much of what is known today about the they learnt to write
universe was common knowledge B. all ancient peoples used to count in
D. people used to believe that the Earth groups of fives
was in the middle of the universe C. only the Egyptians used numbers for
E. astronomy was simply the hobby of weighing and measuring
many uneducated amateurs D. all the ancient systems of numbering
were almost the same
E. numbers were developed shortly after
9- The belief held by many astronomers writing systems
today is that our sun and its planets----. 12- The author states that, in the Middle
Ages, ----.
A. are definitely unique in the entirety of all
creation A. Roman numerals had lost their
B. are probably not the only such system influence
in the universe B. football, tennis and cricket were popular
C. could support many more planets if they pastimes
had to do so C. people used to count In twenties
D. are in relation to each other according D. numbering systems developed close to
to mathematical principles their present forms
E. cause doubts as to the validity of E. there were still primitive tribes counting
Copernicus' theory by finger

Military rockets filled with gunpowder were Aspirin, the most common pain relieves
first used in 1312 by the Chinese against the known today, was first produced
Tatars. The idea caught on in the West, too, commercially in 1899. The Bayer AG, now of
and rockets lit up the sky in 1380 in battle Leverskin, Germany, manufactured Aspirin
between Venice and Genoa. Th Indians used in powder form. Aspirin, a trade name, or
them against the British at the end of the acetylsalicylic acid, however, had first been
18th century. The British were impressed synthesised in 1853 by Karl Gerhardt, an
and Colonel William Congreve set to work Alsatian chemist. Unfortunately, its value as
on the Congreve rocket, with a range of a pain reliever was not recognised until
1,800 metres. In 1806, during the Napoleonic 1899, when Heinrich Dresser published a
wars, some 200 Congreve rockets set fire to paper about its effectiveness. Thereafter, Dr.
Boulogne. This had no been part of the plan: Felix Hoffman, who worked for Bayer,
they had actually beer aimed at shipping in succeeded in manufacturing it in a form
the harbour. Rockets have since been also pure enough to be used as a medical
used to fire lifelines from ship to shore, to remedy. First available only on a limited
fire harpoons into the backs of whales, and scale as a prescription medicine in
of course, to launch humans into space. Germany, Aspirin gained wide usage when
Bayer began retailing it in tablet form in
13-It is clear from the passage that, 1915.
originally, rockets were ----.

A. created by western inventors 16- According to the passage, acetylsalicylic

B. invented before gunpowder acid, or Aspirin ----.
C. used exclusively in warfare
D. developed by the Tatars A. was first sold in powder form
E. unsuccessfully used in battle B. was invented in Germany in 1899
C. was sold to the public in 1853
D. was perfected in 1915
E. was originally produced in pill form
14- The author informs us that Sir William
Congreve ----.
17- It's clear from the passage that Aspirin's
A. set fire to the French town, Boulogne medical value ----.
B. was the inventor of the first effective
rockets A. was made known by Heinrich Dresser
C. played a major role during the B. was available to the public from 1853
Napoleonic wars C. was publicised by Karl Gerhardt
D. commanded and lost the war against D. led to the creation of a newspaper
the Indians E. as a painkiller was widely recognised in
E. was inspired by the Indians to develop 1853
his own rockets

18- The author states that Aspirin ----.

15- We learn from the passage that rockets --
--. A. has been available in tablet form since
A. have only been used in war and in B. became popular worldwide In 1899
space C. was first sold by Bayer in 1915
B. have a maximum range of 1.800 metres D. was Initially only available after seeing
C. always have a destructive purpose a doctor
D. are also used by ships to call for help E. was commonly used in Germany prior
E. are no longer used in war in any way to 1915


The Sahara desert in north Africa stretches Relativity is the name for two theories of
eastwards from the Atlantic to the Red Sea physics presented by Albert Einstein in 1905
and southwards from the Mediterranean to and 1915 respectively, as the Special and
the grasslands and tropical forests of General Theories of Relativity. Through
equatorial Africa. It has an area of about 8 them he showed that speed and position are
million square kilometres and is the world's relative things and that there are no absolute
largest desert region. The world’s highest measurements for time and space. He also
temperatures have been recorded in the stated that matter and energy are
Western Sahara. The traditional inhabitants interchangeable, a concept that has had
have been the nomadic Berbers and Arabs considerable bearing on the development of
moving from oasis to oasis: but vast areas nuclear physics. In this century, Einstein's
remain totally uninhabited. There is the Theories of Relativity have revolutionised
evidence of recent severe draughts in parts ideas about the nature of matter and the
of Nigeria and neighbouring countries to universe, as Sir Isaac Newton's laws of
suggest that the Sahara is expanding gravity had done to scientific thinking two
southwards. On the other hand, there are centuries earlier.
plans to irrigate some areas; also, the desert
has valuable deposits of oil, iron ore 22- According to the passage, Einstein's
phosphates and uranium. theories state that ----.

A. there are no definite ways to determine

19- The passage tells us that the Sahara time or location
desert ----. B. things can be measured by either
special or general means
A. contains grasslands and tropical forests C. how fast something goes, and where it
B. is between two oceans to the east and is, are fixed values
west D. before 1905, scientists looked at the
C. lies to the south of equatorial Africa universe in the wrong way
D. covers one eighth of Africa E. there's simply no point in worrying
E. has the Red Sea on its eastern about either time or space
23- As stated in the passage, Einstein
20- The Berbers and the Arabs of the Sahara claimed that ----.
A. matter and energy are really exactly the
A. have established major settlements same thing
there B. nobody really knows the true nature of
B. moved to the area in fairly recent times matter
C. fight over the right to settle in oasis C. nuclear energy is definitely the best
areas form of energy
D. inhabit most areas of the Sahara desert D. the true nature of energy doesn’t really
E. have not settled In the desert but matter
moved around E. matter and energy can be changed into
each other
21- We can assume from the passage that
the Sahara may prove useful in the future
because----. 24- The passage suggest that Newton and
Einstein ----.
A. It is growing and expanding towards the
south A. greatly influenced each other and their
B. there are large amounts of necessary respective theories
minerals there B. have each had profound influence on
C. it may be uniting with Nigeria and other modern scientific thought
countries C. were respectful to each other's theories
D. it may be used to irrigate neighbouring D. suffered a great deal due to their
countries revolutionary ideas
E. it will probably continue to remain E. offer distinct theories in direct
uninhabited contradiction to each other

Native Americans are often called “Indians”. Although there was scientific evidence
This is one result of Columbus’s mistaken linking smoking and lung cancer in the
belief that he had landed in India. His 1950s, acceptance was slow. Each decade
successors passed down many other brought more evidence and more forceful
inaccurate descriptions of the Native warnings. Now It is absolutely clear that
Americans. They were described as tobacco is truly a "killer weed", and is a
savages, though it was whites who bigger public health threat than all other
slaughtered hundreds of thousands of them. drugs combined, including alcohol. For
They were called lazy, although it was example, though lung cancer is not a
whites who forced them to give up their common disease, almost all lung cancers
traditional occupations. These false ideas occur in smokers. Smoking is also
about Native Americans were strengthened estimated to be related to about 30% of all
by the ways whites described themselves. other types of cancer, to about 30% of
White settlers were known as 'Pioneers' deaths resulting from heart disease, and 80-
though they were really invaders and 90% of deaths from chronic obstructive lung
thieves; when they stole the Native disease.
Americans' land, it was called "home
steading" not robbery.
28- The passage states that ----.
25- According to the author, the words used
to describe whites ----. A. there has always been abundant
evidence that smoking causes cancer
A. do not reflect reality B. almost all smokers develop lung cancer
B. actually describe the Arneric8n Indians C. lung cancer was not very common
C. are a little exaggerated among smokers until 1950s
D. are no longer valid in modem times D. smokers tend to use all 6ther drugs,
E. are now being questioned by some including alcohol
whites E. it took a long time for people to believe
that smoking was dangerous
26-The conclusion that can he derived from
the passage is that ----. 29- Tobacco ----.

A. India would be a safer place for Native A. was known to cause lung cancer even
Americans before the 1950s
B. it was very dangerous to be a pioneer in B. has become more dangerous every
the New World decade since the 1950s
C. white settlers, brought civilisation to the C. is less dangerous to the health than
savage parts of America alcohol
D. the traditional occupations of Native D. causes more illness than all other drugs
Americans required little effort E. is related to most cases of heart
E. Native Americans have been treated disease
badly in many ways

27- Anyone reading the page can 30- We can conclude from the page that ----.
understand that the author ----.
A. smoking was less dangerous in the
A. is himself an American Indian 1950s
B. is a historian who specialises in B. it is very dangerous for one's health to
American History drink alcohol
C. favours the American Indians C. all the dangers of smoking have been
D. is a white who resents his own race known since the 1950s
E. blames Columbous for the sufferings of D. smoking is more dangerous than it was
the American Indians once thought to be
E. tobacco becomes deadly when it is
combined with alcohol


In Japan there is a custom called miai. It is a 33-We understand from the passage that a
meeting between a man and a woman on the “go-between”----.
understanding that they may choose to
marry one another. This meeting is arranged A. is a professional who earns his or her
by a "go-between". Usually an older person living by introducing people
who knows both partners, for example, a B. is a former teacher of either of the
teacher may try to match a former student partners but who knows the other as
with a relative. First of all, photographs and well
family backgrounds are exchanged. After C. is a photographer who usually takes
that, if they agree, the couple meet either at photographs of young people
the go-between's house or at a restaurant. D. is someone who is hoping to find a
The go-between introduces them, then husband or wife
leaves them to talk by themselves. They E. is often an older friend or acquaintance,
might go to a movie or a coffee shop. Later who introduces two young people
they report to the go-between on whether
they want to meet again. Ideally, they will Tourism often has negative results for local
agree to marry after several meetings. communities. Tourists go to museums, buy
souvenirs, enjoy the beaches and See the
sights without interacting with the local
people. For this reason, local people often
see visitors only as a source of money.
31-According to the passage, miai is a There is no interaction at all except over
custom which ----. money, and so there is no mutual respect.
When young people see visitors with plenty
A. often forces the young people they of cash they may grow unhappy with their
have never met traditional way of life. There may be
B. is arranged for the young by total environmental changes as homes and
strangers villages are often destroyed to make way for
C. sometimes leads the people involved to hotels. Although tourism brings in money, it
marriage leaves behind problems like discontented
D. helps keep the divorce rate in Japan young people and environmental damage.
quite low
E. gives parents a total control over their
children's marriage 34- According to the passage, ----.

A. local people regard tourists with respect

B. most tourists respect local customs and
C. young local people are happy to show
off their traditions
D. local people regard tourists as a source
32- If, after the first meeting, the couple of ready money
decide to meet again, ----. E. tourism is an important way of
achieving international understanding
A. this is a sure sign that they will get
married 35- The author believes that ----.
B. B) the next thing they'll do is to
contact their go-between for a A. tourists learn a lot from museums
second meeting B. B) tourism encourages cultural
C. C) they will no longer need the interaction between tourists and local
assistance of another person people
D. they have to choose a luxurious C. C) many local communities need
place where they'll come together tourism to survive
again D. D) money earned from tourism is more
E. E) it is the custom to have the important than the environment
second meeting at the go- E. E) tourism is harmful as well as helpful
between's house


36-One can conclude from the passage that - 39- It is implied in the passage that
---. ----.

A. tourism is not on balance, a good thing A. some factual books are not really worth
for local communities reading
B. making and selling souvenirs is a good B. some authors purposely try to deceive
way to keep up local traditions their readers
C. tourists generally go away with happy C. a reader of factual material should be
memories aware of the author's background
D. tourism always leads to discontent D. an author's point of view is less
E. the world is becoming a smaller place important than the facts he presents
E. there are always two ways of looking at
Readers of factual material should bear in
mind this aspect: their authors, like authors Medieval Christians confronted Muslims
of fiction, have beliefs and theories that chiefly in military crusades, in Spain and the
affect the way they present their subject Holy land, and in theology. From this
matter. For example, a British professor's encounter came the restoration of ancient
account of the American Revolution would learning to the West. The Reconquista in
be different from the version written by a Spain gradually pushed the Moors south
professor from the United States. Because from the Pyrenees, and among the treasures
of national loyalties, the two scholars might left behind were Arabic translations of Greek
look at the events from different angles: the works of science and philosophy. In 1085
former as a colonial rebellion on a distant the city of Toledo, with one of the finest
continent, and the second as a struggle for libraries in Islam, fell to the Christians.
personal freedom. The two authors would Among the occupiers were Christian monks
write from different points of view and who quickly began the process of
express certain opinions because they have translating ancient works into Latin. By the
different ways of looking at the subject. end of the 12th century, much of the ancient
heritage was again available to the Latin
37-The best statement to summarise the West.
passage is that ----.
40-The topic of the passage is ----.
A. fact and fiction actually refer to the
same thing A. the military confrontation between
B. the American Revolution was a struggle Muslims and Christians
for personal freedom B. why Medieval Christians were ignorant
C. American scholars are more objective of ancient learning
than British authors C. the cruelty of the war between Muslims
D. even facts can be interpreted differently and Christians
by different people D. the great classical library of Toledo,
E. there was no personal freedom in Spain
America before the Revolution E. how Medieval Christians benefited from
their conquest of Moorish Spain
38-The writer believes that ----. 41- Some of the books in Arabic that
Christians captured with the conquest of
A. authors from different countries will Toledo ----.
always have cultural conflicts
B. Bscholars from the United States A. also had copies written them written in
understand their history better than Latin
British scholars do B. contained invaluable information about
C. readers should prefer fictional books to the birth of Christianity
factual ones C. had originally been translated from
D. it is right to struggle for personal Greek
freedom D. had been seized from the Spanish by
E. authors also reflect their own ideas Muslims
when presenting facts E. helped Christians progress faster than
the Islamic world

42- The passage implies that, over the years, 44-It is clear from the passage that
ancient Europe ----. ----.

A. had become the most advanced part of A. skin colour is the only reliable
the world determining factor in classifying races
B. had adopted the Islamic science and B. B)a common way of classifying races is
philosophy inadequate
C. had surpassed the Islamic world in C. C)many people in India are actually
many areas Negroids
D. had had its heritage of ancient Greek D. D)it is always obvious which race a
science and philosophy stolen particular person belongs to
E. had used Toledo as a centre of science E. E)pure races present no problems to
and knowledge the biologist

As a biological concept, race refers to a

large group of people who share certain
inherited physical characteristics. These
characteristics may include particular skin
colour, head shape, hair type, nose shape or
blood type. One common classification of
races recognises three groups: Caucasoid,
Mongoloid and Negroids, all of whom have
different coloured skin and other differing
characteristics. However, there are at least
two important problems with such a
classification of races. First, some groups fit
into none of these categories, like people of
the Indian subcontinent who have
Caucasoid features but dark skin. The other
problem is that, with so many
intermarriages, there are no pure races

43-We understand from the passage that a 45-One idea emphasised in the passage is
race ----. that ----.

A. has become a branch of biology in A. some races are superior to others

modem times B. there are only' a few pure races in the
B. is a characteristic that is learnt rather world
than inherited C. biological classification of the human
C. is a large group of people who are species has some drawbacks
physically similar D. a new classification of races should be
D. is the general term which means developed
physical appearance E. it is more difficult to classify races than
E. refers to social status of people rather it would seem at first sight
than physical features


America is almost completely dependent on In the world we live in, the aggressive
the automobile, and this has been a terrible person, the one who is forceful in his or her
mistake. Even in the 1950s, a large demands, is usually the one who gets the
percentage of Americans used public biggest salary and the best job. Since men
transport. But the big car manufacturers are traditionally trained from an early age to
wanted them to buy cars, and local be aggressive, they are the ones most often
governments cooperated with the picked for the most important positions.
manufacturers, with the result that countless Many people criticise this situation, and feel
excellent tramway and rail systems were that women have an equal contribution to
destroyed. Today, the entire American make in science and industry.; Some have
lifestyle is dictated by the motor car. Homes gone so far as to suggest that girls should
are far from work, and shopping is far from be given aggression lessons in school. This
everything. In between there is nothing but does not mean that every little girl should
ugly stretches of concrete or asphalt roads take boxing lessons. One suggestion is for
for the motor car. games that teach competition.

46- The author believes that today, 49- It is Clear from the passage that
----. ----.

A. tramway and rail systems are not A. aggression is not acceptable according
enough to meet the needs of the to moral values
increasing population B. women hide their natural aggression,
B. local governments are more inclined to but it can easily be brought out
consider what is best for the people C. boxing can stimulate the potential
C. what is good for the big car aggression in women
manufacturers is good for the United D. it generally pays to be aggressive
States in general E. the most respected jobs are also the
D. almost everyone in the United States best paid
owns a car
E. the motor car is the most significant 50-One conclusion we can derive from the
single factor in the American lifestyle page is that women ----.

47- Th. passage implies that in the united A. have to fight the prejudice held against
States, public transport ----. them in society
B. should not be employed in extremely
A. is no longer very good competitive sectors
B. cooperated with local governments after C. have already taken part in science and
the 1950s industry despite their lack of aggression
C. destroys the natural environment D. are less successful than man even at
D. has never been considered comfortable school
E. has been used by more and more. E. are presently at a disadvantage when it
people since the 1950s comes to getting the top jobs

48- According to the passage American 51-We can conclude from the passage that --
landscape ----. --.

A. is made up of spectacular scenery A. there would be fewer wars if science

B. has been spoiled by the roads and industry were controlled by women
extending through it B. science and industry would benefit by
C. has become more accessible with the hiring less aggressive people
widespread use of the car C. people can be. trained to be competitive
D. looks better when one drives through it D. women in general find working in
in a car science and industry unpleasant
E. is too far for the people to get there E. boxing is not popular among women
without the automobile because it is too competitive


Getting a Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy degree At a recent performance of Shakespeare's

is the highest academic achievement in the "The Merchant of Venice", school children
United States. Normally, only professors who had been given free tickets were
with PhD. are hired by universities. However, accused of misbehaving. They chatted,
the PhD. is a research degree, not a teaching laughed, threw rubbish, and walked in and
degree. This means that many professors in out during the performance. Legitimate
American colleges and universities have no theatre-goers were outraged and some even
Idea how to teach. Their lectures are often demanded their money back. Yet a little
dull, and they do not know how to reflection should remind us that this is the
communicate with their students. The irony way audiences usually behaved during the
is that while the PhD. is vital to getting a original performances of Shakespeare's
university Job, and that many people spend work. In fact, the playwright himself would
years to acquire that qualification for this probably be more comfortable with the
aim, it does not prepare them for the Job at unruly teenagers than with the more sedate
all. audiences thought of as normal today.

52-what is emphasized in the passage is that 55-In Shakespeare's own times ----.
A. the PhD is useful for any qualified A. his plays were already recognised as
teacher great literature
B. the process of getting a PhD is rather B. audiences were often undisciplined
dull C. children weren't allowed into the theatre
C. the PhD is the highest degree of the halls
profession of teaching D. only the rich went to see his plays
D. professors teaching in the USA are not E. no one would consider creating a
actually trained for the Job disturbance during a performance
E. educational standards are low in
American schools despite their hiring 56- The author believes that ----.
professors for teaching.
A. everyone should be exposed to great
53-From what is stated in the passage, we literature
can assume that most people study for a B. it is a waste to give free tickets to
Ph.D. ----. school children
C. Shakespeare himself might have
A. to become researchers at universities D. preferred the way the school children
rather than teachers behaved
B. so that they can be hired as teachers by E. Shakespeare is the greatest author in
universities the English language
C. so as to acquire teaching skills F. the school children should have been
D. for the express purpose of spending better prepared for their visit to the
years acquiring a qualification theatre
E. in order to be able to communicate with
a wider range of people
57-It is stated in the passage that ----.
54- It is implied in the passage that,
considering the situation at American A. the performance was too bad to attract
universities today ----. children's attention
B. Shakespeare's plays are not suitable for
A. a PhD is useless for practical teaching young audiences
purposes C. the theatre lost money as they had to
B. it is not worth trying to get employed at give the rest of the audience their
a university money back
C. university teachers are no more D. children should be informed of
knowledgeable than ordinary college Shakespeare's work before they go to
teachers see a play
D. getting a PhD is not as difficult as it E. some of the audience asked for refunds
would look because of children's attitude
E. anyone with enough time can get a PhD
10 | S a y f a

When men first went into space in the late The potato plant is native to the Peruvian
1950’s, everyone expected that space travel Andes. It was cultivated in Peru and Bolivia
would develop far faster than it actually has and, along with corn, was the main food of
within ten years of the first man orbiting the the Incas. It was introduced into Europe by
Earth, men were actually walking on the 16th-century Spanish explorers. Initially, the
surface of the Moon. It was at that point that potato was avoided as a food by Europeans.
more problems arose. A series of disasters It was supposedly endowed with powers
led to the highly publicised deaths of such as the ability to cure certain illnesses,
number of astronauts and cosmonauts and so long as the plant remained rare in
Added to that, the cost of manned space Europe, its price often reached astronomical
flight became literally "astronomical". While heights. By 1573, however, it was being
there are manned space stations orbiting the grown in Spain, and shortly thereafter in the
Earth today, most people in the 60s would Netherlands and in Switzerland.
have expected a moon base, and certainly
manned landing on Mars by this time. 61- The potato ----.

58- In the late 1950 ----. A. was the favourite food of 16th-century
Spanish explorers
A. men were walking on the moon B. used to be served with corn by the
B. many astronauts and cosmonauts lost Incas
their lives C. was spread to the rest of the world from
C. space travel developed far faster than It the Peruvian Andes
does now D. has only been known to Europeans for
D. most people expected a great deal from less than five decades
space programs E. is now more common in Europe
E. mankind had not yet ventured into although it was originally grown in Peru
space and Bolivia

59-It is clear from the passage that 62- At first, Europeans ----.
A. were hesitant to use the potato as a
A. advances in space travel have not kept foodstuff
up with earlier expectations B. didn't find potatoes delicious enough to
B. space travel is one of the most be worth eating
important technological achievements C. were able to grow potatoes in
of recent years astronomical sizes
C. until a few decades ago, few people D. didn't know how to produce potatoes in
realised how expensive space travel large quantities
would be E. were not aware of the curative value of
D. poverty and famine are, in part, caused the potato plant
by expensive space travel
E. E)there will soon be a manned landing
on Mars

60- It is stated in the passage that, until the

late 1960s, ----. 63- We can infer from the passage that, in
Europe, the potato ----.
A. there were relatively few problems with
the space program A. didn't grow as big as It was In Bolivia
B. man still hadn't achieved a major and Peru
success in his space venture B. began to be sold at reasonable prices
C. the number of astronauts with a good only after It became more common
astronomical knowledge was small C. has only been grown in Spain, the
D. the space technology was not Netherlands, and Switzerland
advanced enough to prevent accidents D. is the most common foodstuff today
E. people did not believe that man could E. was only eaten by the sick for a long
walk on the Moon time

11 | S a y f a

Hand-made paper has been produced in Herman Melville, known primarily as the
Velke Losiny, North Moravia since the author of Moby-Dick, the story of Captain
beginning of the 16th century. Established Ahab's maniacal search for revenge against
by the Zevotin family, the actual Moby-Dick, the beautiful, white whale that
manufacturing site used to be a unique had injured and left him disabled, is widely
wooden workshop built from the remains of regarded as one of America's greatest and
a flour mill. The written records state that most influential novelists. A major figure in
this paper mill, which was soon followed by that group of eminent pre-Civil War writers -
others, began its operation between 1592 often called the American Romantics - who
and 1596. Other documents, such as the created a new and vigorous national
remains of the oldest surviving paper literature, he is also one of the most notable
samples, have watermark imprints with the examples of an American author whose
year 1596 and the Zerotin's family coat of work went largely unrecognised in his own
arms. The production of hand-made paper time and who died in obscurity, believing
didn't prove very profitable for the Zerotins himself a failure.
as there were a few similar paper mills in the
area which stiffened the competition.
67- According to the passage Herman
Melville ----.
64-We can conclude from the passage that --
--. A. was left disabled by a white whale
A. hand-made paper is only found in North B. helped Captain Ahab to take his
Moravia revenge from Moby-Dick
B. paper In North Moravia is no longer C. wrote mainly about the pre-Civil War
made by hand but by machine period
C. paper was only introduced to Moravia a D. only became well-known after his death
hundred years ago E. used animals very often as the main
D. the tradition of making paper by hand is characters of his stories
nearly five centuries old in North
Moravia 68-It's Implied In the passage that Moby-Dick
E. North Moravian paper is renowned ----.
throughout the world for its fine quality
A. was eventually killed by Captain Ahab
B. was Herman Melville's most famous
65-It's clear from the passage that C. could never be found by Captain Ahab
----. D. was one of the biggest whales seen
A. the first paper mill was designed around America
specifically for making paper E. caught the attention of the literary critics
B. the Zerotins used to be bread makers after the Civil War
before they started making paper
C. many documents were written about the
paper mills in North Moravia 69-The passage tells us that the "American
D. the first paper mill only worked for four Romantics" ----.
years before it went bankrupt
E. pieces of paper bearing the emblem of A. were not usually recognised in their
the Zerotin family still exist own life-times
B. considered Herman Melville to be a
66-The passage states that, because of the failure
rivalry with the other paper mills, the C. protested the Civil War by not writing
Zerotins ----. anything about it
D. were strongly opposed to the American
A. couldn't produce good quality paper Civil War
B. B)had to start producing machine-made E. started a new phase in American
paper literature
C. C)did not make much money
D. D)had to lower their prices
E. E)were forced to close down their mill
12 | S a y f a

Traditional Slovakian folk instruments Mata Hari was the stage name of a Dutch
include the fujara, a two-metre long flute, the dancer, Margaretha Geertruida Zelle, who
gajdy, or the bagpipe, and the korukovka, a was accused of spying for the Germans in
strident shepherd's flute. Folk songs helped France during World War I. An erotic dancer,
preserve the Slovak language during the she performed in Paris. Berlin, London, and
millennium of Hungarian control. Even Rome before the war and, as a neutral,
today, an aspect of Slovakian nationalism is continued to move about freely and perform
pride in the mother tongue and Slovaks can during the war. Among her many lovers
get angry when other Slavic languages are were high-ranking Allied military officers,
spoken instead of theirs. Another tradition, from whom she is alleged to have gleaned
which keeps Slovakian culture alive, is the valuable information that she passed on to
dancing which accompanies the music. the Germans. Arrested in Paris in 1917, she
While the songs tell of love, grief, was tried by court martial and sentenced to
anticipation and celebration, vigorous death. Opinion is divided as to whether she
dancing removes the uncertainty of life. was really a spy or not.

73-We can infer from the author's statement

70-It's stated in the passage that ----. that ----.

A. folk songs prevented the Slovak A. lack of solid evidence prevented court
language from dying martial from sentencing Mata Hari to
B. the folk instruments are chiefly played death
by the Slovak farmers and shepherds B. some high-ranking Allied military
C. Slovakian songs use a different officers were also involved in the
language for the lyrics espionage
D. the traditional Slovakian folk C. there are people who believe that Mata
instruments have their origins in the Hari was innocent of the charge
Hungarian culture D. it was French officers who made it
E. very few people know how to play known that Mata Hari was a German
Slovakian music nowadays spy
E. Mata Hari moved from country to
71-It's emphasised in the passage that the country in order to escape arrest
Slovakian culture ----.
74- Margaretha Geertruida Zelle was ----.
A. survived the long period of Hungarian
rule through its music and dancing A. the person who forced Mata Hari to spy
B. gradually became forgotten as people for the Germans
spoke other languages in preference to B. the actual name of the dancer known as
Slovakian Mata Hari
C. was deeply affected by the cultures of C. the Dutch dancer who accused Mata
other peoples in the region Hari of being a spy
D. has been best carried up to today by D. the name Mata Hari used when she
shepherds and peasants was in France as a spy
E. was not passed down to the younger E. Ea Dutch woman who helped Mata Hari
generations very successfully on the stage

72-The passage suggests that dancing ----. 75- The passage tells us that ----.

A. used to be more vigorous In early A. Mata Hari's performances weren't

Slovakian society restricted by the war
B. complements the music in Slovakian B. Mata Hari attained fame as an erotic
culture dancer during the war
C. symbolised the frustration of being born C. Mata Hari used to be an unknown
human dancer before the war
D. was not as popular as singing until D. there was no doubt that Mata Hari was
recently a German spy
E. is only performed at special E. Mata Hari didn't deserve to be punished
celebrations today by death
13 | S a y f a

The term soap opera refers to serialised The Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour in
domestic dramas that were so named 1941 resulted in the immediate entry of the
because, during the 1930s, when they were USA into World War II. In late 1941 more
first broadcast on radio, their principal than 75 US warships were based at this
sponsors were soap companies. The plots, base. On November 26, a Japanese force
which often take years to unravel, usually departed in secret from the Kuril Islands.
focus on the romantic difficulties of Observing radio Silence, it reached a
stereotyped middle-class characters. During launching point at 6 a.m., December 7. At
the 1960s, soap operas virtually disappeared 7:50 a.m., the first wave - of Japanese planes
from radio, but the format proved so struck Pearl Harbour, bombarding airfields
successful on television that much of and battleships. A second wave followed.
daytime programming is now given over to The surprise attack was over before 10 a.m.
them. The soap-opera public, once restricted Approximately 2,400 Americans 'were killed,
to housewives, has broadened to include 1,300 wounded, and 1.000 missing.
every part of the national audience. Japanese losses were fewer than 100
casualties, 29 planes, and 5 submarines.
76-It's clear from the passage that soap
operas ----.
79-The passage tells us that the Japanese
A. have an educational role for the attack on Pearl Harbour
audience ----.
B. B) require singers with very strong
voices A. had been expected by the Americans
C. C) appeal mostly to middle-class B. lasted about two hours
viewers C. made the USA retreat from the war
D. D) used to be watched only by D. caused both sides almost equal losses
housewives E. was carried out by only 100 Japanese
E. E) are no longer the most keenly soldiers
watched programs
80- According to the passage, until the
77- The author states that, today, ----. bombing of Pearl Harbour, ----.

A. radio programs don't attract as much A. the Japanese hadn't had any real
audience as TV programs success in the war
B. B) the plots of soap operas are too B. Americans had been in a more
dramatic to appeal to the m6dern advantageous situation than the
viewer Japanese
C. C) soap companies are not very keen to C. Japan hadn't lost so many soldiers and
sponsor such serialised dramas warships
D. D) viewers lose interest in soap operas D. the Kuril Islands hadn't been used as a
as they continue for years military base
E. E) soap operas are watched by every E. the USA had remained out of World
type of television viewer War II

78-One can conclude from the passage that

soap operas on television ----. 81-The passage points out that ----.

A. have proved very profitable for the A. there were 2400 Americans at the base
companies that sponsored them during the attack
B. have nothing in common with the early B. 1000 Americans were taken hostage by
radio programs the Japanese
C. reflect characters from all parts of the C. 75 US warships were sunk at Pearl
society Harbour
D. would find more audience were they D. the attack started early in the morning
shown in the evening E. it was the second wave that caused the
E. are basically the same as the ones that greatest damage at the base
used to be broadcast on the radio

14 | S a y f a

Ibuprofen is a mild drug used to relieve For people who have lost the power of
aches and pains and to reduce speech, the voice synthesiser is wonderful.
inflammation. Patented in Britain in 1964, it All they have to do is type what they want to
became available there several years earlier say on a lap top computer, and their words
than in the United States. The U.S. Food and are changed into sound. However, when we
Drug Administration approved its sale in speak, we use intonation and stress to give
1984. It may produce the same reactions extra meaning to what we say, and up to
experienced by people allergic to aspirin, now, computerised voices have not been
but it is less irritating to the stomach lining. able to do this. This makes it difficult to
Some doctors warn of possible kidney express things like urgency or irony. But
damage in the elderly or patients with heart new developments allow the user to add
or kidney disease. emphasis to what they are saying, choose a
voice of the same sex and approximate age,
82- It's clear from the passage that Ibuprofen and even to choose a similar regional
----. accent.

A. should be preferred by those who are 85- The voice synthesiser ----.
allergic to aspirin
B. is most suitable for severe internal A. is a way of helping people with no
pains voices to communicate
C. is similar to aspirin in certain respects B. is a device which intensifies the voices
D. is a drug which is used to relieve upset of mute people, thus enabling them to
stomachs speak
E. should be taken under strict control of a C. is a big help for all handicapped people
physician D. has revolutionised the lives of deaf
83- We can infer from the passage that ----. E. gives the best performance when
attached to a laptop computer
A. aspirin can irritate the stomach lining
B. Ibuprofen is less expensive than aspirin 86- It’s stated in the passage that the sound
C. Ibuprofen was available only in Britain produced by the voice synthesiser ----.
before 1984
D. Britain was more technologically A. is sometimes not clearly audible
advanced in the 1960s than the USA B. does not change depending on the age
E. it is better to suffer minor aches and and sex of the user
pains than to take Ibuprofen C. lacks certain qualities a natural voice
D. is difficult to produce in times of
84- As the passage suggests Ibuprofen ----. emergency
E. ignores the regional accent of the place
A. was produced as an alternative to where the user lives
B. does the greatest harm to kidneys 87-The passage emphasises that ----.
C. cannot be used safely for all patients
D. was banned in the USA in 1984 A. until recent developments, the voice
E. is widely used in Britain and in the USA synthesiser was almost useless
B. recent developments have made the
voice synthesiser more lifelike
C. anyone who can use a laptop computer
should use a voice synthesiser
D. urgency and irony are difficult for most
people to convey
E. someday we will all be able to speak
using computers

15 | S a y f a

The Roman Empire ruled the Mediterranean E. the German and Slavic rebellions were
world from about 500 B.C. to about 500 A.D., successfully crushed
almost a millennium. From a base around
Rome, it spread out to cover North Africa, Proverbs, an important part of conversation
the Middle East and Northern Europe. It had all over Africa, contain advice on behaviour
a complex governmental structure and a or observations on human nature. Many are
bureaucracy which enabled it to administer entertaining because they express ideas in a
the areas it conquered. The people surprising way. Instead of saying, "Be
surrounding the Empire were barbarians and careful," a Ewe might say, 'The housefly
nomads. Some of these, who were semi- does not play a sticky drum." When a Kikuyu
Romanised, were used as buffer states in says, 'The staring frogs do not prevent cattle
defence of the Empire, which, to some from drinking," he means, "Don't worry
extent, ensured its existence for centuries. about other people's opinions." Riddles,
Towards the end of the Empire's rule, some another common way to maintain
of these buffer states revolted. The final conversation, usually take the form of a
collapse occurred when the German and statement, not a question. So, in the riddle
Slavic barbarians from the buffer states "People run away from her when she is
broke through the defences and the Roman pregnant, but they rejoice when she has
Empire fell to the Germans. delivered," the question "What is it?", to
which the answer is "a gun, is understood.
88-The passage states that ----. Often the riddle is intended to display the
questioner's imagination rather than to test
A. the Roman Empire ruled the world for the cleverness of the audience.
about five centuries
B. in the end, semi-Romanised barbarians
proved to be the greatest threat to the
Roman Empire
C. the German tribes always hated the 91- The purpose of riddles in conversation --
Roman Empire --.
D. the final collapse of the Roman Empire
was caused by the failure of its A. is usually to challenge the person who
bureaucracy is being asked them
E. the Roman Empire was the greatest B. is often to show the creativity of the
Empire of all times person saying them
C. is said to be a sort of intelligence test of
89- The Roman Empire ----. the audience
D. can be to confuse the people who are
A. lasted longer than any other empire directed at
B. was a democracy except in the buffer E. be misunderstood by the speaker and
states the audience
C. ruled so brutally that its people rebelled
D. fell because it was administered so
E. was surrounded by barbarians and
nomads 92- According to the passage, in Africa, both
riddles and proverbs ----.
90-The passage suggests that the long
existence of the Roman Empire was partly A. are means by which conversation can
because ----. be kept up
B. can only be found in certain parts of the
A. it had the largest and strongest army in continent
the Mediterranean then C. show a lack of concern for the listeners'
B. it was the largest single power in the feelings
region D. always describe human behaviour in
C. they combined an efficient bureaucracy animalistic terms
with a clever military strategy E. are mainly used to pass traditions and
D. the barbarians in the buffer states were ideas onto younger generations
16 | S a y f a

93- The author tells us that African proverbs 96- It's mentioned in the passage that
----. temperatures over 25 C ----.

A. are the primary form of entertainment in A. have never so far been recorded in
most parts of Africa England
B. frequently surprise non-African people B. are not actually a problem for countries
because they are not expected in the southern hemisphere
C. are used to give advice or comment on C. are only bearable in England's' coastal
the way people act towns
D. are the sole form of human D. create discomfort in England's cities
conversation throughout Africa and, thus, poor working conditions
E. can easily be confused with riddles as E. will increase the number of people
the two are similar flooding to the coast
The weather forecast for the next century in
England is not very good. Winters will have In the 19th century, sugar cane became a
heavy rain leading to frequent flooding, major crop in the Hawaiian Islands. Rats,
gales will cause damage to trees and which came ashore from ships, began
buildings and storms and high tides will nesting in the cane and causing
threaten the coast. Summers will be drier considerable damage. Because the
with frequent droughts, particularly in the mongoose, a small mammal from India, was
south and east of England, with many more known to be an excellent rat hunter, they
days over 25 C - when cities become were imported and a law was made against
uncomfortably hot, having negative effects hunting them. After only a few years, the rat
upon people's work performance. Events population was significantly reduced.
like Easter's floods in the Midlands, However, at the same time the mongoose
described in the official report as happening population increased, and went looking for
once in 100 years, will occur at least every new sources of food: young pigs and goats,
10 years, as will other extreme weather for example. They also began to destroy the
events. native animals that ate the insects causing
damage to sugar cane. Soon the mongoose
94- The best way to summarise England's became a bigger problem than the rats had
weather forecast for the next century would ever been, and to this day they are a major
be that ----. pest in the Hawaiian Islands.

A. England is going to have plenty of water

B. both winters and summers will be more
C. buildings and trees will be damaged by
the weather 97-One generalisation we can make from the
D. here will be lots of floods, causing great passage is that, ----.
damage to coastal regions
E. it may not be safe to live in a coastal A. despite the harm it causes, the
town in England mongoose is an important pet in the
Hawaiian Islands
95-According to the forecast of England's B. the mongoose likes domesticated
weather, in winter ----. animals like pigs and goats better than
A. trees are going to fall down and C. rats were deliberately spread from their
damage buildings original habitat all over the world on
B. storms will only affect the regions on ships
the coast D. sugar cane is one of the most difficult
C. floods will be common, caused by crops in the world to grow
heavy down-pours E. man's attempts to change an
D. there are going to be water shortages in environment may not always come out
some places as he's intended
E. Easter's floods will occur once in 100
17 | S a y f a

98-We can infer from the passage that some 101-It is clear from the passage that ----.
animals native to the Hawaiian Islands
A. the law had the opposite effect from
A. feed exclusively on sugar cane what was intended
B. are declining in number because of the B. the number of Americans who obeyed
pesticides used against the mongoose the law was smaller than those who
C. have been exterminated by the didn't
mongoose C. the best way to stop people from doing
D. form a bigger threat to sugar cane than something is to make a law against it
the mongoose D. Prohibition was the main cause of the
E. eat insects and thus help reduce existence of slums in the 1920s
damage to sugar cane E. Americans in general like drinking
99- Compared to the rat, the mongoose ----.

A. eats more sugar cane

B. increases in number more quickly
C. was hunted by man in greater numbers
D. causes more damage in the long run
E. is not as good at surviving in a new

In the year 1920, the United States attempted

a hold experiment: making the drinking of
alcohol a crime. Many people, who felt that
alcohol was the root of all evil, thought that
this would bring about a new and happier
age. There would be no more need for
prisons, they felt, and slums would
disappear. However, in the end, new prisons
had to be built for all the new criminals
created by the new law. "Prohibition", as the
law was called, destroyed respect for the law
and led to an increase in organised crime,
but it did not stop people from drinking. On
the contrary, drinking increased during the
Prohibition period. In the end, the law had to
be reversed.

100- The author of the passage states that --- 102- When the law was introduced,
-. ----.

A. Prohibition only helped increase the A. no one thought that it would eliminate
consumption of alcoholic drinks organised crime groups
B. Prohibition could have stopped people B. the USA was the leading country in
from drinking alcohol, had it been terms of the amount of alcohol
applied effectively consumed
C. drinking alcohol is the cause of most C. some people were bold enough to fight
crime and violence against it
D. there were fewer prisons in the United D. there were people who believed that it
States after l920 would really work
E. drinking alcohol was the main reason E. a noticeable decline was observed in
for the emergence of slum areas the number of crimes committed by

18 | S a y f a

Around 8000 B.C. agriculture was Around a quarter of all prescription drugs
developed. People had never before eaten sold around the world are believed to be
so well, and a population increase followed. based on chemicals obtained from only forty
But this also meant that people had to give plant species. So far, fewer than 1% of the
up their free, nomadic life, and remain tied to world's 265,000 flowering plants have been
a single place. It also meant hard labour. tested for their powers to cure. In the past
Nomadism did not disappear, of course. few years, however, breakthroughs in
Those who retained the old wandering way computer technology, genetic engineering
of life continued to regard themselves as and other realms of biology have led to a
freer and more noble than settled peoples, "gold rush" to the rain forests and mountain
whom they would often raid. These divisions ranges of the tropics, home to uncounted
and conflicts between nomad and settled plant species. Here, scientists hope to profit
farmer continue in many parts of Africa and from the traditional knowledge of tribes,
Asia right up to the end of the 20th century. which had previously been looked down on
as "primitive" and "backward".

106- From the figures in the passage, we

learn that ----.
103-The passage states that one result of
the development of agriculture was that ----. A. there are only about 2,650 known
species of plant in the world
A. people didn't have to work as hard as B. about 265,000 of the world's flowering
they used to plants can be used as medicine
B. people began to make inventions C. breakthroughs in technology have
C. there was an improvement in people's diminished the interest in plants with
diet medicinal value
D. nomadism gradually disappeared D. plants that can be used as medicines
E. people became less savage are worth more than gold
E. around 25 percent of the world's
prescription drugs are plant-based
104- It is clear from the passage that----.

A. was invented after long periods of hard 107- The passage tells us that tropical rain
work forests and mountain ranges of the tropic ---
B. B) was regarded as too difficult by -.
C. C) was best carried out by the people in A. have been destroyed by the natives
Asia and Africa B. are a rich source of plants
D. D) also helped develop people's way of C. own extremely rich gold mines
thinking D. need to be protected from those rushing
E. E) prevented people from living as there for gold
freely as before E. are home to 265,000 plant species

105-From the information given in the

passage, one can conclude that, in Africa 108-The aim of the scientists going to the
and Asia ----. rain forests and mountain ranges of the
tropics is ----.
A. the nomadic way of life has gained in
popularity in the 20th century A. to extract huge amounts of gold with the
B. agriculture started earlier than in other help of the natives
continents B. to find out about the traditional ways of
C. nomadism which disappeared in life of the tribes people
ancient times, has been revived in C. to get information from the natives
modern times about plants with medicinal value
D. there are still people leading a nomadic D. to help the native peoples of the region
way of life become civilised
E. nomads can find m6re to eat than E. to become rich through the exploitation
settled farmers of the riches in the region
19 | S a y f a

Given its rich resources, large population Scientists have succeeded in making human
and regional importance, Nigeria's economic volunteers immune to malaria by injecting
performance over the past decade can only them with genetic material. The
be described as disappointing. Low breakthrough brings the prospect of a
investment and productivity levels, as well much-needed vaccine significantly closer.
as poor infrastructure, have led to poor Malaria kills between one and two minion
output. Political instability and a terrible people every year – mostly and mostly in
human rights record have frightened off Africa - and makes a further 500 million
many potential foreign investors. However, a people ill. The hunt for a vaccine has lasted
new government, and a package of for more than 20 years. Dr Stephen Hoffman
economic measures including an exchange and his team of researchers have taken from
rate reform, may be able to put the nation on the malarial microbe, which can not cause
a path to recovery and growth. the disease in themselves, into 20
volunteers, following successful tests on
animals. The volunteers' immune systems
109-The author of the passage does not were found to be as good as those of people
believe that ----. who have naturally contracted the infection
through a mosquito bite and recovered.
A. Nigeria is of great regional importance
B. the economic performance of the
country is so bad
C. Nigeria's present government can
recover the country from its bad
D. Inviting foreign investors to the country 112- The passage states that scientists----.
would be a good idea
E. Nigeria is characterised by political A. have just been successful in finding an
instability and a poor human rights effective vaccine against malaria
record B. illegally carried out tests on more than
500 people
110-The author's comments about Nigeria C. forced people to take part in their
can be best summarised as that ----. experiment to find a cure for malaria
D. have been looking for a way to protect
A. Nigeria's economy has great potential, people from malaria for over two
but has been mismanaged decades
B. in spite of sensible policies, Nigeria's E. have so far found approximately one
economy persists in performing badly million volunteers to take part in their
C. the state of Nigeria's economy is tests
D. the most urgent thing Nigeria needs is a
sensible family-planning
E. taking all factors into consideration,
Nigeria is a perfect place for foreign

111-The main problem for the Nigerian

economy has been----. 113-The passage gives us the information
that malaria ----.
A. an insensitive privatisation program
B. its poor resources, large population and A. is fatal for more than 500 million people
regional importance per year
C. the widespread violation of human B. mostly affects aged people who live in
rights Africa
D. a combination of factors resulting from C. will soon be eliminated from the Earth
bad government due to this discovery
E. the recent package of economic D. has spread to the rest of the world from
measures including an exchange rate Africa
reform E. is a disease transmitted by mosquitoes
20 | S a y f a

114- According to the passage, if someone 117- From the implication in the passage
has contracted malaria and recovered from about Islamic Taliban militia, we can
it, ----. conclude that ----.

A. he becomes naturally immune to the A. Pakistan must have achieved equality

disease in education
B. it's quite likely that he will suffer some B. they give girls less chance to attend
permanent ailments school
C. it is regarded as a miracle even by the C. they came to power using force
scientists D. they must have stopped the survey of
D. he will never be bitten by mosquitoes their educational situation
again E. Pakistani people must be too busy to
E. he should be vaccinated against the spend time on improving their education
disease without delay
If the Nobel Peace Prize were awarded for
actually securing peace, many of those who
According to a survey conducted between have received it would have to give it back.
1985 and 1995, there were fewer girls than For example, in 1994 Yasir Arafat, Yitsak
boys in schools world-wide. In the 51 Rabin, and Shimon Peres received the prize
countries with the most significant gap, 75 jointly, though years later Palestinians and
million fewer girls than boys were enrolled Israelis are still fighting. Mikhail Gorbachev,
in school. Afghanistan and Pakistan saw the who received the Prize in 1990, dissolved
greatest increases in the gap over the ten- the Soviet Union, but left the Russian
year period, in spite of the survey being economy in collapse and its people in
conducted before the fundamentalist Islamic chaos. One of the more notorious awards
Taliban militia came to power. On the other went to Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho,
hand, a number of Middle Eastern countries, who negotiated a cease-fire to end the
including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, Vietnam War. The war went on for two more
have made the biggest strides towards years and Le Duc Tho, though not Kissinger,
closing the education gap. was honest enough to decline the award.

118-What is emphasised in the passage is

that the Nobel Peace Prize ----.
115- In the 51 countries with the largest
gender gap in education, ----. A. is frequently given to people who have
not actually attained peace
A. the feminist movement has made B. has mostly been given to someone from
significant gains in recent years a Western country
B. the number of girls attending school C. has to be given to a different person
was gradually decreasing each year
C. male students outnumbered female D. has, in several cases, brought about the
students by 75 million end of bloody wars
D. the gap between educated men and E. is always given to people who have
women was diminishing brought about peace
E. the number of females enrolled in
school was only 75 million 119-It is clear from the passage that ----.

116-We understand from the passage that A. corruption is involved in awarding the
the survey----. Nobel Peace Prize
B. all the people who have received the
A. was carried out in 51 countries Prize should give it back
B. reflects the educational states of the C. the end of the Soviet Union has proved
countries over a ten-year period beneficial for the rest of the world
C. did not include any of the Western D. the Nobel Peace Prize can be given to
countries more than one person in the same year
D. was conducted under great difficulty in E. the award has led to a new
certain countries understanding between Israelis and
E. is repeated every ten years Palestinians
21 | S a y f a

120- The author believes that some of those

who were awarded with the Nobel Peace
Prize ----.

A. had, in fact, worked for their own good,

not for world peace
B. returned the Prize when they were
involved in a war in later years
C. had, in the first place, started the wars
D. did not actually deserve it
E. were not even politicians

1C 26E 51C 76D 101A
2A 27C 52D 77E 102D
3D 28E 53B 78E 103C
4E 29D 54A 79B 104E
5B 30D 55B 80E 105D
6A 31C 56C 81D 106E
7B 32B 57E 82C 107B
8D 33E 58D 83A 108C
9B 34D 59A 84C 109C
10A 35E 60A 85A 110A
11E 36A 61C 86C 111D
12C 37D 62A 87B 112D
13C 38E 63B 88B 113E
14E 39C 64D 89E 114A
15D 40E 65E 90D 115C
16A 41C 66C 91B 116B
17A 42D 67D 92A 117B
18D 43C 68B 93C 118A
19E 44B 69E 94B 119D
20E 45C 70A 95C 120D
21B 46E 71A 96D
22A 47A 72B 97E
23E 48B 73C 98E
24B 49D 74B 99D
25A 50E 75A 100A

22 | S a y f a

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