Nnarayanvnayak Foundation Design Manual PDF

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Asnienex BAsu FOUNDATION DESIGN MANUAL PRACTISING ENGINEERS and CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDENTS NARAYAN V. NAYAK BE. (Civ), M. Tech, PhD. (Univ. of Wisconsin, U.S.A.) CChief Executive, Gammon Nirman Limited and Senior Vice President, Gammon Tadia Limited Formerly, Executive Director, Asia Foundations and Constructions Ld Principal Enginer (Civil-Geotechnical) Tata Consulting Engineers, Bombay and also Professor, University of Panama Panaina, Central America Foust Fully Revised and Enlarged Edition @ DHANPAT RAI PUBLICATIONS (P) LTD. FIRST FLOOR, 67/4, MADRAS HOUSE, DARYAGANJ, NEW DELHI-110 002 Phone : $27 4073 All rights reserved by the Author ‘This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced without the written permission ofthe Author and Publishers First Edition: 1979 Second Euition : 1982 Third Edition: 1985 Fourth Edition : 1996 Reprint: 1997 Reprint : 2001 Price : Rs. 170/- Published by: Ish Kapur, for Daanpat Ral Publications (P) Li, Duryagan), New Deli 110002 Typesetby — EPTECH, Mayur Vihar PhasI, Dehi1 10091 Primed at: To) ress, A35! Mayopar Industral Ara, Phase, New Deki PREFACE TO THE FOURTH EDITION ‘The fourth edition of the book has been folly revised and enlarged, particularly the chapters on “SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATIONS’ and "PILE FOUNDATIONS” PoblishersM/s. Dhanpat Rai and Sons have also taken additional pains to improve the quality of publication. The author believes hat hisfourth ¢dition will be equally well received by civilgeotectnical enginces ‘The author takes this opportunity to invite constructive criticism on this fourth edition. This will go along ‘ay in making further improvement during the fith edition. BOMBAY, 1996 N.v. NAYAK PREFACE 10 THE THIRD EDITION ‘The response to the second edition ofthe book has also been encouraging and the third edition has o be ‘brought out in three years ‘The third edition of the book has been fally revised and enlarged. An Annexure on Geotechnical Instrumentation has been added. The author believes that tis tied edition vl be equally well received by sivil/geotechnica engineers ‘The author lakes this opportunity to invite constructive eriicism on this third edition, Ths wil goa long ‘ay in making further improvement during the fourth edition. BOMBAY, 1985 N.V. NAYAK PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION ‘The first edition ofthis book was completely sold out in just one year ater its publication. The second dition of the book could not be brought out immediately thereafter, For this delay the author conveys his sincere regrets, ‘The second edition ofthe book hasbeen fully revised and enlarged. An Annexe on Prestressed Achors as been added. It is believed that this second edition will be equally well received by civil/geotehnical engineers. ‘The author takes this opportunity to invite constructive citcism,ifany, on this second edition. This wil ‘0a long way in making further improvement during the third edition. BOMBAY, 1982 NV. NAYAK PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION “This book has bedn written to serve primarily asa foundston design manualto practising geotechnical and civilengincers and asa text boo for postgraduate studens in geotechnical engineeing Ik ilalsoserveas ‘reference book on foundation engineering for undergraduate students in civil engineering. “The subjectmate ofthis manval as been divided into sx chapters and eleven Annexures. The mamtal covers wide rangeef topics interest for practising civil enginersas wouldbe evident from the contents. Some ofthe opie covered in Axxexures ae dificult find in books on foundation egincering but the knowledge of which i esseatial in overall eotechnical recommendations on foundation engineering, "The material in the manual hasbeen treated in Metric System of Units, the system widely used in India at presot, and SI System of Units (Le System Intemational de Units), theinternational system prescsbed by the ‘General Conference of Weighs and Measures of 1960, “The subject mtr inthe manual es been so presented as offi the following objectives: “The manval brings out the vasious approaches as usd in practice of foundation engineering Both the rationalised and empirical approaches found valuable have been inched inthis manual. Geotechnical ‘engineering, although great strides have been made init in recent year, i il a less precise science Structural engineering, IC emains, to an important extent, an art ased on experience and judgement. The ‘material inthis manual ispresented, therefore, asaseries of suggested ratherthan mandatory procedures which reflectsoundandsafe techniques, The limitations and applicability ofeachof ne approaches have been brough ‘ut This itisbetieved, would guard agains the danger of misjudgement and misapplication by enginecrs less experienced inthe field of soil mechanics and foundation enginecrng "There can be certain shortcomings in the foilment of the above cited objectives. Some of these shortcomings can result from thelinitediteraure, imeand space available; some othe mutations result from the fact that some par of the subjet-matter may be overstressed or unde-sresse for some ofthe readers as resentation ofthe subject-matter sclary affected by personal views, judgement andexperience ofthe author. "The author invites constructive criticism and suggestions as aids to Future improvements. “The author wishes to acknowledge that information fortis manoal is gathered from many publications. An atempt is made o acknowledge these publications at appropriate places in the test and under references, However, thereare bound tobe omissions, but such omissions are unintentional. Als, the author has used the material generously from hisproposed text book on Soi! Mechanicsand Foundation Enginceringandalso fom the Review Paper an Expansive Soils which are currently under preparation “The author expreses his sincere thanks to the management of M/S Tata Consulting Engincers for their encouragement in writing such a manual. In this connection the author would particularly express his indebtedness to Mr. MR. Ranga Rao and Mr. F-S.A, Pavama, Engineering Managers; Mr. S.N. Manohar, ‘Additonal Chief Civil Engineer: Mr. S.P. Joshi, Deputy Chief Civil Engineer of Tata Consulting Engineers fortheircontinvous encouragement. Their encouragementin wsingsoil mechanics based approachesin solving, seotechnical probiemsoffoundation engineering ndalso ther receptiveness oapplicationof new rationalised {ideas on jobs engincered by Tata Consulting Engineers helped greatly inthe author's efforts to bring this ‘manual ‘Theuthoris especialy indebted to Prof Dinesh Moke, Director Central Building Research insite ‘Vice President (Asia) International Society Soil of Mechanics and Foundation Engineecig for his pains- taking sortny ofthe manuscript and his Foreword Thanks ae also de to Publisets Mls. Dhanpat Rai and Sons for bringing this manual. Finally, dhe author thanks his wife Suman. This manoal has seen the light of the day only because of silent series curing his heavy involvement with writing ofthis manual BOMBAY, 1979 N.V. NAYAK FOREWORD ‘The past thirty years have witnessed explosion ofliteratue inthe eld of Geotechnical Engineering. A host ‘of new ideas, concepts and theories have been born as a result of intensive geotechnical activites the world ‘over. The hiatus between the scientific temper and the operating temper however contindes. This is because ‘the recent developments have failed to convince the practising foundation engineer who is often faced with the dtemma of selecting between the best solution according othe current state-of-the art andthe engineering solution feasible within the ambit of his know-how, time and resource, What is more, conflicting answers 10 2 given problem provided by application on diffrent theories create confusion mich the same as wen discrepancies are seen between in situ and laboratory test results or between theoretical prediction and actual performance. Design Aids and Manuals ply an important role in clearing the confusion created by new theories. They ‘expose the engineer tothe scieafic methodology of tackling a problem. Dr. Nayak's Foundation Design ‘Manual possesses the above characteristics in a good measure. It should therefore serve asa source book of facts, formulas and design methods otherwise scattered inthe maze of literature. It should also serve a & ‘eference book and guide tothe practising geotechnical engineers. Clarity of presentation and comprehensive coverage of the subject have combined 19 preduce this Manual which should fulfil the needs ofthe stadent ‘community as wel ‘The text of the Manval covers subsurface exploration; shallow and deep foundations; foundations subjected to dynamic loading; earth pressure; and stability of slopes which when coupled with attendent informatio famished inannexutestothe Mana produceatotal picrueshortof‘engineeringjudgement’,Andtatshould never have a substitute, for without it geotechnical engineering willbe lifeless and the geotechnical engineer ‘will lose his individuality or even identi, : Dinesh Mohan ROORKEE Director 15 March, 1979 Central Building Research nstsue and ‘Vice President [Asia], ISSMFE CONTENTS Chapier Tite Pages 1. Subsurface Investigation 1st 2. Shallow Foundations and Allowable Bearing Pressure 85-138 3. Pie Foundations 139-216 4. Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loadings 217-240 5. Lateral Earth Pressure and Earth Retaining Strctures 241-262 6, Stability of Slopes Anexares ‘AcL Siressin Soils fom Flastic Theories ‘A2 Soil Compactio AB In-Place Treatment of Foundation Sols ‘Act Modulus of Submergod Reaction ‘A-5 Liquefaction of Foundation Soils Under Earthquakes A-6 Degree of Various Consistency Limits of Soils ‘AJ Expansive Soils ‘A-8 Etecis of Chemicals in Subsol and Groundwater on Concrete Substructures ‘AD Corresion of Sel Piles 366-367 ‘A-10 Bored Castin-Sita Piles—Convéntional Bored Piles Versus Piles Cast by Continuous Mud Circulation Technique 368-373 ALI Prestressed Anchors 374-391 A-12 Geotechnical Instrumentation 392-409 Ac13 SI Units in Engineering 410-411 References 41242 ‘Symbols : 428-132 Subject Index 455-439 Title DETAILED CONTENTS. 1, SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION - 113 1d 115 116 a7 118 119 1.20 1 12 123 125, 126 Introduction ‘Methods of Subsurface Investigation Geophysical Exploration—Seismic Refraction Method 13.1 Introduction 132 Refraction Method 1.33. Limitations of Seismic Refraction Method Depth of Investigation 14. ‘Thumb Roles Spacing and Number of Feld Tests Undisturbed Samples In Situ Measurements of Soil Properties “Measurement of Soil Properties in the Laboratory ‘Standard Penetration Test, SPT Corrections to Measured Values of SPT N of SPT and Consistency of Soils LULL Nof SPT Versus Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils —Skempton's Approach Dynamic Cone Penetration Test L121 Advantages of Dynamic Cone Peneration Test over Boring and SPT 1.12.2 Limitations of Dynamic Cone Penetration Test Static Cone Penetration Test 113.1 Advantages of Static Cone Penetration Tet over Boring and SPT 1.13.2 Limitations of Static Cone Penetration Test id Vane Shear Test ld Permeability Test Pressuremeter Test ‘Vertical Plate Bearing Test Rock Coring Groundwater Investigation Preservation, Shipment and Storage of Samples Phase Relationships and Related Formulae Engineering Classiftation of Soils 1.22.1 Textural Classification 1.22.2. ‘The AASHO Soil Classification System 1.22.3 Extention of ASHO Classification to Indian Black Cotton Soils 1.224 Indian Standard Classification 122.5 Soil Classification and Soil Characterisies Importance of Careful Observations during Field Investigation Presentation of Data Report ‘Selection of Design Parameters 1.26.1. Selection of Testing Method Pages 184 SSSSRRSSRAGARSEYGSASAERRAESSRERBREETS eeeen 2. SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS AND ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE, 21 Introduction 2.1.1 Shallow Foundstion 212 Allowable Bearing Pressure 2.2 Modes of Failure 2.3 Ultimate Bearing Capacity 23.1 Uliate Bearing Capacity of Concentcally Loaded Foundations 253.2 “Influence of Groundwater Table 23.3 Eocentrically Loaded Footings 23.3.1 Conventional Method 23.32 Meyethol's Approach 23.4 Footings with Inclined Loads 23.3 Footings on or Adjacent to Slopes 23.5.1 Footings Adjacent toa Slope 23.52 Footings on a Slope 23.6 Footingss on Stratified Sols 23.6.1 Sower's Approach 23.6.2 Reddy and Srinivasan's Approach 23.63 Brown and Meyerhot's Approach 23.64 Vesi's Approach 23.6.5 Teheng’s Approach 233.66 Mandel and Salencon’s Approach 24 Total Versus Net Ultimate Bearing Capa 2.5 —Ractors of Safety and Allowable Bearing Pressure 26 Determination of Bearing Cupacity Based on N Values of STP or other Penetration Test Data : 26.1 Granular Soils 262 Cohesive Soils 263. General 2.7 Uttimate Bearing Capacity from Plate Load Tests 27.1 Determination of (a) 27.2 Extrapolation to Predict (4, geagfO no Surcharge 27.2.1 Cobesionless Soils (ie. fr Sails with = 0) 2°72. Purely Cohesive Soils (or where = 0 Condition i Vaid) 2723 0-4 Soils Determination of Bearing Capacity from Pressuremeter Tests Bearing Capacity from Building Codes ‘Bearing Pressure on Rock 2.10.1 Method based on Presumptive Bearing Values 2.102. Method based on Core Strength 2.103 Method based on Presuremeter Tests 2.104 Method based on other Soil Mechanics Approaches 2.11. Settiement Considerations 212 Contact Pressure 2413 Vertical Pressure below the Plane of Contact with the Foundation 2.14. Settlement Components 102 103 107 24s 216 247 28 219 contents Immediate Settlement Consolation Settlement 2.16.1” Field Method fr Estimating Preconslidaion Pressure 2.162. Graphical Methods for Estimating Prconsolidation Pressure 2.163 Method to Obtain Field Vergin Compression Curve 2.164 Normally Consolidated, Overconslidatd and Subconsolidated Soils 2164.1 Consolidation Setlement of Normally Consolidated Sub-sols 2.1642 Consolidation Setlement of Overcousolidated Subsoils 2.1643 Consolidation Setlemen of Subconsoidated Soils 2.16.5 Skempton Bjerfum Correction for Three-Dimensional Effects ‘Time Rate of Consolidation Settlement 2171 Case of One-Dimensional Drainage 2.17.11 Instantaneous Loading 2.1712 Gradual Rae of Loading 2.172 Case of Three-Dimensional Drainage Secondary Compression Allowable Bearing Pressure for Permissible Total Settlement 2.19.1 Approaches Based on N Values of Standard Penetration Test ‘The Terzaghi-Peck-Approach for Footings on Sands Meyerhof's Approach for Footings on Sands “The Peck-Hansen-Thornburn-Approach for Footings on Sands 2.19.14 D'Appolona et-al-Appreac for Footings on Sands 2.19.15 Parry's Approach for Footings on Sands 2.19.2 Approaches Based on Dynamic and Static Cone Penetration Tests 2.193 Bifects of Cohesive Admistures on Setlement of Footings Founded on Sands 2194 Hough's Approach 2.19.5 Approach Based on Vertical Plate Bearing Test 2193.1. ‘The Terzaghi-Peck-Method Cohesionless Soils Cohesive Soils 2195.2. The Taylor Method 2193.3 The Housel Method 2.19.6 Approach Based on Presuremeter Tests 2.19.7 Davis-Povlos Method 2198 Stress Path Method 2.199 Other Approaches Methods for and Their Accuracy in Predicting Setlement of Structures Founded (on Sands and Clays. Settlement Prediction of Structures Founded on Mixed Soils Foundations on Fils Foundations on Soft Deposits Foundations on Expansive Soils Subsoil Improvement Loads for Settlement Calculations Designing Footings for Equal Settlement Effect of Chemical Nature of Sub-soil and Groundwater on Fouad 109 13 13 U3 us 116 NG 6 16 us 0 0 120 rey) m2 m2 126 126 126 126 3, PILE FOUNDATIONS 3. Introduction 3.11 Pile Classification Based on their Functions Compression Piles 3.1.12 Tension Piles 3.1.13 Batter Piles 3.1.2” Pile Ciasification Based on Their Composition Timber Piles 3.1.22 Concrete Piles 3.1.23 Stel Piles 3.1.24 Composite Piles 3.13 Pile Classification Based on Method of Tstallation 3.13.1 Driven Piles Bored Piles 3.2 Capacity of an Individuat 32.1 Inuroduction 32.2 Structural Capacityofa Pile 323 Capacity ofa Pile Based on Soil Support 3.3 Selection of Design Parameters 3.3.1 Introduccion 33.2 Selection of Testing Method 33.3 Types of Stengih Parameters Drained or undrained 33.32 Effects of Insalation 33.33 The Generalised Subsoil Profile le Capacity based on Dynamic Formulae 34.1 Formulae 3ALLL Engineering News Formula 34.12 Riley Formats 3.4.13 Modified Engineering News Formula Pacific Coast Uniform Building Code Formula Gates Formula 3.4.16 Danish or S) Formula Janbu Forma 3.4.2 “Validity of Dynamie Formulae 3.43 Limitations of the Method 35 Capacity of individual Piles Based on Static Methods 35.1 Introduction 35.2. Effecis of Installation of Piles 3.5.21 For Clayey Subsoils For Sandy Subsois 35. Piles in Cobesionless Soil 3.5.1 Pile Capacity from Standard Penetration Test 3.53.2 Pile Capacity from Static Cone Penetration Test 3.5.33 Pile Copacity based on Theory of Plasticity 3a 143 43 M3 43 M3 Ma 44 us a M6 M6 7 7 w us 49 149 130 130 131 151 151 132 153 36 39 3.10 3a ‘Some Other Formulae for Estimating Pile Capacity Biles in Cohesive Soils Pile Capacity based on Theory of Plasticity CCosle-Rease Method Piles in Soils Intermediate between Sand and Clay General Approach Specified Formulae Pils in Layered Deposits General Piles on Rocks and Socketing Socketed in Rocks Capacities of Certain Special Types of Piles 358.1 Under Reamed Bored Cast in Sita Piles 35.82 Micro Piles 35.83 Element Piles 35.9 Uplif Resistance of Pile 35:10 Factor of Safety and Allowable Capacity of Pile For Downward Loading 3.5.10. For Uplift Condition APile Load Test 36.1 Introduction 362. Uhimate Load Capacity from Initial Load Test 3.6.3 Allowable Load Based on Permissible Settlement 364 Cyclic Load Test 3.653 Method of Load Application ‘Ale Group: An Introduction Capacity of Pile Group 38.1 Pile Group ia Clays 3B.L1. Free Standing Group 3.81.2 Piled Foundations 382 Pile Groups in Sands 382.1 Free Standing Group 3822 Pied Foundations 383 Bearing Piles 384 fect of Eccentric Loading on Group Capacity 385 Load Distribution in a Group 386 Uplit Resistance ofa Pile Group Settlement of Pile Group 3.9.1 Introduction 3.9.2. Suresses on Surrounding and Underiying Subsoil Strata 3.9.3 Settlement of Pile Group in Sands 3.9.4 Settlement of Pile Group in Clays 3.9.5 Settlement of Group in Weak Rocks Spacing of Piles in a Group Driving and Redriving of Piles [Negative Skin Friction BID. Development of Negative Skin Friction 184 184 j | conresrs 3.4122. Estimate of Down Drag Force 3.123 Methods 1 Eliminate or Reduce Down Drag Force 3.124 Load Tests on Piles Designed for Negative Skin Friction 3.13 "Vertical Piles Subjected to Lateral Forces 3.13.1 General 3.132 Methods of Solution 3.13.2. Horizontal Load 3.13.22 Moments and Deflecions 3.13.3. Cooficent of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction 3.13.4 Methods to Increase Lateral Resistance of Piles 313.5. Lateral Load Test 3.13.6 Socketing of Piles to Resist Moments 3.14 Influence of Pite Driving on Adjacent Structures 3.181 Settlement 3.82 Heave ‘4. FOUNDATIONS SUBJECTED TO DYNAMIC LOADINGS 4a 42 Blements of Vibration 42.1 Harmonie Motion 42.2 Undamped Free Vibrations of Single Degree of Freedom System 423, Damped Free Vibrations 424 Damped Forced Vibrations 42.4.1, Exciting Force with Constant Amplitude 42.42 Rotating Mass Type Excitation 42.5" Systems with Two of More Degree of Freedom Desiga Criteria for Dynamically Loaded Foundations Desig Procedure: Lumped Parameter Approach 44.1 Introduction 442 Equivalent Mass 443. Elfective Damping 444 Effective Spring Constant 44.1. Mettod based on Elastic Ha Space Theory 44.4.2 Method based on Test Results 4443 Method based on an Empirical Formela 44.3 Exciting or Dynamic Force 45 Effect of Embedment and Soil Stratification on the Values of Lumped Parameters 46 Suggested Alternatives when Design Criteria are Unsatisfied 47 Use of Pies in Foundations Subjected to Dynamic Loadings, 47.1 End Bearing Piles 47.2 Friction Piles 5. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE AND EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES. $4 Introduction 52 Coefficient of Earth Pressure at Rest, Ky and its Value 207 208 209 210 210 210 210 au 211 24 24 ais 216 216 216 217-240 27 217 217 218 218 29 20 2m 2m 2m 226 226 27 27 229 29 233, 24 234 235 236 237 238 238 241-262 2a 2a

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