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Review of Related Literature and Studies

The review of literature is the most important part in the planning an execution of any research
study. A review gives an insight into latest studies in the area. It helps in exploring the area and
developing the perspective for the research trends. This chapter presents the relevant literature and
studies that serve as basis and foundation of the study.

Related Literature


Krashen (2017) concluded that students whose parents are educated score higher on
standardized tests than those whose parents were not educated. Educated parents can better
communicate with their children regarding the school work, activities and the information being taught
at school. They can better assist their children in their work and participate at school.

Learning is often enhanced when children have an opportunity to interact with and
collaborate with others on instructional tasks. In these situations, children have opportunities for
perspective taking and reflective thinking that can enhance their self-esteem and development. Quality
interpersonal relationships can provide trust and caring that increase children’s sense of belonging, self-
respect, self-acceptance, and produce a positive learning climate Wentzel (2015).

According to Thorndike (2014), pupils learn more effectively and easily, and retain that
learning longer, if it has pleasant consequences. Thus, rewards, successes, or positive reinforcement
further learning, while punishments, failures or negative experiences hinder it.


According to Aquino (2017) if the teacher serves as an ideal role model, demonstrates
competence, as well as confidence, in the subject he or she is teaching, the students will respond
positively. This rule applies to administrators as well. In the contrary, the favoritism of the teacher can
also affect the learning process of the students. The way their teachers deal with them is one thing.
Though teachers have different strategy on imparting knowledge, students do not understand it easily.
They will be confused on things regarding on how and why the teacher has their favorite students

As stated by Celeste (2016), There is no doubt that modern technology has an effect on the
study habits of students today. The positive side of modern technology is that it makes things easier for
students to research for their homework and projects. However, it is also right to mention that
technologies are also a major distraction for students.

When teachers are warm and supportive, they provide students with a sense of
connectedness with the school environment and the sense of security to explore new ideas and take
risks—both fundamental to learning. However, it is not always easy to be warm and supportive,
especially when provocative student behaviors thwart the teacher’s efficacy to perform his or her
primary instructional role and/or the school culture promotes punitive control measures over more
authoritative approaches Solomon (2014).



Breus (2016) stated that more and more research studies demonstrate that daytime
sleepiness from chronic sleep deprivation and poor quality sleep has significant impacts on daytime
behavior and academic performance, as well as concentration, attention, and mood. It is not widely
recognized and appreciated just how pervasive and critical quality sleep is for brain development and
how it directly influences daytime functioning, performance, mood and behavior.

Children needs positive attention. Criticism, complaining and negative comments are
discouraging and often result in more misbehavior. But encouragement, optimism and positive strokes
are to kids as fertilizer is to plants. It’s the stuff that really makes them flourish- as Rudolf Dreikers
statement that “each child needs continuous encouragement just as a plant needs water." Kuzma (2014)

Keman (2014) Socio-economic factors like attendance in the class, family income, and
mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained teacher in school, sex of
student and distance of school are also affected the performance of the students.

According to Fabian (2017), the world is changing fast. Technology continues to advance at
lightning speed and anyone who doesn’t keep up is in danger of being left behind. As a result, the way
students study has changed significantly. While books still remain a valuable tool, the need to spend
hours and hours sitting in the library has reduced dramatically. Students now have numerous options
available to them when it comes to learning techniques.

Academic achievement for children occurs within the construct of proper nutrition, living
condition of parents and parents support to their children, as there is mutual influence between
academic factors and non-academic factors for a child, Clark (2016).

According to Vernez (2014), parents from rural areas that have not been privileged to know
the benefits of having good education may not be impressed to advise their children to go to school or a
child who does not know the challenges and prospects of pursuing a degree does not give importance of
attending regularly on their classes.

Based on the literatures and studies shown, many researchers and authors pointed out the
factors that affects the academic achievements of students, some even mentioned strategies used by
people and institutions to overcome the phenomena.


This chapter presents the research methodology of this study, including the research design, the
locale, the respondents of the study, and instruments used in gathering data.

Research Design

The researcher used qualitative research design. Shank (2002) definea qualitative research as
"a form of systematic empirical inquiry into meaning." Lincoln claims that it involves an interpretative
and naturalistic approach: "This means that qualitative research study thinks in tyeir natural settings,
attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meaning people bring them."

The researchers used qualitative reseaech because it is primarily concerned with gaining
experience with a setting and is instricallyan explanatory endeavor Mann (2003). Thus, it has the
potential to generate new theoriesand ideas and is therefore particularly applicable to the study.

Specifically, the study utilizes case study research design in order to analyze the reasons in
the increasing number of low-achieving students. Case study are the preffered strategies when " why" or
"how" questions are being posed, when the investigation has a little control over events, and when the
focus is on a contemporary phenomenon within sone real life context, Yin (1984).

Research Locale


Located at J.P Rizal Street, San Vicente East Calapan City, The The Oriental Mindoro National
High School (OMNHS) is the flagship campus and the largest public high school in Oriental Mindoro. It
was established in 1921. It offers high school education from first year to fourth year and currently offers
Senior High School as compliance to the K-12 Program of the government. Oriental Mindoro National
High School is known for its exemplary performance in the fields of academics. It is one of the Southern
Tagalog region's leading institutions of secondary learning specializing in mathematics, science and
technology, English and Filipino subjects. It was formerly named Oriental Mindoro High School and Jose
J. Leido, Jr. Memorial National High School and is headed by Dr. Nimrod Bantigue.
The proponents, the Grade 12 Arts & Design, Sports is a track dedicated into shaping student's
skill in the fields of arts and sports.


The respondents will come from the students ofGrade 12 Arts & Design, Sports. Through a
survey-questionnaire, the researcher will be able to identify what factors really affects their performance
in their class.


The type of sampling used in this study wa sthe purposeful sampling. It was used because the
participants were identified through the preselected criteria wherein the respondents of this study are
the students of Grade 12 Arts and Design, Sports in Oriental Mindoro National High School.

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