You Hear Someone Talking About Herding Reindeer

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You hear someone talking about herding reindeer.

1) What is the source of Ella's tension?

 A) The fact that she might lose a baby reindeer.

 B) The fact that the water might be too cold.

 C) The fact that the herd might react in an undesirable way.

2) What does the speaker mean with the word derail?

 A) Become uncontrollable.

 B) Miss their scheduled arrival at the station.

 C) Get stuck in the ruts caused by previous migrations.

You hear someone talking about gathering wild horses in Mongolia.

1) In which way does Ulan trick the mares?

 A) By making the mares think there are more riders than there actually are.

 B) By making the mares think their foals are in danger.

 C) By making the mares think his horse is faster than them.

2) What does the speaker mean when he says the foals are feisty?

 A) The fact that they are strong.

 B) The fact that they are aggressive.

 C) The fact that they are difficult to control.

You hear someone talking about setting off avalanches.

1) In which way are they controlled?

 A) They are controlled because the explosives have a trigger.

 B) They are controlled because the time and location of the avalanche is predetermined.

 C) They are controlled because the air temperature is carefully studied.

2) Why was the first attempt considered a failure?

 A) Because a large accumulation of precarious snow still remained.

 B) Because the avalanche happened at the wrong place.

 C) Because the avalanche was timed incorrectly.

 Bamboo's unique properties became evident when the dog was (1) a piece
with her teeth.

 Bamboo bikes started off by being known as high (2) things.

 The initial plan of making bikes for the locals came up against a (3) .

 Africa receives donated bikes by the (4) .

 The manufacturing process could not be sufficiently (5) to make the selling of
bikes to the locals viable.

 The company in Zambia was thrilled to get the (6) to make bamboo bikes.

 They were excited to be part of the global economy and the (7) .

 The raw material used for the bikes grows in (8) around Lusaka.

 The components of the bike are assembled on a jig to (9) them properly.

You hear two people speaking about their fondness for trains.

1) What point does Philip make about the people who are involved in the locomotive side of

 A) Some avoid doing it because it's too dirty.

 B) Some worry about the dangers involved.

 C) Some find it to be an instinctive activity.

 D) Some only do it for the financial rewards it brings.

2) When Mike discusses why he enjoys the world of trains, what contrast does he identify
between the different groups of people he interacts with?

 A) A difference in social status.

 B) A difference in ages.

 C) A difference in technical ability.

 D) A difference in motivation.

3) What view is stated by Mike about how the railway has helped him in his role as a parent?

 A) It has helped him develop a closer relationship with his daughter.

 B) It has taught him patience.

 C) It has helped him focus on his daughter's career possibilities.

 D) It has given him stability in his life.

4) When discussing different aspects of the railway, both speakers agree that

 A) age does not need to be a handicap.

 B) both men and women are equally welcome.

 C) it can be quite demanding.

 D) cleanliness is not the first adjective that springs to mind.

5) What final conclusion do both speakers reach about volunteering on the railway?

 A) The time they have spent has been difficult but worth it.

 B) They have both learnt a lot.

 C) They are better people for having been involved with it.

 D) It has helped them grow while at the same time giving them a direction for the future.

You will hear five people talking about their holidays.


Choose from the list what the speakers did or would like to do on their holidays.

A - Sleep on a stranger's sofa for a few days.

B - Learn a new skill.

Speaker 1

C - Get close to nature and wild animals.

Speaker 2

D - Feel the wind in your hair.

Speaker 3
E - Get out into the fresh air.

Speaker 4
F - Get away from it all on the water.

Speaker 5
G - Giving something back.

H - Ride the wild waves.


Choose from the list what they enjoyed about the experience and how they benefitted from it.
A - Helped me stay beautiful.

B - Connected with strangers.

Speaker 1

C - Enjoyed wild creatures expressing themselves.

Speaker 2

D - Had the opportunity to enjoy some beautiful buildings.

Speaker 3
E - Learnt a lot about myself.

Speaker 4
F - Made many incredible friends.

Speaker 5
G - Found religion.

H - Satisfaction at being of use.

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