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1. Name of the Beneficiary :

2. Address :

3. Age :

4. Sex : Male Female

5. Community : SC ST BC GENERAL(FC)

6. Educational Qualification : Illiterate Primary High School

Graduate Post Graduate

7. No. of members in the family :

8. No of earning members in the family :

9. Household Expenses per month :

10. Savings :
11. Under which category you belong

I. Marginal Farmer

II. Small Farmer

III. Medium Farmer

IV. Large farmer

12. Distance to the bank …… kms

13. Number of Years of experience in agriculture ……… Years

14. How many acres of land cultivated? :

15. What method of cultivation is adopted? : i) Traditional ii) Modern

16. Type of crops cultivated : i) Major Crop ii) Minor Crop

17. Purpose of loan : i) Minor irrigation/Land Development

ii) Farm mechanization

iii) Diversified activities

iv) Agriculture Development

v) Horticulture/Plantation

vi) Rural Housing

vii) General schemes

18. State the amount of loan borrowed : Long term (`)

from i) PCARDB

ii) Commercial Bank

iii) Other Co-Operative Societies

iv) Money lenders

v) Others (Specify)

19. Loan details : Long term (`)

i) Loan applied

ii) Loan sanctioned

iii) Loan repaid

20. Loan utilized for the purpose term of loan : i) Less than 5 Years

ii) 5 to 10 Years

iii) Above 10 Years

21. Is the loan sufficient for the purpose?: i) Not Sufficient

ii) Partially Sufficient

iii) Fully Sufficient

22. Term of loan : i) Less than 5 Years

iv)5 to 10 Years

v) Above 10 Years

23. When do you repay the loan? : i) Before Due Date

ii) After Due Date

24. Obtaining of loan records : i) Easy and inexpensive

ii) Difficult and costly

iii) Very Difficult and costly

25.Procedure of getting loan from the : i) Easy

bank ii) Moderate

iii) Difficult

26.State the period of overdue : …………

27.Recovery of loan : i) Liberal

ii) Strict

iii) Very Strict

28.Causes for overdue : i) Monsoon failure

ii) High input cost

iii) Low demand for agricultural produce

iv) Government policy

v) Others (Specify)
29. Please state how the following factors have affected your utilization of credit facilities
Very Very
Least Some Great
Factors least Great
extent extent extent
extent extent
Inferior quality of
Market conditions
Sanctioning the loan
Social factors
Weather condition

31. Effect of utilization of Credit facilities

Factors Before After Utilization
No. of labourers
Agricultural Income (`)
Assets (Hose, Land etc) (`)
Business income (`)
Other Assets (Tractor, Pumpset, etc.,)
Savings (`)
Debt (`)

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