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The Word is mightier than sword

These words were first written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839; a

renowned writer of his time. May be as a writer he sure knew what he
was taking about but I partially disagree with him.
No doubt, Words can be uplifting, joyful, and loving, or they can be
threatening, hateful, and terrifying. Words can fall on many ears, they can
be read by many eyes, and they can spark actions that can add value to
the world or set it on fire. Words can be found in music and art, in politics
and prayer, It can make life colorful and can also make its colorless. It is
the pen that exposes such anti-people, nation or unscrupulous person
and pin point him to the society to have him thrown off die. Proceeding
further we can say that make a promise or murmur the name of a lover;
incite someone to commit a crime or make a confession.
Actually, Words are like actions. They never go without consequences.
But at the same time the impact of sword cannot be ignored because
stubborn people don’t listen to you till they have a drastic thrashing.
Sometimes it is necessary to use weapons to bring peace and History
confirms it many times whether you are taking about the attack of
Muhammad Bin Qasim; as Raja Dahir don’t listen to words or you are
considering the basic Rule of Ottoman Empire; when any prince ascend
the throne he has to slaughter his brothers to avoid any kind of
conspiracies and insurrection or even if you look into the fact why Sultan
Salah ud Din Ayaubi attacked the Muslim king and slaughtered him, just
to bring peace.
Words have a more lasting and profound effect on the world than a
random act of violence. For example, the writings of eminent persons like
Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Tagore, Milton, etc. still ripple out across after
many hundreds of years, while the names of good sword fighters are
easily forgotten. It is said that
“Old soldiers never die, but they just fade away!
We live in fear of terrorist acts, mass shootings, and armed crime, but we
should care more about who is saying the words that are triggering the
If you tell a big enough lie, and tell it frequently enough, it will be
The Impact of Words can be positive and it can also be negative. The
positive influence of words can also reach millions of hearts and minds,
and change lives and the fate of nations. Jinnah’s non-violent acts and
remarkable words gave a country its independence, Clinton’s efforts to
stop the war between Greece and Turkey and the words of Martin Luther
King, Jr. still ringing in the minds of American people.
They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing
those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime.
They’re rapists…
The impact of negative words have an extra strange effect than positive
words. An act of violence in itself doesn’t have the lasting and profound
effects that words do. For example a presidential candidate just said that
during a televised debate, but he’s clearly playing dumb and ignoring
reality. His words have already had a deep effect on an entire country,
even though he claims they don’t mean anything. The truth is his words
mean something to millions of people, and he has reached many ears,
many eyes, and many hearts. His words might determine the fate of a
nation, perhaps for the worse because Words are more powerful as they
can spawn acts of violence and even war. And wars do change the world.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot
drive out hate; only love can do that.
Sometimes I think the world is more willing to read and listen to hateful
words than positive words. Most of the time, it seems like words of
intolerance, fear, and hate reach more hearts than words of love,
tolerance, and peace. It is the reality and we know that
“Truth is always sour”
We can also consider the might of words scientifically. Words are more
than elements of speech or writing. When spoken out loud, words
transform into frequency and vibration that can be used to harness
energy and harm or heal the body. It is not the magic but a reality that
words has energy and this energy depends upon the personality of a
man. For instance, if the religious sermon is given by Mufti-e-Azam then
you surely listen to it carefully and have firm believe in words but if same
sermon is going to deliver by an ordinary man u may be don’t try to listen
to him.
So I want to finish it by concluding the fact “ Word is mightier than
sword”. But the important thing is we don’t care about words when we
talk to others but we are very careful about other’s word. Actually,
there’s no gray area here, it’s either positive or negative. Choose your
words wisely, because words can be more powerful than any weapon on

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