Science Unit 2 - The World of Living (2. Movements and Breathing of Animals)

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Questions with Answers

# Q1. Why do animals move?
A1. Animals move from one place to another in search of food, shelter and a safe place for their off-

# Q2. How do ducks move?

A2. Ducks have webbed feet to move around in water. They do not have nerves in their feet so they
cannot feel when water is cold.

# Q3. How do fishes move?

A3. Fishes have fins, one pair in front and one pair at the back to move in water. The unpaired fins helps
the fish to maintain balance and the tail fin helps in changing direction in water.

# Q4. How do insects breathe?

A4. Insects have holes on their bodies called spiracles. They have a network of air tubes called trachea
which runs across the whole body. Air passes through this network of tubes to the whole body of the

# Q5. How is the breathing of a tadpole different from breathing of a frog?

A5. (i) A tadpole breathes through its gills in water. (ii) These gills have blood vessels which can absorb
oxygen dissolved in water and give out carbon dioxide. (iii) An adult frog breathes through its
lungs on land and through its moist skin in water.

# Q6. Describe the breathing process of land animals.

A6. (i) Air enters the lungs through pipe. (ii) The lungs have blood vessels. (iii) The blood takes in oxygen
and supplies it to all parts of the body. (iv) Carbon Dioxide is released into the lungs from the
blood through the blood vessels and is exhaled out of the body through lungs.

# Q7. What are the special features that help a bird to fly?
A7. (i) The bones of a bid’s body are light and hollow. (ii) They have a boat shaped body and wings are
attached to their breast bone with strong muscles. (iii) They have feathers to keep them warm.

# Q8. Mention the characteristic features of a reptile.

A8. (i) They are usually cold blooded. (ii) They have dry scaly skin. (iii) They lay eggs. (iv) E.g. snakes,
lizards and crocodiles.

# Q9. Write the organs for the movement of the following animals.

Animals Organs for movement Animals Organs for movement

Human/ Land animals Limbs Snake Plates or scales, muscles

Duck/ Frogs Webbed feet Turtle Four padded Limbs
Fish Fin Penguin Two fore hind limbs
Octopus Tentacles Grasshopper Hindlimbs, wings
Cockroach Legs Rabbit Padded toes

# Q10. Describe the limbs of land animals.

A10. (i) Animals on land have four limbs. (ii) The two in front are called fore limbs and the two at back
are called hind limbs. (iii) Some animals use all the four limbs to run, hop or walk, while some use
their limbs to swim or burrow. (iv) A horse uses its four limbs for galloping. A rabbit has padded
toes for running and large hind limbs for hopping.

# Q11. Write the organs of breathing of the following animals.


Animals Organs for breathing Animals Organs for breathing

Human Lungs Tadpole Gills

Fish Gills Insects Holes on the bodies of insects
Frog Lungs, moist skin Birds Lungs
Whale/ Sea turtles Lungs

Contd .. Pg(2)

# Q12. Give reasons


(a) Whales and dolphins come to surface of (a) Whales and dolphins are water animals, but they are
water at regular intervals. both mammals. They have lungs to inhale oxygen and
they exhale carbon dioxide through their nostrils
called blowhole in the water.
(b) Ducks can swim in cold water. (b) Ducks have webbed feet to move around in water.
They do not have nerves in their feet so they cannot
feel when water is cold.
(c) Humans are higher form of animals (c) (i) Humans have well developed hands and feet to
enable them to walk, stand, erect and to do all
kinds of work.
(ii) Humans have highly developed brains to think
which has helped them to invent robots, computers
and other complex machines.

Q13. Give reasons


(a) Reptiles crawl on land (a) Reptiles have limbs to move but they crawl on land to
lay eggs.
(b) Snakes find it easy to move on rough (b) Snakes find difficult to move in smooth surface
ground grounds because of their scales but moves easily on rough

Q14. Answer the following


(a) Which is the largest living land animal? (a) The largest living land animal is the bull African
elephant which is about 12 ft. Tall.
(b Which is the tallest living land animal? (b) Giraffe with height of approx 19ft.
(c) How a surface-dwelling fish move? (c) This surface dwelling fish is a four eyed fish which
can see in air and water simultaneously. Its each eye
is divided by flaps, so there is one opening in the air
and one in the water.
(d) Give example of birds that can walk and (d) Emu, penguin , ostrich.
(e) What is the movement of ants, beetles , (e) Crawling.
bed bugs, lice and cockroaches called?
(f) Name a flightless bird? Where is it (f) Emu is a flightless bird. It is found in Australia. It is
found? Mention some features of it. approximately 2 metre tall and moves at a speed of 60
Km/hour. Its wings are only 1/10th of body length
which acts as stabilizers while running.

Q15. How do snakes move?

A15. Snake is a reptile that has no limbs but scales or plates on the underside of their body attached to
their ribs. These plates act as feet, enabling them to move.

Q16. How worms and lizards move ?

A16. Worms and lizards do not have legs but uses their special designed head to burrow through the soil.
They have small eyes and do not need to see as they live in dark.

Q17. Why all living things need air to breathe ?

A17. Oxygen that a living being breathe in burns the food to release energy and helps it to carry out various

Contd .. Pg(3)

Q18. Fill in the blanks

(a) Animals on land have ___ types of limbs. (a) 2

(b) The front limbs of land animals are called__. (b) forelimbs
(c) The __ helps a fish in changing direction in water. (c) tail fin
(d)The bones of a bird are __ and hollow. (d) light
(e) Reptiles that do not have limbs____. (e) Snakes
(f) Reptiles breathe through their ____. (f) lungs
(g)Aquatic animals take in ____ from water while land (g) dissolved oxygen , air.
animals take from ___.


# Q1. Why do animals move?

# Q2. How do ducks move?

# Q3. How do fishes move?

# Q4. How do insects breathe?

# Q5. How is the breathing of a tadpole different from breathing of a frog?

# Q6. Describe the breathing process of land animals.

# Q7. What are the special features that help a bird to fly?

# Q8. Mention the characteristic features of a reptile.

# Q9. Write the organs for the movement of the following animals.

Animals Organs for movement Animals Organs for movement

Human/ Land animals Snake

Duck/ Frogs Turtle
Fish Penguin
Octopus Grasshopper
Cockroach Rabbit

# Q10. Describe the limbs of land animals.

# Q11. Write the organs of breathing of the following animals.

Animals Organs for breathing Animals Organs for breathing

Human Tadpole
Fish Insects
Frog Birds
Whale/ Sea turtles

# Q12. Give reasons

(a) Whales and dolphins come to surface of water at regular intervals.

(b) Ducks can swim in cold water.
(c) Humans are higher form of animals

Q13. Give reasons

(a) Reptiles crawl on land

(b) Snakes find it easy to move on rough ground grounds

Q14. Answer the following

(a) Which is the largest living land animal?

(b Which is the tallest living land animal?
(c) How a surface-dwelling fish move?
(d) Give example of birds that can walk and run.
(e) What is the movement of ants, beetles , bed bugs, lice and cockroaches called?
(f) Name a flightless bird? Where is it found? Mention some features of it.
Contd .. Pg(2)

Q15. How do snakes move?

Q16. How worms and lizards move ?
Q17. Why all living things need air to breathe ?
Q18. Fill in the blanks

(a) Animals on land have ___ types of limbs.

(b) The front limbs of land animals are called__.
(c) The __ helps a fish in changing direction in water.
(d)The bones of a bird are __ and hollow.
(e) Reptiles that do not have limbs____.
(f) Reptiles breathe through their ____.
(g)Aquatic animals take in ____ from water while land animals take from ___.


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