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We would like to thank my advisor, Ms. Christine Mae V.

Asilp for the patient guidance, encouragement and advice she has
provided throughout time as her students. We have been extremely
lucky to have a advisor who cared so much about my work, and who
responded to my questions and queries so promptly.
Also we would like to thank God who Gives us strength to
do, to complete our research paper.
To our members who sacrifice and contributed time just to
finish on time.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the
previous researchers who gives us knowledge to our research.
Lastly those students participate and answer our questionnaire
and those people who answered honestly. Speacially to our parents
who gave us financial support for our research activities.

The Problem and its Background
Social media is an internet-based form of communication,
and web‐based technology to facilitate social interaction between
a large group of people through some type of network. In common
widely used network is the Internet. But social media platforms
are also for local networks as well.Social media is growing
rapidly and becoming a vital part of everyday life, because of
the latest technological revolution Today, as we all know social
media has reached upto that limit where you can find anyone, you
can know about everything and can gain knowledge relating to
anything. It’s good to keep us updated with what’s going on in
the world.But, with all these benefits of social media, there are
a lot of bad things and negative effects that might take place.It
is the Biggest Source of distraction among students,it's
insensitive, a student might not be prepared to counter a media
form as per his/her age group. Nowadays students are getting so
much into social media that they can be termed as addicted
.Social media can easily ruin someone’s reputation by spreading
rumors all over the internet. Students that use social media
regularly may lose their ability to engage in face to face
communication. Even if the world is turning to technology,
students must know how to communicate in the real world. Social
media websites are becoming notorious for cyber bullying. This
has become an alarming trend. Students may write hurtful messages
about other students and this could scar students for life. Yet
another problem with social media is that it is impossible to
know whether students will use the medium in a constructive
manner. Students may post inappropriate content like pornography
on social media. This will defeat the purpose of the medium
altogether. Social media is a rather effective way for students
to make friends and also to get their education. At the same time
there are certain disadvantages as well. The true challenge lies
in overcoming the disadvantages and ensuring that the advantages
create the desired impact.
Background of the Study
Social media has negative impact on academic performance.
Student may have reason to be concerned about excess social media
use. It is crucial to determine the impact of social media on the
academic performance of students. Technology is booming rapidly
from year to year, and the younger generations are the ones

caught in this rapid change. Purpose Social media has transformed
and influenced communication, research and education in general
through the vast variety of online tools which are available for
communication.The objectives of the research study is to examine
and analyze the influence of Social Media on the academic
Performance of students and their social interpersonal skills.
The world is today celebrating the improvements in communication
technology which has broadened the scope of communication
through Information and Communication Technologies . Modern
Technology in communication no doubt has turned the entire world
into a “Global village”. But as it is, technology like two sides
of a coin, bring with it both negative and positive sides. It
helps people to be better informed, enlightened, and keeping
abreast with world developments. Technology exposes mankind to a
better way of doing things. Social networking sites include:
Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Whats app
messenger, Skype, Google talk, Google Messenger, iPhone and
Androids. These networking sites are used by most people to
interact with old and new friends, physical or internet friends .
The world has been changed rapidly by the evolution of
technology; this has resulted into the use of technology as the
best medium to explore the wide area of knowledge.
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to know the perceived effects of social
media to the academic performance among Grade 10 students of
Nagpayong High School;
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the
following :
a. Age b. Gender
2. How does social media affect the academic performance of the
students in relation with this;
a.Focus on doing homework / projects b.
Concentration on studying lessons
3. What are the negative effects of social media to the students?

Significance of the Study

STUDENTS. Social media can actually harmful. They find it
difficult to go about their normal life without making use of

social media. It has been observed that student does not listen
in class, they are busy chatting and reading stories online. For
teachers,social media can harm them,in a way of,posting or
mentioning their name with a post against them.
PARENTS. Social media can affect their parenting..For better or
worse, social media has changed their way of parent.They may not
have been able to get a conversation to their child problems.

Scope and Limitation

This study tends to know the effects of social media (such
as facebook, instagram, messenger etc.) addiction in the academic
performance of the students. This is selected only for the
Nagpayong High School of 100 respondents.
Definition of Terms
Anxiety- is your body's natural response to stress. It's a
feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come. The first
day of school, going to a job interview, or giving a speech may
cause most people to feel fearful and nervous.
Virtual- being such in essence or effect though not formally
recognized or admitted, of, relating to, or being a hypothetical
particle whose existence is inferred from indirect evidence.
Inadequate- lacking the quality or quantity required;
insufficient for a purpose ,unable to deal with a situation or
with life.
Judicious- having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.
Crucial- decisive or critical, especially in the success or
failure of something.
Informed- having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or
Abreast- side by side and facing the same way.
Enlightened- having or showing a rational, modern, and well-
informed outlook.

Review of Related Literature

The first source Neal (2012) stated that the term social
media relates to the many easy-to use services that anybody can
use to interact with other people online such as Facebook,
YouTube, Blog, Twitter and so on and so forth. Therefore, using
social media easy and simple services, enable us to create online
presence very easily as signing up for Facebook and Twitter
account, subsequently create our own content on the web within
minutes. Besides that, academic achievement is the ability of
student to study and remember facts and being able to communicate
his/her knowledge orally or in written form even in an
examination condition.
FACEBOOK users may feel socially successful in e-world but
they are more likely to perform poorly in exams, according to new
research into the academic impact of the social networking
website. Mostly students spend a lot of time on these sites
during exams instead of on preparation for their exams. The
Karpinski research shows that students who used Facebook had a
“significantly” lower grade point average – than those who did
not use the site. The majority of students who use Facebook every
day are underachieving by as much as an entire grade compared
with those who shun the site. Researchers have discovered how
students who spend their time accumulating friends, gossiping and
poking others on the site may devote as little as one hour a week
to their academic work. Karpinski says she isn’t surprised by her
findings but clarifies that the study does not suggest that
Facebook directly causes lower grades, merely that there’s some
relationship between the two factors. May be Facebook users are
just prone to interruption.
Conclusion overall, social media appeared to be a very
useful tool for students in their lessons as they use them to
improve their learning process i.e. to communicate effectively
with each other, receive university-related issues and get other
necessary information. In other words, social media seemed to be
modern tools of learning for undergraduates in Afghanistan.
However, their negative effects seemed to be very poor as
compared to their positive effects as they described that too
much use of social media as a concern, which wastes their time
and money. It is suggested that the lecturers, faculties and
others social media users, especially Facebook pages owners,
disseminate advantageous issues which help students in terms of
enhancing their knowledge and information. In addition, no

differences were found between students' academic achievements
and their positive and negative social media use.
Second idea, by Ybarra et, al. (2007) study found that
engaging in many different kinds of online risky behaviors
explain online interpersonal victimization more than engaging in
specific individual behaviors‖. Interestingly, according to
Ybarra et al., (2007) engaging in online risky behaviour takes
place while youth is using the internet with friends or peers.
Social media has a great impact on people’s daily life. At
this point, it can be said that social media enables people to
ensure a practical communication channel with other people all
over the world and perform many other information-related
activities like reaching to the desired information, editing it
or sharing it with other clients over the Internet—web
environment. Because their highly interactive using features and
functions, social media services are widely used by people, over
computers or computer related systems like mobile devices. In
time, communication and interaction related benefits of social
media have enabled this approach to be used within different
fields of the modern life. The education field is one of these
fields in which social media has a remarkable popularity. In the
sense of the related explanations, objective of this work is to
evaluate effects of social media on students. At this point,
effects of social media on students have been examined by using
a student survey tool. In this sense, a total of 102 university
students (from different departments—study areas) have been
enabled to fill different survey sections in order to receive
responses for especially some statements regarding to effects of
social media over students’ general activities. In order to
ensure a specific evaluation perspective, the work has been done
in Turkey and in this way; positive and negative effects of
social media over Turkish students have been analyzed briefly.
The work has been done because evaluating both positive and
negative effects of social media on students makes it possible
to analyze better importance of social media within students’
life and obtain some certain ideas about effects of the social
media on improving students’ knowledge and abilities or just
limiting them. Obtained findings with this work show that the
social media affects (Turkish) students generally in a positive
manner. But it can also be said that negative use of social
media can prevent students from improving their cognitive level

and affects their social and physical aspects in a negative
In conclusion it is without doubt that social media is and
will remain an important tool in human life as far communication
is concerned. Today mankind is harvesting tremendously from its
existence not only in mere communication point of view but also
in most scholarly activities. Different forms of education
including distance education has been widely patronized and
facilitated to some degree through these social media networks.
Acquiring information both locally and internationally from
friends, lectures or experts is no longer a struggle as compared
to the olden days and the internet is the ultimate master behind
this success. “Social media is a useful servant but a dangerous
master” and can also be “described as a two edge sword” and as
such, users especially students must be alert about its dangers
and be prudent in its utilization. The nature of social media as
a useful servant but a dangerous master” and a two edge sword has
been revealed in the findings of the study that, despite the
benefits that students can harness from social media networks
such as sharing of information, building relationship, partaking
in group discussions from near and far among others, there is to
some extent addiction and distraction of attention caused by the
use of social media which could have serious consequences on the
academic life of students.
A third writer, Keol Lim and Ellen B Meier (2012) in their
study clearly highlighted how and why Korean students use Social
Networking Sites and what are the advantages they find by using
Social Networking Sites. The study as such begins with the
explanation of how the number of international students getting
admission in U S universities has increased. It also refers to
psychological experiences of international students such as
disorientation, nostalgic depressive reactions, and feelings of
isolation, alienation and powerlessness.
The study primarily examines how Facebook affects social
capital depending upon: types of site activities, contrasting
one-on-one communication, broadcasts to wider audiences, and
passive consumption of social news, and individual differences
among users, including social communication skill and selfesteem.
The major goal of the study was to observe how different uses of
a large Social Networking Site influence different types of
user’s social capital. Social capital is the actual or potential
resources which are linked to a durable network of more or less
institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance or

recognition. The study states that college students are motivated
by social information-seeking, using Social Networking Sites to
learn about people they have met offline, and expressive
information sharking, feeling greater to bridge social capital.

The third author concludes that the studies cited in this

chapter give a clear picture of the diversity in studies on
Social Networking Sites. The Social Networking Sites are a highly
important medium of communication and entertainment, especially
for youth. As a matter of fact youngsters are far more attracted
than any group of people to Social Networking Sites. This may be
due to the vast advantages that these sites provide including
better access to people around the world, instant messaging,
video Chapter – 2 Review of Literature Page 90 calling, access to
various products and services of many companies and brands and
much more. In this era the development of technology and its
accessibility has enabled rapid expansion and popularity of
Social networking Sites. Consequently this global phenomenon is
affecting interpersonal relationships of many. This aspect only
stresses upon a detailed research work to be carried out
involving interpersonal relationships and Social Networking
Sites. As such, the present study primarily focuses upon college
students in the Indian context. College Students are the mass
users of these sites and hence it becomes important to analyse
them in relation to their Social Networking Sites usage and the
impacts it causes has on their interpersonal relationships.
A fourth source, Young (2006) in a study titled “the effect
of internet use and social capital on the academic performance of
students” observed that the internet expands its reach to
teenagers’ school life. Young noted that students are more
reliant on the internet to access information that is involved in
school life as well as entertainment. The researcher further
added that internet, though consumes time, has less effect on
The Social networking sites and blogs which are being used
today with tremendous passion and zeal have transformed the way
of using internet in recent years by describing online tools and
utilities which allow users for communication, participation and
collaboration of information online. Today’s young generation,
especially teens and youth are using technology through
innovative ways due to which they are referred to as Millennials
and have changed the ways we think, work and communicate even

though they are in formative years of their life. Today’s youth
because of these social networking sites have become technology
addicts and are quite introverted.
This author concludes that the use of social media has
become very popular all around the world due to a great
development of technology in recent years. People across all
walks of life make use of social media sites. Many people have
become so use to social media that they can spend a good number
of hours on the social media particularly students. This study
was conducted to investigate the impact of social media on
student academic performance. The findings revealed that the time
spent on social media can negatively affect student academic
activities. Therefore it is our suggestion that for students to
be more productive, the need to minimize the time they spend
engaging on social media activities

The fifth source, according to the statistical analysis of

a study conducted on the school students of Abu Dhabi, mixed
relationships were observed among learning from social
networking, perceived performance, and the effect of social
networking. Though, use of social networks contributes towards
improvement in the reading skills. Nevertheless, its incorrect
use may disturb the academics.
Social media performed a vital role to encourage alliances
in order to develop an effective society across the world.
However, problems were also observed to be faced in its usage.
These problems that cause trouble during studies if relied upon
include the availability of internet, electricity failures, the
lack of privacy and the health issues.
This author concludes that study under consideration is a
descriptive one that is conducted and concluded on the basis of
literature. Though mixed results were found for the positive and
negative outcomes of using social media websites and channels.
However, it is concluded that use of this technology is
increasing all over the world and in developing countries
including Pakistan. It has both its pros and cons and its use
cannot be avoided to remain competitive and align with the
requirements of changing scenarios. Nevertheless, the major
responsibility lies on the teachers in universities how they
educate their use to the students.

We found 1(one) main idea/s about the negative effects of
social media to the students.

Main idea/s
The students should manage their time using social media.
Avoiding poor grade, being lazy in studying, pointed so much in
gadgets. The use of social media is not good for students, it
will have a great impact on their education. Time management I/we
found as a solution to avoid the negative impact of social media
on students.

Explain how the ideas are different or the same.

The ideas was the same, because students are so addicted
using social media they do not know how to manage their time
using this in the middle of everything too much wasted time
using the social media than to study. Social media is a useful
servant but a dangerous master.

Research Methodology

Method of Research
The things that we used for the research is about the
effect of social media in which we tackle about the survey we
made if there is a good and bad effect using the social media and
if it helpful in our study.

Subject of the Study

It was selected the year of 7, 8, 9 & 10 from the Nagpyong
High School. We selected 25 students per year, they have
different ages, which means they are not the same as their answer
to our survey.

Description of Research Instrument

A well-constructed and self-developed questionnaire titled
“what are the negative effects of social media to the students?”
was used to get the desired information from the students.
The questionnaire was divided into two sections (A and B).
Section A was for collection of information on personal data of
respondents while Section B consisted of questions that elicited
responses from the respondents with response options: Yes or No.

Data Gathering Procedure

The first step used was to ask the students per year to conduct a
survey. The questionnaire was distributed to the respondents
after securing the permit. Copies of the approved questionnaire
were distributed in order to gather the relevant data. The
intstrument were retrieved after they were finished answering.

Chapter 4
Presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data

Result of the Study

Table no.1
Frequency distribution of respondents in Nagpayong High School

Grade Level Frequency

Grade 7 25

Grade 8 25

Grade 9 25

Grade 10 25

Total 100

Table no.2
Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents according
to Age
Age Frequency Percentage Rank

12 11 11% 5

13 22 22% 2

14 26 26% 1

15 21 21% 3

16 16 16% 4

17 4 4% 6

Total 100 100%

Result presented that in terms of age given in table 2
indicated that the age of the student respondents varsed from
Twelve (12) to seventeen(17) years of age with most of the
respondents belonging to age bracket of fourteen with 26%,
followed immediately by thirteen years old with 22%, on the third
ranked was the of fifteen with 21% and followed by sixteen years
old with 16%, and for the fifth ranked twelve years old with 11%
and seventeen years old with 4%
This data clearly revealed that most of the respondents
belong to the young group ups age group. This also indicated that
the ages of the students in certain classes were heterogeneous
because of the wide division of age as presented in the table.

Table no.3
Frequency and percentage distribution of respondents according
to Gender
Gender Frequency Percentage Rank

Male 41 41% 2
Female 59 59% 1

Total 100 100%

Result presented that in terms of gender given in table 2

indicated that the most respondents belonged to female
respondents with 59% and followed immediately of male respondents
with 41%.

Figure 1

Do you have social media accounts?
yes no



Do you have social media accounts?

Students answered YES with the percentage of 97%.Many
students in Nagpayong High School that have social media
accounts. Followed by NO with 3%.

Do you think social media has negative effects
to your studty?
yes no

49% 51%

Figure 2

Do you think social media has negative effects to

your study?
Students answered YES with the percentage of 51%.Many
students in Nagpayong High School that think social media has
negative effects to their study. Followed by NO with 49%.

Figure 3

Did you notice that you have much more time in
social media than doing your school works?
yes no



Did you notice that you have much more time in

social media than doing your school works?
Students answered YES with the percentage of 65%.Many
students in Nagpayong High School that think they gave much more
time in social media than doing their school works. Followed by
NO with 35%.

Figure 4

Did you think social media disturb you to do
your school works?
yes no


Did social media disturb you to do your school

Students answered YES with the percentage of 57%.Many
students in Nagpayong High School that think social media has
negative effects to their study. Followed by NO with 43%.

Figure 5

After school, did you use social media
yes no



After school, did you use social media immediately ?

Students answered YES with the percentage of 60%.Many
students in Nagpayong High School that use social media
immediately after school. Followed by NO with 40%.



Address: BLK 2 LOT 11 Kodmon Village Nagpayong Pinagbuhatan Pasig

Place of Birth: TAGUIG CITY
Religion: CATHOLIC
Civil Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Birthday: NOVEMBER 16,2002
Mobile Number: 09185066914
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE


Address: San Lorenzo Ruiz Taytay Rizal

Place of Birth: SORSOGON
Religion: CATHOLIC
Civil Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Age: 16
Birthday: AUGUST 4,2002
Mobile Number: 09369943067

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE


Address: Sandoval Compound BLK 25 LOT 5 Pinagbuhatan Pasig City

Place of Birth: PASIG CITY
Religion: CATHOLIC
Civil Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Age: 17
Birthday: MARCH 4,2002
Mobile Number: 09289619165
Father’s Name: ELMER FLORIDA
Occupation: CHEF
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE


Address: BLK 6 LOT 9 Lanzones Street Pinalad Road Centennial II
Brgy. Pinaguhatan Pasig City

Place of Birth: OSMAC
Civil Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Age: 15
Birthday: FEBRUARY 13,2004
Mobile Number: 09391817644
Occupation: SALESMAN

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE


Address: San Lorenzo Ruiz BLK 49 LOT 15 PH 1 Road 5 San Juan

Place of Birth: MAKATI CITY
Religion: CATHOLIC
Civil Status: SINGLE
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Birthday: DECEMBER 13,2002
Mobile Number: 09179244443
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE


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