1R - Sources For The Study of History

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Sources for the Study of History

The topic of sources can be dealt with in two parts: Primary and secondary Primary sources can
be included Archaeology such as Numismatics and Epigraphy.

The importance of archaeology as a source of ancient Indian history is growing day by

day on account of new excavations. Under the heading of archaeology we discuss the
information derived from inscriptions, numismatics and monuments. Inscriptions have been
written in different languages and dialectics. They have been engraved on a variety of materials
such as stone, rock, pillar, caves, metal plates, clay earthenware etc. A majority of them are
written in old Brahmi, can be grouped under the following heads: commercial, magical, religious
and didactic, administrative, eulogistic, votive and deductive or donatives, commemorative and
Literary. Inscriptions of Asoka are the best specimens of religious and didactic Inscriptions.


The study of coins are called The coins of the Kushan, Bactirian, Indo-Greek, Parthian
and Saka rulers of ancient India are of great importance not only for corroborating evidence
derived from other sources but also yielding vital additional information.. Those coins helped to
given lot of information about kings and their administration and their years his economic
prosperity of India


The Monuments remnants found at different places in India have helped us in finding out
the process of Social and economic development of the Indian people at different times in
different parts of India. Monuments such as building idols wall paintings etc have helped us in
finding the culture and civilization of India during the later period as well.


The study of inscriptions. Epigraphy is literary record inscribed either on stones, slabs,
walls, pillars or on copper plate records events of donations or communication of a dharma or
providing protection.
Literary Sources

Sources of Indian history are partly sacred and partly secular. There were four Vedas viz,
Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Yajur Veda fall in the category of sacred literature. The
Brahamans are prose commentaries on the Samhitas or Vedic Hymns. The Aranyakas and
Upanishads embody philosophical meditations of the sages on God, soul and the World. The six
Vedangas are Phonetic, astronomy, ritual , Grammar, etymology and Metrics.

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the two great epics are useful sources of
information. Another source is the Puranas. They are in 18 numbers. They deal with five topics,
one of which is Vamsacharita and it is this topic which is useful to students of Indian history.
However the information from the Puranas is to be used with great caution. A lot of research has
been done on the Puranas.

Buddhist literature is very rich and throws light on many topics not dealt with by
Brahmanical writers. Buddist literature is found in two languages, Pali and Sanskrit.the original
Buddhist taxts are known as Tripitakas. They are in three in number. The vinayapitakas describes
rules and regulations for the guidance of Buddhist monks and the general management of the
church. The Sutta Pitaka is a collection of the religious discourses of Buddha. The Abidhamma
Pitaka contains an exposition of the Phiolosophical principles underlying Buddhism.

The original Jain religious texts were called Agam. Afterwards those were compiled into
14 Purvas. Again the first ten Purvas were rearranged in 12 Angas in the 5 th century A.D. At
present, only 11 Angas are available.

The Mudraraksha of Vishakha Datta gives the story of Chandra Gupta Maurya and
Chanakya. The Arthasastra of Kautilya contains useful information regarding the system of
administration and religious and social life of the people. Panni’s, Ashtadhyayi and Patanjalis
Mahabhasyas are works on Sanskrit grammar.

There are several works on local history written mostly in Tamil and dealing with South
India such as Nandhikalambakam. Some literary evidence is also found from foreign sources. An
account of the Persian invasion and occupation may be got from the inscriptions of Darius.
Marcopolo Prince of Travellers came to Tamil naxdu (1293) another important works
gives important sources given Pandya country. The another writers and Chinese left by Ibn
Batuta , Nicolo Conti, an Italian, Abdur Razzaq, a Persian and Nicolo Conti, a Russian came to
India during the Vijiyanagara period. And give as useful information about India. The most
important biographical writings such as Harsha Charita of Bana Bhatta the writings of Bihana
the oral history and gives us a valuable information about Indian history.

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