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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Application For Amendment in Plaint

G & W Appl. No. 1381 /11.

Syed AZHAR Ahmed         …………………………          APPLICANT


Mst. Farheen                   ……………………               RESPONDENT

On behalf of the applicant, abovenamed, it is prayed that this Hon’ble Cout may
be pleased to allow the applicant to amend the plaint in consideration of fects and
grounds mentioned in accompanying affidavit.
            Prayed Accordingly.
Dated: 24.03.2012.


G & W Appl. No. 1381 /11.
Syed AZHAR Ahmed …………………………           APPLICANT


Mst. Farheen               ……………………              RESPONDENT

I, Syed AZHAR Ahmed S/o. Syed Nazar Ahmed, Muslim, adult, R/o.
House No. 12/22, Vilayatabad, Manghopir road, Karachi, do hereby state on oath
as under:
1.            That I am applicant in above titled suit and deponent of this affidavit, as such am
fully conversant with the facts of the matter deposed herein:

2.            That previous APPLICATION U/S 25 OF GUARDIAN & WARD ACT 1890  was

filed by counsel of the applicant but followinf prayer was not icluded and filed:
“To direct the respondent to handover the custody of the minor
to the applicant permanently.”
3.            That I say that presently the custody of the ward is in the possession of the
respondent and the applicant has has serious apprehension that the respondent
will be make any harm to the ward, because the respondent is very careless
psycho patient who alwayshate the children and keep hereself on distance with
the children and its not possible that the ward will be happy with the respondent.

4.            That the accompanying APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT IN THE PLAINT has

been drafted and filed under my express instructions and contents whereof are
true and correct and the same alongwith contents of the memo of plaint may
please be treated as part of this affidavit for the sake of brevity.

5.            That I say that the welfare of the minor demands that he should be given in my custody.

6.            That I say that the environment and circumstances of the applicant is much better
and proper than of the respondent is definitely in a better condition to decide
about the welfare and needs of the minor, so as fulfil the same and to give love
and affection which they are not getting at present at the house of the
respondent’s brother. Hence it is in the best interest of the minor that the custody
may be granted to the applicant which will be very healthy for the welfare and
well-being of the minor.
7.          That I say that I have a good prima facie case, and balance of convenience lies in
my favour and until and unless accompanying application is granted as prayed I
will be seriously prejudiced and shall suffer irreparable loss,
previous APPLICATION U/S 25 OF GUARDIAN & WARD ACT 1890 will be
useless for the applicant and minor, and I say that whatever stated above is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Dated: ____/03/2012.
The deponent identified by me


Solemnly affirmed on oath before me at Karachi on this __ th day of

_______ 2012, by the deponent abovenamed who is identified by Mr. S M
ZUBAIR, Advocate whom I know personally.
          The contents of the Plaint have been read over and explained to the Deponent in Urdu too and he
seems to be understood the same and set his signature/thumb impression.


Posted by S.M. Zubair at 7:29 AM 

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