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Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 104–128
doi: 10.1002/app5.167

Original Article

Child Protection and Maltreatment in the Philippines:

A Systematic Review of the Literature

Steven Roche*

Abstract 1. Introduction

To gain a better understanding of the dimen- Across the world, significant numbers of
sions, characteristics and phenomenon of child children experience maltreatment, resulting in
maltreatment and its policy responses in the life-long consequences for victims (WHO
Philippines, this article provides a systematic 2016). Responses to child maltreatment in the
review of the peer reviewed literature. This re- Global South in particular are under researched
view provides a summary and analysis of the and under-conceptualised. In the Philippines,
core child maltreatment issues in the despite the significance and impact of child
Philippines and examines child protection pol- maltreatment (Ramiro et al. 2010), policy and
icy responses. It takes a systematic approach, research on this topic remains in its infancy.
identifying 31 peer reviewed articles from a di- Policy imperatives in this area are given greater
verse range of scholarship that met its criteria, impetus with increasing international aware-
and subjected to a quality appraisal tool. Its ness of the need for children to grow up in safe
findings provide important details about child and stable environments and to be protected
maltreatment and child protection arrange- from abuse and neglect (Price-Robertson
ments in the Philippines. It recommends et al. 2014), particularly in circumstances of
further research into policy and programmatic significant child poverty and deprivation
approaches to child maltreatment, a greater (PSA and UNICEF 2015). In the absence of
focus on the social, cultural and structural reliable data on child maltreatment in the
influences on child maltreatment, and investi- Philippines (Madrid et al. 2013), and limited
gation into child maltreatment, particularly understandings of child protection policy
child sexual abuse, in contexts outside of the approaches, this review provides important
home, such as in institutions. insights into child maltreatment and its
responses in the Philippines. It explores
Key words: Philippines, children, child abuse,
conceptions of child maltreatment and child
child protection, child maltreatment, literature
protection, and provides a review of policy
and program approaches, and in doing so,
contributes to future child protection policy
agendas in the Philippines.

2. Defining Terms

This review utilises the World Health Organisa-

* Research Associate, Institute of Child Protection
tion’s (WHO) definition of child maltreatment:
Studies, Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy,
Victoria 3065, Australia; email <steven.roche@acu. …all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-> treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 105

treatment or commercial or other exploitation, (CWC) and the Committee for the Special Pro-
resulting in actual or potential harm to child’s tection of Children (CSPC) based at the
health, survival, development or dignity in the Department of Justice, and Barangay Commu-
context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or nity Councils. The DSWD is the primary
power (WHO 2006, p. 9).
welfare agency of the government. Its role is
The WHO definition distinguishes four types to set standards, accredit and provide consulta-
of child maltreatment; physical abuse, sexual tive services to public and private institutions,
abuse, emotional and psychological abuse organisations and persons engaged in social
and neglect (WHO 2006, p. 10). Legislation welfare activities, as well as monitor the
in the Philippines reflects the WHO definition performance of these bodies and enforce
of child maltreatment; defining child abuse compliance to standards (Save the Children
and neglect as “the infliction of physical or 2011). The DSWD provides and regulates resi-
psychological injury, cruelty to, or neglect, dential care, domestic and inter-country
sexual abuse or exploitation of a child” adoption and a range of family based welfare
(Saplala 2007, 88). Here, it is important to note program (PSA and UNICEF 2015). Another
that ‘exposure to family violence’ is typically government agency, the Council for the
considered a form of emotional and psycholog- Welfare of Children is the principal agency for
ical abuse (AIFS 2015) and fits within these children’s issues and policy in the Philippines,
definitions. tasked with designing, coordinating and
In the literature, legislation and policy, monitoring policy for children, as well as
terminology such as ‘child maltreatment’ and monitoring children’s rights in the Philippines
‘child abuse and neglect’ are often used inter- (Bessell 2009; CWC 2011).
changeably (AIFS 2015). However, regardless The criminal justice system’s efforts to
of the specifics of the definitions covering child protect children is supported by the Depart-
maltreatment in any particular jurisdiction, the ment of Justice’s Committee for the Special
responses to such circumstances are usually Protection of Children which provides legal
defined in terms of the broadly understood con- protection of children and monitors and
ception of ‘child protection’ (Price-Robertson coordinate the investigation and prosecution
et al. 2014). For the purposes of this review, of cases of child abuse detailed in the Republic
‘child protection’ is defined by any activity, Act 7610 entitled ‘An Act Providing For Stron-
behaviour, policy, program or law with the ger Deterrence and Special Protection Against
aim of protecting children from maltreatment Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination,
as described earlier. In the Philippines, Providing Penalties for its Violation and For
legislation identifies children as “persons Other Purposes’, signed into law in 1992 (Save
below eighteen years of age or those over eigh- the Children 2011). This committee works to
teen years of age but who are unable to fully support this legislation and apply laws and
take care of themselves or protect themselves policies that are designed to protect children.
from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or Additionally, the Barangay Councils for the
discrimination because of physical, mental Protection of Children (BCPC) operate across
disability or conditions” (Saplala 2007, 88). the local government level and offer an initial
response to issues of child protection in local
communities, assisting abandoned, maltreated
2.1. Child Protection in the Philippines and abused children (Save the Children 2011;
ECPAT, 2006).
A range of government agencies and mecha- The primary government and non-govern-
nisms provide national policy and program ment programmatic response for victims of
responses to child maltreatment in the child abandonment, neglect and abuse is
Philippines. These include; the Department of through residential (institutional care provided
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in a non-family group setting) care (Save the
the Council for the Welfare of Children Children 2011). The most recent information

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106 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

provided by the DSWD reveals 915 private so- child maltreatment experienced by children in
cial welfare agencies licensed by the DSWD, the Philippines; and, what is known about
and of those, 177 operating 197 residential care child protection responses to these
facilities for children and young people circumstances?
(DSWD 2016). The DSWD directly operates
46 residential care facilities for children who
are victims of child maltreatment, experiencing 3. Method
homelessness or mental illness (DSWD 2016).
These residential care facilities vary in A systematic approach to reviewing the litera-
capacity, from four to 490 children (DSWD ture was chosen to allow for an investigation
2016). The latest published DSWD annual of geographically diverse studies from multiple
report details 5819 children in the residential fields of research. The literature review takes a
care facilities run directly by DSWD, however ‘systematic approach’ as outlined by Pickering
provides limited detail of the numbers and Byrne (2014). The review is systematic in
norarrangements of children in the 197 DSWD that articles are assessed for inclusion prior to
licensed residential care facilities (DSWD their incorporation and synthesis into the final
2015), collection of data informing the review. A
systematic review’s methods are pre-defined,
2.2. Justification and Focus of the Review transparent and replicable, and consequently
serve to assist in removing (and minimise) the
These child protection responses have received risk of author bias (Littell 2008). This
only limited investigation and critique. A re- technique maps the boundaries of the literature
port by Save the Children (2011) argues that and exposes its generalisations and research
there is a lack of reliable data, particularly offi- gaps. A systematic approach also makes clear
cial data, to inform child protection responses, the processes and sources of the documents
and there is a prevailing lack of understanding used, and thus allows for replication as might
and capacity of these agencies to enforce, be required for further evaluation of the
implement and uphold responses to child findings.
protection issues (Save the Children 2011).
Furthermore, despite national legislation and
the approaches taken by these agencies and 3.1. Key Search Terms
by local and international civil society organi-
sations, large numbers of children in the The key search terms were developed by the
Philippines continue to experience neglect, author with reference to the generally
maltreatment and abuse in their most serious accepted definitions of child neglect, mal-
of forms (Ramiro et al. 2010). This suggests treatment and abuse, as detailed in the intro-
that current legislative, policy and operational duction this review. The subsequent terms,
frameworks of child protection may be inade- and combination of terms, are given in
quate, poorly implemented or managed or lack Table 1. However, it should be noted that
meaningful congruence with what children and variations in the syntax of some searches
families experience and need. Therefore, the were needed to accommodate particular data
key questions guiding this review are: How is bases.

Table 1 Key Search Terms and Their Various Combinations

(Child*) OR (youth*) OR (young person) OR (young adult) OR (adolesce*) OR (minor*) OR (kid*) OR (teen*) OR
(juvenile*) OR (famil*) AND (Philippine* OR Filip*) AND (protect*) OR (abus*) OR (neglect*) OR (violen*) OR (‘sexual
abuse’) OR (assault) OR (safe*) OR (unsafe) OR (maltreat*) OR (punish*) OR (labour) OR (labor) OR (exploit*) OR
(traffick*) OR (harm*) OR (mistreat*) OR (cruel)* OR (injur*) OR (shelter) OR (orphan) OR (foster*) OR (adopt*) OR (out-

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published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 107

3.2. Databases Searched this level were then read in full and their
reference lists appraised to identify any other
The review of the literature was conducted by potential articles not identified via the data-
searching the academic databases presented in base search. Subsequently, a number of articles
Table 2. were excluded and a number of additional
PERIND and the Bibliography of Asian articles were identified and reviewed. This
Studies allowed for exploration of literature process resulted in 31 articles being retained
from South East Asia. The other databases for the review and are detailed in Appendix 1.
represent major social science databases, while
PsycINFO is a database for research in the field 3.5. Quality Appraisal
of psychology, and PubMed offers studies in
life sciences and biomedical journals. A quality appraisal tool (McVilly et al. 2012)
was used to assess the articles included in this
3.3. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria review. This tool is suitable for evaluating arti-
cles that utilise a range of methodologies (e.g.
Recognising the aims of this research, studies quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods).
selected for this review are limited to those that A rating between zero and two was given to
explored child maltreatment, as defined by the each article by the author based on an assess-
WHO (2006), in the Philippines. Additionally, ment for each of the following categories: re-
publications had to be an original and empirical view of literature, research focus, methods and
research article, as well as written in English. procedures, participants, tools, data analysis,
English was given preference over Filipino findings, results and implications. The subse-
(based on Tagalog) and the eight dialects of quent scoring and ranking of articles assists to
the Philippines, because it is used by a majority establish the research or highest quality identify
of the population, is an official language and is research that is of low quality, and to highlight
principally used in organisational and educa- the most reliable research available.
tional contexts (Bernardo 2004), and used as As detailed earlier in Table 3, appraisal
the language of instruction in universities ratings of articles ranged between three and
(Maxwell 2001). Articles had to be published 19. The most frequent rating was 16. Ramiro
after 1989. This date was chosen as the et al. (2010) was the highest quality article; ar-
Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 ticles that received low scores have been
(UN 1989) marks a key date in the history of retained for this review. This is because they
research on children and a focus on children’s are mostly articles authored by academics lo-
rights. cated in major universities in the Philippines
and represent localised, contextual knowledge,
considered important for this research. Any
3.4. The Retrieval and Review Process identified shortcomings according to the ap-
praisal scale were not considered of sufficient
The retrieval and review process is outlined in severity to warrant their exclusion.
Figure 1. The initial database search identified
146 articles for potential inclusion in the 4. Results
review. Duplicates were removed. The remain-
ing articles were then appraised at the level of This review first analyses the fields of research
title and abstract. Articles deemed relevant at which these issues have been investigated, then

Table 2 Academic Databases Searched

Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts (ProQuest),
JSTOR, Social Services Abstracts (ProQuest), Family and Society Studies Worldwide (EBSCO), Bibliography of Asian
Studies, PERIND (Informit), AnthroSource, PubMed, and PsycINFO.

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108 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

Figure 1 Overview of the Retrieval and Review Process

considers the ethical arrangements governing and interpretation of data. The review goes on
the research, the methodologies adopted to to report on the varying contexts of child
explore these issues, as well as the geopolitical maltreatment, the concepts of child maltreat-
and cultural factors potentially influencing the ment and child protection adopted in these
research agenda and the subsequent analysis various studies, and their findings with respect

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Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 109

Table 3 Quality Ratings of Articles Included in the public health (n = 12), psychology (n = 6)
Final Review
and a collection of fields within medicine
Author Rating/20 Rank (n = 6), including social medicine, paediatrics
and legal medicine. The fields of childhood
Acebes-Escobal et al. (2002) 13 6
Ansara and Hindin (2009) 18 2 studies, criminology, behavioural science,
Edralin (2002) 8 9 international development and business were
Estrellado and Loh (2014) 16 4 also represented among the studies, evidence
Fehringer and Hindin (2009) 17 3 of the multidisciplinary investigations of this
Figer (2008) 3 11
Gunn and Ostos (1992) 3 11
Hassan et al. (2004) 18 2
Hindin (2005) 16 4 4.2. Ethical Arrangements of Articles
Hindin and Gultiano (2006) 17 3 Reviewed
Jeyaseelan et al. (2004) 16 4
Ladion (2007) 8 9
Lansford et al. (2010) 16 4
The ethical arrangements for the studies
Lansford et al. (2015) 16 4 reported varied. Of the 31 articles, 12 made
Lee (2004) 16 4 no reference to ethical review procedures,
Loh et al. (2011) 17 3 ethical considerations or institutional review
Madrid et al. 2013 9 8 or approval of their research. Nine studies
Maiquilla et al. (2011) 16 4
articulated institutional approval for their
Mandal and Hindin (2013) 18 2
Mandal and Hindin (2015) 18 2 research. Considering the sensitive nature of
Maxwell (2001) 17 3 the content of child maltreatment research,
Maxwell and Maxwell (2003) 16 4 and the potential vulnerability of participants,
Ramiro et al. (2010) 19 1 the lack of ethical review or considerations
Runyan et al. (2010) 18 2
Sana et al. (2014) 12 7
in a number of studies is noteworthy.
Sanapo and Nakamura (2011) 13 6
Saplala (2007) 6 10 4.3. Methodological Variance Across Studies
Sugue-Castillo (2009) 18 2
Tarroja et al. (2007) 8 9 There is methodological variance across the
Terol (2009) 15 5
Woodhead (1999) 9 8
studies included in this literature review.
Quantitative methods were utilised in 17
studies. This reflects the cross-national com-
parisons and public health approaches of
much of the literature. Eight studies provide
to the magnitude of child maltreatment in the qualitative analysis, while the six remaining
Philippines. The review reports on and critiques studies utilised mixed methods, case study
the extent to which current research addresses or program evaluation approaches.
varying manifestations of child maltreatment
in the Philippines. Finally, the review provides 4.4. Geopolitical and Cultural Characteristics
a critique of research investigating and of Studies
evaluating current child protection policies
and practices in the Philippines. Of the 31 articles reviewed, 12 articles were
written solely by authors in the Philippines,
4.1. Fields of Research and 21 had at least one author from a Fili-
pino institution. However, 11 articles were
The articles included in this review were published as a result of international collabo-
published in a variety of journals, with rations, most commonly between the USA
Impact Factors ranging from 0.203 to 5.573 and the Philippines, in turn reflecting pre-
(impact factors for three journals were not dominantly North American constructions of
available), and reflecting a range of disci- childhood and child protection. Participants
plines. The most common disciplines were in the studies were predominately from

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110 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

metropolitan areas in Manila or Cebu City, None of the articles referred directly to the
representing mostly urban experiences and WHO’s (2006) definition of child maltreat-
conceptions of child maltreatment. ment, despite this being an explicit compo-
nent of the search criteria for the current
4.5. Contexts of Child Maltreatment review. The absence of any direct reference
to this definition brings into question the ex-
The literature predominantly focused on tent to which the work of the WHO influ-
child maltreatment in the context of the fam- ences the child protection research agenda
ily home. Of the literature reviewed, 18 stud- in the Philippines. Only three studies drew
ies focused on child maltreatment in the directly on Philippine legislation to define
home, while seven studies did not distin- the type of maltreatment under investigation
guish between the home and community (Tarroja et al. 2007; Saplala 2007; Sana
context. Notably, apart from Tarroja et al. et al. 2014).
(2007), there is an absence of literature that A range of more specific concepts were
focuses on child maltreatment in institutions. drawn upon, such as; ‘child labour’
Here, it should be noted that a considerable (Woodhead 1999; Edralin 2002; Gunn &
number of children in the Philippines reside Ostos 1992), ‘verbal abuse’ (Figer 2008),
in institutional care, operated either by the ‘psychological maltreatment’ (Loh et al.
state or church organisations. Child labour (2011), ‘adverse childhood experiences’
is explored as a fairly distinct context of (Ramiro et al. 2010) and ‘child discipline
child maltreatment, and is explored in three practices’ (Runyan et al. 2010). Exposure to
articles (Edralin 2002; Gunn & Ostos 1992; family violence was viewed through a range
Woodhead 1999). of differing definitions. These included; ‘inti-
mate partner aggression’ (Fehringer &
4.6. Concepts of Child Maltreatment and Hindin 2009), ‘physical intimate partner vio-
Child Protection lence’ (Hassan et al. 2004), ‘physical vio-
lence between parents’ (Hindin 2005),
There was great variation in the source and the ‘domestic violence between parents’ (Hindin
articulation of the definitions of child maltreat- & Gultiano 2006), ‘intimate partner violence’
ment across the articles reviewed. This was in (Jeyaseelan et al. 2004), ‘domestic violence
part due to the diversity of the types of child as defined by participants’ (Lee 2004) as
maltreatment explored, and consequently the well as ‘inter-parental violence’ (Mandal &
more detailed conceptualisations of child mal- Hindin 2013). Future investigations need to
treatment that were required for each research. take these constructions into account.
Some studies defined child maltreatment
through the survey tools they used (Jeyaseelan 4.7. The Extent of Child Maltreatment in the
et al. 2004; Hindin & Gultiano 2006), utilising Philippines
pre-established survey tools that define child
maltreatment for use in research, such as the The research retrieved provides evidence of
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE), each of the major forms of maltreatment
providing definitions of maltreatment within identified by the WHO: neglect, emotional
the survey instrument (Ramiro et al. 2010). and psychological abuse, physical abuse and
Other studies established a definition of the sexual abuse.
type of child maltreatment under consideration
through the perspectives of participants, 4.8. Neglect
including children (Figer 2008; Lee 2004).
Lee (2004) consulted Filipino men on the In a developing country such as the
dimensions of domestic violence in their Philippines, the likelihood of child neglect
homes while Figer (2008) presented children’s is higher because families are typically more
perspectives on emotional abuse. exposed to poverty and associated issues

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Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 111

(Ramiro et al. 2010). However, neglect is a women reported that either they, or their part-
contentious concept in the context of devel- ner, perpetrated at least one physically aggres-
oping countries. Lansford et al. (2015) ex- sive act toward a partner in the last year. In a
plains that what constitutes neglect is often community in the Philippines, 21.2 per cent
contextual. For example, extreme poverty of participants had experienced physical inti-
means that providing children with food, mate partner violence (Hassan et al. 2004)
clean water, medical care and education is while Jeyaseelan et al.’s (2004) research con-
extremely difficult, while in high income curs that domestic violence is widespread in
countries, not providing these to children the Philippines.
would constitute neglect.
According to the studies reviewed here, 4.10. Physical Abuse
neglect of children is commonplace across the
Philippines. Using a cross-sectional survey of The literature on physical abuse predomi-
a general population sample, Ramiro et al. nantly focuses on harsh discipline and cor-
(2010) found that 22.8 per cent of participants poral punishment. The 1989 UNCRC (Art
had experienced physical neglect during the 19; Article 37) guarantees children’s right
first 18 years of their life. Taking a cross- to protection from abuse and cruel, inhuman
national perspective, Lansford et al. (2015) or degrading treatment, which the Commit-
found that the average incidents of ‘child tee on the Rights of the Child has
reported neglect’ were ranked third out of the interpreted as prohibiting corporal punish-
nine countries in focus. Childhood physical ment (Lansford et al. 2015). There is varia-
neglect was associated with a twofold increase tion in studies’ findings on the scale of
in likelihood of using alcohol and illicit drugs physical abuse in the Philippines. Using a
in the Philippines (Ramiro et al. 2010). Child cross-sectional survey of a general popula-
labour and exploitation can also be considered tion sample, Ramiro et al. (2010) found that
a form of neglect and is investigated by several only 1.3 per cent of the sample had experi-
studies (Edralin 2002; Gunn & Ostos 1992; enced physical abuse as a child. Other re-
Woodhead 1999). search finds physical abuse more prevalent
in the Philippines in the form of parental
4.9. Emotional and Psychological Abuse discipline (Runyan et al. 2010; Sanapo &
Nakamura 2011).
Children’s exposure to family violence, a In an international study comparing six
form of emotional and psychological abuse countries, Runyan et al. (2010) found that
that can affect the psychosocial wellbeing ‘spanking’ rates are 76 per cent in the
of children, and the ramifications of this Philippine community, much higher than a
for children, is a major theme of the litera- community in India (26 per cent), suggesting
ture in this review. In Ramiro et al.’s cultural practice as a strong determinant of
(2010) research, psychological abuse and discipline practices. The same study found
emotional abuse among participants was that all types of physical discipline are used
high, with 22.8 per cent of participants by Filipino families; 9.9 per cent of families
experiencing psychological abuse and ne- stated they used harsh physical discipline
glect under the age of 18. In addition, with their children, 83 per cent used moder-
Mandal and Hindin (2013) outline that ap- ate physical discipline, and 56 per cent used
proximately 44 per cent of females and 47 harsh physical discipline by hitting with an
per cent of males in the Philippines had object (Runyan et al. 2010). Sanapo and
witnessed their parents physically hurt one Nakamura (2011) found that physical punish-
another during childhood. ment is a common practice in the Philippines
Outlining the presence of violence in fami- with 49.7 per cent of grade-six participants
lies more broadly, Ansara and Hindin (2009) receiving physical punishment at home. They
found that approximately 26 per cent of suggest that high rates of physical

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112 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

punishment in the household are related to than those not sexually abused as children
Philippine law that allows for parents to (Ramiro et al. 2010).
physically punish their children. In a study
across nine countries, including the 4.12. Child Protection Policies
Philippines, the more parents believed corpo-
ral punishment to be normative technique to There is limited analysis of child protection
modify children’s behaviours, the more policies across the literature reviewed, and
likely it was used (Lansford et al. 2015). there is no comprehensive outline of child pro-
While the ramifications of physical abuse of tection policies or systems in the Philippines.
children in the Philippines is not explored However, Madrid et al. (2013) provide insights
in depth in the literature, Lansford et al. into child maltreatment prevention practices
(2010) found that across four countries, in- and identify a range of shortfalls, including,
cluding the Philippines, physical discipline limited funding and trained personnel and a
influenced children’s anxiety and aggression clear absence of primary prevention programs.
according to their mothers. Further, despite laws related to children’s pro-
tection and rights, they remain largely un-
funded (Madrid et al. 2013).
4.11. Sexual Abuse Terol (2009) provides a brief critique of the
way in which the health sector in the
The extent and characteristics of child sexual Philippines responds to child protection issues
abuse in the Philippines has been identified in via multidisciplinary Child Protection Units
the literature. Ramiro et al. (2010) found in a (CPUs). Governed by the Department of
general population sample, during the first Health there are 39 CPUs across the
18 years of life, that 6 per cent of women, Philippines, while the The National Bureau of
and 4.5 per cent of men, have experienced sex- Investigation and the Philippine National Po-
ual abuse. In a study of hospital case files of lice have centres for medico-legal evaluation
child victims of sexual abuse, the average age for cases of child sexual abuse (Terol 2009).
of victims was approximately 10 years, and However, CPUs typically operate in isolation
were 97.3 per cent female. In 93.8 per cent of in addressing cases of child sexual abuse (Terol
cases, the perpetrator was known to the victim 2009). Ramiro et al. (2010) argue that national
(Sugue-Castillo 2009). Additionally, Maiquilla laws and child protection policies should be
et al. (2011), also found that in most cases of better monitored and reviewed to ensure imple-
child sexual abuse, the victim knew the mentation at a local level.
offender. Some research discusses findings in relation
Similarly, in a qualitative study that investi- to programmatic and policy responses to spe-
gated the experiences of sexual abuse among cific child maltreatment issues, rather than
girls with intellectual disabilities, it found that system-wide policy approaches, and details
most of the perpetrators were familiar people some implications for interventions. For exam-
and that detection of abuse came from care- ple, Ramiro et al. (2010) suggest that early pre-
givers (Terol 2009). Risk factors for child sex- vention of child maltreatment could occur
ual abuse for these girls included low through screening for domestic violence and
economic status and impoverished conditions, child maltreatment by health professionals.
living in crowded urban communities, as well They also propose that communities could be
as their mental retardation (Terol 2009). supported via home visits of health workers
Highlighting the social and health ramifica- and social workers, as well as community sup-
tions for participants who had been sexually port groups and media messaging (Ramiro
abused as children, they were 12 times more et al. 2010).
likely to engage in early sex, nine times more Mandal and Hindin (2015) recommend that
likely to have an early pregnancy and five child maltreatment interventions should focus
times more likely to attempt to commit suicide on the whole of family to reduce

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Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 113

intergenerational transmission of family vio- commonplace among families. Children expe-

lence. Terol (2009) suggests that protective rience harsh physical disciplining and corporal
services for women and children need to be punishment, a common cultural and legally ac-
strengthened, while Ladion (2007) advocates cepted practice in the family home (Runyan
for spirituality as an impetus for recovery for et al. 2010; Sanapo & Nakamura 2011). For
survivors of child sexual abuse. Ramiro et al. example, in Lansford et al.’s (2015) cross-
(2010) highlight poverty reduction as a way national research, corporal punishment in-
to reduce child maltreatment. More specifi- volves slapping, spanking, hitting, shaking or
cally, in the criminal justice context, Sana beating, and finds the Philippines compara-
et al. (2014) recommend a training program tively high on these measures. For example,
for workers who interact with victims of abuse across six countries, child discipline in the
to improve justice outcomes. Sugue-Castillo form of spanking is highest in the Philippines
(2009) discusses the legal system as at a rate of 76 per cent among participants
overloaded and having poor responses to child (Runyan et al. 2010).
sexual abuse. In addition, the literature finds that chil-
The findings of some studies included in dren are also exposed to high levels of fam-
this review offer some important consider- ily violence involving both physical and
ations for future child protection responses. psychological aggression and the use of
Sugue-Castillo’s (2009) study revealed that weapons (Ansara & Hindin 2009), a form
referral source for cases of child sexual of emotional and psychological abuse that
abuse at a medical centre are 43.4 per cent can affect children’s wellbeing with nearly
law enforcement, 21.4 per cent social work half witnessing their parents physically hurt
and 21.4 per cent walk-ins. Ramiro et al. one another during childhood (Mandal &
(2010) warn of a ‘co-occurrence’ phenome- Hindin 2013). In Fehringer and Hindin’s
non whereby the more events of child mal- (2009) study, the most common forms of
treatment experienced by a child, the more physical violence among partners were
health-risk behaviours they encounter later ‘pushing, grabbing or shoving’, ‘hitting’
in life. They found that as the number of ad- and ‘throwing objects, while Hassan et al.
verse childhood exposures increases, suicide (2004) found the most common intimate
attempts, use of illicit drugs and engaging partner violence in the Philippines was ‘slap-
in sexually risky behaviours become more ping’ and ‘hitting’. Lee (2004) details that al-
prevalent (Ramiro et al. 2010). cohol and drug use is a frequent element in
family violence in the Philippines.
5. Discussion This review has found limited evidence
for experiences of neglect because it is a
This systematic review of the research litera- multifarious and socially constructed con-
ture was conducted to ascertain the dimensions cept, and hard to measure in the context of
and extent of child maltreatment and to investi- developing countries, where experiences of
gate what is known about child protection re- poverty can influence family’s capacities to
sponses in the Philippines. From a database meet the primary needs of children. Despite
search finding 146 articles, 31 were identified this, Ramiro et al. (2010) found that 22.8
as meeting the search criteria. per cent of participants had experienced
physical neglect during the first 18 years of
5.1. How is Neglect Maltreatment and Abuse their life. The literature reviewed also pro-
Experienced by Children in the Philippines? vided limited evidence of child sexual abuse,
a surprising result given that a report by
The literature provides evidence of all four do- ECPAT International (2006) finds that the
mains of child maltreatment (Ramiro et al. commercial sexual exploitation of children
2010). While the research varies on the extent is a substantial problem in the Philippines.
and significance, physical violence is However, research by Terol (2009) and

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
114 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

detail that risks factors for child sexual abuse 2010), and greater specific support for
include low economic status, living in women and children (Terol 2009). More
crowded urban communities, as well as intel- broadly, Ramiro et al. (2010) highlight pov-
lectual disability, while Sugue-Castillo’s erty reduction as integral to reducing child
(2009) profile of victims details that they maltreatment.
are approximately 10 years of age and in al-
most all cases female, while the perpetrator 5.3. Research Gaps
is known to the victim in 93.8 per cent of
cases. It is clear that child sexual abuse re- While research on child protection in pros-
quires further investigation in the Philippines. perous countries has moved to program eval-
uation, risk assessment and intervention
5.2. What Do We Know about Child (Lachman et al. 2002), the literature on child
Protection Responses to These protection in the Philippines predominantly
Circumstances? focuses on the incidence and prevalence of
different types of child maltreatment. This
There are limited empirical investigations or literature provides only a narrow investiga-
assessments of governmental child protection tion of the influences of child maltreatment
policy, or approaches to child protection within in the Philippines, frequently overlooking
and by organisations, institutions and commu- the cultural, gendered and social dynamics
nities in the Philippines. In addition, while res- that influence child maltreatment, as well as
idential care is a central response to child its structural influences such as poverty and
protection, its extent, outcomes or practices inequality (Pells 2012; Myers & Bourdillon
are largely ignored by the literature, as are the 2012a). Research into the complex arrange-
experiences of children in this type of care. ments of child sexual abuse and exploitation
This represents a major shortcoming of is missing, along with research that investi-
research. gates the complex arrangements of neglect,
The literature does however provide small and the extensive use of institutional care
insights into specific responses. Responses as a child protection response.
from the health sector are predominately This review has also revealed limited anal-
enacted through multidisciplinary Child Pro- ysis of legislation and policy and a lack of
tection Unit’ (CPUs) embedded in hospitals, meaningful involvement of children in re-
and the National Bureau of Investigation search. This is important to note as children
and the Philippine National Police have have emerged over the past few decades as
some dedicated centres for medico-legal re- rights holders, and conceptualised as compe-
sponses to cases of child sexual abuse. How- tent social actors with valuable perspectives
ever, CPUs provide a disjointed service and knowledge (Corsaro 2011; Qvortrup
(Terol 2009) and policies and laws relating 1994; Mayall 2002). Studies that do not di-
to child protection suffer from poor monitor- rectly engage children in research may fail
ing and implementation at the local level to understand young people’s lived experi-
(Ramiro et al. 2010). ences of maltreatment, nor appreciate some
Some of this literature provides sugges- of the impacts and challenges that may not
tions to address shortcomings in preventing been observed by adults, impacting nega-
and responding to child maltreatment. These tively on policy development (Salveron
include; a focus on early intervention and et al. 2013).
family centred practice (Mandal & Hindin
2015), a better resourced legal system to re- 5.4. Limitations of Literature Review
spond to child sexual abuse (Sugue-Castillo
2009), preventative work through media The contributions of the grey literature are not
messaging, community groups and home part of the systematic review. It does not in-
visits from professionals (Ramiro et al. clude possible research conducted in a

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 115

language other than English. Because of their Philippine community. International Jour-
age, the contemporary relevance of some of nal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 76(2),
the articles in this review is questionable. 213–17.
Australian Institute of Family Studies
5.5. Conclusion (2015). What is child abuse and neglect?
CFCA Resource Sheet.
Child maltreatment is not a neat or universal cfca/publications/what-child-abuse-and-
concept, but one that incorporates contextual neglect
and multiple definitions, operationalised in dif- Ansara DL, Hindin MJ (2009) Perpetration of
fering research fields and for differing research intimate partner aggression by men and
purposes. While they all fit within the broader women in the Philippines. Journal of Inter-
WHO (2006) definition of child maltreatment, personal Violence 24(9), 1579–90.
this review uncovers a diverse approach to un- Bernardo ABI (2004) McKinley’s question-
derstanding and interpreting child maltreat- able bequest: over 100 years of English in
ment. The literature exploring child Philippines education. World Englishes 23,
maltreatment is predominantly epidemiologi- 17–31.
cal in nature, concerned with enumerating Bessell S (2009) Children’s participation in
child maltreatment among children, rather than decision-making in the Philippines: under-
directly investigating the experiences of child standing the attitudes of policy-makers and
maltreatment. It has established that multiple service providers. Childhood 16(3), 299–
types of child maltreatment are prevalent in 316.
the Philippines and provides evidence that they Corsaro W (2011) The Sociology of Child-
impact negatively on the wellbeing of children hood, 3rd edn. Sage Publications, Los
at the time of maltreatment and later as adults. Angeles.
This research, however, does not investigate CWC (2011). The second national plan of ac-
broader, structural, social and cultural influ- tion for children 2011-2016 (2nd NPAC).
ences on child maltreatment. Council for the welfare of children; Manila.
The contexts of child maltreatment outside
the home, particularly in institutions, are se- gory/19-misc
verely under researched. This is particularly Department of Social Welfare and Develop-
the case for sexual and physical abuse that ment (2015) Voices from the Islands:
can occur in a variety of contexts. Signifi- Annual Report 2015. Department of So-
cantly, there is a dearth of policy analysis in cial Welfare and Development, Quezon
the literature reviewed. The appraisal of policy City.
approaches and evaluation of programmatic re- publications/annual_report/DSWD-AR-
sponses to child maltreatment is highly limited 2015-PDF-File-Spread.pdf
and, as this review suggests, should form an Department of Social Welfare and
important part of further research in this area. Development. (2016). Residential and
These findings provide new understandings non-residential facilities. http://www.
for literature on child protection policy, ap-
proaches and Filipino policymaking and can residential-facilities/
assist the development of future child protec- Edralin DM (2002) Kids at risk: plight of child
tion policy development in the Philippines. workers in the tourism industry in Cebu.
DLSU Business and Economics Review 13
December 2016. (2), 21–58.
Estrellado AF, Loh JM (2014) Factors associ-
References ated with battered Filipino women’s
decision to stay in or leave an abusive rela-
Acebes-Escobal BC, Nerdia MC, Chez RA tionship. Journal of Interpersonal Violence
(2002) Abuse of women and children in a 29(4), 575–92.

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
116 Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies January 2017

Fehringer JA, Hindin MJ (2009) Like Lansford JE, Godwin J, Tirado LMU, et al.
parent, like child: Intergenerational trans- (2015) Individual, family, and culture level
mission of partner violence in Cebu, the contributions to child physical abuse and ne-
Philippines. Journal of Adolescent Health glect: a longitudinal study in nine countries.
44(4), 363–71. Development and Psychopathology 27(4),
Figer RC (2008) Looking through the 1417–28.
eyes of the child: the phenomenon of Lee RB (2004) Filipino men’s familial roles
child verbal abuse in the Philippines. Re- and domestic violence: implications and
lational Child and Youth Care Practice strategies for community-based interven-
21, 46–58. tion. Health & Social Care in the
Gunn SE, Ostos Z (1992) Dilemmas in tack- Community 12(5), 422–9.
ling child labour: the case of scavenger Loh JMI, Calleja F, Restubog SLD (2011)
children in the Philippines. International La- Words that hurt: a qualitative study of pa-
bour Review 131, 629–46. rental verbal abuse in the Philippines.
Hassan F, Sadowski LS, Bangdiwala SI, et al. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26(11),
(2004) Physical intimate partner violence 2244–63.
in Chile, Egypt, India and the Philippines. Littell JH (2008) Evidence-based or biased?
Injury Control and Safety Prevention 11(2), The quality of published reviews of
111–16. evidence-based practices. Children and
Hindin MJ (2005) Family dynamics, gender Youth Services Review 30, 1299–317.
differences and educational attainment in Madrid BJ, Ramiro LS, Hernandez SS, Go
Filipino adolescents. Journal of Adoles- JJ, Badilio JA (2013) Child maltreat-
cence 28(3), 299–316. ment prevention in the Philippines: a
Hindin MJ, Gultiano S (2006) Associations situationer. Acta Medica Philippina 47
between witnessing parental domestic (1), 1–1.
violence and experiencing depressive Maiquilla SMB, Salvador JM, Calacal GC,
symptoms in Filipino adolescents. Ameri- et al. (2011) Y-STR DNA analysis of 154
can Journal of Public Health 96(4), female chid sexual assault cases in the
660–3. Philippines. International Journal of Legal
Jeyaseelan L, Sadowski LS, Kumar S, Hassan Medicine 125(6), 817–24.
F, Ramiro L, Vizcarra B (2004) World stud- Mandal M, Hindin MJ (2013) From family to
ies of abuse in the family environment – risk friends: does witnessing interparental vio-
factors for physical intimate partner vio- lence affect young adults’ relationships
lence. Injury Control and Safety Promotion with friends. Journal of Adolescent Health
11(2), 117–24. 53(2), 187–93.
Lachman P, Poblete X, Ebigbo PO, et al. Mandal M, Hindin MJ (2015) Keeping it in
(2002) Challenges facing child protection. the family: intergenerational transmission
Child Abuse and Neglect 26, 587–617. of violence in Cebu, Philippines. Mater-
Ladion FT (2007) Kiss of heaven: recover- nal and Child Health Journal 19(3),
ing from the trauma of child sexual 598–605.
abuse among evangelical Christians. Maxwell SR (2001) A focus on familial status:
Philippine Journal of Psychology 40(2), antisocial behaviour and delinquency in
58–87. Filipino society. Sociological Inquiry 71
Lansford JE, Malone PS, Dodge KA, et al. (3), 265–92.
(2010) Children’s perceptions of maternal Maxwell CD, Maxwell SR (2003) Experienc-
hostility as a mediator of the link ing and witnessing familial aggression and
between discipline and children’s adjust- their relationship to physically aggressive
ment in four countries. International behaviours among Filipino adolescents.
Journal of Behavioral Development 34 Journal of Interpersonal Violence 18(12),
(5), 452–61. 1432–51.

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines 117

Mayall B (2002) Towards a Sociology for Sana EA, Melencio-Herrera AA, Legarda K,
Childhood: Thinking from Children’s Lives. Vilches NC, Madrid BJ (2014) Competency
Open University Press, Buckingham. enhancement training for Philippine family
McVilly K, Ottmann G, Anderson J (2012) court judges and personnel handling child
Systematic Review Appraisal. School of abuse cases. Child Abuse Review 23(5),
Psychology, Deakin University, Melbourne. 324–33.
Myers W, Bourdillon M (2012a) Introduction: Sanapo MS, Nakamura Y (2011) Gender and
development, children and protection. De- physical punishment: the Filipino chil-
velopment in Practice 22(4), 437–47. dren’s experience. Child Abuse Review 20
Pells K (2012) Risky lives’: risk and protection (1), 39–56.
for children growing-up in poverty. Devel- Saplala JEG (2007) Understanding abusive
opment in Practice 22(4), 562–73. relationships in childhood and violent
Pickering C, Byrne J (2014) The benefits of behaviour among convicted felons.
publishing systematic quantitative literature Philippine Journal of Psychology 40(2),
reviews for PhD candidates and other 88–110.
early-career researchers. Higher Education Save the Children (2011) Child Protection in
Research and Development 33(3), 534–48. the Philippines: A Situational Analysis. Save
Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) and the Children, Bangkok.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Sugue-Castillo M (2009) Legal outcomes of
(2015) Child Poverty in the Philippines. sexually abused children evaluated at the
United Nations Children’s Fund, Makati Philippine General Hospital Child Protec-
City. tion Unit. Child Abuse and Neglect 33(3),
Price-Robertson, Bromfield L, and Lamont A 193–202.
(2014) International approaches to child Tarroja MCH, Balajadia-Alcala MA, Co SAC
protection – what can Australia learn? Child (2007) The impact of family composition
Family Community Australia paper No. 23. and last incident of abuse on the psychoso-
Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family cial well-being of abused children.
Studies. Philippine Journal of Psychology 40(2),
Qvortrup J (1994) An Introduction. In: 111–36.
Qvortrup J, Bardy M, Sgritta G, Terol EH (2009) Cases of sexually abused ad-
Wintersberger H (eds) Childhood Matters: olescent girls with mental retardation in the
Social Theory, Practice and Politics, Philippines. Journal of Child and Adoles-
pp. 1–24. Avebury Press, Aldershot. cent. Trauma 2(3), 209–27.
Ramiro LS, Madrid BJ, Brown DW (2010) United Nations (1989) Convention On The
Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and Rights Of The Child. United Nations,
health-risk behaviours among adults in a de- Geneva.
veloping country setting. Child Abuse and World Health Organisation (2006) Preventing
Neglect 34(11), 842–55. child maltreatment: a guide to taking action
Runyan DK, Shankar V, Hassan F, et al. and generating evidence. Switzerland:
(2010) International variations in harsh child
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Salveron M, Finan S, Bromfield L (2013) World Health Organisation (2016). Child mal-
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to inform practice. Developing Practice: Woodhead M (1999) Combatting child labour
The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal – Listen to what the children say. Childhood
37, 24. 6(1), 27–49.

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Appendix 1: Articles Subject to Review

Type of
physical abuse, Operational
sexual abuse, definitions of
Discipline of emotional and child Context of
author/school psychological maltreatment child maltreatment.
Author Journal title of primary abuse and or child E.g. institution, Sample/ Key
(year) Title (impact factor) author Focus neglect protection home, community Method participants findings
Acebes- Abuse of women International Social Demographic Sexual abuse, Family violence Home and Retrospective 1354 women Approximately 75%
Escobal and children in a Journal of medicine profiles, types of physical that requires community medical and children of sexual abusers
et al. Philippine Gynecology and injuries and the abuse, medical care chart review who sought of children and
(2002) community Obstetrics (1.537) characteristics of emotional and medical care women were
abusers psychological for abuse and from outside of
cabuse violence from the victim’s
(exposure to one medical household
family centre between Physical abuse
violence) 1997 and 1998 is most likely
perpetrated by
husbands and
partners in
the home.
Ansara and Perpetration of Journal of Public Prevalence and Emotional and Intimate partner Home Analysis of 1861 women Approximately 26%
Hindin (2009) intimate partner Interpersonal health causational factors psychological aggression survey data who were of women reported
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

aggression by Violence (1.210) of violence abuse defined as from the either married that either or they or
men and perpetrated (exposure to physical assault 2002 Cebu or living with their partner
women in by husbands family violence) from a partner longitudinal a partner perpetrated at least
the Philippines and wives health at time one physically
and nutrition of survey aggressive act in the
survey in Cebu last year, and 22%
reported sexual
coercion by their
partner. Reasons c
ited for violence
included alcohol use,
jealousy and ‘nagging’.

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Edralin (2002) Kids at DLSU Business Business An exploration Physical abuse The three worst Child labour Survey, focus 221 firms Abuse, exploitation
risk: plight and Economics management of the conditions, and neglect forms of child groups, and 237 child and the
of child Review (0.203) experiences and (under 18) labour; observation workers maltreatment of
workers in the lives of child slavery, child workers
tourism workers. prostitution, was common
industry in Cebu illicit activities among
and work participants.
that is
to health.
Estrellado Factors Journal of Psychology The decision Exposure to Intimate Home Qualitative 40 female Reveals the
and Loh associated Interpersonal making processes family partner interviews victims of factors that
(2014) with battered Violence (1.210) of female violence violence domestic influence
Filipino victims of defined violence women’s
women’s domestic as any decisions to
decision to violence. form of leave or
stay in or abuse to stay with
leave an abusive perpetrated abusive partners.
relationship. against a person
by an
intimate partner
or spouse.
Fehringer Like parent, Journal of Public The Exposure to Violence perpetrated Home Analysis of 472 married or Early intervention
and Hindin like child: Adolescent health relationship family violence by a partner includes: survey data cohabiting and a focus on
(2009) Intergenerational Health (3.612) between throwing something, from the young adults gender differences
transmission of witnessing pushing, grabbing or 2002 Cebu should be a focus to
partner violence inter-parental shoving, hitting longitudinal health prevent
in Cebu, the violence during with or without and nutrition intergenerational
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines

Philippines childhood and an object, and survey in Cebu. transmission of

later violence medical attention partner violence.
in partnerships. required.
Figer (2008) Looking Relational Child Childhood studies How children Exposure to Verbal abuse Home Qualitative Ten children Children in the study
through and Youth Care understand and family violence includes; interviews aged eight experience emotional
the eyes Practice (NA) experience verbal cursing, to ten and psychological
of the child: abuse from insulting effects from verbal
The phenomenon their parents and disparaging abuse.
of child remarks
verbal abuse
in the Philippines

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Type of
physical abuse, Operational
sexual abuse, definitions of
Discipline of emotional and child Context of
author/school psychological maltreatment child maltreatment.
Author Journal title of primary abuse and or child E.g. institution, Sample/ Key
(year) Title (impact factor) author Focus neglect protection home, community Method participants findings
Gunn and Ostos Dilemmas in International International An examination Physical abuse Child labour; Child labour Program Not provided Identifies that the
(1992) tackling child Labour Review development of an International and neglect all children description and program was able to
labour: The (0.222) Labour Office who accessed evaluation reduce harm for
case of project designed the child children, and
scavenger to assist labour re-engage children in
children child labourers at program schooling.
in the Philippines a garbage investigated An effective program
dump in requires research,
metro Manila. protection,
rehabilitation and
long term policy.
Hassan et al. (2004) Physical intimate Injury Control Public health and The magnitude Exposure to Physical Home Population-based Women aged Intimate partner
partner violence and Safety preventive of physical family violence intimate household survey 15-49 years violence was
in Chile, Egypt, Prevention (0.707) medicine intimate partner partner who cared for common in all
India and the violence violence - at least one communities
Philippines. against women slap, hit child younger investigated.
in Chile, Egypt, or punch, than 18 years
India kick, and of age.
and the Philippines. beat (repeated
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

Hindin Family dynamics, Journal of Public How family Exposure to family Physical Home Quantitative/Cebu 1428 adolescents Girls in households
(2005) gender Adolescence health dynamics and violence violence Longitudinal Health exposed to family
differences and (1.957) exposure to between and Nutrition Survey violence were less
educational family violence parents 1994, 1999, 2002 likely to complete
attainment in effects educational primary school.
Filipino attainment. Close relationships
adolescents between children and
parents assist
educational attainment.
Hindin and Gultiano Associations American Public The impact Exposure to family Domestic Home Quantitative analysis 2051 adolescents Filipino adolescents
(2006) between Journal Health of witnessing violence violence; physical of survey conducted aged between who have witnessed
witnessing of Public parental violence between face-to-face 17 and 19 parental domestic
parental domestic Health (4.552) domestic violence parents violence are

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
violence and on the mental significantly more
experiencing health of likely to report
depressive Filipino adolescents depressive symptoms.
symptoms in
Jeyaseelan et al. World studies Injury Control and Medicine A cross- Exposure to family Intimate partner Home Population-based Women aged Risk factors for
(2004) of abuse in the Safety Promotion and public national violence violence – Four survey 15-49 who care intimate partner
family (0.707) health comparison actions committed for at least one violence include
environment of the risk against partner; slap, child under alcohol consumption
– risk factors for factors for hit or punch, kick, 18 years of age. of partner, past
physical intimate abuse in and beat (repeated 1000 in the witnessing of father
partner violence family hitting) Philippines. beating mother, and
environments 3975 total. poor family work
status. Domestic
violence is widespread.
Ladion Kiss of heaven: Philippine Journal Psychology How evangelical Sexual abuse Child abuse Home and Case studies, Nine women Spirituality can be an
(2007) Recovering from of Psychology (NA) Christian faith constitutes: any community interviews and sexual abuse impetus for recovery
the trauma of can assist person below 18 focus groups survivors from child sexual
child sexual survivors of years old on whom abuse.
abuse among child sexual abuse the employment,
evangelical use, persuasion,
Christians inducement,
enticement or
coercion to engage
in, or assist another
person to engage in,
sexual intercourse,
or lascivious conduct
or the molestation,
prostitution, or
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines

Lansford Children’s International Journal Public health Cross national Physical abuse and Not defined Home Survey 195 child mother The effects of harsh
et al. (2010) perceptions of Behavioural study exploring emotional dyads. 49 in the verbal discipline are
of maternal Development (1.316) how parental maltreatment Philippines more adverse when
hostility as discipline can that type of discipline
a mediator of affect children’s is unusual.
the link adjustment and Cultural context is
between development. important in
discipline and understanding
children’s children’s
interpretations of


published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Type of
physical abuse, Operational
sexual abuse, definitions of
Discipline of emotional and child Context of
author/school psychological maltreatment child maltreatment.
Author Journal title of primary abuse and or child E.g. institution, Sample/ Key
(year) Title (impact factor) author Focus neglect protection home, community Method participants findings
adjustment in their parents’
four countries. behaviour.
Lansford Individual, Development and Public health Cross-national Physical abuse and Not defined Home Longitudinal study 1418 children, Corporal punishment
et al. (2015) family, and Psychopathology investigation of neglect utilising a survey 1398 mothers, and child-reported
culture (3.240) predictors of child and 1146 fathers neglect are relatively
level physical abuse in total, 120 high in comparison
contributions to and neglect. families from to other countries in
child physical the Philippines the study.
abuse and participated
neglect: A
study in
nine countries.
Lee (2004) Filipino Health and Social Behavioural Experiences of, Exposure to family Domestic violence, Home Focus groups 58 men Domestic violence
men’s Care in the Science and reasons for violence defined by experienced and
familial roles Community family violence participants, perpetrated by all
and domestic (1.369) among includes verbal and participants, most
violence: Filipino men physical abuse commonly verbal
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

implications and committed by men and physical abuse

strategies for and women against between men and
community-based each other, and by women and against
intervention parents against their children.
children. Verbal
abuse was also
Loh et al. (2011) Words that hurt: Journal of Psychology Developing an Emotional Psychological Home Open ended questionnaire30 high school students, Outlines nine
A qualitative Interpersonal understanding of maltreatment maltreatment is a 30 parents, and 28 categories of parental
study of parental Violence (1.210) what can be repeated pattern of counsellors. verbal abuse.
verbal considered verbal caregiver Shaming and ‘put-
abuse in the parental abuse behaviours downs’ are a popular
Philippines in the Philippines. of extreme form of discipline in
incidents that the Philippines that
convey to a child have the potential for

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
that they are children’s mental and
worthless, flawed, physical development.
unloved, endangered,
or only
of value in meeting
someone else’s needs
(2010, p2).
Madrid et al (2013) Child Acta Medical Health science. An overview of All types of child Not provided. All. Qualitative interviews Health workers, social Recommends greater
maltreatment Philippina (NA). child maltreatment maltreatment. and focus groups. workers, teachers, data collection in
prevention in the prevention in the parents and government relation to child
Philippines: Philippines. officials. maltreatment, the
A situationer. utilisation of evidence
–based programs,
and information
Maiquilla et al. Y-STR DNA International Legal medicine. The implications Sexual abuse. Any patient of a Home and community. DNA and case Evaluation of 154 DNA evidence in
(2011) analysis of Journal of Legal of DNA analysis Child Protection analysis of sexual sexual assault cases of cases of child sexual
154 female chid Medicine (2.714). in cases of child Unit at a hospital. assault cases. child victims aged abuse is highly
sexual assault sexual abuse. between 2 and 18 who important in
cases in the sought medical identifying
Philippines. attention. perpetrators. DNA
profiling is
recommended in all
Mandal and Hindin From family to Journal of Public health. The consequences Exposure to family Interparental violence Home. Cebu Longitudinal 1912 participants aged Approximately 44%
(2013) friends: Does Adolescent of exposure to violence. – Psychological Health and Nutrition between 21 and 22. of females and 47%
witnessing Health (3.612). family violence as aggression defined Survey 2002 of males had
interparental a child for as active, passive, and 2005. witnessed their
violence affect relationships later verbal or nonverbal parents physically
young adults’ in life. communication that hurt one another
relationships is intended to cause during childhood.
with friends? pain, physical This affects
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines

violence defined as psychological

hurting a parent. aggression among
males but not females.
Mandal and Hindin Keeping it in Maternal and Public health. The relation Exposure to family Intimate partner Home. Cebu Longitudinal 1912 participants Witnessing paternal
(2015). the family: Child Health between violence. violence Health and Nutrition aged between perpetration of
Intergenerational Journal (2.083). witnessing encompassing acts Survey 2002 21 and 22. interparental violence
transmission of inter-parental of psychological and 2005. predicted
violence in Cebu, intimate partner aggression, experiencing
Philippines. violence and physical abuse subsequent family
young adults’ with a partner. intimidation and
subsequent physical abuse.

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Type of
physical abuse, Operational
sexual abuse, definitions of
Discipline of emotional and child Context of
author/school psychological maltreatment child maltreatment.
Author Journal title of primary abuse and or child E.g. institution, Sample/ Key
(year) Title (impact factor) author Focus neglect protection home, community Method participants findings
experiences with Interventions should
physical abuse focus on the whole
and family of family.
Maxwell (2001). A focus on Sociological Criminology. The impact of Exposure to family Witnessing violence Home. Survey. 921 sixth grade students Witnessing parental
familial status: Inquiry (0.750). witnessing inter- violence. between parents or from private and public violence is
Antisocial parental violence caregivers, and schools. significantly
behaviour and and direct parent- direct, experienced associated with
delinquency in to-child violence violence (physical self-reported
Filipino society. on the behaviour harm) inflicted by anti-social and
of children. caregivers on ‘delinquent’ activities.
Maxwell and Experiencing and Journal of Criminology. The effect of Exposure to Adolescent-directed Home. Survey. 921 sixth gradersand There is a direct and
Maxwell (2003). witnessing Interpersonal family violence on family violence. aggression by 458 first and second positive relationship
familial Violence (1.210). adolescent parents or guardians, year high school between child-directed
aggression and behaviours. adolescent witnessed students. and child-witnessed
their relationship parents hit each violence on
to physically other because of adolescent aggression.
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

aggressive anger.
among Filipino
Ramiro et al. (2010) Adverse Child Abuse and Public health. The prevalence of Physical abuse, Definitions of Home and Survey 535 males, 533 26.4% of men and
childhood Neglect (2.574). adverse childhood emotional adverse childhood community. females aged 35 19.3% of women
experiences experiences in the maltreatment, neglect, experiences and over. were victims of
(ACE) and Philippines. sexual abuse, exposure provided. Types childhood abuse and
health-risk to family violence. of abuse include; 75% of total
behaviours psychological, participants
among adults physical, sexual, experiencing negative
in a developing physical neglect, childhood events.
country setting. psychological

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
Runyan et al. (2010) International Pediatrics (5.473). Social medicine. Cross national Physical abuse, Child discipline Home. Survey 14,239 women aged 16% of children
variations in comparison of emotional practices categorised between 15 and 49 experience harsh or
harsh child harsh parenting. maltreatment. as; non-violent, who had a child potentially abusive
discipline. moderate verbal, younger than 18 physical discipline.
harsh verbal, years in her home. Spanking rates were
moderate physical, highest in the
harsh physical Philippines at 76%.
without object,
harsh physical
with object.
Sana et al. (2014) Competency Child Abuse Review Childhood studies. The outcomes of Sexual abuse, physical Family Courts Home and Mixed methods Quantitative Skills based
enhancement (0.841). a program that abuse. Act, Republic community. program component - 52 competency training
training for aims to improve Act (RA) 8369. evaluation. employees of family is a successful way
Philippine court workers’ courts (judges, clerks, of improving court
family court interactions and social workers, workers work with
judges and work with child prosecutors). child witnesses and
personnel abuse cases. Qualitative – court victims of abuse.
handling child proceeding
abuse cases. observations and
interviews with key
informants (judges,
clerks, social workers,
child witnesses,
guardians, lawyers).
Number not provided.
Sanapo and Gender and Child Abuse Review Psychology. The prevalence Physical abuse, Physical abuse: any Home. Survey. 270 grade-six Around 60% of
Nakamura (2011) physical (0.841). and gendered exposure to non-accidental physical students – average participants
punishment: aspects of physical family violence. injury to the child. age of 12. experienced physical
The Filipino punishment in the punishment at home
children’s home. and Filipino parents
experience. punish sons more
harshly that their
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines

Saplala (2007) Understanding Philippine Journal Psychology. How child Physical abuse, Implementing rules Home and Survey. Six male offenders. Multiple types and
abusive of Psychology (NA). maltreatment emotional of the republic community. experiences of abuse
relationships in influences later maltreatment, [R.A.] 7610, were common
childhood and life criminality. neglect, sexual Section 3A. among participants.
violent abuse. Described in Child abuse plays a
behaviour methods section. role in the
among development of
convicted felons. criminal behaviour.
Pediatrics. Sexual abuse.


published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Type of
physical abuse, Operational
sexual abuse, definitions of
Discipline of emotional and child Context of
author/school psychological maltreatment child maltreatment.
Author Journal title of primary abuse and or child E.g. institution, Sample/ Key
(year) Title (impact factor) author Focus neglect protection home, community Method participants findings
Sugue-Castillo Legal outcomes Child Abuse and The legal Child sexual abuse: Detail not Mixed method Quantitative -486 case -The conviction rate
(2009) of sexually Neglect (2.574). outcomes and abusive contact and provided. case file analysis files of sexually of childsexual abuse
abused children factors associated non-contact acts of and in-depth abused child patients cases is similar to
evaluated at the with cases of a sexual nature. interviews aged between 0-17 or western countries.
Philippine sexually abused older -Court rulings
General Hospital children. if developmentally primarily rely on
Child Protection delayed. children’s disclosures.
Unit. Qualitative - with 23 -Medical evidence is
key informants important for cases
(service providers to advance in the
and patient/ legal system.
guardian pairs).
Patients were 13
years and over.
Tarroja et al. (2007) The impact of Philippine Journal Psychology. How child abuse physical abuse, Republic act 7610, Residential Survey. 45 abused children Abuse has a
family of Psychology (NA). impacts on emotional 1992 – child abuse is institutions. aged between 6 and significant effect
composition psychosocial maltreatment, neglect, the ‘maltreatment, 15 years who reside on children’s sense
and last incident wellbeing. sexual abuse, whether habitual or not, in residential of competence and
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

of abuse on the exposure to family of the child’. This facilities. self-esteem.

psychosocial violence. includes;
well-being of ‘psychological/
abused children. emotional
maltreatment, physical
abuse/cruelty, sexual
abuse, and neglect’.
Terol (2009) Cases of Journal of Child and Public health. The sexual abuse Sexual abuse. Definition of sexual Home and Semi-structured 15 girls with mental Services need to be
sexually abused Adolescent Trauma experiences of abuse not stated. community. interviews. retardation who had improved for
adolescent girls (0.400). children with experienced sexual children with mental
with mental mental retardation abuse aged between retardation.Abuse
retardation in and related policy 13 and 19. prevention measures
the Philippines. implications. should be made
available to children

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
with mental
Woodhead (1999) Combatting Childhood (0.841). Childhood studies. A cross-national Physical abuse and Working conditions Child labour. Semi- 300 children aged Children who work
child labour – comparison of neglect. that are hazardous, structured between 10 and 14. value the opportunity
Listen to what children’s abusive, exploitative or activities and of schooling, but do
the children say perspectives on in other ways focus groups. not see school as a
their work activities detrimental to viable alternative
development. based on their
Roche: Child Protection in the Philippines

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University
© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies
Appendix 2: Rating results of appraisal (McVilly, Ottmann and Anderson, 2012).

Method and Results and

Author (year) Literature Research focus Ethics approval procedures Participants Tools Data analysis Findings implications Referencing Total Ranking
Acebes-Escobal et al. (2002) 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 13 6
Ansara and Hindin (2009) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2
Edralin (2002) 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 9
Estrellado and Loh (2014) 1 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 16 4
Fehringer and Hindin (2009) 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 17 3
Figer (2008) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 11
Gunn and Ostos (1992) 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 11
Hassan et al. (2004) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2
Hindin (2005) 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 16 4
Hindin and Gultiano (2006) 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 17 3
Jeyaseelan et al. (2004) 1 2 0 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 16 4
Ladion (2007) 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 8 9
Lansford et al. (2010) 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 16 4
Lansford et al. (2015) 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 16 4
Lee (2004). 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 16 4
Loh et al. (2010) 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 17 3
Madrid et al. (2013) 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 9 8
Maiquilla et al. (2011) 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 16 4
Mandal and Hindin (2013) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies

Mandal and Hindin (2015) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2

Maxwell (2001) 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 17 3
Maxwell and Maxwell (2003) 1 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 16 4
Ramiro et al. (2010) 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 19 1
Runyan et al. (2010) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2
Sana et al. (2014) 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 12 7
Sanapo and Nakamura (2011) 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 13 6
Saplala (2007) 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 6 10
Sugue-Castillo (2009) 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 18 2
Tarroja et al. (2007) 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 9
Terol (2009) 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 15 5
Woodhead (1999) 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 9 8

© 2017 The Author. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

January 2017

published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Crawford School of Public Policy at The Australian National University

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