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Christian Ghostwriter
P.O. Box 700515
Saint Cloud, FL 34770

Accomplished ghostwriter with more than 40 years of experience in ministry and Christian publishing. More than 90
books produced for pastors and Christian leaders worldwide.


• Honorary Doctorate (Doctor of Divinity)

Midwest Seminary of Bible Theology
• Master’s Program (Journalism)
University of North Carolina
Duke University
• Bachelor’s Program (Theology)
University of North Carolina
Southeastern University
St. Andrews Presbyterian College
• Academic Recognitions
Graduated from bachelor’s program magna cum laude
Dean’s List (Every semester of college)
Additional non-credited course work at Yale University
Member of the honor society of the American Association of Bible Colleges
“Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” (1974 edition)
Two nominations to the United States Air Force Academy


• Ghostwriter for clients that include pastors, denominational executives, ministry leaders, and Christian
• Books, workbooks, devotional series, sermon series, curricula, book proposals, and 5000 daily devotionals
• One book reached #1 on Amazon in three different categories, another displayed on the front bookrack at every
Barnes & Noble in the United States


• An ordained minister since 1974, Nick Henry has served as a senior pastor, executive pastor, associate pastor,
youth pastor, and denominational executive.
• Built two churches from the ground up
• Directed all international publishing for the world’s largest evangelical missionary organization
• Conducted large-scale public events, traveled internationally to preach and to gather information, and coordinated
complex campaigns
• Managed two publishing companies (faith-based and secular)
• Church consulting with a specialty in government compliance and corporate setups (C-corporations, S-
corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, benefit corporations, 501(c)(3) corporations)

To learn more about my work, please visit my website:

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