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Michelle L.


Premarital Sex

Premarital sex is very common in our generation right now especially to those people
who are very liberated because as we all noticed that many young and adults are calling
for abortion which is a very deadly sin. Many people think having sex with their
boyfriend or girlfriend is ok but most of them didn’t think the consequences about what
is going to happened. Getting married after having sex is the marital love of husband
and wife which unites them as one flesh and participated in God’s creative love. Sadly,
on our society, we see the act of marital love trivialized. Whether we would turn to
pornography or even to a comedy show, the act or marital love is oftentimes portrayed
as a selfish expression without any sense of permanence and exclusivity. The couple
easily forgets that the action could conceive a child and that they could become mommy
and daddy. And what then? Would a child be aborted? Would he/she be raised by one
parent? Forced to get married? We see the tragedy that occurs when we deviate from
God’s plan. Many people have thought they were in love with someone else, gave
themselves to that person in the most intimate expression of human love, then were
later discarded. Many people have heard the phrase “I want you” but some of them
really wanted was a body, not a person, a sensation, not a commitment of life and love.
Patience is very important in a relationship because if you really love each other and
respect each other you must wait for the right moment of what other people called
“making love”. Mature dating relationships are all about love and understanding the
other person’s needs and likes. Premarital sex often leads to unplanned pregnancies.
Teenagers will struggle and a huge depression will make their lives a living hell if they
cross the line of making love. Many student’s grades drop and they lose interest in
things that they once enjoyed after having sex. If you are engage in premarital sex with
some random people it can spread a disease through sexual contact which is not a
pretty picture. STD’s reveal themselves through burning, itching, oozing, and pus filled
sores on your genitals. In the eyes of many people today reveal an internal emptiness
which comes from spending oneself on a fleeting pleasure rather than on building upon
a marriage and a family. According in God’s design, sexual love is reserved to marriage.
As George Jackson said “Patience has its limits” Yes, it is hard to fight sexual urges but
its just mind over matter. If you let yourself be controlled by lust,it is your choice.
Michelle L. Sorilla

Committing mistakes is normal. But committing mistakes intentionally is devilish. We,

the youth, is the future. We don’t have to be perfect, we just need to set a good
example. We don’t have to pressured to meet their expectations, but let us try hard not
to become a disappointment. So we people should make our own choices and live by
these choices.

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