Monthly Summary Report Intern B&P

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For the first month of internship, I have done auditing and statutory audit.

On the first day

of internship I have been chosen with one of the trainee to get an experience to go for audit at
client’s office. It is our mentor’s audit job and we as a trainee was just to help them to do some
testing and workings. During audit at client’s office which is ABC Sdn. Bhd., I was given a task to
do workings and testing for its other payable, other receivable, cost of sales, expenses and
revenue (test of control). In order to complete the testing and workings, we must refer to the
previous audited report and the client’s current management account. As it is the first time our
company (Bal & Partners) audit ABC Sdn. Bhd., we need to conduct a statutory audit and copied
the annual return, memorandum of association, minutes of meeting for financial year that is being
audit and all related form for our record. We done the audit for a week and have gone to statutory
audit at client’s registered office.
The second job that is given to me was to prepare an opening balance for 123 Sdn Bhd.
It actually takes me a day to complete the opening balance since there is a working that is missing
as it was not attached in the file. However, my mentor help me with the workings.
After I completed with the opening balance, I was given a new job which is my first job that
required me to do a full audit by myself. This company, XYZ Sdn. Bhd., was running a trading
business. I start the audit by calculating the audit fee for XYZ Sdn. Bhd. and give the calculation
to my manager for review. After being reviewed, I was given a period of time to complete the
audit. After that, I continue with the workings and audit program as well as sending queries to the
client. While waiting for the client to reply my audit queries, I ask for another job.
On the last week of February, I was given another job, which also require me to do a full
audit. As for this company, I do the audit at the end of February and will continue doing it until the
beginning of March.
What I learnt from the experience is it is clearer for me to understand the real audit
process. It is actually what I have learned in class. However, every job given have the period to
complete the audit. Therefore, it is important to work efficiently and effectively.

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