Legal Forms

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I, EMA JO, of legal age, single, Filipino and a resident of Lindaville Subdivision Phase 2, San Isidro
District, Tagbilaran City, Philippines, after having been sworn to in accordance with law do hereby
depose and state:

That I am instituting this CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against MAO TRAB, of legal; age, single, Filipino,
and a resident of of Block 69 Lot 1, Calachuchi Street, Lindaville Subdivision Phase 2, San Isidro
District, Tagbilaran City, Philippines for ORAL DEFAMATION as defined and penalized under
Article 353 in relation to Article 358 of the Revised Penal Code of the Philippines;

1. That the acts complained of were committed as follows:

a. January 10, 2020 at around 5p.m. I was heading home at Lindaville Subdivision Phase 2,
San Isidro District, Tagbilaran City when I met my neighbor, MAO TRAB, who withour
saying nothing, to my surprise, he intentionally shouted (“BURIKAT KA! GI ILOG NIMO
AKONG BANA!”). You are a whore! You stole my husband! You are always flirting with each
other under our house.
b. That the statement was uttered by MAO TRAB on January 10, 2020 publicly and clearly
prompted not by sense of moral duty but by personal ill-will, spite and/or malice with the
object of destroying my reputation and discrediting and ridiculing me as an individual
before the bar of public opinion and contempt;
c. The ill-effects of the malicious utterances are shown by the negative responses that I have
received from my neighbors, especially my son, expressing belief in respondent’s baseless
allegations as shameful, heinous and unequivocally barbaric-all to my damage and

2. That by reason of the foregoing, I suffered sleepless nights, wounded feeling, moral and social
embarrassment which MAO TRAB should compensate by way of moral damages which is the
natural, proximate and necessary result of the malicious publication in the amount of not less
that One Hundred Thousand Pesos (Php100,000.00).

3. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing averments and for the
purpose of criminally prosecuting said MAO TRAB for ORAL DEFAMATION as there grave
utterances as determined by the Prosecution Office in the preliminary investigation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my signature this 24th day of January 2020 in Tagbilaran
City, Philippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 17th day of January 2020 in the City of Tagbilaran, Bohol,
Philippines. Affiant showing to me her above-cited I.D. No. and I hereby certify that I have personally
examined the Affiant and that I am satisfied that she voluntarily executed and fully understood the contents

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