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SUBE™ Corp.

In partial fulfillment for

Entrepreneurship 201

Sir Argiel Dave Reid

Aisha Kelsey Urbano

Ben Coolin Jimenez
Janinahnorfa G. Mimbala
King Ernesto Marcoso
Mohammad Hamdi Tuan
Pamille Gwynne Resma

Accountancy, Business and Management

11- Becker
September 3, 2019

1.1 Executive Summary

(ang nakared is hindi pa nafill in or incomplete… gi-delegate ko ang some

parts of this business plan to the other members)

Please check the grammar of the document…

Please follow Arial-font 12-size, 1.5-Spacing format…


2.1 Company Name.

Our company is named SUBE™.

2.2 Company Logo

2.3 Address

Selling Area: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, Corrales Avenue, Cagayan

de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.

Production Area: Urbano Residence, Silver Creek Subdivision, Brgy. Carmen,

Cagayan de Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines.

2.4 Mission and Vision

2.5 Key Personnel

2.6 Organizational Chart

2.7 Type of Ownership

Our enterprise is a pseudo-corporation. We are composed of 6-member

partnership that provides capital to the business. The reason why there it’s “pseudo”
is because we are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.8 Capital

Based on our calculation we need an initial maximum capital of PHP

6,500 for 5-day continued operations. (see financial plan)

2.9 Salary

2.10 External Management

3.1 Purpose of the product
As entrepreneurs we want to sell a delicious dessert to the community, not only just
good food but a healthy dessert. We want to provide good dessert but we also
wanted the product to stand out in the market and since it is new to the market,
people might get inspired by our product. We wanted people to get encourage or
inspired in creating new things, our motto is “masarap ang bago”. We wanted to
make this product that made an impactful taste to all our customers. We desire a
fully innovated product but that product should still relate to our Filipino culture.

3.2 Products Unique Features

When we think about dessert noodles it has never been heard anywhere in the
Philippines , the noodles has a taste of ube flavor and its sauce is delicious coconut
milk mixed with our recipe for the sauce which gives it an exact amount of
sweetness . We also have different categories of toppings which is for the taste and
for the crunchy texture. All the noodles, the sauce and toppings complement each
other in flavour. This type of dessert is new to the market and it is our greatest
pleasure to introduce it to the community , this product has a touch of Filipino taste
and uniqueness that will capture the attention of consumers. We combined the idea
of desserts into noodles thus created SUBE it gives a sweet flavor yet healthy for the
costumers. Our sauce has some soya mixed in it which is very healthy and the
noodles has a topioca texture to its noodles which matches with the sweet sauce.

3.3 Production Process.

3.3.1 Product Creation
A. Preparing the Noodle
4.69 cups of All Purpose Flour
4.69 cups of Tapioca Flour
7.5 tbsp of Ube Extract
3.75 Sachets of Ube Food Coloring Powder
DURATION: 30-45 Minutes

1. Mix the Tapioca Flour together with the All Purpose Flour in a bowl
2. Prepare hot water with Ube Food Coloring Powder and Ube Extract and
mix well
3. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture gradually and mix
4. Use your hands to mold the dough
5. Find a flat surface and sprinkle with flour and place the dough on top of it
6. Use the rolling pin to flatten the dough evenly
7. Slice the dough into regular strips ( 1cm)
8. Put the strips into boiling water with salt for about 5 mins
9. When 5 mins is over, strain the cooked noodles and place in cold water.

B. Preparing the Soya Milk

12.75 Cups Coconut Milk
9.38 tsp Soya Powder
6.25 Cups Brown Sugar
DURATION: 15- 20 Minutes

1. Put Brown Sugar into the bowl and Soya Powder

2. Add the Coconut Milk and mix together

C. Caramelizing the sugar

6.25 Cups of Brown Sugar
14.25 Cups of Water

DURATION: 5- 10 Minutes
1. Add Brown Sugar into the saucepan
2. Add the water
3. Allow it toboilwhile stirring repeatedly

D. General Procedure

180 g Chocolate
59 g of Cornflakes
DURATION: 5- 10 Minutes

1. Grate the chocolate

2. Strain the noodles and add soy milk
3. Add the caramelized sugar syrup
4. Add cornflakes and chocolate

3.3.2 Production Plan

We are in total 6 members, our work will be divided into six stations because we are
sure we cannot meet up in a daily basis so it is better if we do it separately in our
homes or either by pair. First station will do the noodles since every single day we
will make a total of 50 servings of the noodles , Aisha will be also the one who will
make the noodles , Aisha will make the noodles with a partner since 50 servings is
too much for one person. The 2nd station will be the ones responsible for the sauce,
Aisha could say that this one requires 2-3 members because they need to do the
exact measurement of the ingredients for the sauce. For the syrup it could take one
person to do it since the process of the sauce is very simple it is just to add a bit of
sweetness to the sauce. We will make the noodles and sauce a day after, but we will
cook the noodles within the day we sell the product so that the noodles are still fresh
and soft.

3.3.3 Packaging

Based on the survey we conducted, majority of our respondents would like to

have Paper Cup with Cover as our packaging. Considering our environmentally
friendly aspect, we have opted not to use plastic for our packaging except for our
utensil which is the spork. We will proceed with having paper cup, but we have
decided to use banana leaf as our cover. Through this way, it would be less costly at
the same time more eco-friendly because it does not involve plastic. Also, making
use of Banana Leaf is something different and Filipino.

Our packaging shows our company logo and the “Best Consumed Before” of
our product. Our product could easily spoil because it can last only for few hours. It
is estimated that it can last for about 4-5 hrs without treatment and longer when
refrigerated. The noodles tend to harden when exposed to room temperature for a
longer time which affects its taste.

3.4 Distribution Logistics

Our product is homemade so this product is good for a day, we have a member that
owns and could drive their car so we might be able to use him as assistance in
bringing our product. We will be distributed in our own station, Aisha will be the one
bringing half portion of the noodles and another will also bring half .The others will be
the ones making the sauces and syrups of the noodles. Our members mostly
commute to school and back home.

3.5 Regulatory and other compliance

We ensure to follow the process and regulations by maintaining the cleanliness of
how we make our product. We assure the customers that we will taste check our
product before selling the product for the following day. We will wash our hands
properly and tie our hair and wear hairnets so that we could ensure that no dirt nor
other debris will be in our product.

4.1 Marketing and Sales Strategy.
Based from our product “SUBE" which is the soya ube noodles, these are the plans
and tactics to attract the customers and clients in the market:
Account based advertising:
Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are the main social media accounts that are used.
Thought this, the people would know what's the latest updates about our product.
Where, when, and how they can buy it.We make sure that the information that we
will disseminate about our product are all correct and that we are using the "best"
available platform in disseminating information.
Content Marketing:
It involves what is inside our social media accounts. Of course it needs to be eye
catching and appealing to the eyes that could make them crave for it. Making sure
the colors would attract them.
Print Advertising:
Giving out fliers to people so that they would know that there is a new dessert in the
city. So if more people knows, more people would buy.
Direct Messages:
Through this, promoting our product would be much more easier. They would
respond faster and easier. Giving information about our product is one way of
making it known to more people and to attract more customers.
Overcome Rejections
Accepting mistakes and apologizing to maintain a good relationship with the
customers. Talking to them politely because “the customer is always right”. Through
this, we must be approachable because we will be accommodating customers as we
take their order and prepare it. We must also be quick and careful in preparing our
Create the desire
Giving them more options and new flavors to try. Soya milk, caramelized sugar syrup
(taho syrup) and other toppings such as chocolate, rice crispies, pinipig, grated
coconut, cornflakes, and etc. It would make them satisfied because we’ve met there
wants and desires while triggering their sweet tooth.
Build Value

The daily allowance students get, we could make use of it by making our product
compatible to the price we sell. Not just by its affordable price but also m aking a
mark on their hearts and minds for them to be wanting to come back for more.

Find the need

Identifying their needs to what they wanted and when they wanted it.Self-Service
type of service, we make sure to find a very good spot which is accessible to our
customers because they will be coming to our store.

Establish Rapport (Trust and Respect)

Our product is high in protein and has low saturated fat. This benefits the customers
to have a healthy food to eat which is also good for us because we wanted our
buyers to be satisfied with its health benefits. Paper Cup with Cover as our
packaging. considering our environmentally friendly aspect, we have opted not to
use plastic for our packaging except for our utensil which is the spork. We will
proceed with having paper cup, but we have decided to use banana leaf as our
cover. Through this way , it would be less costly at the same time more eco-friendly
because it does not involve plastic. Making sure that our product is safe, delicious,
and healthy. That it would not lead in any kind of mistrusts.

4.2 Product Characteristics and Features.

Our product is known as Sube short for soya-ube noodles. It is handmade tapioca
noodles flavored with ube that is served with soya milk, caramelized sugar syrup
(taho syrup) and other toppings such as chocolate and cornflakes.

It is inspired from “Lod Chong”, A sweet dessert of Thailand which brings out pandan
flavor, served with coconut milk, special Thai Syrup and jackfruit with ice. We chose
to get inspiration from “Lod Chong” because it is something new and one of a kind.
Our Company want to introduce something that is totally new and different in
the market.

Sube’s taste can be described as moderately sweet. It is low in saturated fat and
high in protein. The Soya Milk is from pure soya beans powder because we want to
make sure that all the nutrients of the Soya Beans are kept. We are making use of
caramelized sugar as our sweetener for the Soya Milk which is enhanced by the
chocolate topping because it perfectly complements the soya milk. Also, we added
coconut milk to the Soya Milk to make it creamier and to improve its taste. Ube is the
flavor of our noodle because we want to make it “Filipino” by making use of Filipino

4.3 Pricing Policy

Small-Size Serving.
Medium-Size Serving.
1 Serving Cost: Php 21.88
Profit percentage: 33%
1 Serving Price: Php 30.00

4.4 Sales Projections

For 5-days of business operation, it is projected that we will earn Php 2041.05.

Profit for One-Day

Profit for 50 servings:

Revenue= 30.00 x 50 = 1500
Total Expenses= Php 1094.19
Profit= Revenue – Expenses= 1500 – 1094.19 = Php 402.81

Profit for Five-Days

Php 402.81 per day x 5 days = Php 2041.05

4.5 Market Analysis.

Potential Customers.
Our main potential customers are the members of the XU-SHS Student
Community. The general Xavier University community can also be a potential
market for us by virtue of the fact that our store will be in the same campus.

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Buying Habits.
Selling our product at late lunch time is essential as it serves as an "after meal" food
which is really appropriate to them.

Customer’s Budget.
Php 100-150 implies the daily allowance students get everyday. We could make use
of it by making our product compatible to the price we sell. Initial capital per serving:
Php 21.88; We propose to sell it at Php 30.00 for medium-size servings, well within
the price range demanded by the majority of our respondents.

Our Competition.

We expect that monopolistic competition will occur in the market. We are

confident that we can establish a competitive position because our product is very
distinguishable from other products. Sube is something new and our target
market will experience something new from us.

Competitor’s Strengths And Weaknesses.

My competitors strengths is that they are mostly good at competing through
promotional advertisements and also their product aren’t that new to the market. So,
some of the people would prefer to buy theirs because their products are what they
are to or usually buy. One of their strengths can also be their weakness because
some may find or search something that are new to their taste So through their
weakness we will make it as our strength.

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5.1 Start-Up Capital
Based on our calculation (see breakdown analysis and budget), we need an
initial maximum capital of PHP 6,500 for 5-day continued operations.

Thus, we resolved to pay Php 50 per day including weekends starting on

September 1 to meet this start-up capital requirement.


STEP 1. Cost of Production for One Day Operations is Php 1094.19 (see
Breakdown Analysis)
STEP 2. We decided to give an allowance of Php 205.41 per day for any other
and unforeseen expenses (See Budget)
STEP 3. Cost of One-Day Operation per day totals to Php 1300.00
STEP 4. Cost of Five-Day Operations total to Php 6500.00

5.2 Financial Plan

As planned, we will sell at 50 servings per day to earn profits. We are

confident that we can achieve this.

5.3 Breakdown Analysis



Noodle Dough
Ingredient Quantity Price Price x Quantity
All Purpose Flour 4.69 Cups Php 41.50 per kilo Php 27.73
Tapioca Flour 4.29 Cups Php 44.75 for 500g Php 59.81
Ube Extract 7.5 tbsp Php 67.00 for Php 251.25
Ube Powder 3.75 Sachet Php 13.00 12 Php 4.07
TOTAL Php 342.86
Soya Milk (Sauce)
Ingredient Quantity Price Price x Quantity
Coconut Milk 12.75 Cups Php 62.00 for 400 Php 465.00
Soya Powder 9.38 tsp Php 187.00 for Php 9.15
Brown Sugar 6.25 Cups Php 18.50 per kilo Php 11.57

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TOTAL Php 485.72
Caramelized Sugar Syrup
Ingredient Quantity Price Price x Quantity
Brown Sugar 6.25 Cups Php 18.50 per kilo Php 11.57
Water 14.25 Cups
TOTAL Php 11.57
Ingredient Quantity Price Price x Quantity
Cornflake Toppings 59 g Php 99.70 for 275g Php 21.24
Chocolate 180g Php 89.00 for Php 89.00
TOTAL Php 110.24

50 Spork= Php 38.80
50 paper cup= Php 105.00

Cost of Production= (Noodle Dough) + (Soya Sauce) + (Caramelized Sugar Syrup) +

=342.86 + 485.72 + 11.57 + 110. 24 + 143.80
= Php 1094.19
Cost per serving= (Cost of Production)/50 servings
= 1094.19/50
= Php 21.88
Chosen peso-markup percentage: 33%
Selling Price:
(Cost per serving) + [(Cost per serving) x (peso-markup)]
21.88 + [21.88 x 0.33]
Rounded Price: Php 30
Profit for 50 servings:
Revenue= 30.00 x 50 = 1500
Total Expenses= Php 1094.19
Profit= Revenue – Expenses= 1500 – 1094.19 = Php 402.81

5.4 Budget
Budget Allocations 5.4.1 Overall-Production
ors Includes production of the
Exp dessert itself and packaging.
es Over-all Production ALLOCATION: Php 5490.95
16 84%
% 5.4.2 Unforeseen Expenses

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Allowance for expenses not contemplated and predicted in this paper.
ALLOCATION: Php 1029.05
5.5 Start-Up Summary
We project that the total cost for the entire 5-day business operation will be
Php 6,500.
We will make the Sube in Silver Creek Subdivision, Brgy. Carmen. (Aisha
Urbano’s Residence); The following are the functions and the assignees for the 5-
day operation itself.

1. Sube Production Head – Aisha Urbano

2. Purchasing and Transport – King Marcoso
3. Packaging – Ben Jimenez
4. Finances – Janinahnorfa Mimbala
5. Marketing – Pam Resma
6. Oversight and Management – Hamdi Tuan
7. Sube Production - ALL.

5.5.1 Time
We will sell during Entrepreneurship Subject Time, Lunch and Dismissal.
5.5.2 Place

We have decided to sell our product at the Magis Canteen. The results of our
survey tells us that majority of the respondents purchase their food at the Magis
Canteen. The Magis Canteen is a very preferable location because it is exposed to
all students. And it can easily attract students since it is known “where the food is
located”. We would like to make sure that our product is at a very good location in
order to gain more customers.

As we put up our own stall, we must make sure that we have enough space in
preparing our product because customers will be coming to our stall. Our stall should
be presentable and we must be very accommodating in dealing with our customers
as we take their orders and prepare them.

5.6 5-year Profit or Loss

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5.7 5-year Cash Flow
5.8 5-year Balance Sheet

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