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Reflection paper about 21st century

Name:Perpiñan ,Arra

Course/year/section: BEED-2C Instructor: Mr. Hequilan

Currently , information is widespread in the entire world and it is easy for us to be updated on the events
that is happening . This is through media and technology . We connot ceased it's improvement in the
field of education , economies and other aspects as well .

Way back in the 20th century , terms of teaching , traditional way is used . The common teaching
material is the blackboard . The teacher only has the sole authority inside the classroom . That is why
most of the time , student's lack of interest in learning. Moving to the recent century , learning and
teaching has a big a different . The students are the center of learning . Technology gives a great impact
in their fastest learning . They can be able to search formation regarding their studies without going to
the library .

Though positive insight can be viewed to the 21st century , I observed it's negative perspective , two . I
have seen it in my naked eye that is occurring in my community . Children learned rogue behavior in
media. There is a porn site which is ultimately the reason why the rate of population of early pregnancy
is getting higher . Incorrect verbal usage is rampant in social media just like Facebook , messenger and
Twitter wherein the family is sometimes in chaos .

Despite of all the negative influence to the children , I believe that nothing is wrong in the improvement
of our country . I agree that all wee need to do is to put a strong guidance in our children with their
inquisitive mind. We should not ignore their rudeness sometimes because that sometimes is the way to
believe that early actions leads to improvement .

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