Chat and Instant Messaging

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What is Chat?
A chat usually occurs in a chat room, a digital forum where multiple people connect for the purpose
of discussing a shared interest. Text and images are sent to everyone at once.

What is Instant Messaging?

Instant messaging (IM) technology is a type of online chat that offers real-time text transmission
over the internet. Short messages are typically transmitted between two parties, when each user
chooses to complete a thought and select "send".

Chat and Instant Messaging

Chat and IM are generally used when both (or all) people are online, so your message can be read
immediately. By comparison, an email message won't be seen until the recipient checks his email,
meaning that chat and IM are better for quick messages and conversations.

Chat vs Instant Messaging

 Chat often occurs on virtual chat room, which can include many people with one topic or have
common interest.
 Instant Messaging usually includes a list of your contacts. IM is especially suited for one-on-one
communication, but it is possible to send messages to multiple people at once.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Instant Messaging

Advantage Disadvantage
 Instant  If someone is not online, you may have
to contact him another way.
 Quick messages
 It is not convenient as email for lengthy
 Conversations
or complicated messages.
 Multi-task  It is not always instantaneous.

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