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2nd Quarterly Exam

NAME: ___________________________________ LEVEL:

Grade 9
TEACHER: Mary Jane Ramirez DATE:


Note: Read all directions carefully. Select the best answer choice.
Never give up and do your best!
I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Wolfgang’s real name is _____________________.
a. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart b. Wolfgang Mozart Amadues
2. Wolfgang was born on January 27, _______.
a. 1756 b. 1791
3. He was a profilic and influential, classical composer; also recognized as
a. Father of Symphony Orchestra
b. The Greatest Musical Genius of All Time
4. During his teenage years, he mastered piano and completed his first opera,
_____________ which means The Simple Pretense.
a. The Marriage of Figaro b. La finta semplice
5. In which place did Wolfgang die?
a. Vienna b. Salzburg
6. Wolfgang’s father is Mr. Leopoldo and his sister is ____________ who are both
a. Nana b. Nanrel
7. He could play the harpsichord and violin at the age of _____.
a. 6 b. 11
8. He was survived during his final years in Vienna by his wife __________ and their
two sons.
a. Constancia b. Constanze
9.”Le Nozze di Figaro” means ________________.
a. The Magic Flute b. The Marriage of Figaro
10. “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik” means ________________.
a. The Magic Flute b. A Little Night Music
II. True or False. Write T if the statement is true. Write F if it is not. Write your
answer on the space provided before each number.
____11. Franz real name is Franz Joseph Haydn.
____12. He was born on May 31, 1809.
____13. Franz Joseph died in Vienna at May 31, 1809.
____14. He was known as “The Greatest Musical Genius of All Time”.
____15. Franz’s nickname as a child was Sepperl.
____16. He was given the title “Father of the String Quartet”
____17. Everyone believed that his brother would be more successful than him.
____18. Haydn made two very successful performances in England.
____19. The “Emperor’s Hymn to Francis, the Kaiser” was the national anthem of
Austria until 1918.
____20. The “Emperor’s Hymn to Francis, the Kaiser” is the national anthem of
Germany today.

III. Enumeration.
Enumerate Ludwig Van Beethoven’s popular pieces.
21. __________________ 22. __________________
23. __________________ 24. __________________
25. __________________ 26. __________________
IV. Classify the works under the correct artist. Write your answer inside the box.

Michaelangelo Buorotti Leonardo da Vinci Raphael and Donatello

David The Last Judgment Virgin of the Rocks

The Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel The Last Supper The Creation of Adam
Coronation of the Virgin St. John the Baptist Pieta
Mona Lisa The Annunciation Mary Magdalene
Madonna in the Meadow The Parnassus
V. Answer the following questions. (5 pts each)

41-45. What are the important reasons to dance?

46-50. What are the common signs of drug abuse?

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