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Swami Vivekananda was born in Calcutta on January 12, 1863 was a Kayasthas family.

His father's
name was VP Duttaawr mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi Kkalktta university education during their
paces in various subjects - especially in Western philosophy and history! They were inspired and
influenced by his guru Ramakrishna Deva. His master had taught him that God himself is an
embodiment of all living beings, therefore, to serve God by serving mankind can be. Swami
Vivekananda and the Western world to its spiritual genius of the Indian Vedanta philosophy and
Yoga are famous for getting familiar with. To educate the public, women's emancipation and
development of the poor and founded an organization named the Ramakrishna Mission. The
organization is also pioneering work selflessly serve society - such as hospitals, schools, colleges
etc., walk to help the earthquake victims of other disasters. Council of World Religions in Chicago in
1893, India has become Pratinidhi. Swamiji with his lecture proved that Hinduism is too great, it is
able to accommodate all religions. They first great cultural ambassador of India to the West. His
main role in the revival of Hinduism in India is special. His whole life was dedicated to the
development of mankind and the good Loei. He believed that human service God service. According
to him the success purity, patience, perseverance and love are essential. Through the example of
his life, he loved to serve humanity with respect and humility have inspired people. According to
him, good and pure life of others is the essence of all religions and worship. He believed that the
character of the building, increasing the power of the mind and the caliber of education is a major
goal. They are his friends and fans were inspired to self-reliant. They always live life based on moral
and spiritual values is encouraged.

Date of Birth: January12, 1863

Place of Birth: Calcutta, Bengal Presidency (Now Kolkata in West Bengal)

Parents: Vishwanath Dutta (Father) and Bhuvaneshwari Devi (Mother)

Education: Calcutta Metropolitan School; Presidency College, Calcutta

Institutions: Ramakrishna Math; Ramakrishna Mission; Vedanta Society of New York

Religious Views: Hinduism

Philosophy: Advaita Vedanta

Publications: Karma Yoga (1896); Raja Yoga (1896); Lectures from Colombo to Almora (1897);
My Master (1901)

Death: July 4, 1902 ((aged 39)

Place of Death: Belur Math, Belur, Bengal

Memorial: Belur Math, Belur, West Bengal

Swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January, 1863 in Calcutta. His family name was Narendranath Dutta.
His father Vishwanath Dutta was a learned man who was well- versed in English and Persian. By
profession, he was a successful Attorney-at-law in the High Court of Calcutta.

His mother was a pious lady who influenced Naren since his childhood in the formation of his character.
She first taught Naren English lesson, and then made him acquainted with Bengali alphabets.

Naren studied in the Metropolitan Institution at Calcutta; and after passing the Entrance Examination, he
joined the General Assembly's Institution founded by the Scottish General Missionary Board (later renamed
as Scottish Church College) in Calcutta, from where he passed his B.A. examination, and went to study law.
But since his father died, his family's financial position did not allow him to prosecute further study.

Naren was a good singer. Once Ramakrishna Paramahamsa happened to hear Naren singing a devotional
song. He asked the young man to see him at Dakshineswar, where he was a priest at the Kali temple.

From his childhood, Naren was eager to see God face to face. He asked many religious stalwarts about his
desire in the past, but none could satisfy him. Now this God-man of Dakshineswar said to Naren that as one
can see him, he can also see God in the same real form. Naren was not con-vinced with his words. He
wanted the saint to prove it to him. And in course of time, Naren had that wonderful divine experience in
his life. He became the most important disci-ple of the saint. His Guru taught him that God lives in every
human being. So by serving mankind, one can serve God.

With this teaching, Naren, in his later life, established the Ramakrishna Mission which is till this day
engaged in rendering voluntary social service to the poor and the dis-tressed, irrespective of caste, creed
and religion.

Naren was later named as 'Swami Vivekananda', when he became a monk. He went to America to
participate in the Parliament of World Religions held at Chicago in 1893. In his long lecture, Swami
Vivekananda explained to the world that God is One, and that the different religions are like dif-ferent
rivers (or routes) to terminate in the sea (the same des-tination).

Hence there should not be any dispute among the preachers of different religions that they worship god in
separate forms or with different beliefs. The realization of the eternal truth of One God can avoid hatred
among the people. Swamiji's views were acclaimed with great appreci-ation, and a number of American
men and women became his disciples, who later joined the Ramakrishna Mission.

Swami Vivekananda taught us the essence of national-ism in his bold writings. He wrote : "Our sacred
motherland is the land of religion and philosophy-the birthplace of spiritual giants-the land of renunciation,
where and where alone, from the most ancient to the most modern times, there has been the highest ideal
of life open to man."

He also said, "Have faith that you are all, my brave lads, born to do great things."

Swamiji's call to the nation is: "Arise, awake; wake up yourself, and awaken others. Achieve the
consummation of life before you pass off. Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached."

Swami Vivekananda passed away in 1902.

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