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Moderator Seminar

Good morning ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to this seminar minor thesis proposal on ……………..
By ………………………..
Before starting the topic i would like to introduce the presenters.
She is Ms. ……………. who is in charge of presenting she’s result minor thesis for the first part
And I’m Ms. Mirza Hardani, who is in charge ushering through this seminar.
Now so as to start the program, allow me to invite Ms. …………. to present She’s proposal minor
thesis, to Ms. …………. the time is yours.

( Presenter Presentation)….

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just listen to the presentation of the topic, there maybe matters not
well understood, or question and comments you would like us to respon to. All your question and
comments would be very useful feedback for the presenters. Therefore, do not hestitate to raise your
questions or comments.

*Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to the commentator For Ms. (Presenter 1) proposal minor thesis, to
Ms (commentator 1) raise your comment please.

( Comentator was comment)

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to respon from presenters Ms. (Presenter 1), please respon the
(Presenter answer the Comment..)

Ok, we have to continue to the next session, this is the question session.
To the questioner or commentator, please mention your name before you raise the question or
comment. Thank you.
(Question from Audience)

Ms (Presenter) would you please answer the question ?

Well Mr/Miss ........... Are you satisfied with the answer?

(Comment from Lecturer)

Ladies and gentlemen, That is the question session, now we are going to the next part. That is
evaluation from (Lecture 1) and (Lecture 2). To (Lecture 1) or (Lecture 2), the time is yours.

(Lecture comment)

Thank you (Lecture 1) and (Lecture 2) for the comment.

Ladies and gentlemen, that ends the proposal seminar on ……… By ……………..
We do hope that the information from presenters have shared would be useful to us all.

Thank you for being with us throughout this seminar. God bless you.

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